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W Hollas  F Blasi  D Boyd 《Cancer research》1991,51(14):3690-3695
There is increasing evidence that urokinase secreted by tumor cells can be bound to a cell surface receptor retaining its full potential to activate plasminogen and subsequently cleave basement membrane constituents. This study was undertaken to discriminate between soluble and cell surface bound urokinase as a potential mediator of in vitro invasion by cultured colon cancer. Extracellular matrix invasion by a colon cancer cell line GEO, characterized as being a poor secretor of urokinase and having few receptors (less than 10(4) receptors/cell) was not augmented when these cells were made to secrete up to 8 times as much urokinase, in response to an exogenous urokinase gene driven by the Rous sarcoma virus long terminal repeat promoter. The majority of the plasminogen activator (greater than 95%) appeared in the culture medium, this reflecting the low numbers of binding sites displayed by GEO cells. In contrast, the cell line HCT 116 equipped with 10 times as many binding sites, (greater than 10(5)/cell), the majority of which are occupied with endogenous ligand, was an efficient invader of the extracellular matrix. Inhibition of urokinase binding to the cell surface receptors using an antibody to the A chain of the plasminogen activator reduced invasion by 65%. The cell line RKO is equipped with 3 x 10(5) receptors/cell, 15% of which are tagged with endogenous urokinase. Pretreatment of these cells with a concentration range of urokinase known to result in the majority of these binding sites being charged with the plasminogen activator led to a dose dependent increase in extracellular matrix invasion. Together, these data suggest that for cultured colon cancer, at least, invasion is a function of the amount of cell surface receptor bound urokinase.  相似文献   

Urokinase (u-PA) and the urokinase receptor (u-PAR), are thought to play a critical role in the invasive and metastatic properties of cancer cells. The HT29 human colon-carcinoma cell line was selected to evaluate these aspects. HT29 cells express u-PA receptors (100,000 site/cell, KD = 1.5 nM), but no PA activity and therefore are unable to generate plasmin in the presence of plasminogen. These cells have been transfected with a human u-PA cDNA to investigate whether secreted U-PA would enhance in vitro extracellular matrix degradation, and whether the binding of u-PA to the cell surface is determinant. Five clones were selected for stable expression of high PA activity. These clones were capable of marked plasminogen-dependent degradation of R22 smooth-muscle-cell-derived extracellular matrix, whereas the parental cell line contributed to an insignificant breakdown only. Aprotinin, polyclonal anti-u-PA IgG, recombinant PAI-2, and co-culture with human PAI-I - producing mouse L cells significantly inhibited this degradation. Furthermore, a peptide displacing u-PA from its receptor as well as 2 different polyclonal anti-u-PA receptor lgGs decreased the breakdown after 24 hr by as much as 70% and 81%, respectively. These results show that the binding of U-PA to its receptor plays an important role in in vitro matrix breakdown by HT29 u-PA transfectants.  相似文献   

This laboratory recently reported that laminin degradation by cultured colon cancer was plasminogen dependent and reflected the presence of urokinase bound to cell surface receptors. (Schlecte, W.; Murano, G.; Boyd D. Cancer Res., 49:6064-6069; 1989). The present study was undertaken to determine the sensitivity of urokinase receptor directed proteolysis to the type I plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAI-1). Colon cancer cell types, that were highly effective in degrading laminin in vitro, elaborated into their conditioned medium an inhibitor which was indistinguishable from PAI-1 on the basis of its performance in reverse zymography, western blotting, and immunoprecipitation assays. A fraction of this PAI-1 was active, as evidenced by complex formation with the active site of radioactive urokinase. Laminin degradation by the colon cancer cells, however, did not appear to be affected by the endogenous inhibitor, since an antibody to the inhibitor, which blocked urokinase-PAI-1 interactions, had little effect on laminin turnover. Further, addition of exogenous PAI-1, activated by guanidine hydrochloride pretreatment, to the colon cancer cells did not perturb laminin degradation. Because laminin degradation by colonic cells was a function of receptor bound urokinase, presumably immobilized plasminogen activator escaped the neutralizing effect of the inhibitor. These data suggest either a shielding effect of the receptor on the plasminogen activator or a physical separation of activator and inhibitor. Either way, for cultured colon cancer at least, laminin degradation directed by urokinase receptor bound plasminogen activator appeared unaffected by the presence of this inhibitor.  相似文献   

