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为了解普通人群发汞和指甲汞含量现状,探讨人体汞蓄积的影响因素,于2015年3—12月以本校在校大学生生源地普通人群为调查对象,在问卷调查的基础上,运用HydraⅡC测汞仪对研究人群发汞和指甲汞含量进行了测定,对不同地区、不同年龄、不同性别普通人群发汞和指甲汞含量水平进行了相关性分析和风险评价。研究人群发汞含量明显高于指甲汞含量,二者平均含量分别为(0.197±0.191)μg/g,(0.093±0.040)μg/g。头发和指甲汞含量相关性分析显示,二者存在良好的正相关性(r=0.365,P0.01),20~40岁人群头发、指甲汞含量较高;发汞、指甲汞含量在不同性别之间差异均无统计学意义(P0.05);随着每天使用美白产品的次数、周食鱼次数、年染发次数的增加,头发汞含量显著升高(P0.05);指甲汞含量则与周食鱼次数、年染发次数则呈显著正相关关系。沿海地区人群发汞和指甲汞含量明显高于内陆地区(P0.001),沿海地区居民头发汞暴露健康风险较高,本次调查地区人群发汞含量均未超出1μg/g,提示不同生活习惯对人体发汞和指甲汞含量存在显著影响。  相似文献   

第二松花江治理后渔民体内汞蓄积水平的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:为了解第二松花江汞污染治理后沿江渔民体内汞蓄积量,分析目前沿江渔民甲基汞中毒的危险性。方法:应用现况调查的方法收集资料,对沿江渔民1195份发样的总汞含量及25份发样的甲基汞含量进行了检测。结果:1997年发样中总汞的均值为1.849ug/g,是治理前(13.5ug/g)的1/7.3,目前沿江渔民甲基汞中毒的危险性指数为1.21,仍高于正常值1。结论:渔民汞蓄积水平已有明显下降,但危险性仍未消除,应采取有效的干预性预防措施,减少甲基汞毒害的可能性。  相似文献   

目的了解川藏沿线各兵站生活饮用水源水中重金属含量及当地官兵头发中汞含量,为制定保障官兵身体健康措施提供依据。方法采用原子荧光光度法对川藏沿线18个兵站水源水中汞、砷、铅、硒4种重金属及部分官兵头发中汞含量进行测定,用单侧Fisher确切概率法对水汞和发汞进行相关性统计分析。结果川藏沿线18个兵站中,有2个兵站水源水汞超标,质量浓度分别达1.027μg.L-1和1.350μg.L-1;有1个兵站水源水铅超标,质量浓度为25.101μg.L-1。川藏沿线兵站官兵发汞平均质量浓度为1.071μg.g-1,超过我国正常人群1.0μg.g-1的平均发汞水平,最高质量浓度达3.245μg.g-1。结论川藏沿线兵站官兵存在发汞含量超标的现象,通过水汞和发汞的相关性统计,暂未发现饮用水源中汞含量与人群发汞之间存在必然联系。  相似文献   

为了弄清第二松花江流域的环境现状,在第二松花江下游的松原市区搜集了113名居民的头发样品,用冷蒸气原子吸收法测定头发样品中的总汞含量。头发样品中总汞含量为0.07~39.6 mg/kg,平均为1.081mg/kg。在113份样品中,有17人头发中总汞含量超过了美国环保局制定的1 mg/kg的限值,占总人数的15%,说明在松原市地区仍有人群汞中毒的风险。在影响发汞含量的因素中,经常吃鱼人群的发汞含量大于不常吃鱼人群的发汞含量;吸烟、饮酒、染发人群的发汞含量分别高于不吸烟、不饮酒、未染发人群的发汞含量,居民的年龄和性别对发汞水平没有显著影响。  相似文献   

通过对黑龙江肇源县渔民及农民的食鱼量调查、发甲基汞测定和驱汞实验,评价了渔民体内甲基汞蓄积量,分析了驱汞实验尿甲基汞排泄规律。结果表明,现役渔民发甲基汞均值2.50ppm,日摄甲基汞69.09μg,尿甲基汞排泄量最大13.62μg/24h,尿甲基汞增加倍数最高为42.41倍。本研究还表明,驱汞排泄曲线出现双峰,集中在第1日和第6日,并对此进行了讨论。  相似文献   

