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Xinyi Lu Yunlong Li Xiaochun Gu Xinyue Zhang Ning Ma 《Macromolecular chemistry and physics.》2023,224(24):2300228
With the development of the medical and health industry, new health monitoring devices have attracted a lot of attention. By placing sensors in different organs, intelligent detection of human behavior and diagnosis of physical health can be achieved. Traditional electronic sensor devices have huge deficiencies in capturing tiny stimulus signals and comfort. Wearable sensors based on flexible conductive hydrogels are the most promising candidates for conventional sensors. However, the development of conductive hydrogels with good self-healing and adhesion properties is still a challenge. Herein, a flexible polyvinyl alcohol hydrogel is prepared with good self-healing properties, self-adhesive and conductive properties based on polyvinyl alcohol, sodium phytate solution, and borax using a simple method. The abundant hydrogen bonding interactions, dynamically reversible borate ester bonds in the hydrogel network endowed the hydrogel with good self-healing properties, self-adhesion, and electrical conductivity. The fractured hydrogels showed almost disappearance of cracks after 30 min of self-healing, and the efficiency of electrochemical repair within 0.1 s is close to 100%. The hydrogels can achieve good adhesion to different substrates and can be used as flexible writable circuits and smart wearable sensors, which have promising applications in the fields of flexible electronics, smart sensing, and health monitoring. 相似文献
聚二甲基硅氧烷(PDMS)是一种具有良好的生物相容性和一定光学透明性的弹性材料。随着3D打印技术的发展,PDMS在医学领域中显示出巨大的应用前景。相对于间接3D打印,直接3D打印PDMS在医学领域中受到更广泛的关注。最常用于PDMS成型的直接3D打印技术包括挤出式3D打印技术、嵌入式3D打印技术和光固化3D打印技术。本综述简要介绍了PDMS的特性及其在医学领域中的应用;详细阐述了PDMS成型过程中常用的直接3D打印技术;最后对PDMS未来在医学领域中的应用提出展望。 相似文献
Xiaoling Chen Miaomiao He Xuhua Zhang Tiao Lu Weizhen Hao Yansheng Zhao Yongmei Liu 《Macromolecular chemistry and physics.》2020,221(10)
Conductive hydrogels show promising applications in wearable electronic devices. However, it is still challenging to increase the conductivity as well as the mechanical performance of the conductive hydrogels. In addition, it is more challenging to fabricate ultrathin conductive films with good mechanical strength and high transparency. In this study, a metal‐free flexible conductive hydrogel for flexible wearable strain sensor with high sensitivity is presented. The conductive hydrogel is prepared by polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) templated polymerizing of polypyrrole (PPy) followed by gelating based on the polymerizing and cross‐linking of polyacrylamide (PAAm). The conductive hydrogel is endowed excellent mechanical properties by multiple hydrogen bonds between the interpenetrating network of PVA, PPy, and PAAm. The tensile strength reaches up to 0.2 MPa at 500% and the compression strength reaches up to 1.5 MPa at 90%. It can withstand cyclic loads. The conductivity reaches 0.3 s m?1 and it is sensitive to stretching and compressing. Therefore, strain sensors are prepared based on such hydrogels to make wearable electronic devices, monitoring the subtle and large strains. It is worth noting that the composite material containing PVA has good film‐forming properties. Therefore, ultrathin conductive hydrogel films with high transparency (94.2%), high conductivity (7090 Ω/square) and large‐area are fabricated at low cost. 相似文献
