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《中国医学物理学杂志》1999-2003年文献计量分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:对<中国医学物理学杂志>的载文特点、作者特点及引文特点等进行分析.材料与方法:应用文献计量学方法对该刊1999-2003年共5卷20期刊载的531篇论文进行统计分析.结果:该刊平均载文量为26.55篇.论文合著率达93.8%,作者合作度为3.98.基金资助论文为160篇,占30.13%.附有引文的论文占载文量的97.93%,平均引文率为7.17篇,外文引文占57.78%,引文类型主要是期刊,占78.98%.作者自引率为5.96%,期刊自引率为2.84%.普赖斯指数为45.09%,引文半衰期为5.44年.结论:<中国医学物理学杂志>已形成以高校系统为核心的研究群体,其论文质量逐步提高,作者协同科研及吸收国外先进技术的意识和能力相对较强,已成为国内有较大影响的学术期刊.  相似文献   

2001-2003年《图书情报知识》引文及载文分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
史书侠  杨华 《医学信息》2005,18(11):1472-1474
目的文章揭示《图书情报知识》引文所存在的规律。方法采用引文计量分析法按文章发表的时序逐篇统计该刊2001~2003年间刊载的550篇文章所引用的参考文献。结果篇均引文5.88条,主要引文类型分别为中文期刊1942篇,占59.56%、中文图书593篇,占18.30%及网络文献384条,占11.86%。普赖斯指数75.85%,自引率5.58%,引用频次前20位的期刊占总引用期刊的60.29%,占其文献总引用量的36.15%。结论该刊引文率较高,被引文献的时效性较强,涉猎文献范围广,但需要加强引文率和外文引用强度及篇均引文数。  相似文献   

《现代实用医学》2004-2007年引文分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈晓妍  孙向东 《医学信息》2009,22(2):190-193
目的 为了解<现代实用医学>情报吸收利用情况,客观地揭示英文献引用规律及需求分布.方法 采用文献计量学方法逐篇统计文后引文,计算分析引文率、篇均引文量、各栏目引文分布、引文类型、引文语种、引文年代、普赖斯指数、期刊自引率.结果 2004-2007年该刊共发表1939篇论文,总引文量10370务,平均引文率为88.55%.篇均引文数为5.35务,引文语种中,中文占53.15%,英文占46.70%,而引文类型分别为期刊(85.92%)、图书(13.72%)和其他文献(0.89%),平均普赖斯指数和平均自引率分别为52.27%和0.44%.结论 该刊作者群引文范围广泛,吸收和利用本领域国内外最新研究动态信息的能力较强,但所利用的外文文献的新颖性还有待提高.  相似文献   

通过对<心理发展与教育)2004~2006年所发表论文的引文、语种、作者群、作者地区分布、发表论文作者机构、载文栏目等指标进行文献计量学分析,该刊三年共发表论文258篇.引文率99.61%,篇均15.25条.主要引文类型以期刊为主.占总引文量的94.71%,图书5.18%,自引率3.00%;作者合作论文222篇,合作率88.45%.作者地区分布主要在北京、广州、天津、重庆四个地区.其中北京居首,共发表173篇.栏目设置发文量最多的是认知与社会性发展119篇.论文多产机构为北京师范大学122篇.结果 表明:该刊论文作者人群众多、分布范围广、涉猎文献面广、研究课题引用文献比较高,专业人员利用新文献能力强、作者能紧跟本学科的研究发展方向.该刊是心理学领域具有权威性和代表性的刊物. 文率99.61%,篇均15.25条.主要引文类型以期刊为主.占总引文量的94.71%,图书5.18%,自引率3.00%;作者合作论文222篇,合作率88.45%.作者地区分布主要在北京、广州、天津、重庆四个地区.其中北京居首,共发表173篇.栏目设置发文量最多的是认知与社会性发展119篇.论文多产机构为北京师范大学122篇.结果 表明:该 论文作者人群众多、分布范围广、涉猎文献面广、研究课题引用文献比较高,专业人员利用新文献能力强、作者能紧跟本学科的研究发展方向.该刊是心理学领域具有权威性和代表性的刊物. 文率99.6  相似文献   

