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Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is the most common inherited lethal muscle degenerative disease. Currently there is no cure. Highly abbreviated microdystrophin cDNAs were developed recently for adeno-associated virus (AAV)-mediated DMD gene therapy. Among these, a C-terminal-truncated DeltaR4-R23/DeltaC microgene (DeltaR4/DeltaC) has been considered as a very promising therapeutic candidate gene. In this study, we packaged a CMV.DeltaR4/DeltaC cassette in AAV-5 and evaluated the transduction and muscle contractile profiles in the extensor digitorum longus muscles of young (7-week-old) and adult (9-month-old) mdx mice. At approximately 3 months post-gene transfer, 50-60% of the total myofibers were transduced in young mdx muscle and the percentage of centrally nucleated myofibers was reduced from approximately 70% in untreated mdx muscle to approximately 22% in microdystrophin-treated muscle. Importantly, this level of transduction protected mdx muscle from eccentric contraction-induced damage. In contrast, adult mdx muscle was more resistant to AAV-5 transduction, as only approximately 30% of the myofibers were transduced at 3 months postinfection. This transduction yielded marginal protection against eccentric contraction-induced injury. The extent of central nucleation was also more difficult to reverse in adult mdx muscle (from approximately 83% in untreated to approximately 58% in treated). Finally, we determined that the DeltaR4/DeltaC microdystrophin did not significantly alter the expression pattern of the endogenous full-length dystrophin in normal muscle. Neither did it have any adverse effects on normal muscle morphology or contractility. Taken together, our results suggest that AAV-mediated DeltaR4/DeltaC microdystrophin expression represents a promising approach to rescue muscular dystrophy in young mdx skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

Niemann-Pick A disease (NPA) is a fatal lysosomal storage disorder caused by a deficiency in acid sphingomyelinase (ASM) activity. The lack of functional ASM results in cellular accumulation of sphingomyelin and cholesterol within distended lysosomes throughout the brain. In this study, we investigated the potential of AAV-mediated expression of ASM to correct the brain pathology in an ASM knockout (ASMKO) mouse model of NPA. An AAV serotype 2 vector encoding human ASM (AAV2-hASM) was injected directly into the adult ASMKO hippocampus of one hemisphere. This resulted in expression of human ASM in all major cell layers of the ipsilateral hippocampus for at least 15 weeks postinjection. Transduced cells were also present in the entorhinal cortex, medial septum, and contralateral hippocampus in a pattern consistent with retrograde axonal transport of AAV2. There was a substantial reduction of distended lysosomes and an almost complete reversal of cholesterol accumulation in all areas of the brain that were targeted by AAV2-hASM. These findings show that the ASMKO brain is responsive to ASM replacement and that retrograde transport of AAV2 functions as a platform for widespread gene delivery and reversal of pathology in affected brain.  相似文献   

Ataxia-telangiectasia (A-T) is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by neurodegeneration, immunodeficiency, cancer predisposition, genome instability, and radiation sensitivity. Previous research has shown that it is possible to correct the hereditary deficiency A-T by DNA transfection in cell culture, but the large size of the ATM cDNA (9 kb) limits the use of many vector types for gene replacement. HSV-1 amplicon vectors provide a means to deliver large genes to cells efficiently and without toxicity. In this study, the FLAG-tagged cDNA for human ATM was inserted into an HSV-1 amplicon under control of the CMV promoter (designated as HGC-ATM). FLAG-ATM expression was confirmed in 293T/17 cells and human A-T fibroblasts (GM9607) after transduction, by immunoprecipitation, Western analysis, and immunocytochemistry. Functional recovery was assessed by two independent assays. First, in vitro kinase assay showed that vector-derived ATM in GM9607 cells could successfully phosphorylate wt p53 using recombinant GST-p53(1-101). Second, in A-T cells infected with the HGC-ATM vector, the extent of accumulation in G2/M phase at 24 h postirradiation was similar to that observed in cells with wild-type endogenous ATM and lower than that observed in A-T cells infected with a control vector. Thus, these vectors provide a tool to test the feasibility of HSV-amplicons as gene therapy vectors for A-T.  相似文献   