目的掌握贵州万山汞矿区长期以来环境污染对周边农产品的影响。方法于2017年8—10月,采集万山汞矿区A河和B河流域周边农用地和当地居民家中的99份农产品,测定总汞和甲基汞含量,利用单因子污染指数法对农产品总汞污染特征进行评价,利用健康风险评价模型对甲基汞进行评价。结果 A河流域农产品中总汞含量为4~86μg/kg,其中,稻谷和蔬菜中总汞含量较高,超标率分别为42.8%和40.0%;玉米中总汞含量较低,均未超标。B河流域农产品总汞含量为3.0~97.0μg/kg,稻谷、蔬菜、玉米中总汞超标较严重,超标率分别为70%,62.5%,50.0%。A河、B河流域农产品中甲基汞的含量分别为0.002~18.8、0.11~21.9μg/kg;A河流域农产品中甲基汞含量的中位数呈现为:稻谷蔬菜玉米;B河流域则呈现为稻谷玉米蔬菜。蔬菜中总汞单因子污染指数总体要高于稻谷,大部分农产品以轻污染为主;A河流域农产品以无污染为主,仅蔬菜有5.7%为重污染;B河流域谷物(稻谷、玉米)和蔬菜重污染占比分别为6.7%和33.3%。对于成人,A河和B河流域分别有7.1%,20.0%稻谷的甲基汞每日摄入量(PDI)0.1;对于儿童,则分别有28.6%和22.6%稻谷的PDI0.1;但所有样品的PDI0.23。结论农产品不同程度受到总汞的污染,其中稻谷污染较重;B河流域污染程度重于A河流域;农产品甲基汞暴露风险评估显示,调查区域存在一定的人群甲基汞暴露,有潜在的健康风险。  相似文献   

通过对松花江肇源江段中的鱼、沿岸居民饲养的鸭子、鸭蛋的总汞含量测量及沿岸人群发汞的调查研究。结果表明:人群发汞均低于我国慢性汞中毒的诊断标准,但沿江居民发汞值明显高于远江地区居民发汞值;鱼体中总汞平均值为0.265mg/kg,未超过食品卫生标准,但高于松花江中鱼体总汞含量的背景值;鸭各内脏总汞含量以肝为最高;鸭蛋中汞含量高于食品卫生标准。人体摄入甲基汞的途径,除食鱼外的其他途径应该引起高度重视。  相似文献   

1983年上半年,Gonzalez等人检测了106名受试者的发汞(男50名、女56名),其中20份,18份、8份样品分别来自人乳哺养的婴儿与其母亲、职业性接触的工人及二个家庭。调查发现:马德里人群(随机抽样)发汞含量范围为1.29~129.47μg/g(几何均数为7.96μg/g),高于马德里人群曾经报道的均值4.08μg/g,该人群每周食用一至三次鱼。此均值也高于日本的  相似文献   

舟山海岛地区孕妇及新生儿内环境汞暴露现状调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的调查研究舟山地区孕妇及新生儿汞暴露现状,为相关防治措施的制定提供科学依据。方法选择2006年3月~2007年7月在舟山市妇幼保健医院分娩的舟山本地户籍孕妇及其新生儿作为本次研究对象,对孕妇尿、血、头发及其新生儿脐带血进行汞含量测定,并进行书面问卷调查。结果本研究共测定孕妇尿汞样2 190份,算术平均值为2.58μg/L;发汞3 109份,算术平均值为1.27 mg/kg;血汞3 337份,算术平均值为5.40μg/L;新生儿脐带血汞样本2 998份,算术平均值为7.71μg/L;获得孕妇尿汞、发汞、血汞及新生儿脐带血汞相对应样本及问卷1 554份,研究显示孕妇的尿汞值、发汞值、血汞值、新生儿脐血汞值存在关联性,其中孕妇血汞值与脐血汞值关联性最强(r=0.600,P〈0.01),其他的相关系数均小于0.20。孕妇吃鱼次数与尿汞、血汞和新生儿脐带血汞水平相关。结论舟山地区孕妇尿、血和脐带血汞量与孕妇吃鱼次数有关,有很大比例的孕妇和新生儿有潜在的汞危害,需要进一步采取措施进行干预。  相似文献   

