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In inflammation, rolling of leukocytes along the microvascular endothelium is a precondition for subsequent integrin-mediated firm adhesion and extravasation. Rolling characteristics of polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNL) and mononuclear leukocytes (MNL) in small venules (15–25 μm) of the rat mesentery were studied by intravital fluorescence microscopy under basal conditions and after intravenous treatment with an anti-rat neutrophil serum (ANS). The baseline rolling fraction of the venular total leukocyte flux was 36 ± 15% (mean ± SD). The PMNL fraction of the systemic leukocyte count was 27 ± 9%. Treatment with ANS resulted in total depletion of circulating PMNL and reduced the leukocyte rolling fraction to 12 ± 5%, in this situation represented only by MNL. In rats treated intraperitoneally with interleukin (IL)-1β for 4 h, the leukocyte rolling fraction was 53 ± 13% and was reduced to 33 ± 11% after ANS treatment. These data indicated that most, if not all, circulating PMNL rolled along the venular endothelial lining in the rat mesentery prepared for intravital microscopy, whereas MNL rolling was minor (~ 10%) under the same basal condition. In cytokine-activated tissue, on the other hand, the number of rolling MNL was greatly increased. While PMNL rolling is known to be entirely selectin dependent, the increased MNL rolling after IL-1 stimulation was likely mediated by α4 integrins, inasmuch as the rolling fraction of isolated peripheral blood lymphocytes injected into the microcirculation of the cytokine-stimulated mesentery was reduced from 31 ± 14% to 6 ± 2% by pre-treatment of the cells with a monoclonal antibody against the rat integrin α4 chain. In accordance with the in vivo rolling characteristics of the two cell populations, binding of soluble P- or E-selectin (selectin/IgG chimeras) was less intense for blood lymphocytes than for granulocytes, as determined by flow cytometric analyses of rat and human leukocytes. Taken together, our findings in vivo indicate that the adhesive interactions responsible for rolling of PMNL and MNL, respectively, are distinct in terms of receptor occupancy, and may help explain the temporal selectivity in recruitment of different leukocyte subpopulations in inflammatory or immune reactions.  相似文献   

血管内皮细胞(endothelial cells,ECs)与平滑肌细胞(smooth muscle cells,SMCs)是血管壁的主要细胞,它们之间的相互作用在维持血管正常的生理功能以及心血管疾病的发生发展过程中至关重要。为真实模拟ECs与SMCs体内条件下的位置关系与生长状态,人们建立了多种共培养系统。介绍当前几种常用的能够加载流动剪切力的共培养系统,并分别比较其优势与不足;简要总结剪切力条件下ECs与SMCs相互作用对ECs与SMCs表型与分布、SMCs生长与迁移、ECs表面相关黏附分子表达的影响。研究表明,一氧化氮(NO)、细胞因子、microRNA等可以作为信号分子介导ECs与SMCs之间的相互作用。  相似文献   

The surface topography and local elastic moduli of endothelial cells exposed to shear stress were measured using atomic force microscopy. Bovine aortic endothelial cells were exposed to shear stress of 2Pa for 6, 12 or 24h. In addition, a confocal laser-scanning microscope used in conjunction with the atomic force microscope was used to observe the actin filament structure of these endothelial cells to elucidate the relationship between mechanical properties and cytoskeletal structure. The elastic modulus, calculated using the Hertz model, was measured at 50x50 points at 1mum intervals within 40min. For endothelial cells sheared for 6h and 12h, the elastic modulus at the upstream region was found to be higher than that at the downstream region. For endothelial cells sheared for 24h, the elastic modulus at both the upstream and downstream regions increased. Fluorescent images showed thick, elongated actin filaments oriented in the direction of flow at the ventral surface of the cells. In the middle plane of the cells, actin filaments developed around the nucleus, while in the upper plane, short, thick actin filaments were observed but thick stress fibers were not present. The high elastic modulus came from the stress fibers. These results indicate that the higher elastic modulus observed in the upstream and downstream regions of sheared endothelial cells is mainly due to the development of stress fibers at the ventral surface and middle plane of the cell.  相似文献   

