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心内膜荷包环缩法行巨大室壁瘤左心室成形术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
左心室室壁瘤是冠心病病人急性心肌梗死后的严重合并症之一。室壁瘤切除传统术式包括线性缝合和补片左心室成形。1996年至2004年,我们对59例室壁瘤体积大于左心室容积50%的巨大左心室室壁瘤病人进行了术式的改进,采取了左心室心内膜环缩法进行左心室成形,现总结报道如下。  相似文献   

目的评估心肌梗死后左心室室壁瘤(post-infarct left ventricular aneurysm,LVA)行左心室重建术和线性修补术的治疗效果,总结室壁瘤的外科治疗经验。方法 2004年5月至2011年12月上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院心血管外科共收治47例LVA患者;行左心室重建术25例(男21例、女4例),线性修补术18例(男14例、女4例),直接缝闭术4例(男3例、女1例)。同期行冠状动脉旁路移植术42例。术后通过电话及门诊随访6~24个月,患者均行超声心动图复查左心室射血分数(LVEF)、生活质量及活动能力。结果左心室重建术组术后LVEF较术前明显改善(49.2%±13.6%vs.32.5%±12.9%,P0.05),线性修补术组术后LVEF同样较术前改善(47.5%±11.6%vs.36.9%±11.6%,P0.05);线性修补术组死亡1例,病死率5.5%;左心室重建术组死亡1例,病死率4.0%;直接缝闭术组无死亡;全组总病死率4.2%。结论线性修补术或左心室重建术治疗心脏室壁瘤均可取得满意效果,根据患者个体情况制订合理方案,能够最大程度恢复左心室功能,近远期治疗效果良好。  相似文献   

我科自 196 2年 3月至 1999年 6月对 2 3例左心室室壁瘤进行治疗 ,现将长期随访结果报告如下。1.临床资料 :2 3例中 ,男性 2 2例 ,女性 1例 ;年龄 33~ 6 8岁 ,平均 48 8岁。症状有胸闷、气急、心绞痛、室性早搏和心力衰竭等 ,其中 15例有典型心肌梗死史 ,心肌梗死后 3~ 42个月发现室壁瘤。体征有胸骨左缘或心尖区有收缩期杂音Ⅱ~Ⅳ级 8例 ,心尖区舒张期杂音 2例。心功能Ⅲ级 10例 ,Ⅳ级 13例。合并室间隔缺损 2例 ,二尖瓣狭窄 2例。胸部Ⅹ线片检查显示心脏增大以左心室为主 ,可见隆起的室壁瘤 ,透视下可见反常搏动。超声心动图可显示室壁…  相似文献   

左心室室壁瘤的外科治疗   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
目的探讨左心室室壁瘤(left ventricular aneurysm, LVA)的外科治疗效果.方法 33例LVA患者行闭式折叠术1例, LVA切除后行标准线性修补术14例,心内膜荷包环缩法10例,心内室壁瘤缝合法8例.其中20例在心脏不停跳下完成手术.所有患者均同期行冠状动脉旁路移植术(CABG),每例移植血管3.2±1.1支. 应用主动脉内球囊反搏(IABP)6例.结果 32例手术成功,手术死亡1例;术后发生并发症9例,其中低心排血量6例、室性心律失常2例、脑并发症1例.术后早期随访1~3个月,超声心动图示患者心功能均获改善,心绞痛缓解或消失. 结论 LVA的外科治疗中,应用左心室几何重建技术和心脏不停跳及同期行CABG能获得较好的临床治疗效果,IABP是救治低心排血量患者的重要而有效的手段.  相似文献   

Dor法切除左心室室壁瘤对左心室形态和功能的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
左心室室壁瘤(LVA)是冠心病透壁性心肌梗死后严重并发症之一。既往室壁瘤采用线性切除,Dor等切除室壁瘤后进行左心室重建,强调恢复左心室正常的椭圆形态,改善心脏收缩功能。我们采用偏心指数(the eccentricity index,EI)评价Dor法室壁瘤切除术对心室形态和功能的影响。  相似文献   