Utrophin is a close homolog of dystrophin, the protein whose mutations cause Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). Utrophin is present at low levels in normal and dystrophic muscle, whereas dystrophin is largely absent in DMD. In such cases, the replacement of dystrophin using a utrophin gene transfer strategy could be more advantageous because utrophin would not be a neoantigen. To establish if adenovirus (AV)-mediated utrophin gene transfer is a possible option for the treatment of DMD, an AV vector expressing a shortened version of utrophin (AdCMV-Utr) was constructed. The effect of utrophin overexpression was investigated following intramuscular injection of this AV into mdx mice, the mouse model of DMD. When the tibialis anterior (TA) muscles of 3- to 5-day-old animals were injected with 5 microl of AdCMV-Utr (7.0 x 10(11) virus/ml), an average of 32% of fibers were transduced and the transduction level remained stable for at least 60 days. The presence of utrophin restored the normal histochemical pattern of the dystrophin-associated protein complex at the cell surface and resulted in a reduction in the number of centrally nucleated fibers. The transduced fibers were largely impermeable to the tracer dye Evans blue, suggesting that utrophin protects the surface membrane from breakage. In vitro measurements of the force decline in response to high-stress eccentric contractions demonstrated that the muscles overexpressing utrophin were more resistant to mechanical stress-induced injury. Taken together, these data indicate that AV-mediated utrophin gene transfer can correct various aspects of the dystrophic phenotype. However, a progressive reduction in the number of transduced fibers was observed when the TA muscles of 30- to 45-day-old mice were injected with 25 microl of AdCMV-Utr. This reduction coincides with a humoral response to the AV and transgene, which consists of a hybrid mouse-human cDNA.  相似文献   

Dystrophin plays an important role in muscle contraction, linking the intracellular cytoskeleton to the extracellular matrix. Mutations of the dystrophin gene leading to a complete loss of the protein cause Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), frequently associated with severe cardiomyopathy. Early clinical trials in DMD using gene transfer to skeletal muscle are underway, but gene transfer to dystrophic cardiac muscle has not yet been tested in humans. The aim of this study was to develop an optimized protocol for cardiac gene therapy in the mouse model of dystrophin deficiency (mdx), using a cardiac promoter for expression of a microdystrophin (μDys) transgene packaged into an adeno-associated virus serotype 9 vector (AAV9). In this study adult mdx mice were intravenously injected with 1×10(12) genomic particles of AAV9 vectors carrying a cDNA encoding μDys under the control of either a ubiquitously active cytomegalovirus (CMV) promoter or a cardiac-specific CMV-enhanced myosin light chain (MLC0.26) promoter. After 10 months, both AAV9 vectors led to sustained μDys expression in cardiac muscle, but the MLC promoter conferred about 4-fold higher protein levels. AAV9-CMV-MLC0.26-μDys resulted in significant protection of cardiac morphology and function as assessed by histopathology, echocardiography, and left ventricular catheterization. In conclusion, we established an AAV9-mediated gene transfer approach for efficient and specific long-term μDys expression in the hearts of mdx mice, resulting in a sustained therapeutic effect. Thus, this approach might be a basis for further translation into a treatment strategy for DMD-associated cardiomyopathy.  相似文献   

One of the main limitations for the use of synthetic vectors in gene therapy is their relatively low in vivo efficiency when compared with viral vectors. Here, we describe a pretreatment protocol with liposome-encapsulated clodronate in mice by which gene expression levels of a luciferase reporter gene could be increased up to nine-fold in the lung, after intravenous (i.v.) injection of glycerolipoplexes. Optimal results were obtained if mice were pretreated with liposome-encapsulated clodronate 1 day before injection of lipoplexes. The enhancement effect could be observed for lipoplexes prepared with different multivalent cationic glycerolipids. Most remarkably, polyplexes behaved in the opposite way. Liposome-encapsulated clodronate pretreatment strongly reduced reporter gene expression after i.v. injection of polyethylenimine-polyplexes (ExGen500).  相似文献   

