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目的 调查辽宁红沿河核电站运行后2013-2015年周边水域放射性水平。方法 2013年至2015年间共采集辽宁红沿河核电站周边水域样本50份,采用GB/T 5750.13-2006《生活饮用水标准检验方法放射性指标》对总α和总β放射性水平进行测定,依据GB 5749-2006《生活饮用水卫生标准》进行判定。结果 红沿河核电站其周边水域放射性总α放射性水平和总β放射性水平算术平均数分别是(4.58 ±3.67)×10-2 Bq/L和(16.78 ±7.57)×10-2 Bq/L。结论 红沿河核电站其周边水域放射性总α和总β均低于国家标准的指导值,处于正常的天然放射性本底水平,没有受到放射性污染。  相似文献   

目的 监测海阳核电站水环境中氚浓度的本底水平,分析影响水环境中氚分布的因素;评价其周围居民由饮水所致待积有效剂量。方法 海阳核电站周围30km内,分枯水期与丰水期进行两次采样,选择16个采样点,采集包括:地表水、地下水、饮用水及海水,样品预处理和制备采用国家标准(GB 12375-90)推荐的方法,氚浓度测量用低本底液体闪烁谱仪。结果 水环境样品的氚浓度均值为(0.62 ±0.163) Bq·L-1,范围为0.27Bq·L-1~0.93Bq·L-1。经配对t检验发现枯水期与丰水期对海阳核电站周围水环境中氚的分布有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。各类水体平均氚浓度从大到小,丰水期依次为地表水 > 地下水 > 饮用水 > 海水,而丰水期依次为地表水 > 饮用水 > 地下水 > 海水。其所致居民待积有效剂量顺序为幼儿 > 成人 > 少儿分别为0.015、0.008、0.007μSv·a-1结论 海洋核电站运行前周围环境水体中氚浓度处于本底水平;周围居民又饮水所致待积有效剂量远低于国家规定剂量(1mSv),因此居民所受剂量为本底水平。  相似文献   

目的 为准确理解和应用《核电站周围居民健康调查规范》(WS/T 440-2014),开展核电站周围居民健康与卫生调查。方法 本文对《规范》制定的背景、过程和有关内容进行介绍,并对有关问题的理解和实施进行了解读。结果 《规范》适用于核电站运行前和正常运行期间,但不适用于核电站事故应急状态下健康调查与卫生监测。结论 《规范》规定了核电站周围居民健康与卫生调查的内容、方法、频度和质量保证等方面的基本要求,详细地描述了对肿瘤发病和死因登记与调查、核电站周围地区开展食品及饮用水等放射性监测的要求。  相似文献   

目的 掌握大亚湾、岭澳核电站周围生活饮用水中总α、总β放射性水平,了解核电站正常运行状态下对周围环境饮用水放射性水平的影响。方法 根据国家《生活饮用水标准检验方法》(GB/T 5750-2006)测量水样中的总α、总β放射性。结果 水源水的总α、总β放射性活度分别为0.028 Bq/L、0.122 Bq/L,出厂水的总α、总β放射性活度分别为0.014 Bq/L、0.103 Bq/L,末梢水的总α、总β放射性活度分别为0.013 Bq/L、0.110 Bq/L。结论 核电站周围饮用水总放射性水平处于正常本底值,未见核电站运行对核电站周围饮用水的放射性水平产生影响。  相似文献   

目的 开发研制核电站周围居民健康监测与风险评估系统,为核电站周围居民健康管理提供基础数据。方法 参考国内外最新的方法,调研国内核应急工作的基本情况,采用B/S架构,通过Web-GIS技术完成系统的设计与应用。结果 初步建立了具有系统管理、数据管理、信息展示、数据统计和风险评估五个功能模块的系统,通过测试验收,能够实现预期的功能。结论 该系统的建立和运行将为我国核电站周围居民健康监测与预警提供基础数据,为科学研究和政府决策提供管理平台。  相似文献   

目的 调查海阳核电站周围居民饮用水中锶-90的活度浓度,分析枯水期和丰水期的放射性水平的变化规律,评价周围居民由饮水所致待积有效剂量。方法 海阳核电站周围30 km内,选择10个采样点,每年按丰水期及枯水期分别采集样品2次,两年共8次,共计样品87个。样品预处理和制备采用国家标准(GB 12375-90)方法,使用FJ2603G低本底β测量仪测量。结果 饮用水中锶-90活度浓度均值为(4.96±1.6)mBq·L-1,范围为1.21~9.12mBq·L-1。经配对t检验,发现海阳核电站周围饮用水中锶-90在枯水期与丰水期放射性水平差异无统计学意义(P> 0.05)。各类水体锶-90活度浓度从大到小,枯水期依次为自来水 > 水井水 > 地表水,而丰水期依次为水井水 > 自来水 > 地表水。其所致居民待积有效剂量顺序为水井水 > 自来水 > 地表水,分别为0.104、0.103、0.095 μSv·a-1结论 海洋核电站周围居民饮用水中锶-90活度浓度处于本底水平;周围居民饮水所致待积有效剂量远低于《电离辐射防护与辐射防护安全基本标准》(GB 18871-2002)所规定的限值(1 mSv),因此居民所受剂量为本底水平。  相似文献   

