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目的 了解江苏省天然温泉场所温泉水中微生物污染现况、分布特征及其影响因素,探讨温泉水微生物污染的控制措施。方法 于2021年调查江苏省4市8家温泉场所基本情况,检测温泉水中6种微生物的污染情况和分布特征,鉴定异养菌的细菌种群,分析理化因素、消毒措施、管理措施对微生物超标的影响。结果 温泉水中菌落总数、异养菌、大肠杆菌、耐热大肠菌群、嗜肺军团菌、铜绿假单胞菌合格率或阳性率分别为86.5%、35.1%、83.8%、13.5%、8.1%、24.3%,异养菌鉴定出6个菌属;室内温泉池中菌落总数高于其它场所(χ2=12.838,P<0.05),总大肠菌群、耐热大肠菌群、军团菌仅在室内温泉池和室外温泉池有超标,异养菌和铜绿假单胞菌在所有水体均超标;水温和池水循环使用对微生物超标均有影响,水温≥40℃时菌落总数、异养菌、总大肠菌群、耐热大肠菌群合格率升高(χ2分别为4.912、4.609、6.098、4.912,P<0.05),循环使用的温泉水菌落总数和嗜肺军团菌合格率降低(χ2分别为5.025、3.909,P<0....  相似文献   

目的了解上海市家用活性炭净水器出水有机物指标合格状况及其影响因素。方法分别于2011年夏季(7月)、秋季(10月)、冬季(12月),对上海市248户使用活性炭净水器的居民家庭净水器的使用情况进行调查,并检测出水水样中耗氧量、总有机碳浓度。结果夏季、秋季和冬季的活性炭净水器出水中耗氧量的不合格率分别为37.5%,33.6%,37.9%;夏季活性炭净水器出水中总有机碳的不合格率为0.8%,秋季和冬季活性炭净水器出水中的总有机碳均合格。多因素分析显示,夏、秋、冬季不同主滤芯出水量与净水器出水耗氧量不合格呈正向关联。各个季节活性炭净水器出水中耗氧量与总有机碳均呈正向关联。结论家用活性炭净水器在使用过程中存在有机物去除率不达标的问题,有一定的健康风险。影响耗氧量合格率的因素主要为主滤芯出水量、市政水水源地,应及时更换活性炭滤芯。  相似文献   

为了解家用净水设备出水细菌污染状况及影响因素,于2015年10月—2016年5月入户调查并采样检测天津52户净水设备用户自来水及净水设备出水的微生物指标并鉴定菌种。结果显示,28.8%的净水设备出水菌落总数超标,1台净水设备出水总大肠菌群超标。2台净水设备出水检出蜡样芽胞杆菌,1台净水设备出水检出金黄色葡萄球菌,其他净水设备出水检出克氏库克菌及人苍白杆菌等条件致病菌。提示家用净水设备出水细菌污染状况应受到重视,应定期更换滤芯,避免细菌污染。  相似文献   

目的在上海地区自来水水质条件下,评估POU水过滤器在临床实际使用中清除军团菌属及其他病原菌的功效。方法在医院移植监护病房的3个水龙头上分别安装POU水过滤器(Aquasafe AQ14F1S,孔径0.2μm,颇尔公司)和前置过滤装置(孔径:1.2μm,以去除自来水中的颗粒状杂质),每2周更换1次,共18周;每3~4 d检测水样,包括打开水龙头立即采集的POU过滤水,打开水龙头冲洗30 s的POU过滤水,未经过滤的自来水,经前置过滤器过滤的自来水;4种样本均用标准培养方法计数异养菌总数、军团菌属、分枝杆菌属、铜绿假单胞菌和丝状真菌的数量,并采用单因素方差分析进行数据统计和分析。结果共采集229份水样,100份未过滤水中19份分离到各种血清型的军团菌属;自来水中军团菌属、分枝杆菌属、铜绿假单胞菌和丝状真菌的平均浓度分别为:1.0×103、4.9×1023、5 CFU/L和26.5 CFU/L;所有经POU过滤的水样中均未发现军团菌属、分枝杆菌属、铜绿假单胞菌和丝状真菌;POU水过滤器对异养菌的清除率>90%,自来水样本与预过滤水样本中细菌浓度差异无统计学意义。结论 POU水过滤器可彻底清除嗜肺军团菌、分枝杆菌属、铜绿假单胞菌和丝状真菌,有利于降低获得性医院感染的潜在危险。  相似文献   

