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This article examines the development of self-regulation skills in early childhood and the possibilities of children's contemplative practices as a viable tool to facilitate this development. Current research indicates that self-regulation skills in early childhood education make a significant contribution to school readiness, and long-term academic success. This link establishes the need to bridge the gap between scientific research and classroom practice to implement more programmes that facilitate this development in early childhood classrooms. The development of self-regulation skills are discussed and examined specifically in relation to being mindful, achieving focussed attention and increased awareness of social–emotional behaviours. The contemplative practices, an umbrella term for mindfulness and meditational-based practices, are viewed as potential vehicles to facilitate self-regulation skills in the early childhood classrooms. Additional research is recommended to determine whether children exposed to these programmes will demonstrate more appropriate social–emotional behaviours, including enhancing children's self-regulation skills leading to long-term academic success.  相似文献   

One avenue substantially researched and supported in early childhood research is the importance and the cultivation of self-regulation skills in the classroom. Most educational research on self-regulation skills has illustrated the importance between the enhancement of these skills and long-term academic success. Notwithstanding, there is little empirical research in early childhood that links the advancement of self-regulation skills to other contributing educational components, such as the cultivation of children's pro-social skills. This review seeks to establish a link between children's self-regulation and pro-social skills and discusses implications for future research and practice.  相似文献   

This study addresses the relationships between teachers and children (four to six years old) with difficulties in self-regulation from the parent's point of view. Narratives were constructed in 21 interviews with parents of children who have difficulties in self-regulation. The study focused on two questions: (i) What kinds of teacher–child relationships can be identified in the parents’ narratives? and (ii) How is the child positioned in this relational context? The teacher–child relationships found were labelled neutral, problematic and caring. Within these categories, the child was positioned in nine ways ranging from the child as troublesome to the child as unique. The study offers tools for analysing the teacher–child relationship. It helps to understand this relationship from the parental point of view, thereby contributing to the objective of supporting the development and well-being of children in the early childhood education context in cooperation with their parents.  相似文献   

The aims of the studies were to assess the impact of the Little Champs programme for motor development on (1) the gross motor skills, and (2) cognitive function of children in the programme. In study 1, 118 children from one Early Childhood Development Centre (ECDC) were tested using the Test of Gross Motor Development-2, and in study 2, 83 children were tested from six ECDCs using the Herbst Early Childhood Development Criteria test. The results showed that children exposed to eight months of Little Champs had significantly better overall scores for locomotor (p < 0.005) and object control (p < 0.01) skills compared to the control group. There was a statistically significant improvement in the cognitive scores of children who participated regularly in the programme (p < 0.0001). These findings suggest that even limited exposure to a low intensity programme for motor development can positively impact gross motor skills and cognitive function in disadvantaged preschoolers.  相似文献   

This article reviews studies evaluating the effectiveness of two types of early intervention programmes for babies with Down's syndrome (DS). Evaluation of self‐help early intervention programmes was done with two types of training with the parents: in the first the parents learned the training programme from observing the clinician, and in the second the parents were taught self‐help skills through described instructions. A sample of 16 DS babies was used. The analyses of the results established positive changes. Differences were seen in the self‐help skills development of DS babies whose parents were exposed to observed early intervention.  相似文献   

Young children enter kindergarten with varying levels of readiness and abilities to learn. One factor that contributes to lower levels of school readiness is poverty. One timely, cost-effective, and feasible strategy to boost school readiness, regardless of exposure to high-quality preschool is to leverage the summer months prior to kindergarten entry and provide comprehensive, evidence-based programming immediately before the school year begins. The current study implemented a community-based summer programme targeted at improving school readiness for 25 four- and five-year-old children in a low-income community. Across the 9-week study, children participated in two types of early literacy activities and the Incredible Years social/emotional learning curriculum. Results indicate that participants demonstrated significant growth across three early literacy skills and were rated as overall stable regarding their behaviour across the summer. These results are discussed along with implications and future directions in this line of research.  相似文献   

Nurturing experiences in preparation for prospective early childhood educators’ work with families during their training are critical for establishing empowering relationships. This article details a qualitative case study of 77 prospective early childhood educators engaged with the Parent, Family and Community Engagement Simulation. An electronic questionnaire exploring their beliefs regarding the use of the simulation was conducted at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Spain). The results demonstrate the simulation can be a very effective classroom technique to provide students with the necessary competencies to engage with families effectively and promote school readiness. These results also suggest that the simulation provided important insights into how successful partnership occurs and how to strengthen relationships, helping students to reflect on the importance of family involvement.  相似文献   

