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Female university students (n=241) visiting the Student Health Center participated in a study concerning sexual behavior (study I). A randomized postal survey (study II) with similar questions was also performed to verify the findings in the first study (n=137).The mean age was 23 years in both studies. Sexual experience was reported by 96% in study I and 87% in study II. Mean age at first intercourse and mean number of partners were similar; 17.6 years and 6 partners, respectively. Change of contraceptive type was frequent, and about one third had done so within the past two years. A common reason for adopting a new method was a change in social life. More than half the women were afraid of using oral contraceptives.Twenty-six percent of the students in study I and 29% in study II had had at least one sexually transmitted disease (STD). Forty-three percent claimed to have changed their sexual behavior as a result of AIDS publicity but condoms were used by less than 50% at the first intercourse with a new partner.Although this group of intelligent young people have access to information, many of them were risk-takers with respect to both unwanted pregnancies and STD. Misconceptions were frequent concerning the safety of OCs. It is clear that new approaches must be made to educate them about safe sexual practices.
Resumen Mujeres jóvenes universitarias (n=241) que concurrían al centro de medicina estudiantil participaron en un estudio sobre la conducta sexual (estudio No. 1). Se realizó asimismo una encuesta postal aleatorizada (estudio No. 2) con preguntas similares para verificar las conclusiones del primer estudio (n=137).La edad media en los dos grupos era 23 años. La experiencia sexual fue admitida respectivamente en el 96% de los casos (estudio No. 1) y en el 87% de los casos (estudio No.2). La edad media de la primera relación sexual y el número medio de compañeros fue similar: 17,6 años y 6 compañeros, respectivamente. El cambio de anticonceptivos era frecuente, y alrededor de un tercio de las estudiantes los había cambiado en los dos años anteriores. Entre las razones comunes de adoptar un nuevo método se contaba un cambio en el estilo de vida. Más de la mitad de las estudiantes tenía miedo de utilizar anticonceptivos orales.El 26% de las estudiantes del estudio No. 1 y el 29% de las estudio No. 2 había tenido al menos una enfermedad sexualmente transmisible. El 43% manifestó haber cambiado su conducta sexual como resultado de la publicidad sobre el SIDA pero menos del 50% utilizaba preservativos en la primera relación sexual con un nuevo compañero.Si bien este grupo de jóvenes supuestamente inteligentes tenía acceso a información, muchas de ellas corrían riesgos tanto con respecto a embarazos no deseados como a enfermedades sexualmente transmisibles. Con frecuencia se tenían conceptos erróneos respecto de la seguridad de los AO. Es evidente que es necesario adoptar nuevos enfoques a fin de educar a estas estudiantes respecto de las prácticas sexuales seguras.

Resumé Des jeunes femmes de milieu universitaire (n=241) qui fréquentaient le centre de médecine pour les étudiants ont participé à une étude sur le conportement sexuel (étude no. 1). Une enquête randomisée identique (étude no. 2) au moyen d'un questionnaire envoyé par la poste a également été conduite pour vérifier les conclusions de la première étude (n=137).L'âge moyen dans les deux groupes était de 23 ans. L'expérience sexuelle a été admise respectivement dans 96% des cas (étude 1) et dans 87% des cas (étude 2). L'âge moyen du premier rapport sexuel et le nombre moyen de partenaires étaient identiques, 17,6 ans et 6 partenaires respectivement. Un changement de contraceptif était fréquent, et environ un tiers des étudiantes en avaient changé au cours des deux années écoulées. Un nouveau mode de vie d'ordre social comptait parmi les raisons habituelles les ayant amenées à adopter une nouvelle méthode contraceptive. Plus de la moitié des étudiantes craignaient d'utiliser les contraceptifs oraux.Dans l'étude 1, 26% et, dans l'étude 2, 29% des étudiantes avaient eu au moins une maladie sexuelle transmissible. Quarante-trois pour cent ont précisé que l'information sur le SIDA les avait incitées à modifier leur comportement sexuel, mais les préservatifs étaient utilisés par moins de 50% à peine lors de leur premier rapport avec un nouveau partenaire.Bien que ce groupe de jeunes personnes supposées intelligentes ait accèc à une information, beaucoup prenaient des risques tant à l'égard de grossesses non désirées qu'à la sécurité qu'apportent par les CO. Il est évident qu'il est nécessaire d'adopter de nouvelles approches afin d'éduquer ces étudiantes sur les pratiques sexuelles sûres.

