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Serum concentrations of valproic acid: influence of dose and comedication   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The influence of valproate (VPA) dose, VPA preparation used, comedication (phenobarbital, phenytoin, carbamazepine) and factors such as age, weight, height, and sex on the concentration of VPA in serum was investigated. Nonlinear regression analysis showed that about 63% of the variance in the VPA morning concentrations of 259 inpatients could be explained by the following variables: dose, body weight, sex, and comedication. Age, height, and kind of preparation had no important influence on the VPA concentration. The relationship between dose and concentration of VPA is nonlinear, as the concentration does not increase proportionally with the dose but increases to a lesser extent. The serum concentration of VPA is clearly lower when the drug is given in combination with phenytoin (49.5%), carbamazepine (66.2%), or phenobarbital (76.3%) than when given alone (100%).  相似文献   

This study was aimed at investigating whether or not the kinetics of intravenously administered phenytoin (PT) was altered by oral administration of vigabatrin (VGB) or gabapentin (GBP). A daily dose of PT (12 mgkg(-1)i.v.) was given to a group of five beagle dogs for a period of 1 week. On day eight, plasma samples were serially collected over 24 h, after administration of the PT dose. PT administration was continued, along with supplementary oral VGB (60 mgkg(-1)) for another week and then plasma samples were collected for analysis of PT levels. The same protocol was followed for the PT (12 mgkg(-1), i.v.)-GBP (300 mg caps., p.o.) study on a separate group (n= 5) of dogs. Orally administered GBP did not significantly alter the pharmacokinetic parameters of parenteral PT. However VGB markedly changed the drug's kinetics, as evidenced by a 31% (P= 0.015) reduction in total body clearance (CL) and an increase of over 45% in half-life (t(1/2)), (P= 0.013) and area under the plasma PT concentration-time curve (AUC), (P= 0.044). GBP does not appear to have any pharmacokinetic interaction with PT, while coadministration of VGB and PT results in a marked reduction in systemic clearance of the latter in the dog.  相似文献   

The γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) system has been proposed as a target for novel antidepressant and anxiolytic treatments. Emerging evidence suggests that gabapentin (GBP), an anticonvulsant drug that significantly increases brain GABA levels, is effective in the treatment of anxiety disorders. The current study was designed to measure prefrontal and occipital GABA levels in medication-free healthy subjects after taking 0 mg, 150 mg and 300 mg GBP. Subjects were scanned on a 3T scanner using a transmit-receive head coil that provided a relatively homogenous radiofrequency field to obtain spectroscopy measurement in the medial prefrontal (MPFC) and occipital cortex (OCC). There was no dose-dependent effect of GBP on GABA levels in the OCC or MPFC. There was also no effect on Glx, choline or N-acetyl-aspartate concentrations. The previously reported finding of increased GABA levels after GBP treatment is not evident for healthy subjects at the dose of 150 and 300 mg. As a result, if subjects are scanned on a 3T scanner, low dose GPB is not useful as an experimental challenge agent on the GABA system.  相似文献   

Both the pathogenetic interpretation and treatment of phenobarbital-induced rheumatism are uncertain. The reflex sympathetic dystrophy syndrome which complicates antiepileptic drug therapy is a problem for rheumatologists. The aim of our study was to test the effect of gabapentin as an additional therapy in patients suffering from phenobarbital-induced shoulder-hand syndrome when these patients were treated with gabapentin instead of receiving phenobarbital only. After a 3-month observation period, the pain and the movement range from the shoulder to the wrist and to the hand improved more than in the control group using acetaminophen. Further studies are required to confirm this observation.  相似文献   

