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应用WHO-NCTB测试及临床记忆量表,对64名接触低浓度多种有机溶剂共存的工人及71名不接触毒物工人进行调查。结果发现长期接触多种有机溶剂可影响人的神经行为功能,表现情绪趋于焦虑、抑郁、疲劳、愤怒、慌乱,同时有记忆力降低。作者认为,多种有机溶剂共存,可加强对接触者神经行为功能的改变程度。  相似文献   

甲苯作业对工人神经行为功能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
对接触甲苯工人(暴露组)和对照组工人采用神经行为核心测试组合(NCTB)进行神经行为测试。结果暴露组在目标追踪、数字译码、数字跨度及视觉记忆测试等方面与对照组相比差异有显著性(P<0.05)。说明接触甲苯对作业工人的神经行为功能可产生一定的影响。  相似文献   

目的 探讨油墨生产操作工人长时间职业性接触多种有机溶剂后 ,对其神经行为功能的影响。方法 采用WHO推荐的神经行为核心测试组合 (NCTB) ,对 69名油墨操作工人和 72名对照者的情绪状态 (POMS)、简单视觉运动反应时、数字广度、圣他·安娜提转敏捷度、数字译码、Benton视觉保留、目标追踪测试Ⅱ等进行测试并对测试结果进行比较分析。结果 油墨车间空气多种有机溶剂浓度中位数均低于国家有关标准 ;除数字广度一项外 ,暴露组大多数测试项得分与对照组相比差异无显著意义 ;有机溶剂暴露时间长短与各测试项目得分无明显关系。结论 同时职业性接触多种低浓度有机溶剂的油墨工人 ,其神经行为功能未见明显影响  相似文献   

目的 探讨甲苯,二甲苯接触对女工神经行为功能的影响。方法 采用世界卫生组织推荐的神经行为核心测试组合(NCTB)对接触甲苯,二甲苯的65名女工和非接触甲苯,二甲苯的53名女工进行了神经行为功能测试,采用个体采样器测定接触工人一个工作班次甲苯,二甲苯的时间加权平均浓度。结果 接触组与对照组在情感测试(POMS)各项,数字跨度,简单反应时(平均反应时,最快和最慢反应时),手提转捷度,目标追踪的错误打点数差异均存在显著性(P<0.05)。结论 职业性甲苯,二甲苯接触对女工的神经行为功能可产生一定的影响。  相似文献   

三氯乙烯作业工人神经行为功能的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的了解三氯乙烯职业接触对作业工人的神经行为功能的影响.方法世界卫生组织(WHO)推荐的神经行为功能测试组合(WHO-NCTB).结果本调查研究了65名三氯乙烯(TTCE)作业工人和115名对照;接触人群车间空气TCE平均浓度为90.8mg/m3,接触工人班后尿二氯乙酸(TCA)平均值为52.1mg/L.肌酐;多因素分析后发现接触组工人NCTB测试项目中数字译码、简单反应时的标准差、非利手提转敏捷度、目标追踪错误数及总数得分显著差于对照组;等级相关分析表明接触组工人班后尿TCA水平与目标追踪正确数、总数呈显著负相关,与情感问卷中困惑一迷茫项、目标追踪错误数呈显著正相关.结论长时间接触较低浓度TCE作业工人早期即可对其神经行为功能产生明显影响,主要表现在短时记忆力、注意力降低,手运动速度下降,手一眼运动协调性和稳定性差,并有一定的消极情感状态改变;接触水平与以上改变呈一定的剂量一反应关系.  相似文献   

有机溶剂对活体皮肤屏障功能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
有机溶剂对活体皮肤屏障功能的影响王旭平任道凤金锡鹏顾平经常接触脂溶性溶剂可引起皮肤脱脂或刺激症状,甚至产生对机体的全身毒作用。由化学物所致的职业性皮肤病占全部职业病的50%(国外约占60%)[1],其中由溶剂所致的约占总例数的20%[2]。由此可见:...  相似文献   

