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Mast cell distribution and activation in chronic pancreatitis.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Chronic pancreatitis (CP) is characterized by mononuclear inflammatory cell infiltration and replacement of the destroyed parenchyma by fibrous tissue. Recently, mast cells have been implicated in chronic inflammatory processes with fibrous tissue deposition. Therefore, the number and distribution of mast cells and their state of activation were evaluated in 12 normal specimens and in 46 specimens of CP with different causes (alcoholic, tropical, and idiopathic). Furthermore, the presence of stem cell factor (SCF), the main mast cell growth factor, and of its receptor, c-kit, was also assessed. In CP tissues, mast cells were localized both in the fibrotic areas and in the residual acinar parenchyma. The total number of mast cells was significantly higher in CP than in the normal pancreas (P < .0001) and correlated positively with the extent of fibrosis and the intensity of inflammation. Immunoglobulin E (IgE)-dependent mast cell activation was higher in CP than in the normal pancreas. No differences in mast cell number or IgE positivity were found among the 3 causes of CP. SCF-and c-kit immunoreactive mast cells were mostly localized in fibrous tissue and around regenerating ducts, which were also positive for c-kit but were negative for SCF. These results suggest that mast cells, activated by an IgE-dependent mechanism and/or by an SCF-c-kit autocrine loop, are a relevant component of the inflammatory infiltrate in CP, independent of the underlying cause. Their localization near degenerating acini and regenerating ducts might indicate that they play a crucial role in tissue destruction and remodeling in CP.  相似文献   

Mast cells possess an array of potent inflammatory mediators capable of inducing acute symptoms after cell activation, including urticaria, angioedema, bronchoconstriction, diarrhea, vomiting, hypotension, cardiovascular collapse, and death in few minutes. In contrast, mast cells can provide an array of beneficial mediators in the setting of acute infections, cardiovascular diseases, and cancer. The balance between the detrimental and beneficial roles of mast cells is not completely understood. Although the symptoms of acute mast cell mediator release can be reversed with epinephrine, adrenergic agonists, and mediator blockers, the continued release of histamine, proteases, prostaglandins, leukotrienes, cytokines, and chemokines leads to chronic and debilitating disease, such as mastocytosis. Identification of the molecular factors and mechanisms that control the synthesis and release of mast cell mediators should benefit all patients with mast cell activation syndromes and mastocytosis.  相似文献   

The incidence of chronic allergic dermatitis is rapidly increasing. Regulatory control of this disease has not been adequately explored. Here we report that mast cell-derived interleukin-2 (IL-2) contributes to the suppression of chronic allergic dermatitis. Mice deficient in IL-2 production, or deficient in mast cells (Kit(W-sh/W-sh)), showed exacerbated dermatitis upon repeated oxazolone challenge when compared to their wild-type counterparts. Adoptive transfer of wild-type, but not Il2(-/-), mast cells into Kit(W-sh/W-sh) mice dampened the inflammatory response. During the course of disease, mast cell expansion occurred at the site of inflammation and also in the spleen, where production of IL-2 by mast cells was markedly enhanced. In the absence of mast cell IL-2 production, the ratio of activated to regulatory T?cells at the site of inflammation was increased. Thus, MC-derived IL-2 contributes to the maintenance of suppression in chronic allergic skin inflammation.  相似文献   

The conjunctiva is a common site for the allergic inflammatory response due to it being highly vascularized, having constant exposure to environmental pollutants and allergenic pollens and having a unique conjunctival associated lymphoid tissue. The primary morbidity of anterior surface conjunctival disorders that include allergic conjunctivitis and tear film disorders is associated with its high frequency of involvement rather than its severity, although the more chronic forms can involve the cornea and lead to sight‐threatening conditions. Ocular allergy is associated with IgE‐mediated mast cell activation in conjunctival tissue leading to the release of preformed mediators including histamine and proteases and subsequent de novo formation of lipid‐derived mediators and cytokines that trigger a cascade of cellular and molecular events leading to extensive migration and infiltration of inflammatory cells to the ocular surface. The trafficking of neutrophils, eosinophils, and lymphocytes to the ocular surface is due to establishing various chemokine gradients (mainly CCL11, CCL24, CCL5, MCP‐3, and MCP‐4), cell surface expression of adhesion molecules (such as VCAM‐1 the ligand for VLA‐4), and leukocyte adhesion to vascular endothelium. The release of preformed mediators underlies the acute ocular surface response while the secondary influx of inflammatory cells leading to the recruitment and activation of eosinophils and the subsequent activation of Th2 and Th1 lymphocytes at the level of the conjunctiva reflects the late‐phase reaction.  相似文献   

