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The stimulated alveolar macrophage is a potent source of neutrophil chemotactic activity. The release of this chemotactic activity can be inhibited by pretreating alveolar macrophages with anti-C5 antibody. We hypothesized that C5a, a fragment cleaved from C5 when C5 is activated, might activate the alveolar macrophage to release neutrophil chemotactic activity and that chemotactic factor inactivator, a serum inhibitor of C5a, could decrease this release. Activated complement components including C5a were found to stimulate guinea pig macrophages to release chemotactic activity into their culture supernatants at levels that were significantly higher than the chemotactic activity of C5a alone (P less than 0.001). Chemotactic factor inactivator was found to cause a marked reduction in the chemotactic activity released by macrophages stimulated with phagocytic and nonphagocytic stimuli (P less than 0.001, all comparisons). These data indicate that C5a can stimulate alveolar macrophages to release chemotactic activity in vitro, and that chemotactic factor inactivator may play a role in modulating this process.  相似文献   

Alveolar macrophages are the initial phagocytic cells that encounter foreign material and particulates deposited in the terminal airways. We have examined a mechanism by which these cells, after phagocytic challenge, may control or amplify the inflammatory response in lung parenchyma. Normal human alveolar macrophages (AM) were studied from eight subjects. With in vitro culture, AM produced and released two substances into culture media which have potent chemoattractant activity for blood polymorphonuclear granulocytes (PMN) and negligible activity for mononuclear cells. Release of these factors is maximally stimulated by aggregated human immunoglobulin (Ig)G or zymosan particles; however, simple adhesion of the macrophages to plastic surfaces is also sufficient to stimulate release of these chemotactic substances. The larger substance (10,000 daltons) is immunologically distinct from C5a and interacts with a different PMN membrane receptor than that known to exist for formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine. Its chemotactic activity is sensitive to the enzymatic effect of trypsin. Although producing a single elution peak on gelfiltration chromatography, electrofocusing in polyacrylamide gels yielded five peaks of radioactivity. Chemotactic activity was localized to a fraction with a pI = 5.0. The smaller molecular weight substance has been less well characterized. Thus, the human AM can produce at least two factors which attract PMN and this capability may augment the local inflammatory response in the lung.  相似文献   

Human alveolar macrophages (AM) were obtained from eight normal volunteers using fiberoptic bronchoscopic lavage to explore potential interrelationships among leukocytes in pulmonary defense against infection. AM placed in monolayer tissue cultures released material into culture supernatants with the capacity to enhance the bactericidal capacity of human neutrophils. Neutrophils preexposed to supernatants killed Pseudomonas aeruginosa from 70 to 90% more efficiently than control cells (P less than 0.02). AM culture supernatants contained this material by 4 h of incubation, and in vitro stimulation of AM cultures with heat-killed P. aeruginosa further increased its production. Gel filtration of AM culture supernatants with a G-50 Sephadex column allowed isolation of a 6,000-D neutrophil-activating factor (NAF) that was resistant to heat (56 degrees C, 30 min). The isoelectric point of NAF, as determined by chromatofocusing, was approximately 7.6. Enzyme digestion of NAF specimens, prepared sequentially by gel filtration and chromatofocusing, demonstrated 50-70% loss of activity after incubations with trypsin, chymotrypsin, and neuraminidase. NAF was only minimally chemotactic and eluted from Sephadex G-50 with particles of a different molecular size than those of AM-derived chemotactic factors (i.e., approximately 10,000 D and less than 500 D). Preincubation of neutrophils with NAF resulted in greater release of superoxide anion upon their subsequent stimulation by either bacterial phagocytosis or by phorbol myristate acetate, as compared with control neutrophils stimulated in a like manner. These studies indicate that human AM secrete a heat-stable, low molecular weight basic protein, with the capacity to enhance oxidative microbicidal activity of neutrophils.  相似文献   

