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We report herein the unusual case of a 45-year-old Japanese man whose chest X-rays revealed an abnormal shadow, increasing in size. A chest wall tumor was suspected, based on the findings of computed tomography (CT) of the thorax, the CT number of which was −137, chest roentgenogram, and an echograph. An open biopsy was performed to establish the final diagnosis. The resected tumor was a pedunculated pleural mass, yellowish in color, the pathological diagnosis of which confirmed a lipoma. Intrathoracic lipomas are rare, but pleural lipomas are seen even less frequently. CT, echography, and percutaneous needle biopsy have been found useful for diagnosing intrathoracic lipomas, but these examinations are not always adequate for confirming the final diagnosis. Consequently, tumor resection is essential for obtaining a pathological diagnosis.  相似文献   

Lymphangiomas and lymphangiomyomas are benign abnormal collections of lymphatic vessels which form a cystic mass. The mediastinum is an uncommon location for these hamartomas in children, but may be life-threatening. We report herein the case of a 23-month-old boy who presented with stridor and a history of recurrent respiratory tract infections. Soon after his admission he suddenly developed respiratory failure and was found to have a multiloculated cystic mediastinal mass which was initially thought to be a lymphangioma. The mass was extensively infiltrative, and histological examination showed prominent smooth muscle proliferation in the walls of the cysts, confirming a diagnosis of lymphangiomyoma. The terminology and relevant literature on the topic are reviewed following the presentation of this case.  相似文献   

Most tracheal tumors are malignant, and benign neoplasms are extremely rare. We herein report the case of a 60-year-old woman with a tracheal lipoma obstructing the right main bronchus in whom a preoperative diagnosis was not able to be established. Thus, a thoracotomy was performed followed by complete resection of the tumor including two rings of the tracheal wall. Pathologic examination confirmed that the tumor was a lipoma covered with tracheal epithelium, extending between the cartilage into the outer layer of the trachea.  相似文献   

Kato N  Iwasaki H  Rino Y  Imada T  Amano T  Kondo J 《Surgery today》1999,29(4):347-350
(Received for publication on Dec. 8, 1997; accepted on July 7, 1998)  相似文献   

We herein describe a patient with mediastinal lymph node metastases which occurred after both a primary sigmoid colon cancer and metachronous ovarian metastasis had been resected. The most likely route of metastases to the mediastinum in this case is the paravertebral venous plexus probably connected to the ovarian metastasis, or so-called remetastasis. This case illustrates that the mediastinum is thus a possible metastatic site in patients with colon cancer. Surgeons should therefore pay attention to the mediastinum as well as the lung fields when checking chest X-ray films during a follow-up of patients after a resection of colon cancer.  相似文献   

正患儿男,13岁,咳嗽、咳痰3月余,偶伴发热;既往无特殊病史。查体:右上肺叩诊浊音。实验室检查:白细胞12.20×109/L,血小板503×109/L,中性粒细胞7.09×109/L,单核细胞1.23×109/L,嗜酸性粒细胞0.74×109/L,D-二聚体0.402mg/L,纤维蛋白原5.72 g/L,肿瘤异常糖链蛋白176.821μ。胸部X线片:双肺纹理增多,右中上肺野见团块状高密度影,外缘及下缘尚清,内缘与纵隔重叠,  相似文献   

患者,女,43岁。左踝外伤后发现左跟骨病灶9d入院。入院后查体:左外踝中度肿胀、无皮下淤血、青紫、无皮肤破溃,压痛(+),跟骨触之无包块,压痛(-),叩击痛(-),左踝关节活动好,左足背动脉搏动清晰,  相似文献   

We report here the complete thoracoscopic resection of a giant lipoma (18x15x5 cm, 560 g) in a 33-year-old man using an original sternum-lifting technique. The patient had an uncomplicated postoperative course and was discharged on the seventh postoperative day. This is the largest reported anterior mediastinal tumor that was completely resected by video-assisted thoracic surgery without median sternotomy or thoracotomy. This original method may be useful from the standpoint of minimal access, rapid recovery, less pain, and good cosmetic results for an anterior mediastinal giant tumor.  相似文献   

Liu X  Wu X  He D  Wei G  Liu F  Lin T  Li X 《Journal of pediatric surgery》2011,46(6):1281-1283
Lipoma of the kidney is a rare benign renal tumor that previously had been reported only in adults. We present a case of this tumor in a 2-year-old boy. Serial imaging studies revealed a tumor with high fat content arising from the right kidney. Radical nephrectomy was performed for tumor excision. Macroscopically, the tumor consisted of a yellow fatty mass, which was surrounded by a thin fibrous capsule. The tumor was about 600 g, and the kidney was compressed laterally by the tumor. Microscopically, the tumor consisted of large fat cells that did not express human melanoma black-45 (HMB-45). It was diagnosed as a renal lipoma. Postoperatively, there has been no recurrence of tumor in the 10 months since the surgical excision.  相似文献   

A 19-year-old Japanese male developed a cough, chest pain, and high fever. CT of the chest revealed a bulky mediastinal tumor (13 times 1O × 8 cm) and bilateral multiple pulmonary nodules. CT of the abdomen and pelvis was normal. Laboratory evaluation showed a beta human chorionic gonadotropin (βHCG) level of 985 ng/mL. Testicular ultrasonography demonstrated multiple, bilateral punctate echoes characteristic of testicular microlithiasis (TM). No primary testicular tumor was detected. Needle biopsies of the testes did not reveal cancer and calcification. Transthoracic needle biopsy of the mediastinal tumor showed choriocarcinoma. No correlation is known between TM and choriocarcinoma without testicular cancer, but the incidence of TM in this patient may reflect his high human chorionic gonadotropin level.  相似文献   

