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为老年居民提供全科医疗服务   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对上海市全科医疗的发展如何适应老年居民的需要和提高老年居民对全科医疗服务需求进行探讨。认为应加强对老年居民全科医疗服务作用的宣传教育;退休职工的医疗保险定点医院应鼓励放至一级医院;一级医院的全科医疗服务水平尚需提高。  相似文献   

吴小岭 《社区卫生保健》2010,9(3):161-161,167
“新医改”要求:加快建设以社区卫生服务中心为主体的城市社区卫生服务网络,以维护社区居民健康为中心,转变社区卫生服务模式,不断提高水平,坚持主动服务,上门服务,逐步承担起居民健康“守门人”的职责。2006年周家桥社区卫生服务中心开始探索“以责任居委为基础,以全科团队为主体、以健康管理为抓手,以重点人员为突破”的网格化、责任制全科团队服务新模式。  相似文献   

社区卫生服务是社区服务中的一种最基本的、普遍的服务,是由全科医生为主要人力的卫生组织或机构所从事的一种社区定向的卫生服务。全科医学的上门服务作为社区医疗机构能够提供的一项独特的有偿服务,是主动到患者家中提供医疗、护理、保健、健康教育的一种服务模式,是一项方便群众、贴近患者的特色服务。现将上城区小营街道社区卫生服务中心2006—2008年间提供上门服务的800例居民的疾病类型和疾病规律进行分析,现报道如下。  相似文献   

天津市河东区是城市社区,全区面积40.18平方公里。行政划分19个街道,328个居委会。全区居民家庭20.7万户,其中核心家庭占65.04%。居民61.83万人,其中60岁以上老年人口占13.62%。区属医疗卫生机构19所,其中二级医院4所,一级医院12所。在岗职工1966人.其中卫技人员1547人。河东区卫生局自1992年引进全科医学概念后,在区委区政府、市卫生局领导与专家指导下,结合本区实际情况,积极开展全科医疗,深化卫生改革,加强社区卫生服务,取得了一些成绩。1引进全科医疗探索城区工作模式河东区卫生局自1992年起,从组织管理、医学教育…  相似文献   

“互联网+护理”上门服务是一种新型护理模式。对国外以医疗机构及以卫生组织或医疗企业为主的两类“互联网+护理”上门服务模式的护士资质要求、服务流程、服务形式和内容、支付方式、安全保障和服务质量评价等进行总结,认为我国“互联网+护理”上门服务模式应合理配置上门护理服务资源,适当放宽上门护士服务权限,利用智能远程医疗设备深化“互联网+护理”上门服务内涵,健全医保支付体系,完善上门护理服务质量评价体系等。  相似文献   

目的 了解杭州市社区全科医疗现状和居民的需求 ,探索医学生社区志愿服务在完善社区全科医疗 ,推动全科医疗服务发展中的作用。方法 通过对杭州市社区全科医疗服务提供和需求情况进行调查。结果 杭州市社区全科医疗服务存在全科医学人才缺乏 ,卫技人员学历层次低 ,医疗卫生服务单一等问题 ;杭州市居民慢性病发病率较高 ,对社区全科医疗服务需求意识不足 ,对“健康使者”社区卫生服务表示支持。结论 医学生参与社区卫生服务对社区全科医疗建设的作用在于①缓解社区全科医疗人力资源的不足。②改善当前社区全科医疗服务单一的情况。③提高居民对社区全科医疗的认识。④促进全科医学人才的培养  相似文献   

我区拓展社区卫生服务的思路   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4  
我区在分析医疗卫生服务现状的基础上,确定了拓展社区卫生服务的思路,狠抓社区卫生服务体系的建立,探索出了一条便捷适用的服务方式:①以一级医院为中心,面向社区,搞全院型全科医疗;②以居委会、企业保健站为桥梁,落实全方位服务;③以建立家庭保健合同,上门服务等基本工作方式;④以慢病为重点,提供适宜技术服务;⑤以中西医并重,满足居民的普遍要求;⑥以优生优育为目标,开展社区如妇幼保健服务。从而取得了三大效益即经济收益增加和社会满意度高,医患关系改善,行风改善。  相似文献   

社区卫生全科服务团队是一种社区卫生服务新模式,由全科医师、社区护士和预防保健人员组成,以主动上门服务为主,为社区家庭成员尤其是慢性病患者提供健康教育、预防、保健、康复、医疗和计划生育技术指导等综合服务。团队中社区护士在深入社区,服务居民,促进居民的健康水平提高方面有着非常重要的作用。社区护理不同于医院的护理,因为社区护理以促进和维护健康为中心,面向整个社区人群,社区护士要有高度的自主性,并且还需同其他相关人员密切合作,单独完成各种角色的工作任务,正由于社区护理工作范围广,覆盖面大,  相似文献   

