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The aim of this study was to quantitatively assess the field strength dependence of the transverse relaxation rate (R2*) change in cortical gray matter induced by hyperoxia and hyperoxic hypercapnia versus normoxia in an intra‐individual comparison of young healthy volunteers. Medical air (21% O2), pure oxygen and carbogen (95% O2, 5% CO2) were alternatively administered in a block‐design temporal pattern to induce normoxia, hyperoxia and hyperoxic hypercapnia, respectively. Local R2* values were determined from three‐dimensional, multiple, radiofrequency‐spoiled, fast field echo data acquired at 1.5, 3 and 7 T. Image quality was good at all field strengths. Under normoxia, the mean gray matter R2* values were 13.3 ± 2.7 s–1 (1.5 T), 16.9 ± 0.9 s–1 (3 T) and 29.0 ± 2.6 s–1 (7 T). Both hyperoxic gases induced relaxation rate decreases ΔR2*, whose magnitudes increased quadratically with the field strength [carbogen: –0.69 ± 0.20 s–1 (1.5 T), –1.49 ± 0.49 s–1 (3 T), –5.64 ± 0.67 s–1 (7 T); oxygen: –0.39 ± 0.20 s–1 (1.5 T), –0.78 ± 0.48 s–1 (3 T), –3.86 ± 1.00 s–1 (7 T)]. Carbogen produced larger R2* changes than oxygen at all field strengths. The relative change ΔR2*/R2* also increased with the field strength with a power between 1 and 2 for both carbogen and oxygen. The statistical significance of the R2* response improved with increasing B0 and was higher for carbogen than for oxygen. For a sequence with pure T2* weighting of the signal response to respiratory challenge, the results suggested a maximum carbogen‐induced signal difference of 19.3% of the baseline signal at 7 T and TE = 38 ms, but a maximum oxygen‐induced signal difference of only 3.0% at 1.5 T and TE = 76 ms. For 3 T, maximum signal changes of 4.7% (oxygen) and 8.9% (carbogen) were computed. In conclusion, the R2* response to hyperoxic respiratory challenge was stronger for carbogen than for oxygen, and increased quadratically with the static magnetic field strength for both challenges, which highlights the importance of high field strengths for future studies aimed at probing oxygen physiology in clinical settings. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The consistent determination of changes in the transverse relaxation rate R2* (ΔR2*) is essential for the mapping of the effect of hyperoxic and hypercapnic respiratory challenges, which enables the noninvasive assessment of blood oxygenation changes and vasoreactivity by MRI. The purpose of this study was to compare the performance of two different methods of ΔR2* quantification from dynamic multigradient‐echo data: (A) subtraction of R2* values calculated from monoexponential decay functions; and (B) computation of ΔR2* echo‐wise from signal intensity ratios. A group of healthy volunteers (n = 12) was investigated at 3.0 T, and the brain tissue response to carbogen and CO2–air inhalation was registered using a dynamic multigradient‐echo sequence with high temporal and spatial resolution. Results of the ΔR2* quantification obtained by the two methods were compared with respect to the quality of the voxel‐wise ΔR2* response, the number of responding voxels and the behaviour of the ‘global’ response of all voxels with significant R2* changes. For the two ΔR2* quantification methods, we found no differences in the temporal variation of the voxel‐wise ΔR2* responses or in the detection sensitivity. The maximum change in the ‘global’ response was slightly smaller when ΔR2* was derived from signal intensity ratios. In conclusion, this first methodological comparison shows that both ΔR2* quantifications, from monoexponential approximation as well as from signal intensity ratios, are applicable for the monitoring of R2* changes during respiratory challenges. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

