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常州市武进区基本消灭疟疾后疫情监测显示,1992年以来,年内疟疾发病率波动在0.01/万~0.15/万,病例呈散在分布,输入性病例增多。加强输入性疟疾防控、流动人口抗疟管理、基层专业人员疟疾防治技能培训和全民健康教育是当前消除疟疾工作的重点。  相似文献   

目的 分析湖北省武汉市境外输入性疟疾流行特征、医疗机构防治和诊断能力,为输入性疟疾监测和制定防控策略提供科学依据。方法 收集2008-2017年武汉市境外输入性疟疾病例流行病学资料,对病例性别、年龄、地区、职业、发病时间、血检阳性率、入院?检出时间采用描述性分析,对虫种、疫源地、就诊情况进行统计分析。结果 2008-2017年武汉市共报告境外输入性疟疾424例,其中恶性疟301例(70.99%),20 ~ 49岁男性为主要发病群体,发病无季节相关性。非洲和东南亚地区输入性病例的疟原虫感染类型不同([χ2] = 205.83,P < 0.01),卵形疟和三日疟均来自非洲撒哈拉沙漠以南国家。不同级别医疗机构初诊(Z = -3.89,P < 0.01)和确诊([χ2] = 53.88,P < 0.01)能力差异有统计学意义。2008年后医院发热门诊血检能力快速提升,至2010年实现所有疟疾病例均在实验室(镜检)诊断,且24 h检出率逐年提高至90%以上,而6 d检出率降至0(2016年)。结论 虽然武汉市医疗机构应对境外输入性疟疾能力已处于较高水平,但输入性疟疾防控形势依然较严重,须持续加强医疗机构的相关能力建设。  相似文献   

2002~2003年广西流动人口疟疾监测情况报告   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
流动人口疟疾管理是控制疟疾的重要措施。通过监测及时发现、治疗输入性疟疾病例,防止其引起传播。现将2002~2003年全区流动人口疟疾监测结果报告如下。  相似文献   

目的 探讨基本消灭疟疾后监测措施。方法 设立疟疾流行病学监测点 ,采取传染源管理为主的综合性防治措施 ,重点突出流动人口疟疾管理。结果  11年内疟疾发病率波动在 0 .0 4 /万~ 0 .15/万之间 ,病例呈散在分布 ,输入性病例增多 ( 54 .2 5% ) ,流动人口疟原虫血检阳性率和间接荧光抗体阳性率均显著高于本地居民( P<0 .0 0 1)。结论 基本消灭疟疾后防止输入性疟疾传播、加强流动人口抗疟管理是十分重要的  相似文献   

目的 目的 分析武汉市国外输入性疟疾的流行病学特征, 为疟疾监测和防控提供科学依据。方法 方法 收集武汉市 2008-2013年国外输入性疟疾病例流行病学资料, 对感染疟原虫虫种、 疫源地分布、 地区分布、 人群特征、 发病?诊断时间、 临床分度等进行流行病学分析。结果 结果 2008-2013年武汉市共报告国外输入性疟疾240例。来自非洲国家180例, 其中 恶性疟占82.22%; 来自东南亚国家60例, 其中间日疟占76.67%, 两地区输入性病例的疟原虫虫种构成比不同 (χ2 = 105.53, P<0.001)。输入性疟疾病例以出国务工的青壮年男性为主。不同临床分度的发病?诊断时间、 不同职业的临床 分度差异均无统计学意义 (Z=-0.99, P=0.32、χ2 =10.61, P = 0.10); 疟疾初发病例较有疟史者 (χ2 =7.66, P<0.05)、 恶性 疟较非恶性疟更易出现临床症状加重 (χ2 =24.27, P<0.001)。结论 结论 武汉市国外输入性疟疾病例逐年增多, 且以恶性 疟为主, 应加强防控及出回国人员的管理工作。  相似文献   

