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小双切口治疗腕管综合征15例体会   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 介绍应用小双切口作腕管切开治疗腕管综合征的方法及临床效果。方法 在掌长肌腱尺侧,平行远侧腕横纹作1.5cm长的横切口,腕横纹以远2.5cm为中心沿鱼际肌纹作1cm长的纵切口,分别显露腕横韧带远近缘及指屈肌腱及正中神经,直视下将腕横韧带完全切开,正中神经外膜松解3例,鱼际肌支松解1例。结果 术后2周,15例症状完全消失,拇、示、中3指指腹两点辨别觉恢复正常。术后1年随访,术前大鱼际肌萎缩5例,肌萎缩明显改善,拇指对掌功能恢复正常。全部病例无1例产生腕掌部瘢痕疼痛及尺神经、掌浅弓损伤等并发症。结论 小双切口行腕管松解术,可操作窄间大,并发症少,术后美观。是治疗腕管综合征的有效方法。  相似文献   

目的 观察微型钩刀治疗腕管综合征的疗效。方法 在掌长肌腱尺侧,距腕横纹近侧1cm作1cm长的横切口,分离到深筋膜并切开,插入槽型扩张导管,在槽的导引下插入微型钩刀,从远至近把腕横韧带完全钩割开。结果 术后4周随访,12例中10例症状完全消失,2例症状改善;术后随访1年,3例术前大鱼际肌肉明显萎缩,都有明显好转。结论 微型钩刀治疗腕管综合征是一种简单、安全有效的治疗方法。  相似文献   

小切口神经松解治疗腕管综合征疗效分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的评价小切口显微神经松解与传统手术神经松解治疗腕管综合征的疗效。方法本研究为前瞻性随机对照研究,把50例腕管综合征患者分为小切口组及传统组,每组各25例,术前及术后2年对所有病例症状严重程度进行GSS评分(GlobalSymptomScore)。并观察两组腕掌部瘢痕痛发生率。结果小切口组及传统组术前、术后评分差值分别为19.1±5.7、13.3±6.3,小切口组术后症状改善优于传统组(P<0.05)。小切口组无1例发生腕掌部瘢痕痛,传统组发生15例(60%)。结论小切口直视下显微神经松解术治疗腕管综合征疗效优于传统神经松解且术后并发症更少。  相似文献   

三种不同术式治疗腕管综合征的疗效比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的分析比较微创技术(内窥镜、腕部小切口)与传统切开方法治疗腕管综合征的术后疗效。方法对60例(72侧)腕管综合征的患者,采用内窥镜、腕部小切口及传统切开方法进行治疗。采用Kelly评价、两点分辨觉的改善、手术时间及并发症的发生情况,对3组术式的疗效进行分析比较。结果术后随访时间平均为12个月,3种手术方法术后疗效的优良率基本相同,差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05),但内窥镜和小切口组在手术时间、住院天数、瘢痕痛方面均明显少于传统切开组,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。结论微创手术在手掌部残留的瘢痕小、手术耗时短,与传统腕管切开减压术疗效等同。  相似文献   

目的 报道使用一种新型光刀结合掌侧小切口微创腕管切开松解减压术的方法及其疗效. 方法 2008年6月至2009年7月,对34例(39侧)腕管综合征,采用新型光刀结合掌侧小切口技术行微创腕管切开松解减压术,其中16例左手(41%),23例右手(59%).术后随访通过美国密歇根州手功能评价问卷调查(MHQ)评估手功能,并分别在术后2周、3个月和6个月时进行包括握力、捏力和手的灵巧度在内的定量测量的后续评估. 结果 术后所有患者均能立即正常使用患手.部分患者在术后2周出现轻至中度的瘢痕压痛及切口疼痛,均在术后6个月内完全消失.随访6个月所有病例未出现明显并发症.随访期间,通过MHQ量表对患者的调查显示,在疼痛缓解、患者满意度、手功能、日常活动以及工作绩效等方面都有了显著的改善.此外,手术后6个月观察到患者的握力和捏力有显著改善. 结论 使用新型光刀掌侧小切口微创腕管切开松解术取得了良好的术后功能和患者满意度.同时手术时间短、简单、经济、有效,治疗不需要进行神经外膜松解的轻中度腕管综合征患者.  相似文献   

