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Primary hydatid disease of the skeletal muscle without systemic involvement is rare. The purpose of this report is to document the novel clinical presentation and the interesting facets of fine‐needle aspiration in a case of hydatid disease. It was a case of primary hydatid cyst of the left supraspinatus muscle in an Indian woman living in Kuwait, which was clinically diagnosed as a lipoma. Fine‐needle aspiration (FNA) yielded 2 ml of clear fluid with white particulate material. The cytocentrifuged smears prepared from the aspirated fluid showed many scolices, occasional laminated cyst wall fragments and numerous hooklets. The laminated cyst wall and scolices were PAS positive. Trichrome staining imparted a demon‐head‐like appearance to the scolices. The cytodiagnosis of hydatid cyst was corroborated by histopathological examination of an excised whitish membrane and an irregular cystic fragment, which showed parallel laminations without germinal layer, and skeletal muscle with granulomas and a dense eosinophilic infiltration, respectively. Quantitative serological (indirect hemagglutination) test on blood sample collected 9 days after the excision of the cyst showed insignificant antibody titer to Echinococcus sp. and after 6 weeks the antibodies were completely absent. CT scan of the chest and abdomen performed 7 weeks after removal of cyst showed no evidence of visceral hydatid cyst. Diagn. Cytopathol. 2014;42:268–272. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Organs involved by Castleman disease (CD) may be investigated by fine-needle aspiration cytology. No specific cytomorphological criteria are currently described for a definitive diagnosis. The cytological features of three fine-needle aspirations from three different lymph nodes of a patient with histologically confirmed CD of the hyaline-vascular type are herein reported, with a review of the literature. The fine-needle aspirations showed branching capillaries associated with fragments of germinal center. Review of the literature yielded 12 other case reports with over half describing similar findings. Because branching hyalinized small blood vessels penetrating follicular germinal center are characteristic of CD of the hyaline-vascular type on histology, this finding in fine-needle aspirates should raise that diagnostic possibility.  相似文献   

The cytologic features of adult rhabdomyoma, a rare benign tumor of skeletal muscle origin, have been infrequently reported in the literature. We present here a case of a rhabdomyoma involving the floor of the mouth of a 78-year-old man initially diagnosed by fine-needle aspiration cytology. Cytologic features seen on Papanicolaou-stained smear preparation included cohesive clusters of skeletal muscle cells having abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm and often peripherally located nuclei. Although cross-striations and elongated intracytoplasmic inclusions were not identified in the smears, they were noted in the cell block preparation of the aspirated specimen and in the touch preparation and histologic sections of the surgically resected specimen. The cytologic differential diagnosis of this tumor is discussed.  相似文献   

Myxofibrosarcoma (MFS) is a well‐established nosologic entity different from the myxoid variant of malignant fibrous histiocytoma. In an attempt to better define the representative cytologic criteria of MFS, we undertook a review and a reanalysis of a series of 14 cytology samples in 12 patients whose tumors were diagnosed as MFS. Using FNA technique and reviewing the original diagnoses, 11 cases were diagnosed as malignant and three as benign tumors. The cytologic diagnosis of MFS was accurate in seven cases (2 primary tumors, 4 recurrences, and 1 metastasis). Four cases were classified malignant myxoid sarcoma (1 primary and 3 recurrences), whereas three cases (2 primary and 1 recurrence) were false‐negative. The smears were cell‐rich in 12 cases and cell‐poor in two cases. They were constantly composed of isolated and regular small spindle‐shaped and stellated cells with elongated nuclei containing small inconspicuous nucleoli. Cytoplasm was pale with elongated processes. Clusters of wavy spindle‐shaped cells, round cells without specific pattern, moderate cytonuclear atypia, and abundant myxoid background as well as curvilinear vascular structures were always seen. In the vast majority of cases, the cytologic distinction of MFS from other low‐grade myxoid lesions is difficult. Entities such as myxoid MFH, myxoid liposarcoma (MLP), myxoid DFSP, and myxoma should be considered in the differential diagnosis. The cytological misdiagnosis is of limited clinical consequence because FNA findings suggestive of a myxoid tumor will be indicative for a surgical removal followed by the histopathological analysis. Diagn. Cytopathol. 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The present study highlights the role of fine-needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) and Ziehl Neelsen (ZN) staining in diagnosis of cutaneous tuberculosis and correlates the cytomorphological features with histopathology.FNAC and biopsy was performed on 30 cases of cutaneous tuberculosis and along with the routine stains, ZN and periodic acid Schiffs staining was carried out in all cases.On cytology, out of 9 cases of lupus vulgaris, 89% showed cohesive epithelioid cell granulomas with or without chronic inflammatory infiltrate; however, acid fast bacilli (AFB) could be demonstrated only in 22.2% on cytology while none on histopathology. Of 19 cases diagnosed as Scrofuloderma, 79% showed caseation necrosis with or without granulomas, 10.5% revealed granulomas with acute inflammatory infiltrates. AFB was demonstrated in 78.9% cases on cytology when compared with 15.8% on histopathology. No conclusion could be drawn in one case each of TBVC and lichen scrofulosorum.Hence, correlating cytomorphological patterns with clinical presentations often yields diagnostic information in cases of cutaneous tuberculosis and frequently obviates the need for biopsy especially in cases of scrofuloderma.  相似文献   

