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Measurements of hyperpolarized 13C label exchange between injected [1‐13C]pyruvate and the endogenous tumor lactate pool can give an apparent first‐order rate constant for the exchange. The determination of the isotope flux, however, requires an estimate of the labeled pyruvate concentration in the tumor. This was achieved here by measurement of the tumor uptake of [1‐14C]pyruvate, which showed that <2% of the injected pyruvate reached the tumor site. Multiplication of this estimated labeled pyruvate concentration in the tumor with the apparent first‐order rate constant for hyperpolarized 13C label exchange gave an isotope flux that showed good agreement with a flux determined directly by the injection of non‐polarized [3‐13C]pyruvate, rapid excision of the tumor after 30 s and measurement of 13C‐labeled lactate concentrations in tumor extracts. The distribution of labeled lactate between intra‐ and extracellular compartments and the blood pool was investigated by imaging, by measurement of the labeled lactate concentration in blood and tumor, and by examination of the effects of a gadolinium contrast agent and a lactate transport inhibitor on the intensity of the hyperpolarized [1‐13C]lactate signal. These measurements showed that there was significant export of labeled lactate from the tumor, but that labeled lactate in the blood pool produced by the injection of hyperpolarized [1‐13C]pyruvate showed only relatively low levels of polarization. This study shows that measurements of hyperpolarized 13C label exchange between pyruvate and lactate in a murine tumor model can provide an estimate of the true isotope flux if the concentration of labeled pyruvate that reaches the tumor can be determined.  相似文献   

Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is a commonly used agent for induction of neuroinflammation in preclinical studies. Upon injection, LPS causes activation of microglia and astrocytes, whose metabolism alters to favor glycolysis. Assessing in vivo neuroinflammation and its modulation following therapy remains challenging, and new noninvasive methods allowing for longitudinal monitoring would be highly valuable. Hyperpolarized (HP) 13C magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) is a promising technique for assessing in vivo metabolism. In addition to applications in oncology, the most commonly used probe of [1–13C] pyruvate has shown potential in assessing neuroinflammation‐linked metabolism in mouse models of multiple sclerosis and traumatic brain injury. Here, we aimed to investigate LPS‐induced neuroinflammatory changes using HP [1–13C] pyruvate and HP 13C urea. 2D chemical shift imaging following simultaneous intravenous injection of HP [1–13C] pyruvate and HP 13C urea was performed at baseline (day 0) and at days 3 and 7 post‐intracranial injection of LPS (n = 6) or saline (n = 5). Immunofluorescence (IF) analyses were performed for Iba1 (resting and activated microglia/macrophages), GFAP (resting and reactive astrocytes) and CD68 (activated microglia/macrophages). A significant increase in HP [1–13C] lactate production was observed at days 3 and 7 following injection, in the injected (ipsilateral) side of the LPS‐treated mouse brain, but not in either the contralateral side or saline‐injected animals. HP 13C lactate/pyruvate ratio, without and with normalization to urea, was also significantly increased in the ipsilateral LPS‐injected brain at 7 days compared with baseline. IF analyses showed a significant increase in CD68 and GFAP staining at 3 days, followed by increased numbers of Iba1 and GFAP positive cells at 7 days post‐LPS injection. In conclusion, we can detect LPS‐induced changes in the mouse brain using HP 13C MRS, in alignment with increased numbers of microglia/macrophages and astrocytes. This study demonstrates that HP 13C spectroscopy has substantial potential for providing noninvasive information on neuroinflammation.  相似文献   

