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Wang KL Yang Q Cleary KR Swisher SG Correa AM Komaki R Ajani JA Rashid A Hamilton SR Wu TT 《Cancer》2006,107(7):1467-1474
BACKGROUND: Esophageal and esophagogastric junction (EGJ) adenocarcinomas frequently have neuroendocrine (NE) differentiation, but the significance of NE differentiation in patients who have undergone preoperative chemoradiation and resection remains unclear. METHODS: The authors evaluated the presence of NE differentiation in esophageal and EGJ adenocarcinomas by immunohistochemistry for chromogranin A and synaptophysin and evaluated the clinical significance of NE differentiation in 83 patients (10 patients who had a complete tumor response and 73 patients who had residual tumor in resection specimens) who received preoperative chemoradiation. RESULTS: Of 73 patients who had residual tumor after preoperative treatment, 52% showed NE differentiation. The proportion of tumor cells with NE differentiation had increased from 6% +/- 18% in pretreatment biopsy specimens to 47% +/- 42% (P = .00003) in posttreatment resection specimens in 30 patients who had paired pretreatment biopsy and resection specimens available. Disease-free survival (P = .002) and overall survival (P = .006) were significantly better in patients who had a complete tumor response than in patients who had residual tumor. Among patients who had residual tumor after preoperative chemoradiation, disease-free survival (P = .03) and overall survival (P = .045) were significantly better in patients who had residual tumor without NE differentiation than in patients who had residual tumor with NE differentiation. In multivariate analysis, the presence of NE differentiation in residual tumor was a prognostic factor for worse disease-free survival (P = .02) independent of pathologic stage and extent of residual tumor. CONCLUSIONS: The results from this study suggested that tumor cells with NE differentiation were more resistant to neoadjuvant chemoradiation in patients with esophageal and EGJ adenocarcinomas. The presence of NE differentiation in residual tumor was associated with poor survival after preoperative neoadjuvant therapy. 相似文献
The incidence of adenocarcinoma of the esophagogastric junction has increased rapidly in the later half of the twentieth century in the United States and most western countries. Although squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus used to predominate, adenocarcinoma of the distal esophagus and esophagogastric junction now accounts for more than half of new diagnoses in western countries. There also has been a shift from the development of distal gastric cancers to ones in a more proximal location. These recent epidemiologic shifts have led to controversy regarding the etiology and treatment of adenocarcinoma of the esophagogastric junction. Uncertainty still exists with regards to nomenclature and classification, risk factors, treatment, and screening and surveillance of esophagogastric adenocarcinoma. This article examines the epidemiology and etiologies of adenocarcinoma of the esophagogastric junction. 相似文献
There are a variety of surgical treatments of advanced esophagogastric junction cancer, type Ⅰ、Ⅱ mainly by transthoracic approach, part of the type Ⅱ by transabdominal approach, type Ⅲ mainly by left thoracoabdominal approach (LTA) or transabdominal. Intraoperative lymph node dissection is one of the most important factors which affect the postoperative survival rate. The cardia right lymph node (NO.1), the cardia left lymph node (NO.2), gastric lesser curvature (NO.3) and left gastric artery side (NO.7) should do regular cleaning. 相似文献
Min Feng Wenxian Guan 《中国癌症研究》2014,26(3):224-225
Adenocarcinoma of the esophagogastric junction (AEG) was proposed as a distinct disease for its rapidly increasing incidence. However, most studies of AEG were based primarily on the results of western patients and the studies on Chinese patients were deficient. Recently, some retrospective studies on AEG patients from our hospital show distinct clinical and pathological features compared with American patients (1-3). In this editorial, we will focus on the unique phenotypes of Chinese AEG patients based on our studies and other reports. 相似文献