腕部小横切口治疗腕管综合征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的设计及应用小横切口作腕管松解术,并分析其治疗腕管综合征的疗效。方法在掌长肌腱尺侧,远侧腕横纹作2 cm长的横切口,显露腕横韧带近缘及指屈肌腱,切除水肿的屈肌腱滑膜,在直视下将腕横韧带部分切除。结果术后随访2周,32例的症状完全消失,拇、示、中3指指腹两点辨别觉恢复正常。术后1 a随访,19例术前大鱼际肌萎缩者,肌萎缩明显改善,拇指对掌功能恢复正常。无1例产生腕掌部瘢痕痛及尺神经、掌浅弓损伤等并发症。结论腕部小切口直视下行腕管松解术,是一种有效的新方法。  相似文献   

内窥镜下治疗腕管综合征89例报告   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的 :探讨应用内窥镜技术治疗腕管综合征 (ECTR) ,从腕管内切断腕管横韧带 ,解除其对正中神经压迫的手术方法及技巧。并对其术后疗效进行分析 ,介绍内窥镜下治疗腕管综合征的经验与疗效。方法 :局部麻醉 ,皮肤 1cm切口 ,在内窥镜下切断腕管横韧带。松解受压的正中神经。据Kelly疗效评定标准 ,对其术后疗效进行分析评价。结果 :临床应用 165例 192腕 ,手术时间平均 10min ,出血少 ,术后随访 89例 98腕 ,优 73腕 ;良 2 0腕 ;一般 3例 ;差 2例 ,其中 2例发生术后正中神经粘连 ,行 2次手术。结论 :内窥镜技术治疗腕管综合征 (ECTR)皮肤切口小 ,组织创伤轻 ,手术时间短 ,术后不需石膏外固定 ,不残留手术瘢痕。注意手术适应证 ,是一种安全有效的微创手术方法。  相似文献   

掌部小切口治疗腕管综合征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的介绍应用新型掌部小切口行腕管松解术。方法对确诊为腕管综合征的68例(89侧)患者采用新型掌部小切口行腕管松解术,该切口为纵行、位于鱼际纹尺侧2~3mm、长约2.0~2.5cm,近端不超过远侧腕横纹。结果经术后6个月随访,所有患者症状均消失,拇短展肌肌力、握力、捏力、皮肤感觉功能均明显改善,术前术后差异在统计学极具显著意义(P<0.001)。本组无任何神经血管并发症,无1例出现腕掌部瘢痕疼痛。结论本切口具有安全、损伤小、直视下松解腕管并同时可行正中神经内松解和尺管松解、手术瘢痕小等诸多优点,是腕管松解术的一种新型、可靠的手术入路。  相似文献   

目的 观察腕掌侧远端横纹小切口松解治疗腕管综合征的疗效,总结临床治疗体会。方法 回顾性分析自2020-01—2022-10采用腕掌侧远端横纹小切口切开松解治疗的33例(41侧)腕管综合征,切口位于腕掌侧远端横纹处,于掌长肌腱尺侧作一长约1.5 cm横形切口。如果出现难以直视、操作困难情况则可采用L形延长切口,位于第3指蹼与掌长肌腱尺侧缘连线上,在横形切口桡侧端向上延伸一长约1 cm的纵形切口。结果 33例手术均顺利完成,其中3侧需采用L形切口,术后未出现感染、血肿。33例均获得随访,随访时间为8~20个月,平均15个月。术后第1天所有患者手掌部麻木、感觉异常症状均有不同程度缓解。术后第14天34侧手掌部麻木感完全消失,7侧手掌部仍有麻木感。末次随访时5侧手掌部偶有轻微麻木感,2侧手掌部遗留麻木但较术前减轻。末次随访时大鱼际肌肉萎缩的13侧完全恢复,对掌功能、捏力、握力恢复正常;大鱼际肌肉萎缩的3侧部分恢复,对掌功能恢复正常,捏力、握力较术前明显改善。所有患者术后均未出现瘢痕痛、掌浅弓损伤,未出现正中神经掌皮支、返支损伤。末次随访时采用腕管综合征功能评定标准:优31侧,良8侧,可2侧。结...  相似文献   

目的对腕管综合征(carpal tunnel syndrome,CTS)的治疗研究现状作一综述。方法查阅近年来国内外CTS治疗的相关文献,进行分析总结。结果腕夹板、类固醇适用于轻、中度CTS患者,近期效果显著;治疗后复发的CTS患者需采取手术治疗。主要术式为腕管松解术,包括腕管切开松解减压术(传统型和小切口型)、内镜下腕管松解减压术等。结论 CTS的最佳治疗方法尚无定论,部分学者推荐首选手术治疗。  相似文献   