《中华肿瘤杂志》2002~2004年引文分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李系仁  孟欣  李莉  杨华 《医学信息》2006,19(6):972-975
:目的了解《中华肿瘤杂志》(下称该刊)引文引用规律及该刊情报吸收能力,探讨该刊的文献引用半衰期及肿瘤学专业的核心期刊,发现我国肿瘤学研究领域科研人员的文献需求特征,为该学科研究人员查阅文献提出建议。方法采用引文计量分析法按文章发表的时序逐篇统计该刊2002~2004年问各栏目刊载的752篇文章所引用的参考文献。结果引文率为83.24%,篇均引文6.98条,主要的引文类型分别为期刊(95.83%)和图书(4.025%),普赖斯指数49.30%,自引率3.70%,被引用频次前22位的中外文期刊的文献引用量占总引用期刊文献量的35.71%。结论该刊涉猎文献范围广,引文类型以期刊为主,语种以英文文献为主,引文的外文语种结构较为单一,文献引用半衰期缩短,专业人员利用新文献能力有待干进一步提高.  相似文献   

《眼科研究》2003~2007年引文分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
方红玲 《医学信息》2008,21(9):1526-1528
目的 分析<眼科研究>2003-2007年引文情况,探讨其文后引文规律.方法 采用引文计量分析方法对<眼科研究>2003-2007年间所刊载1458篇论文文后引用的参考文献进行统计学分析.结果 <眼科研究>2003年~2007年全部论文引文率为74.14%,篇均引文数为7.75条.引文类型期刊占95.40%,图书占4.42%,其他占0.18%;引文类型中中文引文2121条,占18.76%,外文引文9185条,占81.24%;普莱斯指数平均为35.09%;作者自引率平均为1.88%,期刊自引率平均为1.98%.结论 <眼科研究>近5年引文类型以期刊为主,引文语种中外文引文占较大比例,普莱斯指数在同类期刊中尚可.今后该刊编辑引导作者适当增加期刊自引和作者自引及部分论文的引文数量.  相似文献   

《中华肿瘤杂志》引用信息源的分析与评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的通过分析《中华肿瘤杂志》引文情况,了解《中华肿瘤杂志》的引用规律,研究该刊情报吸收能力、情报源状况。方法利用万方数据库获取《中华肿瘤杂志》2005-2008年间发表的1136篇论文所,31用的参考文献的来源和发表年代,运用Excel表格进行统计分析。结果2005-2008年间《中华肿瘤杂志》附有引文的论文有999篇,引文率87.94%;篇均引文10.16条;自引率11.73%;英文文献是该刊作者的主要情报信息源,占引文总数的73.90%。四年来普赖斯指数平均值为48.96%。结论该刊引文率较高,作者吸收和利用外文文献的能力较强,而中文引文的范围过于狭窄.引用文献新颖性有待进一步提高。整体来看该刊办刊质量水平较高,是肿瘤学科具有权威性和代表性的期刊。  相似文献   

《眼科新进展》杂志2004-2008年文后引文分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
方红玲 《医学信息》2009,22(12):2688-2690
目的分析<眼科新进展>2004-2008年引文情况,探讨其文后引文规律.方法采用引文计量分析方法对<眼科新进展>2004-2008年间所刊载1590篇论文文后引用的参考文献进行统计学分析.结果 <眼科新进展>2004年-2008年全部论文引文率为91.38%,篇均引文数为10.20条.引文类型期刊占95.62%,图书占4.18%,其他占0.20%;引文类型中中文引文1922条,占30.36%,外文引文11289条,占69.64%;普莱斯指数平均为46.31%;作者自引率平均为1.72%,期刊自引率平均为9.75%.结论<眼科新进展>近5年引文类型以期刊为主,引文语种中外文引文占较大比例,普莱斯指数在同类期刊中较高.今后该刊编辑引导作者适当增加外文引文比例,尽可能引用国内外质量较高的眼科专业期刊,适当降低期刊自引率.  相似文献   

李丽  杨华 《医学信息》2006,19(2):231-233
目的 了解《中国动脉硬化杂志》(下称该刊)引文引用规律及该刊情报吸收能力,发现我国动脉硬化性研究领域科研人员的文献需求特征,为该学科研究人员查阅文献提出建议。方法 采用引文计量分析法按文章发表的时序逐篇统计该刊2002~2004年间刊载的615篇文章所引用的参考文献。结果 引文率为90.89%,篇均引文11.79条,主要的引文类型分别为期刊(97.70%)和图书(2.08%),普赖斯指数52.34%,自引率10.16%,被引用频次前17住的中外文期刊的文献引用量占总引用期刊文献量的44.86%。结论 该刊涉猎文献范围广,引文类型以期刊为主,语种以英文文献为主,引文的外文语种结构较为单一,研究引用文献比较新,专业人员利用新文献能力较强,作者能肾跟本学科的发展。  相似文献   