背景:运用3D打印技术可将药物与材料结合实现药物联合用药,制成具有特定释放速率的剂型,从而更好的应用于临床。目的:综述临床常用西药、中药、金属元素及离子等与相关材料制成药物复合材料的制备工艺、优点及适应证等。方法:由第一作者以“药物;中药或金属;复合材料;3D打印”作为关键词,以“并含”的逻辑组合关系在CNKI、万方数据库进行检索;以“Drug;Chinese medicine;Metal;Composite materials;3D printing”作为关键词,以“and”的逻辑组合关系在PubMed、Web of Science数据库进行检索,检索时间均为1950至2019年。初步检索文献339篇,筛选后对46篇文献进行分析。结果与结论:将西药、中药、金属元素及离子等与相关材料制成药物复合材料,在制药领域和临床使用中均有一定的优越性,其不仅可提高药物的生物利用度、降低毒副作用,还可实现联合用药。近年来,药物复合材料已被运用于骨科、牙科、心血管内科、耳鼻喉科等领域,但其应用还处于初级阶段,很多方面需要提高和改进,如提高药物复合材料质量;提高力学稳定性,减少脆性;打印功能齐全,与人体大小相适应的血管和器官;更好地模仿人体真实组织的生物力学、组织结构等。 相似文献
Jan Hobich Eva Blasco Martin Wegener Hatice Mutlu Christopher Barner-Kowollik 《Macromolecular chemistry and physics.》2023,224(1):2200318
3D printing techniques are often based on light-induced chemical reactions, driven by the fascinating and powerful possibilities to control light in space and time. To date, these approaches are usually restricted to a single color of light, which does not do justice to light as an entire spectrum of distinct wavelengths. It is possible to further tap into the vast potential of light-induced 3D printing by introducing a second color of light. While the complexity of photochemical interactions in two-color systems is greatly increased, it concomitantly allows for enhanced control over manufacturing speed and resolution. In general, three types of two-color interactions can be distinguished, i.e., synergistic, orthogonal, and antagonistic. In recent years, intriguing printing techniques with superior potential for the fabrication of 3D structures are emerging that require two colors of light. Their future development potential is vast yet needs to be critically underpinned by an advance in complex tunable photochemical reaction systems. The current perspective will thus explore the potential for using synergistic, orthogonal, and antagonistic photochemistries in 3D printing. 相似文献
BACKGROUND: At present, the main factors restricting the development of three-dimensional (3D) technology are the limited types of printable materials, and polymer materials have made great progress in the field of 3D printing biological bones and scaffolds due to their excellent physical and chemical properties and variety. OBJECTIVE: To review application status of polymer materials in the biological field and the advantages and disadvantages of 3D printing technology. METHODS: CNKI, Wanfang, VIP, and PubMed databases were searched for articles published from 2000 to 2020. The Chinese key words were “3D printing, fused deposition molding, UV curing molding technology, selective laser sintering technology, natural polymer, synthetic polymer, biomedical, artificial bone, artificial bone scaffold”. The English key words were “3D printing; FDM; SLA; SLS; natural polymer; synthetic polymer; biomedical; artificial bone; artificial bone scaffold”. Finally, 56 articles were selected to summarize. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: Polymer materials play a more and more important role in the biological field because of their wide variety, excellent physical and chemical properties, high dimensional accuracy, good processability and other characteristics. Not only that, the composite of polymer materials with metal and inorganic can improve their biocompatibility, controllable degradation and other characteristics, which further expands the application space of polymer materials in the biological field. 