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目的 评价超声支气管镜引导下经支气管针吸活检术(EBUS-TBNA)对纵隔和肺门淋巴结肿大或支气管腔外肿物的诊断价值和安全性.方法 回顾性分析2011年5月~2013年7月于我院行EBUS-TBNA检查的136例患者临床资料.结果 共穿刺纵隔或肺门淋巴结185例次,腔外肿物44例次.病理学检查诊断为恶性肿瘤81例(64.3%),良性疾病22例(17.5%),可疑恶性疾病9例(7.1%),病理结果无诊断意义14例(11.1%),穿刺失败10例(7.3%).恶性肿瘤中小细胞肺癌36例(44.4%),非小细胞肺癌32例(39.5%),恶性淋巴瘤1例(1.2%),转移癌4例(4.9%),无法分型者8例(9.9%).良性疾病中肉芽肿性疾病16例(72.7%),普通炎症2例(9.1%),经抗酸染色直接明确诊断结核4例(18.2%),肉芽肿性疾病中诊断结核3例(18.8%),结节病11例(68.8%),曲霉菌感染2例(12.5%).EBUS-TBNA诊断恶性疾病的敏感度为90.0%,特异度为100%;诊断良性疾病的敏感度为37.5%,特异度为100%.所有患者术中术后均未发生严重并发症.结论 EBUS-TBNA对不明原因纵隔-肺门淋巴结肿大或气管/支气管腔外病变的诊断具有重要价值. 相似文献
目的 评价超声支气管镜引导下的经支气管针吸活检(EBUS-TBNA)对纵隔和肺门淋巴结肿大和肺内肿块的诊断价值和安全性.方法 对2009年7月至2010年1月上海市肺科医院胸部CT检查显示胸腔内肿物和(或)纵隔-肺门淋巴结肿大的门诊或住院患者行EBUS-TBNA,观察诊治效果.结果 入选患者70例,男47例,女23例,年龄22~84岁,平均55.7岁.其中门诊患者25例,住院患者45例.穿刺肺门淋巴结120组,肺内肿块11例次.70例患者中,在没有采用现场细胞学诊断的条件下,46例初诊肺癌患者通过EBUS-TBNA明确诊断44例,假阴性2例,诊断肺癌的敏感度为96%,特异度为100%,阳性预测值为100%,阴性预测值为92%,准确率为97%;10例临床诊断为结节病的患者中,5例镜下可见上皮细胞形成的非干酪样肉芽肿改变;4例结核患者中,1例淋巴结涂片中找到抗酸杆菌,淋巴结活枪病理示凝固性坏死.所有患者手术期间未发生并发症.结论 EBUS-TBNA是诊断肺癌和其他不明因纵隔-肺门淋巴结肿大的一种安全、有效的方法. 相似文献
目的 探讨内镜超声引导下细针穿刺活检(EUS-FNA)在上消化道壁外占位性病变(胰腺、纵隔、腹膜后占位)诊断中的应用价值.方法 回顾性总结行EUS-FNA检查的33例胰腺占位、25例纵隔占位和13例腹膜后占位患者的临床资料,以手术病理或6个月临床随访结果作为最终诊断,统计EUS-FNA对不同分类上消化道壁外恶性占位诊断的敏感度、特异度、阳性预测值、阴性预测值和准确率.结果 EUS-FNA诊断上消化道壁外恶性占位的总体敏感度、特异度、阳性预测值、阴性预测值、准确率分别为82.2%(37/45)、100.0%(26/26)、100.0%(37/37)、76.5%(26/34)、88.7%(63/71),且分别诊断胰腺、纵隔、腹膜后恶性占位的敏感度、特异度、阳性预测值、阴性预测值、准确率均较高.病灶直径>3 cm恶性占位EUS-FNA诊断的敏感度、特异度、阳性预测值、阴性预测值及准确率分别为81.0%(17/21)、100.0%(13/13)、100.0%(17/17)、76.5%(13/17)、88.2%(30/34),病灶直径≤3 cm恶性占位的诊断敏感度、特异度、阳性预测值、阴性预测值及准确率分别为83.3%(20/24)、100.0%(13/13)、100.0% (20/20)、76.5% (13/17)、89.2%(33/37),两者比较差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05).71例患者均未出现出血、穿孔、胰腺炎、胰瘘及感染、胸痛、气胸等并发症.结论 EUS-FNA是一种安全、准确、有效地诊断上消化道壁外占位性病变的方法,且诊断准确率不受病灶大小的影响. 相似文献
目的评价经支气管镜腔内超声(endobronchial ultrasonography,EBUS)非实时引导下行肺活检对菌阴肺结核的诊断价值和安全性。方法对2014年12月至2016年12月在福州肺科医院就诊、且行常规电子支气管镜检查未能发现病变的46例菌阴肺结核患者,行EBUS非实时引导下的肺活检,观察诊断阳性率、不同部位肺部病灶发现率及安全性。结果通过EBUS非实时引导下经支气管镜肺活检,46例菌阴肺结核患者中,40例肺部周边发现病变,病变总体发现率为86.96%(40/46)。40例通过EBUS技术发现病灶的患者中,32例经支气管镜肺活检明确诊断,诊断阳性率为80.00%(32/40);6例通过EBUS技术未发现病灶的患者,再次行常规支气管镜肺活检,常规支气管镜肺活检诊断阳性者3例(3/6);其余的11例患者,7例通过CT引导下肺穿刺病理检查明确诊断,4例通过胸腔镜手术病理检查明确诊断。40例通过EBUS技术发现病灶的患者中,病灶位于右上叶者诊断阳性11例(11/13),病灶位于右中叶者诊断阳性2例(2/3),病灶位于右下叶者诊断阳性8例(8/10),病灶位于左上叶者诊断阳性7例(7/8),病灶位于左下叶者诊断阳性4例(4/6)。46例患者支气管镜肺活检后的主要并发症为咯血(39.13%,18/46)和胸痛(13.04%,6/46),未出现气胸等并发症;均未进行特殊处理,白行缓解。结论EBUS非实时引导下经支气管镜肺活检诊断率高,并发症少,适用于菌阴肺结核的诊断。 相似文献
目的 探讨内镜超声引导下细针穿刺抽吸术(EUS-FNA)对上消化道及其周围实质性占位病变诊断的准确性及其临床应用价值.方法 对2006年7月-2007年12月间64例因发现上消化道及其周围实质性占位病变而行EUS-FNA患者的临床资料及结果 进行回顾性分析.结果 共62例患者成功进行了EUS-FNA,穿刺成功率96.88%;EUS-FNA总的诊断准确度88.71%(55/62)、灵敏度86.54%、特异度100.00%、阳性预测值100.00%、阴性预测值58.82%;对于病灶直径>3 cm及≤3cm者,两者EUS-FNA诊断准确率及平均穿刺次数差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05);有实时细胞学诊断者其诊断准确率明显高于无实时诊断者(P=0.029),且平均穿刺次数也明显减少(P=0.001);应用5 ml负压者诊断阳性率显著高于应用10 ml负压者(P=0.044).结论 EUS-FNA对上消化道及周围实质性占位病变有着较高的诊断准确度、灵敏度、特异度及阳性预测值,且安全易行,现场实时细胞学诊断及适当的负压将有助于提高诊断的准确性. 相似文献
