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We report a novel mutation in the alpha2-globin gene, codon 35 (T-->C), detected in two unrelated Portuguese families. This mutation gives rise to a previously undescribed hemoglobin (Hb) variant, which we named Hb Evora. This variant seems to be responsible for the alpha-thalassemia phenotype present in its carriers. It cannot be detected by conventional laboratory techniques, probably because of its highly unstable nature.  相似文献   

Hb Luxembourg [alpha 24(B5)Tyr----His] was found in association with mild hemolytic anemia and increased indirect bilirubinemia in a family originating from the Netherlands. The slight instability of this variant may be the consequence of an indirect effect of the substitution on the alpha 1 beta 1 contact since position alpha 24 (B5) is internal and in contact with several residues involved in this interface.  相似文献   

A microcytic hypochromic anemic state was observed in an 8-year old Black female of Surinam origin during pre-operative Hb S [beta6(A3)Glu-->Val] screening. Her high zinc protoporphyrin (ZPP) level suggested a chronic iron depletion but, in contrast, the high red blood cell (RBC) count (5.85 x 10(12)/L) was indicative of a possible coexisting thalassemia. No abnormal hemoglobin (Hb) bands were present on high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) or alkaline electrophoresis and the Hb A2 level was normal. Break point polymerase chain reaction (PCR) failed to reveal any of the common alpha-thalassemia (thal) mutations but selective DNA sequencing of both alpha-globin genes disclosed a TGC-->AGC transversion at codon 104 of the alpha1 gene. Cystine at codon 104 is involved in alpha/beta globin contact and has been described to be a critical amino acid of the alpha2 chain when substituted by a tyrosine (Hb Sallanches), inducing Hb H (beta4) disease in the homozygous state. Our heterozygous patient had a moderate anemia of 12.2 g/dL and a borderline haptoglobin suggesting some degree of hemolysis.  相似文献   

We report a new structural defect of the alpha2-globin chain, not detectable on high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) or electrophoresis, characterized in a 12-year-old boy of Surinamese-Hindustani origin. The child was suspected to be a carrier of alpha-thalassemia (thal) because of microcytic hypochromic parameters in the absence of iron depletion. Gap-polymerase chain reaction (gap-PCR) revealed only normal fragments in the proband, and the pattern of a -alpha4.2 (leftward) deletion in his father and sister. Direct sequencing of the alpha-globin genes revealed an ACC-->AAC transversion at codon 108 of the alpha2-globin gene in the proband, in his mother and in a younger sister. The new mutation predicts a Thr -->Asn amino acid substitution at the corresponding residue. Threonine, a covalent binder with an R-active OH group, situated in the G helix of the alpha-globin chain, is involved in alpha1beta1 contacts. Asparagine, being an equally covalent binder but with a different R-active H2N-C=O group, could make the mutated chain less suitable for tetramer cooperation. Alternatively, an absent or reduced interaction with the alpha hemoglobin (Hb) stabilizing protein (AHSP) could lead to loss of alpha chains. Hb Bleuland is the first mutation described at codon 108 and is therefore interesting in regard to the possible effects and genetic risk. The nearest variant, Hb Suan-Dok [alpha109(G16)Leu -->Arg, CTG-->CGG (alpha2)] was originally observed in a Thai patient affected with Hb H, in combination with an alpha0-thal allele. The same Hb Suan-Dok mutation, recently described in our laboratory in a carrier of African ancestry, was also not detectable as a protein and presented with an alpha-thal phenotype similar to Hb Bleuland.  相似文献   

We have characterized a new abnormal hemoglobin (Hb) at position 32 of the α-globin chain. The proband, a 38-year-old woman of Surinamese Black ancestry, was referred to the Academic Hospital in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, after 3 years of Prednisone treatment in Surinam. Kidney failure was diagnosed at the Nephrology Department, Free University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; the cortisone treatment was interrupted and dialysis was started. At this stage, a microcytic hypochromic anemia was observed with high reticulocyte (40%) and ferritin (500 μg/L) levels, and hemoglobinopathy was suspected. No abnormal bands were visible on alkaline electrophoresis and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The Hb A2 level was normal (2.7%) and the erythrocyte count was low (3.59 × 1012/L) with a normal haptoglobin level (68 mg/100 mL). None of the common α-thalassemia (thal) deletion defects were present. The β-globin gene sequence was normal but the α2-globin gene sequence revealed an ATG→ATA transition at codon 32, changing the methionine into an isoleucine residue. The mutation, called Hb Amsterdam, was observed in the mother of the proband, who was also heterozygous for the ? α3.7-thal deletion and affected by a moderate microcytic hypochromic anemia. Both Hb Amsterdam and the ? α? 3.7 allele were found in association with a new polymorphism, IVS-I-39 (C→T), previously observed in our laboratory in seven patients of African origin, on both the α1 and α2 genes. In addition, Hb Amsterdam was also associated with the common African α2 polymorphism (G→CTCGGCCC at position 7238 and T→G at position 7174). Hb Amsterdam is the first mutation ever described at codon α32, a position involved in α1/β1 interaction. The possibility of a contribution of this mutation to the nephropatic state of the proband is discussed.  相似文献   

