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Pituitary GnRH receptor (GnRH-R) levels and LH secretion are suppressed in the lactating rat. To determine if LH synthesis is also inhibited, we have measured LH subunit mRNA levels in the pituitary of lactating rats. We have also examined the temporal relationship among restoration of GnRH-R, LH secretion, and LH synthesis after withdrawing the sensory stimulus of suckling. Pituitary alpha-subunit and LH beta mRNA levels were sharply reduced on day 10 of lactation in both intact and ovariectomized (OVX) animals compared with those in cycling diestrous rats or OVX controls. Removal of the suckling stimulus from OVX animals led to significant increases in alpha-subunit and LH beta mRNA levels by 24 h. Upon removal of the suckling stimulus from intact rats, alpha-subunit mRNA levels were restored by 48 h, but LH beta mRNA levels did not return to diestrous levels until 72 h. Pituitary GnRH-R levels were clearly up-regulated within 1 day after pup removal. Some LH pulses were observed by 48 h, but consistent plasma LH pulses were not detected until 72 h. When pulsatile GnRH was administered during the 24 h after pup removal from intact rats, the regimen of pulsatile GnRH was successful in inducing LH secretion; however, the restoration of pulsatile LH was not accompanied by increases in alpha-subunit and LH beta mRNA levels. The present studies provide further evidence to support the hypothesis that during lactation, the suppression of pituitary gonadotroph function is mainly due to the loss of hypothalamic GnRH secretion. Our data also show that 1) the restoration of GnRH-R alone is not sufficient to activate LH subunit mRNA and LH secretion; 2) the normal restoration of pulsatile LH secretion and increases in LH subunit mRNA are temporally correlated, as increases in LH secretion appear to precede increases in LH subunit mRNA; and 3) the restoration of pituitary LH subunit mRNA levels and pulsatile LH secretion took longer in the intact rat than in the OVX rat, suggesting that ovarian steroids may play a role in the inhibitory effect of lactation.  相似文献   

S R Fox  M S Smith 《Endocrinology》1984,115(6):2045-2051
The inhibition of LH secretion during lactation may be the consequence of a pituitary insensitivity to GnRH stimulation and/or an inhibition of GnRH release from the hypothalamus. To assess the contribution that these mechanisms may make to the suppression of LH secretion during lactation, we described the pattern of LH secretion in lactating rats and the magnitude of LH secretion in response to a GnRH stimulus. We assessed the effect of the strength of the suckling stimulus (two and eight pups), the length of lactation (5 and 10 days), and the presence of the ovaries on the pattern of LH secretion. We also examined the pattern of LH secretion after removal of a large suckling stimulus. In the intact rat, the pattern of LH secretion during lactation was uniformly nonpulsatile, despite significant differences between animals suckling two and eight pups in pituitary responsiveness to GnRH. In intact rats suckling two pups during day 10 of lactation, significant LH secretion was stimulated by 0.4-ng pulses of GnRH every 50 min, while animals with eight pups secreted little LH in response to the same stimulus. It was concluded that a two-pup suckling stimulus was sufficient to completely suppress pulsatile GnRH release without affecting pituitary function, whereas an eight-pup suckling stimulus also depressed pituitary sensitivity to GnRH. In ovariectomized (ovx) rats suckling two pups, seven of nine animals showed no postcastration rise in LH secretion or evidence of pulsatile LH secretion during day 5 of lactation. In the remaining two animals, a castrate pattern of pulsatile LH secretion was observed, with a LH interpulse interval of 31 +/- 6 min. By day 10 of lactation, all animals suckling two pups had castration patterns of LH secretion, with a LH interpulse interval of 35 +/- 2 min, which was significantly different from the LH interpulse interval of 26 +/- 1 min observed in ovx animals without pups. Therefore, a two-pup suckling stimulus is capable of retarding the increase in LH pulse frequency characteristically seen in the rat after castration. In ovx rats suckling eight pups, the postcastration rise in LH secretion was completely inhibited in all animals examined on days 5 and 10 of lactation, and the pattern of LH secretion was uniformly nonpulsatile. A consistent pattern of pulsatile LH secretion was not reinitiated until 72 h after removal of the suckling stimulus (LH interpulse interval, 31 +/- 2 min).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Alpha and LH beta subunit mRNAs were measured in pituitaries of 4-day cycling rats during the estrous cycle. A two-fold increase in alpha mRNA occurred between 0800-2000 h on diestrus, but alpha mRNA concentrations were stable during other days of the cycle. LH beta mRNA concentrations were low during estrus and metestrus (11-16 pg cDNA bound/100 micrograms pituitary DNA), but were elevated (27-30 pg) between 0800-2000 h on diestrus. A second increase in LH beta mRNA was observed on the afternoon of proestrus, prior to the onset of the LH surge with maximum values (45 pg) coincident with peak LH secretion. LH beta mRNA concentrations declined rapidly and had fallen to basal values by midnight on proestrus. These data show that alpha and LH beta mRNAs change in a similar manner during metestrus, diestrus and estrus, suggesting coordinate regulation of alpha and LH beta gene expression at these times. During the LH surge, however, LH beta mRNA alone is increased, suggesting that the LH beta gene can be differentially expressed at times when maximum LH secretion is occurring.  相似文献   