常规经支气管镜针吸活检与超声引导下经支气管镜针吸活检对纵隔病变诊断的比较 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的 比较常规经支气管镜针吸活检(TBNA)和超声引导下经支气管镜肺活检(EBUS-TBNA)在同等条件下对纵隔病变的诊断的准确率及并发症的发生率等.方法 收集2008年10月至2009年10月广东省顺德第一人民医院呼吸科因胸部CT提示纵隔病变进行活检的患者95例,其中男65例,女30例,年龄13~85岁,平均(56±16)岁.所有患者于局部麻醉下行支气管镜,对172组纵隔病变先进行常规TBNA,后进行EBUS-TBNA,比较两者穿刺活检的阳性率、组织标本获取率及血管损伤率.结果 95例中确诊为恶性病变者71例,其中常规TBNA确诊65例,诊断阳性率为92%;EBUS-TBNA确诊68例,诊断阳性率为96%.172组病灶中,常规TBNA穿刺阳性结果为108组,总阳性率为63%(108/172),而EBUS-TBNA阳性结果为112组,总阳性率为65%(112/172).常规TBNA和EBUS-TBNA对纵隔良、恶性病变的诊断无明显差异,但EBUS-TBNA获取组织标本的成功率(39/95)高于常规TBNA(22/95).常规TBNA误伤血管7例,略高于EBUS-TBNA(3例).但差异无统计学意义.结论 在熟练掌握操作技术和方法后,两种方法均可获得满意的穿刺结果,操作者可选择性应用两种方法,做到优势互补.Abstract: Objective To compare the diagnostical yields and complication of conventional transbronchial needle aspiration ( TBNA ) and endobronchial ultrasound guided transbronchial needle aspiration ( EBUS-TBNA ) for the mediastium lesions under the same condition. Method Ninty-five patients with mediastinal lesions on chest CT were included. Bronchoscopy was performed under the local anesthesia, TBNA, EBUS-TBNA performed sequentially as a single combined procedure. Results Of the71 patients comfirmed to be malignant, the positive rate of TBNA was 92% ( 65/71 ), and 96% ( 68/71 )by EBUS-TBNA. There was no difference in malignant and benign lesions between conventional TBNA and EBUS-TBNA, but the success rate for obtaining adequate samples was higher by EBUS-TBNA ( 39/95 ) as compared to TBNA( 22/95 ). Accidental injury of the blood vessels occurred in 7 cases by TBNA as compared to 3 cases by EBUS-TBNA, but the difference was not significant. Conclusion Satisfactory diagnostic yields can be obtained by either conventional TBNA or EBUS-TBNA in skilled hands. 相似文献
CT引导下经皮肺穿刺活检诊断肺周围性病变的临床应用价值 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的探讨CT引导下经皮肺穿刺活检诊断肺周围性病变的临床应用价值。方法选取2010年7月—2013年5月我院收治的疑似肺部周围性病变患者52例,均在CT引导下行经皮肺穿刺活检诊断,对患者临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果 46例患者(88%)穿刺成功,6例患者(12%)穿刺失败;明确诊断恶性病变39例,良性病变7例;发生少量气胸5例,肺内出血8例,未见咯血。结论 CT引导下对肺周围性病变进行经皮肺穿刺活检对病变定性诊断有重要意义,是一种相对安全有效、准确性高的诊断方法,值得临床推广。 相似文献
目的探讨彩色多普勒超声(彩超)引导下肝脏穿刺(肝穿)风险的防范及规避方案。方法应用Sequioa512型彩超诊断仪,选用4V1探头,并采用巴德穿刺枪,使用16G和18G活检针。患者取左侧卧位,行彩超引导下肝穿,观察记录术中及术后患者并发症及不良反应情况,并给予相应的处理措施。结果 1次取材成功率为99.09%(3397/3428),2次取材成功率为0.85%(29/3428),失败率为0.06%(2/3428)。其中,61例(1.78%)为肝占位性病变穿刺,3367例(98.22%)为肝弥漫性病变穿刺。结论彩超引导下肝穿术前、术中及术后采取合理的处理方案,能够有效地避免并发症及不良反应的发生。 相似文献
背景:内镜超声引导下细针穿刺活检(EUS—FNA)广泛应用于占位性病变的诊断,但其诊断价值尚未完全明确。目的:评价EUS—FNA对占位性病变的诊断价值。方法:纳入2010年12月~2012年12月于华中科技大学同济医学院附属协和医院就诊的占位性病变患者70例,对占位性病变行EUS—FNA检查,以术后病理诊断作为金标准,评价EUS·FNA的阳性预测值、阴性预测值、敏感性、特异性、准确性以及约登指数。结果:66例患者获得足够细胞或组织学标本,穿刺成功率为94.3%。穿刺成功患者(66例)中,EUS—FNA的阳性预测值、阴性预测值、敏感性、特异性、准确性、约登指数分别为100%、36.4%、88.7%、100%、89.4%和0.887;所有穿刺患者(70例)中,上述数值分别为100%、26.7%、83.3%、100%、84.3%和0.833。所有患者均未发生严重并发症。结论:EUS—FNA对诊断占位性病变安全、有效,具有重要临床价值。 相似文献