AIMS: To investigate mast cell distribution in normal adult skin to provide a reference range for comparison with mastocytosis. METHODS: Mast cells (MCs) were counted in uninvolved skin adjacent to basal cell carcinomas and other dermatological disorders in adults. RESULTS: There was an uneven distribution of MCs in different body sites using the anti-tryptase monoclonal antibody technique. Numbers of MCs on the trunk, upper arm, and upper leg were similar, but were significantly different from those found on the lower leg and forearm. Two distinct groups were formed--proximal and distal. There were 77.0 MCs/mm2 at proximal body sites and 108.2 MCs/mm2 at distal sites. Adjusted for the adjacent diagnosis and age, this difference was consistent. The numbers of MCs in uninvolved skin adjacent to basal cell carcinomas and other dermatological disorders were not different from those in the control group. Differences in the numbers of MCs between the distal and the proximal body sites must be considered when MCs are counted for a reliable diagnosis of mastocytosis. A pilot study in patients with mastocytosis underlined the variation in the numbers of MCs in mastocytosis and normal skin, but showed a considerable overlap. The observed numbers of MCs in adults cannot be extrapolated to children. CONCLUSIONS: MC numbers varied significantly between proximal and distal body sites and these differences must be considered when MCs are counted for a reliable diagnosis of mastocytosis. There was a considerable overlap between the numbers of MCs in mastocytosis and normal skin.  相似文献   

Mast cell heterogeneity in chronic idiopathic urticaria   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Patients with chronic urticaria are more sensitive to codeine skin testing than other allergic individuals. Nonlesional skin in most patients with chronic urticaria was found to contain increased numbers of both total and atypical mast cells. The presence of increased mast cell density was found to correlate with the degree of clinical (dermatographism) and functional (codeine skin test) skin sensitivity.  相似文献   

We assessed the infiltration of CD45RO+ cells in conjunctival biopsies of fifteen subjects affected by seasonal allergic conjunctivitis by means of immunohistochemistry. Correlations between infiltration of CD45RO+ cells and serum and mucosal indices of eosinophilic activation were investigated. The study was performed in autumn and all selected patients showed also in absence of sensitising pollens. Fifteen healthy subjects were used as controls. The semi-quantitative count of CD45RO+ cells in biopsy specimens demonstrated that positive cells were higher in allergic patients than in controls (p < 0.001) and EG2+ eosinophils were present only in biopsies of allergic patients. Furthermore, a statistically significant positive correlation (r = 0.73; p < 0.001) between CD45RO+ lymphocytes and EG2 positive eosinophils, was observed in the biopsies of allergic patients. Total serum IgE significantly correlated with CD45RO+ cells (r = 0.61; p < 0.02) and EG2+ eosinophils (r = 0.67; p < 0.01) in the conjunctiva. On the other hand serum ECP did not correlate with any histological and immunohistochemical parameters in the conjunctival biopsies. The present study shows that mild symptoms in SCA patients out of pollen season are associated with inflammation of the conjunctiva as shown by an increased number of CD45RO and EG2 positive cells.  相似文献   

Epithelial cell-derived thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP) is a master switch for asthma or atopic dermatitis by inducing a dendritic cell-mediated Th2-type allergic inflammation. Allergic rhinitis is also pathologically characterized by Th2-type allergic inflammation. This study demonstrates that mast cells regulate the epithelial TSLP expression in allergic rhinitis. TSLP expression was found to be up-regulated predominantly in the nasal epithelium in the ovalbumin (OVA)-sensitized and -nasally challenged mouse model of allergic rhinitis, which was abolished in mast cell-deficient WBB6F1-W/W(v) in comparison with control WBB6F1-+/+ mice. Similarly, the epithelial TSLP expression was reduced in Fc receptor gamma chain (FcgammaR)-deficient mice, where the high-affinity IgE receptor (FcepsilonRI) is not expressed on mast cells, in comparison with control C57BL/6 mice. Furthermore, the administration of neutralizing TSLP antibody during the challenge phase of OVA inhibited the development of allergic rhinitis. These results suggest that the direct stimulation of epithelial cells by antigens alone may not be sufficient to induce TSLP expression in the nasal epithelium, and that mast cell regulation of epithelial TSLP expression, possibly via FcepsilonRI, plays an important role in the development of allergic rhinitis.  相似文献   

