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Strategies designed to meet the health care needs of Americans should include the issues of access as well as financing. And primary care and clinical preventive services should receive as much national attention as acute care and long-term care. The public health system at the Federal, State, and local levels with its mandate to assure conditions in which people can be healthy must also be incorporated into the national debate. Publicly funded infrastructures for delivering primary health care have become a significant element of assuring access at the community level. This paper examines the expanding role of public health in assuring access to the delivery of primary health care and clinical preventive services to vulnerable populations within the larger issue of who should have access to care and how it should be made available. Special attention is paid to the part played by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the Public Health Service, which, in the Federal fiscal year that began on October 1, 1989, administered some $1.8 billion worth of programs for health care of targeted populations and for the support of training in the health professions.  相似文献   

The Association of Schools of Public Health (ASPH) has developed a comprehensive set of core academic competencies for master of public health (MPH) graduates. The ASPH core MPH competencies delineate fundamental knowledge, attitudes, and skills that every MPH student, regardless of their major field, should possess upon graduation. From a public health agency perspective, this is a promising development. The ASPH MPH core competencies are complementary to the Core Competencies for Public Health Practice developed by the Council on Linkages Between Academia and Public Health Practice. Although a useful development, the academic MPH core competencies should not be confused with a conclusive definition of what constitutes a public health professional.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Public health workers need to be trained in the core public health sciences. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Public Health created a Certificate in Core Public Health Concepts to meet the training needs of public health workers, primarily those working in state or local public health agencies. METHODS: This article examines the demographic, educational, job classification, and workplace characteristics of certificate program applicants from the first 3 years of the program. In addition, this article assesses student performance and graduate satisfaction with the program. RESULTS: Among the 273 applications reviewed, the majority were from females. They worked in a variety of job classifications: 19% were public health agency workers, 64% were public health system workers, and 17% worked in other occupations. Nearly all students received High Pass or Pass grades on courses. Initial data on graduate satisfaction with the program are positive. CONCLUSIONS: Implications of the findings for training the public health workforce are discussed.  相似文献   

Health planning involves assessing health care needs of a defined population, setting priorities, then developing, implementing,m and evaluating programs that address priority needs. The concepts of health planning are central to the 1988 report of the Institute of Medicine on the Future of Public Health, which defined the three core functions of public health as assessment, policy development, and assurance. Generally, when health planning is instituted, poor people are identified as having the poorest health status and the greatest need. An internal ethic is therefore created for public health to focus on the health care needs of those in poverty. This internal ethic of public health health can become the driving force for reforming the present U.S. health care system. A reformed health care system would be guided by the principle of care according to need, which not only has a basis in health planning, but in social justice as well.  相似文献   

The Association of Schools of Public Health (ASPH) released the Doctor of Public Health (DrPH) Core Competency Model in 2009. Between 2007 and 2009, a national expert panel with members of the academic and practice communities guided by the ASPH Education Committee developed its 7 performance domains, including 54 competencies. We provide an overview and analysis of the challenges and issues associated with the variability in DrPH degree offerings, reflect on the model development process and related outcomes, and discuss the significance of the model, future applications, and challenges for integration across educational settings. With the model, ASPH aims to stimulate national discussion on the competencies needed by DrPH graduates with the new challenges of 21st-century public health practice and to better define the DrPH degree.  相似文献   

In this article we describe the methodologic approaches of the Pew Environmental Health Commission at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health used to identify priority environmental health conditions and develop recommendations to establish a national environmental public health tracking network. We present the results of a survey of public health and environmental practitioners to uncover state and local health tracking needs and priorities. We describe the steps that combined the findings from the state and local health tracking survey and a review of the state of the science on environmental impacts on health to identify priority health end points. Through an examination of national health and health care databases, we then describe trends and public health effects of those diseases that may be linked to the environment. Based on this analysis, respiratory diseases and neurologic diseases are recommended as priorities for tracking. Specific end points recommended for tracking include asthma and chronic respiratory diseases, and chronic neurodegenerative diseases such as multiple sclerosis. Based on trends in reported prevalence, consideration should also be given to developmental disabilities, reproductive disorders, and endocrine/metabolic disorders. Strengthening of current efforts to track cancer and birth defects should also be included as components of a nationwide health tracking network. Finally, we present the recommendations for environmental public health tracking. These recommendations provided the groundwork for the development of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Environmental Public Health Tracking Progam that now includes 21 states, three cities, and three academic centers throughout the nation.  相似文献   

In 1987 the University of Iowa began training health care professionals to care for farmers' occupational health needs. The training enables health professionals from various disciplines to function in the anticipation, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of occupational illnesses and injuries in the farm community. A grant from National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) entitled "Building Capacity for Health and Safety Professionals" allowed for the expansion of this training to other states. This paper describes the challenges, successes, and lessons learned from dissemination of Agricultural Medicine Core Course.  相似文献   

