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Although there are many lines of evidence for both the presence of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) in the central nervous system (CNS) and the effects of NO on activating and modulating the feeding circuit in Lymnaea stagnalis, there has been no direct evidence that NO generation in the CNS accompanies feeding behavior. In the present study, we used a NO specific electrode to measure the increase in NO concentration around the buccal ganglia when the lips of semi-intact preparations of L. stagnalis were stimulated by sucrose. The NO concentration of the buccal ganglia was significantly increased by an application of sucrose to the lips. A NO scavenger and a NOS inhibitor suppressed this increase in NO concentration. A pair of putative NO-generative neurons in the buccal ganglia, the B2 cells, are active during the inter-feeding phase, and the bursting of the B2 cell elicited by sucrose application starts simultaneously with the feeding response. The rhythmic pulses of NO generation corresponded well with the rhythmic bursting of the B2 cells, which itself corresponds to the 'fictive feeding response'. The present data provide the first direct evidence that NO is generated in the buccal ganglia of L. stagnalis and is involved in a specific behavior such as feeding.  相似文献   

The ultrastructural characteristics of the developing CNS of the pond snail, Lymnaea stagnalis, were investigated, with special attention paid to three specific stages of embryonic development, representing distinctly different phases of both the body morphogenesis and gangliogenesis. These were the 35% (veliger), the 50–55% (metamorphic), and the 75% (post-metamorphic, adult-like) stages of embryonic development. Also, a brief comparison was done with the CNS of hatchlings (100% of embryonic development). During embryogenesis specialized axo-axonic synapses and elements of the glial system, including the ganglionic (neural) sheath, were rarely observed, whereas the frequent occurrence of unspecialized axo-somatic contacts could be demonstrated. Synapse-like axo-axonic connections could be found first in 75% embryos, showing asymmetric vesicle clustering on the presynaptic side and increased electron density of the apposed membranes. These phenomena may reflect the dominance of modulatory processes in the CNS during embryogenesis, and the absence of the neural sheath may facilitate trophic and/or hormonal influences within the developing ganglia. The gradual increase in the size of ganglia and the diameter of their neuropils was not accompanied by any widening of the cell body layer or increasing diameter of the nerve cell bodies until the very end of embryogenesis. With respect to the ultrastructural organization of the neuropil, and possibly the entire CNS, a determining stage seems to be that of metamorphosis. Two types of neuropil could be observed at this time; the metamorphosing neuropil with an irregular organization of wavy axon profiles, and well-structured neuropil with a regular organization of axon profiles. Ganglia with irregular or regular neuropil occurred simultaneously in the developing CNS.  相似文献   

In the present paper we collected evidence for the occurrence of D2-like dopamine receptors on the cell bodies of the neuroendocrine growth hormone-producing cells (GHCs) in the central nervous system (CNS) of the snail Lymnaea stagnalis. Measurements of the membrane potential of GHCs in situ as well as isolated GHCs revealed that stimulation of these dopamine receptors results in a hyperpolarization. Although immunohistochemical analysis of the CNS of L. stagnalis clearly revealed the occurrence of dopamine containing cells and nerve fibers, no projections of dopamine immunopositive fibers to the GHC cell bodies could be observed. By using HPLC with electrochemical detection we found that the blood concentration of dopamine in L. stagnalis is in the range of concentrations hyperpolarizing GHCs in vitro (0.1-10 microM). On the basis of these findings it is proposed that dopamine is involved in hormonal communication in the CNS of L. stagnalis.  相似文献   

Sensory cells for associative learning of light and turbulence were studied in Lymnaea. Intracellular recordings with Lucifer Yellow filled electrodes were made from photoreceptors and statocyst hair cells. Photoreceptors had a long latency, graded depolarizing response to a flash of light; they extended their axon to the cerebral ganglion. The caudal hair cell, one of 12 cells in the statocyst, responded to brief light with a depolarization and superimposed impulse activity. It formed its terminal arborization close to the photoreceptor endings in the cerebral ganglion. Ca(2+)-free saline reversibly abolished the photoresponse in the hair cell, suggesting the information was conveyed via a chemical synapse. These findings demonstrated that sensory information for associative learning was convergent at the statocyst hair cell.  相似文献   