3D printing technology is mainly through the combination of information technology and manufacturing technology to achieve 3D solid printing, which is with the characteristics of rapid, accurate, personalized customization. 3D printing is widely used in biomedical, casting, aerospace and other fields. The combination of polymer materials and 3D printing technology can realize the personalized customization of human bones, organs and tissues, which is expected to solve the problem of insufficient donors in clinic. Therefore, the research and development of biomedical materials more suitable for 3D printing process and how to better combine polymer materials with 3D printing technology become the current research hotspot. © 2022, Publishing House of Chinese Journal of Tissue Engineering Research. All rights reserved. 相似文献
目的:总结聚醚醚酮及其复合材料与3D 打印技术在骨缺损修复领域的应用现状,并进一步展望两者有效结合的应用前景。
方法:利用计算机检索CNKI、PubMed,Web of
Science数据库,中文检索词为“聚醚醚酮,聚醚醚酮复合材料,骨缺损修复,聚醚醚酮植入物,聚醚醚酮3D打印,口腔修复”。英文检索词为“PEEK,PEEK composites,bone defect repair,PEEK implants,PEEK 3D printing,prosthodontics”。检索时限为1995年4月至2019年4月。共检索到147篇文章,根据纳入与排除标准,最终纳入51篇文献进行综述。
ORCID: 0000-0001-7850-2412(林柳兰)
中国组织工程研究杂志出版内容重点:生物材料;骨生物材料; 口腔生物材料; 纳米材料; 缓释材料; 材料相容性;组织工程 相似文献
背景:长段气管病变主要由感染、创伤、恶性肿瘤等因素引起,至今其临床治愈情况仍然无法令人满意。组织工程气管结合生物打印技术可为气管长段损伤修复提供有效治疗途径。目的:综述生物打印技术在组织工程气管领域的应用与进展。方法:以“tracheal tissue engineering,3D printing,4D printing,bio-inks,tracheal replacement therapy;组织工程气管,3D打印,4D打印,气管替代治疗”为关键词,应用计算机检索 CNKI、万方、PubMed 数据库中的相关文献。对3D打印技术及4D打印技术的特点、生物墨水的设计,以及在组织工程气管领域的应用研究进行总结,并分析现阶段研究存在的不足与未来的发展方向。结果与结论:3D打印技术主要包括喷墨打印、挤出打印、立体光刻打印以及激光辅助打印,各技术都有其独特的优势,但仍有改进空间。生物墨水是生物打印的重要组成部分,主要包括水凝胶、脱细胞基质及无支架型生物墨水,生物墨水需要与生物打印技术相兼容,且打印产物应具有合适的孔隙率与较强的机械性能。4D打印作为一项新兴技术,赋予3D打印“动态与时间”的概念,且两者已被共同有针对性地深入应用在组织工程气管的上皮化、软骨再生、血运重建3个方面,重建物能够在生物打印技术的帮助下展现出更好的生物性能与生物相容性,不断地接近真正的临床应用。随着生物打印技术的不断发展进步和现代医学多学科的不断交叉互补,更多性能优良的生物墨水及适合人体的生物打印气管将被研发并逐渐应用于临床,从而早日解决气管长段缺损修复这一困扰世界的医学难题。https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3497-982X (潘子寅) 中国组织工程研究杂志出版内容重点:生物材料;骨生物材料;口腔生物材料;纳米材料;缓释材料;材料相容性;组织工程 相似文献
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the usefulness of three-dimensional (3D) printed models for open wedge high tibial osteotomy (HTO) in porcine bone.Methods
Computed tomography (CT) images were obtained from 10 porcine knees and 3D imaging was planned using the 3D-Slicer program. The osteotomy line was drawn from the three centimeters below the medial tibial plateau to the proximal end of the fibular head. Then the osteotomy gap was opened until the mechanical axis line was 62.5% from the medial border along the width of the tibial plateau, maintaining the posterior tibial slope angle. The wedge-shaped 3D-printed model was designed with the measured angle and osteotomy section and was produced by the 3D printer. The open wedge HTO surgery was reproduced in porcine bone using the 3D-printed model and the osteotomy site was fixed with a plate. Accuracy of osteotomy and posterior tibial slope was evaluated after the osteotomy.Results
The mean mechanical axis line on the tibial plateau was 61.8 ± 1.5% from the medial tibia. There was no statistically significant difference (P = 0.160). The planned and post-osteotomy correction wedge angles were 11.5 ± 3.2° and 11.4 ± 3.3°, and the posterior tibial slope angle was 11.2 ± 2.2° pre-osteotomy and 11.4 ± 2.5° post-osteotomy. There were no significant differences (P = 0.854 and P = 0.429, respectively).Conclusion
This study showed that good results could be obtained in high tibial osteotomy by using 3D printed models of porcine legs. 相似文献10.