目的 目的 分析2004-2013年沭阳县疟疾疫情及流行特征, 为下一步制订有效的疟疾防治策略和措施提供科学依 据。 方法 方法 对2004-2013年沭阳县网络报告的疟疾疫情和流行病学调查资料进行分析。 结果 结果 沭阳县2004-2013年共 报告疟疾病例31例, 年平均报告发病率为0.18/10万。其中本地感染22例, 输入性病例9例; 本地感染病例发病高峰在 8~10月; 本地感染病例以男性为主, 男女性别比为2.87: 1, 年龄分布集中在10~39岁。 结论 结论 2004-2013年沭阳县疟 疾流行趋势由本地感染为主逐渐转变为以输入性病例为主。针对目前的流行特征, 应做好流动人口管理, 加大培训、 宣 传力度, 在巩固消除疟疾成果的基础上, 加强输入性疟疾的防控。  相似文献   

济宁市中区原为间日疟流行区 ,经过综合性防治 ,于 1985年达到消灭疟疾标准。经纵向监测 ,自 1984年后未再出现当地感染的疟疾病例。但随着流动人员的增加 ,不断有输入性疟疾病例发生。为掌握疟疾的疫情动态 ,防止疫情回升 ,从 1986年开始在全区范围内进行了以流动人口为主的疟疾监测 ,通过及时治疗输入性疟疾病例及对病灶点的处理 ,有效地阻断了疟疾的传播。结果报告如下。1 措施与方法1.1 流动人口管理1.1.1 组织措施 建立防疫站、乡防保站及医院防保科三级防保网 ,由专人分管疟疾疫情监测和上报 ,各企事业、服务行业等单位的卫生员、…  相似文献   

目的 分析四川省遂宁市输入性疟疾流行病学特征,为输入性疟疾监测、评估传播风险和探讨防控策略提供科学依据。方法 收集2011-2016年全市网报疟疾疫情数据、病例个案调查资料以及疟疾疫情年报表,对输入性疟疾病例流行病学信息及病例诊治情况进行统计分析。 结果 2011-2016年全市报告疟疾病例71例,均为输入性病例。非洲输入60例,占84.51%。各月份均有病例报告,无明显季节特征。从发病到就诊时间中位数为2 d;从就诊到确诊时间中位数为4 d;63.38%的病例初次就诊时被诊断为疟疾。43例病例由县、市级医疗机构确诊,占60.56%。所有病例均为实验室确诊病例,均得到规范的抗疟治疗。结论 遂宁市输入性疟疾疫情依然严峻,需要加强对流动人口的管理,加强医疗机构培训,以防止继发病例或死亡病例发生。  相似文献   

山东省输入性疟疾的监测与防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
山东省自 1988年达到部颁基本消灭疟疾的标准后 ,疟疾发病率一直控制在十分低的水平。进入 90年代后发病率没有明显下降 ,输入性病例的增多是一个重要原因 ,据统计 ,1991~ 1996年山东省输入性疟疾病例占全省同期疟疾发病总人数的76 .2 % [1 ] ,因此 ,控制外源性疟疾传染源成为山东省当前疟疾防治工作的重点。为此 ,于 1996~ 2 0 0 0年在全省开展了输入性疟疾的防治与监测。1 内容与方法1.1 对象 往返疟疾流行区的流动人口和当地居民。1.2 发热病人血检 全省各级疟疾镜检站全年开展发热病人血检工作。对往返疟区的流动人口 ,除临床确…  相似文献   

目的分析曹县疟疾流行特征和防控策略,总结消除疟疾工作经验。方法收集、分析1953-2014年曹县疟疾 疫情及各项防控措施落实情况,进行描述性分析和效果评价。结果曹县疟疾发病率由1970年的13.25%降至1983年 的0.33%;1986年首次未发现疟疾报告病例,全县实现了基本消除疟疾的目标。2006-2010年均有散在病例发生。2011- 2014年共报告3例国外输入性疟疾。结论曹县采取的综合性疟疾防治措施效果显著,具备了消除疟疾的条件。输入 性疟疾病例及其二代病例是今后疟疾防治工作的重点。  相似文献   

