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Functional anatomy of macaque striate cortex. III. Color   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Using spatially diffuse stimuli (or sinusoidal gratings of very low spatial frequency), levels of 14C-2-deoxy-d-glucose (DG) uptake produced by color-varying stimuli are much greater than those produced by luminance-varying stimuli in macaque striate cortex. Such a difference in DG results is consistent with previous psychophysical and electrophysiological results from man and monkey. In DG experiments with color-varying gratings of low and middle spatial frequencies, or with spatially diffuse color variations, DG uptake was highest in the cytochrome oxidase blobs, as was also seen with low-spatial-frequency luminance gratings. High-spatial-frequency, color-varying uptake patterns were shifted to cover both blob and interblob regions in a manner similar to that of the patterns obtained with middle-spatial-frequency luminance stimuli. However, in no instance did chromatic gratings produce uptake restricted to the interblob regions, as with the pattern seen with the highest-spatial-frequency luminance gratings. Thus, DG uptake is relatively higher in the interblob regions when comparing luminance with color-varying gratings that are otherwise similar. It was also possible to show DG evidence for receptive-field double-opponency in the upper-layer blobs, but color sensitivity in layer 4Cb appears single-opponent. The DG results suggest that color sensitivity is also high in the lower-layer (layers 5 + 6) blobs, and that many layer 5 receptive fields are double-opponent. Striate layers 4Ca and 4B-appeared color-insensitive in a wide variety of DG tests; this supports the idea of a color-insensitive stream running from the magnocellular LGN layers through striate layers 4Ca and 4B to extrastriate areas MT and V3. There was also a major effect due to wavelength: long and short wavelengths produced much more uptake than did middle wavelengths, even when all colors were equated for luminance and saturation. No variation with eccentricity was seen in cortical color sensitivity, at least between 0 degrees and 10 degrees.  相似文献   

Functional anatomy of macaque striate cortex. II. Retinotopic organization   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Macaque monkeys were shown retinotopically-specific visual stimuli during 14C-2-deoxy-d-glucose (DG) infusion in a study of the retinotopic organization of primary visual cortex (V1). In the central half of V1, the cortical magnification was found to be greater along the vertical than along the horizontal meridian, and overall magnification factors appeared to be scaled proportionate to brain size across different species. The cortical magnification factor (CMF) was found to reach a maximum of about 15 mm/deg at the representation of the fovea, at a point of acute curvature in the V1-V2 border. We find neither a duplication nor an overrepresentation of the vertical meridian. The magnification factor did not appear to be doubled in a direction perpendicular to the ocular dominance strips; it may not be increased at all. The DG borders in parvorecipient layer 4Cb were found to be as sharp as 140 micron (half-amplitude, half width), corresponding to a visual angle of less than 2' of arc at the eccentricity measured. In other layers (including magnorecipient layer 4Ca), the retinotopic borders are broader. The retinotopic spread of activity is greater when produced by a low-spatial-frequency grating than when produced by a high-spatial-frequency grating. Orientation-specific stimuli produced a pattern of activation that spread further than 1 mm across cortex in some layers. Some DG evidence suggests that the spread of functional activity is greater near the foveal representation than near 5 degrees eccentricity.  相似文献   