A heat-stable neutrophil chemotactic factor (NCF) has been identified in the serum of 13 atopic asthmatic subjects after treadmill exercise. Peak activity was detected at 10 min and returned to prechallenge values by 1 h. No NCF activity was detected in the sera of three nonasthmatic atopic or four normal nonatopic individuals performing the same task. NCF produced by exercise (NCFEX) had a similar time-course of release to NCF provoked by specific antigen (NCFAG). The appearance of circulating NCFEX and NCFAG closely paralleled the fall in peak expiratory flow rate/forced expiratory volume in 1 s (PEFR/FEV1). Histamine challenge in atopic asthmatics at concentrations giving a comparable change in PEFR/FEV1 to that evoked by exercise or inhaled antigen was not associated with the appearance of circulating NCF. In seven subjects NCFEX release was inhibited by prior administration of disodium cromoglycate. NCFEX and NCFAG eluted as single peaks of activity when applied separately to columns of Sephadex G-200, and both were an estimated 750,000 daltons. NCFEX and NCFAG also eluted as single peaks of activity, at between 0.15 and 0.30 M NaCl, following anion exchange chromatography on DEAE-Sephacel (pH 7.8). The isoelectric points of NCFEX and NCFAG were virtually identical (between pH 6.0 and 6.5) as determined by chromatofocusing on Polybuffer Exchanger 94. The activities of NCFEX and NCFAG were substantially reduced, in both a time- and dose-dependent fashion, after incubation with trypsin and chymotrypsin. Partially purified NCFEX and NCFAG promoted both stimulated random migration (chemokinesis) as well as directional migration (chemotaxis). These experiments indicate that NCFEX and NCFAG might be identical substances and raise the possibility that mediators by hypersensitivity are released during exercise-induced asthma in atopic subjects.  相似文献   

Complete protection of Staphylococcus aureus Wood 46 from gentamicin bactericidal activity was documented for microorganisms located within polymorphonuclear leukocytes. The highest, still ineffective gentamicin concentration tested in the phagocytic assay was 80 times higher than the minimal concentration required to kill uningested organisms. Extracellular gentamicin activity was unaffected by the phagocytic process as demonstrated by microbiological and enzymatic assays, and liberation of intracellular S. aureus by lysis of neutrophils showed the bacteria to be fully susceptible to the antibiotic. These results were corroborated by studies performed with [14C]gentamicin; binding of the labeled antibiotic by resting neutrophils, or by neutrophils ingesting live, killed S. aureus or endotoxin-coated paraffin particles, showed no statistical differences and never exceeded 20% of the extracellular concentration. These results show that intraleukocytic S. aureus are protected from the bactericidal action of gentamicin and suggest that this protection can be explained by poor intracellular penetration of the antibiotic.  相似文献   

The penetration of fluconazole into human polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs) and tissue culture epithelial cells (McCoy) was evaluated. At different extracellular concentrations (0.5 to 10 mg/liter), fluconazole reached cell-associated concentrations greater than the extracellular ones in either human PMNs (intracellular concentration to extracellular concentration ratio, > or = 2.2) or McCoy cells (intracellular concentration to extracellular concentration ratio, > or = 1.3). The uptake of fluconazole by PMNs was rapid and reversible but was not energy dependent. The intracellular penetration of fluconazole was not affected by environmental pH or temperature. Ingestion of opsonized zymosan and opsonized Candida albicans did not significantly increase the amount of PMN-associated fluconazole. At therapeutic extracellular concentrations, the intracellular activity of fluconazole against C. albicans in PMNs was significantly lower than that of amphotericin B. It was concluded that fluconazole reaches high intracellular concentrations within PMNs but shows moderate activity against intracellular C. albicans in vitro.  相似文献   

Recently we found that certain antibiotics which are markedly concentrated by human polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN) failed to kill susceptible, intraphagocytic Staphylococcus aureus, even though cellular drug levels were quite high. The possibility that specific antibiotics might adversely affect phagocyte antibacterial function was considered. Thus, we studied the effects of multiple antibiotics and adenosine, a known modulator of the PMN respiratory burst response, on neutrophil antibacterial function. At nontoxic concentrations, these drugs had no effect on degranulation in stimulated PMN. Adenosine was a potent inhibitor of formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine (FMPL)-stimulated superoxide and hydrogen peroxide generation in PMN but produced less inhibition of microbial particle-induced respiratory burst activity. Three of the tested antibiotics, all of which reach high concentrations in phagocytic cells, had a marked modulatory effect on the PMN respiratory burst. Clindamycin, which enters phagocytes by the cell membrane adenosine (nucleoside) transport system, had only a modest effect on FMLP-mediated superoxide production but inhibited the microbial particle-induced response by approximately 50%. Roxithromycin and trimethoprim were efficient inhibitors of PMN superoxide generation stimulated by FMLP and concanavalin A (also inhibited by erythromycin) but had less effect on zymosan-mediated respiratory burst activity. Antibiotics which entered phagocytes less readily had no effect on the respiratory burst response in PMN. These results, as well as those of experiments with inhibitors of cell membrane nucleoside receptors, indicated that the antibiotic effect is mediated through intraphagocytic pathways. The possibility that antibiotic-associated inhibition of the PMN respiratory burst response might alter leukocyte antimicrobial and inflammatory function deserves further evaluation.  相似文献   

