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Tumour necrosis factor- (TNF-) and interleukin-1 (IL-1) areimportant mediators of cell signalling in the uterus. Prostaglandins(PG) have been implicated in the increase of endometrial vascularpermeability which occurs during the implantation process. Thisstudy evaluates the effect of these two pleiotropic cytokineson PGF2 and PGE2 release from human luteal phase endometrialglandular epithelial cells (GEC) and stromal cells (STC) inculture. Basal PGF and PGE release did not differ significantlyfrom each other or among cell types, and declined significantlywith increasing number of days in culture. On day 3, basal PGrelease had decreased to half of that on day 1 of culture. However,both cell types were still able to respond to the addition ofexogenous arachidonic acid (5 µM) on day 3 of culture,with PG release by GEC being elevated 7- to 10-fold and by STCmoderately, but still significantly, on day 4. The permissiveeffect of arachidonic acid on the stimulation of PG releasemay indicate the down-regulation of phospholipase A2 with continuedtime in culture. However, the addition of arachidonic acid (5µM) on day 0 of culture, while able to cause significantlyincreased PG release from GEC, had no effect on STC. In contrast,the addition of a combination of arachidonic acid (5 µM),and either recombinant human TNF- (10 µg rhTNF-/I) or10 µg rhlL-1/I, had a synergistic action and caused thesignificantly increased release of PGF and PGE from both celltypes, compared with that achieved with either arachidonic acidor the cytokine alone (although GEC responded more than STC).During the first 24 h after the addition of rhTNF- or rhlL-1,both cytokines stimulated PG release from both cell types ina dose- and time-dependent fashion. Neither cycloheximide (10µM) nor actinomycin D (10 µM) affected basal PGrelease, but both blocked cytokine-induced PG release from bothcell types. These results suggest that there is a differentialcontrol of human endometrial cell PG biosynthesis, and thatPG release may be regulated through gene activation.  相似文献   

Fertilization and oocyte cleavage rates have previously been demonstrated to be lower for women with endometriosis undergoing IVF compared with controls. This might be related to impaired oocyte function, possibly due to an inflammatory milieu in the pelvis of these women, where an elevated concentration of many cytokines is documented. The aim of this study was to examine whether granulosa cells from women with endometriosis deviated with respect to production of the inflammatory cytokines interleukin-1beta, interleukin-6, interleukin-8 and tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNFalpha) compared with granulosa cells from healthy women, undergoing IVF for male infertility. The effect of human chorionic gonadotrophin on cytokine production was also investigated. Granulosa cells in follicular fluid were obtained at oocyte retrieval for IVF. Incubated cell culture media were analysed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The basal production of all four cytokines was higher in cells from women with endometriosis when compared to controls, although the increase was only significant for TNFalpha. Chorionic gonadotrophin had no significant effect, although it had a tendency to suppress cytokine release in both patient categories. Whether aberrant cytokine production in granulosa cells from women with endometriosis may disturb fertilizing capacity of oocytes requires study.  相似文献   

Transforming growth factor a (TGF) is implicated as a paracrinegrowth factor in the regulation of human granulosa cell function.To investigate this further, we have examined the actions ofTGF on the basal and folliclestimulating hormone (FSH)-stimulatedaromatase activity of human granulosa cells to determine howthis growth factor influences oestrogen biosynthesis in thefollicle. Granulosa cells from women having in-vitro fertilizationduring untreated or gonadotrophin-stimulated cycles were culturedfor 1–6 days in the presence or absence of FSH or TGFat a range of doses. Aromatase activity, expressed as oestradiolproduction, was determined after culture during a 3 h test period.After 2 days, TGF (1–300 ng/ml) decreased basal and FSH-stimulatedaromatase activity in a dose-dependent manner (ED50 = 3 ng/ml).In contrast, after 4 days, TGF enhanced both basal and FSH-stimulatedaromatase activity. Repeated experiments revealed a consistentpattern of inhibition on day 2, which was more marked in thepresence of FSH (reduction by 30.6 ± 9.1%, mean ±SEM; n = 14; P < 0.01), and stimulation on day 4 in boththe absence (increased by 61.4 ± 20.6%, mean ±SEM; n = 6; P < 0.05) and presence of FSH (increased by 36.0± 15.2%, mean ± SEM; n = 8; P < 0.05). Theresults provide further evidence that TGF is a paracrine factorin the control of oestrogen biosynthesis, but the actions canbe either inhibitory or stimulatory depending on the durationof exposure.  相似文献   