[目的]了解上海市居民家用水质处理器(净水器)的使用情况和认知状况,为指导居民合理使用净水器提供科学依据. [方法]采用多阶段整群抽样方法,选取320户居民进行净水器使用及认知情况的问卷调查,并用x2检验方法对数据进行分析. [结果]居民净水器出水主要用于饮用(占93.8%,300/320),在使用超过2年的净水器中有15.2%(30/197)的居民没有更换过净水器滤芯或滤膜,使用不同类型净水器的居民直接饮用出水的构成比差异无统计学意义(P>0.05); 91.3%(292/320)的居民不知道家中净水器的额定净水量,近10%(29/320)的居民不认为滤芯或滤膜应定期更换,34.4%(110/320)的居民误认为净水器可以除去自来水中的所有污染物. [结论]居民对净水器的使用方法和知识存在误区,有必要加强正确使用净水器的知识普及宣传教育工作,引导正确使用净水器的行为,降低净水器对居民的健康风险.  相似文献   

目的了解居民饮用桶装水卫生状况。方法采用调查问卷及整群抽样方法对居民桶装饮用水细菌和理化指标检测。结果居民对饮水机消毒重视不够,从未消毒占到66.7%;细菌总数超标严重,桶装水细菌总数合格率为42.1%,最高超标15.3倍。净水器净化后的自来水细菌总数合格率为57.7%,最高超标12.9倍;桶装矿泉水弱碱性偏多,耗氧量合格率100%,亚硝酸盐合格率偏低,为80.7%。净水器净化后的自来水主要卫生问题是电导率及亚硝酸盐超标,其电导率均值是桶装矿泉水1.9倍,亚硝酸盐是桶装矿泉水5.3倍,净水器净化后的自来水呈弱碱性偏多,耗氧量合格率76.9%。结论桶装饮用水存在许多卫生质量问题。  相似文献   

净水器通过活性炭吸附、物理纯化、紫外线灭菌等方式对自来水或其它水源进行深度加工后,水中异味、颜色、细菌、有机无机物质统统在净水器中被滤除,可以直接生饮。  相似文献   

Yue Y  Zhang L  Ling B 《卫生研究》2011,40(6):776-778
目的超滤膜在农村窖水实际间歇运行过程中,空气中的细菌会随气流进入膜组件进而滋生,致使滤后出水中细菌超标,本文针对此现象探讨其解决办法。方法设计聚氯乙稀(PVC)合金毛细管式超滤膜与紫外消毒器、消毒剂、单向阀、水封、高水位水箱和直接出水6种不同组合方式,模拟农村供水间歇运行,比较其测试结果。结果紫外、消毒剂、高水位水箱与超滤膜组合方式均能有效解决窖水浑浊度高、微生物超标的问题,出水水质符合国标要求,而超滤膜与单向阀和水封组合以及直接出水方式的结果不够理想,由于细菌在膜组件中不断滋生,甚至有出水中细菌超过原水的现象。结论超滤膜在农村窖水应用过程中,为避免间歇运行所致滤后出水微生物超标现象,建议在设有高位水箱作为集雨水窖的地区可采用消毒剂对超滤膜定期消毒的方式;在设有地下水窖的地区,可采用超滤膜与紫外消毒器联合使用。  相似文献   

目的 调查经净水器净化后水中亚硝酸盐、菌落总数和总大肠菌群与未经净化的水之间的结果差异,以考察净化器对管网自来水的净化效果及家用净水器的卫生状况。 方法 随机选取使用净水器的135户家庭作为研究对象,采集每户家庭经净水器过滤的水和该家庭的自来水,检测亚硝酸盐、菌落总数和总大肠菌群三个指标,对结果进行统计学分析。同时比较不同净水器品牌间结果的差异。 结果 经净水器流出水中亚硝酸盐含量最高为0.821 mg/L,均符合标准限量要求(生活饮用水亚硝酸盐限量标准为1 mg/L),26份水样菌落总数高于标准限值(100 cfu/ml),超标率为19.26%(26/135),其中最大值为46 000 cfu/ml。135份自来水水样的菌落总数和亚硝酸盐测定结果均为合格。自来水经净水器净化后,水中的亚硝酸盐含量和菌落总数超标率均有增高,与自来水测定结果比较差异均有统计学意义(P<0.001);水中亚硝酸盐含量与菌落总数结果之间呈正相关(P<0.001);不同品牌净水机的饮用水中所含亚硝酸盐的含量及菌落总数差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。 结论 宝安区居民使用家用净水器存在一定的卫生安全隐患,民众对净水器的使用维护知识亟须提高,对家用净水器的卫生监管应该加强。  相似文献   

