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Purpose: Assessment of language dominance with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and neuropsychological evaluation is often used prior to epilepsy surgery. This study explores whether language lateralization and cognitive performance are systematically related in young patients with focal epilepsy. Methods: Language fMRI and neuropsychological data (language, visuospatial functions, and memory) of 40 patients (7–18 years of age) with unilateral, refractory focal epilepsy in temporal and/or frontal areas of the left (n = 23) or right hemisphere (n = 17) were analyzed. fMRI data of 18 healthy controls (7–18 years) served as a normative sample. A laterality index was computed to determine the lateralization of activation in three regions of interest (frontal, parietal, and temporal). Results: Atypical language lateralization was demonstrated in 12 (30%) of 40 patients. A correlation between language lateralization and verbal memory performance occurred in patients with left‐sided epilepsy over all three regions of interest, with bilateral or right‐sided language lateralization being correlated with better verbal memory performance (Word Pairs Recall: frontal r = ?0.4, p = 0.016; parietal r = ?0.4, p = 0.043; temporal r = ?0.4, p = 0.041). Verbal memory performance made the largest contribution to language lateralization, whereas handedness and side of seizures did not contribute to the variance in language lateralization. Discussion: This finding reflects the association between neocortical language and hippocampal memory regions in patients with left‐sided epilepsy. Atypical language lateralization is advantageous for verbal memory performance, presumably a result of transfer of verbal memory function. In children with focal epilepsy, verbal memory performance provides a better idea of language lateralization than handedness and side of epilepsy and lesion.  相似文献   

Deficits on verbal memory tasks, as well as on spatial and auditory working memory tasks, have been observed in schizophrenia patients. A useful strategy in the determination of the premorbid indicator status of specific cognitive and memory deficits observed in patients is to examine those persons at increased biological risk for schizophrenia (e.g. first-degree relatives), schizotypal personality disorder patients, and/or psychometrically identified schizotypes for comparable deficits, though perhaps less profound than those seen in actual patients. We examined verbal memory and auditory working memory functioning in 31 schizotypic and 26 normal control subjects from a large randomly ascertained non-clinical university population. Schizotypy status was determined psychometrically using the well-known Perceptual Aberration Scale. Contrary to our theory-guided expectations, noteworthy deficits in verbal memory and auditory working memory were not observed in the schizotypic subjects and the two experimental groups did not differ significantly on any of the memory measures. These results were discussed in light of prior results obtained using the spatial delayed response task (i.e. spatial working memory) and Wisconsin Card Sorting Test performance on these same subjects. The theoretical implications of these findings are discussed in relation to the putative processes involved in the working memory system, as well as in relation to the schizotypy construct.  相似文献   

BackgroundLarge variability in individual spoken language outcomes remains a persistent finding in the group of children with cochlear implants (CIs), particularly in their grammatical development.AimsIn the present study, we examined the extent of delay in lexical and morphosyntactic spoken language levels of children with CIs as compared to those of a normative sample of age-matched children with normal hearing. Furthermore, the predictive value of auditory and verbal memory factors in the spoken language performance of implanted children was analyzed.Methods & proceduresThirty-nine profoundly deaf children with CIs were assessed using a test battery including measures of lexical, grammatical, auditory and verbal memory tests. Furthermore, child-related demographic characteristics were taken into account.Outcomes & resultsThe majority of the children with CIs did not reach age-equivalent lexical and morphosyntactic language skills. Multiple linear regression analyses revealed that lexical spoken language performance in children with CIs was best predicted by age at testing, phoneme perception, and auditory word closure. The morphosyntactic language outcomes of the CI group were best predicted by lexicon, auditory word closure, and auditory memory for words.ConclusionsQualitatively good speech perception skills appear to be crucial for lexical and grammatical development in children with CIs. Furthermore, strongly developed vocabulary skills and verbal memory abilities predict morphosyntactic language skills.  相似文献   

