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Interleukin-10 (IL-10) is a T helper type 2 (Th2) cytokine that suppresses Th1-mediated, cell-mediated immune responses and reciprocally enhances antibody-mediated responses. Previous studies, however, demonstrated that forced expression of the IL-10 gene in tumor cells could unexpectedly produce antitumor effects. We then examined whether tumor-derived IL-10 could modulate systemic immune responses. Murine colon carcinoma (Colon 26) cells that were retrovirally transduced with the murine IL-10 gene (Colon 26/IL-10) were inoculated in syngeneic immunocompetent or T cell-defective nude mice. Growth of Colon 26/IL-10 tumors was augmented in immunocompetent and, to less extent, in nude mice compared with that of wild-type tumors developed in respective mice. Growth of wild-type tumors was accelerated to the same level as that of Colon 26/IL-10 tumors when wild type and Colon 26/IL-10 cells were respectively inoculated in different flanks of the same immunocompetent mice. This enhanced growth of wild-type tumors was not observed in nude mice. Immunocompetent mice that had rejected IL-2- or IL-12-secreting Colon 26 cells developed protective immunity and became completely resistant to wild-type Colon 26 cells subsequently challenged. However, some of the mice that had rejected IL-2 or IL-12 producers developed Colon 26/IL-10 tumors inoculated thereafter. The present study showed that production of IL-10 from tumor cells impaired T cell- and non-T cell-mediated systemic antitumor immunity in hosts.  相似文献   

In this study, using the carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA)-expressing C15 murine colon carcinoma system in syngeneic C57BL/6 mice, we have evaluated the efficacy of bone marrow-derived dendritic cells (DCs) pulsed with the murine anti-idiotype antibody 3H1 as a tumor vaccine. Anti-idiotype 3H1 mimics a distinct and specific epitope of CEA and can generate anti-CEA immunity in mice, rabbits, monkeys, and humans when used with a conventional immune adjuvant. Our goal was to determine whether the use of DC as direct antigen-presenting cells would improve the potency of 3H1 as vaccine. Bone marrow-DC pulsed with 3H1 and injected into na?ve mice induced both humoral and cellular anti-3H1, as well as anti-CEA immunity. Specific killing of C15 cells in in vitro antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity has been observed by immune sera. Immune-splenic lymphocytes when stimulated in vitro with 3H1 or CEA, showed increased proliferative CD4(+) Th1 type T-cell response and secreted significantly high levels of Th1 cytokines [IFN-gamma, interleukin (IL)-2] and low levels of Th2 cytokines (IL-4, IL-10). This vaccine also induced MHC class I antigen-restricted CD8(+) T-cell responses. The up-regulation of activation markers CD69 and CD25 on CD8(+) CTLs correlated with antigen-specific strong CTL responses in vitro. The immunity induced in mice resulted in a complete rejection of CEA-expressing C15 tumor cells in 100% of experimental mice, whereas no protection was observed when 3H1-pulsed DC-vaccinated mice were challenged with CEA-negative MC-38 cells. The tumor rejection in 3H1-pulsed DC-treated mice was associated with the induction of a memory response that helped those mice to survive a second challenge with a lethal dose of C15 cells.  相似文献   

A novel cytokine interleukin-27 (IL-27), composed of p28 and Epstein-Barr virus-induced gene 3 (EBI3), is produced from activated dendritic cells and is involved in an early phase of T-helper type I differentiation. We examined whether Colon 26 murine colon carcinoma cells that were retrovirally transduced with the p28-linked EBI3 gene (Colon 26/IL-27) could produce antitumor effects in inoculated mice. Although proliferation in vitro of Colon 26/IL-27 cells was not different from that of parent cells, syngeneic BALB/c mice rejected Colon 26/IL-27 tumors inoculated and subsequently acquired tumor-specific protective immunity. In contrast, mice inoculated with Colon 26 cells transduced with either the p28 or EBI3 gene developed tumors and survival of the mice remained the same as that of the mice inoculated with parent cells. Syngeneic nude mice developed Colon 26/IL-27 tumors, but the growth was retarded compared to that of parent tumors. Depletion of natural killer cells from nude mice with anti-asialo GM(1) antibody diminished the growth retardation of Colon 26/IL-27 tumors. Survival of severe combined immunodeficient mice that received subcutaneous inoculation of Colon 26/IL-27 cells was not different from that of the immunodeficient mice inoculated with parent cells. Interferon-gamma was produced from CD4(+) and CD8(+) T, and natural killer cells of the mice that rejected Colon 26/IL-27 tumors and cytotoxic activity against Colon 26 cells were also detected from the mice. These data collectively suggest that expressed IL-27 in tumors produces T cell-dependent and-independent antitumor effects and is a possible therapeutic strategy for cancer.  相似文献   