Deoxycholate amphotericin B (DAMB) and amphotericin B lipid complex (ABLC) additively augmented the fungicidal activity of pulmonary alveolar macrophages against the conidia of Aspergillus fumigatus. DAMB, ABLC, and liposomal amphotericin B similarly displayed additive effects with polymorphonuclear leukocytes in damaging the hyphal elements of A. fumigatus.  相似文献   

A chemotactic protein for polymorphonuclear leukocytes (lung carcinoma-derived chemotaxin [LUCT]) was purified from culture fluid of the human lung giant cell carcinoma LU65C cells to electrophoretically homogeneous form through five sequential purification steps: DEAE-Sepharose, CM-Sepharose, HPLC on carboxyl-methylated-polyvinylalcohol resin, hydrophobic, and reversed-phase. The molecular mass was determined as approximately 10 kD by SDS-PAGE and isoelectric point was 10.7. The chemotactic activity (ED50 0.75 x 10(-9) M) was sevenfold more potent than that of FMLP (5 X 10(-9) M) and comparable with that of C5a (10(-9) M). NH2-terminal amino acid sequence and amino acid composition of LUCT strongly suggest that it may be closely related to the putative protein encoded by the cDNA clone (3-10C) and almost identical with a part of sequence of the chemotactic factor derived from stimulated human leukocytes in the 6th to 32nd, but not the NH2-terminal 5 amino acids. These results indicate that the carcinoma cells produce LUCT without any added stimulant and suggest that the previously isolated chemotactic monokines may correspond to des(1-5) of LUCT in the NH2-terminal region.  相似文献   

Macrophages take up zymosan in the absence of exogenous complement via receptors for iC3b (type 3 complement receptors) acting with or without lectin-like receptors for mannosyl-fucosyl-terminated glycoconjugates. We previously provided evidence that macrophages themselves secrete complement-alternative pathway components able to opsonize zymosan locally (Ezekowitz et al., J. Exp. Med. 1984. 159:244-260). We show here that covalently bound C3 cleavage products C3b and iC3b can be eluted from zymosan particles cultivated with 36-h adherent human monocytes in the absence of serum. The ligand binding site of type 3 complement receptors is involved in macrophage-zymosan interactions as shown by inhibition studies of zymosan binding and uptake with Fab fragments of anti-C3 antibodies and monoclonal antireceptor antibodies M01 and OKM10. In contrast, antibody IB4, which binds to a receptor epitope distinct from the binding site, does not inhibit zymosan uptake. Selective modulation of macrophage receptors onto anticomplement receptor antibody and mannose-rich yeast mannan, respectively, confirms that the complement and lectin-like receptors are distinct. Human polymorphonuclear leukocytes, which express receptors for complement, but are not known to secrete complement proteins, bind and ingest only exogenously opsonized zymosan. Unopsonized zymosan is a poor trigger of respiratory burst activity in neutrophils or 7-d adherent human macrophages, but induces cell aggregation and secretion of large amounts of superoxide anion when these cells are co-cultivated in serum-free medium and challenged with zymosan. Our studies indicate that complement and/or other products synthesized by macrophages at extravascular sites could play an important role in opsonization and lysis of pathogens able to activate the alternative pathway and mediate macrophage-neutrophil collaboration in first-line host defence.  相似文献   

