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亮菌甲素速溶片剂的研制及其利胆作用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
试制出亮菌甲素速溶片剂(A),并以市售品亮菌甲素片剂(B)、亮菌甲素粉针(C)等作对照,考察了它们对大鼠体内胆汁分泌作用的影响,并测定了A和B的体外溶出速率。结果表明,A片剂比B片剂明显地增强了利胆作用,A片的体外溶出速率也较B片为快。  相似文献   

亮菌甲素注射液(云南大理药业有限公司)化学名为3-乙酰基-5-羟甲基-7-羧基香豆素。本品能促进胆汁分泌,松弛奥狄括约肌,调节胆道系统压力,并能调节和促进免疫功能,增强吞噬细胞的作用而产生抑菌作用。故临床上用于急慢性胆道感染  相似文献   

娄晟  吴向阳 《中国药师》2007,10(7):732-732
患者女,22岁,因车祸致胸腹部疼痛不适入院就诊。既往无食物药物过敏史和其他病史。体检:137℃,R20次/ min,P90次/min,BP100/60mmHg,神志清,精神尚可,无头昏、意识障碍,无恶心、头痛,无咳嗽咯血。胸闷伴有呼吸困  相似文献   

目的:考察亮菌甲素注射液的稳定性。方法:考察亮菌甲素注射液的色泽、PH值和含量等项目,用紫外分光光度法测定亮菌甲素注射液的含量。结果:质量稳定无变化。结论:符合法定标准。  相似文献   

钟桂芳 《辽宁医药》2004,19(4):32-33
目的:考察亮菌甲素注射液的稳定性。方法:考察亮菌甲素注射液的色泽、PH值和含量等项目,用紫外分光光度法测定亮菌甲素注射液的含量,考察三批室温放置18个月,各项指标均无明显变化。  相似文献   

患者女 ,5 7岁 ,既往有慢性胃炎病史 ,无药物过敏史。因慢性胃炎发作 ,2 0 0 0年 2月 13日 ,到医院就诊 ,医生开亮菌甲素注射液 1mg× 2 0支 (云南大理药业有限公司 ,批号 :990 40 1)肌肉注射 2支 ,约 30 min后 ,患者开始发冷、发热烦躁不安 ,随后又发生剧烈呕吐 ,肌注地塞米松 10 mg,肾上腺素 1mg,另给予 10 %葡萄糖 5 0 0 m l,维生素 C2 g ivgtt,病情渐趋平稳亮菌甲素注射液引起过敏反应1例@关黎红!伊犁835000$伊黎州友谊医院药剂科 @永雪微!伊犁835000$伊黎州友谊医院药剂科…  相似文献   

钟桂芳 《黑龙江医药》2004,17(6):440-441
目的:确定亮茵甲素注射液处方及生产工艺。方法:通过实验选择最佳抗氧剂及用量。结果:产品质量稳定,工艺可靠。结论:留样观察,产品稳定。  相似文献   

何书华  周祥富  刘日升  任少琳 《医药导报》2007,26(12):1520-1520
例1:女,59岁。于2005年10月1日因上腹部疼痛3 h入院,确诊为急性胰腺炎(轻),胆囊凝结物并胆囊炎。给予抗感染、营养及护肝治疗,10 d后病情好转。2005年10月12日下午,给予亮菌甲素注射液(大理药业有限公司生产,批号:050629)5 mg加入5%葡萄糖注射液250 mL,静脉滴注,液体滴入约30 mL时,患者突然惊叫,面色苍白,口唇发绀,皮肤灼烧感,恶心,胸闷,气促,大小便失禁,神志不清。体检:心率55次·m in-1,血压75/45 mmHg(1 mmHg=0.133 kPa),双肺闻及干湿音。考虑为过敏性休克,立即停用上述药品,给予吸氧,0.9%氯化钠注射液100 mL静脉滴注,地塞米松注射液5…  相似文献   

目的建立亮菌甲素注射液细菌内毒素检查的方法。方法利用鲎试剂与细菌内毒素产生凝集反应的原理对亮菌甲素注射液中的细菌内毒素进行检查。结果其浓度稀释在0.0625g.L-1后无干扰,限值为每1mg亮菌甲素中内毒素含量应小于10EU。结论亮菌甲素注射液可用细菌内毒素检查法控制其质量。  相似文献   

