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Undertaking a mental health clinical placement can be anxiety‐provoking for nursing students at times. There is a need to adequately prepare undergraduate nursing students for clinical placement in a mental health setting in relation to their skills and confidence. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of a mental health simulation workshop on the skills and confidence of nursing students in providing care to consumers living with a mental illness. The study also evaluated the design of the mental health simulation workshop from an educational perspective. A pre/post‐test survey was administered to a cohort of N = 89 Australian pre‐registration nursing students. Exploratory factor analysis identified three factors: Mental health therapeutic engagement, mental health assessment skills, and mental health placement preparedness. Analyses of pre–post differences indicated that all three factors were significantly different between the initial and follow‐up responses, with follow‐up responses being more favourable. The findings of this study demonstrate that there is value in including mental health simulated patient exercise as part of the learning strategies in the curriculum of pre‐registration nurses. This has implications for the quality of care in the clinical environment and level of preparedness of these students’ nurses for mental health clinical placement where they will be providing care to consumers living with a mental illness under direct supervision.  相似文献   

Providing nursing students with appropriate clinical practice during their undergraduate programme is critical to ensuring that graduates meet the competency requirements to gain registration as a nurse. In response to the predicted nursing workforce shortage, universities have been significantly increasing the enrolment of undergraduate nurses into Bachelor of Nursing courses. This has placed a demand on the availability of clinical placements and often universities struggle to find appropriate places. In this study, a Bachelor of Nursing course incorporated an Integrated Clinical Learning Model (ICLM) for the first time during a mental health placement. The model offered students the flexibility of attending their clinical placement over a 16‐week period instead of a traditional block of 4 weeks. The aim of this study was to evaluate the student perspective of this model and whether it prepared them for the nursing workforce. Focus groups were conducted with undergraduate nursing students following their mental health clinical placement at an acute and extended care inpatient unit. Data were analysed using thematic analysis. Main themes included preparedness for practice, maintaining a work–life balance, and perceiving they were part of a team. The ICLM deepened students’ knowledge and had a positive impact on their overall clinical learning.  相似文献   

Undergraduate nursing students have been reported to hold negative and stigmatizing attitudes towards mental health consumers and to be under‐prepared for mental health clinical placement. This study aimed to investigate undergraduate nurses’ stigma and recovery attitudes to mental illness, and describe their understandings of personal recovery on entry and exit to traditional mental health clinical placement. A pre/post‐test survey was administered to N = 249 nursing students in Australia. Demographic data, attitudes towards mental health nursing and clinical placement, the Opening Minds Scale for Healthcare Providers (OMS‐HC), Recovery Attitudes Questionnaire (RAQ‐7), and an open‐ended question on understandings of personal recovery from mental illness were collected on entry (T1) and exit (T2) to placement. At T1, students reported moderate stigma and positive attitudes towards recovery (OMS‐HC mean = 34.6; RAQ‐7 mean = 4.0). At T2, there was a reduction in stigma (social distance P = 0.02, = 0.26) and improvement in recovery attitudes (< 0.01, = 0.40). Attitudes towards mental health nursing and placement also improved (< 0.01). Having a family member with mental illness predicted improvements in stigma and recovery attitudes. On entry to placement, most students described accurate understandings of personal recovery, which were maintained during placement. The findings indicate that mental health clinical placements are effective in improving students’ mental health stigma and recovery attitudes and provide a prime opportunity to attract students into the field. Co‐produced or consumer‐led education provided by peer workers during clinical placements may improve students’ stigmatizing attitudes and stimulate their interest to work in the field.  相似文献   