The study was aimed at investigating whether or not the kinetics of intravenously administered phenytoin (PT) was altered by oral administration of vigabatrin (VGB) or gabapentin (GBP). A group of five beagle dogs were given a daily dose of PT (12 mg/kg, i.v.) for a period of 1 week. On day 8, plasma samples were serially collected over 24 hr. after administration of the PT dose. PT administration was continued with oral supplementary dose of VGB (60 mg/kg) for another week and then plasma samples were collected for analysis of PT levels. The same protocol was followed for the PT (12 mg/kg, i.v.)-GBP (300 mg caps., p.o.) study on a separate group (n = 5) of dogs. Orally administered GBP did not significantly alter the pharmacokinetic parameters of parental PT. VGB, however markedly changed the drug's kinetics as evidenced by a 31% (P = 0.015) reduction in total body clearance (CL) and increase of over 45% in half-life (t1/2), (P = 0.013) and area under the plasma PT concentration-time curve (AUC), (P = 0.044). GBP does not appear to have any pharmacokinetic interaction with PT, while coadministration of VGB and PT results in marked reduction in systemic clearance of the latter in the dog.  相似文献   

The study aimed to identify the range of buprenorphine doses required to comfortably alleviate symptoms in patients undergoing inpatient heroin withdrawal using a symptom-triggered titration dosing regime, and to identify the patient characteristics that impact upon the buprenorphine dose requirements. The study was conducted in two Australian inpatient withdrawal units, recruiting 63 dependent, injecting heroin users with no recent methadone treatment, dependence on other drugs, or other active medical or psychiatric conditions. In a single (patient) blinded case series, placebo or 2 mg sublingual buprenorphine tablets was administered four times a day according to severity of withdrawal (assessed with Subjective Opiate Withdrawal Scale). Up to 16 mg buprenorphine was available over the first 4 days of the admission, up to 8 mg on day 5, and placebo continued until day 6. Thirty-two subjects completed the dosing regime, with mean (±S.D.) daily doses of 3.8±2.8 on day 1, 5.8±3.2 on day 2, 4.8±3.3 on day 3, 2.3±2.6 on day 4, 0.8±1.3 on day 5, and a total dose of 17.4±9.7. Higher buprenorphine doses were required by those patients with more severe psychosocial dysfunction, women, those with more frequent heroin use, and those with more severe dependence on heroin at intake. A dosing regime using sublingual buprenorphine tablets for short inpatient heroin withdrawal is proposed.  相似文献   

Serum methanol concentrations were measured in rats and in humans given oral aspartame. The dose given to rats was the FDA's projected 99th percentile daily intake for humans, assuming aspartame were to replace all sucrose sweeteners in the diet (34 mg/kg). Four male adult volunteers each received 500 mg, equivalent to 6-8.7 mg/kg, which is approximately the FDA's estimate of mean daily human consumption. Both treatments caused a rise in serum methanol. In rats the mean peak value was 3.1 mg/litre 1 hr after administration; serum methanol returned to endogenous values 4 hr after treatment. In the men, the mean rise over endogenous values was 1.06 mg/litre after 45 min. Two hours after treatment, serum methanol had returned to basal levels. The temporary serum methanol increase showed peak values within the range of individual basal levels.  相似文献   