Serum follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), pituitary FSH content and FSH beta subunit mRNA concentrations were measured at 1 to 3h intervals throughout the 4 day estrous cycle in rats. Serum FSH was stable (range 200-320 ng/ml) apart from the biphasic proestrus surge (5 fold elevation) which was present from 1800h of proestrus through 0800 h on estrus. Basal FSH beta mRNA concentrations from late metestrus through the afternoon of proestrus were 0.10 +/- 0.04 f mol cDNA bound/100 micrograms pituitary DNA. The major increase in FSH beta mRNA began at 2000 h on proestrus, 2 h after the initial rise in serum FSH and peak mRNA concentrations (0.43 +/- 0.08 f mol cDNA bound) occurred at 0200 h on estrus. FSH beta subunit mRNA concentrations were again increased at 2300 h on estrus (peak 0.24 f mol cDNA bound) and remained elevated through 1700 h on metestrus. Pituitary FSH content was transiently increased during metestrus and diestrus, but was elevated at 1000 h through 1900 h on proestrus (peak 5-fold increase). FSH content fell rapidly at 2000h and remained low until 1400 h on estrus when values again rose. These data show that FSH beta mRNA is increased 4-5 fold during the proestrus FSH surge, and a smaller increase occurs on metestrus in the absence of elevated FSH secretion. The increased concentrations of FSH beta mRNA occurred at different times to the previously reported changes in alpha and LH beta mRNAs. Therefore, the data suggest that different mechanisms are involved in the regulation of LH and FSH beta subunit gene expression during the 4-day estrous cycle in rats.  相似文献   

Serum follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), pituitary FSH content and FSH beta subunit mRNA concentrations were measured at 1 to 3h intervals throughout the 4 day estrous cycle in rats. Serum FSH was stable (range 200-320 ng/ml) apart from the biphasic proestrus surge (5 fold elevation) which was present from 1800 h of proestrus through 0800 h on estrus. Basal FSH beta mRNA concentrations from late metestrus through the afternoon of proestrus were 0.10 +/- 0.04 f mol cDNA bound/100 micrograms pituitary DNA. The major increase in FSH beta mRNA began at 2000 h on proestrus, 2 h after the initial rise in serum FSH and peak mRNA concentrations (0.43 +/- 0.08 f mol cDNA bound) occurred at 0200 h on estrus. FSH beta subunit mRNA concentrations were again increased at 2300 h on estrus (peak 0.24 f mol cDNA bound) and remained elevated through 1700 h on metestrus. Pituitary FSH content was transiently increased during metestrus and diestrus, but was elevated at 1000 h through 1900 h on proestrus (peak 5-fold increase). FSH content fell rapidly at 2000 h and remained low until 1400 h on estrus when values again rose. These data show that FSH beta mRNA is increased 4-5 fold during the proestrus FSH surge, and a smaller increase occurs on metestrus in the absence of elevated FSH secretion. The increased concentrations of FSH beta mRNA occurred at different times to the previously reported changes in alpha and LH beta mRNAs. Therefore, the data suggest that different mechanisms are involved in the regulation of LH and FSH beta subunit gene expression during the 4-day estrous cycle in rats.  相似文献   