Amphiregulin (AR) is a heparin-binding, heparin-inhibited member of the epidermal growth factor (EGF) family and an autocrine growth factor for human keratinocytes. Previous studies have shown that AR expression is increased in psoriatic epidermis. To test the hypothesis that aberrant AR expression is central to the development of psoriatic lesions, we constructed a transgene (K14-ARGE) encoding a human keratin 14 promoter-driven AR gene. Our results indicate that transgene integration and subsequent expression of AR in basal keratinocytes correlated with a psoriasis-like skin phenotype. Afflicted mice demonstrated shortened life spans, prominent scaling and erythematous skin with alopecia, and occasional papillomatous epidermal growths. Histologic examination revealed extensive areas of marked hyperkeratosis with focal parakeratosis, acanthosis, dermal and epidermal lymphocytic and neutrophilic infiltration, and dilated blood vessels within the papillary dermis. Our results reveal that AR exerts activity in the skin that is distinct from that of transgenic transforming growth factor-alpha or other cytokines, and induces skin pathology with striking similarities to psoriasis. Our observations also link the keratinocyte EGF receptor-ligand system to psoriatic inflammation, and suggest that aberrant expression of AR in the epidermis may represent a critical step in the development or propagation of psoriatic lesions.  相似文献   

Novel recombinant adeno-associated virus vectors pseudotyped with serotype 8 capsid (rAAV2/8) have recently shown exciting promise as effective liver-directed gene transfer reagents. We have produced a novel liver-specific rAAV2/8 vector expressing the mouse phenylalanine hydroxylase (Pah) cDNA and have administered this vector to hyperphenylalaninemic PAH-deficient Pah(enu2) mice, a model of human phenylketonuria (PKU). Our hypothesis was that this vector would produce sufficient hepatocyte transduction frequency and PAH activity to correct blood phenylalanine levels in murine PKU. Portal vein injection of recombinant AAV2/8 vector into five adult Pah(enu2) mice yielded complete and stable (up to 17 weeks) correction of serum phenylalanine levels. Liver PAH activity was corrected to 11.5+/-2.4% of wild type liver activity and was associated with a significant increase in phenylalanine clearance following parenteral phenylalanine challenge. Although questions of long-term safety and stability of expression remain, recombinant AAV2/8-mediated, liver-directed gene therapy is a promising novel treatment approach for PKU and allied inborn errors of metabolism.  相似文献   

Gene transfer into the central nervous system is an emerging therapeutic strategy for a range of neurological diseases, including neurodegeneration. This approach would benefit from imaging technologies that could determine the extent, magnitude, and duration of transgene expression. We have used bioluminescence imaging (BLI) to image lentiviral vector-mediated gene transfer into the mouse brain. We constructed human immunodeficiency virus type 1 lentiviral vectors that encode firefly luciferase and transduce cells in culture. After stereotactic injection of these vectors into the brain, we were able to detect luciferase expression in living mice and rats. We characterized the signal in mouse brain in terms of localization, kinetics, resolution, and reproducibility and demonstrated that it correlates with the level of firefly luciferase expression. Although the signal decreased gradually to about 20% of the initial value in the first month, the signal remained constant thereafter for more than 10 months. We demonstrated that the light signal can be used as a reporter by using a bicistronic vector. This is the first study to document noninvasive monitoring of long-term transgene expression in the adult mouse brain and provides the basis for applying BLI in the study of brain disease and gene therapeutic strategies.  相似文献   

Some chronic pain syndromes are characterized by episodes of intense burning and hyperalgesia in localized areas of skin. These sensations are thought to be mediated, at least in part, by the activity of damaged, unmyelinated C nociceptors. These phenomena were modeled by assaying responses of macaques to thermal and chemical stimuli that produced periodic activation and sensitization of C nociceptors. Upon validation of this method, a recombinant herpes simplex vector encoding human preproenkephalin was topically applied to the dorsal surface of the feet of the monkeys. Immunohistochemistry and radioimmunoassay revealed that enkephalin peptides were being produced in releasable pools in sensory neurons innervating the treated skin area. Behavioral responses evoked by periodic sensitization and activation of C nociceptors innervating the vector-treated skin area revealed a substantial and long-lasting (at least 20 weeks) antihyperalgesic and analgesic effect limited to the areas to which the virus was applied. This approach may be a viable means of treating localized cutaneous burning pain and hyperalgesia.  相似文献   