Precision‐cut liver slices (PCLS) are widely used in liver research as they provide a liver model with all liver cell types in their natural architecture. The purpose of this study was to demonstrate the use of PCLS for hyperpolarized metabolic investigation in a mouse model, for potential future application in liver biopsy cores. Fresh normal liver was harvested from six mice. 500 μm PCLS were prepared and placed in a 10 mm NMR tube in an NMR spectrometer and perfused continuously. 31P spectra were acquired to evaluate the presence of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and validate viability in all samples. Hyperpolarized [1‐13C]pyruvate was flushed into the NMR tube in the spectrometer. Consecutive 13C NMR spectra were acquired immediately after the injection using both non‐selective (five injections, two livers) and selective RF excitation (six injections, three livers). The 31P spectra showed the characteristic signals of ATP, confirming the viability of the PCLS for more than 2.5 h in the spectrometer. After each of the [1‐13C]pyruvate injections, both [1‐13C]lactate and [1‐13C]alanine signals were detected. Selective RF excitation aimed at both [1‐13C]lactate and [1‐13C]alanine enabled better visualization and quantification of the metabolic activity. Using this acquisition approach only the newly formed metabolites are observed upon excitation, and their intensities relative to those of hyperpolarized pyruvate enable quantification of metabolite production rates. This rate of lactate and alanine production appeared to be constant throughout the measurement time, with alanine production about 2.3 times higher than lactate. In summary, the viability of PCLS in an NMR spectrometer was demonstrated and hyperpolarized [1‐13C]pyruvate metabolism was recorded. This study opens up the possibility of evaluating alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activities in human liver biopsies, while preserving the tissue architecture and viability. In healthy, well‐perfused liver slices the ratio of ALT to LDH activity is about 2.3.  相似文献   

MRS of 13C4‐labelled glutamate (13C4‐Glu) during an infusion of a carbon‐13 (13C)‐labelled substrate, such as uniformly labelled glucose ([U‐13C6]‐Glc), provides a measure of Glc metabolism. The presented work provides a single‐shot indirect 13C detection technique to quantify the approximately 2.51 ppm 13C4‐Glu satellite proton (1H) peak at 9.4 T. The methodology is an optimized point‐resolved spectroscopy (PRESS) sequence that minimizes signal contamination from the strongly coupled protons of N‐acetylaspartate (NAA), which resonate at approximately 2.49 ppm. J‐coupling evolution of protons was characterized numerically and verified experimentally. A (TE1, TE2) combination of (20 ms, 106 ms) was found to be suitable for minimizing NAA signal in the 2.51 ppm 1H 13C4‐Glu spectral region, while retaining the 13C4‐Glu 1H satellite peak. The efficacy of the technique was verified on phantom solutions and on two rat brains in vivo during an infusion of [U‐13C6]‐Glc. LCModel was employed for analysis of the in vivo spectra to quantify the 2.51 ppm 1H 13C4‐Glu signal to obtain Glu C4 fractional enrichment time courses during the infusions. Cramér‐Rao lower bounds of about 8% were obtained for the 2.51 ppm 13C4‐Glu 1H satellite peak with the optimal TE combination.  相似文献   

In this initial work, the in vivo degradation of 17O‐labeled glucose was studied during cellular glycolysis. To monitor cellular glucose metabolism, direct 17O‐magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) was used in the mouse brain at 9.4 T. Non‐localized spectra were acquired with a custom‐built transmit/receive (Tx/Rx) two‐turn surface coil and a free induction decay (FID) sequence with a short TR of 5.4 ms. The dynamics of labeled oxygen in the anomeric 1‐OH and 6‐CH2OH groups was detected using a Hankel–Lanczos singular value decomposition (HLSVD) algorithm for water suppression. Time‐resolved 17O‐MRS (temporal resolution, 42/10.5 s) was performed in 10 anesthetized (1.25% isoflurane) mice after injection of a 2.2 M solution containing 2.5 mg/g body weight of differently labeled 17O‐glucose dissolved in 0.9% physiological saline. From a pharmacokinetic model fit of the H217O concentration–time course, a mean apparent cerebral metabolic rate of 17O‐labeled glucose in mouse brain of CMRGlc = 0.07 ± 0.02 μmol/g/min was extracted, which is of the same order of magnitude as a literature value of 0.26 ± 0.06 μmol/g/min reported by 18F‐fluorodeoxyglucose (18F‐FDG) positron emission tomography (PET). In addition, we studied the chemical exchange kinetics of aqueous solutions of 17O‐labeled glucose at the C1 and C6 positions with dynamic 17O‐MRS. In conclusion, the results of the exchange and in vivo experiments demonstrate that the C6‐17OH label in the 6‐CH2OH group is transformed only glycolytically by the enzyme enolase into the metabolic end‐product H217O, whereas C1‐17OH ends up in water via direct hydrolysis as well as glycolysis. Therefore, dynamic 17O‐MRS of highly labeled 17O‐glucose could provide a valuable non‐radioactive alternative to FDG PET in order to investigate glucose metabolism.  相似文献   