1. We have used pharmacologic, immunologic, and biochemical techniques to examine the role of neurochemicals in modulating the myogenic heart of the snail, Lymnaea. 2. 5-HT [high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) and immunocytochemistry], dopamine (HPLC), FMRFamide-related peptides (radioimmunoassay and immunocytochemistry) and substance P-related peptides (immunocytochemistry) were shown to be localized within heart tissue. 3. The pharmacologic actions of these substances on the auricle from an isolated heart preparation were examined together with other putative modulators, acetylcholine (ACh), small cardioactive peptides A and B (SCPA and SCPB), [Arg]8vasotocin (AVT), and Lymnaea native FMRFamide-related peptides [Phe-Met-Arg-Phe-NH2 (FMRFamide), Ser-Asp-Pro-Phe-Leu-Arg-Phe-NH2 (SDPFLRFamide) and Gly-Asp-Pro-Phe-Leu-Arg-Phe-NH2 (GDPFLRFamide)]. 4. The response to each substance could be distinguished by different effect on beat rate, amplitude, and diastolic tonus, as well as by the duration of responses to standard 1-min applications. ACh was inhibitory at low concentrations (threshold less than 10(-10) M) but excitatory at high concentrations (10(-6) M). AVT was alone in producing no dose-dependent response. At high concentrations (10(-4) M), AVT caused a massive tonic contraction and cessation of auricle beat. All other substances examined were excitatory. 5. Antagonists to 5-HT (cinanserin), dopamine (ergonovine), and ACh (alpha-bungarotoxin) were identified. 6. ACh, 5-HT, dopamine, and FMRFamide-related peptides all acted on the auricle at low concentrations, and the rapid onset and short duration of their excitatory effects (ACh inhibitory at low concentrations) suggested that they may have roles as neurotransmitters. SCPA and SCPB were also potent (threshold less than 10(-10) M) but produced long-duration responses suggesting a modulatory or hormonal role.  相似文献   

Intracellular recordings were made from rhythm-generating interneurons in the Lymnaea feeding system. The feeding pattern is a three-phase rhythm of interneuronal activity (N1, N2, N3) corresponding to protraction, rasp, and swallow. We describe the firing pattern and anatomy of the premotor interneurons, each of which fires a predominant burst in only one phase of the feeding rhythm. The rhythm can be driven by steady depolarization of N1 cells. The phase of the rhythm is reset by brief stimulation of N2 or N3 interneurons. N1 neurons excite the N2 interneurons, and these in turn inhibit the N1 cells. This recurrent inhibitory pathway can account for the switch from the N1 phase of the feeding cycles to the N2 phase. The endogenous properties of the N2 interneurons are apparently responsible for the termination of N2 bursts. N3 interneurons display postinhibitory rebound (PIR), and this probably contributes to their burst after the end of the N2 inhibitory input. N2 and N3 interneurons inhibit the N1 cells. When the N3 burst dies away, activity in N1 cells resumes under the stimulus of depolarizing current. Interactions between interneurons are mainly by discrete, monophasic postsynaptic potentials, that follow 1:1. They have relatively short latency (2-12 ms) and duration (up to 100 ms). The synaptic connections between the three types of premotor interneurons are sufficient to account for the sequence of activity seen during feeding.  相似文献   

The low number of articles on naturally trematode-infected snails results from the difficulty to obtain the quantitatively representative material. The main aim of our study was to check which age (size) groups of snails are the most susceptible to trematode invasion. Furthermore, we examined in which season the parasite prevalence is the highest. We collected Lymnaea stagnalis individuals in a nearshore zone of the Jeziorak Lake (the longest Polish lake located in northern Poland). The shell height of the snails was measured and the infestation by trematode larvae was determined. The logistic regression has shown that parasite prevalence increased significantly with the snail size (with the individuals >30 mm being the most infected), the distance from the beginning of the year (i.e., month) and the vicinity of summer.  相似文献   

The cerebral neuroendocrine Light Green Cells of the pulmonate snail Lymnaea stagnalis, which control body growth and associated processes, stain positively with an affinity-purified antiserum raised to a large part of the C-chain of pro-molluscan insulin-related peptides. At the ultrastructural level, the rough endoplasmic reticulum is immunonegative, the Golgi apparatus is slightly positive and secretory granules in the process of budding from the Golgi apparatus are strongly positive. These observations indicate that the Light Green Cells synthesize molluscan insulin-related peptides, which are processed before packing by the Golgi apparatus into secretory granules. The two morphologically distinct secretory granule types, i.e. with pale and dark contents, respectively, are equally immunoreactive with antiserum raised to the C-chain of molluscan insulin-related peptides. Secretory granules within lysosomal structures reveal various degrees of immunoreactivity, indicating their graded breakdown. The Light Green Cells release secretory material by the process of exocytosis into the haemolymph from neurohaemal axon terminals located in the periphery of the median lip nerve. The electron-dense (tannic acid method) released contents are clearly immunopositive. The same holds for secretory granule contents released from Light Green Cells axon profiles in the centre of the lip nerve. Some immunoreactivity is also present in the intercellular space between these axon profiles. It is concluded that molluscan insulin-related peptides may act in two ways, namely (1) as neurohormones via the haemolymph at peripheral targets and (2) in a non-synaptic (paracrine) fashion at targets within the central nervous system.  相似文献   