We investigated the importance of the urokinase (uPA)-plasmin system in fostering invasion of human lung cancer cells through artificial basement membranes composed of Matrigel. Eight cell lines (including 1 small cell and 7 non-small cell fines) were examined. One cell line did not express any components of the urokinase system. Four cell lines had substantial levels of endogenous uPA detectable on their surfaces. Three of these cell lines co-expressed the plasminogen activator inhibitor PAI-1 in addition to uPA. Assays for invasiveness revealed 4 cell lines capable of traversing a Matrigel barrier, including the 3 which co-expressed uPA, PAI-1 and uPA receptor. Surprisingly, the cell line expressing only uPA and uPA receptor displayed no invasive capacity despite levels of secreted uPA more than 20-fold higher than the other cell lines studied. Based on these observations, we hypothesized that both uPA and PAI-1 might be important for invasion by lung tumor cells, at least in vitro. We therefore tested polyclonal antibodies which inhibit uPA and PAI-1 activity for their effects on the highly invasive H292 cell line. After 3 days, invasive capacity was inhibited by antibodies to both uPA and PAI-1 in a dose-dependent manner. The plasmin inhibitor aprotinin reduced H292 cell invasion by 70%. Taken together, our data demonstrate that in cultured human lung cancer cells the uPA-plasmin system is important in promoting invasion into basement membranes and suggest that a critical balance between uPA and PAI-1 is necessary for optimal invasiveness. Our data are consistent with results from recent clinical studies showing that PAI-1 expression in tumor tissue is an adverse prognostic feature.  相似文献   

Presence of a functional extracellular calcium-sensing receptor (CaR) is of particular relevance for the growth-inhibitory action of Ca2+ on human colon carcinoma cells. In order to detect CaR gene alterations that may have occurred during the tumorigenic process, we applied Southern blot, DNA sequence, and RT-PCR analysis to DNA from normal human colon mucosa and from cancerous lesions of different grading, as well as from primary cultured and established colonic carcinoma cell lines (e.g., Caco-2). No evidence was obtained for mutations or other sequence alterations in the CaR gene in any of the colon carcinoma cells analyzed. Only a differential expression of two splice variants of the CaR gene, which are generated by usage of different promoters in the 5'-untranslated region, was detected in colon carcinomas of different grade. From Western blot analysis a tendency towards lower CaR protein levels in carcinoma cells in parallel with tumor progression became apparent. Activation of the CaR by extracellular Ca2+ or by specific receptor agonists resulted in substantial growth inhibition in Caco-2 cells. Activation of the CaR was transduced into inhibition of phospholipase A2-mediated arachidonic acid formation, but also into increased production of cAMP and IP3. This provides evidence for a cell type-specific function of the CaR in human colonocytes. We conclude that neoplastic colon epithelial cells can respond to antimitogenic signals generated by activation of the CaR as long as they express sufficient amounts of the CaR protein. This provides a rationale for the use of calcium in chemoprevention of colon tumor development.  相似文献   

Using the human colon adenocarcinoma-derived cell line Caco-2, we investigated the possible role of the Ca2+-sensing receptor (CaR) in mediating effects of extracellular Ca2+ on cellular proliferation. Caco-2 cells respond to low ambient [Ca2+]o by activation of the protein kinase C-signaling pathway, leading to upregulation of c-myc mRNA expression and thereby, finally, to alleviation from the G1/S phase control of the cell cycle. This proliferative response can be reverted by activation of the CaR either through raising [Ca2+]o or, respectively, by using the CaR agonist Gd3+ as a substitute for Ca2+. The inhibitory effect of [Ca2+]o on cell replication exhibits saturation kinetics (IC50 = 0.045 mM), indicating the existence of a highly sensitive CaR operating at low ambient [Ca2+]o. Specific immunostaining revealed the presence of CaR-positive cells in the crypt epithelium of normal human colonic mucosa as well as in glandular (i.e., differentiated structures) of carcinomatous lesions. This could provide a rationale for use of calcium supplements for intervention in early phases of colon tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