OPCAB同时行左心室室壁瘤缝缩术206例   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的 尝试非体外循环冠状动脉旁路移植术同时进行室壁瘤缝缩术,并评估其疗效。方法 选取2001年1月至2006年6月间206例左室室壁瘤病人进行手术。病人术前均存在心绞痛症状,同时伴心功能不全或室性心律失常。心功能为Ⅱ-Ⅳ级。术前射血分数平均0.41±0.06,左心室舒末内径平均(57.4±6.8)mm。不停跳下进行室壁瘤线性缝缩,比较术前及术后相关心功能指标。结果 住院死亡1例,病死率0.5%(1/206例)。平均移植血管(2.9±0.9)支。复查时所有病人均无症状。心功能及射血分数均显著提高(P〈0.001)。左心室舒末内径显著缩小(P〈0.001)。结论 在非体外循环冠状动脉旁路移植同时进行室壁瘤缝缩术是可行的,手术死亡率低、并发症少。术后早期心功能、自觉症状及生活质量均显著改善。远期疗效尚需观察。  相似文献   

目的探讨建立大鼠室壁瘤左心室重建(LVR)动物模型的可行性。方法对35只成年雄性Sprague-Dawley(SD)大鼠实施左冠状动脉前降支结扎以制作心肌梗死后室壁瘤(LVA)模型,4周后,对符合入选标准的16只LVA模型实施LVR手术,作为实验组;另10只模型行开胸手术作为对照组,在术后3 d、2周、4周分别以超声心动图评价两组大鼠心功能情况,以直视摄片、Masson’s Trichrome染色评价室壁瘤切除的彻底程度。结果 LVA模型及LVR模型的死亡率分别为11.4%(4/35)及18.8%(3/16),建模成功率分别为74.3%(26/35)和81.3%(13/16)。直视摄片及Masson’s Trichrome染色提示补片完全替代心肌梗死瘢痕。超声心动图提示:行LVR手术的实验组动物的左心室收缩期末内径(LVESD)及左心室短轴缩短率(FS)在术后3 d即较对照组有所改善[术后3 d:LVESD(5.00±0.87)mm vs.(5.90±0.92)mm,P<0.05;FS(34.20%±6.80%)vs.(26.60%±6.12%),P<0.01],随着时间的推移,施行LVR手术的实验组大鼠比对照组更好地维持了左心形态及收缩功能[术后2周:左心室舒张期末内径(LVEDD)(7.60±0.56)mm vs.(8.50±1.08)mm,P<0.01;LVESD(5.10±0.65)mm vs.(6.69±0.89)mm,P<0.001;FS(31.90%±6.90%)vs.(21.10%±6.17%),P<0.001;术后4周:LVEDD(7.70±0.50)mm vs(.9.10±0.89)mm,P<0.001;LVESD(5.20±0.39)mm vs.(7.20±0.95)mm,P<0.001;FS(31.80%±2.40%)vs.(20.20%±4.17%),P<0.001]。结论大鼠LVR模型可作为组织工程心肌补片(EHT)研究中一种稳定、可靠、经济的初选模型。  相似文献   

目的探讨不同手术方式对左心室室壁瘤治疗的临床效果。方法以2013-07—2014-07收治的70例冠心病合并左心室壁瘤患者为研究对象,均行冠状动脉旁路移植术。术前根据患者超声心电图报告综合分析,对左心室室壁瘤分别选择不同的手术方式并对治疗效果进行回顾性分析。结果患者分别采用线性缝合术(n=33例)和心内膜环缩成形术(n=37例)两种手术后,左心室射血分数均较手术前明显提高,左心室舒张末期内径较术前明显缩小,手术前后比较差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。线性缝合术术后左心室射血分数以及左心室舒张末期内径改善情况与心内膜环缩成形术比较,差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。两种手术方式术后并发症比较,差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。围手术期因低心排出量综合征导致3例(3.79%)死亡。结论左心室室壁瘤手术方式需充分考虑室壁瘤的病变程度以及大小、形状等科学选择,以达到有效保护心肌,提高手术效果的目的。  相似文献   