In a policy statement adopted by its Governing Council on 16 November 1983, the American Public Health Association (APHA) expresses its opposition to the growth of for-profit health care institutions. APHA reiterates its support for a comprehensive national health service and for interim measures leading in that direction. The statement calls upon Congress and the Department of Health and Human Services to investigate the social impact and monitor the growth of for-profit health care institutions.  相似文献   

This study examines associations between parents' report of their children's oral health and receipt of a dental visit for preventive care. We conducted a cross-sectional analysis of oral health status and receipt of a preventive dental visit among US children and youth, ages 1-17 years, using data from the 2007 National Survey of Children's Health (n = 86,764). Survey-weighted logistic regression was used to estimate associations between perceived oral health status and receipt of a preventive dental health visit in the prior 12 months. Overall, 78 % of children and youth received at least one preventive dental health visit in the prior year. Among the youngest children, lower oral health status was associated with higher odds of receiving a preventive dental visit; among older children, lower oral health status was associated with lower odds of receiving a dental visit for preventive care. Use of preventive dental health care is below national target goals. Younger children in worse oral health are more likely, and older youth less likely, to receive preventive dental care. Public health efforts to educate parents to seek early and ongoing preventive oral health care, rather than services in response to problems, may yield oral health benefits later in childhood and over the life course.  相似文献   

Health care reform will add millions of Americans to the ranks of the insured; however, their access to health care is threatened by a deep decline in the production of primary care physicians. Poorer access to primary care risks poorer health outcomes and higher costs. Meeting this increased demand requires a major investment in primary care training. Title VII, Section 747 of the Public Health Service Act previously supported the growth of the health care workforce but has been severely cut over the past 2 decades. New and expanded Title VII initiatives are required to increase the production of primary care physicians; establish high-functioning academic, community-based training practices; increase the supply of well-trained primary care faculty; foster innovation and rigorous evaluation of these programs; and ultimately to improve the responsiveness of teaching hospitals to community needs. To accomplish these goals, Congress should act on the Council on Graduate Medical Education's recommendation to increase funding for Title VII, Section 747 roughly 14-fold to $560 million annually. This amount represents a small investment in light of the billions that Medicare currently spends to support graduate medical education, and both should be held to account for meeting physician workforce needs. Expansion of Title VII, Section 747 with the goal of improving access to primary care would be an important part of a needed, broader effort to counter the decline of primary care. Failure to launch such a national primary care workforce revitalization program will put the health and economic viability of our nation at risk.  相似文献   

The Bhore committee observed that "if nation's health is to be built, the health program should be developed on the foundation of preventive health work and that such activities should proceed side by side with the treatment of patients." The committee defined two categories of workforce: one for the personal care and the other for the public health namely, public health nurses and sanitary inspectors for public health and nurse, midwife, and pharmacist for personal care. Recommendations of successive health committees lead to amalgamation of personal care services and public health services. Single focus programs and amalgamation of different cadre of Grassroots staff lead to dilution of public health services and more focused on different program-based personal care services. To carry out public health services, we need a sufficiently knowledgeable, well-skilled and competent mid-level supervisory public health workforce who can support and strengthen the performance of the existing multipurpose workers. Increased understanding of the influence of different determinants on health and well-being and also scientific progress to combat the environmental and biological effects on health has widened the gap between the actual need of human resources and expanding public health services needs. Keeping in view of the above and meet the challenges, a 3-year course of Bachelor in Public Health is conceived by the Indian Academy of Public Health. Professional responsibilities expected from this new cadre of workforce are also discussed in this article.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the impact of recent changes in public subsidies for oral health care in Australia, and to propose more effective and equitable uses of Commonwealth Government subsidies. METHODS: Review of literature and Australian Research Centre for Population Oral Health information. RESULTS: Commonwealth subsidies for oral health care services in Australia have been moved from public dental services to private dental health insurance. This has resulted in a redistribution of funds from people on low incomes with poor oral health, to people on middle to high incomes with relatively better oral health. CONCLUSIONS: Public funding for dental care in Australia favours the financially and orally better off at the expense of disadvantaged and orally unhealthy Australians. Current approaches to public funding for oral health services in Australia are unlikely to result in a substantial improvement in oral health. IMPLICATIONS: Maximum gains in oral health are likely to be achieved by a reorientation of Commonwealth subsidies towards preventive and basic treatment services. This reorientation needs to occur within a primary health care framework. Whereas the Commonwealth plays a national leadership role in the provision of general health services, this is not apparent in relation to oral health. This lack of leadership leaves many vulnerable Australians without basic preventive services and at high risk of losing teeth that might otherwise have been preserved. Channelling the funding now used to subsidise private dental services for the well off and dentally healthy to community-wide and targeted preventive services for vulnerable and low-income Australians would have a larger impact on oral health and represent a more equitable use of these funds.  相似文献   

