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The F240 human monoclonal antibody specifically recognizes the disulfide loop-bonded immunodominant epitope of gp41 spanning residues 592-606 and expressed broadly on HIV-1 primary isolates. Despite broad reactivity with native virions and HIV-infected cells, the antibody fails to neutralize infection. However, cytoplasmic expression of single-chain antibody (scFv) directed against gp41 of HIV-1 provides a rationale means to inhibit the maturation of envelope protein. The variable regions of the heavy chain and light chain of human monoclonal antibody were amplified by PCR and linked by a 15 amino acid (GGSGS)3 linker in an orientation of VL-linker-VH and retroviral expression vectors were constructed to simultaneously express F240 scFv and eGFP to facilitate selection of scFv-producing cells. Incorporation of a human immunoglobulin signal sequence directed secretion of the F240 scFv (s-scFv) while an otherwise identical vector lacked this sequence (scFv) resulting in intracellular expression of scFv. Transduced human CD4+ H9 T cells were challenged with HIV. While both secreted and nonsecreted F240 scFv inhibited viral production, secretory F240 scFv was more potent. Thus, this novel approach to direct expression of a nonneutralizing scFv using the Ig signal sequence suggests that targeted therapy using antibodies to conserved, highly expressed epitopes may result in a decrease in viral production due to a reduction of viral assembly and/or transport and expression.  相似文献   

This study sought to identify genital tract characteristics associated with vertical transmission of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). HIV-1 DNA and RNA, HIV-1 env diversity, and inflammatory cells were quantified in cervicovaginal lavages (CVLs) of 24 women enrolled in the Women and Infants Transmission Study; 7 women transmitted HIV-1 perinatally. Vaginal candidiasis, HIV-1 culture positivity, levels of HIV-1 DNA and cell-free RNA, and HIV-1 env diversity were significantly higher in the CVLs of transmitters. CVL HIV-1 DNA levels correlated with higher levels of inflammatory cells and cell-free HIV-1 RNA. Of subjects with paired blood and CVL specimens, there was more HIV-1 env heterogeneity between blood and CVLs in transmitters than in nontransmitters. In summary, increased HIV-1 shedding is correlated with a more complex population of HIV-1 quasispecies in the genital tracts of parturient women, which may increase the probability that a fetotropic strain is transmitted.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine whether the maternal infecting human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) type 1 clade affects mother-to-child transmission frequency. Mothers in the mother-to-child HIV-1 transmission study in Nairobi, Kenya, were grouped by HIV-1 status of their first enrolled child: uninfected, perinatally infected, or postnatally infected. Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis was used to determine HIV-1 viral clades of nested polymerase chain reaction products from HIV-1 protease or p24 genes. When inconclusive, sequencing determined the clade. Clade distributions within the groups were compared. The 3 groups displayed a uniform clade distribution. The predominant clades were A (59%) and D (20%). Clades B, C, F, mixed, and recombinant infections comprised the remainder (21%). No significant association was seen between clades A and D and either frequency or mode of vertical transmission. RFLP analysis revealed 2 clade B infections, 9 mixed, and 5 p24/protease recombinant infections in the study population.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: GB virus type C (GBV-C) viraemia is associated with a beneficial outcome in HIV-infected individuals in several though not all studies. GBV-C viraemia was examined in a matched case-control study of 133 HIV-infected pregnant women who transmitted HIV to their infants ('cases') and 266 non-transmitting controls. METHODS: HIV-infected children and controls were pair-matched for high-risk delivery, race and year of delivery. GBV-C status was determined in maternal plasma samples obtained at or within 3 months of delivery. RESULTS: Pregnant women with GBV-C viraemia (11% of those studied) had lower HIV RNA levels (P=0.01) and higher CD4 percentages (P=0.0006) [corrected] than women without GBV-C. A trend towards decreased mother-to-child transmission in the multivariate analysis was observed among GBV-C viraemic women delivering after highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) became available [odds ratio (OR) 0.30, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.08-1.05; P=0.06], but not in women delivering prior to the widespread use of HAART. CONCLUSIONS: GBV-C viraemia was associated with a beneficial effect on CD4 percentage and HIV RNA level in these pregnant women, and was also associated with a trend towards reduced risk of mother-to-child HIV transmission among women after HAART became available. Further studies with larger or multiple cohorts are necessary to assess possible benefits in this population.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the relationship between mode of delivery and subsequent maternal HIV-1 disease progression. DESIGN AND METHODS: Changes in CD4+ lymphocyte percentage (CD4%) and plasma HIV-1 RNA concentration (HIV RNA), and time to progression to AIDS or death among HIV-1-infected women were compared according to mode of delivery [cesarean section before labor and ruptured membranes (SCS), cesarean section after labor and/or after ruptured membranes (NSCS), and vaginal delivery]. Generalized estimating equations were used to compare changes in adjusted mean CD4% and HIV RNA counts by mode of delivery. Cox proportional hazard models were used to assess differences in time to AIDS or death. RESULTS: In adjusted analyses, there were no clinically important differences in HIV-1 disease progression according to mode of delivery (SCS, n = 183; NSCS, n = 221; vaginal, n = 1087), as assessed by changes in CD4% and HIV RNA during the 18 months following delivery, and by progression to AIDS or death during a mean postpartum follow-up of 2.66 years. CONCLUSIONS: The present results suggest that, among HIV-1-infected women in North America, mode of delivery is not associated with subsequent HIV-1 disease progression.  相似文献   