Lipomas are the most common benign tumours that originate from adipose tissue and can develop in any anatomical location where the adipose tissue layer is present in the body. Penile lipoma cases are very rare in the literature. Our case is a 21‐year‐old male patient who underwent TIPU operation 8 years ago due to distal hypospadias. One year after the operation, a palpable swelling at the midline of the ventral portion of the penis occurred and this lesion grew over time. In this case report, we present a patient with lipoma that was developed in the surgical area 1 year after hypospadias surgery. To the best of our knowledge, this is one of the first cases of penil lipoma related to hypospadias procedure.  相似文献   

Benign cardiac tumours are rare and cardiac lipomas account only for a small fraction among those. Most of these tumours differ in terms of clinical manifestation, diagnosis, morphology and size, and are therefore not diagnosed easily unless they become symptomatic. We report the case of a 71-year-old Caucasian woman with recurrent episodes of shortness of breath presenting with an acute exacerbation of dyspnoea and hypertensive crisis. Diagnosis of a right atrial lipoma with a coexisting patent foramen ovale was established on echocardiography and computed tomography, and the patient was evaluated for elective surgery. Comprising the entire free wall of the right atrium, the tumour was removed during open heart surgery on cardiopulmonary bypass. The right atrium and the orifices of both the superior and inferior vena cava were reconstructed with bovine pericardium. No evidence of tumour relapse was observed during successive follow-up visits.  相似文献   

Intraosseous lipomas are benign tumors of bone. Although the tumor may affect many different locations, small bone involvement is quite rare. The authors report a case of an intraosseous lipoma of the fifth metatarsal treated with curettage and packing with allograft. The clinical and laboratory features of the case are also discussed.  相似文献   

黄超  郭文来  尤荻  徐洪亮  李红  李锐  朱哲 《中国骨伤》2018,31(6):562-564
正患者,男,56岁,因偶发左臀部肿物2周于2017年8月28日入院。患者2周前偶发左臀部肿物,1周前就诊于当地医院行彩超见:左臀部肌层探及低回声,大小30 mm×24 mm,形态规则,边界欠清,其内回声不均匀;CDFI:未见明显血流信号。为求进一步诊治,来我院治疗。既往胃溃疡史10年,9年前因上消化  相似文献   

IntroductionAlthough Esophageal lipoma is extremely rare and pathologically benign, surgical excision of the lipoma is recommended when symptomatic or uncertain biological behavior. In general, some of the esophageal lipoma has a stalk. The pedunclated non-invasive tumor can be removed by stalk ligation, which is either endoscopic or surgical approache. Therefore, the preoperative evaluation is essential. We herein present a case of a huge esophageal lipoma.Case reportA 82-year-old man, with a wet cough and dyspnea for 6 months, who had the huge mass that almost completely occupied the esophageal lumen, was referred to our institution for the treatment.We diagnosed the mass as non-invasive tumor that has a stalk at the close to the esophageal orifice, by the CT image using air injection into esophageal lumen. We performed excision of the pedunclated huge mobile mass by esophagotomy via right thoracic approach with use of endoloop. Pathological examination showed a lipoma.ConclusionIn conclusion, an adequate preoperative evaluation to identify the correct origin of the stalk is mandatory for a successful treatment. In order to do the adequate preoperative evaluation and successful surgery, our diagnostic method of CT image can be effective.  相似文献   

A rare case of spindle cell lipoma of the knee in a 58-year-old woman is presented. A soft tissue mass on the lateral aspect of the knee, measuring 5 × 6cm in size, that had been noticed 1 year previously showed slightly lower signal intensities both on T1- and T2-weighted magnetic resonance images than those of subcutaneous adipose tissue. Because pathological findings of the tiny specimen obtained by needle biopsy showed lipogenic tumor and the possibility of well-differentiated liposarcoma could not be ruled out, wide excision was performed. Histopathological examination revealed that the tumor consisted of spindle cells, collagen fibers, and lipocytes. In addition, immunohistochemical study showed positive staining for CD34. From these histological findings, diagnosis of spindle cell lipoma was made. Although expected sites of spindle cell lipoma are the posterior neck, shoulder region, and upper back, it may also arise in the lower extremity. Therefore, when radiological findings suggest lipogenic tumor but are different from those of lipoma, spindle cell lipoma as well as well-differentiated liposarcoma should be considered for differential diagnoses.  相似文献   

Laparoscopic excision of a gastric lipoma is reported here. The diagnosis was done preoperatively be computed tomography, which gave evidence of fat tissue due to its low attenuation. The patient undergoes a complete submucosal excision enjoying the benefit of the laparoscopic approach with rapid postoperative recovery. This procedure offers a good alternative to open laparotomy in the treatment of benign gastric tumours.  相似文献   

Multiple intracranial lipoma: A case report   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We report on a male epileptic patient, presently 27 years old, who has suffered complex-partial attacks for 19 years. Under treatment with carbamazepine the seizures were completely controlled. In addition, the patient exhibited partial hypopituitarism. CT and MRI revealed the presence of 2 lipomas, one located within the optico-chiasmatic cistern and the other one in the medial temporal lobe. To our knowledge, this combination of the generally rare lesions has not been described yet.  相似文献   

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