Human granulosa cells, from women undergoing ovum collection for in-vitro fertilization (IVF), will luteinize in vitro and provide a model for investigating the antigonadotrophic action of a prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGF2 alpha) analogue, cloprostenol, on granulosa-derived luteal cells. The granulosa cells were cultured in a defined medium and exposed to treatments during a preincubation period of 0 to 3 days and a final incubation with low density lipoprotein (LDL) from days 3 to 4. In the absence of human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG), progesterone production was low, whereas exposure to HCG in the final incubation resulted in a 10-fold increase in progesterone concentrations. The inclusion of cloprostenol with HCG in the final incubation significantly (P less than 0.05) inhibited HCG-stimulated progesterone production. Exposure to HCG during the preincubation prevented the antigonadotrophic action of cloprostenol in the final incubation. The antigonadotrophic action of cloprostenol was retained when the granulosa cells were exposed to cloprostenol during the preincubation. Omission of LDL from the final incubation lowered the production of progesterone but the pattern of responses to HCG and cloprostenol were similar. Prevention of the antigonadotrophic action of cloprostenol after exposure to HCG may be a mechanism through which chorionic gonadotrophin can prevent regression of the corpus luteum in early pregnancy. Cloprostenol does not appear to inhibit LDL-stimulated steroidogenesis in human granulosa cells.  相似文献   

We have investigated the involvement of adhesion molecules inthe lymphocyte infiltration associated with acute intestinalgraft-versus-host disease (GVHD) induced by injection of C3Hlymph node cells into irradiated (C3H x DBA/2)F1 mice. Firstwe analyzed the expression profile of adhesion molecules including1, 2, 4, 5, 6, L and ß7 integrins, CD44 and L-selectinof lymphocytes from lymph nodes and gut mucosa in normal mice.In normal mice, intraepithelial lymphocytes (IEL) and laminapropria lymphocytes (LPL) uniquely showed increased expressionof 1, 2 and ß7 integrins, and decreased expressionof L-selectin compared with that of lymphocytes of the lymphnodes and Peyer's patches. In mice with GVHD, IEL and LPL ofdonor lymph node cells origin underwent phenotyplc changes characterizedby the increased expression of 1, L and ß7 integrins,and the loss of L-selectin. The expression profile of adhesionmolecules on IEL and LPL of GVHD mice resembled that of normalmice except for the lack of 2 integrin. Treatment of GVHD micewith anti-1,-4 or-ß7 integrin antibody alone partiallyprevented the mucosal pathology of intestinal GVHD, whereasonly mice treated with anti-1 showed reduced donor lymphocyticinfiltration into the intestinal mucosa. In contrast, treatmentwith anti-L or anti-CD44 antibody did not affect the intestinalGVHD. Furthermore, dual blockade of both 1 and 4 integrins completelyinhibited the mucosal pathology and donor lymphocyte infiltrationof intestinal GVHD. These results indicate that 1 and 4 integrinsplay an important role in the pathology of intestinal GVHD.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In September 2002, an outbreak of toxoplasmosis was noted in a male boarding high school on the Aegean coast of Turkey. We have focused our efforts to investigate the sex hormones in this population. METHODS: Blood samples were collected from 40 male patients, 17-18 years old, who also had positive titres of antibody to Toxoplasma gondii. Serum FSH, LH, free testosterone (FT), total testosterone (TT), interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma), interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta) and macrophage-inflammatory protein-1alpha (MIP-1alpha) concentrations were measured in all patients and 20 control subjects. Initially, the patients were divided on the basis of the levels of sex hormones into the following groups: patients who had normal sex hormone levels (n = 31) as group A and patients with low sex hormone levels (n = 9) as group B. RESULTS: IL-1beta levels were found to be higher in group B patients than group A. The levels of IL-1beta correlated significantly in a negative manner with FSH, LH, FT and TT in all patients with acute toxoplasmosis (n = 40). CONCLUSIONS: Acute toxoplasma infection may cause temporary hypogonadotrophic gonadal insufficiency regardless of the course of the disease.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Matrix metalloproteinases (MMP) play an essential role in tissue remodelling and menstruation and appear to be regulated by cytokines such as interleukin-1alpha (IL-1alpha). In order to investigate their role in the pathogenesis of endometriosis, the aim of the present study was to compare the protein localization of matrix metalloproteinase-1 (MMP-1) and of its main stimulatory cytokine IL-1alpha in eutopic and dystopic endometrium of patients with endometriosis. METHODS: MMP-1 and IL-1alpha protein localization was analysed retrospectively in paired paraffin-embedded tissue biopsies obtained simultaneously from the endometrial cavity and from endometrial lesions of 37 patients with peritoneal or ovarian endometriosis and in cycling endometria from 37 women without endometriosis. Protein localization was demonstrated by immunohistochemistry; antibody specificity was confirmed by western blot analysis. RESULTS: MMP-1 and IL-1alpha protein staining in women suffering from endometriosis was significantly more pronounced in endometriotic lesions than in eutopic endometrium. This held true for both epithelial MMP-1 and IL-1alpha staining (P < 0.006 and P < 0.001), and for stromal MMP-1 and IL-1alpha staining (P < 0.001 and P < 0.001). Furthermore, stromal MMP-1 and IL-1alpha were significantly co-expressed in dystopic endometriotic tissue (P = 0.045). Endometrial MMP-1 and IL-1alpha protein expression pattern in eutopic endometrium from women suffering from endometriosis, however, did not differ significantly from the pattern seen in healthy women. CONCLUSIONS: The increased expression of both matrix-degrading MMP-1 and its major stimulatory cytokine IL-1alpha in endometriotic lesions and the selective co-expression in the stroma of endometriotic foci clearly suggests their involvement in the pathogenic mechanisms leading to local invasion and tissue destruction.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The central role of estrogens and androgens in the male reproductive system has focused attention on the presence and distribution of their cognate receptors [estrogen receptor (ER) alpha, ERbeta and androgen receptor (AR)] in male reproductive tissues and cells. Since the presence of steroid hormone receptors in mitochondria of mammalian cells has been well documented, we investigated the possibility of mitochondrial localization of sex steroid hormone receptors in sperm. METHODS AND RESULTS: Applying immunofluorescence labelling and confocal laser scanning microscopy we show that the estrogen receptor beta and the AR of human sperm are specifically enriched in the midpiece, at the site of the mitochondria, which were visualized by labelling with the vital dye CMX. Nuclear and mitochondrial localization of AR was also detected in LnCap human prostate cancer cells. Differentially, most of the ERalpha immunostaining is in the form of a compact zone at a region corresponding to the equatorial segment of the upper post-acrosomal region of the sperm head. Immunoblotting experiments using sperm extracts revealed the presence of a 66 and a 45 kDa protein reacting with the ERalpha antibody, one 64 kDa protein reacting with the ERbeta antibody and a 110 and a 90 kDa protein reacting with the antibody against AR. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that the differential localization of AR and ER isoforms in human sperm reveals distinct roles of these receptors in the physiology of sperm cells and, perhaps, also in the process of fertilization.  相似文献   

