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OBJECTIVE: Neurologic complications remain a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in cardiac surgery. Risk factors for neurologic injuries include the presence of atheromatous disease in the aorta. Epiaortic ultrasound has been shown to be superior in detecting the extent and location of atheromatous disease. The SonoSite Corporation (Bothell, WA) has recently introduced an affordable, portable, high-resolution ultrasound device. This new device was compared with the Hewlett-Packard Sonos 5550 ultrasound device (currently manufactured by Philips, Andover, MA) to determine suitability for this purpose. DESIGN: Prospective, serial comparison of 2 devices. SETTING: University hospital. PARTICIPANTS: Fifty consecutive cardiac surgery patients. INTERVENTIONS: Intraoperative epiaortic ultrasound images were obtained using a SonoSite 180 Plus ultrasound device and a Hewlett-Packard Sonos 5500 ultrasound device. Three observers graded recorded images based on extent of atheromatous disease. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Two patients were excluded because of errors in recording images. For the 48 remaining patients, consensus (median) grades had an observed agreement of 93.6% compared with a chance agreement of 67.7%. This correlates to a kappa value of 0.80 or near-excellent agreement. CONCLUSIONS: The near-excellent agreement of the 2 devices is acceptable, thus providing a unique opportunity to expand the use of epiaortic ultrasound imaging.  相似文献   

二十世纪80年代起,术中超声以其高分辨率、高频率、实时传感器、多重频率传感器以及灵活可变的探头应用于各学科手术中。术中超声能确定术中病变部位及其与周围组织的关系,与术后病理符合率更高,逐渐成为了外科手术辅助应用设备。本文针对该项术技术的实用性及有效性在妇科腹腔镜手术中的应用予以综述。  相似文献   

术中超声在肝脏外科中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当今,术中超声已成为肝脏外科手术中必不可少的工具。在检测潜藏的病变方面,术中超声在敏感性和特异性方面具有术前影像学检查无法比拟的优势,同时,术中超声亦可对多种手术操作予以实时指导和辅助。本文通过对文献的回顾,对术中超声的发生发展,在肝肿瘤、肝移植及肝脏外科其它领域的应用和对肝脏外科的影响做一综述。术中超声具有快速、安全、精确及功用多的特点,其对建立正确的术中决策和改进手术方式具有很大的应用价值。  相似文献   

To determine whether changes in transcranial near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) values reflect changes in cardiac index (CI) in adult cardiac surgical patients. Single-center prospective post hoc analysis. University hospital. One hundred and twenty-four adult patients undergoing cardiac surgery. In each patient, several CI measurements were taken, and NIRS values were collected simultaneously. We used a hierarchical linear regression model to assess the association between NIRS values and CI. We calculated a crude model with NIRS as the only factor included, and an adjusted model, where mean arterial pressure, end-tidal CO2, and oxygen saturation were used as confounding factors. A total of 1301 pairs of NIRS and CI values were collected. The analysis of separate NIRS and CI pairs revealed a poor association, which was not statistically significant when adjusted with the chosen confounders. However, when the changes in NIRS from baseline or from the previous measurement were compared to those of CI, a clinically and statistically significant association between NIRS and CI was observed also in the adjusted model. Compared to the baseline and to the previous measurement, respectively, the regression coefficients with 95% confidence intervals were 0.048 (0.041–0.056) and 0.064 (0.055–0.073) in off-pump coronary artery bypass patients and 0.022 (0.016–0.029) and 0.026 (0.020–0.033) in patients who underwent cardiopulmonary bypass. In an unselected cardiac surgical population, the changes in NIRS values reflect those in CI, especially in off-pump coronary artery bypass patients. In this single-center post hoc analysis of data from a prospectively collected database of cardiac surgery patients, paired measurements of cardiac output and NIRS revealed that while there was a no correlation between individual paired measurements, a small correlation was found in changes in the two measurements from baseline values. This highlights a potential to utilize changes in NIRS from baseline to suggest changes in cardiac output in cardiac surgical populations.  相似文献   

心脏外科手术中体外循环后心功能障碍的病人常需要正性肌力药物的支持.传统的正性肌力药由于存在增加心肌氧耗和致心律失常的危险,临床应用受到一定限制.左西孟旦,一种新型强心剂-钙增敏剂,其强心作用机制是增加心肌收缩蛋白对钙离子的敏感性,并通过激活KATP发挥扩血管和抗缺血效应.现有的临床资料表明左西孟旦在治疗术中高危或合并左心功能不全的心脏手术病人以及帮助病人顺利脱离体外循环方面具有很好的应用前景.  相似文献   