The effect of treatment with oestradiol, progesterone, a combination of the two steroids or no steroids on pulsatile release of luteinizing hormone (LH) was examined in ovariectomized ewes. Beginning 3 days after ovariectomy, 5 ewes were assigned to each of the following treatment groups: 0.7 mg oestradiol, 16 mg progesterone, 0.7 mg oestradiol plus 16 mg progesterone or no steroid. All treatments were administered twice daily for 3 weeks in a 0.5 ml injection of ethanol given sc. After 2 weeks of treatment and 1, 4, 8, 16 and 32 days after the treatment period ended, blood samples were obtained from all ewes at 10-min intervals for a 6-h period. At the end of the 6-h period, 100 micrograms gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) was injected iv and blood samples were collected at 15 min intervals for an additional 5 h to estimate the relative pituitary content of LH. Ovariectomized ewes receiving no steroid presented regular pulses of LH at frequency of four to five pulses during a 6-h sampling period. Treatment with progesterone alone decreased the frequency of pulsatile release of LH to approximately 1 pulse/6 h, but did not affect the amplitudes of the pulses of LH. Recovery of pulsatile release of LH to a frequency of four or five pulses of LH in a 6-h period was complete between 16 ewes. Oestradiol, administered alone or with progesterone, resulted in a decrease in both the frequency and the amplitude of pulses of LH compared to control ewes and a decrease in GnRH-induced release of LH.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

B Attardi  T Fitzgerald 《Endocrinology》1990,126(5):2281-2287
This study was designed to investigate the effects of progesterone on the estradiol (E2)-induced FSH surge and FSH beta messenger RNA (mRNA) using immature rat models developed previously to demonstrate inhibition or facilitation of the LH surge by progesterone. Twenty-eight day-old rats that received E2 implants at 0900 h had FSH surges about 1700 h on day 29 (32 h). In rats treated with E2 alone, serum FSH was 15.1 +/- 1.6 ng/ml at this time, while in those animals treated concurrently with E2 and progesterone, serum FSH was significantly suppressed (8.3 +/- 0.7 ng/ml, P less than 0.001). For demonstration of progesterone facilitation, rats were primed for 24 h with E2 before progesterone treatment. This led to premature and enhanced FSH secretion: at 1400 h on day 29 serum FSH was 45.5 +/- 2.7 ng/ml compared to 6.4 +/- 0.5 ng/ml in rats treated with E2 alone. To examine the effects of these dual actions of progesterone on FSH synthesis, steady state concentrations of FSH beta mRNA were measured by Northern analysis. FSH beta mRNA generally increased in parallel with FSH release. Levels of this mRNA were about 1.5-fold higher in rats undergoing E2-induced FSH surges than in rats in which the surge was blocked by progesterone. Also, at the onset of the progesterone-facilitated FSH surge, FSH beta mRNA was about 5-fold higher in animals treated with E2 and progesterone than in those treated with E2 only. On the morning after the FSH surge (48 h after E2 treatment) FSH beta mRNA was low to undetectable. In contrast, levels of FSH beta mRNA were 7- to 8-fold higher at this time in rats in which the surge was blocked by progesterone. Serum inhibin concentrations were significantly elevated (P less than 0.05) in animals treated with E2 alone for 32 h (3077 +/- 260 fmol/ml) or 48 h (2344 +/- 148 fmol/ml) compared to those treated with E2 and progesterone in the inhibition paradigm (2469 +/- 106, 1896 +/- 114 fmol/ml, respectively). After 32 h of E2 treatment in the facilitation paradigm, serum inhibin was comparable (P greater than 0.2) in rats treated for 8 h with blank implants (2592 +/- 168 fmol/ml) and those treated for 8 h with progesterone (2720 +/- 188 fmol/ml).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