Although previous research has explored the effects of various environmental influences on young children's play, the influence of toys has rarely been examined. This paucity of toy studies is due to a lack of a scientifically constructed observation system to evaluate the impact of play materials across developmental domains. The purpose of this study was to develop and test the reliability and validity of such an instrument. An eight-item, five-point rating system was constructed, based on previous toy research. To establish inter-rater reliability, two researchers independently used the instrument to rate the effects of 23 toys on the spontaneous play of 16 preschool children. There was a high level of agreement between observers (r = .81–.88, across items). A factor analysis was conducted to identify clusters of items that measure like dimensions of play effects; three distinct factors were identified: thinking/learning, creativity/imagination and social interaction. To establish validity, the instrument was used to rate five common toys that could be predicted, based on earlier work, to have distinct influences on play. The instrument was found to discriminate among these toys in ways that are consistent with previous research and that make theoretical sense. The uses of this instrument in both future research and classroom practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Brain research has strengthened our understanding of the first five years of a child's life as a critical period. Quality early care is important to the healthy development of young children, and their later success in school. Concurrently, many families depend on childcare outside the home. Programs that have knowledgeable and skilled staff, offer a stimulating and supportive environment, provide individualized and developmentally appropriate activities for each child, reach out to parents to gain their involvement, collaborate with community resource partners and empower the family's capacity to ensure optimal care for their children have shown much success. Many of these comprehensive programs have been particularly effective with children identified as having special needs, being economically disadvantaged or speaking a native language other than English. The Judith P. Hoyer Early Child Care and Family Education Centers (Judy Centers), implemented by the Maryland State Department of Education, is one such initiative. Through the Judy Centers, schools or childcare facilities provide quality and comprehensive early care and development services to children age birth to five and their families. Early indications are that the Judy Center services are significantly effective in ensuring children who have special needs, receive free or reduced meals, and qualify for English as a Second Language services are prepared for school and ready to learn.  相似文献   

目的 研究儿童期创伤焦虑障碍大学生接受人际心理治疗(IPT)的效果。方法 将某高校心理健康咨询中发现的、符合研究标准的48例焦虑障碍大学生用抛币法随机分组,治疗组25例和对照组23例,对治疗组实施IPT,在入组时和治疗结束后分别对患者进行焦虑自评量表(SAS)、功能大体评定量表(GAF)、心理弹性量表(CD-RISC)、不安全感心理自评量表(SRFIS)和抑郁症状清单评估。结果 治疗因素和时间因素分别对焦虑自评分、抑郁清单总分、大体功能分、心理不安全感分和心理弹性分存在主效应作用(F=7.407~295.961,P<0.05),且治疗因素和时间因素存在交互作用(F=5.262~81.958,P<0.05)。相关分析发现,治疗后抑郁清单总分减少值、焦虑自评分减少值、大体功能分增加值分别与治疗后心理不安全感减少值、心理弹性分增加值呈正相关(r=0.456~0.894,P<0.05)。结论 IPT能够改善48名儿童期创伤焦虑障碍患者的焦虑抑郁症状和心理社会功能,病情的改善程度与患者心理不安全感的减轻和心理复原力的增强有关。  相似文献   

高危儿行为发育的早期干预治疗   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
【目的】 通过早期干预促进高危儿的行为发育。 【方法】 将 78例高危儿随机分为干预组、未干预组 ,并设正常新生儿对照组。仅对干预组患儿实施早期康复干预 ,定期随访 ,以《贝莉智能发育量表》进行智能发育评估 ;未干预组、对照组患儿只进行常规体格检查和育儿指导。 1岁时通过《Gesell发育诊断量表》对三组患儿进行智能发育的最终评估。 【结果】  3、9月龄时干预组患儿智力发育指数及运动发育指数均高于未干预组 (P <0 .0 1) ,可达对照组水平 (P <0 .0 5 ) ;1岁时Gesell智能检查 ,干预组与未干预组比较除大运动能区不存在差异外 (P >0 .0 5 ) ,其它四大能区差异均存在非常显著性 (P <0 .0 1) ,与对照组比较五大能区差异均无显著性。 【结论】 早期干预可促进高危儿的行为发育 ,改善其预后。  相似文献   