Levetiracetam (LEV) is a new antiepileptic drug approved as add-on therapy. Previous studies indicated that LEV has no relevant interactions with other antiepileptic drugs. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of LEV dose, age, and co-medication on the serum concentration of LEV. In total, 363 samples of 297 inpatients who fulfilled the inclusion criteria (e.g., trough concentration, body weight available) were investigated. A patient was considered twice only if his co-medication had been changed. The LEV serum concentration in relation to LEV dose/body weight [level-to-dose ratio, LDR, (microgram/mL)/(mg/kg)] was calculated and compared for the most frequent drug combinations. Analysis of covariance (using age as covariate) carried out on the log-transformed data showed that co-medication had a highly significant (P < 0.001) effect on LEV serum concentrations. The median LDR of LEV was 0.32 for LEV + phenytoin, 0.32 for LEV + carbamazepine, 0.34 LEV + oxcarbazepine, 0.45 for LEV + lamotrigine, 0.46 for LEV + phenobarital, 0.52 for LEV monotherapy, 0.53 for LEV + valproic acid, and 0.54 LEV + valproic acid + lamotrigine. In co-medication with phenytoin (P < 0.001), carbamazepine (P < 0.001), and oxcarbazepine (P < 0.004), the LDR of LEV was significantly lower than it was with LEV monotherapy, whereas the LDR of LEV of patients on co-medication with valproic acid or lamotrigine did not differ significantly from the LDR of LEV of patients on LEV monotherapy (P > 0.05). Regression analysis including all 363 samples confirmed that other drugs (e.g., phenytoin, carbamazepine) lower LEV concentrations. In addition to co-medication, age had a significant effect on clearance of LEV. Children had lower LEV concentrations than adults on the same LEV dose per body weight. In contrast to other studies, our data point out that other enzyme-inducing antiepileptic drugs (e.g., phenytoin, carbamazepine) can moderately decrease LEV serum concentrations (by 20-30%). However, our observations should be confirmed by prospective pharmacokinetic studies.  相似文献   

A rapid and low-cost assay for simultaneous vigabatrin (VGA) and gabapentin (GBP) determination is described that can be performed with simple HPLC instrumentation. The method involves derivatization of the primary amine group of VGA and GBP with dansyl chloride followed by isocratic separation (column: microBondapak C-18, 10 microm, 300 x 3.9 mm; mobile phase: 50 mmol/L NaH(2)PO(4) in 40% acetonitrile) at 50 degrees C and fluorometric detection (excitation and emission wavelength: 318 and 510 nm, respectively) of the fluorescent product, which is stable for at least 7 days. Correlation coefficients of the calibration curves are >0.999 with a lower limit of detection of 0.3 microg/mL. Between- and within-run coefficients of variation are below 4.5%, and assay time is 15 minutes. This method may be used for therapeutic drug monitoring in the case of GBP and to control patient compliance in the case of VGA.  相似文献   

A selective and sensitive method was developed for the determination of the anticonvulsants vigabatrin (I) (CAS 60643-86-9) and gabapentin (II) (CAS 60142-96-3). The method is based on the condensation of the drugs through their amino groups with acetylacetone and formaldehyde according to Hantzsch reaction yeilding the highly fluorescent dihydropyridine derivatives. The yellowish-orange color was also measured spectrophotometrically at 410 nm and 415 nm for I and II, respectively. The absorbance-concentration plots were rectilinear over the ranges 10-70 micrograms/ml and 20-140 micrograms/ml for I and II, respectively. As for the fluorescence-concentration plots, they were linear over the ranges 0.5-10 micrograms/ml and 2.5-20 micrograms/ml with minimum detection limits (S/N = 2) of 0.05 microgram/ml (approximately 2.1 x 10(-8) mol/l) and 0.1 microgram/ml (approximately 5.8 x 10(-7) mol/l) for I and II, respectively. The spectrophotometric method was applied to the determination of I and II in their tablets. The percentage recoveries +/- SD (n = 6) were 99.45 +/- 0.13 and 98.05 +/- 0.53, respectively. The spectrofluorimetric method was successfully applied to the determination of I and II in spiked human urine and plasma. The % recoveries +/- SD (n = 5) were 98.77 +/- 0.29 and 98.39 +/- 0.53 for urine and 99.32 +/- 0.74 and 98.90 +/- 0.96 for plasma, for I and II, respectively. No interference was encountered with the co-administered drugs: valproic acid (CAS 99-66-1), diphenylhydantoin (CAS 57-41-0), phenobarbital (CAS 50-06-6), carbamazepine (CAS 298-46-4), clonazepam (CAS 1622-61-3), clobazam (CAS 22316-47-8) or cimetidine (CAS 51481-61-9). A proposal of the reaction pathway is suggested. The advantages of the proposed methods over existing method are discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to characterize the pharmacodynamic, pharmacokinetic and adverse-effect profiles of vigabatrin and gabapentin. Isobolographic analysis was used in two mouse experimental models of epilepsy: the maximal electroshock seizure threshold test and pentylenetetrazole-induced seizures. In the maximal electroshock seizure threshold test, electroconvulsions were produced by a current with various intensities whilst in the pentylenetetrazole test a CD(97) dose (100 mg/kg) was used. Potential adverse-effect profiles of interactions of vigabatrin with gabapentin at three fixed-ratios of 1:3, 1:1 and 3:1 from both seizure tests were evaluated in the chimney (motor performance) and grip-strength (skeletal muscular strength) tests. Vigabatrin and gabapentin total brain concentrations were determined with high performance liquid chromatography. Vigabatrin and gabapentin administered singly increased the electroconvulsive threshold (TID(20) - 226.2 and 70.0 mg/kg, respectively). With isobolography, the combination of vigabatrin with gabapentin at the fixed-ratio of 1:3 exerted supra-additive (synergistic) interactions whilst at 1:1 and 3:1 additivity occurred. Similarly, vigabatrin and gabapentin administered singly suppressed the pentylenetetrazole-induced seizures (ED(50) values - 622.5 and 201.1 mg/kg, respectively). Isobolography revealed that vigabatrin with gabapentin in combination at the fixed-ratio of 1:1 produced supra-additive (synergistic) interaction whilst at 1:3 and 3:1 additivity occurred. In combination neither motor coordination nor skeletal muscular strength was affected. Total vigabatrin and gabapentin brain concentrations revealed that neither drug affected the pharmacokinetics of the other. Vigabatrin and gabapentin have a favorable pharmacodynamic interaction in animal seizure models in the absence of acute adverse effects or concurrent pharmacokinetic changes.  相似文献   