随着新材料和新技术的不断发展,影像学数据和3D打印技术之间的联系越来越紧密。采集影像数据并进行三维数字化建模是实现医学3D打印的基础。本文综述了3D打印技术及基于影像学数据所生成的三维模型在临床领域的应用。最后,对影像学技术和3D打印技术在未来的发展前景做了简要论述。 相似文献
目的探讨3D打印技术在复杂胫骨平台骨折中的应用效果。方法以我院2013年1月~2015年1月收治的18例复杂胫骨平台骨折患者为研究对象,术前均通过3D打印技术辅助设计内固定方案,并按照术前设计方案手术,为观察组。选择同期采取常规术前检查及手术治疗的22例患者为对照组,术后随访3~6个月,比较两组手术相关指标、骨性愈合时间及手术前后HSS膝关节评分。结果观察组手术时间、术中出血量、骨性愈合时间及术后6个月HSS评分分别为(90.5±10.3)分钟、(532.6±254.3)m L、(3.2±0.5)个月、(86.7±10.4)分,较对照组的(153.4±30.8)分钟、(768.5±310.7)m L、(4.1±0.7)个月、(78.6±6.7)分差异有统计学意义(0.01)。末次随访观察组膝关节功能恢复优良率94.4%,高于对照组的81.8%,但无显著差异(0.05)。结论 3D打印技术下模拟手术能明显缩短复杂胫骨平台骨折患者实际手术时间及骨性愈合时间,有效提高手术效率,促进膝关节功能良好恢复,值得深入研究。 相似文献
Kuk Hui Son Kun-Woo Kim Chi Bum Ahn Chang Hu Choi Kook Yang Park Chul Hyun Park Jae-Ik Lee Yang Bin Jeon 《Yonsei medical journal》2015,56(6):1735-1737
We report herein a case of benign cardiac schwannoma in the interatrial septum. A 42-year-old woman was transferred from a clinic because of cardiomegaly as determined by chest X-ray. A transthoracic echocardiography and chest computed tomography examination revealed a huge mass in the pericardium compressing the right atrium, superior vena cava (SVC), left atrium, and superior pulmonary vein. To confirm that the tumor originated from either heart or mediastinum, cine magnetic resonance imaging was performed, but the result was not conclusive. To facilitate surgical planning, we used 3D printing. Using a printed heart model, we decided that tumor resection under cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) through sternotomy would be technically feasible. At surgery, a huge tumor in the interatrial septum was confirmed. By incision on the atrial roof between the aorta and SVC, tumor enucleation was performed successfully under CPB. Pathology revealed benign schwannoma. The patient was discharged without complication. 3D printing of the heart and tumor was found to be helpful when deciding optimal surgical approach. 相似文献
骨骼疾病通常有复杂的病理解剖结构。目前,在骨科临床教学中多使用图片资料,效果欠佳。而3D打印技术可依据患者的影像资料,制造教学所需要模型。这是目前骨科临床教学发展的最新方向。 相似文献