Although many colon cancer cell lines are available for study, few of them exhibit differentiated properties. When cultured in medium containing fetal bovine serum, WiDr cells (WiDr-FBS) show an undifferentiated phenotype: growth as a multilayer of cells adherent to plastic and lack of polarization, brush border, and mucin vacuoles. In contrast, WiDr cells cultured in a chemically-defined serum-free medium containing insulin, transferrin and selenium (WiDr-ITS) grow as clusters of nonadherent cells with abundant desmosomes and tight junctions, microvilli and electron-lucid vacuoles. As WiDr-FBS cells, WiDr-ITS are not polarized. WiDr-ITS cells show a marked enhancement in mucin synthesis as demonstrated by: periodic acid-Schiff and Alcian blue stains, electron microscopy, immunohistochemistry using monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) reactive with mucin-associated epitopes, immune electron microscopy and immunochemical analysis using Western blots. In comparison with WiDr-FBS cells, WiDr-ITS cells showed strong expression of Tn, sialyl-Tn, blood group A and CEA. When mouse MAbs were used, higher levels of the MUCI gene product were detected in WiDr-ITS than in WiDr-FBS cells. The full spectrum of phenotypic changes was observed after I month of culture in ITS medium, and transfer of WiDr-ITS cells to FBS medium was accompanied by a partial phenotypic reversal, suggesting that these phenotypic changes result from an adaptative--rather than selective--process.  相似文献   

Integrin alphaupsilonbeta6 plays a very important role in the progression of colon cancer cells and is now defined as a novel, independent prognostic indicator for aggressive colon cancer in humans. Herein, we use the RNA interfering technology to downregulate the expression of alphaupsilonbeta6 in colon cancer cells. Our data demonstrate that plasmid vector based shRNA can effectively down-regulate alphaupsilonbeta6 expression in protein and mRNA levels. Supression of integrin alphaupsilonbeta6 inhibits the phosphorylation and nonphosphorylation level of ERK1/2, the secretion of uPA, pro-MMP-9 and pro-MMP-2 in tumor conditioned medium, and more important, inhibits MAPK-dependent [(3)H] labeled collagen IV degradation via the plasminogen activation cascade. Our study demonstrates in vitro that supression of integrin alphaupsilonbeta6 inhibits extracellular matrix degradation through the MAPK pathway.  相似文献   

Isotopically labeled [( 3H]serine, [3H]proline, and [35S]sulfate) subendothelial cell basement membranes were used to determine the role of urokinase plasminogen activator (uPA) and its specific inhibitor plasminogen activator inhibitor 2 (PAI-2) in colon cancer cell extracellular matrix degradation. Recombinant PAI-2 irreversibly inhibited low and high molecular weight purified human uPA in addition to both colon cancer cell-associated and secreted uPA, particularly if pro-uPA had been preactivated. Two selected lines (COLO394 and LIM1215) preferentially degraded differently labeled matrices in a time- and plasminogen-dependent manner. This process was inhibitable by PAI-2 in the medium at levels which suggested that some degree of "shielding" of cell surface uPA from inhibitor occurred. The ability of PAI-2 to regulate the invasive phenotype of cells which express cell surface or receptor-bound uPA is discussed.  相似文献   

L Ossowski 《Cancer research》1992,52(24):6754-6760
We have screened six human squamous carcinoma cell lines for their ability to invade connective tissue by using the experimentally modified chorioallantoic membrane of a chick embryo as an in vivo model of invasion. In confirmation of our earlier studies, all the invasive cell lines expressed high levels of surface-bound urokinase type plasminogen activator (uPA). However, some cell lines expressing this activity were not invasive, suggesting that surface uPA, although necessary, was not sufficient. Since in addition to fibronectin, that can be degraded by uPA or plasmin, chorioallantoic membrane connective tissue contains collagen, we examined the profile of collagenases secreted by the various cell lines in search for an activity that would coincide with the invasive phenotype. We found, using gelatin substrate gels, that type IV gelatinase was produced by all six cell types tested, three cell types produced the M(r) 92,000 gelatinase, and three a lower-molecular-weight activity, which we identified by immunoprecipitation with specific antibodies, and by a direct assay of activity, as interstitial collagenase. Only the latter cells were found to be highly invasive. We showed previously that continuous culture in vitro of one of the carcinoma cell lines, HEp3, led to a gradual extinction of their malignant phenotype. To confirm the correlation between invasion and the production of interstitial collagenase, we examined these two functions in cells freshly isolated from a HEp3 tumor and intermittently during passage in vitro. We found that, although the surface uPA activity was slightly diminished in the in vitro grown cultures, it was still within the range of values found in highly malignant cells, suggesting that it is not the reason for the decrease in invasiveness. In contrast, the reduction in interstitial collagenase closely followed the loss of the invasive phenotype; after 30 in vitro passages the cells were almost completely devoid of interstitial collagenase and unable to invade. The decrease in collagenase activity was not the result of an increased tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases production.  相似文献   

