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Gastric emptying: influence of prolonged exercise and carbohydrate concentration, Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., Vol. 21, No. 3, pp. 269-274, 1989. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of serial feedings of different concentrations of carbohydrate (CHO) on gastric emptying and to compare the rates of gastric emptying at rest and during prolonged exercise. Solutions of 0, 6, 12, and 18 g. 100 ml-1 (WP, CHO-6, CHO-12, and CHO-18, respectively) were tested. Ten trained male cyclists performed five trials involving 120 min of cycling. The first 105 min were at 70% of VO2max, and the final 15 min were an all-out self-paced performance ride. In one of the five trials, the subjects rode intermittently, completing seven 15-min rides at 70% of VO2max, with 3 min of rest between each ride. Every 15 min, approximately 150 ml (8.5 ml.kg-1.h-1) of one of the four test solutions were consumed. (In the intermittent trial, the CHO-12 solution was used.) Subjects were also tested during 120 min of seated rest using the above feeding schedule (6% solution). Gastric residue was determined by stomach aspiration following the performance ride. The volumes emptied during the CHO-12 and CHO-18 trials (1,049.8 and 889.2 ml) were significantly different from each other and were less than during the WP and CHO-6 trials (1,210.3 and 1,185.6 ml) (P less than 0.05). CHO delivery was significantly higher in the CHO-12 and CHO-18 trials (126 and 160 g) compared to the CHO-6 trial (71.1 g).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Eleven trained men (aged 34.5 +/- 2 yrs) were studied during a 16.1 km run in the heat (Ta = 30.2 degrees C). Fasting blood samples were taken prior to the run and at 6.4, 12.9, and 16.1 km, and 3 h recovery. Serum or plasma glucose, insulin, glucagon, glycerol, and catecholamines were measured. Mean values were: exercise intensity, 80% of VO2max; final rectal temperature, 39.9 degrees C; and weight loss, 4.0%. Glucose increased 61% by 6.4 km, then decreased significantly by 16.1 km. Glycerol increased by 415% at 6.4 km, and continued to increase throughout the run. Epinephrine increased progressively during the run, but norepinephrine increased at 6.4 km, and did not change further during the exercise. Insulin increased slightly at 6.4 km, then decreased significantly from 6.4-16.1 km. Glucagon increased from 6.4-12.9 km and remained elevated at 3 h recovery. Hormone and substrate measurements obtained only before and after prolonged exercise may not reflect changes that occur during the course of the exercise. The observed insulin-glucagon relationships vary from previous findings in nontrained subjects at lower exercise intensities.  相似文献   

The effects of water temperature (6 degrees, 22 degrees, 46 degrees C) and chlorination on voluntary dehydration (D), sweat electrolyte losses (SEL), and total body electrolyte losses (BEL) were studied in 12 healthy males during 6 h of intermittent treadmill exercise (1.34 m X s-1, 5% grade) in a climatic chamber (40.6 degrees C DB, 25.5 degrees C WB). Body weight (BW), rectal temperature (Tre), mean weighted skin temperature (Tsk), heart rate (HR), plasma osmolality (PO), sweat rate (SR), sweat sodium (Na+), chloride (Cl-), potassium (K+), and magnesium (MG++), urine volume, Na+, and K+ were measured. No differences were found between chlorinated and non-chlorinated treatments except SEL of Mg++. Subjects (Ss) who drank 46 degrees C (-2.1% BW) consumed approximately 50% less water (p less than 0.001), and had D which was 1.050 kg larger (p less than 0.001) than subjects who consumed 6 degrees C (-0.5 %BW). There were no significant between-group PO differences, but Tre and Tsk differed between 46 degrees and 6 degrees C (p less than 0.01), and the HR of 22 degrees and 46 degrees C were both different from 6 degrees C (p less than 0.05). SR of all groups were essentially equal, although differences in total sweat Na+ (p less than 0.02) and Cl- (p less than 0.04) losses were observed between 46 degrees and 6 degrees C. SEL of sweat K+ and Mg++ were not affected by the experimental design. Based on 24 h projections of BEL, it was concluded that K+ depletion is more likely than Na+ depletion because food is often supplemented with sodium chloride.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Objectives: To investigate the effects of fluid ingestion on neuromuscular function during prolonged cycling exercise.

Methods: Eight well trained subjects exercised for 180 minutes in a moderate environment at a workload requiring ~60% maximal oxygen uptake. Two conditions, fluid (F) and no fluid (NF) ingestion, were investigated.