The major aim of this multicenter retrospective analysis was to examine the relationship between paliperidone serum concentrations and clinical effects in patients treated with this new antipsychotic drug. Intra-individual variability in trough serum concentrations was also analyzed in patients under treatment with either the paliperidone-extended release (ER) formulation or the risperidone immediate-release formulation.  相似文献   

A stability-indicating, sensitive, simple and selective spectrofluorimetric method was developed for the determination of vigabatrin (VG) and gabapentin (GB). The method is based on the reaction between the two drugs and fluorescamine in borate buffer of pH 8.2 to give highly fluorescent derivatives that are measured at 472 nm using an excitation wavelength of 390 nm for both drugs. The optimum conditions were ascertained and the method was applied for the determination of VG and GB over the concentration range of 0.20-4.00 and 0.1-1.0 microg/ml, respectively with detection limits of 0.05 microg/ml (2.9 x 10(-7) M) and 0.06 microg/ml (2.3 x 10(-7) M) for VG and GB, respectively. The suggested method was applied, without any interference from the excipients, to the determination of the two drugs in their pharmaceutical formulations. Furthermore, the method was extended to the in-vitro determination of both drugs in spiked human urine. Interference from endogenous amino acids could be eliminated through selective complexation with copper acetate, the % recovery (n=4) is 98.0 +/- 7.05. Co-administered drugs such as lamotrigine, phenobarbitone, valproic acid, clopazam, carbamazepine, clonazepam and cimitidine did not interfere with the assay. The method is also stability-indicating; as the degradation product of vigabatrin: 5-vinylpyrrolidin-2-one, produced no interference with its analysis.  相似文献   