食管胃交界腺癌(AEG)指发生于食管远端和胃贲门区域的腺癌,其发生率明显上升。由于两种腺癌发生部位接近、生物学行为相似、预后均较差,多数学者认为AEG是一独特的临床病理类型。目前对AEG分型采用最广泛的是Siewert分型方法;在分期方面尚无单独的分期研究,一般根据病灶主体所在部位,按现行TNM分期系统,Ⅰ型和Ⅱ、Ⅲ型分别按食管癌和胃癌分期。手术切除是AEG最主要的治疗手段,在保证手术安全的前提下应力争达到R0切除,切缘应距肿瘤边缘5cm。常规手术径路有经胸、经腹、胸腹联合3种,一般Ⅰ型者多采用经胸途径,Ⅱ、Ⅲ型者多采用经腹途径。对于T2期以上者应按D2标准进行淋巴结清扫,扩大切除(联合脾或胰腺体尾切除)仅限于特定的较晚期病例。早期病例(T1b)可行D1手术。有关AEG综合治疗的研究很少,对病期较晚(T2分期以上)者可以选择ECF为主的新辅助化疗或辅助化疗、化放疗。 相似文献
Jia-Bin Wang Man-Qiang Lin Ping Li Jian-Wei Xie Jian-Xian Lin Jun Lu Qi-Yue Chen Long-Long Cao Mi Lin Chao-Hui Zheng Chang-Ming Huang 《European journal of surgical oncology》2017,43(12):2333-2340
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the prognosis of patients with Siewert type II/III adenocarcinoma of the esophagogastric junction (AEG) with parapyloric lymph node (No. 5 and 6 lymph nodes, PLN) metastasis and to determine the need for PLN dissection for patients with type II/III AEG.Methods
A total of 1008 patients with type II/III AEG who underwent a transabdominal total gastrectomy were enrolled. The long-term surgical outcome of PLN-positive patients and the therapeutic value of PLN dissection were analyzed.Results
There was no significant difference in the incidence of PLN metastasis between type II and III cancers (5.7% vs. 8.5%, P > 0.05). PLN metastasis was a significant prognostic factor for type II/III cancers (HR 1.63; P = 0.001). Among type II/III cancers, the 5-year survival of patients with PLN-positive cancers was much lower than that of patients with PLN-negative cancers (21.3% vs. 60.8%, P < 0.001). Even after radical resection, the 5-year survival of patients with stage I–III PLN-positive cancers was similar to that of patients with stage IV cancers without PLN metastasis (23.5% vs. 23.1%, P > 0.05). In the analysis of the therapeutic value of lymph node dissection in each station for type II and III cancers after radical resection, lymph nodes with the lowest therapeutic value index after No. 12a were No. 5 and 6 lymph nodes.Conclusions
Patients with type II/III AEG with PLN metastasis have a poor prognosis, similar to patients with stage IV disease. PLN dissection offers marginal therapeutic value for patients with type II/III AEG. 相似文献8.
目的 探讨胃型胃食管结合部腺癌淋巴清扫范围与淋巴结转移区域分布规律。
方法 分析2004年1月至2015年12月,山西省人民医院普外科收治的胃食管结合部癌患者肿瘤数据库,基于Nishi分型选取其中胃型胃食管结合部腺癌肿瘤,直径≤40 mm并R0切除患者相关肿瘤学数据勾勒胃型胃食管结合部腺癌淋巴高频转移站别区域图。
结果 纳入306例胃型胃食管结合部腺癌患者,结果显示:pT4期肿瘤占87%、pN阳性占778%、pTNM分期Ⅲ期占745%;肿瘤直径(2544±1803)mm;腹腔淋巴结转移高频区域依次是贲门左右侧(第1、2组)、小弯侧胃左血管周围(第3组)、胰腺上缘腹腔干(第9组)及其主干分支胃左动脉(第7组)、肝总动脉(第8a组)、脾动脉近端(第11p组)、肝动脉(第12a组)周围以及食管裂孔周围(第19、20组);胃远端区域转移较为罕见。
结论 瘤体直径≤40 mm胃型胃食管结合部腺癌淋巴清扫区域应集中在贲门左右侧、小弯侧、胰腺上缘腹腔干及其主干分支以及食管裂孔周围,胃远端及大弯侧区域淋巴清扫外科获益价值存疑。 相似文献
Cecilie Okholm Kaare Terp Fjederholt Frank Viborg Mortensen Lars Bo Svendsen Michael Patrick Achiam 《Surgical oncology》2018,27(1):36-43
The aim of this study was to refine the optimal lymph node dissection in Western patients with adenocarcinoma of the esophagogastric junction (AEG).Background
Lymphadenectomy is essential in addition to surgery for AEG. Asian studies continually present superior survival rates using a more extended lymphadenectomy compared with results reproduced in the West. Thus, the optimal extend of the lymphadenectomy remains unclear in Western patients.Methods
A retrospective cohort was conducted of patients with AEG from January 1st, 2003 to December 31st, 2011. All patients undergoing curatively intended surgery was included. Two types of resections were constructed; Res1 included patients where only the loco regional lymph nodes were removed (station 1–4, 7 and 9) and Res2 included the additional removal of the more distant stations 8 and/or 11.Results
We identified 510 patients with AEG. The highest frequency of lymph node metastases was seen in the loco regional stations 1–3, 7 and 9, ranging from 34% to 41.4%. There was no difference in overall survival between the two groups; the median survival rate for Res1 was 30.4 months compared to 24.1 months for Res2 (p = 0.157). Furthermore, the extend of lymph node dissection seemed to have no effect on survival (HR = 1.061, 95%CI 0.84–1.33).Conclusion
No significant difference in survival between the extended and the less extended lymphadenectomy was found. The presence of metastases in distant lymph nodes indicates poor survival and may represent disseminated disease. We do not find evidence that supports an extended lymph node dissection in Western patients. 相似文献10.