The penetration of a new quinolone (BAY Y 3118) into human polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs) was evaluated by a fluorometric assay. The cellular concentration-to-extracellular concentration (C/E) ratio was higher than 6.3 at extracellular concentrations ranging from 2 to 100 mg/liter. The uptake of BAY Y 3118 was rapid, reversible and nonsaturable. The intracellular penetration of BAY Y 3118 was significantly affected by environmental temperature (C/E ratio at 4 degrees C, 5.4 +/- 0.5; control, 7.5 +/- 0.9; P < 0.05) and cell viability (C/E ratio in dead PMNs, 5.5 +/- 0.8; control 7.5 +/- 0.9; P < 0.05), but it was not affected by metabolic inhibitors. The ingestion of opsonized zymosan or opsonized Staphylococcus aureus significantly decreased the levels of PMN-associated BAY Y 3118. Cell stimulation by a membrane activator, however, significantly increased the intracellular concentration of this quinolone. At therapeutic extracellular concentrations (0.5, 2, and 5 mg/liter), BAY Y 3118 showed intracellular activity greater than that of ciprofloxacin against S. aureus in human PMNs. It was concluded that BAY Y 3118 reaches high intracellular concentrations within human PMNs and remains active intracellularly.  相似文献   

The chemotactic factor inactivator (CFI) isolated from human serum contains a kininase activity that causes extensive hydrolysis of bradykinin. The highly chemotactic synthetic peptide Met-Leu-Phe was completely hydrolyzed by CFI preparations. The release of the constituent amino acids from this peptide coincided with a loss of its chemotactic activity. The N-formyl, but not the amide derivative, of the leukotactic peptide Met-Leu-Phe was resistant to the action of CFI, as evidenced by chemotactic and biochemical assays. Examination of the specificity of CFI proteolysis revealed that short polypeptide substrates are degraded sequentially from the amino terminus. Larger peptides are less extensively hydrolyzed, and the patterns of hydrolysis are more complex. Inactivation of the bacterial chemotactic factors by CFI was overcome by the addition of high concentrations of peptides which were substrated for CFI. CFI preparations readily hydrolyzed the peptide Arg-Phe-Ala. The constituent amino acids were conveniently identified by thin-layer chromatography method. This procedure afforded a rapid assay for measuring CFI activity in the whole human serum as well as in fractions throughout the purification steps. Moreover, CFI also hydrolyzed L-leucyl-beta-napthylamide at rates comparable to peptides. Thus, L-leucyl-beta-napthylamide served as a useful substrate for estimating CFI activity in preparations at various stages of purification. This substrate was also useful in kinetic studies. The results from these studies indicate an aminopeptidase activity is the mechanism whereby CFI inhibits the activity of chemotactic substrates.  相似文献   

Intracellular killing of Staphylococcus aureus by alveolar macrophages is known to be enhanced by exposure to alveolar lining material. Because this material may have a role in pulmonary host defenses, we have studied its effect on pneumococci and other nonstaphylococcal organisms. Alveolar lining material from rats caused rapid killing and lysis of pneumococci. The antipneumococcal activity was localized to the surfactant-containing fraction of the fluid and was not affected by trypsin. Phospholipid extracts of the surfactant fraction or purified lamellar bodies killed pneumococci. Lysis of pneumococci by the surfactant fraction appeared to be mediated by a detergent-like activation of pneumococcal autolysin, in that bacteriolysis was prevented by substitution of ethanolamine for choline in pneumococcal cell walls, and a pneumococcal transformant that lacked autolysin was not lysed. The surfactant fraction readily killed pneumococci containing ethanolamine or the autolysin-defective transformant, and studies with tritiated methyl-D-glucose loading and release showed that killing was associated with increased bacterial cell membrane permeability. Bactericidal activity (without lysis) was observed with several nonpneumococcal gram-positive bacteria, including Streptococcus viridans, unspeciated respiratory streptococci, Streptococcus pyogenes, Streptococcus bovis, and Bacillus species. Purified diacylphospholipids had no antibacterial activity, however, a lysophospholipid, palmitoyl lysophosphatidylcholine, had many properties resembling the surfactant-containing fraction of lavage, including autolysin-mediated pneumococcal lysis, altered cell membrane permeability, and antibacterial activity against several gram-positive bacteria.  相似文献   

