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Two weeks of daily peritoneopheresis of adult mice result in the selective depletion of B-1 cells, followed by the appearance of a population of B220+IgM?lymphocytes in the peritoneal cavity. These cells share with bone marrow (BM) pre-B cells expression of λ5, VpreB, and RAG-1 genes and a higher fraction of unrearranged V to DJ heavy (H) chain immunoglobulin (Ig) gene segments, when compared with mature B lymphocytes. Upon transfer to SCID recipients, sorted peritoneal B220+IgM? cells fail to colonize the BM, repopulate very few B cells in the spleen, but entirely reconstitute the B-1 cell compartment in the peritoneal and pleuropericardial cavities. In contrast, parallel transfers of sorted BM B220+IgM? cells result in reconstitution of the BM and spleen B lineage cell compartments, but in no coelomic B cell repopulation. Both types of pre-B cells reconstitute splenic plasma cells of donor origin, but with markedly distinct efficiencies: the ratio of IgM-plasma cell/B cell numbers in the spleens of peritoneal pre-B cell recipients is more than 500-fold higher than that of recipients reconstituted by BM pre-B cells. We take these data to indicate that (1) differentiative commitment to the B-1 cell population occurs before selection events on mature cells; (2) B-1 precursors exist or may be locally produced in the adult mouse; (3) there is a lineage-related differential ability of mature B cells to undergo terminal differentiation to high-rate Ig secretion.  相似文献   

The mouse retina offers an increasingly valuable model for vision research given the possibilities for genetic manipulation. Here we assess how the structural properties of mouse retinal ganglion cells relate to the stratification pattern of the dendrites of these neurons within the inner plexiform layer. For this purpose, we used 14 morphological measures to classify mouse retinal ganglion cells parametrically into different clusters. Retinal ganglion cells were labeled in one of three ways: Lucifer Yellow injection, 'DiOlistics' or transgenic expression of yellow fluorescent protein. The resulting analysis of 182 cells revealed 10 clusters of monostratified cells, with dendrites confined to either On or Off sublaminae of the inner plexiform layer, and four clusters of bistratified cells, dendrites spanning the On and Off sublaminae. We also sought to establish how these parametrically identified retinal ganglion cell clusters relate to cell types identified previously on the basis of immunocytochemical staining and the expression of yellow fluorescent protein. Cells labeled with an antibody against melanopsin were found to be located within a single cluster, while those labeled with the SMI-32 antibody were in four different clusters. Yellow fluorescent protein expressing cells were distributed within 13 of the 14 clusters identified here, which demonstrates that yellow fluorescent protein expression is a useful method for labeling virtually the entire population of mouse retinal ganglion cells. Collectively, these findings provide a valuable baseline for future studies dealing with the effects of genetic mutations on the morphological development of these neurons.  相似文献   

Development and function of B-1 cells   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Results from immunoglobulin-transgenic mice and BCR-mutant mice have been widely interpreted in recent years as supporting a simple 'activation' model for the origin of CD5+/B-1 B cells. However cell transfer experiments over 10 years ago and recent work investigating pre-BCR signaling suggest striking differences between B cell development in fetal liver and adult bone marrow, lending support for a 'lineage' model that we favor. Recent progress has been made relating to the development and function of the CD5+/B-1 B cell subpopulation in mice; the data can be viewed in the context of the generation of this subpopulation by a distinctive fetal B cell developmental process.  相似文献   

Sepsis syndrome is caused by inappropriate immune activation due to bacteria and bacterial components released during infection. This syndrome is the leading cause of death in intensive care units. Specialized B-lymphocytes located in the peritoneal and pleural cavities are known as B-1 cells. These cells produce IgM and IL-10, both of which are potent regulators of cell-mediated immunity. It has been suggested that B-1 cells modulate the systemic inflammatory response in sepsis. In this study, we conducted in vitro and in vivo experiments in order to investigate a putative role of B-1 cells in a murine model of LPS-induced sepsis. Macrophages and B-1 cells were studied in monocultures and in co-cultures. The B-1 cells produced the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 in response to LPS. In the B-1 cell-macrophage co-cultures, production of proinflammatory mediators (TNF-α, IL-6 and nitrite) was lower than in the macrophage monocultures, whereas that of IL-10 was higher in the co-cultures. Co-culture of B-1 IL-10−/− cells and macrophages did not reduce the production of the proinflammatory mediators (TNF-α, IL-6 and nitrite). After LPS injection, the mortality rate was higher among Balb/Xid mice, which are B-1 cell deficient, than among wild-type mice (65.0% vs. 0.0%). The Balb/Xid mice also presented a proinflammatory profile of TNF-α, IL-6 and nitrite, as well as lower levels of IL-10. In the early phase of LPS stimulation, B-1 cells modulate the macrophage inflammatory response, and the main molecular pathway of that modulation is based on IL-10-mediated intracellular signaling.  相似文献   