食管胃结合部腺癌单纯手术治疗效果并不理想,预后较差,目前尚缺乏专门针对食管胃结合部腺癌的标准治疗方案.新辅助治疗包括新辅助放疗、化疗及新辅助放化疗,它们在食管胃结合部腺癌治疗中的应用及疗效仍存在争议. 相似文献
The nuclear DNA content of 98 operable breast cancers was determined by flow cytometric analysis using paraffin-embedded tissue. All patients were on follow-up and failure of treatment or recurrences were identified. DNA ploidy data in the form of ploidy status and DNA index (DI) has been correlated with various clinical and histopathologic factors. The only significant correlation using univariate analysis exists between the histologic grade and DI (P less than 0.025), recurrence of the disease and ploidy status (P less than 0.005), and recurrence of the disease and DI (P less than 0.005). The absence of correlation of ploidy status with other tumor derived factors indicates the independent nature of ploidy as a prognostic factor. Multivariate analysis showed that in the whole-group ploidy (P less than 0.01), tumor margin (P less than 0.01), and menopausal status (P less than 0.01) were significant factors in the order mentioned. DI with a cut of at 1.29 is not found to be a significant factor in the multivariate analysis. The maximum prognostic value of ploidy status was observed in the postmenopausal group (P less than 0.0005). In the node-negative group ploidy status (P less than 0.05) is the only independent significant factor predicting for early relapse. It is concluded that ploidy status is an independent prognostic factor predicting for recurrence of the disease. In the node-negative subgroup this could be used to identify the subset of patients who may benefit from adjuvant treatment. 相似文献
Xin-Zu Chen Wei-Han Zhang Jian-Kun Hu 《中国癌症研究》2014,26(3):237-242
Based on Siewert classification, adenocarcinomas of the esophagogastric junction (AEGs) have different behaviors of perigastric-mediastinal nodal metastasis. Siewert type I AEGs have higher incidence of mediastinal nodal metastasis than those of type H or III, especially at middle-upper mediastinum. With regard to the necessity of mediastinal lymphadenectomy, theoretically, transthoracic esophagogastrectomy with complete mediastinal lymphadenectomy is suggested for Siewert type I AEGs, while transhiatal total gastrectomy with lower mediastinal and D2 perigastric lymphadenectomy is a standard surgery for type II-III AEGs. Nevertheless, the mediastinal nodal metastasis is an independent factor of poor prognosis for any type of AEG. 相似文献
食管胃结合部腺癌作为一类独立的疾病在解剖、发病率等方面与胃其他部位的肿瘤存在明显差异,对其定义、分型、淋巴结转移等方而的研究已基本达成共识,但对于外科治疗的手术路径、切除范围、淋巴结清扫等问题长期以来各学派意见不一.本文就近年来食管胃结合部腺癌外科治疗研究相关的国内外文献复习并加以综述,为临床诊治提供更加合理、有效的方法. 相似文献
Mueller JD Stein HJ Oyang T Natsugoe S Feith M Werner M Rüdiger Siewert J 《Cancer》2000,89(9):1874-1882