Results: During maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVC), prolonged cycling exercise reduced (p<0.05) the maximal force generating capacity of quadriceps muscles (after three hours of cycling) and root mean square (RMS) values (after two hours of cycling) with no difference between the two conditions despite greater body weight loss (p<0.05) in NF. The mean power frequency (MPF) for vastus lateralis muscle was reduced (p<0.05) and the rate of force development (RFD) was increased (p<0.05) only during NF. During cycling exercise, integrated electromyographic activity and perceived exertion were increased in both conditions (p<0.05) with no significant effect of fluid ingestion.

Conclusions: The results suggest that fluid ingestion did not prevent the previously reported decrease in maximal force with exercise duration, but seems to have a positive effect on some indicators of neuromuscular fatigue such as mean power frequency and rate of force development during maximal voluntary contraction. Further investigations are needed to assess the effect of change in hydration on neural mechanisms linked to the development of muscular fatigue during prolonged exercise.


PURPOSE: To determine the effect of water, carbohydrate, and caffeine ingestion on fatigue during prolonged exercise in the heat. METHODS: Seven endurance-trained cyclists (V O2max = 61 +/- 8 mL.kg.min) pedaled for 120 min at 63% V O2max in a hot-dry environment (36 degrees C; 29% humidity), ingesting either no fluid (NF), water (WAT) to replace 97% fluid losses, the same volume of a 6% carbohydrate-electrolyte solution (CES), or each of these treatments along with ingestion of 6 mg of caffeine per kilogram of body weight (NF + CAFF, WAT + CAFF, and CES + CAFF). At regular intervals during exercise, maximal cycling power (PMAX) was measured. Before and after exercise, maximal voluntary contraction (MVC), voluntary activation (VA), and electrically evoked contractile properties of the quadriceps were determined. RESULTS: Without fluid replacement (NF and NF + CAFF), subjects were dehydrated by 3.8 +/- 0.3%, and rectal temperature reached 39.4 +/- 0.3 degrees C, while it was maintained at 38.7 +/- 0.3 degrees C in trials with rehydration (P < 0.05). Trials with caffeine ingestion increased PMAX by 3% above trials without caffeine (P < 0.05). MVC reductions after exercise were larger with NF (-11 +/- 5%) than for the rest of the trials (P < 0.05). MVC was reduced in WAT compared with CES + CAFF (-6 +/- 4 vs 2 +/- 4%; P < 0.05). However, NF + CAFF maintained MVC at the level of the CES trial. VA showed the same treatment response pattern as MVC. There were no differences in electrically evoked contractile properties among trials. CONCLUSION: During prolonged exercise in the heat, caffeine ingestion (6 mg.kg body weight) maintains MVC and increases PMAX despite dehydration and hyperthermia. When combined with water and carbohydrate, caffeine ingestion increases maximal leg force by increasing VA (i.e., reducing central fatigue).  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to examine the influence of submaximal aerobic exercise duration on simple and complex cognitive performance. Eight well-trained male subjects agreed to participate in this study (trial group). A control group of eight regularly trained male subjects was included for comparative purposes. For the trial group, the experiment involved a critical flicker fusion test (CFF) and a map recognition task performed before, every 20 min during, and immediately after, a 3-h cycling task at an intensity corresponding to approximately 60 % of VO2max. Data were obtained over two experimental sessions with fluid ingestion (F) or no fluid (NF) ingestion. For the control group the experiment was the same but without exercise and fluid ingestion. In the trial group, a significant effect of hydration status was observed on physiological parameters (p <0.05). No effect was found on cognitive performance. A significant decrease in CFF performance was observed after 120 min of exercise when compared with the first 20 min (respectively for CFFmdi: 2.6 vs. 3.8 Hz), irrespective of experimental condition. A significant improvement in speed of response (respectively: 3291 vs. 3062 msec for 20 and 120 min, respectively) and a decrease in error number (21.5 % vs. 6.0 % for 20 and 120 min, respectively) during the map recognition task were recorded between 80 min and 120 min when compared with the first 20 min of exercise. After 120 min the number of recorded errors was significantly greater indicating a shift in the accuracy-speed trade-off (6.0 % vs. 14.1 % for 120 and 180 min, respectively). These results provide some evidence for exercise-induced facilitation of cognitive function. However this positive effect disappears during prolonged exercise--as evidenced within our study by an increase in errors during the complex task and an alteration in perceptual response (i.e. the appearance of symptoms of central fatigue).  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of ingesting approximately 800, 1200, or 1600 ml.h-1 of a carbohydrate (CHO) solution on gastric emptying (GE), ratings of stomach fullness (RF), plasma volume changes (PVC), electrolytes, fluid loss, and blood glucose (BG) during 2 h of cycling at 70% of VO2max. Eight male cyclists completed three rides during which they ingested either 11.5 (LV), 17.1 (MV), or 23 ml.kg-1.h-1 (HV) of a 7.5% CHO solution every 15 min. Blood samples were taken at 0, 60, 90, and 120 min and 15 min after the ride for the determination of PVC, sodium (Na+), potassium (K+), and BG. Body weight was recorded before and after the rides to determine dehydration. Rates of GE were determined via stomach aspiration after the rides. A significantly (P less than 0.05) greater volume of fluid was emptied in the HV trial (2268 +/- 70.8 ml) compared with the MV and LV trials (1860 +/- 72 and 1452 +/- 24 ml, respectively). The rate of GE in the MV trial was also significantly greater than in the LV trial. RF were significantly higher in the MV and HV trials compared with the LV trial throughout the rides. There were no significant differences in PVC (0.01 +/- 2.2%, 1.05 +/- 1.62%, and 0.97 +/- 1.28% for LV, MV, and HV, respectively), Na+, K+, or BG between the three trials. There was a significantly greater decrease in body weight in the LV (-0.77 +/- 0.14 kg) compared with the MV and HV trials (-0.38 +/- 0.13 and -0.14 +/- 0.14 kg).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Evidence of neuromuscular fatigue after prolonged cycling exercise   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to analyze the effects of prolonged cycling exercise on metabolic, neuromuscular, and biomechanical parameters. METHODS: Eight well-trained male cyclists or triathletes performed a 2-h cycling exercise at a power output corresponding to 65% of their maximal aerobic power. Maximal concentric (CON; 60, 120, 240 degrees x s(-1)), isometric (ISO; 0 degrees s(-1)), and eccentric (ECC; -120, -60 degrees x s(-1)) contractions, electromyographic (EMG) activity of vastus lateralis (VL) and vastus medialis (VM) muscles were recorded before and after the exercise. Neural (M-wave) and contractile (isometric muscular twitch) parameters of quadriceps muscle were also analyzed using electrical stimulation techniques. RESULTS: Oxygen uptake (VO2), minute ventilation (VE), and heart rate (HR) significantly increased (P < 0.01) during the 2-h by, respectively, 9.6%, 17.7%, and 12.7%, whereas pedaling rate significantly decreased (P < 0.01) by 21% (from 87 to 69 rpm). Reductions in muscular peak torque were quite similar during CON, ISO, and ECC contractions, ranging from 11 to 15%. M-wave duration significantly increased (P < 0.05) postexercise in both VL and VM, whereas maximal amplitude and total area decreased (VM: P < 0.05, VL: NS). Significant decreases in maximal twitch tension (P < 0.01), total area of mechanical response (P < 0.01), and maximal rate of twitch tension development (P < 0.05) were found postexercise. CONCLUSIONS: A reduction in leg muscular capacity after prolonged cycling exercise resulted from both reduced neural input to the muscles and a failure of peripheral contractile mechanisms. Several hypothesis are proposed to explain a decrease in pedaling rate during the 2-h cycling with a constancy of power output and an increase in energy cost.  相似文献   

