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An 18-episode radio program was broadcasted in 2004 by Government of Madhya Pradesh to disseminate health messages to the community. The program was evaluated for its outreach and level of retention of the key messages by the listeners. In the households with radio sets only 49% listened to radio programs regularly. Among them 34% had listened to at least one episode of the program under study. The retention rate of key messages by the program listeners was found to be around 30 per cent only. Barriers to use of radio for mass communication of health messages have been discussed.  相似文献   

Printed health education materials (HEMs) are widely used to increase awareness and knowledge, change attitudes and beliefs, and help individuals adopt and maintain healthy lifestyle behaviors. While much of the contemporary research and development of persuasive communication is based on McGuire's input/output model, to date few studies have compared the impact of a large set of inputs across a comprehensive set of the 12 outputs. We examined the effects of printed HEMs on weight loss on the cognitive, affective, and behavioral responses of 198 overweight adults. Participants were recruited via a newspaper advertisement and were randomly assigned to review one of three HEMs. Participants were interviewed and asked to complete a series of questionnaires both before and after viewing the HEMs. Regression analyses were conducted to identify the input characteristics associated with success at each of the output steps. The results revealed attractiveness, encouragement, level of information, and application to one's life were significantly associated with early steps (attention, liking, and understanding) as well as some of the mediating steps (recalling, keeping, and rereading HEMs). Later steps, such as intention to change behavior and show others, were associated with readiness to change, self-efficacy, and perceived application to one's life. Behavior change was more likely for those who received tailored materials and those who had higher self-efficacy. These results provide useful direction for the use of computers in tailoring the content of HEMs and the development of effective communication of health information on weight loss.  相似文献   

Increases in peak blood lead concentrations, which occur at 18-30 months of age in the United States, are thought to result in lower IQ scores at 4-6 years of age, when IQ becomes stable and measurable. Data from a prospective study conducted in Boston suggested that blood lead concentrations at 2 years of age were more predictive of cognitive deficits in older children than were later blood lead concentrations or blood lead concentrations measured concurrently with IQ. Therefore, cross-sectional associations between blood lead and IQ in school-age children have been widely interpreted as the residual effects of higher blood lead concentrations at an earlier age or the tendency of less intelligent children to ingest more leaded dust or paint chips, rather than as a causal relationship in older children. Here we analyze data from a clinical trial in which children were treated for elevated blood lead concentrations (20-44 microg/dL) at about 2 years of age and followed until 7 years of age with serial IQ tests and measurements of blood lead. We found that cross-sectional associations increased in strength as the children became older, whereas the relation between baseline blood lead and IQ attenuated. Peak blood lead level thus does not fully account for the observed association in older children between their lower blood lead concentrations and IQ. The effect of concurrent blood level on IQ may therefore be greater than currently believed.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Problem-based learning (PBL) is supposed to enhance the integration of basic and clinical sciences. In a non-integrative curriculum, these disciplines are generally taught in separate courses. Problem-based learning students perceive deficiencies in their knowledge of basic sciences, particularly in important areas such as anatomy. Outcome studies on PBL show controversial results, sometimes indicating that medical students at PBL schools have less knowledge of basic sciences than do their colleagues at more traditional medical schools. We aimed to identify differences between PBL and non-PBL students in perceived and actual levels of knowledge of anatomy. METHODS: Samples of Year 4 students in all eight medical schools in the Netherlands completed a questionnaire on perceived knowledge and took part in a computerised anatomy test consisting of both clinically contextualised items and items without context. RESULTS: Problem-based learning students were found to have the same perceived level of anatomy knowledge as students at other medical schools. Differences in actual levels of knowledge were found between schools. No significant effects on knowledge levels were found for PBL schools versus non-PBL schools. CONCLUSION: The results of this study show that PBL does not result in a lower level of anatomy knowledge than more traditional educational approaches. It remains to be ascertained whether the levels students attain are adequate. Subjects for further study are the desired level of anatomy knowledge at the end of undergraduate medical education and the effectiveness of basic science learning within a clinical context and with repetition over the course of the curriculum.  相似文献   