Single‐shot echo planar imaging (EPI), which allows an image to be acquired using a single excitation pulse, is used widely for imaging the metabolism of hyperpolarized 13C‐labelled metabolites in vivo as the technique is rapid and minimizes the depletion of the hyperpolarized signal. However, EPI suffers from Nyquist ghosting, which normally is corrected for by acquiring a reference scan. In a dynamic acquisition of a series of images, this results in the sacrifice of a time point if the reference scan involves a full readout train with no phase encoding. This time penalty is negligible if an integrated navigator echo is used, but at the cost of a lower signal‐to‐noise ratio (SNR) as a result of prolonged T2* decay. We describe here a workflow for hyperpolarized 13C EPI that requires no reference scan. This involves the selection of a ghost‐containing background from a 13C image of a single metabolite at a single time point, the identification of phase correction coefficients that minimize signal in the selected area, and the application of these coefficients to images acquired at all time points and from all metabolites. The workflow was compared in phantom experiments with phase correction using a 13C reference scan, and yielded similar results in situations with a regular field of view (FOV), a restricted FOV and where there were multiple signal sources. When compared with alternative phase correction methods, the workflow showed an SNR benefit relative to integrated 13C reference echoes (>15%) or better ghost removal relative to a 1H reference scan. The residual ghosting in a slightly de‐shimmed B0 field was 1.6% using the proposed workflow and 3.8% using a 1H reference scan. The workflow was implemented with a series of dynamically acquired hyperpolarized [1‐13C]pyruvate and [1‐13C]lactate images in vivo, resulting in images with no observable ghosting and which were quantitatively similar to images corrected using a 13C reference scan.  相似文献   

Tumor cells have increased glycolytic activity, and glucose is mainly used to form lactate and alanine, even when high concentrations of oxygen are present (Warburg effect). The purpose of the present study was to investigate glucose metabolism in two xenograft models representing basal-like and luminal-like breast cancer using (13) C high-resolution-magic angle spinning (HR-MAS) MRS and gene expression analysis. Tumor tissue was collected from two groups for each model: untreated mice (n=19) and a group of mice (n=16) that received an injection of [1-(13) C]-glucose 10 or 15 min before harvesting the tissue. (13) C HR-MAS MRS was performed on the tumor samples and differences in the glucose/alanine (Glc/Ala), glucose/lactate (Glc/Lac) and alanine/lactate (Ala/Lac) ratios between the models were studied. The expression of glycolytic genes was studied using tumor tissue from the same models. In the natural abundance MR spectra, a significantly lower Glc/Ala and Glc/Lac ratio (p<0.001) was observed in the luminal-like model compared with the basal-like model. In the labeled samples, the predominant glucose metabolites were lactate and alanine. Significantly lower Glc/Ala and Glc/Lac ratios were observed in the luminal-like model (p<0.05). Most genes contributing to glycolysis were expressed at higher levels in the luminal-like model (fdr<0.001). The lower Glc/Ala and Glc/Lac ratios and higher glycolytic gene expression observed in the luminal-like model indicates that the transformation of glucose to lactate and alanine occurred faster in this model than in the basal-like model, which has a growth rate several times faster than that of the luminal-like model. The results from the present study suggest that the tumor growth rate is not necessarily a determinant of glycolytic activity.  相似文献   

