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This study sought to identify and evaluate the risk factors of postoperative complications, prognostic factors, and appropriate surgical strategies in elderly patients undergoing surgery for gastric cancer.


The medical records of 396 radical gastrectomies conducted from January 2006 to December 2011 were retrospectively reviewed. Surgical results and survival rates were assessed for 60 elderly patients (aged?≥?80 years) and 336 non-elderly patients (aged?<?80 years). The study groups were compared with respect to clinicopathological findings, surgical outcomes, and survival.


Elderly patients underwent gastrectomies with shorter operation time, showed less extensive lymphadenectomy, and had a significant difference in overall survival compared with non-elderly patients, although there was no difference in cause-specific survival among patients receiving curative resection. No significant risk factors affecting postoperative complications were identified in the elderly patients. Number of comorbidities (≥2) (HR, 5.30; 95 % CI, 1.11–25.32; P?=?0.037) and TNM stage (≥II) (HR, 12.97; 95 % CI, 1.60–105.38; P?=?0.017) were identified as independent prognostic factors in the elderly patients receiving curative resection.


Age is not an independent prognostic factor for patients receiving curative resection for gastric cancer. Multiple comorbidities may also influence the prognosis of elderly patients. Careful follow-up would improve overall survival for elderly patients.  相似文献   

Background: We evaluated the morbidity and mortality associated with American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) classes III and IV versus ASA classes I and II in elderly women (70 years) undergoing gynecological oncological surgery.Methods: From 1986 to 2000, we retrospectively collected patients 70 years of age undergoing oncological gynecological surgery. The study population consisted of 121 ASA class III and IV patients. The control group consisted of the same number of patients with ASA classes I and II, and these were matched to study patients (1:1) by clinical and surgical data. The morbidity and mortality of patients with ASA status III and IV were analyzed before and after 1992.Results: In ASA class III and IV patients, compared with ASA class I and II, a higher rate of severe morbidity (P = .000) occurred, whereas the median postoperative stay was similar (8 days). No differences between patients with ASA class III and IV and ASA class I and II for median operative time, transfusion rate, or median blood loss were found. Mortality was 3% in ASA classes III and IV.Conclusions: Our study suggests that surgery in elderly gynecological oncological patients aged 70 years with ASA class III or IV results in an acceptable perioperative morbidity and mortality rate.  相似文献   

Background: Routine axillary lymph node dissection (ALND) for elderly women with invasive breast cancer has been questioned because it rarely alters therapy yet carries a significant morbidity rate. Sentinel lymphadenectomy (SLND) improves axillary staging and alters therapy in women with T1 breast cancer, but it is not clear whether SLND alters therapy in elderly women with breast cancer.Methods: A prospective breast cancer data base was used to identify women 70 years old and older who underwent SLND for axillary staging of invasive breast cancer between 1991 and 1998.Results: There were 75 invasive breast cancers in 73 women. The mean patient age was 74.5 years (range, 70–90 years). Median tumor size was 1.4 cm (range, 0.1– 6.2 cm). Of the 75 tumors, 42 (56%) had favorable primary characteristics; the remaining tumors had unfavorable characteristics. SLND was performed alone in 17 cases (23%) and was followed by completion ALND in 58 cases (77%). Positive lymph nodes were identified in 32 cases (43%); 26 (81.3%) were detected by hematoxylin and eosin stains, and 6 (18.7%) were detected by immunohistochemistry alone. Five patients (6.9%) received adjuvant chemotherapy. Seven patients (9.6%) received axillary/supraclavicular radiation for positive nodes. Ten (13.7%) of 73 patients had obvious alterations in therapy because of axillary nodal status. As a result of SLND, 3 (13.6%) of 22 patients with tumors 1.0 cm or smaller received tamoxifen, and 7 (15%) of 46 patients with tumors between 1.0 and 3.0 cm in size had changes in therapy. When patient and tumor characteristics were analyzed to determine relationships to therapeutic decision-making, nodal status was the variable most significantly associated with changes in therapy (P 5 .0001).Conclusions: SLND improves axillary staging in elderly women with invasive breast cancer. Results of immunohistochemistry do not alter therapy in this group of individuals (P 5 .6367). In patients with small primary tumors, SLND alters therapy by increasing the number of patients receiving tamoxifen. In addition, SLND affects adjuvant systemic chemotherapy and regional radiotherapy in a significant number of patients with larger tumors, particularly tumors between 1.0 and 3.0 cm.  相似文献   



Neoadjuvant chemotherapy is being increasingly used in operable breast cancer. There are limited data on the safety of bevacizumab (bev) in the neoadjuvant setting. We sought to explore the safety of neoadjuvant cisplatin/bev in a protocol for triple negative breast cancer (TNBC).