刁勇  屠锡德 《药学学报》1991,26(9):695-700
本文根据流体动力学平衡药物控释系统的设计原理,制备了美欧卡霉素胃内滞留漂浮型缓释片(简称MOM-HBS)。该片剂由缓释、速释两种颗粒压制而成,其胃内滞留时间长达7h以上,明显长于普通片(3~4h)。体外溶出符合一级动力学过程(Kr=0.1619h-1).体内血约浓度经时曲线平缓持久,达到良好的缓释效果。体内外实验数据有显著的相关性(P<0.001),相对生物利用度较日本产干糖浆有明显提高。  相似文献   

本文根据流体动力学平衡药物控释系统的设计原理,制备了美欧卡霉素胃内滞留漂浮型缓释片(简称MOM-HBS)。该片剂由缓释、速释两种颗粒压制而成,其胃内滞留时间长达7h以上,明显长于普通片(3~4h)。体外溶出符合一级动力学过程(Kr=0.1619h~(-1)).体内血约浓度经时曲线平缓持久,达到良好的缓释效果。体内外实验数据有显著的相关性(P<0.001),相对生物利用度较日本产干糖浆有明显提高。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the time course of lung injury in rats during acute and subchronic ozone exposure and during postexposure recovery. Rats were continuously exposed to 0.4 ppm ozone (~0.8 mg O 3 /m 3) for 1, 3, 7, 28, or 56 days. Recovery from 3 days of exposure was studied at day 7, 14, and 28; recovery from 7 days of exposure was studied at day 14, 28, and 56, recovery from 28 days of exposure was studied at day 35 and 56, and recovery from 56 days of exposure was studied at day 136. The study included a correlated biochemical and morphological analysis of inflammatory responses, structural changes, and collagen content. The acute inflammatory response, as measured by an increase of polymorphonuclear cells and plasma protein in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid, reached a maximum at day 1 and resolved largely within 6 days during ongoing exposure. Numbers of macrophages in BAL fluid increased progressively up to day 56, and slowly returned to near control levels when exposure was followed by postexposure recovery. Histological examination and morphometry of the lungs revealed centriacinar inflammatory responses throughout ozone exposure. Centriacinar thickening of septa was observed at day 7. Ductular septa, thickened progressively at days 7, 28, and 56 of exposure, showed increased collagen upon exposure at day 28, which was further enhanced at exposure at day 56. Increased collagen content in lungs, as measured biochemically by hydroxyproline concentration, was observed at exposure day 56. Collagen content was not different from control at day 56 when 7 or 28 days of exposure was followed by postexposure recovery. After continuous ozone exposure, respiratory bronchioles were present in an increasing degree, and remained present after a recovery period. The results of this study clearly show that after continuous exposure to O 3 some acute effects, such as protein and albumin content, and neutrophil influx in BAL fluid, returned to control levels within a few days. However, other parameters, such as the alveolar macrophage response and structural changes such as the presence of terminal bronchioles, thickening of ductular septa by enhanced cellularity, and collagen formation, persisted or progressively increased during continued exposure. Postexposure recovery seems to partly resolve these subchronic responses (macrophages response, septal cellularity), whereas other effects (collagen increase and respiratory bronchioles formation) do not disappear.  相似文献   

盐酸丁螺环酮口腔粘附片的制备及释药机理初步研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
杜青  平其能  刘国杰 《药学学报》2002,37(8):653-656
口腔粘附制剂是指将药物与适宜的生物粘附剂等辅料经加工制成的制剂 ,使用时将制剂粘附于口腔粘膜上 ,恒定释放药物。口腔粘附制剂不仅能够局部治疗口腔疾病 ,而且药物可以透过口腔粘膜吸收 ,进入血液循环 ,起到全身治疗作用。药物经口腔粘膜吸收时 ,避免了胃肠道及肝脏的首过作用 ,因此对于易受胃肠道酸和酶降解的蛋白质、肽类及其他大分子药物 ,以及受肝脏首过代谢作用严重的药物 ,通过口腔粘膜给药可以提高生物利用度[1] 。本文选择的药物盐酸丁螺环酮 (buspironehydrochloride)是一个新型的非苯二氮类抗焦虑症…  相似文献   