Tear tryptase levels and allergic conjunctivitis   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
We measured tryptase, a neutral protease stored in the secretory granules of mast cells, by solid-phase radioimmunoassay in tears of 12 subjects with vernal keratoconjunctivitis (VKC) during remission phases, nine subjects with seasonal or perennial allergic conjunctivitis, and eight healthy controls. Mean values of tear tryptase levels were significantly ( P < 0.02) increased in VKC patients (14.5 ± 13 μg/1) when compared to those measured in patients with seasonal or perennial allergic conjunctivitis (0.6 ±0.1 μg/1) and in controls (3.3 ± 3.2 μg/1). In subjects with allergic conjunctivitis, the levels of tryptase, almost undetectable before allergen conjunctival challenge, showed a significant increase in the challenged eye 20 min - but not 6 h - after provocation in 5/9 cases. Our results indicate that VKC, a severe ocular disease characterized by an increased number and abnormal distribution of mast cells in the conjunctiva, also shows elevated levels of tryptase in tears even during remission phases. Evidence of mast-cell activation, as revealed by a significant increase of tryptase levels in tears, is documented during the early-phase reaction, but not during the late-phase reaction, of allergic conjunctivitis patients challenged topically by specific allergen.  相似文献   

A formulation of 2% cromolyn sodium (CS) ophthalmic solution without the preservative, 2-phenylethanol, was compared with placebo in 58 patients with seasonal allergic conjunctivitis. Selection was based on history and positive skin tests. Neither immunotherapy nor use of antihistamines was allowed. This study was double-blinded and stratified by RAST scores to assure comparable groups. Either CS or placebo was used six times daily. Patients were observed weekly for 5 weeks during the peak of the fall weed-pollen exposure. Nasal symptoms were treated as required with beclomethasone nasal spray, and uncontrolled ocular symptoms were treated with boric acid and ephedrine solution. Nasal and ocular symptoms were recorded. There was a significant suppression of eye symptoms in the group receiving CS ophthalmic solution (p less than 0.02) during weeks 2, 4, and 5. There was a trend for nasal symptoms and the requirement for nasal beclomethasone to be less in patients receiving CS.  相似文献   

Mast cells are well known for their role in allergic disease and have recently been implicated in inflammatory disorders, including autoimmune arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and atherosclerosis. Although aberrant mast cell activation is the focus of many studies, much less is known about normal mast cell homeostasis. Because loss of the normal constraints on mast cell activation, proliferation, and survival may be central to disease etiology, understanding these issues warrants attention. This review summarizes the knowledge of mast cell homeostasis controlled by IgE and the regulatory cytokines IL-4, IL-10, and TGF-beta1. Because each of these proteins plays an important role in immune responses tied to mast cell-associated disease, this group represents a potential set of factors altered in atopic or autoimmune patients. It is interesting to note, for example, that polymorphisms within each of these factors or their receptors are linked to allergic disease. By first understanding how cytokines and IgE regulate mast cell function and survival, we may then predict how these factors may function in disease onset and progression.  相似文献   

Mast cells in allergic asthma and beyond   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mast cells have been regarded for a long time as effector cells in IgE mediated type I reactions and in host defence against parasites. However, they are resident in all environmental exposed tissues and express a wide variety of receptors, suggesting that these cells can also function as sentinels in innate immune responses. Indeed, studies have demonstrated an important role of mast cells during the induction of life-saving antibacterial responses. Furthermore, recent findings have shown that mast cells promote and modulate the development of adaptive immune responses, making them an important hinge of innate and acquired immunity. In addition, mast cells and several mast cell-produced mediators have been shown to be important during the development of allergic airway diseases. In the present review, we will summarize findings on the role of mast cells during the development of adaptive immune responses and highlight their function, especially during the development of allergic asthma.  相似文献   

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