为探讨环境汞污染对人体健康效应,调查某金矿冶炼厂内外空气、土壤和野生植物汞污染情况及测定该厂区车间内外职业人群和非职业人群发汞、尿汞含量。结果表明,环境汞含量明显超标,职业人群尿汞平均含量0.088±0.078mg/L,发汞平均含量4.88±3.85μg/g,二者差异有显著性意义(P<0.01)。提示:金冶炼厂环境污染对人体健康产生一定影响  相似文献   

山西某地区汞环境污染及对居民肾功能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]探讨山西某地区土法炼金活动影响环境中汞(Hg)的分布以及对当地居民肾功能的影响。[方法]用原子荧光光谱法测定大气、水、粮食Hg含量以及居民尿Hg含量,尿N-乙酰-β-D氨基葡萄糖苷酶(NAG)用速率法测定,尿β2-微球蛋白(β2-MG)和尿微量白蛋白(mALB)测定采用终点法。[结果]污染区一年四季监测的大气Hg浓度为79~240ng/m^3,远高于对照区(P〈0.05);河水中Hg含量超标19倍,达到(0.025±0.006)μg/L。污染区所产的玉米和粟米Hg含量分别为(0.006±0.003)mg/kg和(0.013±0.006)mg/kg,高于对照区(P〈0.05);污染区居民尿Hg为(1.24±3.80)μg/L、尿β2-MG含量为(228.98±4.34)μg/gCr,均明显高于对照区(P〈0.05)。[结论]污染区炼金过程中产生的Hg对当地环境造成污染,并通过一定途径进入人体,引起当地人群体内Hg负荷水平的改变及肾功能异常。  相似文献   

[目的]了解某荧光灯制造企业汞接触工人职业健康状况,分析影响尿汞水平的因素。[方法]根据国家相关职业卫生标准对工作场所进行职业卫生学调查,并按照《工作场所空气中有害物质监测的采样规范》(GBZ159-2004)中规定的采样原则在每个岗位设置了一个采样点。对汞接触人员进行职业健康检查,检查内容包括问诊,内、外科,口腔科,实验室检查,B超,心电图等。共调查汞接触工人1031名,其中男性351名,女性680名,年龄20~57岁。[结果]该企业122个检测点空气中汞浓度范围为0.001~0.013mg/m3,均未超标。1031名工人尿汞浓度范围为0.22~58.71μg/m3,中位数为3.26μg/g肌酐,9人尿汞浓度超标,超标率0.87%。尿蛋白阳性198人,阳性率19.20%;神经系统异常113人,异常率10.96%。女性工人的尿汞水平(中位数为3.38μg/g肌酐)商于男性(中位数为3.07μ∥g肌酐)(P=0.036);年龄与尿汞浓度呈正相关(r=-0.089,P=0.011);工龄与尿汞浓度无相关。[结论]该企业各岗位空气中汞浓度均低于O.02mg/m。,O.87%的工人尿汞浓度超标。性别和年龄可能为尿汞浓度的影响因素。  相似文献   

[目的]建立尿中汞含量的直接测定方法。[方法]采用DMA80直接测汞仪测定尿中汞含量并与冷原子吸收法进行比较。[结果]该方法的线性范围为2.00~40.00μg/L,线性方程夕=0.019x+0.006,r=0.9995,检出限为0.05ng,精密度试验相对标准偏差为2.2%~8.7%,加标回收率范围为97.5%~102.6%。[结论]该法与冷原子吸收分光光度法测定尿中汞含量结果相比较,差异无统计学意义。  相似文献   

