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长蛇鲻肌肉营养成分的分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
长蛇鲻(Saurida elongata),英名:Lizard fish,长蛇鲻属,狗母鱼科,地方名有香梭、神仙梭、沙梭、狗棍、细鳞丁、蛇支、丁鱼等。主要分布于西北太平洋。我国广东、福建沿海海域产量较多,为我国主要经济鱼类之一,年产量较大,尤以我国南方沿海海域为多。长蛇鲻可鲜食,  相似文献   

瓣结鱼肌肉营养成分分析   总被引:10,自引:5,他引:10  
瓣结鱼[Tor(Foliter)brevifilis brevi-filis Peters]隶属于鲤形目理科鲃亚科结鱼属,广泛分布于我国长江及其以南各水系[1],是一种中型淡水经济鱼类,肉质较好,肉味鲜美。到目前为止,尚未对瓣结鱼进行人工驯养,有关瓣结鱼含肉率及肌肉营养成分研究也未见报道。1材料与方法瓣结鱼于2004年10月分别采自贵州清水江、都柳江,共20尾。体长175.0~312.0mm,体重100.0~685.0g,为2~5龄鱼。捕获后,吸干体表水分,测量体长,称重,并鉴定年龄。依每尾鱼体重的不同,称取体侧头后至尾柄的肌肉40~100g,剪碎、并保存于-10℃冰箱中备用。水分含量:恒温烘干…  相似文献   

周贻谋 《长寿》2011,(7):50-51
《开宝本草》新增了不少鱼类药物,如鲻鱼和石首鱼就是。鲻鱼属海产鱼类,《开宝本草》言其"主开胃,通利五脏,久食令人肥健。"鲻鱼肉含蛋白质料、脂肪、维生  相似文献   

<正>史氏鲟(Acipenser schrenckii Brandt),是中国现存鲟鱼中最具经济价值的鱼类,有个体大、成活率高、生长速度快、肉质鲜美等特点。鲟鱼最有价值的产品是鱼子酱,素有"软黄金"之称,因此史氏鲟养殖主要有商品鱼养殖和亲鱼养殖两种方式。商品鱼养殖,一般养殖时间为一年,体重约0.51.0 kg;亲鱼养殖是指史氏鲟在养殖31.0 kg;亲鱼养殖是指史氏鲟在养殖34年辨出雌雄后,雄鱼淘汰作为商品鱼上市,体重约34年辨出雌雄后,雄鱼淘汰作为商品鱼上市,体重约35 kg;雌鱼养殖至75 kg;雌鱼养殖至78年用于生产鱼籽酱,取完鱼籽的鱼体俗称壳,也用作商品鱼上市。近几年,国内外对史氏鲟的研究逐渐展开,内容主要集中在人工繁殖技术[1]、生物化学[2]、遗传发育[3]、组织形态[4]等方面,对史氏鲟商品  相似文献   

海洋鱼类中,大约已知道有500多种含有毒素。有毒的鱼类可分为两大类:一类是具有毒腺的鱼类(Venomous fishes),另一类是肌肉或内脏器官有毒,当食用后方呈现毒性的有毒鱼类(Poisonous fishes)。有毒鱼类按其部位和所含毒素可分为:鱼肉毒素(Ichthyosarcotoxins)、鱼卵毒素(Ichthyo(?)toxins)和鱼血毒素(Ichthyohemotoxins)三类。因食含鱼肉毒素而中毒的又分为:河豚中毒、西加毒鱼中毒、裸胸鳝中毒、板鳃鱼类中毒、鲭科中毒、鲱科中毒和幻觉性梭鲻中毒等。安元健、Graham等很多研究者曾对食鱼引起的中毒  相似文献   