小切口治疗腕管综合征14例报告   总被引:29,自引:5,他引:24  
Objective To introduce the technique of carpal tunnel release by small incision,and evaluate its outcome in the treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome.Methods This method was applied in the operations of 14 cases of carpal tunnel syndrome.An incision 1.5 cm in length was made at the level of the proximal transverse wrist crease ulnar to the palmaris longus tendon.The proximal margin of the transverse carpal ligament was visualized and the ligament was cut subcutaneously under direct vision.The flexor digitorum tendons were retracted and the edematous synovium excised.Results Follow - up of the patients 2 weeks postoperatively showed that the symptoms of numbess and pain disappeared in all 14 cases.Normal 2 - PD in the pulp of the thumb,index finger and long finger was 4 mm.One year after the operation,muscle atrophy in 5 patients who sustained preoperative thenar muscle atrophy was greatly improved with recovery of normal opponens function of the thumb.No pillar pain and injury of the ulnar nerve and superficial palmar arch was found.Conclusion Carpal tunnel release under direct vision through a small incision is a new and effective surgical procedure.  相似文献   

We have performed a prospective randomized controlled trial to compare the results of open carpal tunnel release with those of carpal tunnel release using a Knifelight (Stryker, Kalamazoo, MI). This is a new knife with its own battery-powered light source which enables the operation to be performed through a small incision in the palm of the hand. There were 43 patients in the open operation group and 39 in the Knifelight group. We found no difference in discomfort reported during surgery, in the operative time, in the grip strength measured at 2 and 6 weeks post-operatively or in the proportion of patients cured of their pre-operative symptoms. Patients in the Knifelight group had a statistically significant improvement in the time to return to work and in scar tenderness at 6 weeks post-operatively.  相似文献   

Digital flexor tendon excursion due to isolated wrist motion was measured in 5 cadaver wrists. Five sequential experimental conditions were tested: (1) intact wrists, (2) after single-incision endoscopic carpal tunnel release, (3) after addition of a distal endoscopic portal, (4) after conversion to an open palm incision, and (5) after suturing of the palm incision. Combined tendon excursion increased 27.8% after 1-incision and 29.7% after 2-incision endoscopic release; both increases were significant. A further increase in combined excursion to 43.4% over the value in intact wrists was measured after conversion to an open palm incision. Combined flexor tendon excursion after open release was significantly greater than excursion after either type of endoscopic release. Increases in excursion were also significant when flexor digitorum superficialis and flexor digitorum profundus tendons were considered separately. Excursion did not change significantly after skin suturing. These findings suggest that digital flexor tendon mechanics are closer to normal after endoscopic carpal tunnel release than after open release. It remains to be shown whether the difference is an advantage of endoscopic release over open release in the clinical setting. (J Hand Surg 2000; 25A:112-119.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: A common surgical treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome is open carpal tunnel decompression. This involves skin incision followed by sharp dissection straight down through fat and palmar fascia to the transverse carpal ligament, which is then divided. The incidence of scar discomfort ranges from 19% to 61%, and its cause is not fully understood. We conducted a prospective randomized controlled trial to investigate whether preservation of superficial nerve branches crossing the incision site reduces the incidence and severity of postoperative scar pain after open carpal tunnel release. METHODS: Forty-two patients with bilateral idiopathic carpal tunnel syndrome (84 hands) were included in the study. The patients were randomized to determine which hand was to have carpal tunnel decompression using a technique that would try to preserve the superficial nerve branches. The other hand had open carpal tunnel decompression without any attempt to preserve the superficial nerve branches. An assessment of each hand in each patient was performed immediately before surgery and at 6 weeks, 3 months, and 6 months after surgery. This assessment was performed with a questionnaire based on the Patient Evaluation Measure. RESULTS: We found no evidence of a difference in scar pain between the 2 methods at 6 weeks, 3 months, and 6 months. There was a significant difference in the length of surgery between the 2 groups. CONCLUSIONS: Scar pain scores in this series of open carpal tunnel decompressions were similar, whether or not an attempt was made to identify and preserve superficial nerve branches crossing the wound.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether there is an association between hand and wrist configurations and the occurrence of carpal tunnel syndrome. The external hand and wrist dimensions of 50 subjects with carpal tunnel syndrome and 50 healthy volunteers were measured and compared. In addition carpal tunnel depth and width were determined with ultrasound. Our results showed that the hand length was significantly higher in the control group (hand length, 19.0; SD, 1.0 cm: patients' hand length, 18.2; SD, 1.1cm) and the palm width was significantly greater in the patients' group (palm width, 9.1; SD, 0.7 cm: controls palm width, 8.6; SD, 0.6 cm). Carpal tunnel syndrome patients had a squarer wrist (wrist ratio, 0.72; SD, 0.1) and carpal tunnel (carpal tunnel ratio, 0.48; SD, 0.1) than the controls (wrist ratio, 0.68; SD, 0.1; carpal tunnel ratio, 0.42; SD, 0.1). These findings indicate that the anatomy of the hand, wrist and carpal tunnel may predispose to carpal tunnel syndrome.  相似文献   