目的 分析<中华生物医学工程杂志>2008至2009年载文与作者情况,为该刊进一步发展提供参考.方法 使用文献计量学方法对该刊2008至2009年刊载的学术性论文的栏目设置、作者数量、合作情况、载文地区及机构分布、基金资助情况等进行统计分析.结果 该刊两年共刊载学术性论文233篇,共有第1作者211人.该刊栏目设置、载文量及载文的基金资助情况稳定,论文高产单位相对集中,载文地区分布广泛,广东省发表论文占总篇数的74.68%(174/233).该刊发文1篇的作者191人,占第1作者的90.52%(191/211).该刊2008及2009年载文的合著率分别为97.5%和98.2%,合作度分别为4.64和5.18,显示该刊的合著率和合作度逐年增高.结论 <中华生物医学工程杂志>刊载论文的学术水平较高,办刊质量逐年提高.  相似文献   

The current study uses social network analysis to explore one aspect of cross‐disciplinary connections in community psychology–citations from articles published in community psychology's main journals (i.e., American Journal of Community Psychology and Journal of Community Psychology ) to allied disciplines in 2009. Results indicate that although community psychology journals cited a wide range of disciplines, their levels of citation to any individual journal in another discipline never exceeded 10% of their total network citations. Additionally, journals in other disciplines did not exhibit many citations to community psychology journals. Observed homophily measures indicate that community psychology journals have more cross‐disciplinary citations than articles published in the flagship journals of clinical psychology, sociology, and public health. However, relative homophily measures suggest that community psychology journals are also far more likely to cite within discipline than expected by chance. Implications and future directions for cross‐disciplinary endeavors in community psychology are suggested.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The purpose of the present investigation was to identify the top 100 most highly cited "classic" articles in the Journal of Pediatric Psychology, from 1976 to 2006. METHODS: The Cited Reference search option of the Web of Science(R) was used, which allows for identification of variations in citations. RESULTS: One-hundred and four classic articles ranging in citations from 46 to 192 (M = 71.66, SD = 31.15) were identified. These articles were found to be mostly applied research that focused predominantly on children across several age groups with chronic illness. Citation trends among the classics revealed an inverted-u shape relationship between year since publication and citations per year, which peaked around seven years after publication. CONCLUSIONS: The current findings highlight some of the influential works in the field, which have contributed to important advances not only the field of pediatric psychology but other fields as well.  相似文献   

According to the Journal Citation Report from the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI), the last year's (2003) impact factor (IF) of the Croatian Medical Journal (CMJ) was 0.943. To determine the factors that contributed to this significant increase in the IF, we analyzed the structure of citations to CMJ in the ISI's publications, Science Citation Index (SCI), and Social Science Citation Index (SSCI). Thematic issues generally acquired more citations than regular issues. Furthermore, citation number varied for different article types. The citations to the original scientific articles corresponded to the average number of citations for the current IF value, whereas reviews and especially case reports were cited less frequently, and negatively contributed to the IF of the journal. Only half of all articles published in two previous years were cited in 2003. The majority of these articles were cited once or twice, whereas only 15 articles received more than three citations. Journal self-citations are still an important contributor to the CMJ's IF (39.6%). Their proportion may decrease in time, by further improving the visibility of the journal, and thus acquiring greater number of independent citations. In future, we can expect year-to-year variations in the journals IF. This trend may be positive on a long-term basis, but expectation of a value significantly higher than 1 is unrealistic. CMJ is small general medical journal whose quality-oriented editorial policy may in the long-term result in the increase in the IF.  相似文献   

Two primary outlets for community psychology research, the American Journal of Community Psychology and the Journal of Community Psychology, were assessed to rank institutions based on publication frequency and scientific influence of publications over a 32‐year period. Three specific periods were assessed (1973–1983, 1984–1994, 1995–2004). Findings indicate that there were a large group of institutions that published articles during these periods. Those academic institutions that had the most published articles as well as the largest influence, based on citations by other authors, were identified. Using archival data from the community psychology literature represents one approach for identifying those settings that made substantial contributions to the development and growth of the field. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Comm Psychol 35: 967–979, 2007.  相似文献   

