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Effect of Medicaid payment levels on access to obstetrical care.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Across the nation, the number of providers serving pregnant Medicaid clients has dropped precipitously. In an effort to retain providers, in 1986 the Maryland Medicaid program tripled reimbursement fees for deliveries. This raised Medicaid payments for perinatal care to levels roughly comparable to those paid by private insurers. Providers' participation can be measured using two criteria: the total number of participating providers in a given country and the number of deliveries performed by targeted providers. The fee increase was associated with an overall stabilization in the number of providers performing deliveries. Providers performed slightly more deliveries after the fee increase, relative to predictions derived from statistical models. One-quarter of all providers increased their participation on a scale commensurate with the fee increase.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the nursing care models that value the woman in childbirth process. Authors described the humanized care provided to the parturient by obstetric nurses in the "Midwifery Project" developed at a University Maternity Hospital. They emphasized that the practice of these models enable the nurse's active participation in the childbirth process, resulting in the satisfaction of the parturient and of the professional.  相似文献   

Liability issues have caused large numbers of obstetrical providers, particularly family and general practitioners, to discontinue offering perinatal care in rural areas. Losses of even small numbers of rural obstetrical providers can severely limit access to care for large geographic areas. A lack of access to local obstetrical care can result in less than adequate prenatal care and in potential delays in the diagnosis and care of acute perinatal complications. Women who live in these underserved rural communities suffer increased adverse birth outcomes, leading to significantly higher medical costs. Proposed solutions to the problem include risk management programs associated with reduced liability premiums; increased Medicaid reimbursement for obstetrical care; health department subsidies to offset insurance premiums for rural obstetrical care; and programs in predoctoral and residency training designed to identify, assess and address the health care needs of rural areas. Although some measure of success has resulted from these efforts, more systematic and comprehensive policy changes are needed to meet the challenge of this crisis.  相似文献   

Increases in the rate of births via cesarean section and induced labor have led to challenging scheduling and capacity planning problems for hospital inpatient obstetrical units. We present occupancy and patient scheduling models to help address these challenges. These patient flow models can be used to explore the relationship between procedure scheduling practices and the resulting occupancy on inpatient obstetrical units such as labor and delivery and postpartum. The models capture numerous important characteristics of inpatient obstetrical patient flow such as time of day and day of week dependent arrivals and length of stay, multiple patient types and clinical interventions, and multiple patient care units with inter-unit patient transfers. We have used these models in several projects at different hospitals involving design of procedure scheduling templates and analysis of inpatient obstetrical capacity. In the development of these models, we made heavy use of open source software tools and have released the entire project as a free and open source model and software toolkit.  相似文献   

As in many other countries, the number of maternity units has diminished substantially in France, raising concerns about the reduced accessibility of obstetric services. We describe here the impact of closures on distance and mean travel time between pregnant women's homes and maternity units. We used data from the 1998 and 2003 French National Perinatal Surveys and from vital registries to measure indicators of accessibility: straight-line distance to the nearest maternity unit, number of units within a 15-km radius and reported travel time to the unit for delivery. We analyzed these measures for all births, births in rural versus urban areas and according to regional rates of maternity closures. From 1998 to 2003, 20% of maternity units closed (reducing the number from 759 to 621) with regional variations in the rate of closure from 0.0% to 36.0%. Mean distance to the nearest maternity unit increased (6.6-7.2 km, p < 0.001). The proportion of women living more than 30 km from a maternity ward was low; but rose from 1.4% to 1.8%. The number of maternity units with a 15-km radius of the place of residence fell (median, 3 to 2). Differences were more marked in rural areas and in regions highly affected by closures. However, reported travel time did not increase and even declined slightly for women from urban areas and in regions moderately affected by the closures. As such, the closures do not appear to have had a negative impact on the geographic accessibility of maternity units. Pregnant women were faced with a reduction in the number of maternity units near their homes and our results suggest that they more often chose their maternity units based on proximity. A full assessment of the impact of closures on accessibility to obstetric services would require information on how these changes affected available choices for care during pregnancy and delivery.  相似文献   