This study addressed the reliability and validity of reports of everyday verbal memory with a sample of 132 pediatric patients with epilepsy. Each patient and one parent completed a questionnaire on everyday verbal memory comprising two scales assessing learning/retrieval and prospective memory. Each patient was also administered tests of memory, attention, and academic skills. Information about attention, mood, and academic performance was obtained from parent and teacher report, as well as self-report. Memory test scores were correlated with children's reports of learning and retrieval in everyday activities, but were not significantly associated with reports of prospective memory. Reports of everyday memory were found to be reliable and predictive of academic performance. Performance on tests of memory, conversely, was unrelated to reports of academic performance. Reports of everyday memory may, therefore, provide more useful information than tests when evaluating the effects of epilepsy and its treatments.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the nature of learning and verbal memory deficits in adolescents with schizophrenia-spectrum disorders (SzS) (i.e., schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, and schizophreniform disorder). METHOD: Sixty patients with SzS (mean age=16.1 years, S.D. = 2.2) and 60 age- and gender-matched diagnosis-free healthy volunteers were assessed using the California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT). Planned analyses were conducted to assess the following aspects of memory: span of apprehension, verbal learning, short-term and long-term memory, rate of forgetting, interference, and organizational strategies. Adolescents with schizophrenia (Sz) were compared to those with schizoaffective disorder (SzA). Second, patients' test profiles were compared to those of controls. Relationships between initial learning and overall verbal learning with organizational strategy were explored. RESULTS: Neurocognitive profiles did not significantly differ between Sz and SzA participants. Patients performed significantly worse than healthy comparison subjects on measures of span of apprehension, verbal learning, short- and long-term memory, and organizational strategies after adjusting for differences in premorbid intelligence. No group differences were found in rate of forgetting or susceptibility to proactive or retroactive interference. CONCLUSIONS: Adolescents with SzS are characterized by significant verbal memory dysfunction similar to what has been observed in adults with first-episode schizophrenia. Deficits in consistency of learning over several trials, as well as a strong relationship between semantic organizational strategies and reduced learning capacity, implicate dysfunction of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex as a contributor to verbal memory deficits in adolescents with SzS.  相似文献   

Phonological short-term memory was investigated in 24 aphasic left brain-damaged patients and in 12 matched controls. Aphasic patients have a reduced auditory and visual immediate memory span and show the standard detrimental effect of phonological similarity on immediate retention only when the stimuli are auditorily presented, while in the control group the effect is present with both auditory and visual input. Most patients have phonological processing deficits, but two patients have an impaired immediate verbal memory in the absence of analysis disorders. These results, in line with most individual case studies of patients with selective deficits of verbal short-term memory, are interpreted with reference to a model distinguishing a phonological short-term store component of memory, to which auditory input has direct and automatic access, and a rehearsal component, that, after phonological recoding, conveys visually presented stimuli to the phonological store. This latter system, that appears to become fully operational later in development, is less resistive to brain damage.  相似文献   

Children with epilepsy (CWE) are at greater risk for cognitive deficits and behavioral difficulties than are typically developing healthy children, and particular epileptic symptoms and treatments may contribute to this risk. The current study examined the relationships between four seizure-related variables and attention and memory functioning in a sample of 207 CWE (ages 6–16) using both neurocognitive and parent/teacher-report measures. Sociodemographic, medical, and neuropsychological data were collected from patients' medical charts in a retrospective fashion. Hierarchical multiple regressions were performed with sociodemographic variables (age, gender, race) entered as step one and seizure-related variables (number of anti-epileptic drugs [AEDs], EEG laterality, EEG lobe of focus, lifetime seizure duration) entered as step two. Results indicated that seizure-related variables were consistently predictive of poor cognitive performances above and beyond sociodemographic variables, although only minimally predictive of parent/teacher-reports. A longer duration of seizure burden and greater number of AEDs were robust predictors of performances on most cognitive measures. These findings indicate that CWE with long lifetime seizure durations and multiple AEDs are at risk for inefficiencies in attention and memory. Knowledge of this risk will allow treating providers greater accuracy and precision when planning medical treatment and making recommendations to families.  相似文献   