A large proportion of human cancers show deficiencies in the MHC class I antigen-processing machinery. Such defects render tumors resistant to immune eradication by tumoricidal CTLs. We recently identified a unique population of CTL that selectively targets tumor immune-escape variants through recognition of MHC-presented peptides, termed TEIPP (T cell epitopes associated with impaired peptide processing), expressed on cells lacking functional TAP-peptide transporters. Previously, we showed that vaccination with TEIPP peptides mediates protection against TAP-deficient tumors. Here, we further explored the concept of TEIPP-targeted therapy using a dendritic cell (DC)-based cellular vaccine. Impairment of TAP function in DC induced the presentation of endogenous TEIPP antigens by MHC class I molecules, and immunization with these DCs protected mice against the outgrowth of TAP-deficient lymphomas and fibrosarcomas. Immune analysis of vaccinated mice revealed strong TEIPP-specific CTL responses, and a crucial role for CD8(+) cells in tumor resistance. Finally, we show that TEIPP antigens could be successfully induced in wild-type DC by introducing the viral TAP inhibitor UL49.5. Our results imply that immune intervention strategies with TAP-inhibited DC could be developed for the treatment of antigen processing-deficient cancers in humans.  相似文献   

The nonimmunogenic 4T1 murine mammary carcinoma model and a model surrogate tumor antigen (sTA) were employed to explore the possibility of inducing tumor-specific immunity through active immunization in the absence of defined tumor-associated antigens. Immunization of naive mice with protein-based sTA resulted in protection from s.c. challenge, with 4T1 modified to express the sTA (4T1.sTA), or from a sTA-expressing unrelated tumor cell line (mKSA). Immunization had no effect on parental 4T1 tumor growth or the formation of parental 4T1 spontaneous lung metastases. Mice that were sTA immunized and successfully rejected 4T1.sTA challenge also rejected a subsequent challenge in the contralateral flank with parental 4T1 and strikingly prevented the formation of spontaneous parental 4T1 lung metastases. The rejection of parental 4T1 seemed to be specific for and associated with unknown 4T1 tumor-associated antigens, because rejection of mKSA did not induce cross-protection against a challenge with parental 4T1. To evaluate the effect of this vaccine approach on established disease, mice were simultaneously challenged on day 0 with 4T1.sTA and parental 4T1 in contralateral flanks and then immunized on days 3, 10, 17, and 24 with sTA protein. Tumor growth and metastasis were delayed in four of five animals, and 20% (2 of 5) of the animals were tumor free at the completion of the experiment. Together, these data suggest that prior vaccination with a sTA followed by inoculation with poorly immunogenic tumor cells modified to express the sTA activates determinant spreading and the induction of systemic tumor immunity resulting in indigenous tumor rejection.  相似文献   

Dendritic cell (DC)-based vaccine is a developing strategy to treat cancer including hepatoma. We evaluated the antitumor efficacy of vaccination with DCs pulsed with apoptotic cells, as compared to vaccination with DCs pulsed with cell lysates, in murine hepatoma models. Murine hepatoma cells, Hepa1-6, MH134 and BNL1ME.A.7R.1, and their syngeneic mice, C57BL/6, C3H/HeN and BALB/c, respectively, were used in the study. Protective and therapeutic antitumor effects of vaccination with bone marrow-derived DCs pulsed with irradiation or sulindac-induced apoptotic cells or cell lysates were analyzed. Immature DCs efficiently phagocytosed apoptotic cells and increased expression of CD86, a cell surface maturation marker. Vaccination with apoptotic cell-pulsed, but not cell lysate-pulsed, DCs promoted significant protective immunity against parental hepatoma in vivo. Spleen cells from mice vaccinated with apoptotic cell-pulsed DCs showed higher cytolytic activity and contained higher number of IFN-gamma producing cells against parental hepatoma cells than those from mice vaccinated with cell lysate-pulsed DCs in vitro. Polyriboinosinic polyribocytidylic acid [poly (I:C)], double strand RNA, further enhanced CD86 expression and the therapeutic efficacy of vaccination with DCs pulsed with apoptotic cells for pre-established hepatoma. These results suggest that vaccination with DCs pulsed with apoptotic cells and treated with poly (I:C) appears to be a promising approach as a new therapeutic means for hepatoma.  相似文献   