Up to 70% of all medical decisions are based on lab results. From the beginning, initiative leaders looked at process, not individuals. By analyzing work flow, a number of potential sources for errors were uncovered.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To assess whether assistance with and/or advice on the UK Universities & Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) application process by undergraduate medical and dental students increases the offer rate to applicants from educational institutions situated in areas of socio-economic deprivation for medical and dental courses. METHODS: A sample of 42 students making 172 applications in 2001 and another sample of 40 students making 158 applications in 2002 from 4 further education and sixth form colleges across East London were entered into the study. Applicants were either offered advice and assistance with writing their personal statement and extra curricular activities, such as work experience (group A) or advice only on the importance of the personal statement and extra curricular activities (group B). Applicants were also assisted with or advised to submit their applications early. All applicants were offered mock interviews. Main outcome measures The number of offers made to applicants by medical and dental schools and the dates of offered interviews. RESULTS: The total offer rate rose from 9% (preceding 4 years) to 38% (CI 25-51%, P < 0.05) in 2001 and 44% (CI 27-61%, P < 0.05) in 2002, confirming a rising trend in offers to applicants in group A. Applicants who were only advised on the importance of the personal statement and extra curricular activities (group B) showed smaller increases, ranging from 10% to 29% for 2001 and from 28% to 37% for 2002. The dates for the offered interviews were earlier in group A than group B. CONCLUSIONS: Undergraduate students can help applicants to medical and dental schools from socio-economically deprived areas submit earlier, improved UCAS applications and provide interview practice, all of which are associated with a higher offer rate. Applicants benefit from advice on activities such as work experience, community work and personal interests, but assistance in organising such activities increases the offer rate more. The study was conducted during a period of time when there was an increase in the number of medical school places available. Therefore, more research is needed to confirm that such assistance can increase applicants' offer rates elsewhere, particularly applications from students who traditionally would not apply for medicine or dentistry.  相似文献   

This paper outlines the practical steps involved in setting up and running multi-professional, in-depth case reviews of 'near miss' obstetrical complications. It draws on lessons learned in 12 referral hospitals in Benin, C?te d'Ivoire, Ghana and Morocco. A range of feasibility indicators are presented which measured the implementation and frequency of audit activities, the quality of participation, adherence to the planned protocol for the near-miss audits, the quality of audit discussions and the sustainability of the project. Although the principles of the audit approach were well accepted and implemented everywhere, near-miss audits appeared most successful in first referral level hospitals. Contextual factors that determine the successful implementation of near-miss audit include staff finding adequate time for audit activities, financial incentives to groups rather than individuals, involvement of senior staff and hospital managers, the ease of communication in smaller units, the employment of social workers for the incorporation of women's views at audits, and the strength of external support provided by the research team. The poor quality of information recorded in case notes was recognized everywhere as a deficiency, but did not present a major obstacle to effective case reviews. Ownership and leadership within the hospital, more easily achieved in the first-level referral hospitals, were probably the most important determinants of successful implementation. Sustainability requires a commitment to audit from policy makers and managers at higher levels of the health system and some devolution of resources for implementing recommendations.  相似文献   

Heart rate as a predictor of mortality: the MATISS project   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
OBJECTIVES: This study sought to verify the independent role of heart rate in the prediction of all-cause, cardiovascular, and noncardiovascular mortality in a low-risk male population. METHODS: In an Italian population-based observational study, heart rate was measured in 2533 men, aged 40 to 69 years, between 1984 and 1993. Data on cardiovascular risk factors were collected according to standardized procedures. Vital status was updated to December 1997. RESULTS: Of 2533 men followed up (representing 24,457 person-years), 393 men died. Age-adjusted death rates for 5 heart rate levels showed increasing trends. The adjusted hazard rate ratios for each heart rate increment were 1.52 (95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.29, 1.78) for all-cause mortality, 1.63 (95% CI = 1.26, 2.10) for cardiovascular mortality, and 1.47 (95% CI = 1.19, 1.80) for noncardiovascular mortality. Relative risks between extreme levels were more than 2-fold for all endpoints considered. CONCLUSIONS: Heart rate is an independent predictor of cardiovascular, noncardiovascular, and total mortality in this Italian middle-aged male population.  相似文献   