To develop a method for noninvasive evaluation of liver fibrosis, we investigated the differential sensitivities of quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) and R2* mapping using corrections for the effects of liver iron. Liver fibrosis is characterized by excessive accumulation of collagen and other extracellular matrix proteins. While collagen increases R2* relaxation, measures of R2* for fibrosis are confounded by liver iron, which may be present in the liver over a wide range of concentrations. The diamagnetic collagen contribution to susceptibility values measured by QSM is much less than the contribution of highly paramagnetic iron. In 19 ex vivo liver explants with and without fibrosis, QSM (χ), R2* and proton density fat fraction (PDFF) maps were constructed from multiecho gradient‐recalled echo (mGRE) sequence acquisition at 3 T. Median parameter values were recorded and differences between the MRI parameters in nonfibrotic vs. advanced fibrotic/cirrhotic samples were evaluated using Mann–Whitney U tests and receiver operating characteristic analyses. Logistic regression with stepwise feature selection was employed to evaluate the utility of combined MRI measurements for detection of fibrosis. Median R2* increased in fibrotic vs. nonfibrotic liver samples (P = .041), while differences in χ and PDFF were nonsignificant (P = .545 and P = .395, respectively). Logistic regression identified the combination of χ and R2* significant for fibrosis detection (logit [prediction] = ?8.45 + 0.23 R2* ? 28.8 χ). For this classifier, a highly significant difference between nonfibrotic vs. advanced fibrotic/cirrhotic samples was observed (P = .002). The model exhibited an AUC of 0.909 (P = .003) for detection of advanced fibrosis/cirrhosis, which was substantially higher compared with AUCs of the individual parameters (AUC 0.591–0.784). An integrated QSM and R2* analysis of mGRE 3 T imaging data is promising for noninvasive diagnostic assessment of liver fibrosis.  相似文献   

The purpose of this work was to investigate the effects of hemispheric location, gender and age on susceptibility value, as well as the association between susceptibility value and diffusional metrics, in deep gray matter. Iron content was estimated in vivo using quantitative susceptibility mapping. Microstructure was probed using diffusional kurtosis imaging. Regional susceptibility and diffusional metrics were measured for the putamen, caudate nucleus, globus pallidus, thalamus, substantia nigra and red nucleus in 42 healthy adults (age range 25–78 years). Susceptibility value was significantly higher in the left than the right side of the caudate nucleus (P = 0.043) and substantia nigra (P < 0.001). Women exhibited lower susceptibility values than men in the thalamus (P < 0.001) and red nucleus (P = 0.032). Significant age‐related increases of susceptibility were observed in the putamen (P < 0.001), red nucleus (P < 0.001), substantia nigra (P = 0.004), caudate nucleus (P < 0.001) and globus pallidus (P = 0.017). The putamen exhibited the highest rate of iron accumulation with aging (slope of linear regression = 0.73 × 10?3 ppm/year), which was nearly twice those in substantia nigra (slope = 0.40 × 10?3 ppm/year) and caudate nucleus (slope = 0.39 × 10?3 ppm/year). Significant positive correlations between the susceptibility value and diffusion measurements were observed for fractional anisotropy (P = 0.045) and mean kurtosis (P = 0.048) in the putamen without controlling for age. Neither correlation was significant after controlling for age. Hemisphere, gender and age‐related differences in iron measurements were observed in deep gray matter. Notably, the putamen exhibited the highest rate of increase in susceptibility with aging. Correlations between susceptibility value and microstructural measurements were inconclusive. These findings could provide new clues for unveiling mechanisms underlying iron‐related neurodegenerative diseases. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Disruption of the regulatory role of the kidneys leads to diverse renal pathologies; one major hallmark is inflammation and fibrosis. Conventional magnitude MRI has been used to study renal pathologies; however, the quantification or even detection of focal lesions caused by inflammation and fibrosis is challenging. We propose that quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) may be particularly sensitive for the identification of inflammation and fibrosis. In this study, we applied QSM in a mouse model deficient for angiotensin receptor type 1 (AT1). This model is known for graded pathologies, including focal interstitial fibrosis, cortical inflammation, glomerulocysts and inner medullary hypoplasia. We acquired high‐resolution MRI on kidneys from AT1‐deficient mice that were perfusion fixed with contrast agent. Two MR sequences were used (three‐dimensional spin echo and gradient echo) to produce three image contrasts: T1, T2* (magnitude) and QSM. T1 and T2* (magnitude) images were acquired to segment major renal structures and to provide landmarks for the focal lesions of inflammation and fibrosis in the three‐dimensional space. The volumes of major renal structures were measured to determine the relationship of the volumes to the degree of renal abnormalities and magnetic susceptibility values. Focal lesions were segmented from QSM images and were found to be closely associated with the major vessels. Susceptibilities were relatively more paramagnetic in wild‐type mice: 1.46 ± 0.36 in the cortex, 2.14 ± 0.94 in the outer medulla and 2.10 ± 2.80 in the inner medulla (10–2 ppm). Susceptibilities were more diamagnetic in knockout mice: –7.68 ± 4.22 in the cortex, –11.46 ± 2.13 in the outer medulla and –7.57 ± 5.58 in the inner medulla (10–2 ppm). This result was consistent with the increase in diamagnetic content, e.g. proteins and lipids, associated with inflammation and fibrosis. Focal lesions were validated with conventional histology. QSM was very sensitive in detecting pathology caused by small focal inflammation and fibrosis. QSM offers a new MR contrast mechanism to study this common disease marker in the kidney. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A pressing need exists to disentangle age-related changes from pathologic neurodegeneration. This study aims to characterize the spatial pattern and age-related differences of biologically relevant measures in vivo over the course of normal aging. Quantitative multiparameter maps that provide neuroimaging biomarkers for myelination and iron levels, parameters sensitive to aging, were acquired from 138 healthy volunteers (age range: 19–75 years). Whole-brain voxel-wise analysis revealed a global pattern of age-related degeneration. Significant demyelination occurred principally in the white matter. The observed age-related differences in myelination were anatomically specific. In line with invasive histologic reports, higher age-related differences were seen in the genu of the corpus callosum than the splenium. Iron levels were significantly increased in the basal ganglia, red nucleus, and extensive cortical regions but decreased along the superior occipitofrontal fascicle and optic radiation. This whole-brain pattern of age-associated microstructural differences in the asymptomatic population provides insight into the neurobiology of aging. The results help build a quantitative baseline from which to examine and draw a dividing line between healthy aging and pathologic neurodegeneration.  相似文献   

