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BACKGROUND: To compare procalcitonin (PCT) concentrations between maternal blood and levels in umbilical cord or venous blood of neonates who were born with or without infection. METHODS: Forty-six women with singleton pregnancies, complicated by premature rupture of membranes, preterm delivery and/or chorioamnionitis, were enrolled in this study. The study group comprised 15 patients and their infected newborns. The control group consisted of 31 women and their healthy newborns. We compared PCT concentrations between maternal, umbilical cord and neonatal serum, in both study and control groups. Additionally, PCT levels were compared between the corresponding compartments. RESULTS: PCT concentrations in the umbilical cord and venous blood in infected newborns, but not in non-infected neonates, were significantly higher than maternal serum PCT levels. PCT concentrations of mothers who delivered infected newborns were comparable to those in the controls. However, PCT concentrations in the umbilical cord and in the venous blood of the infected newborns were higher than in healthy newborns. CONCLUSION: Measurement of maternal PCT concentration during labor does not contribute to early prediction of infection in the neonate. However, umbilical cord PCT concentrations, as well as its neonatal venous levels on the second day of life, seem to be related to intrauterine infection, and may be a useful tool in the diagnosis of early neonatal infection.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To ascertain whether fetal growth restriction is associated with alterations of leptin concentrations in umbilical cord blood and maternal serum. METHODS: Maternal serum and umbilical cord blood leptin concentrations were determined by immunoradiometric assay at term in 43 women with uncomplicated singleton pregnancies (group A) and in 27 women with singleton pregnancies complicated by fetal growth restriction (group B), all with normal pregravid body mass index (BMI). RESULTS: Maternal serum leptin concentrations were significantly higher in group B compared with group A (45.0 ng/mL [range 34.2-54.9] versus 29.0 ng/mL [range 24.7-33.3]; P<.01). Umbilical cord blood leptin levels were significantly lower in group B compared with group A (8.4 ng/mL [range 3.6-13.2] versus 13.1 ng/mL [9.7-16.5]; P<.01). Maternal serum leptin levels were not significantly correlated with maternal BMI or with neonatal birth weight in either group. Umbilical cord blood leptin concentrations were significantly correlated with neonatal birth weight in both groups. CONCLUSION: Growth restricted fetuses at term show umbilical cord blood leptin concentrations significantly lower than those in normal fetuses, suggesting that fetal adipose tissue is a major source of leptin. Maternal serum leptin concentrations are higher in the presence of a growth restricted fetus. This increase might be due to an intrinsic placental mechanism, by which small placentas produce more leptin as a compensatory mechanism, or to early hypoxia.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The purpose of our study was to determine maternal serum concentrations of IL-8, IL-6, IFN-gamma during normal pregnancy and labor. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Maternal serum IL-8, IL-6 and IFN-gamma levels were measured by means of ELISA technique in 41 healthy pregnant women in 22-42 week gestation and 15 healthy women in labor at term. All newborns and afterbirths had no signs of infection. RESULTS: IL-8 values for pregnant women ranged from 1.98 to 35.2 pg/ml with the median value 10.24 pg/ml, and the 95th percentile 24.5 pg/ml. IL-8 values for women in labor at term ranged from 3.96 to 54.8 pg/ml with the median 10.4 pg/ml. No statistically significant changes in serum IL-8 concentration were observed during pregnancy or in labor. Serum IL-6 concentrations in pregnant women ranged from 0 to 21.7 pg/ml with the median value 0 pg/ml, and the 95th percentile 15.5 pg/ml. Serum IL-6 concentrations in women in labor at term were significantly higher (p < 0.05): ranged from 0 to 39.2 pg/ml with the median 10.1 pg/ml and 95-th percentile 33.5 pg/ml. Maternal serum IFN-gamma concentrations in pregnant women ranged from 0 to 9.8 pg/ml with the median value 3.9 pg/ml, the 95th percentile 9.2 pg/ml and didn't differ during labor at term: range from 0 to 14.5 pg/ml, median 1.9 pg/ml. CONCLUSIONS: Our data revealed that maternal serum IL-8 concentrations didn't changed during the course of pregnancy and in labor. Women in labor had significantly elevated serum IL-6 concentrations compared to those in pregnancy. We didn't observed such changes in serum IFN-gamma levels.  相似文献   