An in vivo isolated pituitary paradigm was used to examine the extent to which negative feedback actions of testicular hormones are exerted directly at the level of the anterior pituitary gland. Hypophysectomized male rats received single anterior pituitary transplants under the kidney capsule. On the next day each hypophysectomized, graft-bearing (H/G) animal was fitted with a concentric atrial catheter system which allowed for intermittent infusions of LHRH (250 ng/5 min.h) and chronic blood sampling. On the fifth or sixth day of infusions, blood samples were obtained 2 h before sham-castration (n = 6) or castration (n = 5) and at every 2-h interval for 24 h thereafter. For comparison, blood samples were similarly obtained from a group of normal pituitary-intact male rats before and after sham-castration (n = 5) or castration (n = 5). Plasma LH and PRL levels in all animals were determined by RIA. In the H/G sham-castrate rats, LH levels remained constant throughout the 24-h postsurgery period. By contrast, plasma LH concentrations in the H/G castrate rats increased steadily for 18 h, reaching a plateau at levels 2- to 3-fold higher than pretreatment values. The absolute amounts of immunoreactive LH, and the trajectory of the LH rise in the H/G castrates closely resembled those in the normal castrates during the initial 20 h after castration; at subsequent time points, however, these similarities were not apparent, as LH levels in normal castrates continued to rise, while those in H/G castrates did not. PRL levels were not significantly different in H/G rats compared to those in their pituitary-intact counterparts. We conclude from these studies that most of the acute (less than 20 h) effects of castration on LH secretion can be accounted for by pituitary escape from direct negative feedback suppression. At longer times after orchidectomy, however, the continued postcastration rise in LH secretion may increasingly depend upon additional hypothalamic input. It is hypothesized that this added input consists of an acceleration of LHRH pulse frequency.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that LH secretion in vivo is pulsatile. In the present study, a cell perifusion system was employed to characterize the pituitary response to changes in LHRH pulse amplitude and frequency. Increases in pulse amplitude consistently elevated both mean LH levels and the amount of LH released in response to individual LHRH pulses. The EC50 for LHRH was approximately 3 nM. Increases in pulse frequency also increased mean LH levels, but frequencies of three or more pulses per h were associated with a decrease in the amount of LH released per pulse. Alterations in LHRH pulse characteristics changed qualitative as well as quantitative aspects of LH secretion, with high frequency, high amplitude pulses producing a biphasic response to LHRH. Initially a self-priming response was seen during the second and third hours of stimulation; this was followed by increasing desensitization of the cultures to LHRH. These results, by defining the pituitary response to specific conditions of stimulation, will help to clarify the relationship of LHRH stimulation to LH secretion in vivo.  相似文献   

Hyperprolactinemia can reduce fertility and libido. Although central prolactin actions are thought to contribute to this, the mechanisms are poorly understood. We first tested whether chronic hyperprolactinemia inhibited two neuroendocrine parameters necessary for female fertility: pulsatile LH secretion and the estrogen-induced LH surge. Chronic hyperprolactinemia induced by the dopamine antagonist sulpiride caused a 40% reduction LH pulse frequency in ovariectomized rats, but only in the presence of chronic low levels of estradiol. Sulpiride did not affect the magnitude of a steroid-induced LH surge or the percentage of GnRH neurons activated during the surge. Estradiol is known to influence expression of the long form of prolactin receptors (PRL-R) and components of prolactin's signaling pathway. To test the hypothesis that estrogen increases PRL-R expression and sensitivity to prolactin, we next demonstrated that estradiol greatly augments prolactin-induced STAT5 activation. Lastly, we measured PRL-R and suppressor of cytokine signaling (SOCS-1 and -3 and CIS, which reflect the level of prolactin signaling) mRNAs in response to sulpiride and estradiol. Sulpiride induced only SOCS-1 in the medial preoptic area, where GnRH neurons are regulated, but in the arcuate nucleus and choroid plexus, PRL-R, SOCS-3, and CIS mRNA levels were also induced. Estradiol enhanced these effects on SOCS-3 and CIS. Interestingly, estradiol also induced PRL-R, SOCS-3, and CIS mRNA levels independently. These data show that GnRH pulse frequency is inhibited by chronic hyperprolactinemia in a steroid-dependent manner. They also provide evidence for estradiol-dependent and brain region-specific regulation of PRL-R expression and signaling responses by prolactin.  相似文献   

