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Continuous tracking is a newly developed technique that allows fast and efficient data acquisition by asking participants to “track” a stimulus varying in some property (usually position in space). Tracking is a promising paradigm for the investigation of dynamic features of perception and could be particularly well suited for testing ecologically relevant situations difficult to study with classical psychophysical paradigms. The high rate of data collection may be useful in studies on clinical populations and children, who are unable to undergo long testing sessions. In this study, we designed tracking experiments with two novel stimulus features, numerosity and size, proving the feasibility of the technique outside standard object tracking. We went on to develop an ideal observer model that characterizes the results in terms of efficiency of conversion of stimulus strength into responses, and identification of early and late noise sources. Our ideal observer closely modeled results from human participants, providing a generalized framework for the interpretation of tracking data. The proposed model allows to use the tracking paradigm in various perceptual domains, and to study the divergence of human participants from ideal behavior.  相似文献   

《Vision research》1996,36(3):471-490
Several aspects of the viewing situation affect the ability to determine heading from optical flow. These include the amount of depth variation and number of texture elements in the scene, the location and amount of the visual field stimulated, and the position of the focus of expansion within the stimulus. Without a quantification of the discrimination information provided by the stimuli presented to the observer, it is impossible to determine how much of an observed change in performance reflects the properties of neural mechanisms and strategies employed by the observer. To enable a better quantification, we developed an ideal observer for the discrimination of heading from random-dot flow fields. Internal noises of the ideal observer were set by the results of single-dot velocity discrimination experiments. We compared human and ideal observer performance in discriminating headings with different patterns of flow (e.g. radial vs laminar) presented on different parts of the retina. Efficiency—the ratio of ideal and human thresholds—was fairly constant for the various flow patterns and retinal eccentricities. This outcome indicates that most of the variation in human observers' ability to estimate heading from the flow patterns and retinal loci considered here is due to changes in the discrimination information provided by the stimulus after measurement by the visual system. In the discussion, we show how the ideal observer can be used to quantify the spatial distribution of heading discrimination information for any observer translation through any scene represented by dots.  相似文献   

The function of the retina is crucial, for it must encode visual signals so the brain can detect objects in the visual world. However, the biological mechanisms of the retina add noise to the visual signal and therefore reduce its quality and capacity to inform about the world. Because an organism's survival depends on its ability to unambiguously detect visual stimuli in the presence of noise, its retinal circuits must have evolved to maximize signal quality, suggesting that each retinal circuit has a specific functional role. Here we explain how an ideal observer can measure signal quality to determine the functional roles of retinal circuits. In a visual discrimination task the ideal observer can measure from a neural response the increment threshold, the number of distinguishable response levels, and the neural code, which are fundamental measures of signal quality relevant to behavior. It can compare the signal quality in stimulus and response to determine the optimal stimulus, and can measure the specific loss of signal quality by a neuron's receptive field for non-optimal stimuli. Taking into account noise correlations, the ideal observer can track the signal-to-noise ratio available from one stage to the next, allowing one to determine each stage's role in preserving signal quality. A comparison between the ideal performance of the photon flux absorbed from the stimulus and actual performance of a retinal ganglion cell shows that in daylight a ganglion cell and its presynaptic circuit loses a factor of ~10-fold in contrast sensitivity, suggesting specific signal-processing roles for synaptic connections and other neural circuit elements. The ideal observer is a powerful tool for characterizing signal processing in single neurons and arrays along a neural pathway.  相似文献   

Perception of visual texture flows contributes to object segmentation, shape perception, and object recognition. To better understand the visual mechanisms underlying texture flow perception, we studied the factors limiting detection of simple forms of texture flows composed of local dot dipoles (Glass patterns) and related stimuli. To provide a benchmark for human performance, we derived an ideal observer for this task. We found that human detection thresholds were 8.0 times higher than ideal. We considered three factors that might account for this performance gap: (1) false matches between dipole dots (correspondence errors), (2) loss of sensitivity with increasing eccentricity, and (3) local orientation bandwidth. To estimate the effect of correspondence errors, we compared detection of Glass patterns with detection of matched line-segment stimuli, where no correspondence uncertainty exists. We found that eliminating correspondence errors reduced human thresholds by a factor of 1.8. We used a novel form of classification image analysis to directly estimate loss of sensitivity with eccentricity and local orientation bandwidth. Incorporating the eccentricity effects into the ideal observer model increased ideal thresholds by a factor of 2.9. Interestingly, estimated orientation bandwidth increased ideal thresholds by only 8%. Taking all three factors into account, human thresholds were only 58% higher than model thresholds. Our findings suggest that correspondence errors and eccentricity losses account for the great majority of the perceptual loss in the visual processing of Glass patterns.  相似文献   