Supervised clinical practice is an essential component of undergraduate nursing students’ learning and development. In the mental health setting, nursing students traditionally undertake four‐week block placements. An integrated clinical learning model, where preceptors mentor students on an individual basis, has been used successfully in the clinical learning environment. This flexible model provides the opportunity for students to work across morning, afternoon, night and weekend shifts. There is a need to improve the evidence base for a flexible model for students undertaking a mental health placement. The aim of this study was to understand preceptors’ experience of, and satisfaction with, a mental health integrated clinical learning model. Focus groups were used to elicit the views of preceptors from a mental health service. Findings highlight the advantages and disadvantages of an integrated clinical learning model in the mental health setting. Participants suggested that students may benefit from flexible work arrangements, a variety of experiences and a more realistic experience of working in a mental health service. However, they found it challenging to mentor and evaluate students under this model. Most also agreed that the model impeded students’ ability to engage with consumers and develop rapport with staff. The findings indicate the need to develop a placement model that meets the unique needs of the mental health setting.  相似文献   

Health care for people with severe mental illness is often divided into physical health care and mental health care despite the importance of a holistic approach to caring for the whole person. Mental health nurses have an important role not only in preventing ill health, but also in promoting health, to improve the overall health among people with severe mental illness and to develop a more person‐centred, integrated physical and mental health care. Thus, the aim of this study was to describe mental health nurses’ experiences of facilitating aspects that promote physical health and support a healthy lifestyle for people with severe mental illness. Interviews were conducted with mental health nurses (n = 15), and a qualitative content analysis was used to capture the nurse’s experiences. Analysis of the interviews generated three categories: (i) to have a health promotion focus in every encounter, (ii) to support with each person’s unique prerequisites in mind and (iii) to take responsibility for health promotion in every level of the organization. The results show the importance of a health promotion focus that permeates the entire organization of mental health care. Shared responsibility for health and health promotion activities should exist at all levels: in the person‐centred care in the relation with the patient, embedded in a joint vision within the working unit, and in decisions at management level.  相似文献   

目的探讨实习阶段本科护生社会支持、自尊、应对方式与心理健康的关系。方法采用问卷调查法对89名5年制本科实习护生进行调查,分别在实习前1个月、实习1个月末、实习4个月末和实习7个月末收集资料。结果本科护生实习期间,心理健康平均水平较我国18~29岁青年组常模高,不同实习时期均有10.00%左右的护生心理处于亚健康和不健康状态;消极应对均分和心理健康总均分呈正相关;自尊均分、社会支持均分、积极应对均分与心理健康总均分呈负相关。结论本科护生实习期间心理健康总体水平较好,社会支持、自尊、应对方式均不同程度地影响本科护生的心理健康。  相似文献   

Government inquiries and workforce data continue to draw attention to the current and impending crisis in mental health nursing. While undergraduate nursing education has been found at least partially responsible for the negative attitudes nursing students tend to hold towards mental health nursing, clinical experience has been identified as a potential strategy in enhancing more positive attitudes. However, research to date has not focused on the impact of clinical experience on specific factors such as attitudes to mental health nursing to people experiencing mental illness and perceived preparedness for the mental health field. This quasi-experimental study measured changes in students' attitudes to the three factors, including satisfaction with clinical experience following a placement in mental health nursing. A questionnaire was administered to undergraduate nursing students on the first and last day of a mental health clinical placement. This, the first of a two-part paper, compares student responses over the two-time periods and describes satisfaction with the clinical experience. The findings suggest that clinical experience in mental health nursing experience can positively influence attitudes, preparedness for practice, and the popularity of mental health nursing. Satisfaction with clinical experience was also high.  相似文献   

Nurses play a crucial role in mental healthcare provision. Like many countries, Australian nursing students are educated in comprehensive pre‐registration programmes which include mental health clinical placements. Placements play a vital role in students’ education, providing the opportunity to engage with consumers and develop mental health nursing knowledge and skills. There is limited knowledge of student perspectives on traditional placements in contemporary recovery‐oriented mental health services. This interpretive qualitative inquiry aimed to explore nursing students’ experience of traditional mental health clinical placement and how it influenced their practice and their understandings of recovery from mental illness. Data were collected from focus groups with n = 31 nursing students in a large metropolitan public mental health service. Thematic analysis resulted in three themes of experience: humanizing people with mental illness; learning about recovery; and shifting perspectives on mental health nursing. Through a positive placement experience where they felt supported and included by staff, students came to see consumers as people rather than diagnoses, developed greater understanding of mental health nursing work and were more likely to consider mental health nursing as a career choice. Peer‐support workers were an important influence on students’ understandings of recovery and have a key role to play in educating students on placement. Students need to be prepared and supported by university and clinical staff to deal with vicarious trauma that may occur on placement. Mental health placements play a crucial role in attracting students into the field, and it is imperative they remain part of comprehensive pre‐registration education.  相似文献   