To characterize the cytological features of angiosarcomas, we reviewed the fine-needle aspiration material and corresponding histologic sections of 29 tumors in 23 patients. Histologically, 24 tumors were of the classic type, and 5 were epithelioid angiosarcomas. The original corresponding cytologic diagnoses were as follows: angiosarcoma, 17 cases; sarcoma not otherwise specified, 8 cases; and rhabdomyosarcoma, 1 case. Three samples were cell-poor and were considered suspicious of malignancy. The review of cytology samples showed that smears were cell-rich in 17 tumors and cell-poor in 12 tumors. A hemorrhagic background was present in 9 cases. Tumor cells were polymorphous, including spindle-shaped, round to oval, and polygonal epithelioid cells and giant cells in different proportions. Erythrophagocytosis was seen in 12 tumors. Smears of classic angiosarcomas were polymorphous and lacking specific characteristics, whereas smears of epithelioid tumors were morphologically similar and composed of round to oval and polygonal, epithelial cells frequently arranged in clusters, and showing erythrophagocytosis. The wide spectrum of cellular components of angiosarcomas accounts for the difficulty in establishing accurate tumor typing, particularly with cell-poor samples and low-grade classic angiosarcoma. Entities to consider in the differential diagnosis are carcinoma, epithelioid sarcoma, pleomorphic rhabdomyosarcoma, and malignant melanoma.  相似文献   

Spontaneous infarction is an uncommon complication occurring in fibroadenoma of the breast. Although infarction following fine-needle aspiration has been reported in the literature, to the best of our knowledge this is the first reported case where infarction was encountered on first-time aspiration. It is necessary to distinguish infarcted fibroadenoma from mastitis, duct ectasia, mammary tuberculosis, and carcinoma on cytology smears. Lack of knowledge of this entity may lead to an erroneous diagnosis of inflammatory lesion or carcinoma. We report the first case of cytological and histological findings in spontaneous infarction of fibroadenoma in 13-yr-old female.  相似文献   

While carcinoid tumor is a relatively common neoplasm in surgical pathology, fine-needle aspiration (FNA) cytology as a method of primary diagnosis has only been reported in the literature a few times. We report on the case of a 42-yr-old female with multiple large metastatic tumor deposits in her liver, pelvic adnexae, bones, and lungs, with an unknown primary. FNA was performed on one of the liver masses, and was diagnosed using routine histochemical and immunohistochemical stains as carcinoid tumor. No follow-up tissue diagnosis has been obtained. However, the patient is still alive with her tumor 1 yr later. Fine-needle aspiration cytology can be a useful and safe tool in the diagnosis of metastatic carcinoid tumors, avoiding the need for surgery which would not otherwise be indicated for treatment.  相似文献   

True histiocytic lymphoma/histiocytic sarcoma is an extremely rare, malignant histiocytic tumor. This report is of such a case in a 52-yr-old woman. Fine-needle aspiration (FNA) smears showed large pleomorphic nuclei, prominent nucleoli, moderately dense abundant cytoplasm, and scattered cells with cytoplasmic vacuoles and some with reniform nuclei. Small numbers of background lymphocytes and benign histiocytes were present as well as many multinucleated tumor cells. The immunophenotype was CD45, Lysozyme, CD68 (PGMI), CD43, and S-100 positive. Genotypic analysis revealed a germline configuration. This type of tumor has a large cytological differential diagnosis and immunophenotyping is essential for diagnosis.  相似文献   