Objective: Lactating women in New Mexico have low levels of important fatty acids relative to reported international data. The objective was to correlate the proportions of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPUFA) in the serum phospholipids in mothers and newborns within the same population. Methods: The serum phospholipids of 52 maternal:neonatal pairs were analyzed. Maternal samples from consecutive admissions were collected at hospital admission, and umbilical cord blood samples were collected at delivery. Fatty acid methyl esters were prepared and then separated and quantified by gas-liquid chromatography. Results: The median maternal percentages of arachidonic acid (AA) (4.9%), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) (0.27%) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) (2.07%) were below reported international levels. The percentages of AA (9.6%) and DHA (3.2%) in cord serum phospholipids were much higher than maternal samples but remained lower than reported internationally, whereas cord EPA (1.1%) was higher than reported. The highest percentage of DHA in serum phospholipids was found in the Asian subjects (4.21?±?0.41%), while the American Indian women had the lowest DHA percentage (1.38?±?0.26%). The maternal DHA percentage was negatively correlated with parity (r?=??0.22, p?=?0.04). Conclusions: In the setting of low maternal levels of important fatty acids, their newborns did not accrue serum levels equivalent to reported international values.  相似文献   

Serial measurements of alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) were made in 63 normal pregnancies throughout gestation using a radioimmunoassay. Significant levels of AFP, which were detected as early as at 10 weeks gestation, showed a gradual rise until 32 weeks, after which the levels declined until term. The limits of the normal gestational pattern have been defined and the intrapatient variability of the assay was examined. A comparison of the clinical characteristics of the pregnancies with levels of AFP was made. Higher birth weights were correlated with later attainment of peak levels of AFP and peak levels were achieved earlier in gestation in female fetuses. Higher levels of AFP and lower oestriol/AFP ratios were correlated with an earlier onset of labour.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between maternal and cord leptin concentrations, maternal and neonatal outcomes, and measures of glycemic control in diabetic and nondiabetic pregnancy. STUDY DESIGN: This was a prospective study of 60 type 1 diabetic and 50 nondiabetic pregnancies in a university teaching hospital. Serum leptin and hemoglobin A(1c) were measured serially throughout pregnancy; leptin, insulin, insulin-like growth factor-1, and C-peptide in venous cord blood were measured at delivery. Leptin was measured with the use of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Data were analyzed with specific computer software. RESULTS: Maternal leptin levels correlated with cord leptin levels in the nondiabetic group only. Cord leptin levels correlated with cord C-peptide, cord insulin-like growth factor-1, birth weight, birth weight corrected for gestational age, and neonatal anthropometry in both groups and with hemoglobin A(1c) in the diabetic group only. Cord leptin levels increased significantly with increasing birth weight corrected for gestational age but remained significantly higher at all birth weights in the diabetic group. CONCLUSION: There are strong associations between cord leptin levels and other measures of fetal growth in both groups and with glycemic control in the diabetic group.  相似文献   



To evaluate basal testosterone (T) levels in women undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF) cycles and examine the association between basal T levels and ovarian response or IVF pregnancy outcome.


We retrospectively analyzed 1413 infertile Chinese women undergoing their first IVF treatment at our institution’s reproductive center from March 2011 to May 2013. The basal testosterone (T) levels in women undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF) and the relationship between basal T levels and ovarian response or IVF pregnancy outcome were determined. These patients did not have polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) or endometriosis, and were treated with a long luteal down-regulation protocol. Subjects were divided into 2 groups according to basal testosterone (T) levels: Group 1, basal T values <20 ng/dl (n = 473), and Group 2, basal T values >20 ng/dl (n = 940). We evaluated the association of basal T levels with ovarian response and IVF outcome in the two groups.


In this study, BMI, basal follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) levels, basal luteinizing hormone (LH) levels, antral follicle count (AFC), days of stimulation, total gonadotrophin dose, basal FSH/LH ratio, and the number of follicles >14 mm were significantly different (P < 0.05) between the two groups. Basal T level positively correlated with ovarian reserve function, number of follicles >14 mm on human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) day, and total gonadotropin dose. However, basal T levels play no role in predicting IVF pregnancy outcome.