National Rural Health Mission represents an important public health initiative to address essential health needs of the country's underserved population. For the Mission to achieve its goals, urban population needs to be included in its scope. Urban poor population constitutes nearly a third of India's urban population and is growing at three times the national population growth rate. Health status and access of reproductive and child health services of slum dwellers are poor and comparable to the rural population. Efforts to improve the conditions of urban poor necessitate strengthening national policy and fiscal mandate, augmenting and strengthening the urban health delivery system, coordinating among multiple stakeholders, involving private sector, strengthening municipal functioning and building community capacities. National Rural Health Mission should be broadened to National Public Health Mission. This paper discusses issues pertaining to health conditions of the urban poor, present status of services, challenges and suggests options for NRHM to bridge the large gap.  相似文献   

Due to the rapid rise in the population of those aged 65 and older, public health programs that target this group merit special attention. State health agencies can play leading roles in providing and coordinating elder health programs by identifying needs and formulating guidelines in collaboration with federal, local, and private organizations. The Massachusetts Department of Public Health initiated the Elder Health Programs Unit in 1988, with a mission to assist elders in maintaining their highest level of functional status in community settings and to provide opportunities for older adults to take greater responsibility for their own health. The extent of involvement in elder health programming of other state health agencies outside of Massachusetts is not well documented. Through the distribution of a national survey, we set out to determine how many state health agencies offer elder health services.  相似文献   

Public health week: marketing the concept of public health.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Public Health Programs and Services (PHP&S) Branch of the Los Angeles County Department of Health Services began a strategic planning effort in January 1986 to meet new disease trends, curb rising health care costs, consolidate limited resources, and handle shifting demographics. A strategic plan was designed to assess the opportunities and challenges facing the agency over a 5-year horizon. Priority areas were recognized, and seven strategic directives were formulated to guide PHP&S in expanding public health services to a changing community. Health promotion was acknowledged as a critical target of the strategic planning process. Among the most significant results of the health promotion directive was the establishment of an annual Public Health Week in Los Angeles County. Beginning in 1988, 1 week per year was selected to enhance the community's awareness of public health programs and the leadership role PHP&S plays in providing these programs to nearly 9 million residents of Los Angeles County. Events in Public Health Week include a professional lecture series and the honoring of an outstanding public health activist and a media personality who has fostered health promotion. Other free community activities such as mobile clinics, screenings, and health fairs are held throughout the county. With intensive media coverage of Public Health Week, PHP&S has been aggressive in promoting its own services and accomplishments while also educating the community on vital wellness issues. The strategic methodology employed by PHP&S, with its emphasis on long-range proactive planning, is receiving national recognition and could be adopted by similar agencies wishing to enhance their image and develop unique health promotion projects in their communities.  相似文献   

Competency-based health management research, commonly undertaken by educationalists, has tended to draw upon the attitudes and beliefs of managers from the curative, institutional/bureaucratic health care sector. With traditional health care priorities being questioned in many industrialized countries, and in particular with greater attention being paid to the concepts underlying the "Health for All" (or what is known in Australia perhaps more commonly as the "New Public Health") movement, there would seem to be a need to broaden competency-based research to incorporate the attitudes of practitioners managing non-curative health services and programs. To this end an exploratory qualitative research project involving New Public Health managers in a series of semi-structured focus sessions was undertaken. The discussions were transcribed and analyzed to identify and isolate the features perceived to be essential for effective New Public Health practice and its management. While consensus was not apparent even on definitional issues, certain qualities were seen as necessary in the effective public health manager. In particular "key figure" attributes--charisma, commitment, and drive--were rated highly, as were the abilities to function in a loosely regulated environment while at the same time dealing with bureaucratic processes.  相似文献   

In October 1999 a big conference (about 1300 participants) on Public Health took place for the first time in Germany. The conference was aiming at giving a comprehensive survey of theory and practice of Public Health in German-speaking countries. Four main topics were identified in about 550 contributions (workshops, posters and oral presentations): health care research, health services research/health economics, prevention/health promotion and methods. Geographical and topical distribution of the contributions is presented.  相似文献   

Objectives To assess the effectiveness of the Maternal and Child Health Bureau’s (MCHB) Six Core Outcomes for children with special health care needs (CSHCN) as indicators in measuring the degree to which mental health care needs are met. Methods This study analyzes data from the 2001 National Survey of Children with Special Health Care Needs for 9,748 CSHCN who needed mental health care. Bivariate and logistic analyses were employed to investigate the impact of the MCHB’s Six Core Outcomes on the probability of having an unmet need for mental health services. Results Of the 2.3 million CSHCN in the U.S. who needed mental health care in 2001, almost one-fifth did not receive all of the mental health services that they needed. Ultimately, eight Outcomes and sub-categories of Outcomes were considered. Sixty-one percent of CSHCN with a need for mental health care had care that fulfills six of the eight considered Outcomes. Logistic analysis indicates that individual fulfillment of each of the Core Outcomes and fulfillment of additional Outcomes have a significant association with reducing the probability of having an unmet mental health care need for CSHCN. Conclusions This study is the first attempt to apply the Six Core Outcomes to meeting the needs for mental health care among CSHCN. Estimates of unmet need for mental health care suggest that efforts can be made to improve access for CSHCN. The initial estimates generated by this study indicate that the MCHB Outcomes are important in meeting children’s mental health needs and are important indicators for informing MCHB policy.  相似文献   

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