Clinical experience is consistently emphasized in research findings as the primary influence in encouraging more positive attitudes to mental health nursing. The available research, however, presents two major limitations. First, it does not measure the specific factors that might contribute to a positive clinical experience. Second, it does not consider the relationship between clinical experience and attitudes towards people experiencing a mental illness or towards mental health nursing. This is the second of a two-part paper presenting findings from a statewide survey of undergraduate nursing students in Victoria. A pre-/post-test design was used to measure the impact of clinical experience on the following subscales: (i) attitudes towards people experiencing a mental illness; (ii) attitudes toward mental health nursing; and (iii) preparedness for mental health practice. Subscale (iv) satisfaction with clinical experience was also measured in the post-test phase. The findings demonstrated an improvement on all three subscales in the post-test phase and a high level of satisfaction with clinical experience. Furthermore, a relationship between all four subscales was evident.  相似文献   

The difficulty in attracting graduates of nursing programmes into mental health nursing (MHN) remains an ongoing challenge. Moreover, it is frequently claimed that undergraduate nursing students do not always regard MHN favourably for future employment. Although undergraduate nurses are employed as assistants in nursing (AIN) in mental health settings, there is no published research exploring their role, the career trajectory into MHN, or its effectiveness as a recruitment strategy. In this paper, we draw on the literature to delineate factors that might contribute to the desire of AIN to work in MHN. Nine factors were identified: acceptance by nurses, fitting in with the culture, managing the workload, developing a realistic appraisal of the effectiveness and limits of psychiatry, constructive learning from direct interpersonal interactions with clients, practising communication skills, being supported in a structured way, working with positive role models, and the overall quality of the employment setting. A comprehensive understanding of these factors can enhance the experience of undergraduate nursing students working as AIN, and potentially increase recruitment into MHN.  相似文献   

Australian mental health policy is focused on providing mental health care in the community setting and community mental health teams provide services to clients in a shared model with primary care. The historical literature reports that community mental health nurses’ experience high levels of stress and are often allocated the most complex and challenging clients managed by the team. Yet information on their specific roles remains limited. This paper reports on research conducted at one Australian public mental health service to identify the components of the community mental health nursing role and to quantify the time nurses spent in each component during the study period. Six focus groups were conducted with community mental health nurses to identify their perceived role within the team. Data analysis identified 18 components of which 10 were related to direct clinical contact with clients and eight covered administrative and care coordination activities. A data collection tool based on the findings of the focus groups was designed and nurses recorded workload data on the tool in 15‐min intervals over a 4‐week period. Seventeen nurses collected 1528 hours of data. Internal coordination of care was identified as the top workload item followed by clinical documentation and national data collection responsibilities supporting the complexity of the community mental health nursing role. The high rating attached to the internal coordination of care role demonstrates an important contribution that community mental health nurses make to the functioning of the team and the delivery of quality mental health care.  相似文献   

Concerns relating to the adequacy of nurses' preparation for the care of people with mental illness prompted significant revision of the mental health component in a Bachelor of Health Science nursing programme in New Zealand that prepares approximately 200 students per year. Working collaboratively with clinical providers, university staff developed and introduced three courses (equivalent to 450 hours of learning) specifically focused on mental health science, inpatient practice, and primary community mental health practice. This paper provides an overview of the new courses and reports the findings of an appreciative inquiry evaluation of this curriculum innovation.  相似文献   