Functional anatomy of macaque striate cortex. V. Spatial frequency   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
When macaque monkeys view achromatic, sinusoidal gratings of a single spatial frequency, the pattern of 14C-2-deoxy-d-glucose (DG) uptake produced by the gratings is shown to depend on the spatial frequency chosen. When a relatively high (5-7 cycles/deg) spatial frequency is shown binocularly at systematically varied orientations, uptake in parafoveal striate cortex is highest between the cytochrome oxidase blobs (that is, in the interblobs) in layers 1, 2, and 3. In layers 4B, 5, and 6, where the cytochrome oxidase blobs are faint or absent, DG uptake is highest in a periodic pattern that lies in register with the interblobs of layers 2 + 3. When the grating is, instead, of relatively low (1-1.5 cycles/deg) spatial frequency, DG uptake is highest in the blobs, in the blob-aligned portions of layers 1-4B, and in the lower-layer blobs as well. These variations in DG topography are confirmed in stimulus comparisons within a single hemisphere. Presumably, this shift in functional topography within the extra-granular layer is the primate homolog of "spatial frequency columns" shown earlier in the cat (Tootell et al., 1981; Silverman, 1984). In the well-differentiated architecture of primate striate cortex, laminar differences produced by high- versus low-spatial-frequency gratings are visible as well. Gratings of very high spatial frequency produce much higher uptake in 4Cb (which receives input from the parvocellular LGN layers) than in 4Ca (which gets its input from the magnocellular LGN layers). Gratings of low spatial frequency produce the converse result. Presumably, cells in the magnocellular LGN layers and/or in the magnocellular-dominated layer 4Ca have lower average spatial frequency tuning (larger receptive fields) than their counterparts in the parvocellular LGN and/or in striate layer 4Cb. The DG patterns produced by various spatial frequencies also vary with eccentricity, in a manner consistent with known, eccentricity-dependent variations of receptive-field size and spatial frequency tuning. Thus, gratings of a "middle"-spatial-frequency range (4-5 cycles/deg) produce high uptake in the blobs near the foveal representation and high uptake in the interblobs at more peripheral eccentricities, including 5 degrees. This shift in DG topography also includes the transition zone near 3 degrees, where the level of stimulus-driven uptake is as high in the blob regions as it is in interblob regions. Variations in uptake between layers 4Ca and 4Cb, as a function of eccentricity, shift in parallel with the changes in the upper-layer topography.  相似文献   

Macaque monkeys were shown achromatic gratings of various contrasts during 14C-2-deoxy-d-glucose (DG) infusion in order to measure the contrast sensitivity of different subdivisions of primary visual cortex. DG uptake is essentially saturated at stimulus contrasts of 50% and above, although the saturation contrast varies with layer and with different criteria. Following visual stimulation with gratings of 8% contrast, stimulus-driven uptake was relatively high in striate layer 4Ca (which receives primary input from the magnocellular LGN layers), but was absent in layer 4Cb (which receives primary input from the parvocellular layers). In this same (magnocellular-specific) stimulation condition, striate layers 4B, 4Ca, and 6 showed strong stimulus-induced DG uptake, and layers 2, 3, 4A, and 5 showed only light or negligible uptake. By comparison to other cases that were shown stimuli of systematically higher contrast, and to a wide variety of DG cases shown very different stimuli, it is evident that information derived from the magnocellular and parvocellular layers in the LGN remains partially, or largely, segregated in its passage through striate cortex, and projects in a still somewhat segregated fashion to different extrastriate areas. The sum of all available evidence suggests that the magnocellular information projects strongly through striate layers 4Ca, 4B, and 6, with moderate input into the blobs in layers 2 + 3, and to blob-aligned portions of layer 4A. Parvocellular-dominated regions of striate cortex include both the blob and interblob portions of layers 2 + 3, 4A, 4Cb, and 5. Because the major striate input to V2 arrives from striate layers 2 + 3, and because the major striate input to MT originates in layer 4B and 6, it appears that area V2 receives information derived largely from the parvocellular LGN layers, and that area MT receives information derived mainly from the magnocellular layers.  相似文献   