BACKGROUND: We assessed the effectiveness of applying the distance from the orifice of the bronchus to visualized peripheral pulmonary lesion (PPL) under endobronchial ultrasonography (EBUS) to transbronchial biopsy (TBB), as an alternative to EBUS with a guide sheath (GS) and fluoroscopy. PATIENTS AND METHODS: From October 2004 to July 2005, a total of 158 consecutive patients with solitary PPLs, which were not visualized under flexible video bronchoscopy, were received EBUS for advanced localization subsequently. One hundred and thirteen of 158 patients with solitary PPLs which were visualized on EBUS image were included in this prospective study and randomly divided into two groups for TBB using different methods. In group EBUS-D (57 patients) the distance from the bronchial orifice to pulmonary lesion was measured, then the biopsy forceps were advanced to this measured distance and biopsy followed. In group EBUS (56 patients) the biopsy forceps were advanced regardless of distance. The diagnostic yields were then compared. RESULTS: TBBs in group EBUS-D patients had a significantly higher diagnostic yield (45/57, 78.9%) than group EBUS patients (32/56, 57.1%) [P=0.013]. Size and location of lesion, duration of EBUS, diagnosis of malignancy, and whether the probe was located within the lesion on EBUS image did not differ between these two groups. Mild bleeding occurred in three patients in group EBUS-D and two in group EBUS. One group EBUS patient had a self-limited pneumothorax. CONCLUSIONS: Measuring and applying the distance between the orifice of bronchus and the lesion could increase the diagnostic yield of EBUS-guided TBBs for PPLs. 相似文献
E Kikuchi K Yamazaki N Sukoh J Kikuchi H Asahina M Imura Y Onodera N Kurimoto I Kinoshita M Nishimura 《The European respiratory journal》2004,24(4):533-537
The usefulness of endobronchial ultrasonography (EBUS) with guide-sheath (GS) as a guide for transbronchial biopsy (TBB) for diagnosing peripheral pulmonary lesions (PPL)s and for improving diagnostic accuracy was evaluated in this study. EBUS-GS-guided TBB was performed in 24 patients with 24 PPLs of < or =30 mm in diameter (average diameter=18.4 mm). A 20-MHz radial-type ultrasound probe, covered with GS was inserted via a working bronchoscope channel and advanced to the PPL in order to produce an EBUS image. The probe with the GS was confirmed to reach the lesion by EBUS imaging and X-ray fluoroscopy. When the lesion was not identified on the EBUS image, the probe was removed and a curette was used to lead the GS to the lesion. After localising the lesion, the probe was removed, and TBB and bronchial brushing were performed via the GS. Nineteen peripheral lesions (79.2%) were visualised by EBUS. All patients whose PPLs were visible on EBUS images subsequently underwent an EBUS-GS-guided diagnostic procedure. A total of 14 lesions (58.3%) were diagnosed. Even when restricted to PPLs <20 mm in diameter, the diagnostic sensitivity was 53%. In conclusion, endobronchial ultrasonography with guide sheath-guided transbronchial biopsy was feasible and effective for diagnosing peripheral pulmonary lesions. 相似文献
