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雄激素过多症是临床常见的内分泌紊乱性疾病,雄激素水平升高一直是困惑研究者的难题。临床对雄激素来源的诊断非常有限,而且缺少特定有效的检查及相关临床信息。高雄激素血症中雄激素不止来源于一种腺体,卵巢是公认合成雄激素的腺体,而肾上腺也是合成雄激素的重要腺体之一。多囊卵巢综合征和自发性雄激素过多症中,肾上腺所分泌的雄激素是多因素共同作用的结果,包括高胰岛素血症、甾体激素代谢紊乱、卵巢激素合成增加。然而,伴有脱氢表雄酮硫酸盐水平升高的高雄激素患者体重减轻,胰岛素水平较低,代谢情况良好。该文从分泌雄激素的腺体—卵巢和肾上腺两个方面,对3种常见的雄激素过多症(即多囊卵巢综合征、自发性雄激素过多症、非典型性21-羟化酶缺乏症)的雄激素水平分别进行阐述。  相似文献   

糖尿病是内分泌代谢失调中最常见的疾病之一,而内分泌系统是人体重要的功能调节系统,主要功能是调节激素,让身体达到平衡及稳定状态。内分泌系统由腺体组成,这些腺体负责制造人体所需的激素,并且输送到身体各处。脑下垂体、甲状腺、胰腺、肾上腺、性腺等,都是人体主要的内分泌腺体。糖尿病不仅是"糖"问题任何一个内分泌器官一旦失调失衡,且没有及时诊治,都会导致各种疾病,如分泌胰岛素的胰腺失调时,可导致内分泌过多或过少。  相似文献   

危重病人静脉导管相关性感染   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
糖尿病与冠心病的联系已引起内分泌及心血管医师的广泛兴趣。然而,心血管的内分泌问题并非仅局限于糖尿病。心脏和血管也是内分泌器官,内分泌器官的疾病又都与心血管的终点事件密切相关。内分泌医师在处理内分泌代谢病时,应密切关注与深入研究心血管内分泌学。内分泌系统腺体主要包括:下丘脑、垂体、甲状腺、甲状旁腺、胰岛、肾上腺和性腺。各腺体与心血管系统之间均有着密切的关系,我们主要就垂体疾病与心血管疾病之间的关系作一总结。  相似文献   

糖尿病与冠心病的联系已引起内分泌及心血管医师的广泛兴趣。然而,心血管的内分泌问题并非仅局限于糖尿病。心脏和血管也是内分泌器官,内分泌器官的疾病又都与心血管的终点事件密切相关。内分泌医师在处理内分泌代谢病时,应密切关注与深入研究心血管内分泌学。内分泌系统腺体主要包括:下丘脑、垂体、甲状腺、甲状旁腺、胰岛、肾上腺和性腺。各腺体与心血管系统之间均有着密切的关系,我们主要就垂体疾病与心血管疾病之间的关系作一总结。垂体位于蝶骨的垂体窝中,分为腺垂体和神经垂体。腺垂体分泌的激素主要是生长激素(GH)、泌乳素(PRL)、…  相似文献   

在人体内有一些专门分泌某些化学物质的器官和组织,医学上把它们称为“腺体”。腺体所分泌的物质如果是通过一定的管道排出体外,则称为“外分泌腺”,如汗腺、唾液腺等;如果腺体分泌的物质不经过管道排出人体,而是直接进入血液的话,就称为“内分泌腺”。医学上把内分泌腺所分泌的物质统称为“激素”。内分泌系统是由内分泌器官和内分泌组织组成的。所谓内分泌器官,就是指结构上独立存在、而且用人的肉眼可以看见的内分泌腺,比如甲状腺、肾上腺、脑垂体、胰岛、睾丸、卵巢、松果体等;内分泌组织则是指分散存在于其它组织和器官中的内分泌细胞团块,如胎盘的细胞、下丘脑的神经细胞等。内分泌系统是神经系统以外的另一种重要调节系统,它的主要功能是调节人体的新陈代谢、生长发育和对外界环境的适应性。内分泌功能过高或过低,都可以引起人体生理功能的紊乱,造  相似文献   