Interstitial lung disorders are characterized both by a chronic inflammation of the lower respiratory tract that includes increased numbers of activated alveolar macrophages and by increased numbers of fibroblasts within the alveolar wall. Since alveolar macrophages from normal individuals can be activated to release a growth factor for lung fibroblasts (alveolar macrophage-derived growth factor [AMDGF]), we hypothesized that the activated alveolar macrophages within the lower respiratory tract of patients with fibrotic lung disorders might be spontaneously releasing AMDGF. To evaluate this hypothesis, alveolar macrophages (suspension culture, 4 h, 37 degrees) from 65 patients with interstitial lung disorders and 30 control subjects were examined for the spontaneous release of fibroblast growth-promoting activity, with human lung fibroblasts as the target. Whereas none of the controls had macrophages spontaneously releasing a growth-promoting activity for fibroblasts, 82% of the patients with interstitial lung disease had alveolar macrophages that were spontaneously releasing a growth-promoting activity for fibroblasts. In common with AMDGF, the fibroblast growth-promoting activity released by these macrophages eluted from DEAE cellulose at 270 mM NaCl, had a partition coefficient of 0.3 by gel filtration on Sephadex G-50, was distinct from other characterized growth factors, and acted as a progression factor for fibroblast replication in a serum-free complementation test. These data suggest that the expansion of fibroblast numbers within the alveolar structures in interstitial lung disorders may result, in part, from the release of AMDGF by alveolar macrophages stimulated in vivo.  相似文献   

A platelet aggregometer was adapted for the simultaneous measurement of perpendicular light scattering in addition to light transmission. The addition of chemoattractants to polymorphonuclear leukocyte suspensions evoked a single wave of increased light transmission, whereas the perpendicular scattering measurement demonstrated a previously unrecognized biphasic response. The first perpendicular scattering response had no detectable latency and peaked at 10 +/- 1 s, then decayed rapidly. The second response peaked at 40 +/- 5 s, and decayed over several minutes. The dose-response curve of chemoattractants for inducing the rapid (10 +/- 1 s) perpendicular scattering peak corresponded to that which initiated chemotaxis. Initiation of the slow (40 +/- 5 s) peak required 10-fold higher amounts of chemoattractants, and the dose-response curve correlated with the induction of lysosomal enzyme secretion and superoxide anion production. Low doses of aliphatic alcohols, which have been shown to enhance chemotaxis but to inhibit secretion and superoxide anion production, abolished the slow perpendicular light-scattering response but left the fast response intact. Stimulants of secretion induced only slow and prolonged responses that were best observed in transmission measurements. In an attempt to resolve the origin of the light-scattering responses, the morphological changes of polymorphonuclear leukocytes were examined microscopically. Neither aggregation nor morphological whole cell polarization could be correlated with changes in light transmission or perpendicular scattering, which suggested that the source of scattering is of subcellular dimensions. The rapid perpendicular light-scattering response of polymorphonuclear leukocytes to chemoattractants appears to record an initial event in the stimulus-response coupling, and its measurement should provide a useful new tool for the study of leukocyte function. The biphasic nature of the light-scattering responses to chemoattractants, moreover, correlates with the dual regulation of the chemotactic and secretory responses of leukocytes.  相似文献   

Recently, evidence has been reported to suggest that human platelets like several other circulating blood cells may bind insulin. To examine whether human platelets contain specific insulin receptors, washed human platelets suspended in Hepes buffer were incubated at 24 degrees C with 125I-insulin in the presence and absence of unlabeled insulin and specific insulin binding was determined. Insulin binding by platelets increased progressively with time of incubation to reach a maximum at 3 h and was proportional to the number of platelets in the incubation mixture. Maximum insulin binding was observed at pH 8. Insulin degradation by platelets as assessed by TCA precipitability and reincubation studies was minimal. Scatchard analysis of the binding data and dissociation studies revealed evidence of negative cooperativity of the platelet insulin receptor. A high affinity dissociation constant of approximately equal to 3 X 10(9) M-1 was determined and the concentration of platelet insulin receptors was estimated as 25 binding sites/micron2 platelet surface area. Binding of 125I-insulin by platelets was inhibited by unlabeled porcine insulin and to a lesser extent by catfish insulin and porcine proinsulin but not by glucagon, prolactin, growth hormone, and thrombin. The findings indicate that human platelets contain specific insulin receptors. The significance of the platelet insulin receptor, particularly with respect to altered platelet function in diabetes mellitus, remains to be determined.  相似文献   