Imported malaria is a preventable disease, yet it is responsible for several thousand cases and a substantial number of deaths every year. There has been a pronounced rise in the incidence of imported malaria in most developed countries over the past three decades and, more concerning, Plasmodium falciparum, which is responsible for almost all cases of severe malaria, is now the most prevalent species. Children account for around 15-20% of all imported malaria cases and must be considered separately from adults because they have different risk factors for developing malaria and a higher risk of developing severe disease since they are more likely to be non-immune to malaria. We did a thorough review of the literature since 1980 to identify and critically assess clinical case series on children with imported malaria with respect to travel destination, reason for travel, the use of antimalarial prophylaxis, clinical presentation, delay in diagnosis, laboratory features, complications, management, and outcome. Children living in non-endemic countries and travelling during school holidays to visit family and relatives in their parents' country of origin currently account for the largest proportion of cases in many European countries. This group of travellers deserves special attention because they often do not take antimalarial prophylaxis or other preventive measures. There is a need for standardised recommendations on management and prevention of imported malaria in children, which should be supported by large multicentre clinical trials. A prospective national surveillance study on imported malaria in children was launched in the UK and Ireland through the British Paediatric Surveillance Unit in 2006, which may provide answers to some of the questions raised in this Review.  相似文献   

目的 目的 了解2010-2014年湖北省疟疾流行特征, 为制订和调整全省消除疟疾策略和措施提供参考依据。方 方 法 法 收集2010-2014年中国疾病预防控制信息系统网络报告中湖北省疟疾病例资料, 采用描述流行病学方法分析2010- 2014年湖北省网络报告疟疾病例的流行病学特征。结果 结果 2010-2014年湖北省共报告疟疾病例 997 例, 其中间日疟 618 例、 恶性疟 352 例、 卵形疟 18 例、 三日疟 9 例; 本地疟疾病例 479 例, 输入性疟疾病例 518 例。自2013年起无本地感 染病例; 输入性疟疾病例数逐年上升, 其中以输入性恶性疟病例数上升更为明显。81.85%的病例分布在襄阳、 武汉、 孝 感、 宜昌、 荆门和随州6个市; 男性病例810例, 女性187例, 男女性别比为4.33 ∶1。本地疟疾发病以40~69岁居多, 占本 地病例总数的78.29% (375/479); 输入性疟疾发病以 20~49岁居多, 占输入性病例总数的 88.22% (457/518)。本地疟疾 病例中, 职业以农民为主 (67.01%); 输入疟疾病例中, 职业以工人、 民工和农民为主 (63.90%)。结论 结论 湖北省本地感染 疟疾疫情已得到有效控制, 初步实现消除疟疾目标; 但输入性疟疾病例逐年增多, 是目前全省疟疾防控工作的重点。  相似文献   

Profound socio-economic changes within the CIS countries in the 1990s brought a lot of negative changes in malaria prevention in targeted countries. The previously stable connection and cooperation in prophylactic activities have been interrupted. Supply of antimalarials, insecticides and equipment had been stopped. Many qualified cadres in the sanitary-epidemiological services in the countries were lost. Because of difficult economic situation they had to change their occupation and place of job. After prolonged period of a stable benign epidemiological situation within Russia the number of imported cases started to grow up. The sharp increase of imported malaria cases from Azerbaijan and Tajikistan had been noticed since 1994 (Tab. 1). For the first time in the history of malaria registration the number of cases imported from the CIS countries has been exceeded the number of malaria cases imported from all other countries in the world in 1995. Later in the end of the 1990s the imported malaria cases has been registered in Russia from some other CIS countries apart from Azerbaijan and Tajikistan. There were malaria cases imported from Armenia (13 cases), Moldavia (2), Turkmenistan (2), and Uzbekistan (2) in 1998. The number of imported malaria cases in Russia in 1999 (Jan-July) is 437. There is no information about introduced or indigenous malaria cases registered until now] within Russia. There were 13 introduced malaria cases as the result of numerous imported ones. 13 introduced cases have been registered in 10 oblasts (administrative regions of Russia). This number has been increased to 53 (!) in 1998 in 20 oblasts. There was one local outbreak of P. vivax malaria in Izberbash settlement (Dagestan). Number of indigenous malaria cases were 5 (1996), 18 (1997), 1 (1998). The contra-epidemic measures in Izberbash have included active cases detection and treatment indoor insecticide spaying and one tour of mass primaguine treatment during interseasonal period of time. Additional indigenous cases after imported and introduced ones have been detected in Krasnodar (1 cases), Samara (1), Tolyaty (1), and Cherkessk (5) in 1998. One induced P. falciparum malaria case has been detected Moscow in 1998. Medical nurse from urological branch of the Moscow hospital No. 29 has penetrated by syringe needle her hand after performing of intravenous injection to the patient with imported P. falciparum malaria. No other induced cases have been detected. Because of local administrative problems with primaquine supply not all P. vivax malaria cases have received complete treatment. As the result of these events there was malaria relapsed cases registered every year. The actual number was 20 (1993), 37 (1994), 45 (1995), 59 (1996), 99 (1997). Due to late appearance of patient with P. falciparum malaria before medical staff and as a result late diagnosis and late and some time inappropriate treatment there were several lethal malaria cases registered [table: see text] every year. Inappropriate treatment means that treatment of P. falciparum malaria cases was consisted of chloroquine only. The cumulative number of lethal cases in 1994-1997 was 12, and the same number in 1998 was 6. One should mention that one lethal case in 1998 in Volgograd was due to P. vivax. The subject was chronic alcoholic and combination with P. vivax malaria brings him to death. Some calculation reveals the risk of resurgence of malaria in Russia. If one analyses all P. vivax imported cases from the point of view of time and place of detection the following picture would be emerged: 83% of all imported cases has been localized within cities, and 17% only--in rural areas. Half of the latter has been appeared during cold part of years when transmission was impossible. The result of approximately 200 imported cases has been appeared in a right time and place there were 75 introduced cases.  相似文献   