Exclusive reports on fine needle aspiration (FNA) cytodiagnosis of T-cell-rich B-cell lymphoma (TCRBCL) are scarce in literature. This report reflects the diagnostic difficulties associated with cytodiagnosis of this rare variant of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. The study is based on 11 cases with age ranging from 16 to 63 years and a median of 50 years. Male to female ratio was 6:5. Ten cases presented with lymphadenopathy and one had lymphadenopathy as well as extranodal solid tumor. The initial cytodiagnosis was suggestive of TCRBCL in one case, TCRBCL/Hodgkin's lymphoma (HL) in three cases, TCRBCL/HL/anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL) in two cases, TCRBCL/ALCL in one case, and TCRBCL/non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) T-cell/ALCL in one case. There was also a cytologically diagnosed HL case, which on review turned out to be HL/TCRBCL. Histopathological diagnosis was HL in all these nine cases. There were two histologically diagnosed TCRBCL cases during this period, with cytodiagnoses of NHL other than TCRBCL in one and HL in the other. While highlighting the difficulties associated with the cytodiagnosis of TCRBCL, this study conveys a word of caution that adequate immunocytochemical studies should be performed before diagnosing this rare neoplasm with a varied cytomorphology.  相似文献   

The cytomorphologic features of fine‐needle aspirates (FNA) of liposarcomas have not been fully characterized. In the current study, we attempted to identify cytological attributes of liposarcoma in FNA. Twelve FNAs of histologically proven liposarcomas were used for this study. They included 10 myxoid and two well‐differentiated liposarcomas. Four cytological criteria were chosen for evaluation. These included a complex capillary network, increased cellularity, the presence of a metachromatic stroma for myxoid liposarcoma, and finally the identification of lipoblasts. Eighteen FNAs of lipomas and 17 FNAs of nonlipomatous soft‐tissue sarcomas were used as controls for evaluation of the same features. The diagnosis of liposarcoma had been rendered on FNA in 7 cases (58%). The diagnosis was suggested in 3 cases (25%), and a suggestion of sarcoma was rendered in 2 cases. Complex capillary networks were identified in 9 of 12 cases (75%); this was seen in 8 of the 10 myxoid liposarcomas and 1 of the 2 well‐differentiated neoplasms. Increased cellularity was seen in 7 of 12 cases (58%), metachromatic stroma was seen in 3 of 12 cases (25%), and lipoblasts were identified in 4 of 12 cases (33%). None of the lipomas or sarcomas exhibited a complex capillary network. When capillaries were identified in lipomas, they were straight, with minimal branching. The lipomas did not show evidence of increased cellularity in any cases. Metachromatic stroma was more frequently seen in the nonlipomatous sarcomas than in the liposarcomas. No lipoblasts were identified in any of the control FNAs. Diagn. Cytopathol. 1999;20:67–69. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Synovial sarcoma (SS) is a high-grade malignant soft tissue tumor that manifests different phenotypic subtypes that may render their cytologic evaluation challenging. Although several cytologic studies of SS have been published, correlative studies of cytologic and corresponding histologic features are limited. To better define the cytological features of various SS forms, we reviewed the cytologic and the corresponding histologic material of 56 tumors from 36 patients. Classical patterns were defined as dispersed or small clusters of cells with bland chromatin, inconspicuous nucleoli, oval to spindle-shaped cytoplasm and branching tumor tissue fragments, vessel stalks, acinar structures in scant mucin background, seen in all 53 (94.7%) cellular cases. Epithelial, squamous, round cells, mast cells, necrosis, comma-like nuclei, marked nuclear atypia, secretory mucin, and rosette-like structures were also occasionally observed. Comparing the histological subtype we noted that epithelial cells and secretory mucin were restricted to biphasic SS, round cells to poorly differentiated SS, and comma-like nuclei to monophasic fibrous SS. We conclude that the classical pattern is highly suggestive of SS of all three monophasic, biphasic, or poorly differentiated subtypes. These characteristics, along with molecular genetic studies, may improve the cytologic diagnosis of SS.  相似文献   