Y Tan  S Li  B R Pitt  L Huang 《Human gene therapy》1999,10(13):2153-2161
We have previously reported that intravenous administration of cationic lipid-protamine-DNA complexes (LPD) induces production of large quantities of proinflammatory cytokines that are toxic and cause inhibition of transgene expression. Cytokine induction appears to be mediated by the unmethylated CpG sequences since methylation of plasmid DNA significantly decreases the cytokine levels. In this study, the inhibitory role of CpG in lipid-mediated gene transfer was further investigated using chemically well-defined, CpG-containing oligodeoxynucleotides (ODNs). Injection (intravenous) of ODNs formulated in LPD into mice triggered production of proinflammatory cytokines including interferon gamma and TNF-alpha. The potency of CpG-containing ODNs in cytokine induction was affected by its flanking sequences and was significantly reduced when CpG was methylated. Preinjection of ODN-containing LPD led to inhibition of transgene expression in lungs after a subsequent injection of LPD containing plasmid expression vector with luciferase gene. The degree of inhibition correlated with the levels of ODN-triggered cytokines. Finally, intraperitoneal injection of dexamethasone suppressed LPD-induced cytokine production, and led to significantly higher levels of transgene expression on both first and second injection. These studies suggest that mutation of potent CpG motifs in plasmid DNA together with the use of immune suppression agent may represent an effective approach to improve cationic lipid-mediated gene transfer to the lung.  相似文献   

Necrosis of dystrophic myofibers in Duchenne muscular dystrophy and mdx mice results from defects in the subsarcolemmal protein dystrophin that cause membrane fragility and tears in the sarcolemma, and these lead to the destruction of the myofibers. The present study specifically tests whether overexpression of mIGF-1 in mdx/mIGF-1 transgenic mice reduces myofiber breakdown during the acute onset phase of dystrophy (at 21 days). The extent of muscle damage and Evans blue dye (EBD) staining of myofibers was quantitated histologically for mdx/mIGF-1 and their mdx littermates from 15 to 30 days of age. Overexpression of mIGF-1 strikingly reduced the extent of myofiber damage (histology and EBD staining) by up to 97% in tibialis anterior and quadriceps muscles at 21-22 days after birth. In the mdx diaphragm, the onset of muscle breakdown was earlier (by 15 days after birth) but no significant protective effect of IGF-1 was apparent within the first month of age in mdx/IGF-1 mice. These novel observations show that increased mIGF-1 within mdx myofibers specifically reduces the breakdown of dystrophic muscle during the acute onset of muscle degeneration. This mechanism of action can account for the long-term reduced severity of the dystropathology in mdx mice that overexpress mIGF-1 and provides promising opportunities for therapeutic strategies.  相似文献   

Changing the levels of neurotrophins in the spinal cord micro-environment after nervous system injury has been proposed to recover normal function, such that behavioral response to peripheral stimuli does not lead to chronic pain. We have investigated the effects of recombinant adeno-associated viral (rAAV)-mediated over-expression of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in the spinal cord on chronic neuropathic pain after unilateral chronic constriction injury (CCI) of the sciatic nerve. The rAAV-BDNF vector was injected into the dorsal horn at the thirteenth thoracic spinal cord vertebra (L(1) level) 1 week after CCI. Allodynia and hyperalgesia induced by CCI in the hindpaws were permanently reversed, beginning 1 week after vector injection, compared with a similar injection of a control rAAV-GFP vector (green fluorescent protein) or saline. In situ hybridization for BDNF demonstrated that both dorsal and ventral lumbar spinal neurons contained an intense signal for BDNF mRNA, at 1 to 8 weeks after vector injection. There was no similar BDNF mRNA over-expression associated with either injections of saline or rAAV-GFP. These data suggest that chronic neuropathic pain is sensitive to early spinal BDNF levels after partial nerve injury and that rAAV-mediated gene transfer could potentially be used to reverse chronic pain after nervous system injuries in humans.  相似文献   

CD40 ligand (CD40L), the ligand for CD40 on antigen-presenting cells, is essential for the initiation of antigen-specific T cell responses, an important component of the immune response to tumors. This study is based on the hypothesis that in vivo genetic modification of tumor cells to express CD40L will trigger CD40 on local antigen-presenting cells to present tumor antigen to the cellular immune systems, thus eliciting anti-tumor immunity to suppress growth of the tumor. To examine this concept, subcutaneous tumors of three different murine tumor models in two strains of mice were infected with a recombinant adenovirus (Ad) vector expressing murine CD40L (AdmCD40L). In the B16 (H-2b, melanoma) and CT26 (H-2d, colon cancer) murine models, injection of AdmCD40L into established subcutaneous tumors resulted in sustained tumor regression and tumor-free status in >60% of animals. Intratumoral injection of AdmCD40L also significantly suppressed the growth of established, weakly immunogenic Lewis lung carcinoma (H-2b) tumors, but to a lesser extent. Ex vivo AdmCD40L-transduced tumor cells implanted in syngeneic hosts induced significant antitumor response against preexisting identical tumors at a distant site. Both in vivo and in vitro AdmCD40L modification of tumors to express CD40L elicited tumor-specific cytolytic T lymphocytes responses, and the transfer of spleen cells from treated mice efficiently protected naive mice against a subsequent tumor challenge. These results support the concept that transduction of tumors with a recombinant CD40L adenovirus vector may be a useful strategy for cancer immunotherapy.  相似文献   