目的 了解核电站周围居民对核能的认知情况,探讨影响公众对核电接受的主要因素。方法 自行设计调查问卷,采用分层整群随机抽样方法,以行政村、社区和企事业单位为最终抽样单位,在距福清核电站1号机组0~30km范围的不同距离分4层,选取福清市常住居民男性559人和女性536人,以调查员人户调查和集中调查相结合的方法,逐一询问填表调查。结果 核电站周围居民对在当地建核电站持赞成、中立和反对态度的分别占46.9%、37.3%和15.8%,调查对象中,有82.8%的居民希望了解核电站相关信息,87.6%的居民认为政府对核辐射知识宣传不充分。居住距离、文化程度、从事职业是影响居民对核电接受度的主要因素。结论 核电站周围居民对正确全面认识核辐射的渴望度高,目前对核电的接受度还处在较低水平,政府及相关部门应加大核电相关知识的普及,并有针对性对不同目标人群开展相应的核辐射知识的健康教育与健康促进工作。  相似文献   

目的 为了提高核电站事故医学救援和辐射防护水平,减少核电站事故的损失,有效保障公众和职业人员的身心健康。方法 通过对核电站辐射源项和历史上重大核电站事故的分析,探讨应急机制的建设。结果 核电站事故对人类的危害不容忽视,应从应急响应体系、人才队伍、技术装备、辐射防护手段等方面加强研究和完善应急机制建设。结论 审慎、科学地发展核电事业,加强核电站核事故医学救援和防护。  相似文献   

切尔诺贝利和福岛核事故的今昔对比及引发世人的深思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 重点介绍历史上发生的多起核事故中最为严重的1986年切尔诺贝利核事故和2011年福岛核事故。方法 回顾性分析了切尔诺贝利和福岛两次特大七级核事故的发生及抢险、核事故的剂量及对健康的影响。结果 切尔诺贝利核事故与福岛核事故的发生时间先后相距25年。就近期辐射损伤而言,福岛核事故可能仅次于切尔诺贝利核事故对人员的危害。从远期效应测评,切尔诺贝利核事故对抢险人员、附近居民、受放射性污染的不同年龄段人员带来的健康危害的现状也可能是福岛人明天的预警。结论 切尔诺贝利和福岛这两次特大七级核事故对当地居民健康及核工业发展等带来的负面影响是惨痛的,只有尽可能遏制核事故的发生,才能确保核安、辐安、民众心安。  相似文献   

广东大亚湾核电站周围居民死因分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
目的 获取广东大亚湾核电站运行阶段周围人群的健康状况资料,为核事故医学影响评价提供相应的基础资料。方法 采用辐射流行病学调查方法,将核电站周围20km半径范围内至少居住3a以上(含3a)并有常住户口的居民列为调查对象。内容包括人口学资料、全死因、期望寿命、恶性肿瘤、白血病等。结果 按ICD-9分类来分析前十位死因,按顺位排列,本调查合计死因顺位前十位为脑血管病、恶性肿瘤、呼吸系病、损伤与中毒、心脏病、精神病、消化系病、肺结核、新生儿病和内分泌营养代谢及免疫疾病,与全国抽样调查结果相仿。结论 本次调查结果与1991年大亚湾核电站投产前结果比较表明,20km范围内居民健康水平基本上是稳定的,具有较良好健康水平,未发现异常的疾病流行及变动。  相似文献   

The dependence of indoor radon concentration on the year of house construction was studied using the results of two nationwide indoor radon surveys in Japan. The data of radon concentration in the surveys were classified into structure type as well as year of construction to obtain the current radon concentration for each structure type as a function of year of construction. The indoor radon concentration in wooden houses was found to be relatively constant with year of house construction until 1960, and then decreased, whereas the radon concentration in concrete houses increased sharply in houses constructed after 1970. The concentration in concrete houses built before 1975 was almost the same as that in contemporary wooden houses. However, the concentration in concrete houses built at present was about two times higher than that in wooden houses. The time trends found for wooden and concrete houses in the first nationwide indoor radon survey were confirmed by the second nationwide survey. In addition, these same time trends were mostly observed in the data classified into 7 districts in Japan. The increase of indoor radon concentration in concrete houses provides relatively high dose, and this increasing trend seems to continue, judging from the results of two nationwide surveys.  相似文献   