PurposeThe objective of this study was to provide a better understanding of the verbal learning and memory (VLM) patterns that might differentiate children with frontal lobe epilepsy (FLE) from children with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) and to examine the impact of variables thought to influence outcomes (seizure laterality, age at seizure onset, age at assessment, epilepsy duration, number of antiepileptic drugs).MethodsRetrospective analyses were carried out for children with intractable unilateral TLE (n = 100) and FLE (n = 27) who completed standardized measures of VLM entailing lists of single words or lists of word pairs.ResultsMean intelligent quotients and VLM scores on single words fell within the average range for both groups, whereas scores fell within the low average to borderline range on word pairs. No significant overall differences in VLM were found between the group with TLE and the group with FLE.Older age at assessment and older age at seizure onset were generally associated with better VLM in both groups but were related to better performance in a number of indices in the group with TLE and only fewer intrusions in the group with FLE.ConclusionsThe VLM profiles of children with TLE and FLE are generally similar. Older age at assessment and older age at seizure onset have a favorable impact on both groups but are related to better encoding, retrieval, and monitoring processes for the group with TLE and improved memory monitoring (i.e., as indicated by fewer intrusions) in the group with FLE.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Differences in Wada memory performance after left and right amobarbital injection are powerful predictors of pre- to postoperative memory change among adult epilepsy patients after anterior temporal lobectomy. It is unknown, however, whether these Wada memory asymmetries apply to children who undergo focal cortical resection or to epilepsy surgery patients who undergo resection outside the temporal lobes. METHODS: To investigate these issues, Wada memory asymmetries and pre- to postoperative neuropsychological memory test performances were examined in 132 children who underwent some form of resective epilepsy surgery. Ninety-three (70%) children showed Wada memory asymmetries in the predicted direction (memory after injection ipsilateral to side of surgery better than memory after contralateral injection), and 39 (30%) did not. RESULTS: Children with Wada memory asymmetries showed significant improvement in verbal memory after surgery as compared with children without Wada memory asymmetries who showed significant verbal memory decline. This result was also obtained when individual cases were examined: 77% of children with Wada memory asymmetries in predicted direction showed no verbal memory decline after surgery, whereas 80% of children without asymmetries had lower postoperative verbal memory (passage recall) test scores. Wada memory asymmetries had no value in predicting postoperative changes in visual-spatial memory. CONCLUSIONS: Wada memory asymmetries may be used as one of the factors to assess risk for verbal memory decline after epilepsy surgery in children.  相似文献   

Findings of material-specific influences on memory performance in pediatric epilepsy are inconsistent and merit further investigation. This study compared 90 children (aged 6 years to 16 years) with childhood absence epilepsy (CAE), frontal lobe epilepsy (FLE), and temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) to determine whether they displayed distinct list-learning and verbal memory profiles on the California Verbal Learning Test — Children's Version (CVLT-C). Group comparison identified greater risk of memory impairment in children with TLE and FLE syndromes but not for those with CAE. While children with TLE performed worst overall on Short Delay Free Recall, groups with TLE and FLE performed similarly on Long Delay Free Recall. Contrast indices were then employed to explore these differences. Children with TLE demonstrated a significantly greater retroactive interference (RI) effect compared with groups with FLE and CAE. Conversely, children with FLE demonstrated a significantly worse learning efficiency index (LEI), which compares verbal memory following repetition with initial recall of the same list, than both children with TLE and CAE. These findings indicated shallow encoding related to attentional control for children with FLE and retrieval deficits in children with TLE. Finally, our combined sample showed significantly higher rates of extreme contrast indices (i.e., 1.5 SD difference) compared with the CVLT-C standardization sample. These results underscore the high prevalence of memory dysfunction in pediatric epilepsy and offer support for distinct patterns of verbal memory performance based on childhood epilepsy syndrome.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To determine the relationship between negative symptoms, psychosocial function and quality of life in temporal lobe epilepsy. METHODS: 23 patients with temporal lobe epilepsy with negative symptoms were matched on gender, age, years of education, duration and age of epilepsy onset with 23 temporal lobe epilepsy patients exhibiting no negative symptoms as determined by a standardized rating system (SANS/SAPS). The matched groups were compared in regard to: (1). employment status, (2). dependence on government financial subsidy, (3). relationship/marital status, and (4). self-reported quality of life. RESULTS: Temporal lobe epilepsy patients with negative symptoms exhibited higher rates of unemployment, dependence on government aid, social isolation, and poorer self-reported quality of life relative to temporal lobe patients without negative symptoms. CONCLUSIONS: Interictal negative symptoms are associated with significantly increased psychosocial morbidity and poorer quality of life in temporal lobe epilepsy.  相似文献   