We report a physical and functional association between the Tec-family tyrosine kinase Itk (Emt/Tsk) and the nuclear import chaperone karyopherin alpha (Rch1alpha) in human T cells. The Itk-SH3 domain and the Rch1alpha proline-rich (PR) motif were crucial for the Itk/Rch1alpha constitutive interaction as demonstrated by directed mutagenesis of the Rch1alpha PR motif (proline 242 to alanine, P242A). TCR-CD3 stimulation of Jurkat T cells resulted in increased Itk/Rch1alpha complex formation, recruitment of karyopherin beta to the protein complex and Rch1alpha tyrosine phosphorylation. Analysis of in vitro kinase reactions with a panel of recombinant glutathione-S-transferase (GST) fusion tyrosine kinases (Itk, Lck, ZAP-70 and Jak3) revealed that only GST-Itk efficiently phosphorylated a recombinant GST-Rch1alpha fusion. We observed constitutive nuclear localization of Itk that was up-regulated following either TCR-CD3 stimulation or over-expression of wild-type Rch1alpha in T cells. Further, nuclear localization of Itk and TCR-CD3-mediated IL-2 production were significantly down-regulated following expression of the Rch1alpha-P242A mutant, implicating a role for Rch1alpha in the nuclear translocation of Itk.  相似文献   