S R Fox  M S Smith 《Endocrinology》1985,116(4):1485-1492
To ascertain whether changes in the pattern of GnRH release from the hypothalmus occur during the 4-day rat estrous cycle, the pattern of LH release was characterized on each day of the estrous cycle, and the results were interpreted in light of the changes in pituitary responsiveness to GnRH previously described by this laboratory to occur during this time. Blood samples were taken from intact, freely moving rats via venous catheters at 6- to 10-min intervals for 3-4 h. LH pulse height and LH interpulse interval were quantified on each day of the cycle, and the transition on the afternoon of proestrus from tonic LH release to the preovulatory LH surge was detailed. The effects on the pattern of LH release during estrus of small doses of GnRH (0.4 ng) and the continuous infusion of the opioid antagonist naloxone were also examined. Plasma LH concentrations (NIAMDD rat LH-RP-1) were determined with a highly sensitive LH RIA. LH pulses were identified using the PULSAR algorithim. The LH interpulse intervals of 46 +/- 2 min on diestrous-1 day, 49 +/- 4 min on diestrous day 2, and 60 +/- 8 min on proestrus immediately before the LH surge were not significantly different. There were no changes immediately preceding the preovulatory LH surge on the afternoon of proestrus in either the LH interpulse interval or the LH pulse height. Instead, the transition from tonic LH secretion to the preovulatory LH surge was found to occur abruptly. These data suggest that an abrupt increase in GnRH secretion during the afternoon of proestrus initiates the dramatic rise in LH concentrations. The pattern of LH secretion during the day of estrus differed significantly from that on the other days of the cycle in that no LH pulses were observed. However, the administration of small pulses of GnRH elicited physiological elevations in LH release. Furthermore, the continuous infusion of naloxone to estrous rats immediately stimulated a pulsatile pattern of LH secretion, with a LH interpulse of 56 +/- 4 min. These data indicate that the absence of LH pulses during estrus may result from a deficit in GnRH release. Similar modifications in GnRH release during the other days of the cycle were inferred from the observed changes in LH pulse heights. The LH pulse height of 21 +/- 3 ng/ml on diestrous day 2 was significantly less than the LH pulse height of 41 +/- 4 ng/ml on diestrous day 1 or 35 +/- 4 ng/ml on proestrus before the surge.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine if endogenous opioid peptides (EOPs) influence the pattern of pulsatile luteinizing hormone (LH) secretion on days 6-8, 14-16 and 22 of gestation in the rat. Unanesthetized animals with two jugular cannulae were initially infused with 0.9% saline during which the control pattern of pulsatile LH release was determined. Possible EOP involvement was then determined by infusion of the EOP receptor antagonist naloxone. Plasma estradiol (E2) and progesterone (P) values increased between days 6-8 and 14-16. While plasma E2 values remained elevated through day 22, plasma P values declined by 90%. As previously reported, mean blood LH levels during the control period on day 22 were higher than on days 6-8 and 14-16 due to an increase in LH pulse frequency. At each stage of gestation naloxone infusion increased mean blood LH levels. This stimulatory action of naloxone was reduced in a dose-dependent fashion by simultaneous infusion with morphine, demonstrating that this effect is mediated via EOP receptors. There was no difference in the in vivo pituitary responsiveness to LH-releasing hormone (LHRH) between rats infused with saline or naloxone at any stage of pregnancy, demonstrating that the stimulatory effect of naloxone was not exerted at the pituitary level. Naloxone increased both the amplitude and frequency of pulsatile LH secretion on days 6-8, and stimulated frequency on days 14-16. The effect on amplitude could not be assessed on days 14-16 because too few rats exhibited pulsatile LH secretion prior to naloxone infusion. The increase in pulse frequency was similar on days 6-8 and 14-16. Although naloxone increased LH pulse amplitude and frequency on day 22, these increases were significantly less than those seen on days 6-8 and 14-16, respectively. Pituitary responsiveness to LHRH was less at all stages of pregnancy in comparison to responsiveness in ovariectomized rats, and progressively declined from days 6-8 through day 22. The lowest responsiveness to LHRH was seen on day 22 and contributed, at least in part, to the diminished increase in LH pulse amplitude in response to naloxone infusion on day 22 compared to days 6-8. The reduced naloxone-induced increment in LH pulse frequency on day 22, occurring coincident with a precipitous decline in plasma P levels, suggests a decreased EOP suppression of pulse frequency at this time.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