Interleukin-21 (IL-21) is a novel cytokine that can induce proliferation of activated T cells and maturation of natural killer (NK) cells. We therefore examined whether expression of the IL-21 gene in tumor cells could generate antitumor responses. Murine colon carcinoma Colon 26 cells that were transduced with the mouse IL-21 gene (Colon 26/IL-21) were rejected in syngeneic mice and the mice subsequently acquired protective immunity. The growth of Colon 26/IL-21 tumors developed in nude mice was retarded compared with that of parent tumors, and this growth suppression was not observed in nude mice that were treated with anti-asialo GM(1) antibody. Spleen cells from the mice that had rejected Colon 26/IL-21 cells showed cytotoxic activity to Colon 26 but not to irrelevant tumor cells, and produced larger amounts of interferon-gamma upon stimulation with irradiated Colon 26 cells. Spleen cells from Colon 26/IL-21-tumor- but not parent-tumor-bearing mice had lytic activity to YAC-1 cells. These data suggest that expression of IL-21 in tumors induces T- and NK-cell-dependent antitumor effects.  相似文献   

Using two malignant rat glioma cell lines, we tested to what extent peripheral immunization could affect tumor growth in the brain of syngeneic rats. Peripheral subcutaneous (s.c.) immunization was performed with autologous Newcastle-disease-virus (NDV)-infected or non-infected live tumor cells. Thus immunized rats or non-immunized controls were intracerebrally implanted with increasing numbers of the respective malignant glioma cells. Without immunization the mean survival time after intracerebral implantation of 1x10(4) TZ363 or RG2 glioma cells was 9 and 29 days respectively. After s.c. immunization with either NDV-infected or non-infected TZ363 cells only 25% or less of challenged animals developed tumors in the brain. Immunization with NDV only had no effect. In RG2 glioma, s.c. immunization had no effect on tumor growth in the central nervous system and on survival time, no matter what kind of vaccine was used. These results clearly show, that in principle the efferent arm of the anti-tumor response can be effective accross the blood-brain barrier and extend into the microenvironment of the central nervous system. Whether or not glioma lines can induce this immunity and respond to it, seems to depend on their individual immunobiological characteristics.  相似文献   

目的:研究转染喉鳞状细胞癌总RNA对树突状细胞(DC)免疫功能的影响,观察肿瘤总RNA修饰后的DC在体外诱导高效而特异的抗喉癌免疫效应.方法:采用分离脐血单核细胞体外诱导DC,Trizol法提取喉鳞状细胞癌细胞株Hep-2总RNA后转染入DC,流式细胞仪分析DC表面分子CD40、CD80、CD83、CD86的表达,LDH法评估转染肿瘤总RNA的DC瘤苗的细胞毒性T淋巴细胞反应.结果:转染后的DC表面分子表达CD40(60.6±0.15)%,CD80(60.2±0.21)%,CD83(85.1±0.06)%,和CD86(91.9%±0.09)%,而在未转染的未成熟DC中低表达;转染RNA的DC瘤苗对于Hep-2细胞株有特异性杀伤效应,在E/T为40:1时,杀伤效率达45.6%,而对对照组靶细胞杀伤效率较低.结论: 喉鳞状细胞癌总RNA转染修饰的DC能特异性诱导细胞毒性T淋巴细胞,显著提高DC的抗原提呈功能,在体外能诱导高效而特异的抗喉癌免疫效应.  相似文献   