正人们对鱼类美食一直都很关注。近年来,国内市场上有一种鱼因肉质鲜嫩、无骨无刺而迅速走红,它就是产自越南的巴沙鱼。巴沙鱼的名字,是来自英文俗称"Basafish"的音译。巴沙鱼属鲶形目芒鲶属,为无鳞鱼类,广义上可以称为鲶鱼,是湄公河流域一种特有的淡水养殖经济鱼类。巴沙鱼在东南亚国家基本上就相当于草鱼在我国的地位.越南也成了全球几大巴沙鱼出口国家之一。有趣的是,这种鱼在越南的叫法音译为"卡巴沙",意思是"三块脂肪鱼"。巴沙鱼在生长过程中,腹腔内积累有三块较大的油脂,约占体重的58%,因此得名。  相似文献   

海水鱼中青皮红肉鱼类,如池鱼、鲐鱼等含有较高含量的组胺(Histamine)食用此类鱼易引起过敏性食物中毒,为了解本市(地处沿海)冷冻鲐巴鱼的组胺含量,本站于2000年4~6月对全市集体、个体冷库冷冻鲐巴鱼100份进行了检测,现将结果报告如下。 1 材料与方法 1.1 样品来源 100份样品均于4~6月份分二批采集于10个冷库。 1.2 样品处理 将采集的鱼洗净去鳞,取两侧肌肉用乳钵捣  相似文献   

水环境中鱼类的汞浓度一般较高。这是由于鱼类通过食物链或鳃将水中汞富集于体内所造成的。三块鱼是适应性较强的杂食性鱼类,在日本淡水中广泛存在,易捕捞,可作为淡水水域中汞污染的指示鱼,反映鱼类所栖息的水环境中汞的污染程度。常见的日本三块鱼有三种即:Tribolodon Hakonensis、马尔他三块鱼(T. jusanensis)和突嘴三块鱼[T. SP(Ukekuchi-ugui)]。作者对这三种鱼进行了捕捞,并测定了可食肉部分的总汞和甲基汞浓度。  相似文献   

碘的食物来源及含量(μg/g)鱼 (淡水 ) :新鲜成分 30 (平均 ) ,17~ 4 0 (变动范围 ) ;干燥成分 116 (平均 ) ,6 8~ 194 (变动范围 )。鱼 (海水 ) :新鲜成分 832 (平均 ) ,16 3~ 3180 (变动范围 ) ;干燥成分 3715 (平均 ) ,4 71~ 4 5 91(变动范围 )。水生贝壳类 :新鲜成分 789(平均 ) ,30 8~ 130 0 (变动范围 ) ;干燥成分 386 6 (平均 ) ,12 92~ 4 987(变动范围 )。食用肉类 :新鲜成分 5 0 (平均 ) ,2 7~ 97(变动范围 )。牛奶 :新鲜成分 4 7(平均 ) ,35~ 5 6 (变动范围 )。蛋类 :新鲜成分 93。谷类 :新鲜成分 4 7(平均 ) ,2 2~ 72 (…  相似文献   

甲醇对鱼类的毒性试验   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
甲醇主要用作化工原料和有机溶剂使用。近年 ,国内外有将甲醇用作内燃机、汽车燃料的趋势 ,极大地扩大了甲醇的使用范围和生产使用量 ,也增大了甲醇进入环境并污染环境的风险。为评价甲醇对环境的影响 ,特进行甲醇对鱼类的毒性试验。1 材料和方法1.1 材料 甲醇 (分析纯 ,天津市化学试剂六厂三分厂 ,2 0 0 2 12 13) ;市售红色单尾金鱼 80尾 ,身长 4 2±1.3cm ,经试验训养 1周无异常后投入试验 ;等容量园形玻璃缸若干 ,容积 10L以上。清洁自来水 ,先放入大缸敞放 1d后备用 (气温 18℃± 2℃ ,水温 16℃± 2℃ ,pH7 4± 0 .2 ) ;鱼喂市…  相似文献   