To explore the factors limiting the development of visual sensitivity, we constructed an ideal observer model for the infant macaque visual system. We made measurements of retinal morphology in infant and adult macaque monkeys, and used the data in combination with published optical data to formulate the model. We compared the ideal observer's ability to detect low-contrast gratings presented either in isolation or in spatiotemporal noise with behavioral data obtained under matched conditions. The ideal observer showed some improvement in visual performance up to the age of 4 weeks, but little change thereafter. Behavioral data show extensive changes over the ages 5-50 wk, after the ideal observer's performance has become asymptotic. We conclude that the development of visual sensitivity in infant monkeys is not limited by changes in the front-end factors captured by the ideal observer model, at least after the age of 5 weeks. Using noise masking, we also estimated the variability of neural processing in comparison with the photon noise-limited ideal. We found that both additive and multiplicative components of this variability are elevated in infant monkeys, and improve (though not to ideal levels) during development. We believe that these changes all reflect maturation of visual processing in cortical circuits, and that no aspect of visual performance in the regime we studied is limited by the properties of the retina and photoreceptors, either in infant or in adult animals.  相似文献   

We measured the just-noticeable difference (JND) in orientation variance between two textures (Figure 1) as we varied the baseline (pedestal) variance present in both textures. JND's first fell as pedestal variance increased and then rose, producing a 'dipper' function similar to those previously reported for contrast, blur, and orientation-contrast discriminations. A dipper function (both facilitation and masking) is predicted on purely statistical grounds by a noisy variance-discrimination mechanism. However, for two out of three observers, the dipper function was significantly better fit when the mechanism was made incapable of discriminating between small sample variances. We speculate that a threshold nonlinearity like this prevents the visual system from including its intrinsic noise in texture representations and suggest that similar thresholds prevent the visibility of other artifacts that sensory coding would otherwise introduce, such as blur.  相似文献   

Todd JT  Oomes AH 《Vision research》2002,42(7):837-850
Li and Zaidi (Vision Research 40 (2000) 217; 41 (2001) 1519) have recently argued that there are two necessary conditions for the perception of 3D shape from texture: (1) the texture pattern must have a disproportionate amount of energy along directions of principal curvature; and (2) the surface must be viewed with a noticeable amount of perspective. In the present article we present evidence that these conclusions are only valid under a limited set of non-generic viewing conditions. Other relevant factors that need to be considered in this context include the distribution of curvature on an object's surface and the set of possible viewing directions from which it can be observed. For generic viewing directions and patterns of curvature, the perception of surface curvature from texture is only minimally affected by the orientation spectrum of the texture pattern or the amount perspective in its optical projection. Li and Zaidi (Vision Research 41 (2001) 1519) have also identified two characteristic patterns of image contours, which they claim to be the only possible source of information within textured images for determining the direction of surface slant or the sign of surface curvature. In the present article we attempt to show that these characteristic patterns can only arise in natural vision for a limited set of non-generic viewing directions. We also review several other factors that can influence the perceived direction of slant or the perceived sign of curvature, which have been identified previously by other investigators.  相似文献   