Cultured endothelial cells exposed to shear stresses in vitro undergo a reorganization of their F-actin-containing cytoskeletons which culminates in realignment with flow direction. Since a close transmembrane association exists between actin microfilaments and extracellular fibronectin, this study was undertaken to examine whether the actin reorganization induced by shear stress is accompanied by perturbations in the underlying fibronectin matrix. In a closed circulatory loop, bovine endothelial monolayers were exposed to steady, laminar flows corresponding to shear stress levels of 6 and 26 dynes/cm2 for 2, 6, 12, and 24 hours. The co-distribution of fibronectin and F-actin was determined in specimens which were double-labeled with antiserum to fibronectin and rhodamine phalloidin, respectively. Under the influence of shear stress, cells underwent coordinate shape changes resulting in varying degrees of alignment with flow direction. Reorientation at these shear stress levels was dependent on both the time of exposure and the magnitude of shear stress and was accompanied by a reorganization in cellular fibronectin and F-actin. In controls (no flow) correspondence between the two proteins was limited to similarly arranged, radial foci of fibronectin and F-actin filaments at the basal cell surfaces. In flow specimens, coincidence was detected only between occasional fibronectin fibrils and F-actin stress fibers. As a consequence of shear stress, fibronectin became more uniformly distributed beneath monolayers and frequently was organized into bands of densely packed fibrils. Despite this extensive reorganization, rearrangement of fibronectin did not result in the formation of identical, linear structures with F-.  相似文献   

Stabilin-1/common lymphatic endothelial and vascular endothelial receptor-1 (CLEVER-1) is a multidomain protein present in lymphatic and vascular endothelial cells and type 2 immunosuppressive macrophages. In adults, stabilin-1/CLEVER-1 is a scavenging receptor and an adhesion molecule, but much less is known about its role during development. Here, we studied the expression and functions of macrophage stabilin-1/CLEVER-1 in human placenta and during human ontogeny. Using newly generated mAbs, we found that stabilin-1/CLEVER-1 is expressed on virtually all macrophages in term placenta, both in the decidua and in the placental villi. Placental stabilin-1/CLEVER-1 was involved in the scavenging of Ac-LDL (acetylated low density lipoprotein) and in the uptake of fluorescently labeled model antigen OVA. siRNA-mediated suppression of stabilin-1/CLEVER-1 altered the cytokine profile produced by placental macrophages. Stabilin-1/CLEVER-1 on placental macrophages mediated their adhesion to placental vessels and supported their transmigration through vascular endothelium. Finally, we found that stabilin-1/CLEVER-1 is induced very early in fetal macrophages, high endothelial venules, and lymphatic vessels in multiple lymphatic organs. Together, these data suggest that macrophage stabilin-1/CLEVER-1 can potentially regulate leukocyte migration and scavenging during the development of the placenta and fetus.  相似文献   

In vivo, vascular endothelial cells (VECs) are anchored to the underlying stroma through a specialization of the extracellular matrix, the basement membrane (BM) which provides a variety of substratum associated biophysical cues that have been shown to regulate fundamental VEC behaviors. VEC function and homeostasis are also influenced by hemodynamic cues applied to their apical surface. How the combination of these biophysical cues impacts fundamental VEC behavior remains poorly studied. In the present study, we investigated the impact of providing biophysical cues simultaneously to the basal and apical surfaces of human aortic endothelial cells (HAECs). Anisotropically ordered patterned surfaces of alternating ridges and grooves and isotropic holed surfaces of varying pitch (pitch = ridge or hole width + intervening groove or planar regions) were fabricated and seeded with HAECs. The cells were then subjected to a steady shear stress of 20 dyne/cm(2) applied either parallel or perpendicular to the direction of the ridge/groove topography. HAECs subjected to flow parallel to the ridge/groove topography exhibited protagonistic effects of the two stimuli on cellular orientation and elongation. In contrast, flow perpendicular to the substrate topography resulted in largely antagonistic effects. Interestingly, the behavior depended on the shape and size of the topographic features. HAECs exhibited a response that was less influenced by the substratum and primarily driven by flow on isotropically ordered holed surfaces of identical pitch to the anistropically ordered surfaces of alternating ridges and grooves. Simultaneous presentation of biophysical cues to the basal and apical aspects of cells also influenced nuclear orientation and elongation; however, the extent of nuclear realignment was more modest in comparison to cellular realignment regardless of the surface order of topographic features. Flow-induced HAEC migration was also influenced by the ridge/groove surface topographic features with significantly altered migration direction and increased migration tortuosity when flow was oriented perpendicular to the topography; this effect was also pitch-dependent. The present findings provide valuable insight into the interaction of biologically relevant apical and basal biophysical cues in regulating cellular behavior and promise to inform improved prosthetic design.  相似文献   