The reduction of domiciliary infestation by insect vectors, the key to controlling Chagas' disease, depends on identification of housing features associated with infestation. In this study, log-linear modeling was used to reanalyze data collected in 1964-1968 from 371 houses on characteristics potentially associated with infestation by the vector Triatoma dimidiata in a Costa Rican town with endemic Chagas' disease. A possible increased risk of infestation was observed for houses with a dirt floor (as compared with houses with another floor type) and for houses in poor sanitary condition (as compared with houses in good sanitary condition). A new risk factor for house infestation, the presence of roof tiles, was identified; the odds of infestation for houses with a tile roof were 2.4 times greater than the odds for houses with a galvanized metal roof. This significantly increased risk is probably due to the harboring of T. dimidiata in stacks of spare tiles next to house walls rather than to the tile roofs themselves.  相似文献   

In view of the well-known urban-rural difference in lung cancer rates, remaining also after standardization for smoking, it is suggested that low levels of radon and its daughters in dwellings might be of etiologic importance to this disease. To test this hypothesis, a case-referent (case-control) study was undertaken in a rural area; it considered residency in wooden houses (assumed to be associated with low-level exposure to radon and its daughters), "mixed type" houses (medium exposure) and stone houses (high-level exposure) among cases of lung cancer and referents (controls). The results indicate an increased risk of lung cancer among residents in "mixed type" and stone houses. Additional studies are highly desirable to confirm or refute these findings, which, if valid, mean increasing lung cancer hazards caused by a decrease in ventilation in future energy saving unless special measures are undertaken to reduce radon daughters in dwellings.  相似文献   

我国北方农村住宅室内甲醛污染现状及其来源的研究   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
本文研究了北京远郊顺义县农村不同类型住宅室内甲醛的污染来源、浓度分布以及与住宅平面布置的关系。研究发现,各类住宅室内甲醛浓度超过0.05mg/m~3的样品占0~25%,超过0.08mg/m~3的样品占0~12.5%,超过0.1mg/m~3的占0~8.3%。平均浓度虽均未超过0.05mg/m~3,但新式住宅相对高于旧式住宅,而且前者的主室甲醛浓度高于厨房,最高值可达0.249mg/m~3,主要污染源是室内胶合板家具和装饰物品。旧住宅厨房甲醛高于主室,最高值可达0.407mg/m~3,主要污染源是燃料燃烧。研究中发现,北方农村住宅的设计已不适应随着农民居住水平的提高而出现的新的卫生问题,急待研究设计出既能保暖又有利于通风换气的新的住宅类型。并提出制订室内空气质量卫生标准的必要性。  相似文献   

A follow-on study was carried out on 23 holdings identified as Salmonella positive in the 2004/2005 European Union (EU) baseline survey of Salmonella in laying hens. Eleven of 13 cage and 4/7 floor houses remained positive for Salmonella when the new flock was tested, and from 10/13 cage and 3/7 floor houses a Salmonella of the same serovar/phage type as found in the EU survey was isolated. There was a high correlation between the level of contamination in the houses at the time of the EU survey and in the follow-on flock. On seven occasions the house identified as positive in the EU survey was sampled after cleaning and disinfection but before a new flock was placed, and in all of them Salmonella could be isolated from the houses. The observed number of infected houses in infected holdings suggests that the holding-level prevalence in the United Kingdom would be about 21% higher than the results obtained in the EU survey.  相似文献   

Using information data obtained from 958 patients with leukemia and the same number of healthy controls matched for sex, age and place of residence the relative risk of leukemia was calculated in relation to the character of the material from which the building was built where the patients and controls were living. The information on the type of the building materials was obtained by inquiry. Three types of buildings were isolated: buildings built from wood, bricks and concrete or prefabricated products. In the analysis the number of years during which the patients and controls were living in these buildings was considered. No statistically significant correlation was noted between the risk of leukaemia development and the character of the building material. No increase was noted in this probability in relation to the time of living in a building built from any of these building materials. Additional analysis demonstrated that in Poland no so called "leukemic houses" are found, that is houses where during 5 years three of more cases of leukemia occurred.  相似文献   