近年来,随着人民生活水平的提高,净水器已越来越多地进入居民家庭生活中。其中以活性炭滤过型最常见。但自来水中细菌是否会在净水器使用过程中繁殖,尚未见报告。本题旨在研究细菌在净水器中过滤和增殖的情况。本实验选用假单胞菌作为研究菌种,并选用上海地区较为普遍使用的净水器,进行了实验室研究、现场模拟试验以及现场调查。1细菌在不同状态农中的存活增况1.1材料和方法1.1.1材料1.1.1.1菌种:上海医科大学卫生微生物室真空保存的假单胞菌(下称加入菌)培养基:营养琼脂由上海试剂供应中心提供1.1.1.3中和剂:…  相似文献   

Studies in Southern Africa have shown that even when microbiologically safe water is supplied to developing communities at communal standpipes, contamination by high numbers of pathogenic microorganisms may occur during the processes of fetching water from the supply source and storage during use at home, rendering such waters unsafe for human consumption. This study investigated the occurrence of biofilm in PVC storage containers as one possible reason for this deterioration, using heterotrophic bacteria and total coliform counts as well as turbidity as indicators. A second objective was to determine whether biofilm in water-storage containers could contribute to hazardous microbiological contamination indicated by Escherichia coli and Clostridium perfringens. Results indicated that increased microbiological contamination is associated with biofilm. The biofilm harbours heterotrophic bacteria, total coliforms and C. perfringens. E. coli could not be associated directly with the levels of biofilm in containers but rather appears to be introduced intermittently from the ambient domestic environment. When dislodged with the biofilm, these bacteria contributed substantially to the deterioration of the microbiological quality of supplied water stored in plastic containers.  相似文献   

目的了解重庆市医院透析室透析用水、透析液的内毒素及细菌污染情况。方法采集该市8家三级甲等医院透析用水及透析液标本,进行细菌培养和菌落计数;用ATi动态试管仪测定反渗水及透析液中内毒素含量。结果 8家医院透析用水细菌培养计数均≤200 CFU/mL,1家医院透析液细菌计数2 000 CFU/mL,培养出的细菌以革兰阴性菌为主;透析用水内毒素均2 EU/mL。结论目前重庆市大部分医院血液透析室的透析用水符合国家标准,但仍有部分医院透析液存在细菌污染。应定期检测透析用水、透析液中的内毒素和进行细菌培养,保障医疗安全。  相似文献   

目的 了解市场销售的净水器对细菌的去除功能,评价不同材质净水器除菌效果。方法 按照国家标准方法检测了7类市售净水器对细菌的去除功能。结果 除单一材质的活性炭类净水器外,其余净水器在额定产水量内除菌效果均符合要求。结论 不同材质的净水器除菌效果不同,单一材质净水器除菌效果较差,且与产水量成反比;多材质综合型净水器的除菌效果最好。  相似文献   

The counts of yeasts and filamentous fungi were investigated in the municipal water supplies of haemodialysis centres, in the treated water and the dialysate from all 85 haemodialysis units in Greece, in order to estimate their occurrence, their correlation with contamination indicator bacteria and other influencing factors. Filamentous fungi and yeasts were isolated from 69 (81.2%) and from three (3.5%) feed water samples, from 74 (87.1%) and seven (8.2%) treated water samples and from 66 (77.7%) and 11 (12.9%) dialysate samples respectively. Aspergillus spp and Penicillium spp were the most frequent moulds, while Candida spp were the prevailing yeasts. The occurrence of yeasts was significantly higher in dialysate than in tap water samples. Counts of filamentous fungi in all 255 samples were significantly correlated with the counts of total heterotrophic bacteria and enterococci, whereas the counts of yeasts were correlated with faecal coliforms, total heterotrophic bacteria, as well as enterococci, Pseudomonas spp and total coliforms, while no correlation was detected with the age of either haemodialysis units, the age of water treatment system, the number of artificial kidney machines or the components of the water purification system. High recovery of fungi from haemodialysis aqueous environments implies a potential risk for haemodialysis patients and indicates the need for continuous maintenance and monitoring.  相似文献   