切应力诱导间充质干细胞分化成内皮细胞的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的研究绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)小鼠骨髓间充质干细胞(MSCs)体外分离培养及扩增及其在流体剪切力条件下向内皮细胞(EC)定向分化能力。方法选用GFP小鼠作为研究对象,分离培养骨髓间充质干细胞,并在体外进行细胞的扩增和传代。应用流体剪切力刺激方法对骨髓间充质干细胞进行诱导,并观测其对GFP小鼠骨髓间充质干细胞分化为内皮细胞的积极作用,对其结果进行免疫荧光检测,计算阳性细胞比例,统计分析。结果GFP小鼠骨髓间充质干细胞每扩增一代,细胞数量增加5-8倍。检测诱导后MSCs,结果显示在诱导3 d时出现vWF表达阳性细胞。结论GFP小鼠MSCs在体外的培养扩增能力强,MSCs在流体剪切应力的作用下可以转化成内皮细胞。  相似文献   

Lymphocyte extravasation involves a step(s) of de-adhesion to allow trans- and subendothelial migration in response to inflammatory signals. We show here that ligated VCAM-1 was rapidly internalized (t1/2 14.5 min) in ECV 304 endothelial cells and in TNF-α-primed human umbilical vein-derived endothelial cells (t1/2 11.2 min). The process required energy (ATP), intracellular Ca2+ , an intact cytoskeletal network and active protein kinases. The internalization of VCAM-1 involved a clathrin-dependent pathway based on the observations that 1) it was inhibited in cells treated with lysosomotropic agents or with a hypertonic concentration of sucrose, and 2) internalized VCAM-1 colocalized with clathrin. In contrast, the cross-linked α4β1 integrin counter-receptor of VCAM-1 remained associated with the plasma membrane of purified peripheral T and Jurkat cells. Our results suggest a model where VCAM-1 would initially participate in the retention of T cells to the endothelium by binding α4β1 integrin. Lymphocyte de-adhesion would be facilitated as a result of the internalization of VCAM-1. The persistent cell surface expression of α4β1 integrin would allow the migrating T cells to interact with and receive signal(s) from its fibronectin ligand of the extracellular matrix.  相似文献   

Vascular adhesion protein-1 (VAP-1) is an endothelial molecule which mediates lymphocyte binding to endothelium in peripheral lymph nodes and at certain sites of inflammation. The expression of VAP-1 in vivo is strongly up-regulated in inflamed tissues, such as gut and skin. The purpose of this work was to examine the factors responsible for this induction of VAP-1. Since the expression of VAP-1 could not be induced in cultured endothelial cells with a large panel of mediators, we used an organ culture technique for the investigation of the regulation of VAP-1 expression in a more physiological micromilieu. Indeed, we found that the expression of endothelial VAP-1 could be up-regulated in human tonsillar tissue with interleukin (IL)-1, IL-4, tumor necrosis factor (TNF-α), interferon (IFN)-γ and lipopolysaccharide, whereas histamine, thrombin, dibutyryl cAMP, N-formyl-Met-Leu-Phe (fMLP) and phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) had no effect. The induced VAP-1 protein was similar in molecular weight to the non-induced VAP-1, suggesting that VAP-1 synthesized de novo carries appropriate carbohydrate moieties. In contrast to tonsil organ culture, similar inductions performed with human appendix showed no up-regulation of VAP-1 expression, indicating that the regulation of VAP-1 expression exhibits organ-selective characteristics. Furthermore, in these tissues the smooth muscle cells, which constitutively express VAP-1, could not be stimulated to alter their level of expression of this molecule. In conclusion, the expression of VAP-1 can be markedly up-regulated with several mediators in tonsil but not in appendix organ culture, whereas cultured endothelial cells cannot be induced to express VAP-1. These results indicate that the expression of VAP-1 is regulated in a tissue- and cell type-selective manner, and a correct micromilieu is required for the up-regulation to occur.  相似文献   