The authors used cross-sectional data (2001-2003) to consider the pathway through which past occupational lead exposure impacts cognitive function. They were motivated by studies linking cumulative lead dose with brain volumes, volumes with cognitive function, and lead dose with cognitive function. It was hypothesized that the brain regions associated with lead mediate a portion of the relation between lead dose and cognitive function. Data were derived from an ongoing US study of 513 former organolead manufacturing workers. Magnetic resonance imaging was used to perform a novel analysis to investigate mediation. Volumes associated with cognitive function and lead dose were derived by using registered images and were used in a subsequent mediation analysis. Cumulative lead dose was associated with adverse function in the visuo-construction, executive function, and eye-hand coordination domains. Regarding these domains, there was strong evidence of volumetric mediation of lead's effect on cognition in the visuo-construction domain and a moderate amount for executive function and eye-hand coordination. A second path-analysis-based approach was also used. To address the possibility that chance associations explained these findings, a permuted analysis was conducted, the results of which supported the mediation inferences. The approach to evaluating volumetric mediation may have general applicability in epidemiologic neuroimaging settings.  相似文献   

Germany is frequently cited as an example of reference based pricing (RBP) in ongoing controversial discussions on the effect of RBP. There are thorough analyses of phase I and II RBP on Germany's drug market. However, any conclusions on the overall economic and public health impact of RBP, solely on the basis of aggregated data, must be suspect to substantial bias, since too many factors in a rapidly changing health care system remained uncontrolled. Parallel to the introduction of phase II RBP in 1992/1993, the second health care reform became active. The two major confounding factors were the introduction of fixed drug budgets and the many changes due to the unification of Germany that took place in the beginning of the 1990s. Published and unpublished aggregated data do not allow any conclusions on the etiology of adverse health events due to this change in drug reimbursement policy. Conclusions drawn from the German experience will be based on assumptions or speculations that are hard to prove. A health care system that identifies enough evidence and need to introduce RBP as a measure of cost control should make every effort to evaluate the effects in order to increase program compliance or, if indicated, make adaptations to the RBP policy. The introduction of RBP in British Columbia in 1995-1997 and its computerized administrative health databases covering a large proportion of the population should give rise to a thorough analysis of this policy.  相似文献   

We aimed to evaluate the effect of bacteria involved in the nitrogen cycle on the reutilization of intestinal urea nitrogen in uremic rabbits. New Zealand white rabbits were made uremic via bilateral nephrectomy. Study and control rabbits were given live and heat-inactivated bacteria through their jejunostomies. After they were injected with 99mTc biurea intravenously, serial serum and stool levels of labeled nitrogen were assessed by instant thin-layer chromatography, and the change in the labeled-nitrogen level was determined. The serum labeled-nitrogen level increased significantly in the study group (r=0.990); however, this level decreased in the control group (r=0.662). Furthermore, the labeled-nitrogen level in the stool samples increased throughout the study in the control rabbits, but it decreased after the 6th hour in the study group. In conclusion, the results of this study suggest that when the bacterial flora of the intestinal system is changed to include bacteria involved in the nitrogen cycle in uremic rabbits, the intraintestinal and systemic nitrogen metabolisms could both be altered in favor of positive nitrogen balance.  相似文献   

There is an extensive literature within anthropology, sociology and psychology about lay concepts of determinants of health and illness. Many of these studies have used single sex or social class samples, often in narrow age bands, and many are qualitative in approach. We asked respondents in a health survey to say how important (on a five-point scale) they thought seven potential influences on health (habits, self-care, the environment, family relationships, one's constitution, money and luck) were. The first three were regarded as very important, the second three as less important and luck as least important. Responses were consistent with current public health and epidemiological knowledge; these respondents endorsed prevailing views about personal responsibility for health and about the role of the physical and social environment in influencing health. In mutually adjusted models, there were no significant gender differences, social class differences and neighbourhood differences in three out of seven influences, and age differences in four out of seven influences. Thus, socio-demographic differences were less marked than might be inferred from studies of specific social groups, indicating a need for caution in health education and health promotion practice against always assuming socio-demographic differences.  相似文献   