Murine hepatocellular carcinoma cells were retrovirally transduced with the bacterial cytosine deaminase (CD) gene. CD-transduced cells exhibited more than 120-fold higher sensitivity to 5-fluorocytosine (5-FC) compared with parental cells. When syngeneic immunocompetent mice were inoculated s.c. with parental hepatocellular carcinoma cells containing as little as 5% CD-transduced cells, significant inhibition of tumor formation was induced by 5-FC treatment. Furthermore, established solid tumors in immunocompetent mice containing only 5% CD-transduced cells were infiltrated markedly with CD4- and CD8+ T lymphocytes and macrophages by 5-FC treatment, such that significant reduction or even complete regression of tumors was observed. These tumor-free mice resisted subsequent rechallenge with wild-type tumor. Conversely, when athymic nude mice were inoculated with a cell mixture containing CD-transduced cells and parental cells at a ratio of 40:60, all developed tumors despite 5-FC treatment. Our results indicate that gene therapy using the CD/5-FC system can induce efficient anti-tumor effects and protective immunity in immunocompetent mice but not in athymic immunodeficient mice, suggesting that the host's immunocompetence may be a critical factor for achieving successful gene therapy against cancer.  相似文献   

Tumor derived chaperone-rich cell lysate (CRCL) when isolated from tumor tissues is a potent vaccine that contains at least 4 of the highly immunogenic heat shock proteins (HSP) such as HSP70, HSP90, glucose related protein 94 and calreticulin. We have previously documented that CRCL provides both a source of tumor antigens and danger signals triggering dendritic cell (DC) activation. Immunization with tumor derived CRCL elicits tumor-specific T cell responses leading to tumor regression. In the current study, we further dissect the mechanisms by which CRCL simulates the immune system, and demonstrate that natural killer (NK) cells are required for effective antitumor effects to take place. Our results illustrate that CRCL directly stimulates proinflammatory cytokine and chemokine production by NK cells, which may lead to activation and recruitment of macrophages at the tumor site. Thus, this report provides further insight into the function of CRCL as an immunostimulant against cancer.  相似文献   

Because dendritic cell (DC)-derived exosomes (EXO) harbor many important DC molecules involved in inducing immune responses, EXO-based vaccines have been extensively used to induce antitumor immunity in different animal tumor models. However, it is not clear which route of EXO administration can induce more efficient antitumor immune responses. In this study, we compared the antitumor immunity derived from EXO vaccine by way of the two common administration routes, the subcutaneous (s.c.) and the intradermal (i.d.) administrations. Our data showed that the i.d. EXO administration resulted in more EXO-absorbed DC migrating into the T-cell areas of draining lymph nodes than the s.c. administration. Interestingly, the i.d. EXO administration also resulted in an enhanced ovalbumin (OVA)-specific CD8(+) T-cell proliferation and CD8(+) CTL effector responses in vivo, compared to the s.c. administration. Similarly, compared to the s.c. vaccination, the i.d. vaccination induced stronger antitumor immunity in the animal tumor model. Therefore, the i.d. EXO vaccination is superior to the s.c. one and should be considered when EXO-based vaccine is designed.  相似文献   

Tumor cells express tumor-associated antigens (TAAs), which can serve as targets for the immune system. However, the majority of TAAs are overexpressed products of normal cellular genes; as such, self-tolerance mechanisms have hindered their use for the induction of effective antitumor responses. One such normal self-protein is the growth factor receptor Her-2/neu, which is overexpressed in 25-35% of all mammary carcinomas in humans. In previous studies, we have demonstrated that Her-2/neu mice are functionally tolerant to neu antigens and contain only a low avidity T-cell repertoire to neu antigens. However, this residual low-avidity T-cell repertoire has antitumor activity. In this study, we compared the immune responses of Her-2/neu mice immunized with dendritic cells (DCs) pulsed with soluble neu protein or with apoptotic tumor cells. Analysis of the antitumor response shows that Her-2/neu mice vaccinated with DCs pulsed with Her-2/neu antigens retard tumor growth; however, vaccination with DCs pulsed with apoptotic tumor cells induces a stronger antitumor effect. Administration of multiple immunizations in combination with the costimulatory agonist anti-OX40 or anti-4-1BB MAb significantly enhanced the immune responses in these mice, resulting in complete tumor rejection if the tumor burden was small and substantial tumor reduction with a larger tumor burden. These results have important implications for the design of tumor vaccination strategies, suggesting that the use of vaccines that stimulate a broad immune response in combination with costimulatory molecules as immunomodulators could significantly improve the antitumor immune response in tolerant hosts.  相似文献   