Outcome studies concerning memory after pediatric temporal lobe surgery in the treatment of epilepsy are rare and have not yielded consistent results. In the present study, 55 children and adolescents with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE; 26 left, 29 right, 6-17 years) performed a verbal memory test before and 3 as well as 12 months after different types of temporal lobe resections (anterior lobectomy, amygdalo-hippocampectomy (AH), lesionectomy (LX)). Groups did not significantly differ before surgery. Three months after surgery, the left resected group showed a decline in learning and delayed recall, and performed significantly lower than the right resected group. Recoveries were evident 1 year after surgery. The postoperative memory declines were associated with a left-sided resection and a higher preoperative performance. Comparisons on the different resection types suggest a special risk in patients undergoing a left-sided AH. In summary, our results indicate a functional association of verbal memory functions with the left temporal lobe similar to findings in adult patients. Declines after left-sided temporal resections seem to be reversible at least for part of the children, perhaps due to the greater plasticity of the immature brain.  相似文献   

As many as 50% of multiple sclerosis (MS) patients experience clinical or subclinical depression. A voluminous literature has documented affective memory biases (AMB) among depressed individuals. Despite this, little is known regarding how depressive symptoms may affect MS patients' ability to recall positive and negative material. The present study employed an affective list-learning task that increased cognitive load and inhibited the use of higher order encoding strategies. The purpose of the study was twofold: to determine whether MS patients exhibit AMB and to examine whether subvocal repetition and other higher order encoding strategies are essential to the formation of AMB among people experiencing depression. Results indicated a strong relationship between depression and AMB in MS. The results are discussed in relation to existing biological research that indicates limbic and/or other subcortical systems may play a role in the formation of AMB.  相似文献   

Purpose: We systematically analyzed the video‐recorded and patient‐reported, as well as positive and negative ictal affective symptoms (IAS) in temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). Our aim was to assess (1) frequency, (2) gender effect, (3) lateralizing significance, (4) localizing value, and (5) prognostic significance in epilepsy surgery of IAS in patients with video‐registered seizures. Methods: We reviewed ictal video recordings of 184 patients (99 women, aged 16–63). All patients had surgery for intractable TLE with video‐recorded complex partial seizures (CPS) due to temporal lobe lesions visualized by high‐resolution magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Affective auras (AAs) were categorized into two groups: positive or negative. Results: We registered AAs in 18% of patients: positive in 3%, negative in 15%. We saw ictal affective behavior (IAB) in 22% of patients; 10% had positive, whereas 14% had negative IAB. Two patients had both positive and negative IAB. AAs showed an association with IAB in case of fear expression versus fear auras (p = 0.018). IAB, especially negative IAB, occurred more often in women than in men. Patients with negative IAB were younger than others. We could not demonstrate an association between IAS and the localization, lateralization, or hemispheric dominance. Surgical outcome did not associate with IAS. Discussion: Patient‐reported and video‐recorded negative—but not positive—affective signs are related to each other. Video‐recorded negative AAs occur more often in women and young patients.  相似文献   