Impaired white matter integrity in traumatic brain injury (TBI) can lead to deficits in various neurological functions. The differentiation of the underlying pathological processes, e.g. edema, demyelination, axonal damage, to name a few, is of key clinical interest for the assessment of white matter injury. In this study, a combination of T2, diffusion and susceptibility MRI was used to study the spatiotemporal changes in white matter at 1 h, 3 h, and 1, 2, 7 and 14 days following TBI, using a rat controlled cortical impact (CCI) model. Based on radial diffusivity (RD), the rats were divided into two groups: group 1 showed widespread increases in RD along the corpus callosum of the ipsilesional hemisphere at day 2, and group 2 showed normal RD. Based on this group separation, group 1 also showed similar widespread changes in fractional anisotropy (FA) and T2 at day 2, and group 2 showed normal FA and T2. The widespread changes in RD and T2 in group 1 on day 2 were apparently dominated by edema, which obscured possible myelin and axonal damage. In contrast, the susceptibility of group 1 showed more localized increases near the impact site on day 2, and otherwise similar contrast to the contralesional hemisphere. The localized susceptibility increase is probably a result of demyelination and axonal injury. The extent of brain damage between the two groups revealed by MRI was consistent with behavioral results, with the first group showing significantly increased forelimb asymmetry and increased forelimb foot fault deficits. Our results suggest that the combination of T2, diffusion and susceptibility MRI may provide an opportunity for the differential assessment of edema and axonal damage in TBI. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) has the potential for being a biomarker for various diseases because of its ability to measure tissue susceptibility related to iron deposition, myelin, and hemorrhage from the phase signal of a T2*-weighted MRI. Despite its promise as a quantitative marker, QSM is faced with many challenges, including its dependence on preprocessing of the raw phase data, the relatively weak tissue signal, and the inherently ill posed relationship between the magnetic dipole and measured phase. The goal of this study was to evaluate the effects of background field removal and dipole inversion algorithms on noise characteristics, image uniformity, and structural contrast for cerebral microbleed (CMB) quantification at both 3T and 7T. We selected four widely used background phase removal and five dipole field inversion algorithms for QSM and applied them to volunteers and patients with CMBs, who were scanned at two different field strengths, with ground truth QSM reference calculated using multiple orientation scans. 7T MRI provided QSM images with lower noise than did 3T MRI. QSIP and VSHARP + iLSQR achieved the highest white matter homogeneity and vein contrast, with QSIP also providing the highest CMB contrast. Compared with ground truth COSMOS QSM images, overall good correlations between susceptibility values of dipole inversion algorithms and the COSMOS reference were observed in basal ganglia regions, with VSHARP + iLSQR achieving the susceptibility values most similar to COSMOS across all regions. This study can provide guidance for selecting the most appropriate QSM processing pipeline based on the application of interest and scanner field strength.  相似文献   