Immunofluorescence analysis of B-1 cell ontogeny in the mouse   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
In order to further understand the developmental aspects ofB-1 cells, we characterized the ontogeny of this B cell populationin the spleen and peritoneal cavity of BALB/c mice. Althoughthere are B-1 cells in the spleen within the first 1–3weeks after birth, they do not at any stage represent the majorityof splenic B cells. Splenic B-1 cells reach peak levels at 9days after birth. The mesenterlc lining that covers the smallintestine of 7-day-old mice contains a population of IgM+ Bcells, while at the same age, there are few lymphold cells inthe peritoneal cavity. Between 7 and 8 days after birth thereis an influx of B cells into the peritoneal cavity. At 8 days,the first detectable peritoneal B cells appear to be of theB-1 type based on expression of IL-5 receptor and CD5. However,these peritoneal B-1 cells do not express Mac-1. This antigenIs not expressed by the majority of peritoneal B-1 calls until3 weeks. This study indicates that the majority of early splenicB cells are not B-1 cells and it suggests that the mesenterlctissues surrounding the gut contain B lymphocytes which trafficinto the peritoneal cavity where they then reside.  相似文献   

B-1 and B-2 cells are lymphocyte populations that differ in development, surface marker expression, tissue localization, and function. Though mainly found in the spleen, lymph nodes, and circulation of mice, small numbers of B-2 cells are found in the peritoneal cavity, a site predominantly populated by B-1 cells. Here, we characterized peritoneal B-2 cells, and determined their relationship to B-1 cells. We found that peritoneal B-2 cells appear to be intermediate between splenic B-2 and peritoneal B-1 cells in terms of surface marker expression of B220, CD80, and CD43, expression of several marker genes, and in vitro viability and IgM secretion. Adoptive transfer of peritoneal B-2 cells into severe combined immunodeficiency mice resulted in the acquisition of a phenotype reminiscent of B-1b cells, as shown by up-regulation of Mac-1 and CD43, and down-regulation of CD23. Moreover, adoptively transferred peritoneal B-2 cells recapitulated B-1 cell function by producing natural IgM in recipient mice. These data suggest that peritoneal B-2 cells express some characteristics of B-1b cells and that this similarity increases with additional time in the peritoneal cavity.  相似文献   

B-1a cells are distinguished from conventional B cells (B2) by their developmental origin, their surface marker expression and their functions. They were originally identified as a B cell subset of fetal origin that expresses the pan-T cell surface glycoprotein, CD5. B-1a cells also differ from B2 by the expression levels of several surface markers, including IgM, IgD, CD43 and B220 [R. Berland, H.H. Wortis, Origins and functions of B-1 cells with notes on the role of CD5. Ann Rev Immunol, 20 (2002) 253-300.]. The majority of B-1a cells are located in peritoneal and pleural cavities. Compared to B2 cells, B-1a are long-lived, non-circulating, with reduced BCR diversity and affinity [A.B. Kantor, C.E. Merrill, L.A. Herzenberg, J.L. Hillson, An unbiased analysis of V-H-D-J(H) sequences from B-1a, B-1b, and conventional B cells. J Immunol, 158 (1997) 1175-1186.]. B-1a cells are largely responsible for the production of circulating IgM referred to as natural antibodies. These low affinity antibodies are polyreactive and constitute as such a first line of defense against bacterial pathogens [M.C. Carroll, A.P. Prodeus, Linkages of innate and adaptive immunity. Curr Opin Immunol, 10 (1998) 36-40.]. This polyreactivity also results into the recognition of autoantigens, which serves in the clearance of apoptosis products. The weak autoreactivity of the B-1a cells has been postulated to play a role in autoimmune pathogenesis. In addition, other characteristics, such as the production of high level of IL-10 [A. O'Garra, R. Chang, N. Go, R. Hastings, G. Haughton, M. Howard, et al. Ly-1 B (B-1) cells are the main source of B cell-derived interleukin 10. Eur J Immunol, 22 (1992) 711-717.] and enhanced antigen presentation capacities [C. Mohan, L. Morel, P. Yang, E.K. Wakeland, Accumulation of splenic B1a cells with potent antigen-presenting capability in NZM2410 lupus-prone mice. Arthritis and Rheumatism, 41 (1998) 1652-1662.], have implicated B-1a cells in autoimmunity. This review will discuss the current understandings of their role in autoimmune diseases with focus on lupus.  相似文献   