Objective. Aortic atherosclerosis may cause cerebrovascular accidents in cardiac surgery. Aortic plaque distribution was analyzed in relation to surgical manipulation. Design. In 24 autopsy subjects the thoracic aorta was digitally analyzed by macro-anatomic mapping of plaques. Plaque density was compared in different anatomical segments. Hazards associated with surgical manipulation were blindly studied by superimposing cannulation and cross-clamp locations onto the maps. Results. Plaques were frequent. The anterior wall of the ascending/arch aorta had higher plaque density than its posterior side (p = 0.039). However, an anterior plaque predicted to 83% a concomitant plaque in the posterior wall. Plaque formation correlated with age (p = 0.004). The theoretical risk of interfering with a plaque during cannulation and/or clamp positioning was 46%. Conclusions. Plaque formation is a frequent and age-dependent problem. In the surgery-exposed aorta, the anterior wall had higher plaque density than the posterior side, although the two sides showed strong plaque coexistence. Furthermore, there was an unexpectedly high risk of plaque interference during cannulation and/or clamp maneuvers if blindly performed. The present results emphasize the importance of epiaortic scanning.  相似文献   

To assess the learning curve associated with Port-Access minimally invasive cardiac surgery. Retrospective. Single university hospital. Initial 10 patients undergoing Port-Access minimally invasive cardiac surgery. Minimally invasive cardiac surgery.

All 10 patients experienced an uneventful intraoperative and immediate postoperative course. Only one patient experienced postoperative cardiovascular morbidity, which was an episode of new onset atrial fibrillation after mitral valve surgery that was successfully treated with pharmacologic therapy. Extubation times and postoperative discharge times were less than historic controls receiving the same anesthetic technique at the same institution. This institution's initial experience with 10 patients undergoing Port-Access minimally invasive cardiac surgery suggests an acceptable learning curve and decreased extubation and postoperative discharge times, which should translate into reduced health care costs.  相似文献   

Minimally invasive cardiac surgery by the port-access method   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Recently, minimally invasive surgery has come to be an important theory in cardiac surgery, the goal of which is shortening of hospital stay, earlier recovery of employment, and cosmetics. In this paper, we will describe our experience with port-access cardiac surgery conducted under the support of our new technology. This study assesses the quality of cardiac surgery performed by the port-access method. The author developed a direct endoaortic clamp balloon (Yozu balloon). This balloon is a triple-lumen balloon catheter of 3.6 mm in outer diameter and 40 cm in full length. The balloon is inserted directly into the ascending aorta. Injection of cardioplegic solution and aortic vent can be conducted. Also, we introduce a modified Cosgrove flex clamp to apply in small-incision surgery, aiming at a less invasive procedure. The modified point is that the original, united Cosgrove flex clamp can be divided into the handle part equipped with a ratchet, and the bellows part equipped with a clamp jaw. By this modification, it became possible to apply the Cosgrove flex clamp transthoracically; that is, it became possible to conduct aortic clamping safely and securely through this small port of 8 mm in diameter. Port-access cardiac surgery is one of the developing and promising methods of cardiac operation. In view of future technological progress, we can expect the gradual but wide popularization of this method.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Previous studies have demonstrated that there is a lack of agreement between intermittent cold bolus thermodilution (ICO) and a semicontinuous method with dilution of heat (CCO) in cardiac surgical patients following hypothermic extracorporeal circulation (HCPB). Therefore, the aim of the present study was to compare both ICO and CCO with continuous pulse contour analysis (PCCO): a method based on a fundamentally different principle of determining cardiac output (CO). METHODS: A prospective criterion standard study of 25 cardiac surgery patients undergoing HCPB. Cardiac output was determined using the three methods (ICO, CCO, and PCCO) before and after HCPB up to 12 h after arrival on the ICU. Bias and precision were evaluated. RESULTS: A total of 380 triple determinations of CO could be analyzed. During the entire study period bias PCCO-ICO was -0.14 l*/min (precision 1.16 l*/min) and bias CCO-ICO was -0.40 l*/min (precision 1.25 l*/min). Up to 45 min after bypass PCCO agreed with ICO (bias -0.21 l*/min, precision 1.37 l*/min), while bias CCO-ICO was -1.30 l*/min (precision 1.45 l*/min). CONCLUSION: The agreement between PCCO and ICO in contrast to CCO in the first 45 min after HCPB indicates that CCO underestimates CO during this period.  相似文献   