许清莲  田新桥 《卫生研究》1993,22(3):145-148
采用WHO推荐的神经行为核心测验方法,对47名油田地质化验人员作行为功能测验。结果表明,长期接触低浓度有机溶剂可导致人体行为功能改变,表现为注意力/反应速度、听记忆、手部操作敏捷度/眼手协调,感知/运动速度和视感知/记忆功能明显地低于对照组。随接触工龄延长,多项行为功能均呈下降趋势,反映有机溶剂对机体行为功能的影响存在着接触水平-效应关系。血液学检查无明显变化。  相似文献   

通过对接触低浓度有机溶剂(甲醛、苯酚、苯、甲苯、二甲苯)作业工人的行为功能测试。结果表明,接触甲醛、苯酚工人的感知-运动速度、听记忆明显低于对照组;接触混苯工人的手工操作敏捷度低于对照组,差异均有显著性。可见长期接触低浓度有机溶剂可导致神经行为功能改变。  相似文献   

为探讨混苯对人神经行为的影响 ,笔者采用WHO推荐的神经行为测验组合 (NCTB)的方法 ,对接触混苯作业工人进行行为功能测验 ,以定量化测试其行为功能改变。1 对象与方法1 1 对象 :接触组选择从事喷漆作业工人 6 1例 (男4 5 ,女 16 ) ,年龄 2 0~ 4 6岁 ,接触工龄 2~ 30年 ,文化程度均在初中以上。以不接触混苯的铸造车间造型工人 5 0例为对照组 ,其年龄、工龄、文化程度与接触组相似 ,两组受试者体力劳动强度均为Ⅱ级 (按国家GB386 9- 1983进行分级 ) ,近期家庭生活安定 ,工作、学习正常 ,测试前 2 4h内未饮酒 ,也未服镇静药 ,亦无手…  相似文献   

目的探讨空调环境对作业工人神经行为功能的影响。方法运用WHO推荐的神经行为功能测试组合(WHO—NCTB)对深圳市某企业密闭空调环境作业工人86名(观察组)及非空调环境作业工人64名(对照组)进行了神经行为功能测试,同时,测量了两组生产环境的空气质量状况。结果空调生产环境气温、风速低于非空调环境,而CO2、甲醛浓度高于非空调环境,差异均有非常显著性意义(P〈0.01);观察组5项消极情绪状况(紧张-焦虑、忧郁-沮丧、愤怒-敌意、疲劳-惰性、困惑-迷茫)的得分均显著(或非常显著)高于对照组(P〈0.05或P〈0.01),观察组积极情绪状态(有力-好动)的得分显著低于对照组(P〈0.05);观察组的简单反应时平均值非常显著低于对照组(P〈0.01),数字译码得分显著低于对照组(P〈0.05),而错误打点数明显高于对照组(P〈0.01)。结论空调环境可对作业工人神经行为功能产生一定的影响,有必要对空调环境采取干预措施,以促进空调环境作业工人的身体健康。  相似文献   

铅接触对工人神经行为功能的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
目的评价铅接触对工人精神及神经行为功能的改变及其接触水平-效应关系.方法采用 SCL-90症状自评量表和计算机化神经行为评价系统(NES-C)对65名铅接触工人和65名对照工人进行精神及神经行为功能状况调查,同时测定铅接触工人血铅、尿铅浓度.结果 SCL-90症状自评量表结果显示,铅作业工人阳性项目数平均57.2,对照工人为15.0,两者差异有非常显著意义(P<0.001);神经行为功能测试结果显示,与对照组相比,信息感知、记忆能力差异有非常显著意义(P<0.001);尿铅浓度与躯体化、强迫、焦虑和偏执因子分间存在正相关.结论职业性铅接触可影响工人的精神和神经行为功能,尿铅浓度与心理卫生状态存在一定接触水平-效应关系.  相似文献   

接触甲苯、二甲苯人群计算机神经行为测试结果分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的 ] 通过使用计算机神经行为测试系统项目的测试 ,探讨甲苯、二甲苯对职业工人神经行为功能的影响。  [方法 ] 采用中文版神经行为测试系统中 9个测试项目和 3套不同参数的方案对职业性接触甲苯、二甲苯的 58名工人和对照组 70名工人进行测试。同时对作业环境空气中混苯浓度和作业工人尿中马尿酸水平进行测试。  [结果 ] 作业环境中甲苯浓度 0 .81~ 1 71 .2 2mg/m3,平均 51mg/m3。二甲苯为 4 .57~ 1 60mg/m3,平均 2 0 .4mg/m3。心算、目标追踪、连续识别记忆、视简单反应时和注意力调转项目接触组和对照组差异有显著性。  [结论 ] 甲苯、二甲苯可引起职业接触工人心理运动能力、计算能力、记忆能力和协调能力的改变  相似文献   