B cell-activating factor belonging to the TNF family (BAFF) and its receptor BAFF-R play critical roles in the maturation and survival of conventional peripheral B cells. However, they appeared to be dispensable for the generation and maintenance of CD5(+) B-1 cells as BAFF(-/-) and BAFF-R(-/-) mice have normal B-1 cell populations. Hence, it is presently unclear if B-1 cells are responsive to BAFF and if BAFF regulates some aspects of B-1 cell function. We show here that BAFF-R and transmembrane activator and CAML interactor (TACI) are the major receptors expressed by B-1 cells. Specifically, we show that BAFF treatment of B-1 cells leads to increased NF-kappaB p100 processing and CD21/CD35 expression. Interestingly, toll-like receptor (TLR) engagement of B-1 cells augmented the surface expression of BAFF receptors and rendered them responsive to BAFF costimulation, as evidenced by their increased proliferation, expression of cell surface activation markers and secretion of the pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-6 and the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10. This costimulatory effect is achieved primarily through BAFF-R as BAFF failed to costimulate B-1 cells obtained from A/WySnJ mice which have defective BAFF-R signaling. Thus, as TLR are innate immune receptors and B-1 cells are "innate-like" lymphocytes, our data provide evidence that BAFF plays a role in innate immunity.  相似文献   

Summary: The gut harbors an extremely dense and complex community of microorganisms that are in constant dialog with our immune cells. The gut bacteria provide strong selective pressure to the host to evolve innate and adaptive immune responses required for the maintenance of local and systemic homeostasis. One of the most conspicuous responses of the gut immune system following microbial colonization is the production of immunoglobulin A (IgA). In this review, we discuss the roles of B-1 and B-2 cells in IgA-mediated immunity and present an updated view for the sites and mechanisms of IgA synthesis in the gut. We summarize the role of secretory IgAs for regulation of microbial communities and provide clues as to how the gut microbiota contributes to the development of the gut-associated lymphoid tissues.  相似文献   

The existence of murine peritoneal osteoclast precursors has been already described. Also, recent reports evidenced an interplay between B lymphocytes and osteoclasts development. B-1 cells comprise a B-lymphocyte subset that resides mostly in pleural and peritoneal cavities. It has been demonstrated that B-1 cells can differentiate into mononuclear phagocytes and form multinucleated giant cells. Based on these findings, we investigated the role of B-1 lymphocytes in bone resorption and osteoclastogenesis. In vivo experimental periodontitis induced in B-1 deficient Xid mice demonstrated that bone resorption is impaired in these animals. However, reconstitution of Xid mice with B-1 cells increased bone resorption to near Balb/c values. B-1 cell derived phagocytes express the receptor activator of nuclear factor-κB (RANK) and the macrophage colony-stimulating factor receptor (M-CSFR). When cultured with RANK-ligand (RANKL) and M-CSF, B-1 cells became tartrate resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) positive multinucleated cells, a typical osteoclast phenotype. Lacunae formation was observed when cells were cultivated onto a calcium phosphate analog, indicating functional differentiation of B1 cells into osteoclast-like cells. The dynamics of their IgM expression showed that this lymphoid marker was downregulated along the differentiation of B-1 lymphocytes into osteoclasts. Our results unveiled the first evidence that B-1 cells have a role in osteoclastogenesis and bone resorption and offer new insights in the relationship between bone and lymphoid cells.  相似文献   