Four mouse monoclonal antibodies were developed after immunization with one human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) type 2 isolate and were tested for reactivity with different HIV-1, HIV-2, and simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) isolates in an immunofluorescence assay and by immunological blot analysis. One of them, an anti-capsid (p24) antibody, called R1C7, reacted with all HIV-1, HIV-2, and SIV isolates tested, thus identifying an epitope shared by all HIV and SIV. Another anti-capsid antibody, named A4F6, reacted with three HIV-2 isolates (HIV-2NIH-Z, LAV-2Rod, and LK001 ST9), some SIV isolates (STLV-IIIAGM, SIV-251, and SIV-309), but no HIV-1 isolates. Two anti-matrix (p16) antibodies, named R5C4 and R5F6, reacted strongly only with the HIV-2 isolates. The use of these monoclonal antibodies for rapid discrimination and identification of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome-related retroviruses is discussed.  相似文献   

Prevalence of placental malaria in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) type 1-infected and -uninfected women and the effect of placental malaria on genital shedding and perinatal transmission of HIV-1 were examined. Genital samples for HIV-1 DNA RNA were collected during labor. Infants were tested for HIV-1 at 1 day and 6 weeks postpartum. Placental malaria was diagnosed by histopathological examination: 372 placentas of HIV-1-infected women and 277 of HIV-1-uninfected women were processed. A higher prevalence of placental malaria was seen in HIV-1-infected women. No association was found between placental malaria and either maternal virus load, genital HIV-1 DNA, or HIV-1 RNA. Placental malaria did not correlate with in utero or peripartal transmission of HIV-1.  相似文献   

Primary infection of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) is occasionally associated with common cold-like symptoms, and rarely with a self-limited illness resembling infectious mononucleosis. We report a 32-year-old man who presented with infectious mononucleosis-like blood picture on admission. Five days after admission he developed hepatic encephalopathy, which was ameliorated by administration of bolus corticosteroid. Based on the results of serologic studies, we diagnosed that he had primary HIV-1 infection. To our knowledge, this is the first published report of hepatic encephalopathy as a clinical manifestation of primary HIV-1 infection.  相似文献   

The effects of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) type 1 on the placenta and the role of the placenta in mother-to-child HIV-1 transmission are not well understood. Placentas from 78 HIV-infected and 158 HIV-uninfected women were examined as part of a prospective perinatal HIV transmission study in Bangkok. HIV-infected women were more likely than HIV-uninfected women to have chorioamnionitis (odds ratio [OR], 2.1; P=.03), placental membrane inflammation (PMI; OR, 2. 7; P=.02), and deciduitis (OR, 2.3; P=.03) and less likely to have villitis (OR, 0.3; P=.02). However, among HIV-infected women, fewer women who transmitted infection to their child had chorioamnionitis (relative risk [RR], 0.2; P=.03), funisitis (RR, 0.4; P=.1), or PMI (RR undefined; P=.03). These findings suggest that, in this population, HIV-infected women are at increased risk for placental membrane inflammatory lesions, but that placental inflammatory lesions are not associated with increased perinatal HIV transmission.  相似文献   

Studies of HIV-1 immunological relatedness have revealed that genetic diversity does not parallel antigenic diversity and have recently shown that HIV-1 strains from different geographic regions from around the world can be grouped into a small number of immunologically defined groups (immunotypes). Previously, the binding patterns of 28 monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) (specific for V3 and C5 of gp120 and cluster I of gp41) with 26 HIV-1 virions obtained globally were determined in a virus binding assay. Analysis of the binding patterns of these 728 mAb/virus combinations now reveals that a particular subset containing six of the 28 mAbs can correctly immunotype 24 of the 26 isolates (92%) into three immunotypes. Like the original panel of mAbs, the subset of six mAbs identified was directed against epitopes in the V3 and C5 regions of gp 120 as well as cluster I of gp41. The binding patterns ("profiles") of these six mAbs with 24 additional HIV-1 virions from Cameroon confirmed that epitopes in V3 and C5 of gp120 and cluster I of gp41 are well exposed on these viruses. Multivariate analysis of the binding patterns of these six mAbs with all 50 viruses (26 obtained globally and 24 obtained from Cameroon) indicates that the viruses from Cameroon have binding profiles similar to viruses from the rest of the world and can be classified into the same three immunotypes that were previously described. This study suggests that a vaccine against HIV-1 need not be based on geographic origin of the virus or on clade, but may better be based on antigenic properties that classify the plethora of different HIV-1 viruses into immunologically defined groups.  相似文献   