Materials and Methods

A total of 51 patients with confirmed TNBC were enrolled in a single-arm trial of neoadjuvant cisplatin plus bev. Of the 51 patients, 28 with confirmed TNBC were enrolled in our trial of single-agent neoadjuvant cisplatin. Two-sided Fisher exact test were used for comparing the 2 trials.


The 51 patients received neoadjuvant protocol therapy with cisplatin/bev and underwent definitive local therapy. Breast conserving therapy (BCT) was performed in 29 (57%) and mastectomy with or without reconstruction in 22 (43%). Postoperative complications were reported in 22 patients (43%); 4 (8%) required explanation of expanders. Also, 28 patients completed neoadjuvant cisplatin therapy. BCT was performed in 13 (46%) and mastectomy with or without reconstruction in 15 (54%). Postoperative complications were reported in 11 patients (39%). None of the 5 reconstructions were lost. We compared all toxicities between the two trials (P = .81 NS), and wound healing related complications between the two trials (P = .10 NS).


Cisplatin/bevacizumab and cisplatin alone neoadjuvant therapy resulted in a significant number of postoperative complications. Specifically, use of expanders/implants may be problematic for patients treated with bev. However, this was a single-arm trial; randomized controlled studies will be needed to determine the optimal use of bevacizumab in the timing of breast cancer surgery.  相似文献   

Appropriate use of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in elderly breast cancer (BC) patients remains unclear; we sought to identify the indications and implications of MRI use in our elderly BC population. Women 70 years of age or older at first BC diagnosis with an MRI performed at our institution either perioperatively or in follow‐up were included from a prospectively maintained database from 2000 to 2010. Univariate logistic regression was used to test associations with disease identified by MRI only (additional ipsilateral, contralateral, or new cancer) following perioperative MRI. 305 BCs were imaged in 286 patients. 133 were imaged with MRI in the perioperative setting alone, 88 had only follow‐up MRIs after BC treatment, and 65 had both. Indications for perioperative MRI include: extent of disease evaluation (181; 91%); occult primary (10; 5%); high‐risk screening (5; 3%); and abnormal physical exam with negative conventional imaging (2; 1%). Disease identified by MRI only for occult primary cases was 4/10 (40%; 95% confidence interval: 12.2–73.8%) and 14/181 (7.7%; 95% confidence interval: 4.3–12.6%) for perioperative MRIs performed for extent of disease evaluation. Analysis of imaging and tumor characteristics failed to find significant predictors of disease identified by MRI only. A total of 369 post‐treatment follow‐up MRIs were performed in 148 patients with a median of 2 MRIs per patient (range 1–8), with seven cases of disease identified by MRI only (1.9%; 95% confidence interval: 0.8–3.9%). MRI had the greatest benefit in women presenting with an occult primary cancer and minimal additional benefit in elderly patients with BC undergoing MRI imaging for extent of disease evaluation or in post‐treatment surveillance.  相似文献   

The purpose of this qualitative study was to describe communication behaviors and attitudes of physicians that were most important to women living with breast cancer. Two focus group sessions were conducted, 1 month apart, involving 15 women who were members of a community-based breast cancer support group in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Group dialogue was audiotaped, and notes were taken at each session by the coinvestigators, also members of the support group. Audiotapes, coinvestigators' written notes from the two focus group sessions, and the written homework assignments were used in the qualitative data analysis. Conceptual themes were identified and grouped to discern patterns within the data. The women were asked the following: (a) What were the most helpful things your doctor said or did at the time of your diagnosis? (b) What does a good intervention feel or look like? They were then asked to describe behaviors and attitudes they would like to influence in medical students who might later be communicating with women facing a diagnosis of breast cancer and to indicate which behaviors and attitudes they felt were most important. Women's positive experiences with physicians were characterized by communication based on active listening, awareness of the women's knowledge of their illness, honesty, and partnership. Physicians who showed interest in their patients as persons and who used touch to communicate caring were perceived as supportive communicators. Not surprisingly, there were similarities between the participants' positive experiences with their own physicians and the behaviors and attitudes desired in future physicians. Once again, “listening” was ranked as most important, followed by willingness to discern the individual patient's knowledge level.  相似文献   



The annual incidence of inflammatory breast cancer (IBC) in the United States reportedly increased during the last quarter of the twentieth century. We investigated whether that increase has continued into the twenty-first century.


We queried the Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results database for all cases of IBC in women age 20 and older between 1992 and 2009. Cases were breast tumors with at least one of the following codes: extent of disease size 998, extension 70, or ICD-3-O morphology 8530 or 8533. Age-adjusted incidence was also examined.