B-1 cells: the lineage question revisited   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Summary: The origins and functions of B-1 cells have sparked a good deal of controversy, largely centered on whether these B cells are developmentally distinct from the principal B cell populations (B-2) found in peripheral lymphoid organs. However, the prime criteria for assigning B-1 and B-2 cells to separate developmental lineages are satisfied by studies published some time ago that 1) identify distinct sources of progenitors for B-1 and B-2 cells; 2) show that these progenitors express their inherent commitment developing under the same conditions in co-transfer recipients; and, 3) have distinctive developmental patterns revealed by analysis of cells at various stages along the B-cell development pathway. I review these developmental studies here both to clarify the issue and to set the stage for presentation of evidence from more recent studies, which further define the functional differences between B-1 and B-2 cells and reveal intriguing complexities in the selective and other mechanisms that control the VH composition of the B-1 antibody repertoire.  相似文献   

The B lymphocyte subsets of X-chromosome-linked immune-deficient (XID) mice were examined by flow cytometric analyses of spleen and peritoneal cells. As shown in prior studies, young adult XID mice had reduced representation of the CD5+ (B-1a) subset in their peritoneal cavity. However, the CD11b+ (B-1b) B-cell subset was present and exhibited the IgM(hi) CD45(lo) CD23- phenotype characteristic of most B-1 cells. Although present at a lower frequency than that found in their normal counterparts, B-1b cells were evident in CBA/N and (XD2J)F1 male mice. With increasing age, B-1b cell number increased and in the oldest XID mice were present as B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukaemia. These results show that XID mice do have B-1 cells, particularly the B-1b subset.  相似文献   

Results from immunoglobulin-transgenic mice and BCR-mutant mice have been widely interpreted in recent years as supporting a simple ‘activation’ model for the origin of CD5+/B-1 B cells. However cell transfer experiments over 10 years ago and recent work investigating pre-BCR signaling suggest striking differences between B cell development in fetal liver and adult bone marrow, lending support for a ‘lineage’ model that we favor. Recent progress has been made relating to the development and function of the CD5+/B-1 B cell subpopulation in mice; the data can be viewed in the context of the generation of this subpopulation by a distinctive fetal B cell developmental process.  相似文献   

Elimination of activated T and B cells by Fas-dependent apoptosis may contribute to the maintenance of peripheral tolerance. CD40 ligation was recently shown to up-regulate Fas expression and enhance susceptibility to Fas-mediated apoptosis in mouse splenic B cells. In the present study, we have investigated the regulation of Fas expression and Fas-triggered apoptotis in mouse peritoneal B-1 cells. B-1 cells expressed a similar level of CD40 as that on B-2 cells, and proliferated in response to a soluble CD40 ligand (CD40L)-CD8α chimeric protein, suggesting that CD40 on B-1 cells is functional. In contrast to B-2 cells, B-1 cells expressed Fas at only low levels in response to CD40L-CD8α alone or CD40L-CD8α+interleukin-4, and were resistant to Fas-mediated apoptosis following these treatments. While Fas expression could be induced in B-1 cells to a comparable level as that in B-2 cells by cross-linking CD40L-CD8α with an anti-CD8α antibody, the sensitivity to Fas-mediated apoptosis in B-1 cells was significantly reduced compared with B2 cells. These results suggest that peritoneal B-1 cells from normal mice have a lower susceptibility to Fas-mediated apoptosis and may distinguish B-1 from B-2 cells. Similarly, B-1 cells from the peritoneal cavity and spleen of autoimmune-prone NZB mice exhibited reduced susceptibility to Fas-mediated apoptosis relative to their B-2 counterparts. NZB splenic B-1 cells, however, were more susceptible to Fas-mediated apoptosis than NZB peritoneal B-1 cells. The results presented here raise the possibility that the reduced susceptibility to Fas-triggered apoptosis in B-1 cells might be an accelerating factor for the autoantibody production in NZB mice.  相似文献   

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