冠状动脉造影正常的左心室室壁瘤二例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
患者  2例 ,女性 1例 ,5 2岁 ;男性 1例 ,47岁。入院前均有反复心前区不适感 ,急性前壁心肌梗死发作史 ,经内科治疗恢复。平时有心悸、胸闷、胸痛 ,服用硝酸甘油等效果不明显。入院检查 ,心电图示 :陈旧性心肌梗死 ;超声心动图示 :心尖部矛盾运动 ,左室壁瘤形成 ,其中 1例可见室壁瘤内血栓形成 ;选择性冠状动脉造影示 :左右冠状动脉管壁光滑 ,未见明显粥样硬化斑块或固定狭窄 ,左心室心尖部向外突出 ,见反常室壁运动 ,提示心室壁瘤形成 ;1例前降支发育细小。2例均在体外循环、间断冷血心肌保护、中度低温下行室壁瘤切除术。术中均见左室前…  相似文献   

患者女,28岁,阵发性心悸半年,加重半个月。既往尤手术史、外伤史,10余年前有长期发热病史。查体心尖部可闻及4级/6G收缩期杂音。心电图:窦性心律,T波倒置。X线胸片:两肺淤血,左心房、左心室增大,左心缘下段局限性向外膨凸.内可见钙化影。心胸比0.66。  相似文献   

目的比较非体外循环(off-pump)室壁瘤折叠术与体外循环(CPB)室壁瘤线形切除术治疗左心室运动异常型室壁瘤的临床疗效,以提高室壁瘤的治疗效果。方法2003年9月至2007年9月,手术治疗32例左心室前壁或心尖部运动异常型室壁瘤患者,其中男23例,女9例;年龄46~70岁,平均年龄63岁。根据手术中是否采用CPB,将32例患者分为两组,off-pump组(n=17):室壁瘤范围占左心室的25%~37%,在off-pump下行室壁瘤折叠术;常规体外循环(on-pump)组(n=15):室壁瘤范围占左心室的27%~40%,在常规CPB下行室壁瘤线形切除术。两组均同期行冠状动脉旁路移植术。术后采用超声心动图测定左心室容积及收缩功能等指标,并进行比较,以评价临床效果。结果两组均无手术死亡。off-pump组无围术期并发症,术后心功能分级(NYHA)较术前有明显改善(1.0±0.8级vs.2.9±0.3级,P=0.001),左心室射血分数(LVEF)明显提高(41.0%±4.5%vs.36.4%±4.8%,P=0.035),左心室收缩期末容积指数(LVESVI)明显减小(52.6±27.7ml/m^2vs.79.7±21.4ml/m^2,P=0.003)。随访17例,随访时间12~53个月,平均随访29个月,随访期间无死亡。1例患者术后1年因二尖瓣重度反流再次手术治疗,1例患者于术后3年发生充血性心力衰竭,LVEF31%,仍在观察中;其余患者临床效果良好。on-pump组围术期发生并发症3例(神经系统并发症2例、呼吸功能不全1例),术后心功能分级较术前有明显改善(1.0±0.6级vs.3.1±0.9级,P=0.001),LVEF较术前明显提高(42.3%±3.2%vs.35.6%±6.5%,P=0.023),LVESVI较术前明显减小(49.3±22.6ml/m^2vs.81.3±25.0ml/m^2,P=0.003)。随访15例,随访时间12~60个月,平均随访35个月,随访期间无死亡,临床效果良好。两组间临床指标比较差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。结论在off-pump下行室壁瘤折叠术治疗左心室运动异常型室壁瘤,可有效地减少左心室容积,提高左心室?  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To assess the feasibility of endovascular aortic repair (EVAR) on patients presenting with a ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) in a teaching hospital, and to compare there post-operative outcomes with contemporaneous patients treated with open repair (OR). METHODS: A series of consecutive of patients presenting ruptured AAA with retro/intraperitoneal haematoma were included in the study. EVAR was attempted whenever possible. In all other cases (severe haemodynamic instability, adverse anatomy, device unavailability), ruptured AAA were treated by OR. RESULTS: Thirty-seven patients were enrolled between January 2001 and July 2004. Seventeen (46%) patients were treated using adapted designed aortoiliac endografts (eight bifurcated, eight aorto-uniiliac, one iliac extension). Twenty (54%) patients unfit for EVAR because of severe haemodynamic instability (n=8), adverse anatomical configuration (n=7), or unavailability of an appropriate endograft (n=5) were treated by OR. Twenty-seven (73%) had a retrospective suitable anatomy for EVAR. Three early conversions from EVAR to OR were performed. Blood loss, operating time, and intensive care stay were significantly decreased in EVAR patients (respectively: 156 min+/-60, 1520 ml+/-1175, 3 days for EVAR; vs. 222 min+/-82, 3075 ml+/-1750, 13 days for OS; P<.01). The 30-day mortality rate was 23.5% for EVAR vs. 50% for OR (P=0.09). CONCLUSION: EVAR of ruptured AAA is feasible for selected patients based on haemodynamic and morphologic criteria, and should be associated with improved immediate outcomes as compared with OR. These results should be tempered by the fact that these patients have heavy comorbidities which explains the absence of difference in mid-term mortality rates between the two groups, but should also encourage surgical institutions that are managing such life-threatening emergencies to introduce EVAR as part of their therapeutic arsenal for ruptured AAA.  相似文献   