The early childhood literature has documented the impact of early literacy experience on children's later language and literacy development. The research also showed the achievement gap between children from lower socio-economic status and their peers from more economically advantaged backgrounds. To address this gap, the existing literature has suggested the potential impact of summer intervention programmes on preschool-aged children's early language and literacy skills prior to their entry to kindergarten. The focus of this study was to expand the literature by examining the immediate and long-term effects of a summer intensive literacy programme on preschool-aged children's language and literacy skills. Pre- and post-tests and group comparison results suggested that the summer intensive programme was effective in improving participating children's name writing, upper-case recognition, and print and word awareness. The data collected during the summer and the fall semester further suggested the longitudinal effects of the summer intervention programme.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine socio-economic differences in the risk of hospitalisation among children aged 0-5 years in Denmark from 1985 to 2004. All children born between 1985 and 2004 (n=1,278,286) were followed for hospital admissions for infectious diseases from the 29th day of life until the children reached the age of 6 years or the end of 2004, whichever came first. Information on parental socio-economic position (education, labour market attachment and household income) was gathered through record linkage with administrative registries. Infections were grouped into upper respiratory, lower respiratory, gastrointestinal, ear and fever infections. The data were analysed using Cox regression. Children of parents on sick leave or early retirement had an increased risk of being hospitalised with an infection compared with children of employed parents. A clear inverse educational gradient in risk of offspring hospitalisation was also found. From 1985 to 2004 the inverse associations between parental education and risk of hospitalisation grew stronger, whereas the comparatively weaker association between household income and risk of offspring hospitalisation decreased in magnitude. The association between socio-economic status and hospitalisation was strongest for lower respiratory, gastrointestinal and ear infections. This study documented a socially patterned hospitalisation of pre-school children in Denmark. Future studies should investigate possible explanations for the increased risk among children from families with low socio-economic status.  相似文献   

【目的】 探讨综合干预儿童孤独症在行为异常方面的临床疗效,为孤独症儿童的康复提供临床依据。 【方法】 采取病例对照研究方法,对81例儿童孤独症进行随机抽样,分为实验组和对照两组,两组在综合治疗的基础上,对实验组增加听觉统合训练干预,对患儿行为异常干预前后的临床症状变化进行比较。 【结果】 综合干预对两组行为异常症状包括对某些信息敏感、玩耍方式奇特、厌恶学习、注意力涣散、回避眼光接触、缺乏模仿性动作等均有改善,与对照组相比,实验组在玩耍方式奇特、缺乏模仿性动作、缺乏想象性游戏方面改善更为明显,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。 【结论】 综合训练干预可以改善孤独症患儿的部分异常行为,并有肯定的疗效。  相似文献   

目的 分析ABCD快乐育儿法对婴儿智能和体格发育的影响, 为促进儿童早期发展提供科学依据。方法 选取2017年6月-2019年2月出生的婴儿, 在马鞍山市妇幼保健院儿童保健门诊进行42 d体检时, 自愿参加ABCD快乐育儿法指导的婴儿61例作为干预组, 另选取同期出生并在本院进行保健的61例作为对照组。随访至9月龄, 测量两组婴儿的体重、身长、头围, 并采用“0~6岁儿童智能筛查测验量表(DST)”评估婴儿的智能发育水平。通过《安徽省马鞍山市儿童保健管理健康检查表》获取社会人口统计学和儿童信息。使用χ2检验、t检验、线性回归模型进行分析。结果 干预组在发育商(DQ)和智力指数(MI)的得分分别为99.25±12.13和102.98±10.10, 比对照组平均高6.45分和5.78分, 差异有统计学意义(t=3.100、3.174, P<0.05), 且线性回归分析显示, ABCD快乐育儿法的早期教育理念是婴儿智能发育水平的独立影响因素(DQ:B=0.263, 95%CI:1.96~10.51, P<0.05;MI:B=0.243, 95%CI:1.37~8.73, P<0.05)。但两组婴儿在9个月时体重、身长、头围比较, 差异无统计学意义(t=0.382、-0.254和-1.873, P>0.05)。结论 婴幼儿保健融合ABCD快乐育儿法的早期教育理念对智能发展具有积极的促进作用, 该方法适于进一步的推广和应用。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare the impact of two storybooks – one with realistic and one with non-realistic characters – on children’s comprehension performance. Children’s performances in character and event recall, reasoning and problem-solving were compared. The participants were 100 young children enrolled in 1 of 13 classes at 4 public kindergartens in the Erzurum province of Turkey. From each class participants were randomly assigned to realistic and non-realistic story groups. Each participant was tested individually. After storybooks were read, children were asked to respond to questions on character-subject, event recall, reasoning and problem-solving for pre-, post- and (one week later) follow-up tests. Findings revealed that realistic and non-realistic groups’ comprehension performance did not significantly differ for post-test. From post- to follow-up test, the non-realistic group’s mean scores significantly decreased while the realistic group’s mean did not decrease significantly. The investigators concluded that the availability of realistic storybooks in early childhood should increase.  相似文献   