Vascular adhesion protein-1 (VAP-1) is an endothelial adhesion molecule mediating leukocyte interactions with blood vessels during leukocyte extravasation. Molecularly VAP-1 is a cell-surface-expressed ecto-enzyme belonging to the group of semicarbazide-sensitive amine oxidases (SSAO; EC, which deaminate primary amines. Here we asked whether peptides displaying a suitable free amine group could be a substrate or inhibitor of SSAO and thus regulate VAP-1-mediated leukocyte adhesion. On the basis of a molecular model of VAP-1, we designed synthetic peptides that fit to the substrate channel of VAP-1. One of these lysine-containing peptides effectively inhibits VAP-1-dependent lymphocyte rolling and firm adhesion to primary endothelial cells under physiologically relevant shear conditions. The same peptide inhibits the SSAO activity of endothelial and recombinant VAP-1 in a selective and long-lasting manner. We also show that all enzymatically active VAP-1 is displayed on the cell surface. Our results suggest that, in addition to soluble amines, specific cell-surface-bound molecules containing free NH(2) groups in a suitable position may modulate the enzymatic activity of SSAO. Moreover, the inhibitory peptide diminishes leukocyte interactions with endothelial cells under conditions of shear, and thus it may be useful to treat inflammatory conditions.  相似文献   

PROBLEM: The current hypothesis on the pathogenesis of pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH) considers it as an endothelial disorder that is first local but with the potential of becoming general. The aim of the work was to investigate the relation of the number of trophoblast cells in maternal peripheral blood against the serum levels of soluble vascular and intercellular cell adhesion molecule (sVCAM-1 and sICAM-1) in PIH. METHOD OF STUDY: Women with PIH were at 28th to 40th week of gestation. Control group were normotensive (NT) pregnant women at 28th to 41st week of gestation. Flow cytometry was used to assess the relative number of the trophoblasts in the peripheral blood. Trophoblasts were labeled with monoclonal anti-human trophoblast protein antibody MCA 277. The presence of sVCAM-1 and sICAM-1 was determined using the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay method. RESULTS: Women with PIH had significantly higher trophoblasts number than NT women (median 19.0, range 5.0-57.0/400 microL versus median 7.0, range 0.0-18.0/400 microL; P = 0.000011) as well as plasma level of sVCAM-1 when compared with NT women (median 730.0, range 325.0-1525.0 ng/mL versus median 493, range 310-1075 ng/mL; P = 0.02). ICAM-1 level in the PIH group was slightly elevated (median 280.0, range 174.0-524.0 ng/mL) when compared with NT women (median 260.0, range 190.0-464.0 ng/mL, P = 0.322). Eight of 21 women with PIH had proteinuria but no correlation was found between this symptom and the laboratory findings. CONCLUSION: The increased number of trophoblast cells in maternal peripheral blood and higher levels of sVCAM-1 correlate with the presence of PIH. The differences of sVCAM levels were significantly higher than those observed for sICAM. The results indicate an association between circulating trophoblasts and vascular endothelium activation, during PIH.  相似文献   

Fluid shear stress greatly influences the biology of vascular endothelial cells and the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. Endothelial cells undergo profound shape change and reorientation in response to physiological levels of fluid shear stress. These morphological changes influence cell function; however, the processes that produce them are poorly understood. We have examined how actin assembly is related to shear-induced endothelial cell shape change. To do so, we imposed physiological levels of shear stress on cultured endothelium for up to 96 hours and then permeabilized the cells and exposed them briefly to fluorescently labeled monomeric actin at various time points to assess actin assembly. Alternatively, monomeric actin was microinjected into cells to allow continuous monitoring of actin distribution. Actin assembly occurred primarily at the ends of stress fibers, which simultaneously reoriented to the shear axis, frequently fused with neighboring stress fibers, and ultimately drove the poles of the cells in the upstream and/or downstream directions. Actin polymerization occurred where stress fibers inserted into focal adhesion complexes, but usually only at one end of the stress fiber. Neither the upstream nor downstream focal adhesion complex was preferred. Changes in actin organization were accompanied by translocation and remodeling of cell-substrate adhesion complexes and transient formation of punctate cell-cell adherens junctions. These findings indicate that stress fiber assembly and realignment provide a novel mode by which cell morphology is altered by mechanical signals.  相似文献   