98例早产低体重儿母体牙周健康状况的调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的初步了解早产低体重儿母亲在妊娠期间牙周健康状况.为进一步探讨我国早产低体重儿和母体牙周状况的关系打下基础。方法采用问卷调查方法,对98例早产低体重儿母亲进行孕期牙周健康状况预调查.并与103例正常足月儿母亲进行比较。结果早产低体重儿母亲孕期出现牙周病症状的比率高于对照组,差异具有显著性(X^2=27.27,P〈0.005);在有症状的人群中,早产组的治疗率仅占11.11%,与对照组(占24.19%)比较有显著性差异(P〈0.005):其中认为牙周病症状是孕期正常现象及经济条件是所有被调查者最主要的没有就诊的原因。结论早产低体重儿母体牙周健康状况可能较差.从而为进一步探讨我国早产低体重儿和母体牙周状况的关系提供依据;同时,需重视妊娠妇女和育龄妇女牙周的健康问题.尽可能减少妊娠不良结局的发生。  相似文献   

A case of hyalohyphomycosis, caused by Paecilomyces variotii, has been described in a 31-year-old female, who had undergone a cesarean section in her 39th week of pregnancy for a trial of labour. Five days following delivery, she complained of sharp, cramp-like pains, localized to the incisional site. She became febrile (38.2 °C). An ultrasound examination revealed a complex mass and fluid within the pelvis and upper abdomen. The fluid was drained by a needle aspiration and the patient was administered a regimen of antibacterial drugs. Microscopic examination did not reveal any bacteria in a gram stained preparation and cultures were negative as well. However, the fluid demonstrated a few segments of septate, hyaline hyphae, with cultures yielding a pure growth of P. variotii. An exoantigen procedure, currently under development, was helpful in confirming the identity of the patient's fungus. The patient's condition improved following needle aspiration and her recovery was uneventful. It is reiterated that certain infections, attributed to low-grade opportunistic pathogens, such as P. variotii, may be cured by proper surgical drainage.(now at the Microbiology Laboratory, Kasper Medical Laboratories, Calgary, Alberta)(now at the Department of Laboratory Medicine, Prince Rupert Regional Hospital, Prince Rupert, B.C.)Author for correspondence  相似文献   

HEALTH ISSUE: Total fertility rates (TFRs) have decreased worldwide. The Canadian fertility rate has gone from 3.90 per woman in 1960 to 1.49 in 2000. However, not many studies have examined the impact on women's health of reduced fertility rates, delayed fertility and more births to unmarried women. This paper presents information on the relation between family size and specific determinants of health. KEY FINDINGS: The rate of TFR decline varies considerably by geographic location and socio-demographic subgroup. Further, the associations between family size and selected determinants of health are different for women and men. For example a woman with one child is almost four times more likely to be "coupled" than a childless woman, and if she has two children she is significantly more likely to be "coupled" than if she had only one child. However, a man with one or more children is over six times more likely to be "coupled" than his childless counterpart, and this does not vary with family size. DATA GAPS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: There is a paucity of data on the impact of reduced fertility rates on women's health in general and on how women's roles affect their decision to have children. While it would be useful to examine longer-term health outcomes by parity and age of first birth, as well as socio-economic and role-related variables these longitudinal and detailed "role related" data are not available. Given the differing profiles of women and men with children, further health policies research is needed to support vulnerable women with children.  相似文献   

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