BACKGROUND: Tumor involvement of regional lymph nodes has a crucial impact on the prognosis of patients with adenocarcinoma of the esophagogastric junction (AEG). Although additional tumor cell deposits can be detected by sensitive methods (e.g., immunohistochemistry and polymerase chain reaction), their prognostic significance is uncertain. METHODS: Using immunohistochemistry for cytokeratins (AE1/AE3 antibody), the authors studied 3987 regional lymph nodes from 145 patients with completely resected adenocarcinoma of the esophagus (AEG I; n = 46 patients), cardia (AEG II; n = 79 patients), and subcardial region (AEG III; n = 20 patients). The newly detected cells were categorized with tumor cell microinvolvement (TCM) or with micrometastases (MM) based on tumor size and histology. RESULTS: Of the 75 pathologic lymph node negative (pN0) patients, 3 of 30 patients in the AEG I group (10%) and 8 of 45 patients in the AEG II and III groups (18%) had TCM (no significant difference). MM was found in 2 of 30 tumors in the AEG I group (7%) and in 11 of 45 tumors in the AEG II and III groups (24%), a significantly lower rate that that in the AEG I group (P < 0.05). Neither TCM nor MM showed a significant prognostic impact in AEG I tumors (P > 0.05). For the AEG II and III tumors, MM (new lymph node positive [pN+] cases) had a prognostic impact similar to metastases found by routine methods, with reclassification based on MM resulting in improvement in the pN0 group from 72.8 months to 82.6 months, but almost no change was seen in the pN+ group (49.9-49.2 months). TCM had no adverse impact on survival in any tumor type. CONCLUSIONS: These results highlight important differences between AEG I tumors and AEG II and III tumors and argue for different lymphadenectomy strategies for patients with these tumor types. 相似文献
Jianqiao Cao Ting Yang Guanhua Wang Hongfei Zhang Yanjie You Jing Chen Jingwen Yang Wenjun Yang 《Surgical oncology》2018,27(3):556-562
To explore the clinicopathological features and prognostic factors of 734 cases of Chinese Hui and Han patients with adenocarcinoma of the esophagogastric junction (AEG).Methods
In total, 734 patients were confirmed to have AEG by gastroscopy and pathology at the General Hospital of Ningxia Medical University between January 2002 and December 2012. Univariate and multivariate analyses of demographic, clinicopathological, and prognostic data were performed.Results
In total, 734 AEG patients underwent surgical intervention, including 169 Hui patients and 565 Han patients. The male to female ratio was 9.5:1 in Hui patients and 6.4:1 in Han patients, and the average age in both groups was approximately 61 years. The Han patients were more likely to have a cigarette smoking history and an alcohol consumption history than the Hui patients (58.8% vs. 29.4%, p?=?0.000; 45.8% vs. 14.6%, p?=?0.000). The 5-year survival rate in the Hui and Han patients was 54.3% and 39.9%, respectively (p?=?0.024). Age (p?=?0.005), sex (p?=?0.015), pathologic T stage (p?=?0.056), pathologic N stage (p?=?0.000), pathologic M stage (p?=?0.001), number of resected lymph nodes (p?=?0.001) and adjuvant chemoradiotherapy (p?=?0.002) were significant independent prognostic factors.Conclusion
The AEG patients were primarily male and elderly in both Hui and Han groups with the prognosis of Hui patients better than Han patients. Age, sex, pathologic T3-4 stage, pathologic N stage, pathologic M stage, number of resected lymph nodes, and adjuvant chemoradiotherapy were significant independent factors predictive of the prognosis of AEG in both groups. 相似文献16.