We present a series of 31 patients treated for complications following open carpal tunnel syndrome surgery over a time period of 10 years. The most frequent complications encountered were major nerve lacerations at the wrist and thenar followed by persistent and recurrent symptoms, neuroma formation and wound infection. All patients had primary treatment by a different approach, by different spectrum of training surgeons; in only one patient, the initial operating surgeon was an orthopedic surgeon in hand fellowship training. In ten patients, the typical approach to the carpal tunnel has been used at the initial operation; an excessive ulnar-directed incision and a long proximal- and radial-directed incision have been observed in ten and eight patients, respectively; a mini-open incision and an incision that crossed the wrist perpendicular to the flexion creases have been observed in one and two patients, each. Most complications of open carpal tunnel surgery can be prevented by specialized training in hand surgery of the operative surgeon and proper operative technique, including a properly placed incision and exposure under magnification and direct vision.  相似文献   

内窥镜Chow法治疗腕管综合征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨内窥镜镜视下Chow法行钩刀或推刀切断腕横韧带,解除正中神经压迫的手术方法和疗效。方法2004年5月-2009年8月,对76例(85侧)腕管综合征患者采用Chow法在内窥镜镜视下行腕横韧带切开术。结果经2~18月随访,伤口均一期愈合,无血管神经损伤,无手掌部疼痛,无伤口感染,多数患者术后夜麻即消失,术后4周桡侧三个半指感觉恢复正常,麻木、疼痛症状明显缓解,10周左右拇对掌功能恢复。Kelly分级评定:优(症状完全消失)58侧,良(明显缓解)21侧,一般(症状轻度减轻)5侧,差(症状不变或加重)1侧,优良率92.94%。结论Chow法内窥镜镜视下切开腕横韧带治疗腕管综合征是安全有效的微创手术。  相似文献   

目的 探讨腕管综合征常规手术后柱状痛的原因.方法 2006年12月至2008年10月,对27例(30侧)腕管综合征的患者,采用常规腕管切开正中神经松解术进行治疗,术后随访测量柱状痛的面积及发生柱状痛患腕的功能.结果 术后随访10~30个月,11侧出现手术切口周围柱状感觉麻木区,8侧出现切口周围单侧或双侧柱状痛.结论 在出现柱状痛或柱状感觉麻木的患者中,柱状痛的面积和切口长度呈正相关;有无柱状痛不是评价腕管切开减压术(OCTR)疗效的标准;切口的类型与柱状痛的发生无相关.  相似文献   

Based on review of the literature, a comprehensive information on the methods and outcomes of the treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome is provided. Conservative treatment of the syndrome includes immobilization of the wrist, physiotherapy, drug therapy and steroid injections into carpal tunnel. Effectiveness of the conservative measures is acceptable in short perspective, but not in long term follow-up. The most common treatment in the carpal tunnel syndrome is surgery, which consists in division of the transverse carpal ligament. The advantages and drawbacks of various operative techniques are presented including classical open, endoscopic and limited open techniques with general conclusion that only operative carpal tunnel release warrants permanent recovery. A chronology and sequence of the withdrawal of symptoms of the disease was described: nocturnal pain disappears usually within first week after decompression, sensation improves within 3 months, and grip strength, after immediate post-operative deterioration, improves gradually even up to 2 years after operation. It was outlined that some patients may complain of pain and discomfort relating to the post-operative scar in the wrist, and that may be secondary morbidity, complications and recurrence after surgery. It was concluded that method of operative technique has not significant effect on long-term outcome, but in short perspective mini-invasive measures are favoured by the patients.  相似文献   

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