Chromatic mechanisms in striate cortex of macaque   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
We measured the responses of 305 neurons in striate cortex to moving sinusoidal gratings modulated in chromaticity and luminance about a fixed white point. Stimuli were represented in a 3-dimensional color space defined by 2 chromatic axes and a third along which luminance varied. With rare exceptions the chromatic properties of cortical neurons were well described by a linear model in which the response of a cell is proportional to the sum (for complex cells, the rectified sum) of the signals from the 3 classes of cones. For each cell there is a vector passing through the white point along which modulation gives rise to a maximal response. The elevation (theta m) and azimuth (phi m) of this vector fully describe the chromatic properties of the cell. The linear model also describes neurons in l.g.n. (Derrington et al., 1984), so most neurons in striate cortex have the same chromatic selectivity as do neurons in l.g.n. However, the distributions of preferred vectors differed in cortex and l.g.n.: Most cortical neurons preferred modulation along vectors lying close to the achromatic axis and those showing overt chromatic opponency did not fall into the clearly defined chromatic groups seen in l.g.n. The neurons most responsive to chromatic modulation (found mainly in layers IVA, IVC beta, and VI) had poor orientation selectivity, and responded to chromatic modulation of a spatially uniform field at least as well as they did to any grating. We encountered neurons with band-pass spatial selectivity for chromatically modulated stimuli in layers II/III and VI. Most had complex receptive fields. Neurons in layer II/III did not fall into distinct groups according to their chromatic sensitivities, and the chromatic properties of neurons known to lie within regions rich in cytochrome oxidase appeared no different from those of neurons in the interstices. Six neurons, all of which resembled simple cells, showed unusually sharp chromatic selectivity.  相似文献   

Studies of the development and plasticity of the visual pathway are well documented, but a basic question remains open: what is the physiological status of the system prior to extensive visual experience? Somewhat conflicting answers have been put forward, and in a major area, binocular vision, reports have ranged from severe immaturity to well-developed maturity. This is an important question to resolve since binocular cells in the visual cortex are thought to be the neural substrate for stereoscopic depth perception. We have addressed this question by recording from single cells in the striate cortex of kittens at postnatal ages 2, 3, and 4 weeks and from adults for comparison. Gratings with sinusoidal luminance distribution are presented to left, right, or both eyes. For each cell, we determine optimal values for orientation and spatial frequency. Relative phase (retinal disparity) is then varied in a dichoptic sequence so that binocular interaction may be studied. Results are as follows. In the normal adult, we have shown in previous work that most binocular interaction in the visual cortex can be accounted for on the basis of linear summation. Results from 3 and 4 week postnatal kittens are closely similar to those from adults. All types of binocular interaction found in adults are present in kittens. This includes phase-specific and non-phase-specific suppression or facilitation. Furthermore, monocular and binocular tuning characteristics are comparable in kittens and adults. The clear changes that occur with age are optimal spatial frequencies and peak responses. In addition, at 2 weeks, there is a substantially higher proportion of monocular cells compared to other ages and correspondingly, lower relative numbers of cells that exhibit phase-specific or suppressive binocular interactions. From increases in optimal spatial frequency and interpupillary distance with age, we calculated predicted changes in binocular disparity thresholds (stereo acuity) with age. Although there are methodological limits with respect to the behavioral testing of young kittens, the predicted results are comparable to some of the values obtained. Considered together, our results show that the physiological apparatus for binocular vision is functional at an early stage in postnatal development. It is possible that the connections that underlie this function are developed rapidly during early postnatal experience. An alternative possibility is that there is an elaborate genetic organization of binocular vision, but our study does not address this issue directly. A combination of these factors may be applicable.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

In the process of an extensive Golgi analysis of the inferior region of the rat hippocampus, a hitherto undescribed cell type was discovered. The cell has a round, elliptical, or fusiform cell body and an apical dendritic plume reminiscent of dentate granule cells. The axon is thick, with many collateral and ramifies within, above and below the pyramidal layer. The proximal dendrites have stubby spines whereas the distal dendrites have long thin spines. All impregnated cells of this type were found in the inferior region (CA3 and CA4 of Lorente de No´) of the hippocampus and most were found in a circumscribed suprapyramidal region at the mouth of the hilus. The majority of impregnated cells of this type were found in the middle to temporal portion of the hippocampus. Nissl-stained sections confirmed the predominant occurence of this cell type in the inferior region of the middle to temporal hippocampus. In these preparations, the cells have a large nucleus, several nucleoli and very scanty cytoplasm with Nissl substance essentially confined to the initial dendritic segments. The unique morphology of this cell type allows relatively easy identification using Nissl staining.  相似文献   