In order to study the effect of insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I on amino acid transport, granulosa-luteal cells were obtained from stimulated cycles in women undergoing in-vitro fertilization. The cells were precultured for 1-3 days in serum-containing medium. The medium was then changed to serum-free with added IGF-I and/or human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG). Following 24 h culture, the cellular uptake of [14C]alpha-aminoisobutyric acid AIB (0.1 mM, 0.6 mCi/ml) was studied during a 2-6 h incubation. The results showed that IGF-I (10-100 ng/ml) consistently stimulated AIB uptake to levels which were 44 +/- 7% above the control (n = 11 experiments). The stimulatory effect of IGF-I was abolished by HCG and was reduced by IGF-binding protein. In conjunction with previous findings that IGF-I stimulates the uptake and incorporation of thymidine into DNA, these results suggest that IGF-I is involved in growth of human granulosa-luteal cells.  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to investigate the effectsof transforming growth factor (TGF)-1 on ovarian steroidogenesisin immature or moderately mature porcine granulosa cells invitro. TGF-1 (0.01–10 ng/ml) significantly attenuatedprogesterone release from the basal and follicle stimulatinghormone-stimulated porcine granulosa cells, and significantlyincreased DNA synthesis. TGF-1 also significantly increasedthe extracellular accumulation of cyclic AMP, but did not changethe production of inositol phosphate or the intracellular calciumconcentration in these cells. Thus, TGF-1 appears to have adirect effect on porcine granulosa cell function, regulatingthe differential synthesis of progesterone mainly via the intracellularsignal transduction of the cyclic AMP—protein kinase Apathway. This growth factor may play a physiologically significantrole in controlling differentiation of immature and moderatelymature porcine granulosa cells via an autocrine/paracrine mechanism.  相似文献   

Interleukin-1 (IL-1) has been reported previously to inhibitthe in-vitro decidualization of human endometrial stromal cellsas assessed by progesterone-induced prolactin production andmorphological transformation. In this study we examined whetherother cytokines, such as tumour necrosis factor-(TNF), interferon-(IFN), IFN or granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor(GM-CSF), could affect the decidualization of human endometrialstromal cells in vitro. Of these cytokines, TNF significantlysuppressed prolactin production in a dose-dependent manner,with no apparent effect on cell number. The morphological transformationof endometrial stromal cells was also inhibited by TNF. TNFand IL-1 significantly suppressed cAMP-stimulated prolactinproduction by endometrial stromal cells. Neither the progesteroneconcentration in the supernatant of the endometrial stromalcell culture system nor intracellular calcium concentrationof the endometrial stromal cells were affected by the additionof TNF or IL-1. These results indicated that TNF and IL-1 suppressboth progesterone-induced and cAMP-mediated prolactin productionin endometrial stromal cells, and that this inhibition was notattributable to direct effects on progesterone metabolism orrelated to Ca2+-mediated signal transduction. These experimentssuggested that a local increase of TNF and IL-1 under certainpathological conditions in vivo may disturb blastocyst implantationand/or the maintenance of pregnancy by inhibiting the decidualizationof endometrial stromal cells.  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody against V14+ alpha-chain of murine T cell receptor (TCR) was established by fusing spleen cells from a rat immunized with a soluble chimeric TCR/IgG3 protein containing murine TCR V alpha 14J alpha 281 in place of the VHDHJH of an IgG3. lambda 1, and subjected to screening on a human transfectant (Jurkat variant) expressing the murine V14J281 alpha-chain. The anti-mouse V alpha 14 antibody precipitated TCR alpha beta molecules from Triton X-100-solubilized extracts of 125I-labeled murine thymocytes and spleen cells. Unexpectedly, the antibody showed cross-reactivity to the human CD3 epsilon molecule and detected a disulfide-linked 20 kDa dimeric form of human CD3 epsilon, which is a novel family component of the CD3 complex and is associated closely with the CD3 zeta-zeta homodimer as well as TCR alpha beta or TCR gamma delta.  相似文献   