A change in myocardial metabolism is a known effect of several diseases. MRS with hyperpolarized 13C‐labelled pyruvate is a technique capable of detecting changes in myocardial pyruvate metabolism, and has proven to be useful for the evaluation of myocardial ischaemia in vivo. However, during fasting, the myocardial glucose oxidation is low and the fatty acid oxidation (β‐oxidation) is high, which complicates the interpretation of pyruvate metabolism with the technique. The aim of this study was to investigate whether the infusion of glucose, insulin and potassium (GIK) could increase the myocardial glucose oxidation in the citric acid cycle, reflected as an increase in the [13C]bicarbonate signal in cardiac hyperpolarized [1‐13C]pyruvate MRS measurements in fasted rats. Two groups of rats were infused with two different doses of GIK and investigated by MRS after injection of hyperpolarized [1‐13C]pyruvate. No [13C]bicarbonate signal could be detected in the fasted state. However, a significant increase in the [13C]bicarbonate signal was observed by the infusion of a high dose of GIK. This study demonstrates that a high [13C]bicarbonate signal can be achieved by GIK infusion in fasted rats. The increased [13C]bicarbonate signal indicates an increased flux of pyruvate through the pyruvate dehydrogenase enzyme complex and an increase in myocardial glucose oxidation through the citric acid cycle. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Hyperpolarized [1‐13C]pyruvate ([1‐13C]Pyr) has been used to assess metabolism in healthy and diseased states, focusing on the downstream labeling of lactate (Lac), bicarbonate and alanine. Although hyperpolarized [2‐13C]Pyr, which retains the labeled carbon when Pyr is converted to acetyl‐coenzyme A, has been used successfully to assess mitochondrial metabolism in the heart, the application of [2‐13C]Pyr in the study of brain metabolism has been limited to date, with Lac being the only downstream metabolic product reported previously. In this study, single‐time‐point chemical shift imaging data were acquired from rat brain in vivo. [5‐13C]Glutamate, [1‐13C]acetylcarnitine and [1‐13C]citrate were detected in addition to resonances from [2‐13C]Pyr and [2‐13C]Lac. Brain metabolism was further investigated by infusing dichloroacetate, which upregulates Pyr flux to acetyl‐coenzyme A. After dichloroacetate administration, a 40% increase in [5‐13C]glutamate from 0.014 ± 0.004 to 0.020 ± 0.006 (p = 0.02), primarily from brain, and a trend to higher citrate (0.002 ± 0.001 to 0.004 ± 0.002) were detected, whereas [1‐13C]acetylcarnitine was increased in peripheral tissues. This study demonstrates, for the first time, that hyperpolarized [2‐13C]Pyr can be used for the in vivo investigation of mitochondrial function and tricarboxylic acid cycle metabolism in brain. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Lactate and β‐hydroxybutyrate are important MRS‐visible biomarkers for the energy metabolism of the human brain. A major obstacle for their unambiguous detection and quantification in vivo is their inherently low concentration and spectral overlap with resonances from lipids and macromolecules. In this work, we demonstrate the improved detectability of lactate and β‐hydroxybutyrate with MEGA‐sLASER compared to MEGA‐PRESS at the clinical field strength of 3 T. The method is validated by numerical simulations, in vitro measurements and in vivo experiments on healthy subjects. It is demonstrated that MEGA‐sLASER offers an SNR increase of approximately 70% for lactate and β‐hydroxybutyrate detection compared to MEGA‐PRESS in various brain regions. This increased SNR translates into reduced Cramér‐Rao lower bounds for quantification and enables a more robust detection of subtle changes in the (brain) energy metabolism. The sensitivity of the method for detection of β‐hydroxybutyrate concentration changes is demonstrated through measurements before and during a ketogenic diet while the sensitivity for detection of lactate concentration changes is shown by measurements before and after an intensive anaerobic exercise.  相似文献   

Investigation of hyperpolarized substrate metabolism has been showing utility in real‐time determination of in‐cell and in vivo enzymatic activities. Intracellular reaction rates may vary during the course of a measurement, even on the very short time scales of visibility on hyperpolarized MR, due to many factors such as the availability of the substrate and co‐factors in the intracellular space. Despite this potential variation, the kinetic analysis of hyperpolarized signals typically assumes that the same rate constant (and in many cases, the same rate) applies throughout the course of the reaction as observed via the build‐up and decay of the hyperpolarized signals. We demonstrate here an acquisition approach that can null the need for such an assumption and enable the detection of instantaneous changes in the rate of the reaction during an ex vivo hyperpolarized investigation, (i.e. in the course of the decay of one hyperpolarized substrate dose administered to a viable tissue sample ex vivo). This approach utilizes hyperpolarized product selective saturating‐excitation pulses. Similar pulses have been previously utilized in vivo for spectroscopic imaging. However, we show here favorable consequences to kinetic rate determinations in the preparations used. We implement this acquisition strategy for studies on perfused tissue slices and develop a theory that explains why this particular approach enables the determination of changes in enzymatic rates that are monitored via the chemical conversions of hyperpolarized substrates. Real‐time changes in intracellular reaction rates are demonstrated in perfused brain, liver, and xenograft breast cancer tissue slices and provide another potential differentiation parameter for tissue characterization.  相似文献   