We analyzed the effects of infection with Trichobilharzia ocellata on hemocytes of its snail host, Lymnaea stagnalis, and correlated them with successive stages of parasite development. Circulating hemocytes were studied at 0, 2, 4, 6, and 8 weeks post exposure (p.e.) with respect to cell number, distribution of subpopulations (as characterized by morphology, determinants recognized by either of two lectins and a monoclonal antibody) and to proliferative, phagocytic and endogenous peroxidase activity. Infection results in a net elevated level of activity of circulating hemocytes at 2 weeks p.e., when mother sporocysts are present in the head-foot-mantle region, as well as at 4 weeks p.e., when daughter sporocysts are migrating to and growing in the digestive gland region. A lower level of activity was observed at 6 weeks p.e., when cercariae are differentiating within daughter sporocysts. A net activation was again found at 8 weeks p.e., when cercariae are escaping. So, infection with T. ocellata results in a net general activation of the internal defense system of L. stagnalis, during several stages of development of the parasite.  相似文献   

The lip and tentacle nerves of the pond snail, Lymnaea stagnalis, were characterized using histological techniques. Anatomical drawings showed the detailed distributions of the superior lip, median lip, and tentacle nerves in the lip and tentacle; in particular it was found that the mouth is mainly innervated by the superior lip nerve. The tentacle nerve was clarified to form a zigzag structure along the extension direction in a shrinking tentacle. By backfilling of the superior lip nerve and/or the median lip nerve with fluorescent dyes, the neurons in the CNS made some clusters, whereas those stained from the tentacle nerve made other clusters. These stained neurons were not part of the central pattern generator or its regulatory neurons for feeding. The present results, therefore, suggest that the superior lip nerve may be employed as a principal factor in the chemosensory transduction from the mouth, and that no direct inputs occur through the lip and tentacle nerves to the central pattern generator or its regulatory neurons for feeding.  相似文献   

Central pattern generators (CPGs) are neuronal circuits that drive active repeated movements such as walking or swimming. Although CPGs are, by definition, active in isolated central nervous systems, sensory input is thought play an important role in adjusting the output of the CPGs to meet specific behavioral requirements of intact animals. We investigated, in freely behaving snails (Lymnaea stagnalis), how the buccal CPG is used during two different behaviors, feeding and egg laying. Analysis of the relationship between unit activity recorded from buccal nerves and the movements of the buccal mass showed that electrical activity in laterobuccal/ventrobuccal (LB/VB) nerves was as predicted from in vitro data, but electrical activity in the posterior jugalis nerve was not. Autodensity and interval histograms showed that during feeding the CPG produces a much stronger rhythm than during egg laying. The phase relationship between electrical activity and buccal movement changed little between the two behaviors. Fitting the spike trains recorded during the two behaviors with a simple model revealed differences in the patterns of electrical activity produced by the buccal system during the two behaviors investigated. During egg laying the bursts contained less spikes, and the number of spikes per burst was significantly more variable than during feeding. The time between two bursts of in a spike train was longer during egg laying than during feeding. The data show what the qualitative and quantitative differences are between two motor patterns produced by the buccal system of freely behaving Lymnaea stagnalis.  相似文献   

1. We identify esophageal mechanoreceptor (OM) neurons of Lymnaea with cell bodies in the buccal ganglia and axons that branch repeatedly to terminate in the esophageal wall. 2. The OM cells respond phasically to gut distension. Experiments with a high magnesium/low calcium solution suggest that the OM neurons are primary mechanoreceptors. 3. In the isolated CNS preparation, the OM cells receive little synaptic input during the feeding cycle. 4. The OM cells excite the motoneurons active in the rasp phase of the feeding cycle. 5. The OM cells inhibit each of the identified pattern-generating and modulatory interneurons in the buccal ganglia. Experiments with a saline rich in magnesium and calcium suggest that the connections are monosynaptic. 6. Stimulation of a single OM cell to fire at 5-15 Hz is sufficient to terminate the feeding rhythm in the isolated CNS preparation. 7. We conclude that these neurons play a role in terminating feeding behavior.  相似文献   