Gray R  Regan D 《Vision research》1998,38(17):2601-2617
We describe evidence consistent with the proposal that the visual system contains a parallel array of size-tuned mechanisms sensitive to orientation texture-defined (OTD) form, and propose that the relative activity of these mechanisms determines spatial frequency discrimination threshold for OTD gratings. Using a pattern of short lines we measured spatial frequency discrimination thresholds for OTD gratings and luminance-defined (LD) gratings. For OTD gratings, the orientation of texture lines varied sinusoidally across the bars of the gratings, but line luminance was constant. For LD gratings, line orientation was constant, but line luminance varied sinusoidally across the bars of the grating. When the number of texture lines (i.e. spatial samples) per grating cycle was below about six, spatial sampling strongly affected both the spatial frequency discrimination and grating detection thresholds for OTD and LD gratings. However, when the number of spatial samples per grating cycle exceeded about six, plots of both discrimination threshold and detection threshold were different for OTD and LD gratings. For an OTD grating of any given spatial frequency, spatial frequency discrimination threshold fell as the number of samples per grating cycle was increased while holding texture line length constant: the lower limit was reached at six to ten samples per cycle. When we progressively increased the viewing distance (keeping the cycles per degree (cpd) constant), spatial frequency discrimination threshold reached a lower limit and increased thereafter. We propose that this minimum threshold represents a balance between opposing effects of the number of samples per grating cycle and the length of texture lines, and approaches the absolute physiological lower limit for OTD gratings. Spatial frequency discrimination was possible up to at least 7 cpd. Grating acuity for an OTD grating was considerably lower than the physiological limit for LD gratings, presumably because detectors of OTD form include a spatial integration stage following the processing of individual lines. For an LD grating, discrimination threshold fell as the number of samples per grating cycle was increased and asymptoted at six to ten samples per cycle. Spatial frequency discrimination thresholds for OTD and LD gratings were similar at low spatial frequencies (up to 3-4 cpd), but increased more steeply for OTD gratings at high spatial frequencies. For both OTD and LD gratings, discrimination threshold fell steeply as the number of grating cycles was increased from 0.5 to ca. 2.5 cycles, and thereafter decreased more slowly or not at all suggesting that, for both OTD and LD gratings, spatial frequency discrimination can be regarded as a special case of line interval or bar width discrimination. As orientation contrast was progressively increased, discrimination threshold for an OTD grating fell steeply up to about four to five times grating detection threshold, then saturated. This parallels the effect of luminance contrast on discrimination threshold for an LD grating.  相似文献   

J A Saunders  D C Knill 《Vision research》2001,41(24):3163-3183
In this paper, we investigate how symmetry can be used to perceive 3D surface orientation. When a symmetric planar object is viewed from an angle, the projected contour has skew symmetry, which provides partial information about the 3D orientation of the object. For a given skew symmetry, this information can be characterized by a constraint curve of possible slant/tilt combinations that are consistent with a mirror-symmetric interpretation. These constraint curves move around when an object is rotated within a plane, and depend on what we will term the spin of the object: the angle between its axis of symmetry and the direction of tilt. To test the influence of symmetry constraint curves, we presented subjects with stereo images of symmetric objects that varied in spin, and had them perform an orientation-matching task. We found that the judgments showed biases that depended on the spin of the objects. Since other sources of information depend only on slant and tilt, not on spin, the biases imply that skew symmetry contributed to subjects' judgments. In a second experiment, we introduced conflicts between stereo and symmetry cues, and found that the spin-dependent biases can be modulated by selectively changing stereo slant. We propose an explanation of these results involving the optimal integration of stereo and skew symmetry, and present a Bayesian model that can account for the pattern of biases.  相似文献   

Comparisons were made of the cytoplasmic textures in electron microscope images of nuclear fiber cells from a variety of human and animal lenses. The goals were to establish the optimal conditions for quantifying the textural features and for relating the extent of roughness with the observed extent of nuclear opacification. Freshly cut Vibratome sections were fixed and processed for thin-section electron microscopy. Normal human donor lenses, human age-related cataracts from surgery, and rat, guinea pig, and canine lenses were analyzed using density linescans, Fourier transforms, and autocorrelation analysis. Normal and control lenses were compared to lenses with varying degrees of scattering including fully opaque nuclear cataract. Images were recorded at 21,000 x, giving structural information in the critical range of 2-300 nm. Human normal and nuclear cataractous lens cytoplasm produce Fourier transforms with relatively high intensity in the range 10-50 nm (equivalent spacing) and relatively low intensity greater than 100 nm. This is consistent with the smooth image appearance, linescans with small fluctuations and autocorrelation functions indicating that the images are nearly homogeneous. Images of the transparent animal lenses were very smooth and produced Fourier transforms that showed less intensity in the range 10-50 nm and less intensity greater than 100 nm compared to the human lenses. Animal lenses with progressively enhanced light scattering showed a strong correlation between increased textural roughness and increased Fourier intensity greater than 100 nm. These analytical image analysis techniques readily documented the wide range of cytoplasmic textural variations in human and animal lenses and cataracts. Consistent comparisons were possible only when well-preserved tissues were examined with high-resolution images. The cytoplasm with the greatest roughness correlated with the greatest light scattering suggests that redistribution and/or loss of cytoplasmic proteins contribute to cataract formation.  相似文献   