This paper is based on a presentation given at the Seventh International Meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Contraception, which was held in Singapore on 4–11 November, 1990.  相似文献   

Emergency contraceptives (ECs) are an important option for young women in Jamaica, where rates of unplanned pregnancy are high. Few previous studies of EC exist in Jamaica. We surveyed a random sample of 205 students living on campus at the University of the West Indies in Kingston, Jamaica, to learn more about students' knowledge and opinions of EC pills (ECPs). General awareness of ECPs was high (84%), although many students were unaware of specific details regarding the method's appropriate use, such as the time frame. Twenty students (10%) had used ECPs themselves or had a partner who had used them. Most had used ECPs for the first time because they lacked contraception or because of contraceptive failure. Following their first use of ECPs, 55% adopted an ongoing method of contraception. Most students felt ECPs were an important option for women in Jamaica; however, some feared ECPs might be overused. Future educational campaigns should provide Jamaican university students with detailed information about this method.  相似文献   

大学生性教育状况的调查   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
赵瑞芳 《中国健康教育》2007,23(3):204-205,208
目的了解大学生的性教育、性观念状况及对性教育的需求。方法采用问卷调查的方法,对山东工商学院190名在校大学生进行性病与艾滋病知识、性观念、性教育状况及对性教育的需求调查。结果58.4%大学生没有接受过正规的性教育,其中女生所占比例(73.3%)明显高于男生(48.7%),且存在显著性差异(P〈0.05)。绝大多数学生认为性教育应包括的内容按照重要性依次为“性知识和性病知识”(94.7%),“性道德观”(90.5%)和“性价值观”(82.6%),“性法律知识”(75.8%)和“计划生育知识”(49.5%)。不同性别的大学生在性教育的内容、途径及性观念等方面存在显著性差异。结论大多数大学生没有接受过正规的性教育,大学生的性观念正在发生变化,对性教育的需求较高,为保证大学生的健康成长,建议应加强大学生的性教育工作。  相似文献   

BackgroundZika virus vaccine development is underway. We examined interest in receiving a Zika virus vaccine (after one becomes commercially available) among students at a large public university in Northern Virginia.MethodsAn online survey of Zika virus-related knowledge, attitudes, and interest in receiving a Zika vaccine was completed by 619 undergraduate students in April, 2016. Stepwise logistic regression with backward elimination was used to identify the variables most strongly associated with interest in being vaccinated against Zika virus.ResultsMore than half of participants (52.8%) reported that they would be likely or very likely to be vaccinated against Zika virus. Vaccination interest was significantly higher among participants who received an influenza vaccine in the past year (p = 0.002), had higher levels of knowledge about Zika virus (p = 0.046), reported knowing where to access information about Zika virus (p = 0.041), had higher perceived susceptibility to Zika virus (p < 0.001), and believed that the U.S. Government should prioritize actions to control Zika virus (p = 0.001).ConclusionsCommunication and intervention strategies encouraging vaccine uptake may benefit from increasing knowledge of Zika virus, addressing perceived susceptibility, and reaching students, travelers, and others who may be seeking information about prevention of Zika virus and other emerging infectious diseases.  相似文献   

目的 了解在校大学生对艾滋病知识、态度、行为现状,以及正确使用安全套、性健康教育需求,为高校更科学开展艾滋病性病教育提供参考.方法 采用自制问卷,校园网上随机整群匿名调查形式对北京某高校大学生进行调查.结果 大学生对艾滋病知识总知晓率70.74%.对三大主要传播途径知晓率较高,但对日常生活中共用牙刷、剃须刀、餐具、泳池等以及蚊虫叮咬知晓率低.对艾滋病的专业知识欠缺,对感染艾滋病后多久能检测出来回答正确率只有24.37%.正确使用安全套知识欠缺.对艾滋病的流行现状缺乏了解,一半以上对艾滋病态度是同情、帮助,愿意继续交往,对婚前性行为支持度高.对性教育内容需求多方面.希望从教师讲课、电影电视和书刊等处获取性知识.结论 大学生对艾滋病的知识了解不全面,应结合具体情况开展有重点、有针对性的艾滋病性病知识宣传,使性知识科学化、系统化、规范化、适宜化.  相似文献   

To gauge knowledge, attitudes, and practices about emergency contraception in Nairobi, Kenya, we conducted a five-part study. We searched government and professional association policy documents, and clinic guidelines and service records for references to emergency contraception. We conducted in-depth interviews with five key policymakers, and with 93 family planning providers randomly selected to represent both the public and private sectors. We also surveyed 282 family planning clients attending 10 clinics, again representing both sectors. Finally, we conducted four focus groups with university students. Although one specially packaged emergency contraceptive (Postinor levonorgestrel tablets) is registered in Kenya, the method is scarcely known or used. No extant policy or service guidelines address the method specifically, although revisions to several documents were planned. Yet policymakers felt that expanding access to emergency contraception would require few overt policy changes, as much of the guidance for oral contraception is already broad enough to cover this alternative use of those same commodities. Participants in all parts of the study generally supported expanded access to emergency contraception in Kenya. They did, however, want additional, detailed information, particularly about health effects. They also differed over exactly who should have access to emergency contraception and how it should be provided.  相似文献   