目的 探讨3D打印技术在骨盆骨折合并髋臼骨折术前手术方案规划的应用。方法 回顾性分析2015年3月至2017年12月收治的获得有效随访35例骨盆骨折合并髋臼骨折的患者资料。依据术前是否使用3D打印技术分为2组:3D打印组(n=18)和常规对照组(n=17)。记录两组患者手术时间、术中出血量、输血量、术中透视次数、手术并发症发生率及Matta和Majeed评分,评价3D打印技术对患者的影响。结果 随访时间为8~21个月,平均随访时间为11.3个月;与常规对照组相比,3D打印组手术时间缩短,术中出血量少,术中透视次数减少,两组间比较差异均有统计学意义(0.05)。术后并发症的发生率比较,两组无统计学意义(0.05)。根据Matta评分标准评定骨折复位质量,末次随访根据Majeed评分标准评定术后功能,3D打印组的优良率与常规对照组比较,两组间差异无统计学意义(0.05)。结论 3D打印技术用于骨盆骨折合并髋臼骨折术前规划,精准有效,能够缩短手术时间和减少术中出血。 相似文献
目的:探讨3D打印技术在皮肤癌高剂量率近距离治疗个体化施源器模板制作中的应用。方法:根据1例基底细胞皮肤癌患者的定位CT图像进行术前计划设计,然后根据患者轮廓和术前计划中预设管道位置完成3D模板打印。将打印好的模板置于病灶处并加以固定,再次进行CT扫描,将两次的CT图像进行融合匹配,以确定管道位置重合程度。结果:3D打印模板与患者外轮廓高度贴合,实际治疗中,3D打印模板中施源器管道位置可与预计划中的施源器管道位置完成匹配重合,提高了靶区覆盖率。结论:对于位置轮廓曲面角度大的皮肤癌病变,根据术前计划进行3D打印模板辅助近距离治疗可使病灶较好地达到处方剂量。临床疗效与不良反应尚需进一步观察。 相似文献
目的利用3ds Max软件制作内耳模型,然后用熔融沉积型3D打印机进行内耳模型打印。方法首先用3ds Max软件以网格化修饰构建内耳模型,经Repetier-Host软件处理后利用熔融沉积型3D打印机进行打印。结果利用3ds Max软件制作的内耳模型可以通过熔融沉积型3D打印机打印内耳解剖模型,并能清晰显示内耳的解剖结构。结论将3ds Max技术与熔融沉积型3D打印机相结合进行人体解剖模型打印可以成功打印出人体解剖模型。 相似文献
目的探讨三维扫描重建技术在胚胎移植培训中的效果。方法用三维扫描仪、数据处理软件EXScan-Pro、3D打印机重建出标准及子宫颈内口狭窄两套女性生殖系统模型。对20位临床及实验室人员进行废弃胚胎的模拟移植培训教学,并对培训前后胚胎种植部位准确性、胚胎移植操作时间以及更换移植导管的频次进行统计和评价。结果胚胎种植部位准确性得分由(0. 60±0. 41)分提高至(1. 37±0. 29)分(P<0. 05);胚胎移植操作时间由(340±146) s缩短至(180±59) s(P<0. 05);更换移植导管的频次由(0. 83±0. 37)次下降(0. 23±0. 13)次(P<0. 05)。结论三维扫描重建女性生殖系统模型应用于胚胎移植教学培训,能有效增加操作者正式上台手术前的实践经验,提高胚胎移植技术实施的稳定性,也有利于建立规范的操作流程,是传统观摩和带教方法的有益补充。 相似文献
近年来,随着信息技术的不断发展,人类社会逐渐进入了数字化时代,数字化技术在各个领域的普及和应用日渐广泛。3D打印技术便诞生于这一时代背景下,该技术在现代医学研究领域和治疗中的广泛应用,大大改变了传统的口腔颌面外科治疗管理方式和观念。本文主要就3D打印技术在口腔颌面外科教学和治疗中的应用做一综述。 相似文献
目的探讨3D打印数字化术前规划辅助治疗Dupuytren骨折的早期临床应用疗效。方法回顾性比较分析2015年1月至2017年12月30例Dupuytren骨折患者的临床资料,根据治疗方式进行分组,其中15例对照组未使用3D打印技术(对照组),15例患者使用3D打印模型及术前规划辅助治疗(3D打印组)。比较两组的手术时间,术中失血量,复位质量,骨折愈合时间,并发症(血管神经损伤、伤口感染、骨折不愈合),踝关节功能。结果所有患者都获得了至少24个月的随访,3D打印组手术时间(73±3.155)min、失血量(105.3±6.681)mL明显少于对照组(104±2.024)min、失血量(156.7±11.24)m L。对照组下胫腓复位丢失率(3/15)高于3D打印组(0/15)。两组复位质量、骨折愈合时间无明显差异,AOFAS足踝功能评分无明显差异。结论应用个性化3D打印技术,可以进行术前规划,模型操练,直观理解骨折块的空间位置,模拟骨折复位,精准复位设计钢板及螺钉位置和方向,测量螺钉长度,能够有效辅助治疗Dupuytren骨折,降低手术难度,缩短手术时间,改善临床疗效。 相似文献
[摘要]近年来,随着3D打印技术的不断发展与成熟,其在医学领域的应用大有增长的趋势,国内外不少专家、学者正在进行大量尝试,试图充分应用该技术服务人类的医疗行业。文章就3D打印技术的基本原理、3D打印材料及该技术在医疗领域应用现状作简要描述与说明,使读者对3D打印技术及其在医疗领域的应用有初步了解。 相似文献