Hitomi Nogawa Yuji Matsumoto Midori Tanaka Takaaki Tsuchida 《Journal of thoracic disease》2021,13(11):6304
BackgroundAs lung cancers arising in a background of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) are known to show high malignancy grades, early pathologic diagnosis of peripheral pulmonary lesions (PPLs) is important. Meanwhile, the risk of complications associated with diagnostic procedures is high, which prompted us to investigate the role of bronchoscopy, a relatively safe diagnostic procedure. Therefore, we conducted this study to evaluate the usefulness of bronchoscopy for the diagnosis of PPLs in patients with IPF.MethodsData of consecutive patients with IPF who underwent bronchoscopy under radial endobronchial ultrasound (R-EBUS) guidance for PPLs at our institution between April 2014 and March 2019 were retrospectively reviewed. IPF was defined as usual interstitial pneumonia (UIP) or probable UIP, in accordance with the classification in the latest global guidelines. The diagnostic outcomes and the factors independently related to the diagnostic yield were analyzed.ResultsA total of 92 patients were included in the analysis. The median (range) size of the target PPLs was 27.1 (11.4–75.3) mm, and the diagnostic yield was 82.6%. Multivariable analysis identified a larger size [P=0.017; odds ratio (OR), 5.33; 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.29–22.01], positive bronchus sign (P=0.035; OR, 4.99; 95% CI, 1.12–22.18), and not involved with UIP/probable UIP pattern (P=0.023; OR and 95% CI, unmeasurable) as being associated with a significantly higher diagnostic yield. Meanwhile, none of the patients developed acute exacerbation of IPF or pneumothorax following the diagnostic bronchoscopy.ConclusionsBronchoscopy using R-EBUS was safe and showed an acceptable diagnostic yield for PPLs, even in patients with IPF. 相似文献
血管内超声对小儿高肺血流性肺高压肺血管病理变化的评价 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的 :探讨应用血管内超声 (IVUS)评价小儿高肺血流性肺动脉高压 (PAH)肺血管病理变化的可行性。方法 :对 19例高肺血流性PAH患儿及 6例肺动脉压力正常的对照病例行右心导管及右下肺后段肺动脉IVUS检查。其中 15例PAH行右下肺叶后段肺组织活检。观察各病例IVUS图像的特点。将IVUS参数与部分病例肺活检病理结果进行对照研究。结果 :肺动脉压力正常者 2~ 4mm内径的肺段动脉IVUS表现为单层回声 ,PAH者多数表现为同心性层状回声 ;不同病理改变的患儿IVUS图像有所不同。结论 :IVUS能够反映高肺血流性PAH肺血管的病理变化 ,有望用来准确地评价PAH患者的肺血管病变 相似文献
Takayasu Ito Shotaro Okachi Shingo Iwano Fumie Kinoshita Keiko Wakahara Naozumi Hashimoto Toyofumi Fengshi Chen-Yoshikawa 《Journal of thoracic disease》2022,14(11):4361