We report a new unstable variant identified in three carriers of a family from East Sicily; it was named Hb Bronte after the place from which the family originated. DNA sequencing from nucleotides -181 to +894 (alpha1) and to +884 (alpha2) revealed a GTG-->GGG substitution at codon 93 of the alpha2-globin gene. The MCV and MCH values were at the lower end of the normal range in the carriers. On cation exchange high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), the Hb A2 level was apparently increased to around 6%, and a small abnormal peak (0.3-0.4%) was detected after Hb A2. Two abnormal bands were detected by cellulose acetate electrophoresis: a major band (about 3-4%) migrated between Hb A and Hb F; a minor band (<1%) migrated between Hb A2 and carbonic anhydrase. Normal values of Hb A2 were detected by DEAE microchromatography. On reversed phase HPLC the variant chain was not detected, and most likely it was eluted with the alpha chain peak. The isopropanol stability test was very slightly positive in the carriers. Hemolytic symptoms were absent with the exception of indirect bilirubin, which was at high borderline in 2/3 carriers. In biosynthesis in vitro, the specific activity of the alpha chains was much higher than that of the beta-globin chains, and the alpha/beta biosynthetic ratio in the mother and proband was of the beta-thalassemia (thal) type (2.24 and 2.54, respectively). Time course experiments showed that the increase of the 3H-specific activity of the peak containing normal and variant alpha chains was not linear and was much higher than that of beta chains; moreover, the alpha/beta biosynthetic ratio varied during the 2 hours incubation.  相似文献   

An abnormal hemoglobin variant was detected in a seven-year old Thai girl. The clinical and hematological pictures were indistinguishable from hemoglobin H disease. Upon cellulose acetate electrophoresis at pH 8.5 an abnormal hemoglobin variant was found together with hemoglobins A and H. The variant moved slightly behind HbF and amounted to approximately 9%. Globin chain synthesis studies of peripheral blood reticulocytes incubated with tritiated leucine revealed that the total radioactivity ratio alpha-chain + variant alpha-chain/beta-chain was 0.59, while the ratio variant alpha-chain/beta-chain was 0.12. The variant hemoglobin was somewhat unstable under heat denaturation and in the isopropanol test. Structural studies by component isolation, globin chain separation, peptide mapping and aminoacid analysis of abnormal peptides showed that the leucine residue 109 of the alpha-chain was replaced by arginine. This hemoglobin mutant has not been described before and is named Hemoglobin Suan-Dok.  相似文献   

Dash S  Harano K  Menon S 《Hemoglobin》2006,30(3):393-396
We report the fourth observation of Hb Sallanches [alpha104(G11)Cys-->Tyr, TGC-->TAC (alpha2)], an unstable alpha chain variant of intermediate severity in the homozygous state. Heterozygosity occasionally produces mild hypochromia and microcytosis in some patients. A balanced beta/alpha ratio, found in previously reported cases, points to unstable alphabeta dimers formed as a result of the Cys-->Tyr substitution at the alpha1beta1 contact site in this hemoglobin (Hb) variant. Our patient, and the previous two of the three cases reported in patients of Pakistani origin, points to a common population stock, separated by the mass population migration which occurred during the partition of Pakistan and India in 1947.  相似文献   

A severe hemolytic anemia with microcytosis and hypochromia was present in a young adopted Indian patient. Reversed phase high performance liquid chromatographic methodology and heat stability tests detected an unstable alpha chain which was present in 3 to 5% of the total hemoglobin. A larger quantity of the alpha X chain was obtained by preparative reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography. Structural analyses identified an Ala----Pro replacement at position 130 of the alpha chain. The instability of the variant, named Hb Sun Prairie, is comparable to that of Hb Bibba [alpha 136 (H19)Leu----Pro]. Gene mapping failed to detect an alpha-thalassemia deletion (alpha alpha/alpha alpha), while dot-blot analysis of amplified DNA with synthetic probes localized a G----C mutation in codon 130 (resulting in the Ala----Pro mutation) of the alpha 2-globin genes of both chromosomes. These results suggest a homozygosity for the G----C mutation and the condition alpha 2(G----C)alpha 1/alpha 2(G----C)alpha 1 adequately explains the rather severe clinical status of this child, including the marked microcytosis and hypochromia. Unfortunately, family studies to exclude the presence of a large deletion involving all zeta- and alpha-globin genes were not possible.  相似文献   

A new alpha-globin mutation causing persistent mild hypochromic microcytosis and erythrocytosis is described. Hb Zurich Albisrieden [alpha59(E8)Gly-->Arg (alpha2)] is not detected at the protein level and leads to alpha(+)-thalassemia (thal).  相似文献   

A novel beta-thalassemia mutation, not previously reported in the literature, was identified by direct DNA sequencing of the beta-globin gene. Hematological investigation of a 26-year-old woman due to her increased Hb A2 level (6.2%) led to the identification of a heterozygosity for a 9 bp (TCTGACTCT) deletion/insertion at codons 3-5. This was found to be the result of a deletion of cytosine (-C) at codon 5 (one of the nucleotides in the 13th or 14th position of exon 1). and an insertion of thymine (+T) in front of codon 3 at the 10th nucleotide in exon 1 of the beta-globin gene. As a result of these mutations, the amino acids at codons 3-5 were changed from Leu-Thr-Pro to Ser-Asp-Ser. The whole frameshift was prevented by this rearrangement in the beta-globin gene. In addition, this result may provide important clues to identify critical amino acids responsible for stabilization of the hemoglobin tetramer.  相似文献   

Hb Stanmore is a new hemoglobin variant with the amino acid substitution beta 111(G13)Val----Ala. It is unstable and has a low oxygen affinity. The propositus (of Italian nationality) is a double-heterozygote for Hb Stanmore and beta(0)-thalassemia.  相似文献   

Mild alpha-thalassemia, a common condition in many ethnic groups, presents with hematologic abnormalities almost identical to those found in iron deficiency. We report a new alpha globin chain variant associated with an alpha-thalassemia phenotype in two members of a Turkish family.  相似文献   

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