The detection of tumors noninvasively, the characterization of their progression by defined markers and the monitoring of response to treatment are goals of medical imaging techniques. In this article, a method which measures the apparent diffusion coefficients (ADCs) of metabolites using hyperpolarized 13C diffusion‐weighted spectroscopy is presented. A pulse sequence based on the pulsed gradient spin echo (PGSE) was developed that encodes both kinetics and diffusion information. In experiments with MCF‐7 human breast cancer cells, we detected an ADC of intracellularly produced lactate of 1.06 ± 0.15 µm2/ms, which is about one‐half of the value measured with pyruvate in extracellular culture medium. When monitoring tumor cell spheroids during progressive membrane permeabilization with Triton X‐100, the ratio of lactate ADC to pyruvate ADC increases as the fraction of dead cells increases. Therefore, 13C ADC detection can yield sensitive information on changes in membrane permeability and subsequent cell death. Our results suggest that both metabolic label exchange and 13C ADCs can be acquired simultaneously, and may potentially serve as noninvasive biomarkers for pathological changes in tumor cells. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In response to aggravation by activated microglia, IL‐13 can significantly enhance ER stress induction, apoptosis, and death via reciprocal signaling through CCAAT/enhancer‐binding protein alpha (C/EBP‐α) and C/EBP‐beta (C/EBP‐β). This reciprocal signaling promotes neuronal survival. Since the induction of cyclooxygenase‐2 (COX‐2) and peroxisome proliferator‐activated receptor gamma/heme oxygenase 1 (PPAR‐γ/HO‐1) by IL‐13 plays a crucial role in the promotion of and protection from activated microglia, respectively; here, we investigated the role of IL‐13 in regulating C/EBPs in activated microglia and determined its correlation with neuronal function. The results revealed that IL‐13 significantly enhanced C/EBP‐α/COX‐2 expression and PGE2 production in LPS‐treated microglial cells. Paradoxically, IL‐13 abolished C/EBP‐β/PPAR‐γ/HO‐1 expression. IL‐13 also enhanced ER stress‐evoked calpain activation by promoting the association of C/EBP‐β and PPAR‐γ. SiRNA‐C/EBP‐α effectively reversed the combined LPS‐activated caspase‐12 activation and IL‐13‐induced apoptosis. In contrast, siRNA‐C/EBP‐β partially increased microglial cell apoptosis. By NeuN immunochemistry and CD11b staining, there was improvement in the loss of CA3 neuronal cells after intrahippocampal injection of IL‐13. This suggests that IL‐13‐enhanced PLA2 activity regulates COX‐2/PGE2 expression through C/EBP‐α activation. In parallel, ER stress‐related calpain downregulates the PPAR‐γ/HO‐1 pathway via C/EBP‐β and leads to aggravated death of activated microglia via IL‐13, thereby preventing cerebral inflammation and neuronal injury.  相似文献   

The current standard for noninvasive imaging of acute rejection consists of X‐ray/CT, which derive their contrast from changes in ventilation, inflammation and edema, as well as remodeling during rejection. We propose the use of hyperpolarized [1‐13C] pyruvate MRI—which provides real‐time metabolic assessment of tissue—as an early biomarker for tissue rejection. In this preliminary study, we used μCT‐derived parameters and HP 13C MR‐derived biomarkers to predict rejection in an orthotopic left lung transplant model in both allogeneic and syngeneic rats. On day 3, the normalized lung density—a parameter that accounts for both lung volume (mL) and density (HU)—was ?0.335 (CI: ‐0.598, ?0.073) and ? 0.473 (CI: ‐0.726, ?0.220) for the allograft and isograft, respectively (not significant, 0.40). The lactate‐to‐pyruvate ratios—derived from the HP 13C MRI—for the allograft and isograft were 0.200 (CI: 0.161, 0.240) and 0.114 (CI: 0.074, 0.153), respectively (significant, 0.020). Both techniques showed tissue rejection on day 7. A separate sub‐study revealed CD8+ cells as the primary source of the lactate‐to‐pyruvate signal. Our study suggests that hyperpolarized (HP) [1‐13C] pyruvate MRI is a promising early biomarker for tissue rejection that provides metabolic assessment in real time based on changes in cellularity and metabolism of lung tissue and the infiltrating inflammatory cells, and may be able to predict tissue rejection earlier than X‐ray/CT.  相似文献   