Gastric emptying during 1 h of cycling and running at 75% VO2max   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of this study was to compare gastric emptying (GE) responses during intense, prolonged cycling and running. It is important to discern whether gastric emptying (GE) responses are exercise-mode specific, since the findings of cycling and running studies are often compared and applied to one another. Ten male biathletes cycled (CY) and ran (R) for 1 h at 75% of their mode-specific VO2max or rested (S) and consumed water (SW, CYW, RW) or a 7% carbohydrate solution (SC, CYC, RC) at a rate of 10 ml.kg-1.h-1 (approximately 180 ml at 0, 15, 30, and 45 min). No differences were found between CYW, CYC, RW, RC, and SC for volume of drink emptied (mean +/- SE) (522.8 +/- 47.9 ml) and GE rate (range, 8.2 +/- 0.9 (RC) to 9.3 +/- 0.6 ml.min-1 (SC]. A mean of 72.7 +/- 5.7% of the total consumed volume was emptied. The GE rate during SW was significantly (P less than 0.05) greater than the other conditions (11.3 +/- 0.4 ml.min-1, 94.0 +/- 1.9% of total consumed volume emptied). Substantial volumes of water and a 7% carbohydrate solution are thus emptied from the stomach during prolonged, intense running and cycling, with no differences in GE between these exercise modes. These data suggest that recommendations concerning GE are reciprocal between running and cycling bouts similar to those in the current study.  相似文献   