The literature clearly demonstrates that mental health nursing tends to be viewed negatively by undergraduate nursing students. While positive clinical experiences have been found to encourage more favourable attitudes towards mental health nursing, suitable placements are becoming scarce. An evaluation of clinical placements at the Victorian Institute of Forensic Mental Health (VIFMH) was undertaken to determine whether appropriate learning opportunities were offered, and identify the impact of the placement on students’ attitudes to mental health nursing. The results suggest that VIFMH provides valuable learning experiences to increase students’ understanding of mental health nursing and is effective in producing more positive attitudes towards this area of practice.  相似文献   

Family‐focused practice improves outcomes for families where parents have a mental illness. However, there is limited understanding regarding the factors that predict and enable these practices. This study aimed to identify factors that predict and enable mental health nurses’ family‐focused practice. A sequential mixed methods design was used. A total of 343 mental health nurses, practicing in 12 mental health services (in acute inpatient and community settings), throughout Ireland completed the Family Focused Mental Health Practice Questionnaire, measuring family‐focused behaviours and other factors that impact family‐focused activities. Hierarchical multiple regression identified 14 predictors of family‐focused practice. The most important predictors noted were nurses’ skill and knowledge, own parenting experience, and work setting (i.e. community). Fourteen nurses, who achieved high scores on the questionnaire, subsequently participated in semistructured interviews to elaborate on enablers of family‐focused practice. Participants described drawing on their parenting experiences to normalize parenting challenges, encouraging service users to disclose parenting concerns, and promoting trust. The opportunity to visit a service user's home allowed them to observe how the parent was coping and forge a close relationship with them. Nurses’ personal characteristics and work setting are key factors in determining family‐focused practice. This study extends current research by clearly highlighting predictors of family‐focused practice and reporting how various enablers promoted family‐focused practice. The capacity of nurses to support families has training, organizational and policy implications within adult mental health services in Ireland and elsewhere.  相似文献   

Retention and recruitment of the mental health nursing workforce is a critical issue in Australia and more specifically in Western Australia (WA), partly due to the isolation of the state. It has been suggested that these workforce issues might be minimized through the introduction of clinical supervision within WA mental health services, where, historically, it has been misunderstood and viewed with caution by mental health nurses. This may have been partly due to a lack of understanding of clinical supervision, its models, and its many benefits, due to a paucity of information delivered into initial nurse education programs. The aim of this pilot project is to explore and evaluate the introduction of clinical supervision in WA public mental health services. A quantitative approach informed the study and included the use of an information gathering survey initially, which was followed with evaluation questionnaires. The findings show that education can increase the uptake of clinical supervision. Further, the findings illustrate the importance of linking clinicians from all professional groups via a clinical supervision web‐based database.  相似文献   

The growing demand of mental health services among the population and the stigma associated with mental health conditions have resulted in a shortage of skilled nurses competent in delivering quality care to persons experiencing mental health conditions. This suggests the need to develop a systematic and comprehensive curriculum to prepare nursing students for a career in mental health nursing. An integrative review on empirical studies was conducted based on Cooper’s five‐stage integrative review framework to investigate the different pedagogies and to highlight the elements of an effective curriculum for teaching mental health nursing. All quantitative, qualitative, and mixed‐method studies published between 2009 and 2019 that examined pedagogies in mental health nursing for nursing undergraduates were included in this review. Databases of interest included PubMed, Cochrane, PsycINFO, Embase, Scopus, Web of Science, and ProQuest Dissertations and Theses. To ensure methodological rigour and validity, the 23 included studies were independently evaluated by two authors through critical appraisal tools developed by Joanna Briggs Institute for quantitative and qualitative studies. Results from this review were categorized into three themes: (i) the deployment of simulation; (ii) pedagogies in enhancing critical thinking; and (iii) importance of consumer‐oriented educational experiences. These results suggested that students would benefit substantially from in‐depth discussions, critical reflections, and real‐life experiences. Mental health nursing curricula should incorporate simulations, pedagogies for critical thinking, and consumers’ lived experience to supplement the clinical rotations.  相似文献   

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