R2* relaxation provides a semiquantitative method of detecting myelin, iron and white matter fibre orientation angles. Compared with standard histogram‐based analyses, angle‐resolved analysis of R2* has previously been shown to substantially improve the detection of subtle differences in the brain between healthy siblings of subjects with multiple sclerosis and unrelated healthy controls. Neonates, who are born with very little myelin and iron, and an underdeveloped connectome, provide researchers with an opportunity to investigate whether R2* is intimately linked with fibre‐angle or myelin content as it is in adults, which may in future studies be explored as a potential white matter developmental biomarker. Five healthy adult volunteers (mean age [±SD] = 31.2 [±8.3] years; three males) were recruited from Vancouver, Canada. Eight term neonates (mean age = 38.6 ± 1.2 weeks; five males) were recruited from the Children's Hospital of Chongqing Medical University neonatal ward. All subjects were scanned on identical 3 T Philips Achieva scanners equipped with an eight‐channel SENSE head coil and underwent a multiecho gradient echo scan, a 32‐direction DTI scan and a myelin water imaging scan. For both neonates and adults, bin‐averaged R2* variation across the brain's white matter was found to be best explained by fibre orientation. For adults, this represented a difference in R2* values of 3.5 Hz from parallel to perpendicular fibres with respect to the main magnetic field. In neonates, the fibre orientation dependency displayed a cosine wave shape, with a small R2* range of 0.4 Hz. This minor relationship in neonates provides further evidence for the key role myelin probably plays in creating this fibre orientation dependence later in life, but suggests limited clinical application in newborn populations. Future studies should investigate fibre‐orientation dependency in infants in the first 5 years, when substantial myelin development occurs.  相似文献   

Subgroup A respiratory syncytial viruses present in respiratory secretions and low passage level cell culture isolates were found to be markedly less susceptible to neutralization with monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) to the F glycoprotein than the cell culture adapted A2 virus strain. Low passage virus isolates collected over a 20 year period and belonging to several sub-group A lineages were refractory to neutralization with antibodies recognizing two major neutralizing antigenic sites located sub-terminally at opposite ends of the F(1) glycoprotein sub-unit. On further passage in cell culture, virus isolates exhibited both increased infectivity titers and increased susceptibility to neutralization by antibodies to both antigenic sites. The consensus nucleotide sequence of the membrane associated proteins M and of the SH, G and F glycoprotein genes, and their intergenic regions were compared for neutralization resistant and susceptible stocks of one virus strain, R17532. No changes were observed in the known monoclonal antibody epitopes on the F glycoprotein. In line with this, the increase in susceptibility was not found to be associated with any increased binding of monoclonal antibody to isolated F glycoprotein in a BIAcore assay, thus excluding the possibility that passage in cell culture selected for viruses with mutations in the antibody binding sites. M and SH genes were conserved but a number of sites in the G and F glycoprotein genes were found to vary on adaptation to cell culture suggesting that change in susceptibility to neutralization was associated with a change in the prevalent quasispecies present in the virus population. The genetic basis of phenotypic change in susceptibility remains to be determined.  相似文献   

Metabolomic studies by NMR spectroscopy are increasingly employed for a variety of biomedical applications. A very standardized 1D proton NMR protocol is generally employed for data acquisition, associated with multivariate statistical tests. Even if targeted approaches have been proposed to quantify metabolites from such experiments, quantification is often made difficult by the high degree of overlap characterizing (1) H NMR spectra of biological samples. Two-dimensional spectroscopy presents a high potential for accurately measuring concentrations in complex samples, as it offers a much higher discrimination between metabolite resonances. We have recently proposed an original approach relying on the (1) H 2D INADEQUATE pulse sequence, optimized for fast quantitative analysis of complex metabolic mixtures. Here, the first application of the quantitative (1) H 2D INADEQUATE experiment to a real metabonomic study is presented. Absolute metabolite concentrations are determined for different breast cancer cell line extracts, by a standard addition procedure. The protocol is characterized by high analytical performances (accuracy better than 1%, excellent linearity), even if it is affected by relatively long acquisition durations (15 min to 1 h per spectrum). It is applied to three different cell lines, expressing different hormonal and tyrosine kinase receptors. The absolute concentrations of 15 metabolites are determined, revealing significant differences between cell lines. The metabolite concentrations measured are in good agreement with previous studies regarding metabolic profile changes of breast cancer. While providing a high degree of discrimination, this methodology offers a powerful tool for the determination of relevant biomarkers.  相似文献   

