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Irish Journal of Medical Science (1971 -) - TWO hundred and eighteen girls aged 14 to 17 years from a middle class area of Dublin were studied. Self—administered questionnaires were used for...  相似文献   

目的 描述保定市城乡老年人体育锻炼现状,分析健康素养水平对老年人体育锻炼的影响,为改善老年人的健康状况,寻求开展城乡老年人体育健康教育策略及为大力推进面向基层、偏远和欠发达地区的远程医疗服务体系建设,推动公共体育设施向社会开放提供依据.方法 采用调查问卷和访谈方式对保定市城乡60岁以上老年人进行随机调查.利用SPSS 19.0进行统计描述与相关性分析.结果 68.90%的老年人经常参加锻炼,20.10%的老年人偶尔参加锻炼,从不参加锻炼的老年人占11.00%,且从不参加锻炼老年人中曾经职业为农民的占79.20%,主要从事农事劳动不刻意进行一定形式的体育锻炼,不同健康生活方式与行为水平的老年人在体育锻炼频率上的差异有统计学意义(P=0.037,P<0.05),体育锻炼与健康素养水平、健康基本知识与理念、健康生活方式与行为以及健康技能有较明显的相关关系.结论 老年人体育锻炼行为受老年人健康素养水平影响,提高健康素养对提高老年人生活质量有重要意义.  相似文献   

Stroke in urban and rural areas of China.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A large-scale population survey was conducted to clarify the degree of harm and feature of distribution of stroke in China. 5 800,000 of a billion people were investigated in 29 provinces and cities excluding Taiwan province. The incidence, prevalence and mortality were standardized by direct method using the world standard population. The incidence of stroke was 109.95 per 100,000 people in 1986 and its 95% CI (confidence interval) 107.25-112.65 per 100,000. The age-standardized incidence was 115.87/100,000. The point prevalence of stroke was 245.49 per 100,000 people on December 31, 1986 and its 95% CI 241.57-249.61 per 100,000, with an age-standardized prevalence of 259.86 per 100,000. The mortality of stroke was 76.78 per 100,000 in 1986 and its 95% CI 74.52-79.04 per 100,000, with an age-standardized mortality of 80.94 per 100,000. There was a tendency for the rates to increase gradually from south to north and to decrease progressively from east to west. The models of linear regression were established between latitude and rates as well as between longitude and rates. The incidence, prevalence and mortality of stroke differed significantly in various topographic areas. They were much higher in cities than in rural areas, and much higher in men than in women. The incidence, prevalence and mortality increased with age, and their relationships fitted in Logistic curve well.

Adolescence is a crucial period in woman's life. The adolescent girls of today are the mothers of tomorrow in whose hand lie the future of her family, community and the nation. Because of the scarcity of information regarding the problems of adolescent girls, particularly in urban areas, the present study was undertaken to elicit information about the knowledge and practices regarding menstruation among adolescent girls. With this objective, a community-based cross-sectional study was done in an urban field practice area of BLDEA's Shri BM Patil Medical College, Bijapur. The study subjects included all adolescent girls who had attained menarche. Data was collected by questionnaire method and analysed. Out of 342 adolescent girls 324 (94.74%) were literate. Only 63 (18.42%) had knowledge about menstruation prior to attainment of menarche and this association was found to be statistically significant. The main source of information about menstruation was mother ie, 195 (57.01%). Nearly 81.58% adolescent girls were lacking knowledge about menstruation prior to menarche, this reflects upon the standard of awareness in the society to such important event and it also leads to negative reaction to menarche.  相似文献   

Objective: This study was done in the adolescent girls to evaluate the knowledge and practice on different aspects of menstrual hygiene. Methods: One hundred and fifty adolescent girls of age 13-15 years from 3 schools of Shivanagar and Patihani village development committees of Chitwan district were involved in this study. Altogether 27 questions were asked to each of them. Results: During our study, we found that they were not properly maintaining the menstrual hygiene. Only 6.0% of girls knew that menstruation is a physiologic process, 36.7% knew that it is caused by hormones. Ninety-four percentages of them use the pads during the period but only 11.3% dispose it. Overall knowledge and practice were 40.6% and 12.9% respectively. Conclusion: Although knowledge was better than practice, both were not satisfactory. So, the girls should be educated about the process and significance of menstruation, use of proper pads or absorbents and its proper disposal. This can be achieved by giving them proper training and health education (by teachers, family members, health educators, and media) so that there won't be any misconception to the adolescent girls regarding menstrual hygiene. Key words: Menstrual Hygiene, adolescent Girls and Nepal.  相似文献   