Rationale In drug discrimination procedures, the substitution pattern for ethanol of various receptor ligands is dependent upon ethanol training dose, presumably reflecting functionally different concentrations of ethanol in the brain. The discriminative stimulus effects of ethanol are also time-dependent, although very few studies have investigated the time course of ethanol discriminations. Objectives The present study investigated the relationship between brain ethanol concentrations (BrEC), as measured by intracranial microdialysis of the nucleus accumbens, and the time course of ethanol discriminative effects. Methods Two groups of rats were trained to discriminate either 1.0 or 2.0 g/kg ethanol from water following a 30-min post-ethanol interval. Following training, the time course of the discriminative stimulus was assessed using a series of abbreviated testing trials at 20-min intervals for 5 h after the administration of various ethanol doses (0, 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 g/kg). The rats were then fitted with microdialysis probes and the time course of BrECs were determined under conditions similar to the behavioral assessments. Results BrECs were significantly above zero at 4 min post-gavage and attained peak concentrations of 16 mmol/l, 24 mmol/l and 42 mmol/l at 9 min, 16 min and 95 min after IG administration of 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 g/kg ethanol, respectively. BrECs were similar in ethanol-naive and ethanol-trained rats, indicating a lack of pharmacokinetic tolerance under these discrimination procedures. The discriminative stimulus effects of ethanol were dose- and time-dependent, with a threshold concentration of approximately 12 mmol/l achieved at 5 min after 1.0 g/kg ethanol gavage in rats trained to discriminate 1.0 g/kg ethanol. Acute tolerance to the discriminative stimulus effects of ethanol was evident from BrECs 2–5 h post-ethanol gavage. Conclusions Ethanol given intragastrically results in a rapid increase in BrEC, independent of ethanol exposure history. The discriminative stimulus effects of ethanol trained at 30 min post-gavage reflect a specific range of BrEC, and depend on the training dose. These data suggest that qualitatively different stimulus effects of ethanol reflect both different ranges of BrEC, as well as within dose acute tolerance to the discriminative stimulus effects.  相似文献   

Adiponectin is a recently identified adipocyte-derived protein, which is associated with glucose metabolism, insulin sensitivity and adiposity. The aim of this study was to explore the alterations in serum adiponectin concentration during treatment with olanzapine or risperidone. Serum concentrations of adiponectin were investigated in body mass index (BMI, kg/m2)- and age-matched groups of non-diabetic, non-obese schizophrenic patients receiving a stable dose of olanzapine (n = 18) or risperidone (n = 15) for 4 weeks or more, and of mentally and physically healthy volunteers (n = 17). Patients undergoing treatment with olanzapine or risperidone had significantly higher adiponectin concentrations than the healthy volunteers, even after controlling for BMI. Adiponectin concentrations decreased with increasing BMI in patients taking olanzapine, while elevated levels were observed in patients taking risperidone, regardless of adiposity. This preliminary cross-sectional study indicates that adiponectin is involved in the regulation of glucose metabolism and weight in schizophrenic patients during treatment with olanzapine or risperidone, presumably showing a normalizing effect on metabolic abnormality.  相似文献   

Topiramate is a new antiepileptic drug (AED) approved as add-on therapy. Previous studies have shown that topiramate has only a limited effect on other AEDs, but its own metabolism can be induced by enzyme-inducing drugs. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of topiramate dose, age, and comedication, especially of carbamazepine, phenytoin, phenobarbital, oxcarbazepine, lamotrigine, and valproic acid (VPA) on topiramate serum concentrations in patients with epilepsy. In total, 480 samples of 344 inpatients who fulfilled the inclusion criteria (e.g., trough concentration, body weight available) were investigated. The topiramate serum concentration in relation to topiramate dose per body weight (level-to-dose ratio) was calculated and compared for patients receiving topiramate monotherapy and for patients receiving topiramate plus one other AED. Analysis of covariance (using age as covariate) showed that comedication had a highly significant influence on the topiramate serum concentrations. Regression analysis including all 480 samples confirmed that in combinations with phenytoin, carbamazepine, phenobarbital, and oxcarbazepine, the topiramate concentrations were significantly lower compared with topiramate monotherapy, whereas VPA and lamotrigine had no significant influence. Moreover, regression analysis indicated that primidone and methsuximide lowered topiramate concentrations, whereas gabapentin, bromide, and sulthiame did not. In addition to comedication, the patient's age was significantly correlated with topiramate clearance. In accordance with the results of previous studies, these results indicated that infants and children had lower topiramate concentrations than adults receiving the same topiramate dose per body weight. Comedication and age should be considered in adjusting topiramate dosage. Determination of topiramate serum concentrations may be useful, especially when enzyme-inducing drugs are withdrawn or added.  相似文献   