目的:研究普乐可复(FK506)对难治性肾病综合征患者血清IL-2、sIL-2R的影响及其临床意义。方法:应用酶联免疫吸附法检测难治性肾病综合征患者经普乐可复治疗前后血清IL-2、sIL-2R水平变化,并监测患者24小时尿蛋白、血浆白蛋白、血脂的变化。结果:难治性肾病综合征患者经普乐可复治疗前血清IL-2、sIL-2R水平均显著高于正常对照组(P<0.05)。治疗后血清IL-2、sIL-2R水平较治疗前明显下降(P<0.05)。治疗前24小时尿蛋白水平显著高于正常对照组(P<0.01),血浆白蛋白显著低于正常对照组(P<0.01),血脂水平显著高于正常对照组(P<0.01);与治疗前比较,治疗后24小时尿蛋白水平显著下降(P<0.05),血浆白蛋白水平显著升高(P<0.01),血脂水平显著下降(P<0.05)。治疗后组与正常组比较,除IL-2外,余各项指标均无显著性差异(P>0.05)。结论:在难治性肾病综合征患者体内存在IL-2、sIL-2R的异常,普乐可复对其有明确的抑制作用,从而调节T细胞活性,有效降低24小时尿蛋白,提高血浆白蛋白含量,降血脂,缓解难治性肾病综合征的病情。  相似文献   

In order to investigate their possible role as prognostic markers, staining with the antibodies NKI/C-3 and anti-S100, that are applicable on paraffin sections, was examined using a group of primary cutaneous melanomas and autologous metastases using the immunoperoxidase procedure. All melanoma lesions stained with anti-S100, and the large majority with NKI/C-3. In primary melanomas showing a moderate or dense associated lymphocytic infiltrate, significantly more tumour cells stained with anti-S100 than in primary melanomas with a slight or absent infiltrate. In markedly pigmented metastases, significantly more tumour cells stained with NKI/C-3 than in less pigmented lesions; in primary melanomas this phenomenon just failed to be significant. In metastases with a high mitotic index a significantly lower proportion of tumour cells stained with NKI/C-3 than in lesions with a low mitotic index. No significant differences in staining were found between a group of primary melanomas with metastases and a group without metastases within a follow-up period of 5 years. Therefore, although staining with NKI/C-3 and anti-S100 appears to be associated with certain histopathological characteristics, it has no direct contribution to the assessment of prognosis in primary melanoma.  相似文献   

加味宣肺透解剂对流感病毒感染小鼠细胞因子的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的:观察加味宣肺透解剂(JXT)对流感病毒感染小鼠细胞因子的影响。方法:复制流感病毒鼠肺适应株(FM1)小鼠肺炎模型,以加味宣肺透解剂灌胃治疗。ELISA法检测感染后第5天血清中IL-2、TNF-α、IL-6、IFN-γ的含量,肺组织切片HE染色。结果:加味宣肺透解剂明显升高血清中IL-2、IFN-γ水平,降低TNF-α、IL-6水平,减轻肺组织病变。结论:调节细胞因子的分泌,可能是加味宣肺透解剂减轻病毒感染小鼠肺组织损伤的机制之一。  相似文献   