Simultaneous orientation contrast for lines in the human fovea   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
G Westheimer 《Vision research》1990,30(11):1913-1921
When it is surrounded by lines of a differing orientation, a test line changes its apparent orientation in a direction away from that of the surround lines. Using a nulling technique to arrive at numerical values, the properties of this simultaneous orientation contrast have been analyzed: it diminishes with distance of the surround lines; rises and then falls off as a function of surround line orientation; decreases with exposure duration; is sharply tuned (+/- 100 msec) for synchrony of test and surround line presentation; is robust to differences between test and surround line disparity but not intensity; and is reduced with dichoptic presentation of test and surround lines. Orientation contrast can be induced in a variety of oriented features, including illusory contours, an ellipse, a moving dot and a row of dots or lines, but two dots alone don't suffice. The results are taken as evidence that orientation is a domain sui generis, in which simultaneous contrast is exhibited in the same manner as in the domains of color, brightness and disparity.  相似文献   

《Vision research》1996,36(3):425-430
We measured the perceived spatial orientation of the low contrast regions of contrast modulated sine gratings. Subjects make systematic errors which depend upon the carrier spatial frequency and the angle between the carrier grating and the modulation. The results for the spatial orientation task are compared with a motion domain analogue. The difference in the pattern of results for these two tasks suggests there exist separate strategies for encoding orientation in two-dimensional space and space-time.  相似文献   

Evidence from summation near threshold psychophysical experiments using compound Glass patterns is presented which supports the existence of mechanisms in the human visual system tuned for coherence in radial and concentric, and +45 degrees and -45 degrees spiral orientations. It is suggested that sensitivity to +45 degrees and -45 degrees logarithmic spirals serves to disambiguate the sense of spiral form, which would not be uniquely specified by measures of the components of orientation along the radial and concentric directions alone. A spiral space is introduced within which radial and concentric patterns are diametrically opposed on one axis and spirals of +45 degrees and -45 degrees on an orthogonal axis and it is proposed that these represent cardinal axes for detecting global structure. Comparison of the sensitivity tuning functions of the four mechanisms tuned to these axes with sensitivity to simple spiral Glass patterns shows that weighted combinations of output from adjacent pairs of this set of mechanisms are sufficient to account for absolute sensitivity to logarithmic spiral Glass patterns of all intermediate spiral angles. Control experiments demonstrate that the combinations are labeled for spiral sense (simple spirals of -22.5 degrees spiral angle can be discriminated from +22.5 degrees spirals at threshold for detection) and that adaptation transfers across quadrants of spiral space (adaptation to spirals of -22.5 degrees results in a decrease in sensitivity to orthogonal +22.5 degrees and -67.5 degrees spirals). Together these observations suggest that sensitivity to spirals in each of the quadrants of spiral space is due to higher order mechanisms reliant on output from 0 degrees , 90 degrees , +45 degrees and -45 degrees cardinal mechanisms.  相似文献   

目的:探讨不同手术方式治疗不同程度脱位晶状体的临床效果及安全性。方法:回顾性系列病例研究。收集2018-11/2019-05浙江中医药大学附属第一医院晶状体不全脱位合并白内障的患者11例11眼(男9例,女2例),年龄46~76(60.73±10.63)岁。其中外伤性白内障10眼,原因不详者1眼。根据脱位程度采用不同的手术方式辅助人工晶状体植入,4眼晶状体脱离范围大于270°行人工晶状体悬吊术。4眼脱离范围180°~270°行张力环植入,虹膜拉钩巩膜固定。3眼脱离范围小于180°行5-0聚丙烯线植入囊袋辅助人工晶状体植入,虹膜拉钩巩膜固定。术中视玻璃体脱出情况行前段玻璃体切除。收集患者术前术后视力、眼压。结果:所有眼球均Ⅰ期植入人工晶状体。术后视力显著提高,术前最佳矫正视力从0.77±0.26提升到0.35±0.28。术后患者眼压从24.33±13.55mmHg下降到13.85±3.80mmHg。所有患者无术中并发症发生。结论:晶状体不全脱位合并白内障的手术治疗过程中,个性化的手术方案及灵活的治疗措施,可以使得白内障手术安全、有效地进行。  相似文献   

The spatial relationships between body parts are a rich source of information for person perception, with even simple pairs of parts providing highly valuable information. Computation of these relationships would benefit from a hierarchical representation, where body parts are represented individually. We hypothesized that the human visual system makes use of such representations. To test this hypothesis, we used adaptation to determine whether observers were sensitive to changes in the length of one body part relative to another. Observers viewed forearm/upper arm pairs where the forearm had been either lengthened or shortened, judging the perceived length of the forearm. Observers then adapted to a variety of different stimuli (e.g., arms, objects, etc.) in different orientations and visual field locations. We found that following adaptation to distorted limbs, but not non-limb objects, observers experienced a shift in perceived forearm length. Furthermore, this effect partially transferred across different orientations and visual field locations. Taken together, these results suggest the effect arises in high level mechanisms specialized for specific body parts, providing evidence for a representation of bodies based on parts and their relationships.  相似文献   