Summary The presence of organic solvents was investigated by means of environmental monitoring of the indoor air during one workweek in each of ten selected small screen printing plants and the houses surrounding them in the inner city of Amsterdam. In the indoor air of the screen printing plants, 14 to 17 organic solvents were identified. The concentrations of the identified organic solvents varied widely from sampling location and period. In the indoor air of the houses situated above the plants, zero to fifteen organic solvents were identified. The concentration of organic solvents in the indoor air of the houses situated above was related to the type of construction materials. The highest concentrations were found in the houses situated above moderately maintained screen printing plants with wooden floors and ceilings (n = 5). The concentration of organic solvents in the indoor air of the houses situated above well maintained screen printing plants with wooden floors and ceilings (n = 3) was much smaller, while the plants situated in concrete new buildings (n = 2) were not a source of organic solvents. The calculated effect specific exposure index (EI), assuming an additive effect and based on the effect specific limit values (ESLVs) for two critical effects [irritation mucous membranes and (pre) narcotic effects] exceeded unity in one workroom in two of the screen printing lants. The calculated EIs for the residents of the houses on the first floor, based on the same ESLVs, but adjusted to potential continuous exposure and interindividual differences in susceptibility, did not exceed unity. However, episodes of irritation of mucous membranes and (pre) narcotic effects may occur.  相似文献   

目的探讨德阳活动板房住宅室内空气卫生状况,为灾后卫生防病提供科学依据。方法各县(市、区)随机选取大、中、小板房区,按梅花状或对角线方法,抽取住宅活动板房住户80户,未倒塌居住户31户,室外对照点8个,监测室内空气温度、湿度、风速、一氧化碳、二氧化碳、甲醛、可吸入颗粒物、细菌总数指标,随机对其中的12户板房居住户增测室内空气中苯、甲苯、二甲苯指标。结果12户活动板房室内空气中苯、甲苯、二甲苯结果均低于仪器检出下限,各监测点其他监测指标均值,活动板房住宅室内甲醛(0.03mg/m^3)略高于未倒塌房(0.01mg/m^3),室内温度高于室外对照,室内风速低于室外对照;未倒塌房的风速低于室外对照,而二氧化碳高于室外对照,差异均有统计学意义。住宅活动板房、未倒塌房监测合格率分别为38.75%、45.16%,不合格指标主要是可吸入颗粒物,其次是空气细菌总数。结论降低室内空气中可吸入颗粒物、细菌总数,加强室内空气卫生监测工作,是灾后活动板房卫生防病的重要工作。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the volume of airborne fungi in the indoor and outdoor environment of poultry and cattle houses in the Mazandaran Province in Iran. Indoor and outdoor air of twenty cattle houses and twenty-five poultry houses were sampled using a single-stage impactor, which draws air at 20 L min-1 and impacts sampled material onto Petri plates containing malt extract agar. The plates were incubated at 30 °C for seven days, after which the resulting colonies were counted. The fungi were identified and counted microscopically and macroscopically. A total of 4,662 fungal colonies were isolated from 90 plates collected from indoor and outdoor air of cattle and poultry houses. Cladosporium (55.3 %), yeast (10.0 %), and Aspergillus (9.4 %) were the most common findings. The concentration of airborne fungi in cattle and poultry houses ranged from 10 CFU m-3 to 1700 CFU m-3 in indoor and 10 CFU m-3 to 2170 CFU m-3 in outdoor environments. Cladosporium had the highest mean indoor (424.5 CFU m-3) and outdoor (449.7 CFU m-3) air concentration in the cattle houses. In the poultry houses, the highest mean concentrations were measured for Cladosporium (551.0 CFU m-3) outdoors and yeast (440.7 CFU m-3) indoors. These levels might present an occupational risk, but threshold levels for these environments have yet to be established worldwide.  相似文献   

The detection of infestations of Triatominae in houses in regions endemic for Chagas's disease is a criterion frequently used in the selection of areas, or of individual houses, for treatment in insecticide campaigns as well as in the evaluation of insecticide performance.Several different methods for detecting domestic infestations with Triatominae were compared: night capture, capture of live bugs with the aid of a flushing-out agent and use of card boxes of the Gómez-Núñez type. The flushing-out and Gómez-Núñez box methods were found to be equally sensitive, although each failed to detect some infestations which the other detected. The night capture method was slightly more sensitive but was found to be impractical for insecticide trials. Improvement to the flushing-out method, notably the introduction of a systematic search technique, made it much more sensitive than the Gómez-Núñez box method for heavily infested houses and for houses three months after insecticide treatment.Although the sensitivity of the Gómez-Núñez box method increases when the boxes are left in place for a long time, this also limits the value of the information obtained regarding the evaluation of insecticides. On the basis of the results presented, the flushing-out method using a systematic search of the house was found to be the most suitable sampling technique, but it is recognized that this method still has limitations.  相似文献   

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