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HLA-DP genotyping of 800 unrelated donor-recipient pairs in phase 5 of a retrospective analysis of unrelated bone marrow transplantation, sponsored by the National Marrow Donor Program (NMDP), has identified two new DPB1 alleles (DPB1*8701 and DBP1*8801) and one new DPA1 (DPA1*0108) allele. Sequencing confirmed that all three of these new alleles represent novel combinations of previously described sequence motifs, reinforcing the notion that "gene conversion-like" events play an important role in generating HLA allelic diversity. The identification of these new alleles brings the total number of DPA1 alleles to 20 and the total number of DPB1 alleles to 94.  相似文献   

HLA-DP genotyping of 500 donor recipient pairs in a retrospective analysis sponsored by the National Marrow Donor Program (NMDP) identified four new DP alleles, two DPB1 and two DPA1. DNA sequencing confirmed that DPB1*8001 and *8101, each found in a single individual, are novel combinations of previously described sequence motifs in the six variable regions of DPB1. DPA1*02014, found in two individuals, is identical to DPA1*02011 except for a novel silent substitution, a G to A transition at the third position of codon 14. DPA1*01032, found in one individual, is identical to DPB1*01031 except for a silent G to A transition at the third position of codon 20. The identification of these novel alleles brings the total number of reported DPB1 alleles to 85 and DPA1 alleles to 15.  相似文献   

HLA-DPB1 typing (PCR-based SSOP) of 1,302 unrelated donor-recipient pairs by two independent laboratories for a study sponsored by the National Marrow Donor Program (Office of Naval Research Grant #N00014-93-1-0658) has led to the identification of six putative new DPB1 alleles. Four of the six alleles were detected as a result of unique probe hybridization patterns to amplicons generated using a generic primer pair and were detected by both laboratories. The sample carrying the fifth new allele was typed as DPB1*0402,0801 using a generic amplification; however, SSOP analysis of the two individual alleles after allele-specific amplification typed the sample as DPB1*0201,new. The sixth new allele was typed as *0301 by one laboratory but as new by the other laboratory. This allele appears to have a mutation in the first region of variability. The apparent discrepancy between the two laboratories can be explained by the use of overlapping but nonidentical probes for this region. The identification of six new alleles in this study brings the total number of DPB1 alleles to over 70, making it the second most polymorphic class II locus. These alleles are currently being sequenced.  相似文献   

HLA-DPB1 genotyping of 241 individuals from an African Bantu-speaking population in central Cameroon using sequence-specific oligonucleotide probes identified five individuals with novel probe hybridization patterns. DNA sequence analysis of the second exon of the DPB1 alleles from these five individuals identified three new alleles, *6001, *6101N, and *6201. DPB1*6001, found in two individuals, contains a single nucleotide change that results in a polar amino acid, asparagine, at residue 65; this position in the β1 domain is occupied by a nonpolar amino acid in all other reported DPB1 alleles. DPB1*6101N, found in one individual, contains a single base mutation that results in a premature termination codon at position 67. DPB1*6201, found in two individuals, is characterized by the apparent motif shuffling that has been hypothesized to be responsible for the majority of DPB1 sequence polymorphism. These new sequences shed additional light on the potential mechanisms by which allelic diversity is generated at the HLA-DPB1 locus.  相似文献   

Abstract: HLA-DP genotyping of over 400 individuals from sub-Saharan Africa identified three new DP alleles: DPB1*7401, DPAl*02013, and DPAl*0302. DNA sequencing confirmed that DPB1*7401, found in one individual, is a novel combination of previously described sequence motifs in the six variable regions of DPB1. DPA1*02013, found in one individual, is identical to DPAl*02012 except for two silent substitutions, a T to C transition in codon 37, and an A to G transition in codon 38. DPAl*0302, identified in seven individuals, is identical to DPAl*0301 except for a C to T transition at the second position of codon 66. The identification of these novel alleles brings the total number of reported DPB1 alleles to 77 and DPA1 alleles to 11.  相似文献   

《Tissue antigens》1994,44(5):275-284
Abstract: HLA incompatibility between bone marrow recipients and unrelated donors is one of the main obstacles in bone marrow transplantation. HLA class I and generic class II DR and DQ typing is generally performed by serology. Precise subtyping of HLA class II genes, however, can only be achieved by molecular genetic methods. Here, the final selection of serologically pretyped unrelated bone marrow donors by confirmatory PCR-SSP (PCR-sequence-specific primers) typing and subsequent nucleic acid sequence analysis of the second exon of DRB1, DRB3, DRB4, DRB5, DQB1, and DPB1 alleles is presented. Serologically identical potential marrow donors and their corresponding recipients were analyzed for HLA-DRB identity by PCR-SSP analysis. After solid-phase single-strand separation, direct sequencing of the allele- or group-specific DRB amplified products was performed by applying fluorophor-labelled sequencing primers. Electrophoretically separated sequencing products were detected by means of an automated DNA sequencer. Group-specific amplification and sequencing of DQB1 alleles was carried out for all potential bone marrow donors and recipients, while only the final donor-recipient pair was analyzed for DPB1 alleles. Thus, the presented amplification strategy in combination with direct sequencing of PCR products allows matching of bone marrow transplant pairs with the highest degree of reliability for the assessment of HLA class II identity.  相似文献   