目的 观察蒙氏教育法对幼儿社会适应能力的影响。 方法 采用前瞻性研究方法观察蒙氏教育法对2~4岁儿童社会适应能力的影响。选择某幼儿园新入园的257名2~4岁儿童为研究对象,随机分配到蒙氏组和普通组。扣除失访者,最终获得蒙氏组108名和普通组124名的数据资料。蒙氏组除接受常规传统教育内容外,每日参加2小时的蒙氏教育活动,包括蒙氏教具操作,数小豆子、穿扣子、用珠子认识多与少的概念、训练走直线等;普通组仅接受常规传统教育。采用一般情况问卷和左启华修订的婴儿-初中生社会生活能力量表分别调查儿童基本情况及社会适应能力,于新生入园时及1年后共发放问卷调查2次。比较两组儿童1年前后社会适应能力水平的变化。 结果 两组儿童平均年龄及性别、父母亲文化程度、家庭人均月收入构成及社会适应能力的基线水平比较,差异均无统计学意义(均P>0.05),具有可比性。实施蒙氏教育法一年后,蒙氏组幼儿独立生活[(10.56±0.66) vs. (10.35±0.48)]、交往[(10.41±0.82) vs. (10.11±0.59)]、自我管理能力[(11.72±1.34) vs. (11.16±1.32)]及社会生活总能力得分[(10.64±0.79) vs. (10.22±0.67)]显著高于传统组,差异有统计学意义(均P<0.05),而运动[(10.13±0.75) vs. (10.11±0.41)]、作业操作[(10.70±1.05) vs. (10.71±1.06)]、参加集体活动[(10.59±0.76) vs. (10.54±0.77)]两组差异无统计学意义(均P>0.05)。 结论 蒙氏教育可促进2~4岁儿童社会适应能力的发展。  相似文献   

目的 探讨早期分级、评估及综合干预治疗对0~1岁脑性瘫痪高危儿的影响,为降低当地脑瘫儿的发生率、减轻残疾儿童的功能障碍程度提供科学有效的依据。方法 利用全市的脑瘫高危儿转诊系统,对南通市2011年1月1日-12月31日出生的新生儿进行筛查,筛选出的高危儿进行神经系统检查,同时采用PDMS-2量表进行早期分级。其中,神经系统检查异常且总运动商(total motor quotient,TMQ)<80的高危儿,征求家长意愿,分为常规育儿组和早期干预组,分别进行早期教育、综合干预治疗,并于3、6、9、12月龄定期评估。结果 本次研究的高危儿最终确诊脑瘫人数为7人,脑瘫的发生率为3.4‰,远低于国内报道的全国脑瘫高危儿脑瘫发病率的7.8‰和南通地区报道的发病率8.1‰,其中,早期干预组脑瘫的发生率明显低于常规育儿组(P<0.05);影响脑瘫高危儿早期综合干预效果的因素很多,以低出生体重和高胆红素血症最为显著(P<0.05)。结论 早期分级与综合干预能降低脑瘫高危儿脑瘫的发生率。  相似文献   



To examine receipt of early childhood caries preventive services (ECCPS) in two states'' Medicaid programs before and after the implementation of reimbursement to medical primary care providers (M-PCPs).

Data Sources

Enrollment and claims data from the Florida and Texas Medicaid programs for children ≤54 months of age during the period 2006–2010.

Study Design

We conducted time trend-adjusted, difference-in-differences analyses by using modified Poisson regressions combined with generalized estimating equations (GEEs) to analyze the effect of M-PCP reimbursement on the likelihood that an enrollee had an ECCPS visit after controlling for age, sex, health status, race/ethnicity, geographic location, and enrollment duration.

Data Extraction Methods

Enrollment data were linked to claims data to create a panel dataset with child-month observations.

Principal Findings

Reimbursement to M-PCPs was associated with an increased likelihood of ECCPS receipt in general and topical fluoride application specifically in both states.


Reimbursement to M-PCPs can increase access to ECCPS. However, ECCPS receipt continues to fall short of recommended care, presenting opportunities for performance improvement.  相似文献   

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