The safety and preliminary activity of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) immunogen were evaluated in 10 HIV-1-infected children with disease stage N1,2 or A1,2. Multiple inoculations of 2. 5 or 10 units (U) of HIV-1 immunogen were safe and well tolerated without an acceleration of disease progression. When antiretroviral agents were coadministered, the 10 U dose appeared to be associated with more sustained reduction in plasma HIV-1 RNA than the 2.5 U dose (median log10 HIV-1 RNA at month 18, 3.07 vs. 4.01 copies/mL in 10 U [n=4] vs. 2.5 U [n=3], respectively; P=.034). Levels of regulated-on-activation, normal T cell-expressed and -secreted chemokine produced from HIV-1 immunogen-stimulated lymphocytes in vitro were increased in the children who had HIV-1 immunogen-specific antibody responses (P<.02) and appeared to be inversely correlated with levels of plasma HIV-1 RNA (P<.01). These preliminary data warrant larger studies to determine the effectiveness of adjunctive therapy with HIV-1 immunogen in children with HIV-1 infection.  相似文献   

HIV-1 replication and viral burden in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) have been reported to be high in primary infection but generally very low during the prolonged period of clinical latency. It is uncertain precisely when this transition occurs during the HIV-1 infection and what the relationship is between the changes in HIV-1 replication versus the clearance of infected cells in the overall control of viral replication. In the present study, the kinetics of viral burden (i.e., frequency of HIV-1-infected cells) and replication during primary and early-chronic infection were analyzed in PBMC of four acutely infected individuals. High frequencies of HIV-1-infected cells and high levels of virus replication were observed in PBMC after primary HIV-1 infection. Down-regulation of virus replication in PBMC was observed in all four patients coincident with the emergence of HIV-1-specific immune responses. Other parameters of virus replication, such as circulating plasma p24 antigen and plasma viremia showed similar kinetics. In contrast, a significant decline in viral burden in PBMC was observed in only one of four patients. These results indicate that the down-regulation in the levels of virus replication associated with the clinical transition from acute to chronic infection does not necessarily reflect a reduction in viral burden, thus suggesting the involvement of additional factors. Identification of these factors will be important in elucidating the host mechanisms involved in the early control of HIV-1 infection and disease.  相似文献   

The cases of 14 patients with thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura admitted to one institution after 1980 were reviewed. Three of the fourteen cases occurred in patients with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)-related complex and one occurred in a patient with probable human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. The diagnosis in all four cases had been made after 1985. The association of thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura with HIV infection was judged to be statistically significant on the basis of the proportion of patients with AIDS among the general population of patients admitted to the same institution during the same period. The fact that this association is only now being recognized suggests that there may be a long incubation period for thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura or that the association is a rare one recognized now only because of the increased number of persons with AIDS.  相似文献   

Identification of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1)-infected individuals is of paramount importance for the control of the spread of AIDS worldwide. Currently, the vast majority of screening centers throughout the world rely on serological techniques. As such, clinically asymptomatic but HIV-infected, seronegative individuals are rarely identified. In this report we show that 18% (30/165) of seronegative individuals who were considered to be a unique cohort of patients at high risk for HIV infection had circulating B cells that, upon in vitro polyclonal activation with pokeweed mitogen, produced antibodies reactive with HIV. Furthermore, polymerase chain reaction analysis of DNA obtained from aliquots of the peripheral blood mononuclear cells from these seronegative but pokeweed mitogen assay-positive individuals tested revealed the presence of HIV-specific sequences in a significant number of samples. In addition, depletion of CD8+ T cells from peripheral blood mononuclear cells of HIV-1-seronegative individuals prior to in vitro culture with pokeweed mitogen resulted in increased sensitivity for detecting HIV-reactive antibodies. This assay has obvious epidemiological implications, especially in the case of high-risk groups, and also provides a simple technique to enhance detection of HIV-infected individuals. Of further interest is the determination of the mechanisms related to the lack of HIV-specific antibodies in the serum of these infected individuals.  相似文献   