Unrecognized HLA null alleles or new alleles may affect the outcome of bone marrow transplants using unrelated donors. Some reports suggest that null alleles occur in the range of 0.003-0.07% (1, 2), which has led some transplant programs to stop performing serologic typing. We describe nine cases involving expression variants or new alleles. Three cases involved expression variants, including two null alleles and A*24020102L. One of the null alleles was a new variant of A*02. Seven cases involved new alleles. In five cases, there where discrepancies between HLA typing by serology and PCR-SSP. These included the three expression variants, one new B40 allele that typed serologically as B41 and one new B*07 allele that typed serologically as B42. Eight of these cases were found in the course of typing bone marrow transplant patients or potential unrelated donors since May of 2001 (total tested, 710 patients, 1914 donors). Thus, the incidence of null alleles was two in 2,624 (0.08%). Sequence-based typing (SBT) was performed on 676 of these samples. The decision to perform SBT was influenced by finding a serologic typing discrepancy in two cases. In one of those cases, SBT would probably have been performed at a later time, prior to final selection of a donor. Thus, the incidence of new alleles was between 4 and 6 of 676 (0.59-0.89%). We conclude that new HLA alleles and null alleles are uncommon but not extremely rare, and they continue to affect a significant number of unrelated donor searches.  相似文献   

HLA-B typing of approximately 1 262 individuals from a study of 372 simplex families with multiple sclerosis has led to the identification of two new alleles (HLA-B*4422 and HLA-B*4704). Sequencing confirmed that both of these new alleles represent novel combinations of previously described sequence motifs, reinforcing the notion that recombination and/or gene conversion-like events play an important role in generating HLA allelic diversity. The identification of these new alleles brings the total number of HLA-B alleles to 465.  相似文献   

The HLA-DP genes (HLA-DPA1 and -DPB1) are encoded by the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) on human chromosome 6. They are involved in the presentation of antigen to CD4+ T cells as part of the class II antigen-presentation pathway. During a small study of Oriental subjects (11 Chinese and 26 Japanese subjects), one Chinese subject was identified as having numerous heterozygous sites within the second exon of both DPA1 and DPB1. These were further analysed using novel codon-specific primers. Sequencing analysis using these primers determined the subject to have DPA1*0103/*02015 and DPB1*0501/*8401; these new alleles have been submitted to GenBank and assigned the accession numbers AF098794 and AF077015, respectively.  相似文献   

Human narcolepsy is a neurological disorder known to be tightly associated with HLA-DQB1*0602. A clinically similar disorder has been described in various dog breeds. The canine form of the disease is inherited as an autosomal recessive disorder in Labrador retrievers and Doberman pinschers (canarc-1) but occurs sporadically in other breeds, most typically dachshunds and poodles. In this study, we have examined if there is a relationship between the development of narcolepsy and specific dog leukocyte antigen (DLA)-DQB1 alleles. Ninety-nine dogs were typed for DLA-DQB1-31 with narcolepsy and 68 control animals. Recent studies have linked the development of autosomal recessive canine narcolepsy to a disruption of the hypocretin receptor 2 (Hcrtr2) gene on the same chromosome as the canine MHC region (CFA12), but not close to the DLA. Four Hcrtr2-positive families (two Doberman pinscher families, one Labrador retriever family, one dachshund family) were analyzed at the DLA-DQ level. No relationship was found between narcolepsy and DLA in Hcrtr2-mediated narcolepsy but loose genetic linkage was observed (Zmax=2.3 at theta=25%, m= 40). Bone marrow transplantation between two DLA identical affected (Hcrtr2-/-) and unaffected (Hcrtr2+/-) siblings was also performed and found not to be successful neither in transmitting narcolepsy nor in relieving the symptoms in Doberman pinschers. DLA-DQB1 was next studied in 11 dogs with sporadic (non-familial) narcolepsy and in unrelated control animals of the same and different breeds. The allelic and carrier frequencies of various DLA-DQB1 alleles were analyzed. There was no strong positive or negative correlation between the development of narcolepsy and specific DLA-DQB1 alleles. These results do not support the involvement of DLA-DQ in canine narcolepsy, whether of sporadic or familial origin.  相似文献   

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