ObjectivesThe Asian Working Group for Sarcopenia (AWGS) 2019 recommends different measurement protocols for handgrip strength (HGS). We aimed to explore (1) whether these protocols induce a significant difference in HGS; (2) whether these differences be clinically meaningful; and (3) whether these protocols affect the identification of HGS weakness or asymmetry.DesignCross-sectional study.Setting and participantsA total of 356 community-dwelling older adults (mean age 67.9 years; 146 women).MethodsMaximal HGS was measured according to protocols from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (Method A, standing with full elbow extended) and the American Society of Hand Therapists (Method B, sitting with elbow flexed at 90°). HGS was analyzed using the maximal value of 2 or 3 repetitions of the dominant hand or 4 or 6 repetitions of both hands.ResultsThe difference in maximal HGS between Method A and Method B might have clinical meaning in approximately half of the participants. When measured using Method A, respective proportions of individuals with differences in HGS between the 6 repetitions group and the other repetition groups beyond the noninferiority threshold were 42%, 20%, and 25% in men and 39%, 21%, and 17% in women. Using Method B, the corresponding percentages were 25%, 18%, and 6% in men, and 27%, 20%, and 5% in women, respectively. Different protocols did not significantly affect the identification of HGS weakness, as different protocols reached diagnostic accuracies of 0.910 to 0.967 in men and 0.911 to 0.986 in women when using Method A (6 repetitions) as the reference standard. However, different protocols significantly affected the identification of HGS asymmetry, as different protocols had diagnostic accuracies of 0.667 to 0.886 in men and 0.658 to 0.863 in women.Conclusions and implicationsThe different protocols recommended by the AWGS 2019 update significantly affect maximal HGS values and the identification of HGS asymmetry but not HGS weakness.  相似文献   



Sarcopenia is a common geriatric syndrome, whose diagnosis implies the assessment of muscle mass. Dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) is the reference method for clinical practice, but it is not universally available. We compared DXA with 2 anthropometry-based methods to assess muscle mass in older adults.




Ambulatory patients.


148 (87 female and 61 male) white older adults.


Mid-arm muscle circumference (MAMC), whole skeletal muscle mass estimated by the Lee's formula (eTSMM), and relative skeletal muscle index (RSMI).


Men and women did not differ for MAMC and RSMI, whereas eTSMM was higher (P < .001) in men. MAMC and eTSMM correlated with RSMI, in the whole sample as in men and women separately (P < .001). According to the McNemar test, the frequencies of older men and women with low muscle mass identified by eTSMM did not differ from those detected by RSMI (P = .066) at variance with MAMC. Using EWGSOP (European Working Group on Sarcopenia in Older People) criteria for RSMI as standard reference, the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves provided redefined cut-offs of reduced muscle mass: 18.6 cm in women and 22.3 cm in men for MAMC, and 17.7 kg in women and 28.3 kg in men for eTSMM. The areas under the ROC curves (AUCs) for MAMC were 0.882 in women (sensitivity 89%, specificity 84%) and 0.826 in men (sensitivity 94%, specificity 67%). The AUCs for eTSMM were 0.8913 in women (sensitivity 95%, specificity 81%) and 0.878 in men (sensitivity 97%, specificity 67%). No significant difference was found between the ROC curves of MAMC and eTSMM in both sexes.


Two simple anthropometric methods, possibly used in every clinical setting, could be valuable screening tools for low muscle mass in older subjects.  相似文献   