A K Voss  J E Fortune 《Endocrinology》1992,131(6):2755-2762
Bovine granulosa cells express the oxytocin/neurophysin-I (OT/NP-I) gene and secrete OT in vitro. We have shown previously that bovine granulosa cells isolated from the preovulatory follicle after the LH surge secrete 20 times more OT over 5 days in culture than granulosa cells obtained before the surge. LH or FSH stimulates OT secretion in vitro by granulosa cells isolated before the LH surge. We also observed that granulosa cells of preovulatory follicles isolated before the LH surge respond to OT with an increase in progesterone secretion, suggesting that OT may be involved in regulating the follicular/luteal phase shift, or ovulation, in an autocrine fashion. The objective of this study was to determine whether the increase in OT secretion from granulosa cells after the LH surge is regulated at the level of mRNA accumulation, peptide synthesis, and/or peptide secretion. Bovine preovulatory follicles were obtained during the early follicular phase (approximately 36 h before the LH surge), during the midfollicular phase (approximately 12 h before the LH surge), or during the late follicular phase (after the LH surge). Total RNA isolated from granulosa cells and theca interna at the time of cell isolation or after culture with or without LH was subjected to Northern analysis for OT/NP-I mRNA and quantified by densitometry. OT/NP-I mRNA was not detectable or was barely detectable in granulosa cells collected during the early or midfollicular phase (n = 6 and n = 4 follicles, respectively), but a strong hybridization signal was obtained from RNA isolated after the LH surge (n = 5 follicles; P < 0.01). In contrast, OT/NP-I mRNA was not detectable in theca interna before or after the LH surge. Although OT/NP-I mRNA was not detectable in granulosa cells isolated 24 h after prostaglandin F2 alpha injection, after 24 h in culture, a weak OT/NP-I mRNA hybridization signal was observed in RNA from granulosa cells in LH-containing cultures. After 72 h in culture, granulosa cells cultured in control, as well as in LH-containing medium, exhibited a strong signal for OT/NP-I mRNA, but granulosa cells treated with LH exhibited a stronger OT/NP-I hybridization signal than control cultures (P < 0.01). Theca interna did not yield any OT/NP-I hybridization signal initially, and none was induced in culture.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Yearling rams actively immunized against GnRH were used as a hypogonadotropic model for studies of the significance of the pulsatility of LH secretion in determining the trophic actions of the hormone on testicular steroidogenesis. GnRH-immunized rams, in which testicular regression was complete, were infused iv for 12-20 days with ovine LH (NIDDK oLH 24) in three different regimens, delivering a total daily dose of 60 micrograms/100 kg: 1) 1-min pulses of 5 micrograms/100 kg every 2 h (low amplitude, high frequency), 2) 1-min pulses of 30 micrograms/100 kg every 12 h (high amplitude, low frequency), or 3) continuous infusion of 2.5 micrograms/100 kg.h. Serum testosterone levels and acute responses to LH challenges were monitored at intervals throughout the infusion periods. Acute responses to LH were evaluated in terms of the area under the curve for serum testosterone vs. time after LH and the lag time between the infusion of LH and attainment of maximum serum testosterone levels. At the beginning of the experiments, serum testosterone was at castrate values, and testosterone responses to LH were of low magnitude with a long lag time. LH infusion in the low amplitude, high frequency regimen consistently increased the magnitude and decreased the lag time of acute responses to LH; these effects were significant by the sixth day of treatment and persisted for the duration of the experiments. This regimen also had positive effects on morphological features of testes and Leydig cells. Infusion of the high amplitude, low frequency regimen, however, had neither of the positive effects on responsiveness to LH, but did seem to improve testicular and Leydig cell morphology. Continuous infusion of LH also increased the magnitude and decreased the lag time of responses to low amplitude pulses of LH, at least as well as the high frequency infusion regimen did. These results suggest that the high frequency, low amplitude pattern of LH secretion characteristic of reproductively active animals has trophic actions on the testes, increasing their responsiveness to acute gonadotropic stimulation, but the pulsatility of that pattern of LH secretion is not necessary for its trophic actions. The efficacy of high frequency LH secretion may depend only on the elevation of basal or mean LH concentrations, rather than on the low amplitude peaks or the dynamic changes in LH concentrations to which the testes are exposed.  相似文献   