本文讨论了我国社区卫生和健康管理的现状,指出了社区卫生服务的重要抓手是社区健康管理,以疾病治疗为主医疗模式应转向以预防和健康管理为主医疗模式;本文认为社区卫生建设经过多年发展现在已进入新阶段,全科医生培养和健康管理是新阶段社区卫生建设的两个基本点,而基于全科医学的生命周期健康管理模式是我国社区卫生的理想模式,全科医生应承担起时代赋予的社区健康管理使命。  相似文献   

社区卫生服务中心全科团队服务模式与效能研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的通过对上海市彭浦新村街道社区卫生服务中心所辖6个全科团队现有的卫生资源与服务功能进行研究.了解社区全科团队服务管理模式、服务效能和对居民健康服务需求的影响。方法通过问卷调查、定性访谈和观察法等定量与定性结合的方法,分析6个全科团队的服务模式、运行现况和服务效能。结果6个全科团队人员素质较好,提供综合卫生服务,服务内容基本能满足居民健康需求,但医务人员工作负荷较大。结论社区全科团队的建立.可为居民健康提供全方位的功能服务,解决部分居民就医罐的问题。  相似文献   

The confirmation of NHS responsibilities for continuing health care has important implications for primary and community health services. In early 1996, during the period of consultation on draft local policies and eligibility criteria, exploratory interviews were carried out with general practitioners (GPs), community nursing managers, primary care development officers and social services purchasers in three health authority areas. The interviews indicated that few GPs had responded to local consultation and were only slowly becoming aware of the implications for the provision and purchasing of primary and community health services. Moreover, local continuing care policies had apparently not addressed two issues which GPs and community nursing staff indicated were currently highly problematic: their responsibilities in relation to independent sector residential and nursing home patients; and the consequences for primary health and community nursing services of hospital discharge decisions. The need for purchasers and commissioners of health services, whether health authorities or GPs, to begin collecting information on patients' potential needs for continuing care services was widely recognised as an urgent priority.  相似文献   

The Nursing Home Reform Act of 1987 requires nursing homes to provide basic mental health services for all residents and to give active mental health treatment, a set of specialized mental health services, to those residents who are admitted with a serious mental illness. This article examines the potential size of the nursing home population who will require mental health services, its demographic composition, and the facilities in which these individuals reside using the Institutional Population Component of the National Medical Expenditure Survey. Estimates of the potential costs of providing monthly psychotherapy and pharmacological management to this population in nursing homes indicate that the mandate will have significant financial effects on nursing facilities. Conclusions about how the requirements for maintaining the mental and psychosocial well-being of nursing home residents may affect the future of nursing home care and mental health care are considered.  相似文献   

社区卫生服务开展首诊制的影响因素及对策研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的:了解社区医生、医疗保险工作人员及居民对社区卫生服务机构开展首诊制的意愿及影响因素。方法:2006年4月,对江苏省南京、苏州、镇江、盐城、泰州5个市,1 141名居民、192名社区医务人员和148名医疗保险工作人员进行问卷调查。结果:居民自感病轻时,53.1%的居民会选择去社区卫生服务机构首诊。吸引居民去社区首诊的原因主要是,就近方便(75.6%)、医疗费用低(49.5%)、服务态度好(37.6%)。不愿意去社区首诊的原因主要是,不放心医疗水平(48.0%)和社区卫生服务机构设备差(27.5%)。结论:社区卫生服机构开展首诊制需加强自身建设,并同时应建立相应的政策支持。  相似文献   

Many of the residents of nursing homes have mental health problems. These can be expected to affect the quantity of nursing care they require. Analysis of 285 nursing home residents, most of whom had moderate behavioral problems, reveals that their mental health characteristics can be summarized in terms of three factors: cognition, affect and aggressiveness. Cognitive deficits significantly increase the quantity of basic nursing services patients require. Negative affect increases the amount of psychosocial care received. The results of the analysis are interpreted as indicating that nursing home reimbursement systems should account for moderate as well as severe mental illness.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to explore first-generation Bangladeshi women's understandings and experiences of postnatal distress, and to describe coping strategies during the postnatal period. METHODS: This was a qualitative study using focus groups. Subjects were drawn from three existing community groups in Tower Hamlets, a multiethnic, socially deprived borough in east London. Thematic content analysis was used to explore and present the data. RESULTS: Many women received little practical or emotional support once home from hospital with a new baby, because of the lack of extended family networks; this contrasts with the 40 day rest period common in Bangladesh. These women understood emotional distress as separate from physical symptoms or illness, and recognized that one may influence or cause the other. Distinctive language was used to describe these thoughts and feelings. The roles of health visitors, midwives and GPs were understood solely in terms of physical care. Accordingly, they did not access professionals for emotional or psychological problems. Lack of language support services contributed to the women not seeking help. CONCLUSIONS: Information about services, and professional roles in the postnatal period should be extended to include key family members such as husbands and mothers-in-law. Dialogue with Bangladeshi women may ensure that women understand the extended roles of GPs, health visitors and midwives in providing help for emotional distress, alongside their role in physical health care. More language support and advocacy is needed if women are to access the full range of health services.  相似文献   