目的通过调查分析梅州城区小学高年级女生中开展青春期教育的情况,发现不足,以期进一步地更好地指导青春期教育工作。方法 2016年7月分层整群随机抽样了我市比较有代表性的三所小学四、五、六年级各两个班共453名女生。自制调查问卷,内容包括第一次来月经的具体时间、对待首次月经的态度、学校开展青春期教育的情况、青春期知识的主要获得途径等。结果月经初潮来潮率四年级为9.5%,五年级为20.4%,六年级为60.8%;61.1%的女生以平静的心态面对首次月经,25.2%觉得紧张、害羞,13.7%觉得惊慌、恐惧;一所小学在五年级开始青春期教育,两所小学在六年级开始青春期教育;个别班级未讲授防性侵知识;小学时期青春期教育授课的总次数为1~2次。青春期的相关知识69.3%的女生从母亲处获得,17.4%的女生从老师处获得。结论梅州城区小学高年级均进行了女生的青春期教育,但教育内容应该更全面、教育手段可以更丰富。  相似文献   

目的探讨青春期发育女童乳腺、卵巢、子宫超声及骨龄和性发育状况的关系。方法回顾性分析为评价青春发育而就诊的女童110例,所有受试者均测量身高、体重、拍骨龄片、测性激素、行盆腔超声及乳腺超声检查,并根据乳腺超声分级和临床Tanner分期,分析与乳腺超声评级相关的生长发育参数,评估5个超声分级间参数的差异,进一步将Tanner Ⅱ期的女童按乳腺超声分为3个亚群,同样将乳腺超声B级的女童按Tanner分期分为3个亚群,比较亚群间相关参数的差异。结果乳腺超声分级与年龄、骨龄、子宫体积、子宫长径及卵巢体积(左右卵巢的平均体积)均呈明显正相关,与体重指数(body mass index,BMI)、雌二醇(estradiol,E2)、促黄体生成素(luteinizing hormone,LH)存在一定相关性,与卵泡刺激素(follicle stimulating hormone,FSH)无明显相关性。受试女童110例按乳腺超声分为A级23例(20.9%)、B级46例(41.8%)、C级18例(16.4%)、D级5例(4.5%)、E级18例(16.4%)。C组、D组、E组年龄、骨龄、BMI、子宫体积、子宫长径和卵巢体积高于或大于A组和B组,E组、E2水平高于A组和B组,D组、E组LH水平高于A组和B组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。110例受试者中临床TannerⅡ期女童60例(54.5%),按乳腺超声分级,A级15例(25.0%)、B级38例(63.3%)、C级7例(11.7%)。3组间E2、子宫体积、子宫长径及卵巢体积差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05),且随着超声分级的增加上述参数水平逐渐增加。而年龄、骨龄、LH、FSH、BMI差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。乳腺超声B级女童46例(41.8%),将B级女童按Tanner分期,Ⅰ期5例(10.9%)、Ⅱ期36例(78.2%)、Ⅲ期 5例(10.9%)。3组间年龄、E2、LH、FSH、BMI、子宫体积、子宫长径及卵巢体积差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05),TannerⅢ期组骨龄大于TannerⅠ期组骨龄,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论乳腺超声分级与骨龄、子宫体积、子宫长径、卵巢体积存在明显正相关,对女童青春期乳房发育的评价更准确、更客观。  相似文献   