During 1992–2009, the annual incidence of IBC did not increase over time in any age group, nor did it vary significantly from year to year, except between 2003 and 2004, when there was a jump from 1.6 (95 % confidence interval 1.4–1.8) to 3.1 (2.8–3.4) cases per 100,000 women. Similar changes occurred in all age and racial groups before gradually returning to prejump levels. Overall, the incidence of IBC rose steeply with age until reaching a plateau at age 65. The incidence was greatest among black women (3.0; 2.8–3.2), intermediate among white women (2.1; 2.1–2.2), and lowest among Asian women (1.4; 1.3–1.6).


The incidence of IBC has remained essentially stable for nearly two decades. A transient jump in 2003–2004 occurred in all age and racial groups, suggesting adjustment to coding changes at that time. Often described as a disease of younger women, IBC in fact disproportionately affects older women. Racial/ethnic variation in the incidence of IBC suggests that dietary, lifestyle, or genetic factors contribute to its pathogenesis.  相似文献   



To make an informed choice, breast cancer patients facing surgery must imagine the effect of surgery on their future life experiences. However, the accuracy of patient predictions of postoperative quality of life (QoL) and disease-related stigma is not well understood.

Materials and Methods

Four groups of breast cancer patients at the University of Michigan Medical Center were surveyed by mail and interview (response rate 76.3%): (1) preoperative (N = 59), (2) mastectomy (N = 146), (3) mastectomy with reconstruction (N = 250), and (4) breast conservation (N = 705). Subjects rated their QoL (1 = lowest, 100 = highest) and stigma (1 = lowest, 5 = highest) and estimated QoL and stigma associated with mastectomy alone, mastectomy with reconstruction, and breast conserving surgery (BCS). Mean scores were compared using linear regression controlling for age, race, partnered status, and income.


Preoperatively, women inaccurately predicted postoperative QoL and stigma for all surgical options, particularly for mastectomy. Preoperative patients underestimated the postoperative QoL for mastectomy alone (predicted: 56.8 vs actual: 83.7; P < .001). Preoperative patients underestimated QoL following mastectomy following reconstruction (predicted: 73.4 vs actual: 83.9; P < .001) and BCS (predicted: 72.2 vs actual: 88.6; P < .001). Additionally, preoperative patients overestimated stigma related to mastectomy (predicted: 3.25 vs actual: 2.43; P < .001). Finally, preoperative women overestimated stigma related to mastectomy with reconstruction (predicted: 2.54 vs actual: 2.03; P < .001) and BCS (predicted: 1.90 vs actual: 1.76; P < .001).


Predicting QoL and stigma following breast cancer surgery is challenging for patients facing a diagnosis for surgery. Identifying strategies to better inform patients of surgical outcomes can improve the decision-making process.  相似文献   

Background Women ≤ 40 years account for 5% of new breast cancer diagnoses. Although there is increased awareness of genetic and other breast cancer risk factors, it is not clear whether this has resulted in earlier diagnosis in young women. Methods A database review identified 8892 women treated for breast cancer from 1980 to 2002. We compared 925 women aged ≤ 40 years with 2362 women aged 50 to 60 years. The mean and median tumor size and lymph node status were determined for each group. Results There were significant differences in tumor size and lymph node status in younger versus older women. From 1980 to the mid 1990s, tumor size and nodal status did not differ. Since the mid 1990s, tumor size has decreased more rapidly for women aged 50 to 60 years than for those ≤ 40 years. In 1998 to 2002, the mean tumor size reached a plateau of 1.8 cm in women 50 to 60 years, compared with a plateau of 2.4 cm in women ≤ 40 years (P < .001). The median tumor size in 1998 to 2002 was 1.4 cm in women 50 to 60 years compared with 1.9 cm in women ≤ 40 years (P < .001). Lymph node status was also significantly different during 1998 to 2002: 23.9% positive in women 50 to 60 years versus 35.2% in women ≤ 40 years (P < .001). Conclusions Since the 1980s, women aged 50 to 60 years have enjoyed a greater decrease in tumor size and percentage with positive nodes. These data could be the result of ineffective screening of younger women or of more aggressive tumor biology. Further study is required to determine whether more effective identification and screening of young, high-risk women can result in earlier detection.  相似文献   