Sleep architecture in children with idiopathic generalized epilepsy   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
PURPOSE: Children with epilepsy experience sleep disturbances, behavioral and attentional problems at higher rates than their peers. However, the relation between sleep disturbances and the observed behavioral and attentional abnormalities is poorly defined. METHODS: Children with primary generalized epilepsy who were seizure free and between the ages of 5 and 18 years were matched with age- and gender-matched healthy controls and underwent two consecutive nights of nocturnal polysomnography with extended electroencephalography. Connor's Continuous Performance Test (CPT) was administered to assess daytime attentional function. Parents completed the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) to assess their emotional-behavioral status. Two sample t tests were used to examine group differences. Spearman correlations were used to examine the relation between sleep variables and behavior and attention variables. Multiple regression analysis was used to identify independent predictors of abnormal behavior and attention among patients. RESULTS: Eleven children with primary generalized epilepsy and eight age- and sex-matched controls participated in the study. Children with epilepsy had longer stage 1 sleep percentage (7.19 +/- 3.2 vs. 4.8 +/- 3.5; p = 0.05) and latency to rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep (123.5 +/- 40.1 vs. 101.75 +/- 24.3; p = 0.018) compared with controls. Children with epilepsy had worse attention (CPT index, 10.94 +/- 6.55 vs. 3.42 +/- 4.04; p = 0.004) and exhibited significantly higher CBCL Total Behavior and Internalizing Behavior Problem scales. Whereas regression analysis showed no independent predictors of abnormal behavior and attention, a tendency toward association between CBCL total behavior scale and REM percentage (r= 0.55; p = 0.07), and between CPT overall index and stage 1 sleep percentage (r= 0.40; p = 0.10) was noted. CONCLUSIONS: Sleep architecture is abnormal in children with primary generalized epilepsy. Further studies are needed to determine whether abnormalities in sleep architecture contribute to poor daytime behavior and attention.  相似文献   

《Epilepsy research》2007,73(2-3):178-191
Functional imaging data suggest that the core network engaged in verbal semantic memory (SM) processing encompasses frontal and temporal lobe structures, with a strong left lateralization in normal right handers. The impact of long term temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) on this network has only partly been elucidated. We studied verbal SM in 50 patients with chronic, intractable TLE (left TLE = 26, right TLE = 24) and 35 right handed normal controls using a verbal fMRI semantic decision paradigm. All patients had language lateralized to the left hemisphere, as verified by the intracarotid amobarbital procedure. Within and between group analyses showed remarkable, group-specific activation profiles. The control group activated frontal and temporal areas bilaterally, with a strong left predominance. Left TLE patients showed a shift of activations of left frontal and medial temporal areas to homologous regions in the right hemisphere. Furthermore, left TLE subjects utilized subcortical structures such as the thalamus and putamen to accomplish the verbal SM task. Contrastively, the activation pattern of right TLE patients resembled that of normal controls, but exhibited ‘hypofrontality’ with a shift from frontal to posterior regions in the temporal, parietal and occipital lobe. Our results show that chronic epileptic activity originating from temporal seizure foci is associated with an alteration of neural circuits which support semantic language processing and that side of seizure focus has a specific impact on the resulting activation network. These findings presumably result from morphological changes and from functional reorganization which are both inherent to chronic TLE.  相似文献   

Set-shifting is an important aspect of attention and regulation of behaviour. The ability of young children to shift set is debated. Set-shifting is usually examined using sorting tasks that are designed for adults and hence are inadequate for children. In this study, an experimental Sorting Task for Children (STC) is administered to 54 healthy children (aged 4 to 10 years) and compared with a widely used adult sorting task, the Modified Card Sorting Test. This experiment shows that preschool children are capable of set-shifting. An extensive error analysis of the STC reveals that perseverations are not predominant. Hence, set-shifting in young children may be characterised by 'trial and error' rather than by being stuck in a mental set, which is suggested to be typical of adults with frontal lobe damage. A pilot study of 10 children with idiopathic or cryptogenic epilepsy shows unstable set-shifting rather than inability to shift set, which is concordant with known problems in regulation of behaviour.  相似文献   

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