石家庄市250例健康人群尿汞正常值调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解石家庄市健康人群尿汞正常值范围。方法采集空腹晨尿,用WS/T97中方法测定肌酐,采用原子荧光光谱法测定尿汞。结果石家庄市,250例健康人群尿汞正常值95%上限为14.3μg/g肌酐;男女差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05);吸烟者与总体比较,差异无统计学意义(P〉0.10)。结论健康人群尿汞正常值调查为该地做好汞中毒预防和职业病诊断具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Objective The aim of this study was to determine the level of exposure of mercury (Hg) miners and smelter workers to elemental mercury (Hg0) vapor in China, who work in Hg mines without using protective equipment against Hg0 vapor. In addition, the level of methylmercury (MeHg) intake by the workers was estimated from the MeHg concentration in their hair. Methods Urinary total mercury (THg) and hair THg and MeHg concentrations were measured in 26 Hg miners and smelter workers (i.e., exposed group), and 48 unexposed people (unexposed group). Results The exposed group showed high geometric mean THg concentrations in urine (258 ng/ml, 226 μg/g creatinine) and hair (20.0 μg/g). The urinary THg concentration of the smelter workers in particular was extremely high (338 μg/g creatinine in urine). The highest urine THg concentration reached 4577 μg/g creatinine. THg concentrations in urine and hair showed a significant correlation in the exposed group (r=0.62), indicating the adhesion of Hg0 vapor to hair. However, no such significant correlation was found in the unexposed group. Hair MeHg concentration in the exposed group (1.97 μg/g) was about threefold higher than that in the unexposed group (0.60 μg/g). Conclusions This study shows that smelter workers in a Chinese Hg mine are exposed to extremely high levels of Hg0 vapor, and that Hg miners are exposed to higher levels of MeHg than the unexposed subjects. Further study is needed to determine the cause of the higher hair MeHg concentration in the exposed group.  相似文献   

Hair and mercury concentrations of 134 fish-eating subjects in the Lake Murray area and 13 non-fish-eating subjects in the upper-Strickland area, Papua New Guinea, were studied. Hair mercury levels among the subjects in the Lake Murray area (mean = 21.9 μg/g, range = 3.7–71.9 μg/g) and urinary mercury levels (mean = 7.6 μg/g creatinine, range = 1.4–25.6 μg/g creatinine) were markedly higher than levels found in subjects from the upper-Strickland area (mean hair mercury = 0.75 μg/g, mean urinary mercury = 0.48 μg/g creatinine). Mercury intake of the fish eaters, estimated from mercury concentrations found in fish and from the observed amounts of fish consumed, was approximately 73 μg/d. Hair and urinary mercury concentrations were correlated significantly (r = .59), indicating that urinary mercury excretion was elevated because fish consumption was very high.  相似文献   

[目的]调查美白祛斑类化妆品中的汞对使用者产生的皮肤和全身临床症状以及尿液和血液中生物标志物的改变情况。[方法]调查昆明市美白祛斑类化妆品使用者49例,根据化妆品中汞含量分为汞超标组(29例)和汞未超标组(20例),采用调查表和体检结合收集临床资料,原子吸收光谱法测定化妆品中的汞和尿汞含量,全自动生化分析仪进行血液生化常规分析,取外周血采用彗星试验检测DNA损伤情况。[结果]汞超标组与汞未超标组局部皮肤症状(P>0.05)和全身临床症状(P>0.05)差异没有统计学意义,皮肤增白效果差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。汞超标组的化妆品汞含量最小值为1 737 mg/kg,最大值为196 342 mg/kg,中位数为11 374 mg/kg。使用汞超标化妆品者的尿汞值明显高于使用汞未超标化妆品者(P<0.01),其尿汞超标率达100%(29/29)。使用者尿汞值与化妆品汞含量值存在正相关性。两组使用者血液细胞分类计数和生化指标值差异没有统计学意义(P>0.05)。汞超标组外周血细胞彗星试验细胞拖尾率(10.3%)高于汞未超标组(4.5%)(P<0.01)。[结论]美白祛斑类化妆品中的汞可以导致使用者尿汞升高,汞在体内慢性蓄积可能导致DNA损伤,但对局部皮肤未显示明显的毒性作用,也未引起和汞相关的全身临床症状。  相似文献   