During aging changes occur in the function of potential-dependent Ca channels of plasmic membrane of identified neurons in the mollusc Lymnaea stagnalis, i.e. the value of Ca inward current of neurons in old vs. adult molluscs was much higher at holding potential -50 - -30 mV. When held at -20 mV, the amplitude of Ca current decreased in the neurons of old molluscs, but continued to increase in those of adult molluscs. Various populations of potential-dependent Ca channels are assumed to have irregular age-related changes. The norepinephrine-induced inhibition of Ca current was more significant in old vs. adult molluscan neurons.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of dopamine in the central nervous system of the pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis was investigated by using immunocytochemistry and HPLC measurements. With both methods it was demonstrated that dopamine is predominantly present in the cerebral and pedal ganglia. The dopamine-immunoreactivity was mainly observed in nerve-fibers in the neuropile of the ganglia. Relatively few dopamine-immunopositive cell bodies (diameters 10–30 m) were found. A large cell in the right pedal ganglion (the so-called RPeD1) stained positively with the dopamine antibody. It has previously been demonstrated that the growth hormone producing cells (GHCs) possess dopamine receptors on their cell bodies. However, dopamine-immunopositive fibers were observed only in the vicinity of the GHC nerve-endings and not close to the GHC cell bodies.  相似文献   

We have used intracellular recording from groups of interneurons in the feeding system of the pond snail, Lymnaea stagnalis, to examine the connections of a modulatory interneuron, the slow oscillator (SO), with the network of pattern-generating interneurons (N1, N2, and N3). The SO is an interneuron whose axon branches solely within the buccal ganglia. There is only one such cell in each snail. In half the snails the cell body is in the right buccal ganglion and in the other half in the left buccal ganglion. Stimulation of either the SO or one of the N1 pattern-generating interneurons elicits the feeding rhythm, but of all the buccal neurons, only the SO can drive the feeding rhythm at the frequency seen in the intact snail. The SO makes reciprocal excitatory synapses with the N1 interneurons that drive the protraction of the radula. This ensures strong activation of the feeding system. The SO inhibits the N2 interneurons. Postsynaptic potentials evoked by stimulation of the SO facilitate without spike broadening in the SO. The SO is strongly inhibited by N2 and N3 interneurons, which are active during the retraction phase. This gates any excitatory inputs to the SO, probably preventing protraction of the radula while retraction is underway. The results support the idea of a single interneuron capable of driving a hierarchically organized motor system.  相似文献   

The immunological immaturity of juvenile specimens of some snail species, e.g. Lymnaea stagnalis, may contribute to their greater susceptibility to infection by schistosome parasites. In a comparison between juvenile and adult specimens of the pond snail L. stagnalis, we have shown that the blood cells (amoebocytes) of juvenile snails are less efficient at phagocytosing: fewer amoebocytes are competent and the average number of particles engulfed per cell is lower. This functional immaturity seems to correlate with morphological immaturity of the amoebocytes. Opsonic and haemagglutinating activities are low in juvenile snail plasma, but much higher in adult plasma. Finally, however, the initial rate at which injected bacteria are eliminated from the circulation seems only slightly slower in juvenile snails than it is in adults.  相似文献   

The structural and functional changes of the three identified neurons of the small parietal ganglion were investigated during experiments on the mollusc Lymnaea stagnalis, in two age groups: adult (10-12 months) and old (22-24 months). Old molluscan neurons showed, along with the destructive changes (destruction of mitochondrial cristae, formation of autophagosomes, residual bodies, etc.), the appearance of important adaptive mechanisms (hypertrophy of the mitochondria, hyperplasia of the Golgi apparatus, increased area of nuclear membranes). With aging no changes have been observed in the values of membrane potential, resistance of the neuronal membrane, amplitude and duration of action potential. Considerable changes have been noticed in the values of excitability, frequency of the impulse activity, rate of decrease of the posterior action potential front, and its trace hyperpolarization in the neurons from 22-24-month-old molluscs. The sensitivity of the molluscan neuronal membrane to acetylcholine, norepinephrine and serotonin increased with age.  相似文献   

Age-dependent impairment in learning and memory functions occurs in many animal species, including humans. Although cell death contributes to age-related cognitive impairment in pathological forms of aging, learning and memory deficiencies develop with age even without substantial cell death. The molecular and cellular basis of this biological aging process is not well understood but seems to involve a decline in the aging brain's capacity for experience-dependent plasticity. To aid in resolving this issue, we used a simple snail appetitive classical conditioning paradigm in which the underlying molecular, cellular, and neural network functions can be directly linked to age-associated learning and memory performance (i.e., the Lymnaea stagnalis feeding system). Our results indicate that age does not affect the acquisition of appetitive memory but that retention and/or consolidation of long-term memory become progressively impaired with advancing age. The latter phenomenon correlates with declining electrophysiological excitability in key neurons controlling the feeding behavior. Together, these results present the Lymnaea feeding system as a powerful paradigm for investigations of cellular and molecular foundations of biological aging in the brain.  相似文献   

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