陈燕  熊浩  熊馥 《中国热带医学》2009,9(8):1645-1645,1647
目的了解娱乐场所女性性工作者(FCSWs)艾滋病(AIDs)知识知晓情况和行为特征,探讨针对FCSWs的宣传干预方法。方法选择黄石市边远城区及城乡结合部娱乐场所FCSWs进行问卷调查。结果共调查172名FCSWs。AIDS传播途径和预防藉施回答正确率在45.4%~84.9%之间,坚持使用安全套的人占67%,从不使用的占11%,有吸毒史者占2.3%。结论边远城区及城乡结合部FCSWs对AIDS知识知晓率较低,高危性行为较普遍,应将100%安全套项目由城市向边远城区及城乡结合部拓展,遏制艾滋病经性途径传播。  相似文献   

目的:探讨阴道内镜诊治幼女及青春期少女阴道及子宫疾病的临床应用价值。方法:回顾性分析2000年 2月至2017年8月期间156位接受阴道内镜诊治的幼女及青春期少女的临床资料及其预后。结果:37例幼女病例中,临 床主诉最常见的为阴道出血[15例(40.5%)];其次为阴道内塞入异物[11例(29.7%)]、阴道分泌物异常[9例(24.3%)]、下 腹痛[2例(5.4%)];最终确诊为阴道异物的有13例(35.1%)。119例青春期少女中,就诊的临床症状最常见的为月经异常 或不规则阴道流血[90例(75.6%)];最终确诊为异常子宫出血-排卵障碍(abnormal uterine bleeding-ovulatory dysfunction, AUB-O)最常见[59例(49.6%)],其次为宫内膜息肉所致子宫异常出血(abnormal uterine bleeding-polyp,AUB-P)[16例 (13.4%)],子宫内膜恶变和不典型增生所致子宫异常出血(abnormal uterine bleeding-malignancy and hyperplasia,AUB-M) [2例(1.9%)]和全身凝血相关疾病所致子宫异常出血(abnormal uterine bleeding-coagulopathy,AUB-C)[1例(0.8%)];生殖道 畸形者有37例(31.1%)。156例患者均成功完成阴道内镜检查及操作,术后仅1例出现泌尿系统感染,无其他并发症发 生,均未损伤处女膜。结论:对于幼女和青春期少女的阴道或子宫疾病,阴道内镜是一项安全、有效的诊治方式。 有异常阴道分泌物和阴道流血等情况要酌情考虑使用阴道内镜进行诊治,以免延误病情。  相似文献   

城乡学龄儿童的自我意识比较研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
目的 比较城乡学龄儿童自我意识之间的差异。方法 随机抽取8—17岁城乡学龄儿童以2名,使用“Piers-Harris儿童自我意识量表”进行调查。结果 农村组在“行为”和“焦虑”二个分量表的得分明显高于城市组,差异有显著性(P<0.01);父母文化程度与儿童自我意识的“行为”、“智力”和“躯体外貌与属性”三个分量表得分相关。结论 该研究样本的城市学龄儿童更容易认为自己的行为不恰当,并表现出更多的情绪问题(如焦虑、紧张);父母文化程度的不同也影响学龄儿童的行为表现、智力发展和对自我躯体外貌的认同。  相似文献   

Lipid patterns were determined in 167 healthy subjects in the age group 28 to 50 years living in an urban area, a suburban area and two rural areas to determine a possible relationship between their serum lipid patterns and food habits. Total cholesterol, high density lipoprotein (HDL)-cholesterol, and triglyceride concentrations were determined in the sera of fasting subjects, and low density lipoprotein (LDL)-cholesterol concentration was calculated. Risk of coronary heart disease as assessed by the body mass index, ratios of total cholesterol to HDL-cholesterol, and LDL-cholesterol to HDL-cholesterol, was significantly lower in subjects in rural area 2, who were agricultural workers with a high degree of physical activity, subsisting on a diet consisting mainly of plant food, despite a higher consumption of coconut, a saturated fat. It is possible that the hypercholesterolaemic effect of saturated fats was mitigated by the high fibre content of their diets.  相似文献   