Objectives The purpose of the present study was to compare validity of various biomarkers of occupational exposure to toluene (Tol) at low levels. The focus was placed on the comparison of un-metabolized toluene in urine (Tol-U) and peripheral blood (Tol-B) with hippuric acid in urine (HA-U). Methods Surveys were conducted in 16 workplaces on the second half of working weeks, with participation of male solvent workers. Urine and peripheral blood samples were collected at the end of the shifts. After exclusion of cases with dense or diluted urine samples, 473 valid sets of samples were obtained for statistical evaluation. Time-weighted average exposure (for about 8-h) were monitored by diffusive sampling for toluene and other four solvents. Blood samples were subjected to the analyses for Tol-B, whereas urine samples were analyzed for HA-U and Tol-U. Results The solvent exposures were low, i.e., a grand geometric mean (GM) Tol concentration was 1.6 ppm, and the GM for the SUM in the additiveness equation was 0.12. The correlation analyses of the biomarkers in urine and blood with Tol exposure showed that Tol-U and Tol-B were more closely [correlation coefficients (r) being 0.67 and 0.60, respectively] related than HA-U (r = 0.27). Results of receiver operator characteristic analyses were in agreement with the correlation analysis results. Conclusions Taking the non-invasive nature of sampling together, Tol in the end-of-shift spot urine sample appears to be the marker of choice for biological monitoring of occupational exposure to Tol at low levels such as <2 ppm as a geometric mean.  相似文献   

Objectives: Long-term exposure to toluene may result in subtle impairment of cognitive functions. However, it is not clear whether this impairment is due to the presence of the solvent in the body or if it persists after its elimination from blood. The aim of this study is to compare cognitive functions between toluene-exposed workers (at least 48 h after removal from exposure) and non-exposed workers. Methods: Seventy-two workers exposed for at least 5 years to toluene (9 to 467 ppm) completed a questionnaire and psychometric tests. The results were compared with those of 61 non-exposed workers. An alveolar air sample was taken just before the tests to ensure the absence of toluene. Results: Results of the vocabulary test were slightly better in exposed (correct words: 21 ± 0.6) than in non-exposed workers (19 ± 0.8) (P < 0.05). No differences were found for simple reaction time, digit symbol, digit span, continuous tracking test, color word and switching attention test. Conclusions: The results of this study do not support the notion of the persistence of cognitive effects of toluene after elimination of the solvent from blood. Received: 5 June 2000 / Accepted: 9 December 2000  相似文献   

目的采用手工化神经行为功能测试初步探讨低水平机动车尾气暴露对儿童神经行为功能的影响。方法根据环境监测数据和道路机动车流量,在福建省泉州市某区选择机动车尾气污染程度不同的2所小学作为研究现场。以调查学校二、三年级所有学生为研究对象,进行问卷调查和神经行为功能测试,最后选择在当地居住时间≥3年、测试时健康状况良好的861名儿童进行分析。结果2所学校瑞文测试得分基本相同;学校B划消测试得分低于学校A,但是差异无统计学意义(P=0.071);ANOVA显示学校B儿童的数字符号、目标瞄准追踪、符号记入、连接数字测试的得分显著低于学校A(P〈0.001)。在控制其他因素后,位于机动车尾气污染严重地区的学校B儿童的数字符号、目标瞄准追踪、符号记入、连接数字测试的得分比低暴露的学校A的儿童分别低2.9、11.5、5.6和1.6分,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.001)。结论长期低水平机动车尾气暴露对儿童的神经行为功能有不良影响。  相似文献   