In the midline of the embryo an invisible barrier exists that keeps endothelial cells from migrating to the contralateral side. Interspecific grafting experiments between chick and quail were carried out in order to investigate the role of the axial structures in maintaining this barrier. The quail endothelial cells of the graft were therefore stained with QH1 antibody. In all experimental series quail paraxial mesoderm was used as a source of endothelial cells. First, a quail somite was transplanted either ipsilaterally or contralaterally. The results not only show the existence of laterality in the distribution pattern, but also demonstrate that the laterality does not depend on the origin of the graft but on the environment of the host embryo. Laterality in the distribution pattern of endothelial cells means that the endothelial cells of the two body halves migrate independently and do not change from one side to the other. Single cells do not know whether they are cells from the right or from the left half of the body. In the next series of experiments axial structures were removed in order to modify the barrier. In addition, paraxial mesoderm was exchanged with the corresponding quail tissue in order to determine the migration behaviour of the grafted endothelial cells. The removal of the neural tube does not influence the barrier. After notochordectomy, however, the endothelial cells exhibited a balanced distribution pattern over both halves of the embryo. We concluded that the notochord forms a barrier for endothelial cells that presumably operates on the basis of chemical substances. It is conceivable that our results can explain the lateralization of illnesses of the vascular system, as the Klippel-Trénaunay syndrome or the Sturge-Weber syndrome.  相似文献   

Intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) is an adherence molecule that is an important factor in many pathophysiological processes such as atherosclerosis, thrombosis and inflammation. It is secretion of endothelial cells by a variety of biochemical stimulations. But hemodynamic forces can also induce various functional changes in vascular endothelium. Some researches have proved that shear stress can modulate the expression of ICAM-1. But most of them examine the regulation of expression of ICAM-1 in human umbilical vein endothelial cells. There is no detail on the effect of shear stress (SS) on ICAM-1 expression of microvascular endothelial cells (RBMECs). In this experiment, we use cultured rat brain microvascular endothelial cells (RBMECs). By using the parallel plate flow chamber method, we give two magnitudes of lamminar shear stresses (0.2 dyn/cm2, 0.4 dyn/cm2) for different perieods of time on the slides of cells. Immunostaining method and image analysis shows a specific upregulation in ICAM-1 expression on RBMECs, which is different from endothelial cells of other species or vascular beds. Expression of ICAM-1 is increased 0.5h after the onset of SS, and reached its highest level 4h after onset of SS, then declines after that. The effect is time-dependent, not force magnitude-dependent. Endothelial cell surface expression of ICAM-1 in the supernatants of RBMECs exposed to SS was not modified excluding the possibility that RBMECs exposed to SS synthesize factors that upregulate ICAM-1. The experiment data are relevant to the current understanding of basic mechanisms that explain the signal transudation pathway occurring inside the endothelial cells under the effect of SS.  相似文献   