巨大左心室心脏瓣膜置换术后左心室重构的临床观察   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:8  
目的观察巨大左心室患者心瓣膜置换术后左心室重构的变化。方法回顾性分析92例巨大左心室患者行心瓣膜置换术的临床资料,对比分析术前、术后不同时间心脏超声心动图(UCG)检查结果和心功能变化。结果全组无手术死亡。术后2周和2个月左心室舒张期末内径(LVEDD)、左心室收缩期末内径(LVESD)、左心房内径(LAD)、左心室射血分数(LVEF)、左心室短轴缩短率(LVFS)、每搏量(SV)和心胸比率均较术前减小或降低(P〈0.05);术后2个月LVEDD和LAD较术后2周进一步缩小(P〈0.05)。术后早期心功能较术前下降,术后2个月心功能恢复达Ⅱ级的患者(38例,41.3%)较术前(5例,5.4%)明显增多。结论心瓣膜置换术对巨大左心室心瓣膜病患者术后左心室重构的早期影响明显,术后左心室、左心房明显缩小,但必须加强术后心功能维护,预防严重并发症的发生。  相似文献   

Abstract. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of the retroperitoneal approach (RP) using a Thompson retractor with the conventional transperitoneal approach (TP), to repair infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA). Methods: A total of 91 consecutive patients were divided into two groups; group A (n= 21) underwent surgery using the TP, and group B (n= 70) underwent surgery using the RP with a Thompson retractor. Results: There were no significant differences in the operation time, aortic cross-clamp time, incidence of postoperative cardiac events, or the development of wound complications; however, a significantly higher rate of postoperative respiratory complications and ileus was observed in group A. Moreover, oral feeding was commenced later and the hospital stay was prolonged in group A (P < 0.01). Conclusion: These findings clearly demonstrate that our RP method, especially when using a Thompson retractor, is a preferable alternative to TP for AAA surgery. Received: February 26, 2001 / Accepted: January 8, 2002  相似文献   

With increasing support duration of cardiac assist devices, transcutaneous drivelines remain a weak point of the therapy. First, they can be an entry point for infections, and second, cable lesions and even electrical failures due to material fatigue and eventual carelessness can occur. We report a case of a damaged outer sheath of a ventricular assist device driveline cable directly at the exit site, where the standard repair procedure with self‐fusing tape may lead to biocompatibility problems and irritation of the entrance through the skin. Therefore, a new procedure was developed using a special sleeve expander tool and a highly expandable latex tubing to stabilize the defect in a flexible and biocompatible manner. A patient experienced a fracture of the outer sheath of a HeartWare HVAD driveline directly at the skin entrance (approximately 15 mm long, 5 mm distal from the skin). The metal strands and the electrical functionality were yet not affected, therefore, a pump exchange was not indicated. After considering several conventional solutions for repair as not applicable, a new approach was developed: a sleeve expander tool was applied, which allowed radial stretching of the latex tubing. After preparations of the tool and the cable site, the pump was briefly disconnected, the tubing was moved over the connector and was released at the site of fracture. The problem could be solved by keeping the cable's flexibility and without additional risks to the skin. Within a still ongoing (5‐month) follow‐up, the skin entrance returned to perfect condition and no further intervention was necessary. In conclusion, this method allows a quick stabilization and repair of damaged driveline isolations even near the exit site, resulting in a biocompatible surface and consistent flexibility of the cable.  相似文献   