A single‐voxel Carr‐Purcell‐Meibloom‐Gill sequence was developed to measure localized T2 relaxation times of 13C‐labeled metabolites in vivo for the first time. Following hyperpolarized [1‐13C]pyruvate injections, pyruvate and its metabolic products, alanine and lactate, were observed in the liver of five rats with hepatocellular carcinoma and five healthy control rats. The T2 relaxation times of alanine and lactate were both significantly longer in HCC tumors than in normal livers (p < 0.002). The HCC tumors also showed significantly higher alanine signal relative to the total 13C signal than normal livers (p < 0.006). The intra‐ and inter‐subject variations of the alanine T2 relaxation time were 11% and 13%, respectively. The intra‐ and inter‐subject variations of the lactate T2 relaxation time were 6% and 7%, respectively. The intra‐subject variability of alanine to total carbon ratio was 16% and the inter‐subject variability 28%. The intra‐subject variability of lactate to total carbon ratio was 14% and the inter‐subject variability 20%. The study results show that the signal level and relaxivity of [1‐13C]alanine may be promising biomarkers for HCC tumors. Its diagnostic values in HCC staging and treatment monitoring are yet to be explored. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Hyperpolarized 13C MR measurements have the potential to display non‐linear kinetics. We have developed an approach to describe possible non‐first‐order kinetics of hyperpolarized [1‐13C] pyruvate employing a system of differential equations that agrees with the principle of conservation of mass of the hyperpolarized signal. Simultaneous fitting to a second‐order model for conversion of [1‐13C] pyruvate to bicarbonate, lactate and alanine was well described in the isolated rat heart perfused with Krebs buffer containing glucose as sole energy substrate, or glucose supplemented with pyruvate. Second‐order modeling yielded significantly improved fits of pyruvate–bicarbonate kinetics compared with the more traditionally used first‐order model and suggested time‐dependent decreases in pyruvate–bicarbonate flux. Second‐order modeling gave time‐dependent changes in forward and reverse reaction kinetics of pyruvate–lactate exchange and pyruvate–alanine exchange in both groups of hearts during the infusion of pyruvate; however, the fits were not significantly improved with respect to a traditional first‐order model. The mechanism giving rise to second‐order pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) kinetics was explored experimentally using surface fluorescence measurements of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide reduced form (NADH) performed under the same conditions, demonstrating a significant increase of NADH during pyruvate infusion. This suggests a simultaneous depletion of available mitochondrial NAD+ (the cofactor for PDH), consistent with the non‐linear nature of the kinetics. NADH levels returned to baseline following cessation of the pyruvate infusion, suggesting this to be a transient effect. © 2016 The Authors. NMR in Biomedicine published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   

Reprogramming of energy metabolism in the development of prostate cancer can be exploited for a better diagnosis and treatment of the disease. The goal of this study was to determine whether differences in glucose and pyruvate metabolism of human prostate cancer cells with dissimilar aggressivenesses can be detected using hyperpolarized [1‐13C]pyruvate MRS and [18F]FDG‐PET imaging, and to evaluate whether these measures correlate. For this purpose, we compared murine xenografts of human prostate cancer LNCaP cells with those of more aggressive PC3 cells. [1‐13C]pyruvate was hyperpolarized by dissolution dynamic nuclear polarization (dDNP) and [1‐13C]pyruvate to lactate conversion was followed by 13C MRS. Subsequently [18F]FDG uptake was investigated by static and dynamic PET measurements. Standard uptake values (SUVs) for [18F]FDG were significantly higher for xenografts of PC3 compared with those of LNCaP. However, we did not observe a difference in the average apparent rate constant kpl of 13C label exchange from pyruvate to lactate between the tumor variants. A significant negative correlation was found between SUVs from [18F]FDG PET measurements and kpl values for the xenografts of both tumor types. The kpl rate constant may be influenced by various factors, and studies with a range of prostate cancer cells in suspension suggest that LDH inhibition by pyruvate may be one of these. Our results indicate that glucose and pyruvate metabolism in the prostate cancer cell models differs from that in other tumor models and that [18F]FDG‐PET can serve as a valuable complementary tool in dDNP studies of aggressive prostate cancer with [1‐13C]pyruvate.  相似文献   