The contribution of slant and tilt to the detection of differences in local surface orientation was examined for structure-from-motion (SFM) displays of a complex sinusoidal surface. Observers judged whether an elliptical SFM gauge figure appeared to be lying on the surface or intersecting it. The gauge figure orientation either matched the local surface orientation or differed from it in slant, tilt, or both. Similar sensitivity was found for deviations in slant and tilt, but greater biases and variability were found when the gauge figure deviated from the local surface orientation in slant, depending on the sign of the difference between the gauge figure and local surface orientation and the position of the gauge figure. The results are consistent with Stevens' (Biological Cybernetics, 46 (1983) 183-195) discussion of the computational advantages of slant and tilt contributing independently to the detection of differences in local surface orientation. The effects of changes in perceived surface slant and tilt during rotation and of the misperception of surface depth on the detection of local orientation in dynamic images are discussed.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To demonstrate a mathematical method for multiscalar decomposition of discrete corneal topography height data into a space-scale space using wavelet analysis techniques, and to demonstrate the clinical applicability of these computations in the postkeratoplasty cornea. METHODS: Fifty patients with either Fuchs' dystrophy (n = 20) or keratoconus (n = 30) were seen preoperatively, at 3 months, at 1 year (before suture removal) and again at 19 +/- 3 months (after suture removal) following nonmechanical trephination with an excimer laser for penetrating keratoplasty. Patients were assessed using corneal topography analysis (TMS-1), subjective refraction, and best-corrected visual acuity (VA) at each interval. Two-dimensional biorthogonal wavelets with the order 6.8 at the scales j = 1-4 revealed the following parameters: root-mean square (RMSDEV) and mean absolute (MEANDEV) deviation and maximum absolute height of the peaks or pitches (MAXPEAK) relative to the reference surface specified with the approximation component of scale j = 4. RMSDEV was correlated with the VA at various follow-up intervals. The multiscalar basis components: roughness, waviness and form were separated and recovered from the wavelet soft thresholding techniques. Peaks and pits within the three-dimensional corneal surface topography were detected and localized using the wavelet hard thresholding techniques. RESULTS: In patients with keratoconus, the RMSDEV and the MEANDEV increased from 4.31 +/- 1.25/5.98 +/- 1.88 microm preoperatively to the 3 months follow-up (4.98 +/- 1.41/6.92 +/- 2.16 microm) and thereafter decreased continuously to the end of the follow-up (1.87 +/- 0.63/2.63 +/- 1.07 microm), whereas in Fuchs' dystrophy the respective values started at a higher preoperative level (6.36 +/- 1.24/7.20 +/- 2.64 microm) and decreased continuously over time (2.73 +/- 1.10/3.71 +/- 1.05 microm after suture removal). In the keratoconus group, the MAXPEAK was increased at the 3 month postoperative exam (8.78 +/- 2.29 microm) when compared to the preoperative value (6.55 +/- 2.56 microm); however, it decreased again and returned to the preoperative level after one year (6.34 +/- 2.12 microm after suture removal). In Fuchs' dystrophy, the MAXPEAK was unchanged preoperatively (8.26 +/- 2.83 microm) to the 3 months follow-up, but decreased continuously to the end of the follow-up period (4.57 +/- 1.36 microm). The RMSDEV was significantly lower in keratoconus than in Fuchs' dystrophy preoperatively (P = 0.01) and after suture removal (P = 0.005) and correlated inversely with VA preoperatively (R = -0.53, P = 0.04/R = -0.69, P = 0.02), at the 1 year exam (R = -0.61, P = 0.02/R = -0.52, P = 0.05) and after suture removal (R = -0.73, P = 0.01/R = -0.66, P = 0.025) in keratoconus/Fuchs' dystrophy. CONCLUSIONS: The use of wavelet analysis can provide significant clinical information by separating the raw data into the parameters: "roughness", "waviness", "form" and various multiscalar peaks and pits. The RMSDEV, a quantitative measure for corneal irregularity, can be used as a new approach for the prediction of potential visual acuity after penetrating keratoplasty. The decomposition of the surface elevation into fundamental components is crucial for a subsequent mathematically based extraction of clinical parameters or for topography-based flying-spot ablation of irregular corneal astigmatism.  相似文献   

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