We previously reported identifying SOX6 as a glioma antigen by serological screening using a testis cDNA library. Its preferential expression and frequent IgG responses in glioma patients indicate that SOX6 may be a useful target for immunotherapy. To examine whether cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) responses specific for SOX6 to destroy glioma can be generated in vivo, we treated glioma-bearing mice by vaccination with a plasmid DNA encoding murine full-length SOX6 protein. Following SOX6-DNA vaccination, CTLs specific for SOX6-expressing glioma cells were induced, while normal autologous-cells that had restrictedly expressed SOX6 during embryogenesis were not destroyed. Furthermore, DNA vaccination with SOX6 exerted protective and therapeutic antitumor responses in the glioma-bearing mice. This antitumor activity was abrogated by the depletion of CD4 positive T cells and/or CD8 positive T cells. These results suggest that the SOX6 protein has multiple CTL and helper epitopes to induce antitumor activity and the effectiveness of SOX6-DNA vaccine for the prevention and treatment of glioma.  相似文献   

Using a metastasizing animal tumor as a model we describe experimental conditions for obtaining either synergistic or antagonistic effects between host irradiation and T cell mediated antitumor immunity. The results were obtained in the well defined murine lymphoma ESb which is a spontaneous highly metastatic tumor variant expressing a tumor associated antigen that can induce protective immunity and tumor specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) activity. Sublethal irradiation of mice during the afferent (induction) phase but not during the efferent (effector) phase of the antitumor immune response had a strong suppressive effect on protective immunity. The radiation mediated defect could be reconstituted by transfer of immune spleen cells. The immune system of syngeneic (DBA/2) and allogeneic (B10.D2) mice changed within 24 h after first contact with the ESb tumor cells from radio-sensitivity to radio-resistance possibly reflecting an active cellular response associated with the change from virgin to an antigen sensitized (primed) state of T lymphocyte differentiation. T cell depletion experiments revealed that the afferent phase was dependent on both CD4 and CD8 host T lymphocytes while the efferent phase was mainly CD8 T cell dependent. A synergistic effect between gamma-irradiation and antitumor immunity was observed in adoptive immunotherapy experiments. When tumor-bearing hosts were irradiated before intravenous transfer of either syngeneic or allogeneic antitumor immune T cells the expression of anti-metastatic protective immunity was greatly enhanced in comparison to identically treated non-irradiated hosts.  相似文献   

OX40 ligand (OX40L), the ligand for OX40 on activated CD4+ T cells, has adjuvant properties for establishing effective T-cell immunity, a potent effector arm of the immune system against cancer. The hypothesis of this study is that in vivo genetic engineering of tumor cells to express OX40L will stimulate tumor-specific T cells by the OX40L-OX40 engagement, leading to an induction of systemic antitumor immunity. To investigate this hypothesis, s.c. established tumors of three different mouse cancer cells (B16 melanoma, H-2b; Lewis lung carcinoma, H-2b; and Colon-26 colon adenocarcinoma, H-2d) were treated with intratumoral injection of a recombinant adenovirus vector expressing mouse OX40L (AdOX40L). In all tumor models tested, treatment of tumor-bearing mice with AdOX40L induced a significant suppression of tumor growth along with survival advantages in the treated mice. The in vivo AdOX40L modification of tumors evoked tumor-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes in the treated host correlated with in vivo priming of T helper 1 immune responses in a tumor-specific manner. Consistent with the finding, the antitumor effect provided by intratumoral injection of AdOX40L was completely abrogated in a CD4+ T cell-deficient or CD8+ T cell-deficient condition. In addition, ex vivo AdOX40L-transduced B16 cells also elicited B16-specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte responses, and significantly suppressed the B16 tumor growth in the immunization-challenge experiment. All of these results support the concept that genetic modification of tumor cells with a recombinant OX40L adenovirus vector may be of benefit in cancer immunotherapy protocols.  相似文献   