目的 分析hMLH1和hMSH2在食管胃交界腺癌和远端胃癌中的表达情况,探讨其在不同部位胃癌发生发展中的可能意义.方法 采用免疫组织化学染色法,对比检测52例食管胃交界腺癌和17例远端胃癌hMLH1和hMSH2在蛋白水平上的表达情况,分析表达差异及其临床病理意义.结果 食管胃交界腺癌组织中,hMLH1和hMSH2蛋白表达率分别为55.8%(29/52)和63.5%(33/52),远端胃癌中hMLH1和hMSH2蛋白的表达率分别为41.2%(7/17)和70.6%(12/17),两者的阳性表达率差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).食管胃交界腺癌和远端胃癌hMLH1和hMSH2的表达与肿瘤的分化程度以及淋巴结转移均无明显相关性(P>0.05).结论 hMLH1和hMSH2并不是食管胃交界腺癌和远端胃癌发生机制差异性的关键分子. 相似文献
The prognostic significance of pathology of osteogenic sarcoma 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Value of splenectomy in patients with Siewert type II adenocarcinoma of the esophagogastric junction
Hironobu Goto Masanori Tokunaga Norihiko Sugisawa Yutaka Tanizawa Etsuro Bando Taiichi Kawamura Masahiro Niihara Yasuhiro Tsubosa Masanori Terashima 《Gastric cancer》2013,16(4):590-595
The incidence of adenocarcinoma of the esophagogastric junction (AEG) has been increasing recently in both Western and Eastern countries. However, an optimal treatment strategy for Siewert type II AEG is still unclear. The aim of this study was to clarify the value of splenectomy in patients with Siewert type II AEG.Methods
From September 2002 to November 2011, 42 patients underwent total gastrectomy with D2 lymph node dissection for Siewert type II AEG and were included in this study. We used the index of estimated benefit from lymph node dissection (IEBLD) to assess the efficacy of lymph node dissection of each station. Surgical complications were graded by the Clavien–Dindo classification.Results
The overall 5-year survival rate of the 42 patients was 57.5 %. The incidence of splenic hilar lymph node metastasis was 4.8 % and the 5-year survival rate of patients with splenic hilar lymph node involvement was zero. Consequently, the IEBLD of splenic hilar lymph nodes was zero. Postoperative morbidities occurred in 25 patients (59.5 %). Pancreas-related complications were the most frequently observed (28.5 %), followed by intraabdominal abscess (14.3 %) and anastomotic leakage (9.5 %).Conclusions
Splenic hilar lymph node dissection may be omitted without decreasing curability in patients with Siewert type II AEG, although a prospective study is necessary for more conclusive results. 相似文献19.
Ebisui C Okada K Nishigaki T Owada Y Nagase H Mukai R Momozane T Murakami M Ide Y Yanagisawa T Murata K Yokouchi H Tamai M Kinuta M 《Gan to kagaku ryoho. Cancer & chemotherapy》2011,38(12):2143-2145
The patient was an 80-year-old female with chief complaint of anemia. She was diagnosed as a type 3 gastric cancer (por/tub2) of the esophagogastric junction by gastrointestinal endoscopy in November 2010. CT scan revealed no distant metastasis and we diagnosed as c-stage II B (T4aN0M0). However, severe COPD was detected by the respiratory function test. Considering her age and respiratory function, we decided that total gastrectomy under general anesthesia was difficult. She was treated with radiation( 50.4 Gy/28 Fr) and the combination chemotherapy of S-1( 80 mg/m2, day 1-21) plus low-dose CDDP (6 mg/m2, day 1-5, 8-12, 15-19) during her hospitalization, and treated with S-1 mono-therapy as an outpatient. The tumor was reduced and the hemorrhage was not seen though the response was SD. Moreover, she did not experience any adverse event of grade 3 or more. The chemoradiation therapy appears to be effective for patients of adenocarcinoma of the esophagogastric junction. 相似文献
目的 观察免疫肠内营养对Siewert Ⅱ/Ⅲ型食管胃结合部腺癌患者接受不同重建方式后恢复、免疫功能、营养状况、 生存质量的影响。方法 将42 例 Siewert Ⅱ / Ⅲ型食管胃结合部腺癌患者随机分为 PG+ 空肠间置组和 TG 组,手术后均采取 免疫肠内营养治疗。检测术前1 天、术后5 天相关的营养和免疫血清指标,比较和分析术后恢复情况、生存质量和免 疫功能、营养状况。结果 PG+ 空肠间置组和 TG 组手术后肠道通气时间、术后 5 天体重变化、腹腔感染、吻合口瘘等并发 症的发生无显著差异。术后5 天检测PG+ 空肠间置组血清总蛋白、清蛋白、前清蛋白、IgG、IgA 水平以及CD3+、CD4+、 CD4+/CD8+ 与 TG 组比较,无显著差异(P > 0.05)。术后12 个月PG+ 空肠间置组术后体重变化、血红蛋白较TG 组明 显改善(P < 0.05)。PG+ 空肠间置组和 TG 组反流症状发生率均较低(P > 0.05)。结论 早期使用免疫肠内营养,对比 Siewert Ⅱ / Ⅲ型食管胃结合部腺癌患者行PG+ 空肠间置术后和TG 术后的营养状况和免疫功能,证明PG+ 空肠间置组显优势。 相似文献