The host reaction is an important factor in the biological behavior of cancers. In human colon adenocarcinoma, stromal cells and some cancer cells express the urokinase receptor (uPAR), a molecule involved in the regulation of extracellular proteolysis. The present study reveals the identity of uPAR- expressing cell types and the subcellular localization of this molecule by immunoelectron microscopy in colon cancer. uPAR-positive cells were most abundant at the invasive margin of colon cancer and were identified as macrophages, fibroblasts, neutrophilic and eosinophilic granulocytes, endothelial cells and cancer cells. Of these, the most numerous were macrophages with uPAR detected along the plasma membrane, in accordance with its function in plasminogen activation on the cell surface. Fibroblasts were labeled in the lumen of rough endoplas- mic reticulum, indicating its intracellular synthesis. Some granulocytes and endothelial cells expressed immunoreactivity along the plasma membranes. uPAR-positive cancer cells were stained along the plasma membrane and in rough endoplasmic reticulum. These findings suggested that a variety of non-malignant host cells play an important role in the plasmin-mediated breakdown of the extracellular matrix at the invasive margin. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

背景与目的:在乳腺癌微环境中,肿瘤相关巨噬细胞(tumor associated macrophages,TAMs)分泌CCL18,CCL18与病人的预后呈负相关。本文旨在探讨来源于TAMs的CCL18是否能促进乳腺癌细胞黏附于细胞外基质(extracellular matrix,ECM),进一步阐明CCL18促进乳腺癌细胞黏附于ECM的分子机制。方法:在无血清培养体系中,用纤粘连蛋白包被培养板,用黏附实验的方法检测CCL18对乳腺癌SK-3rd细胞黏附于ECM的作用;用免疫荧光的方法检测CCL18对SK-3rd细胞表面整合素的影响。结果:CCL18通过引起乳腺癌SK-3rd细胞表面整合素的聚集,导致乳腺癌SK-3rd细胞黏附于ECM的数量明显增多。结论:CCL18通过促进整合素聚集而促进乳腺癌细胞黏附于ECM。  相似文献   

Urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA) plays a central role in tissue remodeling and cell invasion. In the present study, we examined the expression of uPA in the prostate cancer cell lines LNCaP, DU-145 and PC-3. In contrast to DU-145 and PC-3, the androgen-responsive cell line LNCaP does not express uPA. However, seeding LNCaP cells on fibronectin-coated plates stimulated a low level of uPA expression which was further induced upon exposure of the cells to dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Concomitant with the expression of uPA, an androgen-regulated expression of uPA receptor (uPAR) was induced. These results suggest that the interaction of LNCaP cells with the extracellular matrix plays a dominant role in the androgen control of uPA and uPAR gene expression.  相似文献   

W Schlechte  G Murano  D Boyd 《Cancer research》1989,49(21):6064-6069
The relevance of urokinase receptors to urokinase-mediated laminin degradation was investigated in cultured colon cancer. Six colon cancer cell lines degraded laminin in a plasminogen-dependent manner. The ability of the individual cell lines to cleave the glycoprotein correlated well (r2 = 0.9242) with the amount of urokinase recovered from the cell surface by a mild acid treatment. A radioreceptor assay indicated that colon cancer cells most active in degrading the laminin, possessed the largest number of urokinase receptors. Moreover, acid treatment which depletes the receptors of endogenous plasminogen activator augmented the specific binding of radioactive urokinase to the colon cancer cells by 12-200%. A cell line (HCT 116) which displayed 1.1 x 10(5) receptors/cell the majority of which were occupied with endogenous urokinase was selected and the effects of a urokinase receptor antagonist on laminin degradation determined. The peptide antagonist reduced laminin turnover by 60-80%. Morphological observations were consistent with these findings. Plasminogen-treated HCT 116 cells retracted from the culture dish and many cells were observed in the culture medium. This effect could be largely reversed by simultaneous treatment with the peptide antagonist. A poor correlation was found between laminin degradation and soluble urokinase (r2 = 0.1074). These data strongly argue for a role of the urokinase receptor in facilitating the action of the plasminogen activator in colon cancer.  相似文献   