Muscle atrophy in ageing is a multifactorial degenerative process impacted by cellular ageing biology, which includes oxidative stress. Chlorella vulgaris is a coccoid green eukaryotic microalga rich in antioxidants. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of C. vulgaris in ameliorating oxidative stress, thus elucidating its mechanism in improving muscle mass, strength and function in young and old rats. Fifty-six male Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats aged 3 months (young) and 21 months (old) were divided into three groups: Group 1 (control) was given distilled water; Group 2 was treated with 150 mg/kg body weight (BW) of C. vulgaris; and Group 3 was treated with 300 mg/kg BW of C. vulgaris for three months. Grip and muscle strength and muscle integrity were determined on days 0, 30, 60, and 90 of treatment. Urine and blood were collected on days 0 and 90 of treatment for oxidative stress marker determination, while the gastrocnemius muscles were collected for muscle oxidative stress analysis. Increased grip strength of the front and hind paws was observed in young C. vulgaris-treated rats on days 30, 60, and 90 compared to the untreated control on the same days (p < 0.05). There was a significant increase in lean bone mineral content (BMC) in young rats treated with 300 mg/kg BW C. vulgaris compared to untreated rats on days 30 and 60. The fat mass was significantly decreased in young and old C. vulgaris-treated rats on day 90 compared to the untreated control. The total path was significantly increased for old rats treated with 300 mg/kg BW C. vulgaris on days 60 and 90 compared to day 0. Young and old C. vulgaris-treated rats demonstrated a significant decrease in urinary isoprostane F2t and plasma creatine kinase-MM (CKMM) compared to the control on day 90. A significant decrease in malondialdehyde (MDA) and 4-hydroxyalkenal (HAE) levels were observed in young and old rats treated with C. vulgaris. C. vulgaris improved the muscle mass, strength, and function in young and old rats. This effect could be due to its potency in ameliorating oxidative stress in the skeletal muscle of young and old rats.  相似文献   

Sarcopenia, a newly recognized geriatric syndrome, is characterized by age-related decline of skeletal muscle plus low muscle strength and/or physical performance. Previous studies have confirmed the association of sarcopenia and adverse health outcomes, such as falls, disability, hospital admission, long term care placement, poorer quality of life, and mortality, which denotes the importance of sarcopenia in the health care for older people. Despite the clinical significance of sarcopenia, the operational definition of sarcopenia and standardized intervention programs are still lacking. It is generally agreed by the different working groups for sarcopenia in the world that sarcopenia should be defined through a combined approach of muscle mass and muscle quality, however, selecting appropriate diagnostic cutoff values for all the measurements in Asian populations is challenging. Asia is a rapidly aging region with a huge population, so the impact of sarcopenia to this region is estimated to be huge as well. Asian Working Group for Sarcopenia (AWGS) aimed to promote sarcopenia research in Asia, and we collected the best available evidences of sarcopenia researches from Asian countries to establish the consensus for sarcopenia diagnosis. AWGS has agreed with the previous reports that sarcopenia should be described as low muscle mass plus low muscle strength and/or low physical performance, and we also recommend outcome indicators for further researches, as well as the conditions that sarcopenia should be assessed. In addition to sarcopenia screening for community-dwelling older people, AWGS recommends sarcopenia assessment in certain clinical conditions and healthcare settings to facilitate implementing sarcopenia in clinical practice. Moreover, we also recommend cutoff values for muscle mass measurements (7.0 kg/m2 for men and 5.4 kg/m2 for women by using dual X-ray absorptiometry, and 7.0 kg/m2 for men and 5.7 kg/m2 for women by using bioimpedance analysis), handgrip strength (<26 kg for men and <18 kg for women), and usual gait speed (<0.8 m/s). However, a number of challenges remained to be solved in the future. Asia is made up of a great number of ethnicities. The majority of currently available studies have been published from eastern Asia, therefore, more studies of sarcopenia in south, southeastern, and western Asia should be promoted. On the other hand, most Asian studies have been conducted in a cross-sectional design and few longitudinal studies have not necessarily collected the commonly used outcome indicators as other reports from Western countries. Nevertheless, the AWGS consensus report is believed to promote more Asian sarcopenia research, and most important of all, to focus on sarcopenia intervention studies and the implementation of sarcopenia in clinical practice to improve health care outcomes of older people in the communities and the healthcare settings in Asia.  相似文献   