目的探讨空调环境对作业工人神经行为功能的影响。方法运用WHO推荐的神经行为功能测试组合(WHO-NCTB)对深圳市某企业密闭空调环境作业工人86名(观察组)及非空调环境作业工人102名(对照组)进行了神经行为功能测试。结果观察组5项消极情绪状况(紧张-焦虑、忧郁-沮丧、愤怒-敌意、疲劳-惰性、困惑-迷茫)的得分均显著(或非常显著)高于对照组(P0.05或P0.01),观察组积极情绪状态(有力-好动)的得分显著低于对照组(P0.05);观察组的简单反应时平均值慢于对照组(P0.01),数字译码得分显著低于对照组(P0.05),而错误打点数明显高于对照组(P0.01),差异均有统计学意义。结论空调环境可对作业工人神经行为功能产生一定的影响,有必要对空调环境采取干预措施,以促进空调环境作业工人的身体健康。  相似文献   

目的探讨接触钒化合物对工人神经行为功能的损害作用及表现特征。方法采用WHO推荐的神经行为测试组合(NCTB)对暴露组和对照组做测试,其中接钒工人193人,对照组273人。结果①暴露组代表消极情感的"紧张-焦虑"、"抑郁-沮丧"、"愤怒-敌意"、"疲劳-惰性"、"困惑-迷茫"得分均高于对照组,代表积极情感的"有力-好动"得分低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P﹤0.05)。②顺背数字、圣地安娜提转敏捷度、数字译码、视觉保留、目标追踪,均是暴露组得分低于对照组(P﹤0.05)。③简单反应时两组间差异无统计学意义(P﹥0.05)。结论钒作业工人神经行为功能测试差于对照组工人,表现在消极情绪增加、积极情绪降低,视觉记忆力下降、运动速度减慢、运动稳定性下降,提示钒接触有可能造成神经行为功能的损害。  相似文献   

Objectives This study was initiated to make comparative evaluation of five proposed urinary markers of occupational exposure to toluene, i.e., benzyl alcohol, benzylmercapturic acid, o-cresol, hippuric acid and un-metabolized toluene. Methods In practice, six plants in Japan were surveyed, and 122 Japanese workers (mostly printers; all men) together with 12 occupationally nonexposed control subjects (to be called controls; all men) agreed to participate in the study. Surveys were conducted in the second half of working weeks. Time-weighted average exposure (about 8 h) to toluene and other solvents were monitored by diffusive sampling. End-of-shift urine samples were collected and analyzed for the five markers by the methods previously described; simultaneous determination of o-cresol was possible by the method originally developed for benzyl alcohol analysis. Results The toluene concentration in the six plants was such that the grand geometric mean (GM) for the 122 cases was 10.4 ppm with the maximum of 121 ppm. Other solvents coexposed included ethyl acetate (26 ppm as GM), methyl ethyl ketone (26 ppm), butyl acetate (1 ppm) and xylenes (1 ppm). By simple regression analysis, hippuric acid correlated most closely with toluene in air (r = 0.85 for non-corrected observed values) followed by un-metabolized toluene (r = 0.83) and o-cresol (r = 0.81). In a plant where toluene in air was low (i.e., 2 ppm as GM), however, un-metabolized toluene and benzylmercapturic acid in urine showed better correlation with air-borne toluene (r = 0.79 and 0.61, respectively) than hippuric acid (r = 0.12) or o-cresol (r = 0.17). Benzyl alcohol tended to increase only when toluene exposure was intense. Correction for creatinine concentration or specific gravity of urine did not improve the correlation in any case. Multiple regression analysis showed that solvents other than toluene did not affect the levels of o-cresol, hippuric acid or un-metabolized toluene. Levels of benzylmercapturic acid and un-metabolized toluene were below the limits of detection [limit of detections (LODs); 0.2 and 2 μg/l, respectively] in the urine from the control subjects. Conclusions In over-all evaluation, hippuric acid, followed by un-metabolized toluene and o-cresol, is the marker of choice for occupational toluene exposure. When toluene exposure level is low (e.g., 2 ppm), un-metabolized toluene and benzylmercapturic acid in urine may be better indicators. Detection of un-metabolized toluene or benzylmercapturic acid in urine at the levels in excess of the LODs may be taken as a positive evidence of toluene exposure, because their levels in urine from the controls are below the LODs. The value of benzyl alcohol as an exposure marker should be limited.  相似文献   

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