Ligation of very late antigen (VLA)-4 (α4β1 integrin) with a cross-linked anti-α4 subunit monoclonal antibody (mAb) triggered a biphasic Ca2+ response in Jurkat cell populations and in peripheral human lymphocytes. Cross-linking vascular cell adhesion molecule (VCAM)-1 (the counter-receptor of VLA-4) in ECV 304 endothelial cells generated a biphasic Ca2+ response. Tumor necrosis factor-α-primed human umbilical cord vascular endothelial cells also responded to the cross-linked mAb with a biphasic Ca2+ profile. Ligated VLA-4 (Jurkat cells) or VCAM-1 (ECV 304) stimulated the production of myo-inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate. ECV 304 cells induced a biphasic Ca2+ response in Fura2-loaded Jurkat cells, whereas a transient response was observed when Jurkat cells were added to Fura2-loaded ECV 304 cells. The Ca2+ responses in these experiments involved VLA-4/VCAM-1 interactions since they were significantly reduced (~ 80%) by prior treatment of the target cells with the relevant noncross-linked mAb. Close contact between the cells triggered mutual Ca2+ signaling as shown by spectrofluorimetric and confocal microscopy time-dependent recordings. Fibronectin and its CS-1 fragment (V25) triggered a sustained Ca2+ response in Jurkat cells (confocal microscopy). Our results suggest that the VLA-4 and VCAM-1 adhesion molecules can transduce a signal that involves activation of the phosphoinositide pathway and the mobilization of Ca2+.  相似文献   

流体切应力梯度对血管内皮细胞排列和形状的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的研究不同梯度切应力作用下,血管内皮细胞(endothelial cells,ECs)排列和形状变化,旨在了解流体切应力梯度对ECs形态的影响,为进一步探讨其功能变化提供实验基础。方法建立可对体外培养ECs施加梯度切应力的流动腔装置,并应用该装置对人脐静脉ECs加载了大小在15dyn/cm2~6.6dyn/cm2(1dyn=10-5N)范围、梯度分别为1.5dyn/cm2和3dyn/cm2的切应力,加载时间均为6h。比较这两种不同切应力梯度对ECs的细胞方向角、细胞宽长比和细胞形态指数的影响。结果在不同切应力梯度作用下,ECs的细胞方向角分布散乱,细胞无排列规律。与3dyn/cm2相比,1.5dyn/cm2切应力梯度下ECs的宽长比和细胞形态指数明显减少,趋向于拉伸状态。结论在不同切应力梯度作用下,ECs均排列紊乱,无规律可循。然而,在相对较小的切应力梯度作用下,细胞容易被拉伸,细胞形状趋向于伸长,而较大切应力梯度作用下,细胞形状则趋向于圆形。  相似文献   

血液产生的切应力可以引起血管中的内皮细胞发生生物物理、生化和基因调控水平上的反应,从而调节内皮的结构和功能。当内皮细胞受到的切应力发生变化时,即可引起细胞基因表达上的变化,从而可能引发一些常见的心血管疾病。对切应力调控内皮细胞基因表达机制的研究,有助于找到治疗以上疾病的临床方法。综述了切应力对内皮细胞基因表达的影响及其调控机制,并对其在临床治疗、小口径人工血管构建和药物设计等方面的应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is produced by inflammatory and vascular cells and induces oxidative stress, which may contribute to vascular disease and endothelial cell dysfunction. In smooth muscle cells, H2O2 induces production of O2 by activating NADPH oxidase. However, the mechanisms whereby H2O2 induces oxidative stress in endothelial cells are not well understood, although O2 may play a role. Recent studies have documented increased O2 in endothelial cells exposed to H2O2 via uncoupled nitric oxide synthase (NOS) and NADPH oxidase under static conditions. To assess responses to H2O2 in porcine aortic endothelial cells (PAEC) under shearing conditions, a constant flow rate of 24. 4 ml/min was applied to produce physiologically relevant shear stress (8. 2 dynes/cm). Here we demonstrate that treatment with 100 muM H2O2 increases intracellular O2 levels in PAEC. In addition, we demonstrate that l-NAME, an inhibitor of NOS, and apocynin, an inhibitor of NADPH oxidase, reduced O2 levels in PAEC treated with H2O2 under physiologic shear suggesting that both NOS and NADPH oxidase contribute to H2O2-induced O2 in PAEC. Co-inhibition of NOS and NADPH oxidase also reduced intracellular O2 levels under shear. We conclude that H2O2-induced oxidative stress in endothelial cells exhibits increased intracellular O2 levels through NOS and NADPH oxidase under shear. The inhibition of NOS and NADPH with H2O2 exposure is nonlinear, suggesting some interdependent or compensating system within endothelial cells. These findings suggest a complex interaction between H2O2 and oxidant-generating enzymes that may contribute to endothelial dysfunction in cardiovascular diseases.  相似文献   

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