Li P  Feng X  Qiu G  Li Z  Fu X  Sakamoto M  Liu X  Wang D 《Environmental research》2008,107(1):108-114
Mercury exposures to smelting workers of artisanal mercury mines in Wuchuan, Guizhou, China were evaluated by urine and hair mercury survey. The mean urinary mercury (U-Hg), hair total mercury (T-Hg), and hair methyl mercury (Me-Hg) for smelting workers was 1060 microg/g creatinine (microg/g Cr), 69.3 and 2.32 microg/g, respectively. The results were significantly higher than that of control group, which is 1.30 microg/g Cr, 0.78 and 0.65 microg/g, correspondingly. The average urinary beta2-microglobulin (beta2-MG) was 248 microg/g Cr for the exposed group contrasting to 73.5 microg/g Cr for the control group and the data showed a serious adverse effect on renal system for the smelting workers. The workers were exposed to mercury vapor through inhalation, and the exposure route of Me-Hg may be through intake of polluted diet. The results indicate that age, alcohol drinking, and smoking are not crucial factors controlling the urine and hair mercury levels for the exposed and the control group. Clinical symptoms including finger and eyelid tremor, gingivitis, and typical dark-line on gums were observed in six workers. This study indicated that the smelting workers in Wuchuan were seriously exposed to mercury vapor.  相似文献   

This study evaluates biomarkers of occupational mercury exposure among workers at a mercury recycling operation in Gorlovka, Ukraine. The 29 study participants were divided into three occupational categories for analysis: (1) those who worked in the mercury recycling operation (Group A, n = 8), (2) those who worked at the facility but not in the yard where the recycling was done (Group B, n = 14), and (3) those who did not work at the facility (Group C, n = 7). Urine, blood, hair, and nail samples were collected from the participants, and a questionnaire was administered to obtain data on age, gender, occupational history, smoking, alcohol consumption, fish consumption, tattoos, dental amalgams, home heating system, education, source of drinking water, and family employment in the former mercury mine/smelter located on the site of the recycling facility. Each factor was tested in a univariate regression with total mercury in urine, blood, hair, and nails. Median biomarker concentrations were 4.04 microg/g-Cr (urine), 2.58 microg/L (blood), 3.95 microg/g (hair), and 1.16 microg/g (nails). Occupational category was significantly correlated (p < 0.001) with both blood and urinary mercury concentrations but not with hair or nail mercury. Four individuals had urinary mercury concentrations in a range previously found to be associated with subtle neurological and subjective symptoms (e.g., fatigue, loss of appetite, irritability), and one worker had a urinary mercury concentration in a range associated with a high probability of neurological effects and proteinuria. Comparison of results by occupational category found that workers directly involved with the recycling operation had the highest blood and urinary mercury levels. Those who worked at the facility but were not directly involved with the recycling operation had higher levels than those who did not work at the facility.  相似文献   

This study evaluates biomarkers of mercury exposure among residents of Horlivka, a city in eastern Ukraine located in an area with geologic and industrial sources of environmental mercury, and residents of Artemivsk, a nearby comparison city outside the mercury-enriched area. Samples of urine, blood, hair, and nails were collected from study participants, and a questionnaire was administered to obtain data on age, gender, occupational history, smoking, alcohol consumption, fish consumption, tattoos, dental amalgams, home heating system, education, source of drinking water, and family employment in mines. Median biomarker mercury concentrations in Artemivsk were 0.26 μg/g-Cr (urine), 0.92 μg/L (blood), 0.42 μg/g (hair), 0.11 μg/g (toenails), and 0.09 μg/g (fingernails); median concentrations in Horlivka were 0.15 μg/g-Cr (urine), 1.01 μg/L (blood), 0.14 μg/g (hair), 0.31 μg/g (toenails), and 0.31 μg/g (fingernails). Biomarkers of mercury exposure for study participants from Horlivka and Artemivsk are low in comparison with occupationally exposed workers at a mercury recycling facility in Horlivka and in comparison with exposures known to be associated with clinical effects. Blood and urinary mercury did not suggest a higher mercury exposure among Horlivka residents as compared with Artemivsk; however, three individuals living in the immediate vicinity of the mercury mines had elevated blood and urinary mercury, relative to overall results for either city. For a limited number of residents from Horlivka (N = 7) and Artemivsk (N = 4), environmental samples (vacuum cleaner dust, dust wipes, soil) were collected from their residences. Mercury concentrations in vacuum cleaner dust and soil were good predictors of blood and urinary mercury.  相似文献   

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