The effect of pulmonary blood flow on the exchange between the circulating was marginating pool of polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN) was examined in three sets of experiments. In the first we used the double indicator dilution technique with labeled PMN and erythrocytes (RBC) to calculate the percent extraction and percent recovery of PMN at different levels of cardiac output (CO). In the second group of experiments we took advantage of the wide range of blood flow in the lung to determine the effect of regional blood flow on regional PMN retention, and in the third set we measured total leukocyte (WBC) and PMN counts in simultaneous samples from the pulmonary artery and aorta over a wide range of cardiac output. The studies showed that 80-90% of the labeled PMN were removed in a single pass through the lung and that regional retention of labeled PMN and A-V differences for unlabeled PMN increased with decreasing blood flow. The data for regional retention of labeled PMN and the A-V differences observed for unlabeled cells both fit the equation Y = A + Be-cx (where A + B = 100), which showed that PMN accumulate in the lung as blood flow is reduced. We conclude that a dynamic equilibrium exists between the circulating and marginating pools of leukocytes in the lung and that blood flow primarily effects the reentry of cells into the circulating pool so that the marginating pool of PMN within the lung accumulates cells when blood flow is reduced below 7 ml/min per g.  相似文献   

The penetration of sparfloxacin into human neutrophils (PMN) and different tissue culture cells (HEp-2 and McCoy) was evaluated. The cellular to extracellular concentration ratios (C/E) of sparfloxacin were always higher than 4 at extracellular concentrations ranging from 0.5 to 25 mg/liter. The uptake of sparfloxacin by PMN was rapid, nonsaturable, reversible, not energy dependent, and significantly reduced at pH 8. The penetration of this agent into PMN was similar when viable and Formalin-killed cells were used and was not affected by environmental temperature. Ingestion of opsonized zymosan significantly increased the amount of PMN-associated sparfloxacin. Sparfloxacin at a concentration of 0.5 mg induced a significant reduction in the survival of intracellular Staphylococcus aureus. It is concluded that sparfloxacin reaches intracellular concentrations within leukocytic cells much higher than extracellular concentrations, while remaining active intracellularly.  相似文献   

Patients lacking the primary granulae enzyme, myeloperoxidase (MPO), do not usually show any increased susceptibility to infection or altered inflammatory response, in contrast to several other biochemical defects in polymorphonuclear neutrophils. We have now evaluated the role of MPO on phagocyte function in a patient with complete MPO deficiency suffering from generalized pustular psoriasis. We found that the MPO-deficient neutrophils showed enhanced phagocytosis (greater than 200% of normal) of IgG- and C3b-opsonized yeast particles and prolonged N-formylmethionyl-leucyl-phenylaline-mediated stimulation of superoxide production. When purified human MPO was added to normal neutrophils during cell adhesion, their Fc- and C3b-mediated phagocytosis was reduced without affecting cell viability. 1 microgram/ml of MPO reduced the Fc and C3b phagocytosis to 47 and 65%, respectively, whereas 10 micrograms/ml reduced the activity to 20 and 54%. Both attachment and ingestion were reduced to a similar extent, indicating that MPO affected the receptor function per se. When MPO was added to the hyperactive MPO-deficient cells, phagocytosis was reduced more rapidly. Catalase, azide, and methionine eliminated the inhibitory effect, and catalase and methionine, in fact, enhanced the phagocytic activity of adherent neutrophils. These data indicate that, apart from being a potent antimicrobial system, the oxidizing activity of the MPO-H2O2-halide system may modulate the inflammatory response by impairing certain receptor-mediated recognition mechanisms of phagocytic cells, which otherwise could elicit inflammatory reactions and tissue injury.  相似文献   

FMLP promoted microtubule assembly in PMNs at concentrations which were chemotactic for the cells. At higher concentrations than those required for chemotaxis, FMLP enhanced the adherence of PMNs to nylon glass fibers. With colchicine, PMN adherence was inhibited, but upon exposure to FMLP, PMN adherence could be restored. The effect of FMLP on PMN adherence was transitory and was no longer evident by 5 min. At concentrations similar to those employed in the adherence studies. FMLP induced the cells to briefly generate O-2, since ferricytochrome C reduction was no longer evident by 5 min. Pretreatment of the PMNs with cytochalasin B enhanced the release of O-2 by PMNs exposed to FMLP. On the other hand, there was no effect of FMLP on phagocytosis of C3-coated particles. These results suggest that FMLP induces responsive cells to develop a hyperadherent plasma membrane which is largely independent on microtubule control. Since oligopeptides similar of AMLP are formed in bacteria, it is likely that the action of N-formylated peptides is important in regulating the inflammatory response.  相似文献   

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