To date, measurements of the activity of aldehyde dehydrogenase‐2 (ALDH2), a critical mitochondrial enzyme for the elimination of certain cytotoxic aldehydes in the body and a promising target for drug development, have been largely limited to in vitro methods. Recent advancements in MRS of hyperpolarized 13C‐labeled substrates have provided a method to detect and image in vivo metabolic pathways with signal‐to‐noise ratio gains greater than 10 000‐fold over conventional MRS techniques. However aldehydes, because of their toxicity and short T1 relaxation times, are generally poor targets for such 13C‐labeled studies. In this work, we show that dynamic MRSI of hyperpolarized [1‐13C]pyruvate and its conversion to [1‐13C]lactate can provide an indirect in vivo measurement of ALDH2 activity via the concentration of NADH (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, reduced form), a co‐factor common to both the reduction of pyruvate to lactate and the oxidation of acetaldehyde to acetate. Results from a rat liver ethanol model (n = 9) show that changes in 13C‐lactate labeling following the bolus injection of hyperpolarized pyruvate are highly correlated with changes in ALDH2 activity (R2 = 0.76). Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

MRI and MRS in small rodents demand very high sensitivity. Cryogenic transmit/receive radiofrequency probes (CryoProbes) designed for 1H MRI of mouse brain provide an attractive option for increasing the performance of small‐animal MR systems. As the Larmor frequency of 13C nuclei is four times lower than that for 1H nuclei, an even larger sensitivity improvement is expected for 13C applications. The aim of this work was to evaluate the performance of a prototype 13C CryoProbe? for mouse brain MRS. To investigate the possible gain of the 13C CryoProbe?, we acquired localized single‐voxel 13C spectra and chemical shift images of a dimethyl sulfoxide phantom with the CryoProbe?, as well as with two room temperature resonators. The cryogenically cooled resonator achieved approximately four‐fold higher signal‐to‐noise ratio in phantom tests when compared with the best‐performing room temperature coil. In addition, we present localized 13C spectra of mouse brain obtained with the CryoProbe?, as well as with one of the room temperature coils, demonstrating the performance in vivo. In summary, the cryogenic cooling technique significantly enhances the 13C signal sensitivity at 9.4 T and enables the investigation of metabolism within mouse brain. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Under normal conditions, the heart mainly relies on fatty acid oxidation to meet its energy needs. Changes in myocardial fuel preference are noted in the diseased and failing heart. The magnetic resonance signal enhancement provided by spin hyperpolarization allows the metabolism of substrates labeled with carbon‐13 to be followed in real time in vivo. Although the low water solubility of long‐chain fatty acids abrogates their hyperpolarization by dissolution dynamic nuclear polarization, medium‐chain fatty acids have sufficient solubility to be efficiently polarized and dissolved. In this study, we investigated the applicability of hyperpolarized [1–13C]octanoate to measure myocardial medium‐chain fatty acid metabolism in vivo. Scanning rats infused with a bolus of hyperpolarized [1–13C]octanoate, the primary metabolite observed in the heart was identified as [1–13C]acetylcarnitine. Additionally, [5‐13C]glutamate and [5‐13C]citrate could be respectively resolved in seven and five of 31 experiments, demonstrating the incorporation of oxidation products of octanoate into the tricarboxylic acid cycle. A variable drop in blood pressure was observed immediately following the bolus injection, and this drop correlated with a decrease in normalized acetylcarnitine signal (acetylcarnitine/octanoate). Increasing the delay before infusion moderated the decrease in blood pressure, which was attributed to the presence of residual gas bubbles in the octanoate solution. No significant difference in normalized acetylcarnitine signal was apparent between fed and 12‐hour fasted rats. Compared with a solution in buffer, the longitudinal relaxation of [1–13C]octanoate was accelerated ~3‐fold in blood and by the addition of serum albumin. These results demonstrate the potential of hyperpolarized [1–13C]octanoate to probe myocardial medium‐chain fatty acid metabolism as well as some of the limitations that may accompany its use.  相似文献   

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