目的 对2016-2018年云南省疟疾病例个案和疫点调查处置情况进行综合分析,评估消除疟疾策略和措施的实施效果,为下一步消除疟疾和防止输入疟疾再传播工作提供科学依据.方法 对2016-2018年云南省疟疾病例个案和疫点调查处理报告进行提取、录入、整理,分析其中的病例、媒介监测和控制等数据,使用Microsoft Exc...  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: International travel from the UK has been rising, and the number of imported infections has increased. This study aimed to describe the number, nature, origin, clinical burden and cost of imported infections treated in infectious disease units (IDU) in England and Wales. METHOD: Information about all admissions in 1998 and 1999 with illnesses considered to have been acquired during their most recent travel abroad was collected retrospectively by IDUs using a pre-piloted questionnaire. RESULTS AND ANALYSIS: Four of the 23 IDUs in England and Wales were able to complete the questionnaires. They reported a total of 421 travel related admissions during the 2-year period. Three hundred and ninety-two of these cases were attributed to infectious causes, and of these a discharge diagnosis was made for 340 cases. The total number of bed days used to treat cases of imported infection was 2918. The most common diagnosis was malaria. The odds ratio that cases of imported infection were malaria was highest following visits to Africa. The average cost per bed day on the IDUs was around pound sterling 100, and on this basis, the total cost of treating imported infections on the four IDUs in 2 years was around pound sterling 289,000. The relative risk of acquiring an imported infection requiring treatment on an IDU was greatest for travellers to Africa. CONCLUSIONS: From this study, the estimate of the total annual cost of IDU treatment for imported infections in England and Wales is in excess of pound sterling 800,000. Many cases may be preventable with prophylactic medication and vaccination and travel advice on risk reduction. Further information about imported infections would be useful to inform travel medicine services, other clinicians and travellers about the health risks associated with travel to specific areas, and help to target and assess the cost effectiveness of preventative measures.  相似文献   

目前,我国新型冠状病毒肺炎本地传播已得到有效控制,但境外新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情形势日趋严峻。因此,我国新型冠状病毒肺炎防控工作面临境外输入的新挑战。疟疾曾在我国广泛流行,自2010年启动消除疟疾行动计划后,我国不仅阻断了疟疾本地传播,对每年3000例左右境外输入性疟疾病例的防控也卓有成效。本文通过对当前我国新型冠状病毒肺炎和疟疾疫情形势及流行特征的比较分析,结合我国境外输入性疟疾防控的成功经验,探讨当前新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情防控的策略和措施,为有效应对境外输入、巩固防控成果提供借鉴。  相似文献   

The distribution of the imported [correction of exported] cases of malaria has been studied in Rostov-on-Don for all species of parasites and categories of patients to assess them as effective sources of infection or in other words to determine the degree of jeopardy of the epidemic process recurrence. Local cases of malaria and measures directed at their elimination are described.  相似文献   

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