许多感染性疾病可引起内分泌代谢紊乱,而有些内分泌代谢紊乱又可伴随或促发某些感染性疾病。某些药物如皮质类固醇对感染性疾病的发生或治疗具有不利影响或有益的作用。此外,一些用于治疗感染性疾病的抗生素也可具有各种各样的内分泌作用。  相似文献   

糖尿病是以慢性高血糖为特征的内分泌代谢性疾病,其突出的病理改变是合并微小血管病变和动脉血管壁的硬化,从而导致各种心、脑、肾血管疾病和视网膜病变的发生。内分泌代谢紊乱和心脑血管病变与血液流变学密切相关。血液流变学是从宏观、  相似文献   

内分泌是人体中一种较为特殊的分泌方式,有许多组织细胞或耐心腺体相互组合而成且分泌出有相对特异性的生物活性物质,它们因具备内分泌的功能,因此被称作内分泌腺,这些腺体之间没有导管,且分泌的激素进行释放以后将直接进入人体血液系统之中,并将所分泌的激素运送到人体有敏感反应的器官组织处,发挥其生理的功能.  相似文献   

何冬梅 《工企医刊》2011,24(3):86-87
糖尿病是一种最常见的内分泌代谢疾病,是一种以血糖升高及多种代谢紊乱为特征的疾病。并发症多,可造成残废、致死,  相似文献   

糖尿病是由多种病因引起的代谢紊乱,其特点是慢性高血糖伴有胰岛素分泌不足和(或)胰岛素抵抗,导致碳水化合物、脂肪和蛋白质代谢紊乱,造成多种器官的慢性损害、功能障碍及衰竭。糖尿病是以高血糖为特征的内分泌疾病,若高血糖长期得不到控制,可诱发多种并发症,如糖尿病肾  相似文献   

复发性流产是指在妊娠20周前,连续发生2次或以上自然流产。复发性流产的病因目前尚未明确,主要包括遗传因素、解剖异常、内分泌异常、感染、免疫因素及不明原因的复发性流产。其中内分泌异常与复发性流产密切相关,无论是生殖腺分泌功能异常或其他相关内分泌腺体分泌异常,都有可能导致复发性流产的发生。从黄体功能不足、甲状腺功能异常、高催乳素血症、胰岛素抵抗及高雄激素血症等方面,探讨内分泌异常与复发性流产之间的相关性。内分泌异常会导致复发性流产,但是其具体机制仍需要进一步探索。  相似文献   

The classic view of endocrinology as the study of a group of glands containing specialized endocrine cells, releasing substances that act at a distance, has been seriously questioned in recent years. The main reason for this was the discovery that endocrine cells are diffusely distributed through most body tissues and intermingled between nonendocrine elements.  相似文献   

Exposure to coal rock dust in combination with exercise for 2 months was found to have a negative impact on cellular metabolism in the endocrine system. The early form of anthracosilicosis developed in this period. Cytomorphological study revealed cellular changes in the pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, and pancreatic glands. The cells of the endocrine organs are functionally tense upon exposure to toxic and physical factors and they are most vulnerable in this period of an experiment.  相似文献   

职业性铅中毒工人某些内分泌腺功能研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
研究了47名铅中毒工人某些内分泌腺功能.发现血中T_3、T_4、皮质醇、TSH水平明显低于配对对照组,差别有高度显著性(P<0.001),除TSH外均与工龄呈负相关,提示铅可能损伤甲状腺、肾上腺皮质、垂体前叶致使铅中毒工人产生甲状腺和肾上腺皮质功能低下的症状,说叨铅损伤某些内分泌腺功能可能是铅中毒的重要机制之一。  相似文献   

Polymorphonuclear leukocytes secrete substances that defend against foreign invaders by mechanisms that bear remarkable resemblances to those of exocrine and endocrine glands. Similarly, leukocyte secretions can also damage the very host they are intended to protect. Like other secretory cells, leukocytes also bear surface receptors to detect signals that initiate secretion. Clinical implications are detailed.  相似文献   