王雨枫  徐岷 《现代肿瘤医学》2021,(16):2922-2926
细胞外基质(extracellular matrix,ECM)是由蛋白质与糖类等生物大分子在细胞表面或细胞间构成的复杂网络结构。细胞外基质的过量沉积或结构形态异常是肿瘤微环境(tumor microenvironment,TME)的重要特征之一。肿瘤干细胞(cancer stem cells,CSC)指肿瘤内部一类具有无限增殖、自我更新及多向分化潜能的细胞亚群,参与肿瘤的启动、扩散、转移和复发。研究表明,肿瘤的发生是一个由细胞外基质和肿瘤干细胞相互促进、共同演化的过程。本文就ECM的组成成分、特性及其对CSC的生物学行为影响展开讨论,以期为肿瘤的临床治疗寻求新方向。  相似文献   

Metastatic growth and invasion by colon cancer cells in the liver requires the ability of the cancer cells to interact with the new tissue environment. Plasmin(ogen) is activated on cell surfaces by urokinase‐type PA (uPA), and is regulated by uPAR and plasminogen activator inhibitor‐1 (PAI‐1). To compare the expression patterns of uPA, uPAR and PAI‐1 in colon cancer with that in their liver metastases, we analysed matched samples from 14 patients. In all 14 primary colon cancers, we found upregulation of uPAR, uPA mRNA and PAI‐1 in primarily stromal cells at the invasive front. In 5 of the 14 liver metastases, we found intense expression of uPAR, uPA‐mRNA and PAI‐1 in primarily stromal cells at the metastases periphery, and in an expression pattern similar to that found in the primary tumours. In the remaining 9 liver metastases, uPAR and uPA‐mRNA were only seen associated with the presence of necrosis within the liver metastases. In addition, PAI‐1‐immunoreactivity was in all liver metastases seen in hepatocytes at the metastases periphery. Interestingly, the former 5 liver metastases positive for uPAR, uPA mRNA and PAI‐1 at the metastasis periphery all had a predominantly desmoplastic reaction, whereas 8 of the remaining 9 showed direct contact between the cancer cells and the liver parenchyma. We conclude that there are 2 distinct patterns of expression of uPAR, uPA and PAI‐1 in colon cancer liver metastases and that these correlate closely with 2 morphological growth patterns. These findings may have implication for the treatment of patients with metastatic disease. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The role of urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR) in human colon cancer metastasis has not been tested using an antisense approach. In our study, the HCT116 cells, with high metastatic potential were transfected with expression vectors containing a 3' or 5' uPAR cDNA fragment in an antisense (AS) orientation. Transfection of 4 clones was confirmed by DNA hybridization analysis. Receptor-bound endogenous uPA activities of the clones were reduced to 16-68% of controls. The extracellular matrix degradation by the 4 clones was decreased to 33-76%. Two of the clones, 3'-AS7 and 5'-AS, were evaluated in an in vivo assay system of experimental metastasis using athymic mice. Pulmonary metastases were found in 63-78% mice injected with the parent HCT116 or control cells. In mice injected intravenously with the antisense transfected clones, 3'-AS7 and 5'-AS, however, pulmonary metastases were found in only 19% and 9% respectively (p < 0.05). These results provide direct evidence that both 3' and 5'-AS uPAR can inhibit colon cancer invasion and metastasis and may offer the prospect of defining specific targets for gene therapy.  相似文献   

目的:检测MMP-1、MMP-3、MMP-7和尿激酶纤溶酶原激活物受体(uPAR)在非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)的表达水平,分析其表达水平与肺癌侵袭转移以及相关临床病理特征之间的关系。方法:免疫组织化学方法检测66例NSCLC和10例正常肺组织中MMP-1、MMP-3、MMP-7和uPAR的蛋白表达水平。结果:免疫组织化学检测显示NSCLC组织MMP-1和MMP-3表达率较低,而MMP-7和uPAR表达率较高,分别达到55%和61%,明显高于正常肺组织。MMP-7的表达与NSCLC淋巴结转移、分化程度以及预后密切相关;uPAR的表达与NSCLC预后密切相关,与相关临床病理因素无关;MMP-7和uPAR的表达呈正相关。结论:MMP-7和uPAR的表达可作为NSCLC患者预后评价的指标,可能成为抗肿瘤治疗的靶点。  相似文献   

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