BackgroundRadial endobronchial ultrasonography transbronchial biopsy with and without a guide sheath is a useful method for diagnosing peripheral pulmonary lesions (PPLs). However, the diagnostic yield and complications of radial endobronchial ultrasonography transbronchial biopsy for PPLs remains elusive in patients with interstitial lung disease (ILD).MethodsWe retrospectively analysed 431 patients (69 with and 362 without ILD) who underwent radial endobronchial ultrasonography with a guide sheath transbronchial biopsy (EBUS-GS TBB) for PPLs from April 1, 2011, to March 31, 2020. We investigated the diagnostic yield and complications of the procedure for PPLs and compared them between patients with and without ILD. We also evaluated the factors contributing to successful diagnosis.ResultsThe diagnostic yield of radial endobronchial ultrasonography in patients with ILD was significantly lower than in those without ILD (62.3% vs. 75.4%, P=0.024). Multivariate analysis showed that the presence of ILD as background lung [odds ratio (OR) =0.517], probe position within the lesion (OR =4.654), and the presence of solid lesion (OR =1.946) significantly affected the diagnostic yield of PPLs. There was a significant difference in the rate of pneumothorax between the patients with ILD and those without ILD (4.3% vs. 0.6%, P=0.031).ConclusionsThe presence of ILD as the background lung significantly affected the diagnostic yield of PPLs with radial EBUS-GS TBB. Regarding the complications, pneumothorax occurred more frequently in patients with ILD than in those without ILD. 相似文献
Flexible bronchoscopes are being continuously improved, and an ultrathin bronchoscope with a working channel that allows the use of a radial-type endobronchial ultrasound (EBUS) probe is now available. The ultrathin bronchoscope has good maneuverability for passing through the small bronchi and good accessibility to peripheral lung lesions. This utility is particularly enhanced when it is used with other imaging devices, such as EBUS and navigation devices. Multimodality bronchoscopy using an ultrathin bronchoscope leads to enhanced diagnostic yield. 相似文献
气道内超声对周围型肺癌的诊断价值 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的 筛选出周围型肺癌的气道内超声诊断指标和界值,评价其临床诊断价值.方法 对2005年6月1日至2006年6月30日在广东省人民医院呼吸科收治的78例患者气道内超声检查清晰显示的病灶图像进行分析,探讨诊断明确的肺部周围型病灶超声图像内部结构特征并进行鉴别诊断.结果 经二分类多因素logistic回归分析及ROC曲线下面积计算,对9个变量进行回归分析,其中5个变量对判别病灶是否恶性有意义:(1)边界清晰;(2)低回声;(3)病灶内部回声不均匀;(4)病灶内部无点线状高回声;(5)邻近血管移位、狭窄或中断.恶性概率公式:P(患性概率)=1/[1+e-(6.321-3.097X2-1.5371+2.390X3+3,003X4)],X1为边界,X2为病灶内部点线状高同声,X3为病灶邻近血管,X4为病灶内部回声强弱,X5为病灶内部同声分布.根据ROC曲线,多变量logistic回归模型与进入回归方程的单一变量相比可更准确地预测肺周围型病灶的恶性捍度概率,诊断恶性病变的最佳诊断点为P(恶性概率)≥0.52,其诊断恶性病变总体敏感度为87.2%,特异度为80.6%,准确率为85.9%.结论 周围型肺癌的气道内超声图像特征为:(1)边界清晰;(2)病灶呈低回声;(3)病灶内部回声不均匀;(4)病灶内部无点线状高回声;(5)邻近血管移位、狭窄或中断.二分类多变量logistic回归模型与进入回归方程的单一变量(边界、点线状高回声、邻近血管、病灶回声强弱、病灶回声分布)相比可更准确地预测肺周围璎病灶的恶性概率.多变量联合应用预测肺周围型恶性肿瘤的概率,可同时提高其敏感度、特异度及准确性. 相似文献