Ocular dominance stripes in the striate cortex of a macaque monkey were labeled by autoradiography after injection of [3H]proline into one eye. The stripes were reconstructed on a representation of the flattened cortical surface by two independent techniques: one used computer graphics, and the other was the manual unfolding procedure of Van Essen and Maunsell (VanEssen, D. C., and J. H. R. Maunsell (1980) J. Comp. Neurol. 191: 255-281). The two reconstructions differed in many details of the pattern but were in agreement on its general features. As described in earlier studies, the stripes formed a system of parallel bands, with numerous branches and islands. They were roughly orthogonal to the V1/V2 border throughout the binocular segment of the cortex. In the lateral part of the operculum, where the fovea is represented, the stripes were less orderly than elsewhere. In the calcarine fissure the stripes ran directly across the striate cortex from its dorsal to its ventral margin. In the far periphery the stripes for the ipsilateral eye became progressively narrower, eventually fragmenting into small islands at the edge of the monocular segment. The overall periodicity (width of a left- plus right-eye pair of stripes) averaged 0.88 mm but decreased by a factor of about 2 from center to periphery. This decrease was not accounted for solely by shrinkage of the ipsilateral eye stripes. The flattened cortical reconstruction was transformed back into visual field coordinates, using information about visual field topography obtained from the detailed mapping study of Van Essen et al. (Van Essen, D.C., W.T. Newsome, and J.H.R. Maunsell (1984) Vision Res. 24: 429-448), as well as from more limited mapping done in the same monkey that was used for the reconstruction. In the transformed map, the stripes increased in width about 40-fold from the fovea to the far periphery. As deduced previously (LeVay, S., D. H. Hubel, and T. N. Wiesel (1975) J. Comp. Neurol. 159: 559-576; Hubel, D. H., and D. C., Freeman (1977) Brain Res. 122: 336-343), there were portions of the map in which the stripes followed curves approximating isoeccentricity lines, but this relationship was not very exact or consistent. The pattern of stripes appears to be more meaningfully related to the geometry of the cortical surface. This has significant implications for understanding the developmental mechanisms involved in stripe formation.  相似文献   

Differential images of ocular dominance, acquired by comparing responses to the two eyes, reveal dark and light bands where cortical cells are dominated by the right and left eyes. These include most (but not all) histochemically stained cytochrome oxidase blobs in their centers. Differential images of orientation, acquired by comparing responses to orthogonal orientations, reveal dark and light bands that are reminiscent of the "orientation columns" reported earlier, on the basis of 2-deoxyglucose (2DG) autoradiograms (Hubel et al., 1978). However, they are shorter and more fragmented because they do not include regions lacking selectivity for orientation. Even though these "bands" derive from orientation-selective areas, comparisons with differential images of other orientations reveal that regions along their centers prefer different orientations. Hence, the orientation preferences inferred from "bands" in single differential images, or single 2DG autoradiograms, are not necessarily incorrect. Interactions between ocular dominance and orientation were investigated by comparing differential images of orientation obtained with binocular and monocular stimulation, as well as by comparing differential images of ocular dominance obtained with different orientations. In both cases, the elicited interactions were minimal, indicating a remarkable and unexpected independence that subsequent experiments revealed arises, at least in part, from a lateral segregation of regions most selective for one eye and regions most selective for one orientation, in the centers and edges of ocular dominance columns. Since this can also be viewed as a lateral correlation between binocularity and orientation selectivity, it fits with the simultaneous emergence of these properties in layers receiving input from layer 4c, and suggests that each of these properties requires the other.  相似文献   

Local circuits and ocular dominance columns in monkey striate cortex   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The relationships between ocular dominance columns and intrinsic cortical circuitry were examined in brain slices prepared from the striate cortex of macaques. Ocular dominance columns in layer 4C beta were visualized in vitro following anterograde transport of rhodamine injected into the lateral geniculate nucleus in vivo. The axonal and dendritic arborizations of individual layer 4C beta cells were revealed by intracellular fluorescent dye injections. Both qualitative observations and quantitative analysis showed that the dendrites of cells close to borders remained preferentially, although not absolutely, in the "home" column (the column containing the cell body). Thus, the segregated pattern of afferent input appears to have considerable influence on the pattern of dendritic arbors. Similarly, while axon collaterals within layer 4C beta could cross into the adjacent column, their limited lateral spread produced arbors that remained primarily within the home column. The terminal arbors of collaterals that travelled from layer 4C beta to layer 3 had a larger lateral spread, and the termination pattern appeared to be independent of column borders. Thus, our observations indicate that, while the course of many layer 4C beta dendrites appears to be guided by columnar boundaries as defined by geniculate afferents, there exist morphological substrates for intercolumnar interactions even between 4C beta cells. Intercolumnar interactions are seen more commonly in layer 3, however, where larger, denser axon arbors originating from 4C beta cells can freely cross ocular dominance column boundaries.  相似文献   