A tumor-specific immunotherapy model was established utilizing vaccinia virus (VV) in the consideration of clinical application, in which we assessed the significance of priming of hosts with VV to induce in vivo anti-tumor immunity. C3H/HeN mice were pretreated with cyclophosphamide (Cy) to eliminate non-specific suppressor T cell activity and subsequently inoculated (primed) subcutaneously (s.c.) with 10(7)PFU of VV, leading to augmented induction of VV-reactive helper T (VV-Th) cell activities. Four weeks later, the mice were inoculated intradermally (i.d.) with syngeneic X5563 myeloma cells. Six days after the tumor cell inoculation, 5 X 10(7)PFU of VV was injected into the tumor mass 3 times at 2-day intervals. Seven of 10 mice which had received VV-priming and subsequent VV-injection into the tumor mass exhibited complete tumor regression. On the contrary, mice which had received mere intratumoral VV-injection in the absence of VV-priming failed to exhibit appreciable tumor regression. Mice (regressor mice) whose tumor had completely regressed by the above VV-immunotherapy were shown to have acquired systemic anti-tumor immunity which was confirmed by a challenge with syngeneic tumor cells after the tumor regression. In vitro analysis of these immune mice revealed that potent tumor-specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) responses were preferentially induced, but with no detectable anti-tumor antibody responses. Such a potent tumor specific immunity was not observed in mice which had received intratumoral VV-injection in the absence of VV-priming.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Ko HJ  Kim YJ  Kim YS  Chang WS  Ko SY  Chang SY  Sakaguchi S  Kang CY 《Cancer research》2007,67(15):7477-7486
Her-2/neu is a well-characterized tumor-associated antigen overexpressed in human carcinomas such as breast cancer. Because Her-2/neu is a self-antigen with poor immunogenicity due to immunologic tolerance, active immunotherapy targeting Her-2/neu should incorporate methods to overcome immunologic tolerance to self-proteins. In this study, we developed a tolerogenic tumor model in mice using mouse Her-2/neu as self-antigen and investigated whether genetic vaccination with DNA plasmid and/or adenoviral vector expressing the extracellular and transmembrane domain of syngeneic mouse Her-2/neu or xenogenic human Her-2/neu could induce mouse Her-2/neu-specific CTL responses. Interestingly, adenoviral vectors expressing xenogenic human Her-2/neu (AdhHM) proved capable of breaking immune tolerance and of thereby inducing self-reactive CTL and antibodies, but not to the degree required to induce therapeutic antitumor immunity. In attempting to generate therapeutic antitumor immunity against established tumors, we adopted several approaches. Treatment with agonistic anti-glucocorticoid-induced TNFR family-related receptor (GITR) antibody plus AdhHM immunization significantly increased self-reactive CTL responses, and alpha-galactosylceramide (alphaGalCer)-loaded dendritic cells (DC) transduced with AdhHM were shown to break self-tolerance in a tolerogenic murine tumor model. Furthermore, gemcitabine treatment together with either AdhHM plus agonistic anti-GITR antibody administration or alphaGalCer-loaded DC transduced with AdhHM showed potent therapeutic antitumor immunity and perfect protection against preexisting tumors. Gemcitabine treatment attenuated the tumor-suppressive environment by eliminating CD11b(+)/Gr-1(+) myeloid-derived suppressor cells. When combined with immunotherapies, gemcitabine offers a promising strategy for the Ag-specific treatment of human cancer.  相似文献   

We report a new vaccination strategy for squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). The vaccine was prepared by transfer of unfractionated DNA‐fragments (25 kb) from squamous carcinoma cells (KLN205, DBA/2 origin (H‐2d)) into LM mouse fibroblasts (C3H/He origin; H‐2k), a highly immunogenic cell line. To enhance their nonspecific immunogenic properties, the fibroblasts were modified before DNA transfer to secrete IL‐2 and to express additional allogeneic MHC class I determinants. As the transferred DNA integrates into the genome of the recipient cells, and is replicated as the cells divide, sufficient DNA to prepare the vaccine could be obtained from as few as 107 squamous carcinoma cells (4 mm tumor). Since only a small proportion of the transfected cell‐population was expected to have incorporated genes specifying antigens associated with the squamous carcinoma cells (TAA), we devised a novel approach to enrich the vaccine for cells that induce immunity to the SCC. Aliquots of the transfected population were divided into 10 small pools (initial inoculums = 1 × 103). We reasoned that if the starting inoculums were sufficiently small, then the distribution of highly immunogenic and weakly immunogenic cells in each pool would not be the same. Cells from individual pools were allowed to increase in number. A portion of the expanded cell populations were maintained frozen/viable for later recovery. The remaining portions were used to immunize naïve DBA/2 mice. Pools containing greater numbers of immunogenic cells were identified by 2 independent assays. Frozen aliquots of cells from the pool that stimulated immunity to the squamous carcinoma to the greatest extent were recovered and subdivided for additional rounds of immune selection. Enhanced immunity to squamous carcinoma mediated by CD8+ T cells was induced in tumor‐bearing mice treated solely by immunization with the enriched cell‐population. © 2006 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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