Solutions of lidocaine hydrochloride are widely used for anesthesia of the oropharynx and respiratory tract prior to endoscopic procedures. It is commonly believed that this route of administration is not associated with clinically significant systemic absorption of the drug, and large doses of topical lidocaine are routinely used in this setting. Serious adverse effects, including seizures, occasionally occur. The extent of absorption of lidocaine from the oropharynx was studied in eight healthy volunteers. Wide variation in serum lidocaine concentrations was observed. A 14-fold range of peak lidocaine concentrations occurred following identical, accurately metered doses of a lidocaine aerosol spray preparation. The effects of cimetidine on lidocaine pharmacokinetics were also studied. Therapeutic doses of oral cimetidine significantly increased the area under the lidocaine time-concentration curve (p = 0.019), but no effect on the terminal-phase elimination rate constant was observed. Serum concentrations of alpha 1-acid glycoprotein, a major binding protein of lidocaine, were significantly elevated following cimetidine (p = 0.030). Maximum lidocaine concentration, time to reach maximum concentration, and mean residence time of lidocaine were unchanged following cimetidine. These observations suggest an effect of cimetidine on the volume of distribution of lidocaine. Because of the wide variability in lidocaine pharmacokinetics and the potentially serious nature of adverse reactions, caution is advised in the use of topical lidocaine solutions in "standard" doses.  相似文献   

Protective effects of acute oral or intravenous doses of furnidipine against ischemia and re-perfusion-induced arrhythmias and creatine kinase release were studied in a rat model for cardiac ischemia and re-perfusion. Transient cardiac ischemia was induced by occluding the left coronary descending artery of anaesthetized rats for 7 min, and re-perfusion period studied was 15 min. Pre-treatment period for oral doses (1, 5 or 10 mg/kg) was 1 h, whereas that for the intravenous ones (1.25, 2.5, 5 or 10 microg/kg) was 10 min. After both routes of administration, significant protective effects of furnidipine on creatine kinase release were observed after the two lowest doses only. In contrast, its higher dosages were more effective in preventing re-perfusion-induced mortality, arrhythmias and hypotensive episodes, and for transiently lowering arterial blood pressure before initiation of ischemia. These observations suggest potential uses of furnidipine for preventing re-perfusion triggered lethal arrhythmias. Efforts to evaluate therapeutic potential of low dose furnidipine as a cardio-protective agent seem warrantable.  相似文献   

Treatment of social phobia with gabapentin: a placebo-controlled study.   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy and safety of gabapentin in relieving the symptoms of social phobia. Sixty-nine patients were randomly assigned to receive double-blind treatment with either gabapentin (dosed flexibly between 900 and 3,600 mg daily in three divided doses) or placebo for 14 weeks. A significant reduction (p < 0.05) in the symptoms of social phobia was observed among patients on gabapentin compared with those on placebo as evaluated by clinician- and patient-rated scales. Results were similar for the intent-to-treat and week-2 completer populations. Adverse events were consistent with the known side effect profile of gabapentin. Dizziness (p = 0.05), dry mouth (p = 0.05), somnolence, nausea, flatulence, and decreased libido occurred at a higher frequency among patients receiving gabapentin than among those receiving placebo. No serious adverse events or deaths were reported. On the basis of these limited data, it seems that gabapentin offers a favorable risk-benefit ratio for the treatment of patients with social phobia. Further studies are required to confirm this effect and to determine whether a dose-response relationship exists.  相似文献   

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