Do hospice services as shaped by a western perspective adequately fulfil the needs of persons from non‐Western cultures? Based on a Western view of palliative care, the vision outlined in the New Zealand Palliative Care Strategy (2001) is to deliver palliative care services, including hospice services, to all patients and their families requiring them in the context of an increasingly pluralistic and multicultural society. It is predicted that over the next two decades the proportion of people identifying as Māori, Pacific and Asian will dramatically increase within New Zealand. Ministry of Health information provided through a GAP analysis identified hospices as facing access‐to‐care pressures for Māori, Pacific and Asian patients. It is therefore critical to identify the challenges to hospice service access for Māori, Asian and Pacific patients. This project involved qualitative interviews with 37 cancer patients (Māori, Pacific and Asian self‐identified ethnicities), whānau/family and bereaved whanua/family, as well as 15 health professionals (e.g. referring GPs, oncologists, allied health professionals) within one District Health Board. Patients and their families included both those who utilised hospice services, as well as those non‐users of hospice services identified by a health professional as having palliative care needs. Challenges to hospice service utilisation reported in the findings include a lack of awareness in the communities of available services, as well as continuing misconceptions concerning the nature of hospice services. Language barriers were particularly reported for Asian patients and their families. Issues concerning the ethnic representativeness of the hospice services staff were raised. The findings highlight the importance of patient and family knowledge of hospice care for utilisation of services. This information can be used for future planning to enable hospices to both provide high quality evidence based palliative care services for patients and families and provide consultative services to primary healthcare providers in the community.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether changes in neighborhood context induced by neighborhood relocation mediated the impact of the Moving to Opportunity (MTO) housing voucher experiment on adolescent mental health. Mediators included participant-reported neighborhood safety, social control, disorder, and externally-collected neighborhood collective efficacy. For treatment group members, improvement in neighborhood disorder and drug activity partially explained MTO's beneficial effects on girls' distress. Improvement in neighborhood disorder, violent victimization, and informal social control helped counteract MTO's adverse effects on boys' behavioral problems, but not distress. Housing mobility policy targeting neighborhood improvements may improve mental health for adolescent girls, and mitigate harmful effects for boys.  相似文献   

This paper describes a questionnaire survey, carried out in the NHS Grampian area of NE Scotland. It compares responses from 84 members of a community-based public forum (39 of whom were sent questionnaires) and a random sample of 10,000 adults registered with general practices in Grampian (2,449 of whom were sent questionnaires). Main outcome measures: differences in demographic profiles and opinions about different feedback mechanisms (patient representative, telephone helpline and NHS feedback website) and their likely effectiveness in three different scenarios. 46% of community forum members consented to take part compared to 24% of the population sample. Younger people and residents in more deprived areas were under-represented in both groups. Community forum members were older (only one under 40 years of age), more likely to be retired and not in employment. Internet access was similar in both groups. Opinions about different systems of feeding back views to the NHS varied but community forum members were more likely to be positive in their opinions about the value of different feedback mechanisms and less likely to think they were 'a waste of NHS money'. Responses to three scenarios revealed similar opinions, but on some issues, there were key differences in the responses from the two groups. Community forum members were more likely to consider writing a letter as a means of getting something done about a problem and were more likely to talk to their GP if experiencing a problem than respondents in the main group. In general their responses were more positive towards the NHS. There is a need to ensure a broad basis for membership of public forums and/or proactively seek the views of groups that are under-represented if public forums are to be used to represent the views of the wider population and inform decision making in the NHS.  相似文献   

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