Baum VC 《Paediatric anaesthesia》2006,16(12):1213-1225
Many of the early, classic pediatric cardiac surgical operations were named after their originators. Some of these continue to be performed in the original form, many in modified form and some are obsolete. The development of many of these important early operations is reviewed and they are placed in the context of their times.  相似文献   

Patients with uncontrolled hemorrhage require massive transfusion therapy and consume a large fraction of blood bank resources. Institutional guidelines have been established for treatment, but early identification and prevention in susceptible patients remains challenging. Uncontrolled hemorrhage was defined as meeting institutional guidelines for recombinant FVIIa administration. Patients who received rFVIIa were compared with patients who did not require the therapy but who were operated on during the same time period. After institutional review board approval, demographic, operative, and transfusion data were analyzed from a prospective database. Patients receiving rFVIIa were more likely to undergo multiple procedures (2.6 +/- 0.8 vs. 1.8 +/- 0.8; p < .001); aortic surgery (59% vs. 11%; p < .005); have a higher Cleveland Clinic Clinical Severity score (7.8 +/- 2.7 vs. 5.5 +/- 4.0; p < .005); require longer bypass (265 +/- 92 min vs. 159 +/- 63 min; p < .001), cross-clamp (182 +/- 68 min vs. 112 +/- 56 min; p < .001), and circulatory arrest (15 +/- 24 min vs. 2 +/- 7 min; p < .05) times; and require more autotransfusion (2580 +/- 1847 mL vs. 690 +/- 380 mL; p < .05). Uncontrolled hemorrhage is associated with more complex surgery requiring longer bypass times and more autotransfusion.  相似文献   

大脑功能障碍是指智力下降等不同程度脑功能改变。随着心脏外科的发展,有关中枢神经系统并发症日益受到重视。 1 危险因素 术前已有中风、主动脉近端硬化、贫血与老龄化、高血压和糖尿病等均可使体外循环后中风风险增加。术中发生中风的主要风险因子是体外循环时间和反复地钳夹主动脉。其他如围术期心律失常、低心排综合征等情况也会使体外循环后认知功能障碍增加。  相似文献   

Real time 3-D echocardiography in cardiac surgery   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Objective: Real time 3-D echocardiography provides real time live images of intracardiac anatomy. We evaluate its clinical application for intraoperative echocardiography. Method: The “xStream“3-D architecture designed with “xMatrix array“ using approximately 3,000 transducer elements achieves live digital volume imaging in real time 3-D echocardiography (SONOS 7500, Philips Medical Systems, Inc.). Intraoperative echocardiography was performed in mitral (n=14) and aortic valve diseases (n= 6), 4 heart anomaly, 4 aortic diseases and 15 normal anatomies. Results: Heart valves were depicted via enface view. Simultaneous movement of leaflets and subvalvular apparatus can be observed. Prolapsed leaflets are easily detected and regurgitated jets are detected as 3-D color images. The four cardiac chambers were observed in their real shape and size. Septum defects were also depicted in real shape, size and position. Precise intracardiac anatomy was observed in cardiac anomalies. Information on the endothelium, intimal flap, entry, reentry and aortic wall character was provided and allowed for planning in aortic surgery. Conclusion: Live 3-D echocardiography provides excellent depiction of any cardiac and aortic anatomy in any direction and greatly enhances efficiencies in planning appropriate surgical procedures. Read at the Fifty-sixth Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association for Thoracic Surgery, Symposium, Tokyo, November 19–21, 2003.  相似文献   

Patients presenting for cardiac surgery pose several challenges for the anaesthetist. Not only are they preparing for major surgery to improve impaired cardiovascular function, but many also suffer from significant co-morbid disease. Thorough preoperative assessment and investigation is imperative. This allows identification of those patients at high risk of perioperative complications, and promotes development of individualized care plans to minimize these risks. The assessment should combine a focused anaesthetic history and examination with the analysis of all cardiovascular investigations, ranging from simple blood tests to complex investigations of cardiac anatomy and function. Scoring systems are often employed as a means of risk stratification and can be used not only to aid in perioperative planning and informed consent, but also as an audit tool.  相似文献   

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