Locally Advanced Breast Cancer: Is Surgery Necessary?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract: A retrospective analysis of the treatment of locally advanced breast cancer (LABC) was undertaken at Stanford Medical Center to assess the outcome of patients who did not undergo surgical removal of their tumors. Between 1981 and 1998, 64 patients with locally advanced breast cancer were treated with induction chemotherapy, radiation with or without breast surgery, and additional chemotherapy. Sixty-two (97%) patients received cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, and 5-fluorouracil (CAF) induction chemotherapy. Induction chemotherapy was followed by local radiotherapy in 59 (92%) patients. Based on the clinical response to chemotherapy and patient preference, 44 (69%) patients received no local breast surgery. Radiotherapy was followed by an additional, non-doxorubicin-containing chemotherapy in all patients. The mean age of patients was 49 years. Of the 65 locally advanced breast cancers in 64 patients, 26 (41%) were stage IIIA, 35 (55%) were stage IIIB, and 4 (6%) were stage IV (supraclavicular lymph nodes only). Response to induction chemotherapy was seen in 59 patients (92%), with 29 (45%) achieving a complete clinical response and 30 (47%) a partial clinical response. With a mean follow-up of 51 months (range 7–187 months), 43 patients (67.2%) have no evidence of recurrent disease. Eight (12.5%) have recurred locally, and 21 (32.8%) have recurred with distant metastasis. Actuarial 5-year survival is 75%, disease-free survival is 58%, and local control rate is 87.5%. These data indicate that the routine inclusion of breast surgery in a combined modality treatment program for LABC does not appear necessary for the majority of patients who experience a response to induction chemotherapy.  相似文献   

The advent of genetically engineered mouse models (GEMs) of human breast cancer, have provided important insight into molecular basis or human breast cancer. This review will focus on two of the most extensively studied mouse models for human breast cancer involving mammary gland specific expression of the polyoma middle T (PyV MT) antigen and of the ErbB2. In addition, this review will discuss past and recent advances in understanding relative contribution of the signaling pathways in tumor induction and metastasis by these potent mammary oncogenes.  相似文献   


Inflammatory breast cancer (IBC) is a rare and aggressive presentation of breast cancer, characterized by higher propensity for locoregional recurrence and distant metastasis compared with non-IBC. Because of extensive parenchymal and overlying dermal lymphatic involvement by carcinoma, IBC is unresectable at diagnosis. Trimodality therapy (neoadjuvant chemotherapy followed by modified radical mastectomy and adjuvant comprehensive chest wall and regional nodal radiotherapy) has been a well-accepted treatment algorithm for IBC. Over the last few decades, several innovations in systemic therapy have resulted in rising rates of pathologic complete response (pCR) in both the affected breast and the axilla. The latter may present an opportunity for deescalation of lymph node surgery in patients with IBC, as those with an axillary pCR may be able to avoid an axillary dissection. To this end, feasibility data are necessary to address this question. There are very limited data on the safety of breast conservation of IBC; therefore, mastectomy remains the standard of care for this disease. There are also no data addressing the safety of immediate reconstruction in patients with IBC. Considering that some degree of deliberate skin-sparing to facilitate immediate breast reconstruction would be expected, given the extensive skin involvement by disease at diagnosis, the safest oncologic strategy to breast reconstruction in IBC would be the delayed approach.




Randomized trials have not demonstrated a survival benefit for axillary dissection in the elderly, but the use of axillary staging for women 70 years of age and older remains controversial.


We utilized the National Cancer Data Base to study the use of axillary staging from 2004 to 2010 on 102,026 clinically node-negative and estrogen receptor-positive cases of pT1N0 tumors. Chi-square and logistic regression models were used to determine the trends and factors related to axillary staging.


Axillary nodes were examined in 88.9 % of the total cohort, and the trend significantly increased from 87.7 % in 2004 to 89.2 % in 2010. A total of 77.2 % of patients underwent lumpectomy and 22.8 % mastectomy, with 87.0 % of lumpectomy patients undergoing axillary staging compared to 95.5 % of mastectomy patients. Predictors of axillary staging examined were age, comorbidity, income, histology, grade, facility type, facility location, and population density. The strongest independent predictor of axillary staging was age: 96.0 % of women aged 70–75 years underwent axillary staging, versus 92.3 % of women 75–80 years old, 83.2 % of women 80–85 years old, 66.5 % of women 86–90 years old, and 45.6 % of women >90 years old. Patients treated at academic/research facilities were 18.5 % less likely (odds ratio 0.81, 95 % confidence interval 0.76–0.87) than community cancer programs to undergo axillary staging. There was significant regional variation among U.S. Census regions: patients treated in the Midwest were 3.8 times more likely to undergo axillary staging than those treated in the Northeast.


Despite data indicating decreased utility, axillary staging remains overutilized in women with advancing age.  相似文献   

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