Myofibroblastoma (MFB) is a benign tumor of the mammary stroma with predominant myofibroblastic differention. The cytologic reports of MFB are very few in the available literature. From the cytodiagnostic point of view about 21 cases of MFB with cytological evaluation by fine‐needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) have been encountered in the English‐language literature: A 35‐year‐old woman presented with lump in the left breast. FNAC showed mild degree of pleomorphism with occasional groups with fibrous stroma and tumoral cells. A few benign epithelial cell groups were seen. Hematoxylin–eosin‐stained sections of cell block preparation from the aspirate showed fascicles of spindle cells forming whorl structures. Three months later, excision biopsy was performed. The diagnosis was a classic variant of MFB. On immunohistochemical examination, sections were found to be highly positive for vimentin, CD34, and bcl‐ 2. In light of these findings, cell block material was retrospectively reviewed both morphologically and immunhistochemically. The findings of resection and cell block material were found to be very similar. MFB may cause a potential diagnostic pitfall while interpreting FNAC due to its wide differential diagnosis spectrum. We concluded that cytology and cell block findings complement each other. Diagn. Cytopathol. 2016;44:1064–1069. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Chondroblastic osteosarcoma (OS) accounts for about 25% of all cases of OS. It can pose diagnostic difficulty on cytology, as the tumor cells may resemble the carcinomatous cells. We present a case of a 35‐year‐old female patient who presented with a firm swelling in the left temporal region. On fine‐needle aspiration, the smears revealed abundant cellularity with tumor cells showing significant nuclear pleomorphism and multinucleation. The tumor cells had abundant foamy to vacuolated cytoplasm, thereby indicating sebaceous differentiation and it was cytologically interpreted as sebaceous carcinoma. However, on subsequent histopathology, similar tumor cells were seen lying down abundant amount of osteoid material along with foci of chondroid differentiation and was diagnosed as chondroblastic OS. Pitfalls in the cytodiagnosis of this case along with differential diagnosis on cytology are discussed. Diagn. Cytopathol. 2011. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to compare the efficacy of needle core biopsy (NCB) of the breast with fine-needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) in breast lesions (palpable and non-palpable) in the Indian set-up, along with the assessment of tumor grading with both the techniques. Fifty patients with suspicious breast lesions were subjected to simultaneous FNAC and ultrasound-guided NCB following an initial mammographic evaluation. Cases were categorized into benign, benign with atypia, suspicious and malignant groups. In cases of infiltrating duct carcinomas, grading was performed on cytological smears as well as on NCB specimens. Both the techniques were compared, and findings were correlated with radiological and excision findings. Out of 50 cases, 18 were found to be benign and 32 malignant on final pathological diagnosis. Maximum number of patients with benign diagnosis was in the fourth decade (42.11%) and malignant diagnosis in the fourth as well as fifth decade (35.48% each). Sensitivity and specificity of mammography for the diagnosis of malignancy was 84.37% and 83.33%, respectively. Sensitivity and specificity of FNAC for malignant diagnosis was 78.15% and 94.44%, respectively, and of NCB was 96.5% and 100%, respectively. But NCB had a slightly higher specimen inadequacy rate (8%). NCB improved diagnostic categorization over FNAC by 18%. Tumor grading in cases of IDC showed high concordance rate between NCB and subsequent excision biopsy (94.44%) but low concordance rate between NCB and FNAC (59.1%). NCB is superior to FNAC in the diagnosis of breast lesions in terms of sensitivity, specificity, correct histological categorization of the lesions as well as tumor grading.  相似文献   

Fine-needle aspiration (FNA) features in 10 angioleiomyomas (ALM) were evaluated and correlated to histological features and clinical data. The tumors developed in the skin or subcutaneous tissue of the lower extremities (eight), the shoulder (one), and the lower arm (one). Eight tumors were painful or tender. Cytological specimens showed moderate or sparse cellularity. The most frequent findings were uniform spindle cells, seen in nine smears. In eight of these, the spindle cells were admixed with smooth muscle cells and fragments of collagenous tissue in varying proportions. The occurrence of macrophages and fat cells was less specific, being present in three of nine smears. One aspirate contained some "ganglion-like" cells and a multinucleated giant cell. Smears from ALM are not sufficiently characteristic to permit a histotype diagnosis, but together with typical clinical data (painful or tender nodule) may help to exclude other skin or subcutaneous lesions.  相似文献   

Intrapancreatic accessory spleen is not an uncommon entity and usually located in the tail of the pancreas. Most of them are asymptomatic and incidental findings on radiologic study or at autopsy. On imaging study, it appears to be a well‐defined, solitary, and hypervascular lesion; therefore, it may be confused with pancreatic neoplasms, such as neuroendocrine neoplasm, well‐differentiated adenocarcinoma, solid pseudopapillary tumor, or metastatic tumor to the pancreas. As such, the diagnostic fine‐needle aspiration biopsy of the lesion may be performed. Several case reports describing cytological features of the lesion have been published in recent years. Among them, the most commonly identified cytological findings are sheets of a heterogeneous population of lymphocytes and prominent traversing blood vessels. Herein, we report an unusual EUS‐FNA case of intrapancreatic accessory spleen. In addition to above previously well‐described cytological features, our case revealed many cells with fine granular chromatin and areas with pseudo rosette‐like architecture, mimicking and engendering the differential diagnosis of pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors. Although cytological findings of our case are rare, they may extend our current knowledge and provide additional differential diagnostic information for this entity. Diagn. Cytopathol. 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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