Basal T level can be used as a good predictor for ovarian response and the number of large follicles on HCG day. Additionally, we may use basal T level as a marker to predict FSH dosage. In general women, lower level of T might relate with potential poor ovarian response. However, based on our data, basal T levels do not predict pregnancy outcome.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the relationship between Day 8 serum luteinizing hormone (LH) and testosterone (T) concentrations, and body mass index (BMI) with pregnancy outcome in women with recurrent miscarriage. DESIGN: Prospective observational study. SETTING: National recurrent miscarriage clinic. PATIENT(S): Three hundred forty-four women (median age 32 years; range 18-44) with a history of recurrent first trimester miscarriage (median 4; 3-14; <12 weeks gestation) who conceived spontaneously and who received no pharmacological treatment during pregnancy were studied. All women were antiphospholipid antibody negative and had a normal peripheral karyotype as did their partners. INTERVENTION(S): Outcome of untreated pregnancies. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE(S): Day 8 serum LH and T concentrations and BMI were correlated with pregnancy outcome. RESULT(S): One hundred and ninety-two (55.8%) women had a live birth and 152 (44.2%) women miscarried. Polycystic ovarian morphology was diagnosed in 174 women (50.6%). There was no significant relationship between follicular phase LH concentrations and pregnancy outcome. Pregnancy outcome was similar in women with normal and high serum T concentrations. BMI value was not significantly different between women who had a live birth and those who miscarried. CONCLUSION(S): The analysis of this large cohort of women with recurrent miscarriage demonstrates that prepregnancy Day 8 serum LH and T concentrations, and BMI do not have a statistically significant relationship with pregnancy outcome.  相似文献   

Leptin concentrations were measured in African American women in order to assess leptin's role in the increased frequency and severity of preeclampsia. In addition, leptin concentrations were measured in women who delivered small-for-gestational-age (SGA) infants. A case-control study of African American and Caucasian women with normal pregnancies, preeclampsia, or SGA infants was done. Plasma leptin was quantitated by radio-immunoassay. The previously recognized pattern of increased leptin concentrations in preeclampsia was replicated. Leptin concentrations did not differ by race in any diagnostic category, and concentrations in women with SGA infants were not higher than those in healthy women. Differences in the frequency and severity of preeclampsia in African Americans cannot be explained by higher leptin concentrations.  相似文献   

Existing data regarding the ability to predict neonatal thrombocytopenia during maternal immune thrombocytopenia are confusing. We studied normal pregnancies (n = 20) to define normal values and the correlation between maternal and umbilical cord platelet counts, platelet-associated immunoglobulin G (IgG), and platelet-bindable IgG. The postpartum serum platelet-bindable IgG level was measured to evaluate peripartum changes and the correlation with colostrum platelet-bindable IgG (n = 6). The mean maternal platelet count was 181,500 cells/cm3 mm and the mean umbilical cord platelet count was 293,500 cells/mm3. The median maternal platelet-associated IgG was 803 molecules per platelet, umbilical cord platelet-associated IgG was 791 molecules per platelet, maternal platelet-bindable IgG was 92 molecules per platelet, and umbilical cord platelet-bindable IgG was 256 molecules per platelet. The postpartum median maternal platelet-bindable IgG was 333 molecules per platelet and for colostrum it was 297 molecules per platelet. No clinically useful correlations for predicting the neonatal platelet count during normal pregnancy were found. Normal pregnancies may have high levels of maternal- or umbilical cord platelet-associated IgG, perhaps due to nonspecific binding.  相似文献   

Concentrations of 3 alpha-androstanediol (A) and 3 alpha-androstanediol glucuronide (AG) were measured with a radioimmunoassay in pregnancy plasma samples collected from the mother in the first trimester (first, n = 18) and second trimester (second, n = 20) and at term (n = 14). At term, along with the maternal samples, matching cord plasma samples were also obtained (n = 14). Throughout pregnancy the levels of A and AG were significantly higher than in normally menstruating women. Although the total concentration of A and AG did not change significantly throughout pregnancy, the levels of A in the second and at term were significantly higher than in the first. In contrast, AG concentrations in the second were significantly lower than in the first and at term. As compared to the maternal concentrations at term, the cord levels of AG and A plus AG were not significantly different. However, the levels of A in the cord were significantly lower than those in the maternal circulation at term. Significant correlations were observed between the term maternal and cord levels of AG and A plus AG. No sex-related differences in the plasma levels of A and AG were noted. The results show that levels of A and AG increase significantly in the first trimester and remain elevated throughout pregnancy.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   



Thrombospondin-1 serum levels is correlate with pelvic pain in patients with ovarian endometriosis.


Thrombospondin-1 serum levels were prospectively analysed in 51 patients (group A asymptomatic patients or patients presenting mild dysmenorrhea and women comprised group B severe dysmenorrhea and/or chronic pelvic pain and/or dyspareunia) who underwent surgery for cystic ovarian endometriosis to asses whether a correlation exists among thrombospondin-1 serum levels and pelvic pain.


From 56 patients, five cases were ultimateley excluded, because the histological diagnosis was other than cystic ovarian endometriosis (2 teratomas and 3 haemorragic cysts). The mean thrombospondin-1 serum levels in group A was 256,69 pg/ml_+37,07 and in group B was 291,41 pg/ml + 35,59.