Components of the human immunoglobulin A1 (IgA1) hinge governing sensitivity to cleavage by bacterial IgA1 proteases were investigated. Recombinant antibodies with distinct hinge mutations were constructed from a hybrid comprised of human IgA2 bearing half of the human IgA1 hinge region. This hybrid antibody and all the mutant antibodies derived from it were resistant to cleavage by the IgA1 proteases from Streptococcus oralis and Streptococcus mitis biovar 1 strains but were cleaved to various degrees by those of Streptococcus pneumoniae, some Streptococcus sanguis strains, and the type 1 and 2 IgA1 proteases of Haemophilus influenzae, Neisseria meningitidis, and Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Remarkably, those proteases that cleave a Pro-Ser peptide bond in the wild-type IgA1 hinge were able to cleave mutant antibodies lacking a Pro-Ser peptide bond in the hinge, and those that cleave a Pro-Thr peptide bond in the wild-type IgA1 hinge were able to cleave mutant antibodies devoid of a Pro-Thr peptide bond in the hinge. Thus, the enzymes can cleave alternatives to their preferred postproline peptide bond when such a bond is unavailable. Peptide sequence analysis of a representative antibody digestion product confirmed this conclusion. The presence of a cleavable peptide bond near the CH2 end of the hinge appeared to result in greater cleavage than if the scissile bond was at the CH1 end of the hinge. Proline-to-serine substitution at residue 230 in a hinge containing potentially cleavable Pro-Ser and Pro-Thr peptide bonds increased the resistance of the antibody to cleavage by many IgA1 proteases.  相似文献   

The function of the uncoupling protein 2 (UCP2) is different for each cancer cell. However, the mechanism of expression is still unclear. DNA methylation affects protein expression and is one factor that transforms normal cells into cancer cells. In this study, the hepatocellular carcinoma Hep3B and HepG2 cells and colorectal cancer HT-29 cells were treated with 5-azacytidine (5-aza), a DNA demethylation agent, to observe the modification of UCP2 expression and the methylation degree in the UCP2 promoter region. Promoter basal activity and degree of UCP2 expression were measured in Hep3B, HepG2, and HT-29 cells. In addition, methylation-specific PCR (MSP) was performed to investigate the degree of methylation in the UCP2 promoter region. The methylation region in the UCP2 promoter was confirmed based on bisulfite sequencing. In Hep3B cells in which UCP2 mRNA was not transcribed, the promoter basal activity was significantly higher than in HT-29 or HepG2 cells in which UCP2 mRNA was transcribed. Treatment with 5-aza increased UCP2 expression in Hep3B and HT-29 cells; however, the expression in HepG2 cells was unchanged. The UCP2 promoter in Hep3B cells has numerous methylated regions compared with HT-29 and HepG2 cells. The results of the present study revealed that inhibition of UCP2 expression in Hep3B cells was due to methylation of the promoter region. Investigating the mechanism that induces UCP2 expression in cancer cells is important to understand the function of UCP2, which could aid in cancer treatment.  相似文献   

We previously identified KEPI as a morphine-regulated gene using subtractive hybridization and differential display PCR. Upon phosphorylation by protein kinase C, KEPI becomes a powerful inhibitor of protein phosphatase 1. To gain insights into KEPI functions, we created KEPI knockout (KO) mice on mixed 129S6×C57BL/6 genetic backgrounds. KEPI maps onto mouse chromosome 10 close to the locus that contains the μ-opioid receptor (Oprm1) and provides a major quantitative trait locus for morphine effects. Analysis of single nucleotide polymorphisms in and near the Oprm1 locus identified a doubly-recombinant mouse with C57BL/6 markers within 1 Mb on either side of the KEPI deletion. This strategy minimized the amount of 129S6 DNA surrounding the transgene and documented the C57BL/6 origin of the Oprm1 gene in this founder and its offspring. Recombinant KEPIKO mice displayed (a) normal analgesic responses and normal locomotion after initial morphine treatments, (b) accelerated development of tolerance to analgesic effects of morphine, (c) elevated activity of protein phosphatase 1 in thalamus, (d) attenuated morphine reward as assessed by conditioned place preference. These data support roles for KEPI action in adaptive responses to repeated administration of morphine that include analgesic tolerance and drug reward.  相似文献   

Institute for Problems in Cryobiology and Cryomedicine, Academy of Sciences of the Ukraine, Khar'kov. Yakutsk Institute of Biology, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Yakutsk. Translated from Byulleten' Éksperimental'noi Biologii i Meditsiny, Vol. 114, No. 9, pp. 274–276, September, 1992.  相似文献   

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