Mapping of retinal and geniculate neurons onto striate cortex of macaque   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A unity ratio between geniculate and ganglion cells can be shown in the macaque visual system. Comparison of the densities (cells/deg2) in the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (dLGN) of parvocellular (P) and magnocellular (M) cells, respectively, representing color-opponent and broad-band ganglion cells, with cortical magnification (mm2/deg2) gives the number of afferents per square millimeter in striate cortex (V1). For P cells, this afferent density rises only slightly with eccentricity, indicating that V1 magnification is approximately proportional to the density of P cells. The density of cytochrome oxidase puffs in V1 also rises only slightly with eccentricity. As a result, the number of P-cell afferents per puff-centered module is remarkably constant throughout V1. Our findings thus support a novel hypothesis of peripheral scaling, in which V1 cortical magnification is based on the mapping of just 1 class of afferent onto V1 modules. This "P-cell module" in V1 may be composed of submodules corresponding anatomically to the honeycomb cell in layer 4A of V1 and physiologically to a minimal complete set of color-opponent ganglion cells. In contrast, the afferent density of M cells rises steeply with eccentricity, so that the reciprocal of their afferent density, the cortical "domain" of M cells, declines with eccentricity. This decline is similar to that of point-image area in V1. As a result, the number of M cells per point-image area is nearly constant. This quantity is analogous to the receptive-field coverage factor in the retina, which for M cells is fairly constant and greater than unity at all eccentricities. The results show fundamental differences between the neural maps of these 2 major cell types, differences that are likely to have psychophysical consequences.  相似文献   

A study has been made, using Golgi preparations, of the organization of neurons with smooth or sparsely spined dendrites, here called local circuit neurons, of the macaque monkey primary visual cortex. Since these neurons include those responsible for inhibitory circuitry of the cortex, a better understanding of their anatomical organization is essential to concepts of functional organization of the region. This account describes those neurons found with cell body and major dendritic spread within the thalamic recipient zone of lamina 4C and its border zone with lamina 5A. The neurons are grouped firstly in terms of in which laminar division the soma occurred--4C beta, 4C alpha or the border zone of 5A-4C beta--and secondly, into varieties on the basis of the interlaminar projection patterns of their axons. Most, if not all, of the local circuit neurons of these divisions have interlaminar axon projections as well as an arbor local to their cell body and dendritic field. These interlaminar projections are highly specific, targeting from one to five laminar divisions depending on the variety of neuron; on this basis 17 varieties of local circuit neuron are described. While the number of varieties appears dauntingly large in terms of understanding the functional circuitry of the region, the clear-cut organization of the interlaminar links may provide clues as to the information processing that concerns each neuron. The local circuit neuron axon projections can be related to a wealth of information already available concerning the laminar organization of afferent axons and efferent cell groups, the organization of spiny neuron intrinsic relays (presumed to be excitatory), and physiological properties of different laminar divisions. It is hoped that the information derived from this study can serve as a guide for correlated physiological-anatomical studies on single cells of the region.  相似文献   