Pain symptoms in ovarian endometriosis is not correlated with thrombospondin-1 serum levels.  相似文献   

Objective.?To evaluate the role of resistin in the pathophysiology of insulin resistance during pregnancy and on the birth weight of infants born from women with gestational diabetes (GDM).

Material and methods.?Thirty women diagnosed with GDM were compared to 30 normal pregnant controls. Maternal serum resistin and insulin levels were measured at the time of the oral glucose tolerance test screening. In addition, umbilical levels of resistin and insulin were measured at the time of delivery.

Results.?There was no difference in maternal serum resistin levels in women with GDM as compared to normal controls at 24–26 weeks. There was no difference in umbilical resistin levels between the infants born in the two groups. There was no correlation between infant weight and either maternal resistin at 24–26 week or umbilical resistin levels.

Conclusion.?There were no significant differences in umbilical resistin levels between infants born of women with GDM as compared to normal pregnant women. In addition, there was no correlation between resistin levels during pregnancy, as well as between umbilical resistin levels and neonatal birth weight. In conclusion, resistin seems to play a rather minor role in the pathophysiology of GDM and the energy metabolism during fetal life.  相似文献   

Background: Interleukin 10 (IL-10) is involved in normal fecundity and systemic IL-10 changes during gestation might reflect an immunologic shift at the maternal–fetal interface. Methods: Serum IL-10 levels were measured in the first and second trimester of uncomplicated pregnancy in 32 women. The low interassay coefficient of variation of the low adjustor of the IL-10 assay (5.2%) enabled us to detect IL-10 concentrations between 0.50 pg/ml and 4.0 pg/ml. Results: There was no statistically significant difference between serum IL-10 levels in the first trimester (median 1.10; range 0.53–4.60 pg/ml) and second trimester (median 1.05; range 0.64–3.30 pg/ml). Conclusion: IL-10 is not systemically activated to a detectable degree between the first and second trimester of normal pregnancy.  相似文献   

Simultaneous measurement of serum concentrations of estrone (E1), estradiol (E2), estriol (E3), and progesterone were carried out in multiple serial blood samples obtained during the last 3-10 weeks of pregnancy, labor, and the immediate postpartum period in 5 normal women. Estrogen and progesterone levels showed a small, but statistically significant diurnal variation during pregnancy. They did not change during labor; however, with the exception of E1 levels, all declined following delivery. Individual patterns preceding labor, derived from calculated moving mean values, showed no consistent decline in progesterone levels nor a surge in E1 and E2 concentrations whereas estriol levels showed a steady rise starting 14-28 days prior to the onset of labor. Whether this E3 elevation reflects fetal maturation and/or plays a role in the triggering mechanism of labor is unknow. Failure to detect changes in E1, E2, and progesterone levels in the maternal peripheral circulation does not preclude the possibility that alterations of metabolism of these hormones in the fetal or uterine compartments might be involved in the initiation of human labor.  相似文献   

Objective: We aimed to explore the risk factors that may lead to vitamin D deficiency in pregnant women living in moderately high-altitude regions.

Methods: The study was conducted prospectively between November 2012 and July 2013. City of Erzurum is located at an altitude of 1900–2200?m, north Turkey at 39°4′ latitude. Healthy mothers that gave birth after completing 37th week of their pregnancies and healthy neonates weighting >2500?g were included in the study. For 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) analyses venous blood samples of 2?ml were obtained from the umbilical cord and the mother. Questionnaires were developed covering the demographical characteristics and possible risk factors for mothers.

Results: Totally 81 mothers and neonates were included into the study. The mean 25(OH)D level of mothers was 7.1?±?6.5?ng/ml. It was noted that 45 (55.7%) mothers had severe deficiency. Multivariate linear regression analysis showed that the dressing style and the level of sunlight received by the house were independent factors affecting the level of 25(OH)D.

Conclusion: Our findings showed that cultural factors had significant effects on vitamin D levels. We believe that appropriate dose of vitamin D prophylaxis should be administered to pregnant women, considering the risk factors as well as the geographical features.  相似文献   

Maternal serum folacin levels during and after normal pregnancy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Maternal serum folacin levels decrease during pregnancy. This decrease could not be explained by hemodilution. Postpartum levels did not increase significantly compared to values measured at partum. In a healthy Dutch pregnant population receiving no vitamin supplementation the folacin status is at risk and after pregnancy it takes considerable time to refill folacin stores.  相似文献   

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