Sixty three and fifty nine non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) patients in rural (land resettlement scheme) and urban areas respectively were studied to determine factors associated with diabetic control. The anthropometric and metabolic data (HbA1 and fructosamine levels) were analysed. After adjusting for gender, age, body mass index (BMI) and food intake, the fructosamine level which correlates with short term diabetic control, was significantly lower among patients in urban areas compared to patients in rural areas (p < 0.05). However, for longer term diabetic control (HbA1 level) the difference was not statistically significant (p > 0.05). The socio-economic status, level of education, BMI and types of food did not correlate with diabetic control in either group of patients. More diabetes education is needed together with socio-economic development and changes in lifestyles to enhance compliance towards health and dietary regimens and to achieve better metabolic control.  相似文献   

Objective This paper aims to study the relationship between body fat and sexual development in Chinese girls with different waist circumference.Methods Six thousand one hundred and fifty six girls aged 6-19 were sampled.Their body weight,height,waist circumference,percentage of body fat and secondary sex characteristics were measured.All the subjects were divided into three groups:low class waist circumference,moderate class waist circumference and high class waist circumference.The menarche percentages wer...  相似文献   

目的了解腹泻病调查病例的临床特征及治疗情况。方法以整群随机抽样方法抽取2万余名居民进行腹泻病疾病负担调查,对发现的腹泻病例进行基本情况、症状体征以及诊疗等相关情况调查。结果常见的症状体征有腹痛(占55.43%)、腹胀(29.19%)、食欲不振(19.46%)及里急后重(13.57%)。农村病例全身症状及脱水症状发生率均较城区病例高。0~14岁的儿童的呕吐、发热、精神差及尿少等症状体征的发生率较高。病例以排稀便(56.11%)、水样便(51.58%)为主。冬季排水样便的病例比例稍高于夏季。至调查之日止,痊愈及好转的病例占87.1%。到医院胗所治疗的病例占22.85%。采取过自行治疗的病例占60.18%,其中61.28%使用了抗生素,最常用的药物为土霉素、诺氟沙星及泻利停。结论腹泻病症状普遍较轻,但临床表现多样,致病原因复杂,在治疗上应注意合理用药的问题。  相似文献   

Silverman JG  Raj A  Mucci LA  Hathaway JE 《JAMA》2001,286(5):572-579
CONTEXT: Intimate partner violence against women is a major public health concern. Research among adults has shown that younger age is a consistent risk factor for experiencing and perpetrating intimate partner violence. However, no representative epidemiologic studies of lifetime prevalence of dating violence among adolescents have been conducted. OBJECTIVE: To assess lifetime prevalence of physical and sexual violence from dating partners among adolescent girls and associations of these forms of violence with specific health risks. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: Female 9th through 12th-grade students who participated in the 1997 and 1999 Massachusetts Youth Risk Behavior Surveys (n = 1977 and 2186, respectively). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Lifetime prevalence rates of physical and sexual dating violence and whether such violence is independently associated with substance use, unhealthy weight control, sexual risk behavior, pregnancy, and suicidality. RESULTS: Approximately 1 in 5 female students (20.2% in 1997 and 18.0% in 1999) reported being physically and/or sexually abused by a dating partner. After controlling for the effects of potentially confounding demographics and risk behaviors, data from both surveys indicate that physical and sexual dating violence against adolescent girls is associated with increased risk of substance use (eg, cocaine use for 1997, odds ratio [OR], 4.7; 95% confidence interval [CI], 2.3-9.6; for 1999, OR, 3.4; 95% CI, 1.7-6.7), unhealthy weight control behaviors (eg, use of laxatives and/or vomiting [for 1997, OR, 3.2; 95% CI, 1.8-5.5; for 1999, OR, 3.7; 95% CI, 2.2-6.5]), sexual risk behaviors (eg, first intercourse before age 15 years [for 1997, OR, 8.2; 95% CI, 5.1-13.4; for 1999, OR, 2.4; 95% CI, 1.4-4.2]), pregnancy (for 1997, OR, 6.3; 95% CI, 3.4-11.7; for 1999, OR, 3.9; 95% CI, 1.9-7.8), and suicidality (eg, attempted suicide [for 1997, OR, 7.6; 95% CI, 4.7-12.3; for 1999, OR, 8.6; 95% CI, 5.2-14.4]). CONCLUSION: Dating violence is extremely prevalent among this population, and adolescent girls who report a history of experiencing dating violence are more likely to exhibit other serious health risk behaviors.  相似文献   

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