PURPOSE AND METHODS: Seven subjects exercised to exhaustion on a bicycle ergometer at a workload corresponding to an intensity of 70% maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max). On one occasion (FED), subjects consumed a preexercise carbohydrate (CHO) containing breakfast (100 g CHO) 3 h before exercise. On the other occasion (FASTED), subjects exercised after an overnight fast. Exercise time to fatigue was significantly longer (P < 0.05) when subjects consumed the breakfast (136+/-14 min) compared with when they exercised in the fasted state (109+/-12 min). RESULTS: Pre- and post-exercise muscle glycogen concentrations, respiratory exchange ratio, carbohydrate and fat oxidation, and lactate and insulin concentrations were not significantly different between the two trials. Insulin concentrations decreased significantly (P < 0.05) from 4.7+/-0.05 microIU.mL(-1) to 2.8+/-0.4 microIU.mL(-1) in FED and from 6.6+/-0.6 microIU.mL(-1) to 3.7+/-0.6 microIU.mL(-1) in FASTED subjects and free fatty acid concentrations (FFA) increased significantly (P < 0.05) from 0.09+/-0.02 mmol.L(-1) to 1.4+/-0.6 mmol.L(-1) in FED and from 0.17+/-0.02 mmol.L(-) to 0.74+/-0.27 mmol.L(-1) in FASTED subjects over the duration of the trials. CONCLUSIONS: In conclusion, the important finding of this study is the increased time to fatigue when subjects ingested the CHO meal with no negative effects ascribed to increased insulin concentrations and decreased FFA concentrations after CHO ingestion.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the effect of ingestion of a glucose polymer drink on fluid and metabolic balance during a 30 km outdoor march in the heat (ambient temperature, 26-31 degrees C; relative humidity, 53-34%). The subjects were randomly assigned to one of three groups: 7.2% glucose polymer-electrolyte beverage (GP) (N = 16), flavored sweetened placebo drink (SP) (N = 15), and tap water (TW) (N = 18). The subjects in the three groups consumed similar volumes of fluid, and no differences were found in sweat rate and percent dehydration. Changes in plasma volume were smaller, though not statistically significant, for GP than for SP and TW (-2.8%, -5.4%, -9.4%, respectively). Changes in sodium concentrations and serum osmolality were similar in the three groups. Subjects consuming GP maintained during exercise a significantly higher (P less than 0.001) blood glucose concentration (range: 6.5-7.4 mmol.l-1) than the SP and TW groups. They were also found to have increased levels of serum insulin (29.3 +/- 18.5 mU.l-1) and no change in serum free fatty acids (0.52 +/- 0.19 mmol.l-1). In contrast, subjects ingesting SP or TW had significantly elevated (P less than 0.001) concentrations of free fatty acids (range: 1.35-1.74 mmol.l-1) compared with subjects consuming GP (0.35-0.52 mmol.l-1), with no significant change in blood glucose and serum insulin levels over the exercise period. We conclude that highly trained endurance athletes may maintain a higher blood glucose level by consuming GP during prolonged exercise in the heat without impairing fluid replacement.  相似文献   

Cerebral changes during exercise in the heat   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This review focuses on cerebral changes during combined exercise and heat stress, and their relation to fatigue. Dynamic exercise can elevate the core temperature rapidly and high internal body temperatures seem to be an independent cause of fatigue during exercise in hot environments. Thus, in laboratory settings, trained participants become exhausted when they reach a core temperature of approximately 40 degrees C. The observation that exercise-induced hyperthermia reduces the central activation percentage during maximal isometric muscle contractions supports the idea that central fatigue is involved in the aetiology of hyperthermia-induced fatigue. Thus, hyperthermia does not impair the ability of the muscles to generate force, but sustained force production is lowered as a consequence of a reduced neural drive from the CNS. During ongoing dynamic exercise in hot environments, there is a gradual slowing of the electroencephalogram (EEG) whereas hyperthermia does not affect the electromyogram. The frequency shift of the EEG is highly correlated with the participants' perception of exertion, which furthermore may indicate that alterations in cerebral activity, rather than peripheral fatigue, are associated with the hyperthermia-induced development of fatigue. Cerebral blood flow is reduced by approximately 20% during exercise with hyperthermia due to hyperventilation, which causes a lowering of the arterial CO(2) pressure. However, in spite of the reduced blood flow, cerebral glucose and oxygen uptake does not seem to be impaired. Removal of heat from the brain is also an important function of the cerebral blood flow and the lowered perfusion of the brain during exercise and heat stress appears to reduce heat removal by the venous blood. Heat is consequently stored in the brain. The causal relationship between the circulatory changes, the EEG changes and the hyperthermia-induced central fatigue is at the present not well understood and future studies should focus on this aspect.  相似文献   