Journal impact factors (IF) are often maligned in editorials found in scientific publications, yet citation data can be used appropriately in journal management. The editors of Laboratory Investigation have found that weekly tracking of citation data for this and other highly ranked pathology journals provides valuable feedback on editorial performance and enables us to predict accurate IFs at least six months in advance. Once the IFs are released, it is useful to quantify the contributions of specific article categories, such as reviews and research articles, to the official IFs. In an ongoing attempt to understand the relationship between article downloads and eventual citations, we also analyze the citation rate of papers that had previously been the most frequently accessed on our web site. Finally, as a measure of editorial judgment, the papers that contributed no citations to the journal’s IF are examined as are the papers that were rejected by Laboratory Investigation (Lab. Invest.) but subsequently published elsewhere. Thus the editors of Lab. Invest. use citation data in several ways to measure our progress in elevating the quality of the journal and understand the citation dynamics of papers we publish, while remaining true to the journal’s fundamental operating premise: Publish high-quality original work relating to the mechanisms of disease.  相似文献   

This article begins with a retrospective review of the editorial written in 1945 by Frederick C. Thorne at the inauguration of his new publication, the Journal of Clinical Psychology. It first considers the predictions made by Thorne about the future of clinical psychology and which of these turned out to be accurate, partially accurate, or inaccurate. At the time, the editorial caused its author to be accused of anti-Semitism and thus got the journal off to a rather bad start, from which it may have recovered only recently. The article then moves on to consider the past, present, and future of the field of clinical psychology from a contemporary vantage-point.  相似文献   

Fate of cardiology research originally published in abstract form   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A computerized search of 276 randomly selected cardiology abstracts published in conjunction with three national meetings revealed that 137 abstracts (49.6 per cent) led to full-length articles in peer-reviewed journals within a period of 37 to 43 months. The median interval between publication of the abstract and of the article was 14 months. Full-length articles were derived from 5. per cent of the abstracts presented at the meetings of the American Federation for Clinical Research, the American Society for Clinical Investigation, and the Association of American Physicians ("clinical societies"); 55 per cent of the abstracts presented at the American Heart Association Scientific Sessions; 49 per cent of the abstracts presented at the American College of Cardiology Scientific Sessions; and 35 per cent of the abstracts submitted to the clinical societies but not presented. During the observation period, each abstract was cited a mean of 1.6 times in a journal reference list; the number of citations was not significantly higher for abstracts that led to articles than for abstracts that did not. These findings emphasize the preliminary nature of abstracts and suggest restraint in their citation as references.  相似文献   

目的:了解中国学者2010-2019年在4种国际知名精神医学期刊的发文及被引情况,为国内精神卫生科研人员发表高水平科研论文提供参考。方法:以Web of Science数据资源平台为检索源,检索中国学者2010-2019年在《World Psychiatry》《JAMA Psychiatry》《Lancet Psychiatry》和《American Journal of Psychiatry》上发表的论文,包括论著、评述/述评、综述及通信报告等。通过文献计量学方法分析论文发表的时间、文献类型、被引情况及ESI高被引论文情况。结果:2010-2019年中国学者在4种国际知名精神医学期刊累计发表文章193篇,其中以第一作者或通信作者身份累计发表文章104篇,其中6篇入选ESI高被引论文;文章类型中,论著47篇,通信报告35篇,评述/述评18篇,综述4篇,篇均被引次数分别为37次、17次、20次及35次。结论:2010-2019年中国学者在4种国际知名精神医学期刊发文数量持续增长,篇均被引次数较高,ESI高被引论文不多,部分杂志论著占比不高。  相似文献   

目的:分析<中国临床心理学杂志>从1993年创刊到2007年刊载的心理咨询与治疗领域的文章,作为了解该领域学者们研究视角、关注热点及其发展变化趋势的参考. 方法:对筛选出的心理治疗与咨询204篇相关文章进行内容分析,并对文章的研究者及其所属机构、研究.方法、被试群体均进行统计. 结果:心理治疗与咨询类文章约占该刊所发表文章的十分之一,按内容被划分为七类,疗效研究所占比例最高.实证研究多于非实证研究.被试群体以成人为主,大学生次之.在心理咨询和治疗领域中发表论文最多的机构和个人均为医学背景. 结论:做为核心期刊.<中国临床心理学杂志>15年间所发表的心理咨询与治疗的文章反应了这一领域在中国的发展变化,是心理咨询与治疗研究者与实践者的重要参考刊物.  相似文献   

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