1. The actions of histamine on pulmonary vascular smooth muscle have been studied in isolated cat and rat lungs perfused with blood, lobes of cat lung perfused in vivo and isolated strips of rat, cat and rabbit pulmonary artery. 2. In all the lung preparations histamine caused both dilatation and constriction. In the rat strips it caused both contraction and relaxation. Dilatation was only well shown when the vessels were in a prior constricted state. In any one lung dilatation occurred with smaller doses than constriction. 3. Histamine caused both increases and decreases in pulmonary artery pressure in collapsed lungs. In this condition these effects are unlikely to have been a consequence of changes in airway pressure. 4. From forward and reverse perfusions of lungs in the waterfall state, where changes in postalveolar vessels do not affect pulmonary artery pressure, it appeared that histamine caused both dilatation and constriction on both sides of the point of collapse caused by alveolar pressure. 5. Plots of the relationship between left atrial and pulmonary artery pressure (at constant alveolar pressure and blood flow) showed that histamine caused both increases and decreases in pulmonary vascular resistance and sometimes also increased the ‘Starling resistor’ properties of lung vessels. 6. In plethysmograph experiments histamine caused moderate dilatation and constriction without affecting lung volume but strong vasoconstriction was accompanied by increases in lung volume.  相似文献   

1. The effect of chronic administration of propranolol on the development and maintenance of severe renal hypertension in rats subjected to unilateral renal artery constriction was studied in relation to possible changes in peripheral PRA and the blood and tissue levels of propranolol. Propranolol was administered s.c. twice daily in doses of 1, 10 and 25 mg/kg, starting 2 days before operation. 2. Contrary to expectations, not only did the initial rise in systolic blood pressure become accelerated, but the established level of hypertension attained in the propranolol treated rats was of the same severity as that attained in placebo treated rats. Moreover, the progressive rise in peripheral plasma renin activity following unilateral renal artery constriction was not affected by propranolol administration. 3. The same doses of propranolol were also administered daily for 8 days to rats with established severe hypertension. A slight further rise in blood pressure occurred initially, followed by a moderate decrease of 15–25 mmHg. Propranolol failed to exert this minor hypotensive effect in hypertensive rats treated concomitantly with furosemide. No suppressive effect on the markedly increased levels of plasma renin activity was observed in these severely hypertensive rats in the presence or absence of furosemide administration. 4. These results indicate that in severely renal hypertensive rats propranolol has only a minor hypotensive effect and no blocking action on renin release under the conditions of study.  相似文献   

洛伐他丁缓释片的制备和体外释药的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:制备洛伐他丁缓释片,以降低其不良反应。方法:采用正交设计对片交设计对处方进行优化,并在人工胃液和人工肠液中考察了优化处方的溶出情况。结果:洛伐他丁缓释片在2、8、14h的累计百分释放度分别为11.97%、56.42%、82.15%。结论:洛伐他丁缓释片体外释药符合一级动力学方程。  相似文献   

本文采用紫外分光光度法对国产盐酸吗啡普通片及合资厂产硫酸吗啡控释片于蒸馏水、人工胃液、人工肠液中进行体外溶出度和释放度测定。结果表明,两种片剂的溶释均符合中国药典95版标准,控释片在人工肠液中溶释参数T50、Td、m与在蒸馏水及人工胃液中的溶释参数差异具显著性(P<0.01),在人工肠液中的释放过程明显缓慢。  相似文献   

用紫外分光光度法测定尿中痛炎速灵的浓度。在pH5.8磷酸盐缓冲液中,以氯仿为提取剂,测定波长317±1nm,测得平均回收率为95.5±2.5%,CV=2.6%.检测浓度范围2~20μg/ml,重现性好,专一性强。人口服片剂和溶液消除半衰期分别为2.52±0.35h和2.78士0.70h,尿中回收原型药物占给药量的百分率分别为82.3±11.0%和87.4±7.1%.片剂的相对生物利用度为94.0±7.2%.  相似文献   

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