A comprehensive sampling protocol was employed to evaluate the efficacy of Aqualox, a biocide based on electrochemically activated water, against legionellae and heterotrophic bacteria in two industrial cooling tower systems. Both of the towers in the study remained free from evidence of Legionella spp. contamination throughout a five-month evaluation period, despite the previously demonstrated presence of legionellae in one of the test towers, and in two other towers on the same site, at levels well in excess of UK Health and Safety Commission (HSC) Approved Code of Practice and Guidance (ACOP) upper action limits. Levels of heterotrophic bacteria were controlled below 10(4) cfu/mL in both towers throughout most of the trial. Results also provided indirect evidence of significant activity against biofilm bacteria, with biofilm removal beginning almost immediately after commissioning of the Aqualox treatment systems. The results were particularly encouraging as the two towers studied had a long history of poor microbiological control using conventional bromine-based biocide products. Significant differences were observed between laboratory measurements of total viable counts on frequent liquid samples and those obtained from dip slides following HSC recommendations.  相似文献   

杭州市医院自制医疗用水细菌污染的监测与分析   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
目的 对我市各级医院医疗用水细菌污染状况开展监测。方法 对临床一线待用各类医疗用水进行现场采样,倾注培养,计数细菌菌落总数与污染程度分类。结果 1999—2002年的监测显示,细菌超标的医院平均为39.3%,超标样品平均达55.4%。结论 医疗用水细菌污染严重,应引起各有关部门的高度重视,建议制定医疗用水制备规范与卫生标准。  相似文献   

[目的]对市售54批次蜂蜜中的微生物污染情况进行调查分析.[方法]依据食品安全国家标准对蜂蜜中菌落总数、霉菌计数和嗜渗酵母计数进行检测和判定,通过形态学、基质辅助激光解吸电离飞行时间质谱、大亚基单元核糖体RNA基因序列对不合格样品中的细菌和真菌进行鉴定和分析.[结果]共3批次蜂蜜微生物超标,其中菌落总数超标1批次,检出...  相似文献   

The prevalence and diversity of Salmonella spp., filamentous fungi, and yeasts and their correlation with fecal pollution indicators (total coliforms, fecal coliforms, enterococci) and total heterotrophic bacteria counts were investigated in 95 water samples from the northern Greek rivers Aliakmon and Axios. Salmonella spp. were isolated in 27.4% of the samples and a total of 19 serotypes were identified. The frequency of Salmonella isolation was higher in the Axios (36.8%) than in the Aliakmon (21.0%) river. Significantly (P<0.001) more Salmonella spp. were recovered during warm (41.4%) than cold (5.4%) months. Salmonella-positive samples showed significantly higher counts of total heterotrophic bacteria and coliforms. Filamentous fungi were isolated from 98.9% and yeasts from 17.9% of the samples with respective mean counts of 2.36 x 10(3) and 1.28 x 10(2)cfu/100mL. Totals of 23 genera of filamentous fungi and 3 genera of yeasts were identified. The most frequent filamentous fungi were Penicillium and Aspergillus, while Candida was the most prevalent yeast. A significant (P<0.001) positive correlation of the fecal pollution indicators was demonstrated only for filamentous fungi. The results of this study indicate that these rivers may be potential pathways for human and other animal contamination with Salmonella spp., filamentous fungi, and yeasts, which contribute to the pollution of marine waters and the surrounding environment.  相似文献   

The consumption of bottled and plastic-bagged drinking water in Tanzania has increased largely because of the deteriorating quality of tap water. It is uncertain whether these water products are safe for drinking. In this study, the microbiological quality of bottled and plastic-bagged drinking water sold in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, was investigated. One hundred and thirty samples representing 13 brands of bottled water collected from shops, supermarkets and street vendors were analysed for total coliform and faecal coliform organisms as well as heterotrophic bacteria. These were compared with 61 samples of tap water. Heterotrophic bacteria were detected in 92% of the bottled water samples analysed. Total and faecal coliform bacteria were present in 4.6% and 3.6%, respectively, of samples analysed with a tendency for higher contamination rates in plastic-bagged drinking water. Microbiological quality of tap water was found to be worse compared with bottled water, with 49.2% and 26.2% of sampling points showing the presence of total coliform and faecal coliform organisms, respectively. The results suggest caution and vigilance to avert outbreaks of waterborne diseases from these types of drinking water.  相似文献   

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