The middle temporal area (MT) of the macaque monkey is a region of extrastriate cortex involved in the analysis of visual motion. MT receives strong projections from striate cortex and from area V2, which is dependent on striate for visual responsiveness. Accordingly, the visual properties of MT neurons have been thought to reflect the further processing of its input from striate cortex. We examined the dependence of MT activity on pathways deriving from striate cortex by recording from MT neurons following removal of their striate input. Repeated recordings in area MT were made in 4 hemispheres of anesthetized macaques following either partial or total ablations of striate cortex. Cells in MT were tested for responsiveness, selectivity for direction of motion and direction tuning, and ocular dominance. Receptive fields were also plotted. In an additional animal, we recorded from MT neurons during reversible cooling of the central representation in striate cortex. We found that striate cortex removal or inactivation did not abolish the visual responsiveness of the majority of MT cells. Although the residual responses were generally much weaker than in the intact animal, direction selectivity and binocularity were still present. Moreover, receptive field size and overall topography appeared unaltered.  相似文献   

Antisera to glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) have been used to characterize the morphology and distribution of presumed GABAergic neurons and axon terminals within the macaque striate cortex. Despite some differences in the relative sensitivity of these antisera for detecting cell bodies and terminals, the overall patterns of labeling appear quite similar. GABAergic axon terminals are particularly prominent in zones known to receive the bulk of the projections from the lateral geniculate nucleus; laminae 4C, 4A, and the cytochrome-rich patches of lamina 3. In lamina 4A, GABAergic terminals are distributed in a honeycomb pattern which appears to match closely the spatial pattern of geniculate terminations in this region. Quantitative analysis of axon terminals that contain flat vesicles and form symmetric synaptic contacts (FS terminals) in lamina 4C beta and in lamina 5 suggest that the prominence of GAD and GABA axon terminal labeling in the geniculate recipient zones is due, at least in part, to the presence of larger GABAergic axon terminals in these regions. GABAergic cell bodies and their initial dendritic segments display morphological features characteristic of nonpyramidal neurons and are found in all layers of striate cortex. The density of GAD and GABA immunoreactive neurons is greatest in laminae 2-3A, 4A, and 4C beta. The distribution of GABAergic neurons within lamina 3 does not appear to be correlated with the patchy distribution of cytochrome oxidase in this region; i.e., there is no significant difference in the density of GAD and GABA immunoreactive neurons in cytochrome-rich and cytochrome-poor regions of lamina 3. Counts of labeled and unlabeled neurons indicate that GABA immunoreactive neurons make up at least 15% of the neurons in striate cortex. Layer 1 is distinct from the other cortical layers by virtue of its high percentage (77-81%) of GABAergic neurons. Among the other layers, the proportion of GABAergic neurons varies from roughly 20% in laminae 2-3A to 12% in laminae 5 and 6. Finally, there are conspicuous laminar differences in the size and dendritic arrangement of GAD and GABA immunoreactive neurons. Lamina 4C alpha and lamina 6 are distinguished from the other layers by the presence of populations of large GABAergic neurons, some of which have horizontally spreading dendritic processes. GABAergic neurons within the superficial layers are significantly smaller and the majority appear to have vertically oriented dendritic processes.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Strabismus, a misalignment of the eyes, results in a loss of binocular visual function in humans. The effects are similar in monkeys, where a loss of binocular convergence onto single cortical neurons is always found. Changes in the anatomical organization of primary visual cortex (V1) may be associated with these physiological deficits, yet few have been reported. We examined the distributions of several anatomical markers in V1 of two experimentally strabismic Macaca nemestrina monkeys. Staining patterns in tangential sections were related to the ocular dominance (OD) column structure as deduced from cytochrome oxidase (CO) staining. CO staining appears roughly normal in the superficial layers, but in layer 4C, one eye's columns were pale. Thin, dark stripes falling near OD column borders are evident in Nissl-stained sections in all layers and in immunoreactivity for calbindin, especially in layers 3 and 4B. The monoclonal antibody SMI32, which labels a neurofilament protein found in pyramidal cells, is reduced in one eye's columns and absent at OD column borders. The pale SMI32 columns are those that are dark with CO in layer 4. Gallyas staining for myelin reveals thin stripes through layers 2-5; the dark stripes fall at OD column centers. All these changes appear to be related to the loss of binocularity in cortical neurons, which has its most profound effects near OD column borders.  相似文献   