Polyadenylated RNA, extracted from rat hypothalami, cross-hybridized with a RNA probe complementary in sequence to rat PTH (rPTH) messenger RNA (mRNA). Amplification of complementary DNA (cDNA) by the polymerase chain reaction also demonstrated the presence of rPTH mRNA in the rat hypothalamus and parathyroid gland. rPTH mRNA was localized by in situ hybridization in the paraventricular and supraoptic nuclei of the rat hypothalamus. These results demonstrate the expression of the PTH gene in the central nervous system of the rat in areas which suggest roles for PTH in neuroendocrine function.  相似文献   

Insulin-induced hypoglycemia (IIH), as with many other acute stressors, restrains the activity of the reproductive axis, reducing luteinizing hormone (LH) release. In adult ovariectomized, steroid-primed rats, we investigated the effect of IIH and of mediobasal intrahypothalamic perfusion with glucose (200 mg/dl) on pulsatile LH secretion. IIH led to a significant decrease in all pulsatility parameters studied using PC-Pulsar analysis, e.g. pulse amplitude and frequency, maximum and baseline LH levels (p < 0.05 versus control), and LH overall mean release (p < 0.01 versus control). Intrahypothalamic perfusion with glucose normalized LH pulse frequency, improved maximum and baseline levels, and partially ameliorated LH pulse amplitude and overall mean release. Thus, our results show that the glucoprivic cessation of LH release is restored, at least partially, by an adequate glucose supply to the hypothalamus; it is proposed, in view of these and previous results, that different mechanisms in the CNS may be involved in LH suppression observed during IIH.  相似文献   

Turzillo AM  Nett TM 《Endocrine》1995,3(10):765-768
To test the hypothesis that low levels of estradiol are sufficient to increase concentrations of GnRH receptor mRNA in the absence of progesterone, ewes were ovariectomized and immediately treated with estradiol implants for 12 h to achieve circulating concentrations of estradiol typical of the early (n=5) or late (n=4) follicular phase. Five additional ewes underwent lutectomy, and control ewes were untreated. Treatment of ewes with 1/2 or 1 estradiol implant increased concentrations of estradiol in serum to 3.0 ± 0.8 pg/ml or 6.3 ± 0.3 pg/ml, respectively, and concentrations of estradiol in lutectomized ewes (2.4 ± 0.5 pg/ml) were intermediate. Ovariectomy did not alter concentrations of GnRH receptor mRNA or numbers of GnRH receptors. Treatment of ewes with 1 estradiol implant increased concentrations of GnRH receptor mRNA and numbers of GnRH receptors. In ewes treated with 1/2 estradiol implant, concentrations of GnRH receptor mRNA were intermediate between controls and ewes treated with 1 estradiol implant, and numbers of GnRH receptors were greater than controls. Lutectomy increased concentrations of GnRH receptor mRNA but did not affect numbers of GnRH receptors. We conclude that estradiol stimulates expression of the GnRH receptor gene and numbers of GnRH receptors in the absence of progesterone. However, effects of estradiol on expression of the GnRH receptor gene were clearly evident only when concentrations of estradiol were elevated to levels typical of the late follicular phase.  相似文献   

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