目的了解宁夏地区两所高校在校大学生紧急避孕知识掌握情况,为开展在校大学生生殖健康教育提供依据。方法在宁夏地区选择两所本科高校,采用整群抽样方法,在每所高校的1~3年级本科班中抽取4个班级,4年级抽取1个班级,采取现场自填问卷形式对其进行调查。采用Epidata3.0对问卷核查录入,数据采用SPSS17.0软件包进行统计分析。结果两所高校回汉族4个年级1 721名男女大学生中听说过紧急避孕的占71.2%,但近80%的人完全不了解具体的紧急避孕方法。不同学校(χ2=0.97)、回汉族(χ2=0.54)及不同年级间(χ2=1.89)比较差异均无统计学意义(P<0.05);男女生(χ2=4.9)比较差异有统计学意义(P=0.03))。对听说过紧急避孕的同学,进一步比较其对紧急避孕方法的使用方法、作用机理、不良反应、适应证方面的认识发现,不同院校同学在不良反应、适应证方面的认识差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),而在使用方法和作用机理方面的认识差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);回汉族同学对紧急避孕的知识比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);不同年级及男生和女生对紧急避孕的使用方法、适应证、不良反应、作用机理方面的认识差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论宁夏地区大学生紧急避孕知识均较欠缺,对相关知识信息等服务具有很大需求。  相似文献   

Objective: To explore first year Australian university students' knowledge and attitudes about emergency contraception and their understanding of the risk for pregnancy.
Method: A self-report questionnaire was completed by a convenience sample of 627 first year on-campus students from both health and non-health disciplines.
Results: Knowledge about emergency contraception (EC) was generally poor including misunderstanding that it can only be used the 'morning after', as well as where it may be accessed. Its potential use was, however, more highly accepted as a preventative measure after unprotected sexual intercourse than abortion in the event of unplanned pregnancy. Women had better knowledge than men, and on a number of measures there were significant differences between these groups.
Conclusions: Poor knowledge about the timing, accessibility, action and side effects of EC may act as a barrier to its use in the event of unprotected sexual intercourse. Although EC has been available in Australia as a Schedule 3 medication since 2004, its availability from pharmacies is not well known, nor is access from other primary health care providers.
Implications: The lack of knowledge about EC may lead to its underutilisation and underlines the need for future educational strategies about EC as well as the need for health professionals who provide contraceptive services to discuss EC with clients. Health promotion campaigns which are both general as well as gender-specific may improve overall community knowledge about this method of contraception.  相似文献   

重庆市大学生对自杀态度的调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
目的了解重庆市大学生对自杀的态度及其影响因素,以针对性指导心理危机干预.方法采取分层整群随机抽样方法对重庆地区11所大学9808名学生进行公众对自杀的态度量表(SPAS)问卷调查.结果高校学生对预防自杀的难度、自杀行为的自我不可控制性、自杀行为可作为影响他人的工具持否定或中立态度,其得分分别为34.28±16.44、35.64±19.14、36.94±16.05;对自杀未遂与自杀死亡的相似性、自杀的歧视、自杀的正性态度持中立观点,得分分别为47.38±22.01、51.78±17.05、37.77±18.12;对自杀问题的社会重要性条目持中立或肯定态度的得分为70.77±17.21.性别、民族、宗教以及自杀未遂和自杀暴露史对大学生自杀态度有影响.结论自杀危机干预系统需针对大众以及自杀者不同的背景制定有针对性的策略.  相似文献   

University undergraduate students were asked to report the numberof episodes of nonconsensual sex experienced during the past30 days. Responses of 856 male and 980 female students (meanage = 20.1 years) were compared to self-reported participationin ten other sexual activities during the same time period andto concurrent self-assessments of ten personal traits. Resultsshowed that 13.2% of respondents had engaged in sex againsttheir own will and 6.8% against the will of a partner duringthe previous month. A general multiple regression analysis showedthat several of the independent variables were significant predictorsof having sex against one's own will and engaging in sexualactivity against the will of another person.  相似文献   

A total of 545 Spanish university students from the University of Valladolid, were surveyed in 1985 about their alcohol use, knowledge of the effects of alcohol, and attitudes towards social drinking and towards alcoholism and alcoholics. The knowledge regarding alcohol (mean scores 7.7 +/- 0.1, ranging 1-15) was associated with academic aspects: it was higher among medicine and nursing students and increased according to the length of stay at university. The attitudes both towards social drinking (mean scores 0.6 +/- 0.1, ranging -9 to 9) and towards alcoholism and the alcoholics (mean scores 3.0 +/- 0.1, ranging -6 to 9), were related to alcohol consumption: those students self-reported as "heavy" and "moderate" drinkers, and those with alcohol intake over 40 g/day, had a more favourable attitude. The results suggest a need for education on alcohol.  相似文献   