Gastric emptying with repeated drinking during running and bicycling   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The high prevalence of gastrointestinal complaints in long-distance runners makes the movements specific to this type of exercise suspected of causing a disruption of normal gastrointestinal function. Gastric emptying rate is one indicator thereof. In the present study trained volunteers performed similar repeated fluid ingestion tests while running and while bicycling for 80 min at 70% VO2max. Control tests at rest were also conducted. Two drinks containing carbohydrate were tested, one hypertonic, and one isotonic. Artificially sweetened water was used as a control. Gastric emptying rate of the isotonic drink, expressed as a percentage of the volume in the stomach at the beginning of each measurement period, did not differ between cycling and running during the first 40 min and was faster during cycling than during running between 40 and 80 min. With the hypertonic drink no differences between cycling and running were observed. In comparing gastric emptying rates after each sequential bolus, at rest, the isotonic drink was observed to maintain a high emptying rate, equal to that of water, whereas the hypertonic drink emptied more slowly after the first 20-min period. A similar pattern was observed during both running and cycling. The isotonic drink continued to empty quickly after the initial 20 min, whereas GE rate of the hypertonic drink decreased after the initial 20 min.  相似文献   

Cutaneous vascular reflexes during exercise in the heat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Eight relatively fit men performed cycle ergometer exercise (50% VO2max) for 30 min at 35 degrees C, less than 40% rh. To determine the importance of changes in cardiac filling pressure on the cutaneous vascular responses during exercise, we compared data from eight control (normovolemic) and four hypovolemic (19.5% decrease in plasma volume (PV) induced by diuretics) experiments. Cardiac output was maintained at 13.9 +/- 0.8 l.min-1 during steady state exercise in the two conditions. However, heart rate was higher (P less than 0.05) and stroke volume (SV) was slightly, although not statistically lower during hypovolemic exercise. Forearm venous compliance (FVC) was significantly lower during hypovolemic exercise than during control exercise (P less than 0.05). The increases in forearm blood flow and arterial blood pressure during exercise were not affected significantly by hypovolemia. FVC and SV in both conditions were linearly related to changes in central venous pressure during exercise (r2 = 0.88 and 0.78, respectively). Since changes in arterial pressure during exercise were not correlated with the observed arteriomotor and venomotor responses, we concluded that low pressure baroreceptors may have induced peripheral vascular reflexes, which act to maintain cardiac output during exercise in the heat.  相似文献   

Total body water (TBW) and water turnover rates (WTR) of six competitive male cyclists (CG) and six age-matched sedentary men (SG) were determined using deuterium oxide dilution and elimination. During the 7 day study, individuals in the CG cycled daily outside on average 50 (range 12-146) km at an average speed of 29 km.h(-1), while the SG did no regular exercise. During the study, the weather was cool (10 [4-18]degrees C), mainly cloudy but dry. Daily average (median [range]) nude body mass remained essentially the same in the CG (77.25 [76.54-77.54] kg) and SG (65.04 [64.45-65.44] kg). Expressed as a percentage of body mass, median TBW of the CG (70.1 [65.5-73.9]%) was greater than that of the SG (63.5 [52.7-71.0]% ). Average median WTR was faster in the CG (47 [42-58] ml.kg.d(-1)) than the SG (36 [29-50] ml.kg.d(-1)). The average median daily urinary loss was similar in the CG (27 [22-33]ml.kg.d(-1)) and SG (29 [24-31]ml.kg.d(-1)). Calculated non-renal daily water loss was faster in the CG (19 [13-35] ml.kg.d(-1)) than the SG (6 [5-22] ml.kg.d(-1)), but there was no relationship between the average distance cycled daily and the WTR. This study demonstrates that WTR are faster in individuals undertaking prolonged exercise than in sedentary men, and that the difference was due to the almost three times greater non-renal water losses that the exercising group incurred. This suggests that exercise-induced increases in respiratory water loss and sweat rate are major factors in water loss even in cool environments.  相似文献   

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