We used retrograde and anterograde transport methods and single-cell reconstructions to examine the projection from layer IV to supragranular layers in the tree shrew's striate cortex. We found that neurons in the ON and OFF subdivisions of layer IV (IVa and IVb, respectively) have overlapping terminal fields throughout layers II and III. Despite their overlap, these projections are organized in a highly stratified, mirror-symmetric fashion that respects the vertical position of neurons within each sublayer. Neurons in the middle of layer IV (lower IVa and upper IVb) project to layers IIIa/b, II, and I; neurons located at the edges of layer IV (upper IVa and lower IVb) project to the lower half of layer IIIc; and neurons in the middle of IVa and the middle of IVb project to upper IIIc. The stratified nature of the projections from layer IV to layer III is reminiscent of the pattern of ipsilateral and contralateral eye inputs to layer IV. Inputs from the ipsilateral eye are limited to the edges of layer IV (upper IVa and lower IVb), while those from the contralateral eye terminate throughout the depth of IVa and IVb. Thus, cells near the edges of layer IV should receive strong input from both eyes, while those in the middle of layer IV should receive mostly contralateral input. Taken together, these results suggest that the projections from layer IV to layer III bring together the information conveyed by the ON and OFF pathways, but do so in a way that matches the ocular dominance characteristics for each pathway.  相似文献   

To quantify asymmetries of input from the two eyes into each cerebral hemisphere, we measured ocular dominance column (ODC) widths and areas in the striate visual cortex (area V1) of macaque monkeys. Ocular dominance stripes in layer 4C were labeled by using transneuronal transport of intraocularly injected wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase (WGA-HRP) or cytochrome oxidase (CO) histochemistry, after deafferentation of one eye or even by leaving afferent input intact. In infant monkey aged 4 and 8 weeks, ocular dominance stripes labeled by WGA-HRP appeared adultlike with smooth, sharply defined borders. In normal infant and normal adult macaque, ocular dominance stripes driven by the nasal retina (i.e., contralateral eye) were consistently wider than stripes driven by the temporal retina (i.e., ipsilateral eye). Asymmetries in the percentage of area V1 driven by nasal vs. temporal ODCs showed a similar “nasal bias”: in infant macaque, approximately 58% of ODCs in V1 were driven by nasal retina, and in adult macaque approximately 57%. The asymmetries tended to be slightly smaller in opercular V1 and greater in calcarine V1. “Spontaneous” ocular dominance stripes were revealed by CO staining of V1 in a naturally strabismic monkey and in a monkey made strabismic by early postnatal alternating monocular occlusion. In these animals, ocular dominance stripes and CO blobs corresponding to the nasal retina stained more intensely for CO in both the right and left V1. ODC spacing and the nasotemporal asymmetry in ODC width and area were similar in strabismic and normal monkeys. Our results in normal monkeys extend the observations of previous investigators and verify that nasotemporal inputs to opercular and calcarine V1 are unequal, with a consistent bias favoring inputs from the nasal retina. The CO results in strabismic macaque suggest that the nasal ODC bias promotes interocular suppression when activity in neighboring ODCs is decorrelated by abnormal binocular experience in infancy. J. Comp. Neurol. 388:32–46, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Monkeys detect electrical microstimulation delivered to the striate cortex (area V1). We examined whether the ability of monkeys to detect such stimulation is affected by background luminance. While remaining fixated on a spot of light centered on a monitor, a monkey was required to detect a 100 ms train of electrical stimulation delivered to a site within area V1 situated from 1 to 1.5 mm below the cortical surface. A monkey signaled the delivery of stimulation by depressing a lever after which it was rewarded with a drop of apple juice. Control trials were interleaved during which time no stimulation was delivered and the monkey was rewarded for not depressing the lever. Biphasic pulses were delivered at 200 Hz and the current ranged from 2 to 30 μA using 0.2 ms anode-first biphasic pulses. The background luminance level of the monitor could be varied from 0.005 to 148 cd/m2. It was found that, for monitor luminance levels below 10 cd/m2, the current threshold to evoke a detection response increased. We discuss the significance of this result with regard to phosphenes elicited from human V1 and in relation to visual perception.  相似文献   

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