[Purpose] The purpose of this study was to elucidate the cathepsin-D involvement in signaling pathways for the survival and apoptosis of myofibers in rats with hindlimb-unloading in a low-temperature environment. [Subjects and Methods] Wistar rats were divided into two groups: a control group and a group that underwent hindlimb unloading in a low-temperature environment to induce muscle apoptosis. Cathepsin-D localization in the soleus and extensor digitorum longus muscles, along with the expression of cathepsin-D in apoptotic myofibers, was examined. Expression of the active and inactive forms of cathepsin-D was also analyzed. [Results] Cathepsin-D was mainly expressed in type I myofibers and was observed to have punctate patterns in the control group. In the hindlimb unloading in a low-temperature environment group, the type I myofiber composition ratio decreased, and caspase-3 activation and TUNEL-positive apoptotic myofibers were observed. In caspase-3-activated myofibers, cathepsin-D overexpression and leakage of it into the cytoplasm were observed. In the hindlimb unloading in a low-temperature environment group, the amount of inactive cathepsin-D decreased, whereas that of the active form increased. [Conclusion] Cathepsin-D was deduced to be indicative of a myofiber-type classification and a factor related to myofiber type maintenance. In addition, cathepsin-D leakage into the cytoplasm was appeared to be involved in caspase-3 activation in the hindlimb unloading in a low-temperature environment group.Key words: Cathepsin-D, Apoptosis, Muscle fiber type  相似文献   

Adeno-associated viral gene therapy has shown promise for the treatment of inherited and acquired retinal disorders. In most applications, regulation of expression is a critical concern for both safety and efficacy. The purpose of our study was to evaluate the ability of the tetracycline-regulatable system to establish long-term transgene regulation in the retina of nonhuman primates. Three rAAV vectors expressing the tetracycline-dependent transactivator (rtTA) under the control of either the ubiquitous CAG promoter or the specific RPE65 promoter (AAV2/5.CAG.TetOn.epo, AAV2/4.CAG.TetOn.epo, and AAV2/4.RPE65.TetOn.epo) were generated and administered subretinally to seven macaques. We demonstrated that repeated inductions of transgene expression in the nonhuman primate retina can be achieved using a Tet-inducible system via rAAV vector administration over a long period (2.5 years). Maximum erythropoietin (EPO) secretion in the anterior chamber depends upon the rAAV serotype and the nature of the promoter driving rtTA expression. We observed that the EPO isoforms produced in the retina differ from one another based on the transduced cell type of origin within the retina and also differ from both the physiological EPO isoforms and the isoforms produced by AAV-transduced skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

Small cell lung cancer growing in cell culture possesses biologic properties that allow classification into two categories: classic and variant. Compared with classic small cell lung cancer cell lines, variant lines have altered large cell morphology, shorter doubling times, higher cloning efficiencies in soft agarose, and very low levels of L dopa decarboxylase production and bombesin-like immunoreactivity. C-myc is amplified and expressed in some small cell lung cancer cell lines and all c-myc amplified lines studied to date display the variant phenotype. To investigate if c-myc amplification and expression is responsible for the variant phenotype, a normal human c-myc gene was transfected into a cloned classic small cell lung cancer cell line not amplified for or expressing detectable c-myc messenger RNA (mRNA). Clones were isolated with one to six copies of c-myc stably integrated into DNA that expressed c-myc mRNA. In addition, one clone with an integrated neo gene but a deleted c-myc gene was isolated and in this case c-myc was not expressed. C-myc expression in transfected clones was associated with altered large cell morphology, a shorter doubling time, and increased cloning efficiency, but no difference in L dopa decarboxylase levels and bombesin-like immunoreactivity. We conclude increased c-myc expression observed here in transfected clones correlates with some of the phenotypic properties distinguishing c-myc amplified variants from unamplified classic small cell lung cancer lines.  相似文献   

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