A 17-ol-dehydrogenase activity could be demonstrated in fibroblastmonolayer cell cultures of proliferative human endometrium.After 24 h incubation 100 nCi [6, 7–3H] oestradiol-17was completely oxidized to oestrone. Progesterone was not ableto enhance the metabolizing velocity. In contrast, progesteroneincubation revealed a decreasing oxidation rate with increasingmolarity. Histological changes after transformation of the endometriumare discussed to explain in-vivo results showing an increased17-ol-dehydrogenase activity in the secretory phase of the cycle  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Elevated maternal serum levels of interleukin-2 soluble receptor-alpha (IL-2 sRalpha), tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) and interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) have been associated with pregnancy loss. The aim of our study was to evaluate the predictive value of these cytokines in the outcome of early IVF pregnancies. METHODS: One hundred and fifty-nine consecutive IVF patients who were subsequently diagnosed to have a biochemical pregnancy (n = 23), a first-trimester miscarriage (n = 19) or a normal term delivery (n = 117) were included in this study. Serum was collected from the initial pregnancy test, 11 days after a day 3 embryo transfer, and all samples were analysed for IL-2 sRalpha, TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma by commercially available enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kits. RESULTS: IL-2 sRalpha levels were significantly higher in patients with an early pregnancy loss compared with patients with a normal term delivery (849.5 +/- 69.6 versus 693.5 +/- 31.2 pg/ml, P = 0.02), and a cut-off point of IL-2 sRalpha >1000 pg/ml predicted a poor pregnancy outcome (44.4 versus 22.7% pregnancy loss, IL-2 sRalpha >or=1000 versus IL-2 sRalpha <1000 pg/ml; P = 0.02). IFN-gamma-positive patients had twice the risk for poor IVF pregnancy outcome compared with IFN-gamma-negative subjects (40.8 versus 20.0%, respectively; P < 0.02), including a significantly lower implantation rate (37.6 +/- 0.05 versus 50.0 +/- 0.03%, respectively; P = 0.02). There was no difference in pregnancy outcome based upon serum levels, or the ability to detect the presence of TNF-alpha. No differences in levels of these cytokines were found based on the aetiology of the patients' infertility. CONCLUSIONS: Elevated maternal serum levels of IL-2 sRalpha and IFN-gamma as early as 11 days after embryo transfer are associated with poor IVF pregnancy outcome.  相似文献   

The effect of oxytocin at different concentrations was tested on the secretion of oestradiol-17 beta and testosterone by cultured human granulosa cells obtained by follicular punctures during in-vitro fertilization (IVF) attempts. Oxytocin had no effect on testosterone secretion, either in the absence or the presence of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH). It had no effect on oestradiol-17 beta in the absence of FSH. However, it decreased the FSH-stimulated secretion of oestradiol-17 beta in a certain number of cases. This inhibitory effect appears to be associated with cells more responsive to FSH and was identified in women found to be successful in achieving pregnancy during IVF attempts.  相似文献   

We examined the regulatory effects of TNF- on IL-4-induced geneexpression of the low-affinity receptor for IgE (FcRII/CD23)in human monocytes and IL-4-induced soluble FcRII (sFcRII) releasefrom monocytes. IL-4-induced FcRII expression on the surfaceof monocytes was reduced by TNF- as early as 1 day after cultureand the effect of TNF- increased with prolonged culture. Thepresent analysis was designed to examine whether or not TNF-could suppress IL-4-induced FcRII mRNA expression and enhancedIL-4-induced sFcRII release. The addition of TNF- to monocytecultures with IL-4 significantly reduced FcRII expression onthe surface of monocytes and significantly increased sFcRIIrelease from monocytes. Over time, there was an inverse relationshipbetween the disappearance of cell surface FcRII and the appearanceof sFcRII in culture supernatants. FcRII mRNA expression inmonocytes cultured with IL-4 was not affected by TNF- when examinedat 6 h after cultivation. When the cells were cultured withTNF- for more than 24 h, however, TNF- down-regulated IL-4-inducedFcRII mRNA levels. This correlated with the kinetics of down-regulationof IL-4-induced FCRII expression on the surface of monocytesby TNF-. These results suggest that TNF-dependent reductionof IL-4-;induced FcRII expression on the surface of monocytesresulted, at least in part, from the suppression of FcRII mRNAexpression and the enhancement of sFcRII release.  相似文献   

Both bacterial and mammalian heat shock proteins (HSP) are recognized by some T cells, and hsp60 recognition has been implicated in rheumatoid arthritis. We have developed a model to study the induction of hsp60 in human monocytic cell lines. An anti-mycobacterial hsp65 mAb (ML30), cross-reacting with human hsp60 was used to screen 21 human tumor cell lines in Western blot analysis. All T cell and B cell lymphomas constitutively expressed hsp60 protein at moderate to high levels, while little or no hsp60 protein was detected in two monocytic leukemia lines. Moderate to high levels of hsp60 mRNA and protein could be induced in the THP-I monocytic leukemia cell line by heat shock, retinoic acid, interferon (IFN)-gamma or tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha treatment, the highest levels obtained with a combination of IFN-gamma/TNF-alpha. This was also seen using two rabbit anti-hsp60 antisera directed against the N-terminal or C-terminal part of the human hsp60 protein. The determinants detected by the ML30 mAb or the two rabbit anti-hsp60 antisera were not cell surface expressed, as measured with immunofluorescence (FACS) analysis on control cultured or cytokine treated cell lines. This could be a useful model for studies related to the induction of hsp60 in human cells.  相似文献   

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