Several studies of patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) type 1 have suggested that women have lower plasma HIV-1 RNA levels than men, even when controlling for CD4 T cell levels. A cross-sectional analysis was performed in 494 patients (21% of whom were women) who enrolled in a prospective study of anemic HIV-1-infected patients requiring transfusion. The median CD4 T cell count and plasma HIV-1 RNA levels were 15 cells/microL and 4.83 log(10) copies/mL (67,350 copies/mL), respectively. In unadjusted analyses, women had slightly higher mean log HIV-1 RNA titers than men (0.19 log(10) higher copies/mL; 95% confidence interval, -0.05 to 0.44; P=.11). Adjustment for CD4 T cell count, race or ethnicity, injection drug use, and age yielded a smaller sex difference (0.13 log(10) copies/mL higher in women; P=.28). In this population of patients with very advanced HIV disease, there is no evidence that women have lower HIV-1 RNA levels than men.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) levels in cervicovaginal lavage (CVL) and plasma samples were evaluated in relation to perinatal transmission in a randomized placebo-controlled trial of brief antenatal zidovudine treatment. Samples were collected at 38 weeks' gestation from 310 women and more frequently from a subset of 74 women. At 38 weeks, after a 2-week treatment period, CVL HIV-1 was quantifiable in 23% and 52% of samples in the zidovudine and placebo groups, respectively (P<.001). The perinatal transmission rate was 28.7% among women with quantifiable CVL HIV-1 and high plasma virus levels (>10,000 copies/mL) and 1% among women without quantifiable CVL HIV-1 and with low plasma virus levels (P<.001). A 1-log increase in plasma HIV-1 increased the transmission odds 1.8 and 6.1 times (95% confidence interval, 0.9-3.5 vs. 2.4-15.4) for women with and without quantifiable CVL HIV-1, respectively (P=.03). CVL HIV-1 is an independent risk factor for perinatal HIV-1 transmission.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) subtypes differ in biological characteristics that may affect pathogenicity. METHODS: We determined the HIV-1 subtype-specific rates of disease progression among 350 HIV-1 seroconverters. Subtype, viral load, and CD4(+) cell count were determined. Cox proportional hazards regression modeling was used to estimate adjusted hazard ratios (HRs) of progression to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) (defined as a CD4(+) cell count of < or =250 cells/mm(3)) and to AIDS-associated death. RESULTS: A total of 59.1% of study subjects had subtype D strains, 15.1% had subtype A, 21.1% had intersubtype recombinant subtypes, 4.3% had multiple subtypes, and 0.3% had subtype C. Of the 350 subjects, 129 (37%) progressed to AIDS, and 68 (19.5%) died of AIDS. The median time to AIDS onset was shorter for persons with subtype D (6.5 years), recombinant subtypes (5.6 years), or multiple subtypes (5.8 years), compared with persons with subtype A (8.0 years; P = .022). Relative to subtype A, adjusted HRs of progression to AIDS were 2.13 [95% confidence interval {CI}, 1.10-4.11] for subtype D, 2.16 [95% CI, 1.05-4.45] for recombinant subtypes, and 4.40 [95% CI, 1.71-11.3] for multiple subtypes. The risk of progression to death was significantly higher for subtype D (adjusted HR, 5.65; 95% CI, 1.37-23.4), recombinant subtypes (adjusted HR, 6.70; 95% CI, 1.56-28.8), and multiple subtypes (adjusted HR, 7.67; 95% CI, 1.27-46.3), compared with subtype A. CONCLUSIONS: HIV disease progression is affected by HIV-1 subtype. This finding may impact decisions on when to initiate antiretroviral therapy and may have implications for future trials of HIV-1 vaccines aimed at slowing disease progression.  相似文献   

To determine the effects of plasma, genital, and breast milk human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) and breast infections on perinatal HIV-1 transmission, a nested case-control study was conducted within a randomized clinical trial of breast-feeding and formula feeding among HIV-1-seropositive mothers in Nairobi, Kenya. In analyses comparing 92 infected infants with 187 infants who were uninfected at 2 years, maternal viral RNA levels >43,000 copies/mL (cohort median) were associated with a 4-fold increase in risk of transmission (95% confidence interval [CI], 2.2-7.2). Maternal cervical HIV-1 DNA (odds ratio [OR], 2.4; 95% CI, 1.3-4.4), vaginal HIV-1 DNA (OR, 2.3; 95% CI, 1.1-4.7), and cervical or vaginal ulcers (OR, 2.7; 95% CI, 1.2-5.8) were significantly associated with infant infection, independent of plasma virus load. Breast-feeding (OR, 1.7; 95% CI, 1.0-2.9) and mastitis (relative risk [RR], 3.9; 95% CI, 1.2-12.7) were associated with increased transmission overall, and mastitis (RR, 21.8; 95% CI, 2.3-211.0) and breast abscess (RR, 51.6; 95% CI, 4.7-571.0) were associated with late transmission (occurring >2 months postpartum). Use of methods that decrease infant exposure to HIV-1 in maternal genital secretions or breast milk may enhance currently recommended perinatal HIV-1 interventions.  相似文献   

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