李红丽 《现代预防医学》2021,(20):3733-3738
目的 综合分析我国居家老人对社区保健知识、精神蔚籍和上门看病送药三类健康服务需求的影响因素。方法 利用CLHLS2017—2018调查数据,运用SPSS 23.0软件进行统计分析,采用二元logistic回归分析方法,探寻我国居家老人对社区三类健康服务需求的影响因素。结果 我国居家老人社区三类健康服务(保健知识:χ2 = 935.263,P<0.001;精神蔚籍:χ2 = 406.578,P<0.001;上门看病送药:χ2 = 325.448,P<0.001)的需求与供给差异显著;除居住地、退休前职业、地区和抑郁程度是影响居家老人对三类健康服务需求的共同因素之外,两周患病(否:OR = 1.282,95%CI:1.072~1.534,P = 0.007)、每年体检(是:OR = 1.19,95%CI:1.021~1.387,P = 0.026)以及高血压诊断(否:OR = 1.224,95%CI:1.045~1.433,P = 0.012)等也影响居家老人对保健知识的需求,居住方式(独居:OR = 1.321,95%CI:1.094~1.594,P = 0.004)也影响居家老人对精神蔚籍的需求,年龄(70~79岁:OR = 0.792,95%CI:0.649~0.966,P = 0.022)和每年体检(是:OR = 0.821,95%CI:0.716~0.941,P = 0.005)也影响居家老人对上门看病送药的需求。结论 建议社区卫生机构全方位开展对健康居家老人的保健知识宣传;重视对独居和抑郁居家老人的心理健康服务;权衡自身资源和居家老人的实际情况,逐步推进上门看病送药服务。  相似文献   

全科医生在上海社区卫生服务中的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
论述了全科医生在上海社区卫生服务中的作用,指出全科医生应成为:社区卫生保健需求与资源信息的掌握者;社区常见疾病诊治的第一责任者;社区群体与个体预防服务的提供者;家庭与人群保健的维护者;社区医疗卫生资源均衡利用的协调与管理者;继承发扬传统中医学的实践者,并提出了保障这些作用发挥的相应措施。  相似文献   



Hospitalisation of acutely ill nursing home residents is associated with health risks such as infections, complications, or falls, and results in high costs for the health care system. Taking the case of pneumonia, nursing homes generally can ensure care according to guidelines.


Extrapolation of overall expenditures for the German statutory health insurance system from the hospitalisation of nursing home residents with respiratory infection/pneumonia; developing alternative cost scenarios to compare nursing home care with hospital care in consideration of patients’ condition.


Data provided by health insurance funds were extrapolated to the German statutory health insurance system and weighted via German-DRG case values. Care processes (hospital vs. nursing home) were modelled, and treatment steps were divided into cost categories. The patient’s condition was standardised via the Barthel Index.


Total expenditures of € 163.3 million were incurred for inpatient care of nursing home residents transferred to hospitals for respiratory infection/pneumonia in 2013 in Germany. Process modelling reveals lower direct costs for nursing home care as well as better development of patients’ condition. Looking at operators of nursing homes, both care scenarios necessitate additional services without reimbursement.


Expenditure projections for the hospital care of nursing home residents with pneumonia reveal high saving potential. Avoidance of hospital admission serves to considerably reduce the insurers’ expenditures but also the duration and severity of illness. The study illustrates economic incentive structures for health care providers and indicates courses of action for health policy and nursing homes operators.

The development of home aid services in Quebec is based on the hypothesis that this new program will help to maintain at home people who would otherwise be institutionalized and also contribute to reducing costs in the health care sector. Accordingly, home aid services can be viewed as a substitute for conventional health care services. This study evaluates utilization modifications of health care services subsequent to the introduction of a home-aid program in October 1977. A modified, non-equivalent, control group design was used on a target population including all residents aged 65 or more in one region of Quebec. Multiple regression was used to explain variations in resources utilization in relation to population characteristics and different health care settings. Results for the utilization of hospitals are discussed. We discovered that the anticipated substitutive effects of a home-aid program on the use of health care services cannot be ascertained.  相似文献   

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