Organ specific autoimmune diseases are predominantly diseases of the endocrine glands and involve amongst others the thyroid (Hashimoto's disease, primary myxoedema, Graves' disease), the islets of Langerhans (type I diabetes mellitus) and the adrenals (Addison's disease). Over the past fifty years the knowledge on the pathogenesis of these diseases has considerably increased, leading to a large number of newly developed diagnostic tools, particularly determination of autoantibodies. Most of these autoimmune diseases have a (long) subclinical latency period. During this latency period a reliable prediction of later clinical manifestation is feasible. Preventive interventions during the latency period to correct underlying abnormalities of the target endocrine gland and/or the immune system are currently being tested in experimental animal models.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Exposure to environmental endocrine disruptors is a potential risk factor for humans. Many of these chemicals have been shown to exhibit disruption of normal cellular and developmental processes in animal models. Ultraviolet (UV) filters used as sunscreens in cosmetics have previously been shown to exhibit estrogenic activity in in vitro and in vivo assays. We examined the effects of two UV filters, 4-methylbenzylidene camphor (4-MBC) and 3-benzylidene camphor (3-BC), in the developing prostate of the fetal rat. METHODS: Pregnant Long Evans rats were fed diets containing doses of 4-MBC and 3-BC that resulted in average daily intakes of these chemicals corresponding to the lowest observed adverse effects level (LOAEL) and the no observed adverse effects level (NOAEL) doses in prior developmental toxicity studies. Using digital photographs of serial sections from postnatal day 1 animals, we identified, contoured, and aligned the epithelial ducts from specific regions of the developing prostate, plus the accessory sex glands and calculated the total volume for each region from three-dimensional, surface-rendered models. RESULTS: Fetal exposure to 4-MBC (7.0 mg/kg body weight/day) resulted in a significant increase (p < 0.05) in tissue volume in the prostate and accessory sex glands. Treated males exhibited a 62% increase in the number of ducts in the caudal dorsal prostate. Increased distal branching morphogenesis appears to be a consequence of exposure in the ventral region, resulting in a 106% increase in ductal volume. CONCLUSIONS: 4-MBC exposure during development of the male reproductive accessory sex glands exhibited classical growth effects associated with estrogenic endocrine disruptors. The different regional responses suggest that the two developmental processes of ductal outgrowth and branching morphogenesis are affected independently by exposure to the environmental chemicals.  相似文献   

Nuclear medicine utilizes specific radiopharmaceuticals which have the ability to concentrate in and be handled by specific organ systems. Functional imaging is therefore added to the information available from methods which excel in the recording of anatomical information (such as ultrasound, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging). The specificity of the radioactive tracer methods is particularly apparent when related to investigation of the endocrine glands (Figs 1-8). This short and practical survey outlines the main areas of clinical application and utility.  相似文献   

There is much more evidence suggesting very close cooperation between nervous and immune systems. This cooperation is regulated by soluble factors released by the cells of both systems: cytokines and neuropeptides. Classical neuropeptides can be released by cells of the immune system, whereas a variety of cytokines produced by cells of the immune system are synthesized and released by nervous tissue and endocrine glands too. Specific receptors for these moleculary different families of soluble factors are present on both the immune and nervous systems cells.  相似文献   

A histopathological study was conducted on rats fed on a diet containing iodine-enriched eggs over the long term, 7 and 19 months. A laboratory powder chow was added at the 1% (w/w) level with ordinary egg powder (ordinary egg diet as control: 35 micrograms iodine/100 g diet) or iodine-enriched egg powder (iodine-enriched egg diet: 392 micrograms iodine/100 g diet). The animals were meal-fed twice a day and allowed unrestricted voluntary wheel-running. In general, organs, tissues and endocrine glands including thyroid glands from rats of the iodine-enriched egg diet group exhibited no significant difference in histopathological features as compared with those of the ordinary egg diet group. These results suggest that long-term feeding of a considerable amount of iodine through an iodine-enriched egg diet did not cause any specific excess-iodine toxicity.  相似文献   

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