目的研究补充白藜芦醇促进运动性骨骼肌微损伤修复效果及其可能机制。方法 70只雄性昆明种小鼠随机分为安静对照组(control group,CG)、运动对照组(exercise group,EG)和运动+白藜芦醇组(exercise+resveratrol group,ER),EG组、ER组又分为三个亚组,运动后即刻组、运动后24h组、运动后48h组,每组10只。ER组每日给予白藜芦醇10mg/kg灌胃,与EG组同时进行4 w的跑台训练,训练结束后进行一次坡度为0,速度为18m/min,持续90min的跑台运动。运动结束后按组别取材,电镜观察肌原纤维和肌小节的排列,Z线结构变化等;测定血清肌酐激酶(CK)、乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)活性,肌组织超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性、丙二醛(MDA)含量。结果电镜观察结果表明,EG组出现了明显的肌节排列紊乱,Z线流、Z线波形变化等,ER组损伤程度小于EG组,且48h后损伤骨骼肌已基本恢复;ER组小鼠血清CK、LDH活性显著低于EG组,尤其在运动后24h、48h(P<0.05);ER组骨骼肌中SOD活性显著升高、MDA含明显降低,与EG组相比,差异具有显著性(P<0.05)。结论补充白藜芦醇对运动性骨骼肌微损伤具有一定的预防和促进修复作用,其可能机制与其清除自由基、抑制脂质过氧化反应,从而维护肌细胞膜结构与功能稳定有关。  相似文献   

A characteristic response to injury is a dramatic loss of skeletal muscle protein owing to increased muscle protein breakdown. Over the past decade, numerous studies have indicated that up-regulation of the ubiquitin-proteasome system is a common mechanism underlying such injury-induced muscle proteolysis. However, a recent study using a single-impact trauma to the gastrocnemius muscle found that, although the rate of muscle proteolysis was dramatically increased, the ubiquitin-proteasome system was not involved. Rather, an increase in lysosomal activity, through infiltration of the damaged tissue by mononuclear macrophages, is responsible for the high rates of protein breakdown.  相似文献   

There is conflicting evidence of the roles vitamin D and iron have in isolation and combined in relation to muscle health. The purpose of this narrative review was to examine the current literature on the roles that vitamin D and iron have on skeletal muscle mass, strength, and function and how these nutrients are associated with skeletal muscle health in specific populations. Secondary purposes include exploring if low vitamin D and iron status are interrelated with skeletal muscle health and chronic inflammation and reviewing the influence of animal-source foods rich in these nutrients on health and performance. PubMed, Scopus, SPORT Discus, EMBAE, MEDLINE, and Google Scholar databases were searched to determine eligible studies. There was a positive effect of vitamin D on muscle mass, particularly in older adults. There was a positive effect of iron on aerobic and anaerobic performance. Studies reported mixed results for both vitamin D and iron on muscle strength and function. While vitamin D and iron deficiency commonly occur in combination, few studies examined effects on skeletal muscle health and inflammation. Isolated nutrients such as iron and vitamin D may have positive outcomes; however, nutrients within food sources may be most effective in improving skeletal muscle health.  相似文献   

Background: Critically ill patients commonly experience skeletal muscle wasting that may predict clinical outcome. Ultrasound is a noninvasive method that can measure muscle quadriceps muscle layer thickness (QMLT) and subsequently lean body mass (LBM) at the bedside. However, currently the reliability of these measurements are unknown. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the intra‐ and interreliability of measuring QMLT using bedside ultrasound. Methods: Ultrasound measurements of QMLT were conducted at 7 centers on healthy volunteers. Trainers were instructed to perform measurements twice on each patient, and then a second trainee repeated the measurement. Intrarater reliability measured how consistently the same person measured the subject according to intraclass correlation (ICC). Interrater reliability measured how consistently trainer and trainee agreed when measuring the same subject according to the ICC. Results: We collected 42 pairs of within operator measurements with an ICC of .98 and 78 pairs of trainer‐to‐trainee measurements with an ICC of .95. There were no statistically significant differences between the trainer and trainee results (trainer and trainee mean = ?0.028 cm, 95% CI = ?0.067 to ?0.011, P = .1607). Conclusions: Excellent intra‐ and interrater reliability for ultrasound measurements of QMLT in healthy volunteers was observed when performed by a range of providers with no prior ultrasound experience, including dietitians, nurses, physicians, and research assistants. This technique shows promise as a method to evaluate LBM status in ICU or hospital settings and as a method to assess the effects of nutrition and exercise‐based interventions on muscle wasting.  相似文献   

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