本文报道2012年2月使用分支型覆膜支架成功治疗1例腹主动脉瘤同时伴有双侧髂动脉瘤病例。术后1个月复查,动脉瘤隔绝良好,腹主动脉和双髂动脉瘤腔内均形成血栓,无内漏发生,支架形态位置良好,左侧髂内动脉血流通畅。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To assess the mid-term outcomes up to 5 years following endovascular repair of abdominal aortic aneurysms (EVAR), following its initial introduction into practice in the UK. DESIGN: A prospective voluntary Registry of Endovascular Treatment of Aneurysms (RETA) collected demographic and risk factor data, short term (30 day) outcomes and follow up outcomes up to 5 years from the 41 centres that initially undertook EVAR in the UK. RESULTS: Short term outcomes (30 days): 90.4% of aneurysms were successfully excluded, 6.1% had persistent endoleaks and 5.8% of patients had died. Follow up was obtained from 30 days up to 5 years (mean 3.1 years). Returns rates for requested follow up data were 87% at 1 year and 77, 65, 52 and 51% at 2, 3, 4 and 5 years, respectively. Ninety percent of deaths at follow up were unrelated to the stent-graft or aneurysm. Persistent proximal type I endoleak was associated with significant mortality both from attempted open repair or from rupture if untreated. Other endoleaks were more benign. Complications related to the aneurysm or device occurred at an average rate of 15% per annum. The most common complications were secondary endoleaks or graft migration. Endovascular treatment was preferred if treatment was necessary for graft complications. The cumulative freedom from secondary procedure (Kaplan-Meier) were 87, 77, 70, 65 and 62% at 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 years of follow up, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Registry data provides useful information to guide the design of more formal trials. Collecting follow up from voluntarily submitted data is difficult. The registry data remains well ahead of the trial data, but indicate that long term follow up is required in these trials, because of the high rate of complications seen at follow up.  相似文献   

AIM: the aim of this study was to analyse the effect of supplementary endovascular intervention on the outcome of primary endoluminal repair of abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA). METHODS: between May 1992 and December 1998, 266 patients underwent endoluminal repair of AAA. Minimum period of follow-up was 6 months. Those patients in whom the endoprosthesis could not be deployed were converted to open repair at the primary operation. Patients developing an early endoleak, within 31 days, were treated by a period of observation and secondary endovascular intervention in persistent cases. Patients developing a late endoleak were treated similarly, without a period of observation. Outcome was analysed by the life-table method. Primary success was defined as exclusion of the aneurysm from the circulation resulting from the original operation. Assisted success occurred when aneurysms with endoleaks became excluded from the circulation as a result of supplementary endovascular intervention. RESULTS: endoluminal repair failed in 17 patients requiring conversion to open repair at the original operation. Supplementary endovascular intervention was undertaken in 26 patients, with early endoleaks (n=6) and late endoleaks (n=20). Interventions involved deployment of secondary endoluminal grafts within the primary grafts (n=22), and coil embolisation (n=4). Successful exclusion of the aneurysm sac was achieved in 22 of 26 (85%) patients undergoing supplementary endovascular procedures. Conditional cumulative incidence of primary graft failure and secondary graft failure in the presence of all-cause mortality at 6 years was 47% and 25% respectively. CONCLUSIONS: supplementary endovascular intervention is an important adjunct to endoluminal AAA repair with the potential to improve outcome and avoid conversion to open repair. Successful supplementary endovascular intervention was achieved in 85% of patients in whom it was attempted. Life-table analysis showed these supplementary procedures to be durable in the long term.  相似文献   

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