Emergency contraception refers to methods that women can use to prevent pregnancy after unprotected sexual intercourse, method failure or incorrect use. Unwanted pregnancy followed by unsafe abortion can be avoided by using different contraceptive methods including emergency contraceptives. The objective of this study was to assess the knowledge, attitude and practice of emergency contraception among graduating female students of Jimma University main campus.


A cross-sectional study was conducted in Jimma University main campus in 2009. The calculated sample size was allocated to each faculty proportions to size of female students. Then within the faculty the sample unit was selected by using simple random sampling technique. Data was collected using self administered questionnaire and analyzed using SPSS for widow version 16.0.


A total of 389 (96.5%) volunteered graduating female students participated in the study. One hundred sixty three (41.9%) were ever heard of Emergency Contraceptive, only 11(6.8%) used the method. The common sources of information were friends 60 (36.5%), radio 37 (22.8%) and television 20 (12.3%). One hundred sixteen (71.2%) agreed to use Emergency Contraceptive when they practice unintended sexual intercourse.


Awareness and use of emergency contraception among graduating female students of Jimma University was low. There is a need to educate adolescents about emergency contraceptives, with emphasis on available methods and correct timing of use.  相似文献   

梅州市一所高校学生性观念及性行为调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解梅州市嘉应学院医学院大学一年级男、女生的性观念及性行为,为开展有效的大学生性健康教育提供依据。方法使用自行设计的调查问卷,对梅州市嘉应学院医学院1840名大学一年级男、女生进行调查。结果有33.69%的学生希望在大学期间有性行为,42.93%的学生赞成上学期间的性行为,4.34%的学生上学期间有过性行为,男、女生在以上项目中的差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05);男生在获取性知识的途径主要为电子媒体和书刊杂志,女生主要为书刊杂志和同伴,二者之间有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论大学一年级是性意识性观念形成的关键时期,应及时开展性健康教育,但在教育方式和内容上男、女生应有所区别。  相似文献   

This study describes sexual behavior over a 10-year period in a female student population. The use of condoms at first coitus increased from 40% to 77%. Sexually transmitted diseases decreased from 26% to 14%, and abortions from 11% to 5.5%. One-fourth of students had had anal intercourse, and 86% had performed oral sex. Half of the women had read pornography. The majority of women with experience of oral sex graded it as positive, whereas they graded anal sex as mostly negative. Twelve percent of the women had been sexually harassed, mainly by their male peers (80%).  相似文献   

Eating attitudes can be defined as beliefs, thoughts, feelings, behavior and relationship with food. They can influence people's food choices and health status. The scope of this paper is to compare eating attitudes of university students from different regions of Brazil and investigate possible associations and correlations with nutritional status, age, individual income and parental education. 2489 female university students in the area of health answered the Eating Attitude Scale--evaluated by total score and 5 sub-scores. The eating attitudes were compared by means of an analysis of covariance. A logistic regression was conducted to evaluate which variables were associated to the scale score. The Northeast presented more restrictive and compensatory practices and the North and Northeast presented less positive feelings about food and worse ideas about normal eating. The score on the scale did not present strong correlation with any of the variables studied, but nutritional status and age were associated with the total score. The profile of university students was similar among regions with the worst response in the North and Northeast regions. It is believed that these data could help to elucidate dietary patterns and nutritional differences among groups.  相似文献   

Forty-eight female college students completed the Mosher Forced-Choice Guilt Inventory, the Rest Defining Issues Test, and the Family Attitude and Communication Scale in order to study the relationship between sex guilt, moral reasoning, and perceived parental sex attitudes. Analysis of variance indicated that Stage 4 moral reasoners had significantly higher sex guilt scores than Stage 5 reasoners. There was also a significant interaction effect between moral reasoning and perceived parental sex attitudes with respect to sex guilt, with Stage 5 reasoners from permissive family backgrounds having very low levels of guilt. The findings suggested that there is an overall negative relationship between sex guilt and moral reasoning, supporting prior studies. However, the relationship between sex guilt and permissive/restrictive family background is more complicated. Paradoxically, more advanced Stage 5 reasoners seemed more influenced by family sexual attitudes than Stage 4 reasoners. The authors offer an explanation for this finding and stress the importance of moral reasoning as a variable in understanding sexual attitudes and behavior.  相似文献   

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