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王艳云  康继珍 《护理研究》2007,21(5):1381-1382
介绍了哲理、护理哲理及重要性。提出在护理教育和临床护理工作中引入护理哲理可促进护理人员护理价值观与信念的形成。  相似文献   

任凤英 《全科护理》2012,(35):3332-3333
有调查显示,我国已提前进入老龄化社会,老年人有丰富的实践经验、扎实的知识功底,是社会的宝贵财富。而同时他们又是社会中的弱势群体,因生理功能和社会职能的逐渐退化,会造成心理上的负面情绪,这需要护士有专业的护理帮助他们调节,以提高其生活质量。本研究将护理哲理引入心理护理中,对老年病人的身心健康可起到非常好的效果。现总结如下。  相似文献   

殷磊  李小萍 《华西医学》1997,12(4):503-505
护理哲理:开展整体护理的行动指南殷磊李小萍华西医科大学第一临床医学院护理系随着整体护理工作在全国逐渐推开和深入,整体护理工作模式已逐渐被各医院接受,并认为这是开展“以病人为中心,为病人提供最佳护理服务”的工作模式。护理哲理———作为一个医院或病室开展...  相似文献   

根据部门特点制定护理哲理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为普及护理哲理,更好地指导护理工作。作者根据医院护理工作不同分工及不同对象制定了5个方面52条哲理范例,并将护理哲理制定的要求归纳为4项原则,希望起到抛砖引玉的作用。  相似文献   

王薇 《现代护理》1998,4(12):57-58
本文从1,完善教学计划及教材准备,2,加强教师的培养;3,专业教育过程中哲理教育;4,变单纯知识教学为系统化整体模式教学;5,院校配合好学生的实习教育等五个方面阐述了护理教学应适应现代护理模式的转变,更末体现护理教育是为实现系统化整体护理提供后备人才的特性,培养素质全面的护理人才是21世纪护理教育的必然趋势,学校哲理教育是培养护生具有现代护士职业心理素的实用型人才的主要途径。  相似文献   

在现代护理教育中引入护理文化的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了护理文化的定义和内涵,提出要做好护理文化教育,护理教育者要具有护理文化理念,在教育理念、课程结构、教育方法上进行改革,充分提升护理人员的价值观念。  相似文献   

介绍了护理文化的定义和内涵,提出要做好护理文化教育,护理教育者要具有护理文化理念,在教育理念、课程结构、教育方法上进行改革,充分提升护理人员的价值观念.  相似文献   

从功能制护理走向整体护理是护理模式的重大改革。整体护理的核心是以病人为中心 ,以护理程序为框架 ,为病人提供全面、整体、身心、高质量的护理。为探索护理新模式在我国的可行及实用性 ,1996年初我院组织实施了整体护理 ,逐步扩展 ,建立网络。以下重点论述整体护理在母婴同室病房的实践及体会。1 实践1.1 制定具有产科特色的护理哲理 哲理可以引导 1个人思考与行动的价值观与信念。护理哲理就是护理专业的价值观和专业信念[1] 。为增强护士对护理工作的信念 ,我们首先组织全体护士反复讨论 ,共同制定出具有产科特色的护理哲理十一条。…  相似文献   

医学理念的转变对护理产生了巨大的影响,促进了护理模式的转变,拓展了护理工作,给护理工作带来了无限生机。  相似文献   

护理文化是护理人员在长期护理实践中形成的能约束自己的思想和行为、凝聚其归宿感的共同的理想信念、价值观念、传统习惯、道德规范和行为准则等精神因素的总和,其核心是组织共同的价值观。护理文化的内容主要有:护理宗旨、护理理念、护理道德、护理制度、护理作风、护理形象等。护理文化建设是根据护理组织的自身特点及未来的发展趋势来确定自己的基本信念、价值观及道德规范,  相似文献   

Title. Reinstating the ‘Queen’: understanding philosophical inquiry in nursing Aim. This paper is an introduction to the characteristics of philosophical inquiry. Background. Despite over a century of philosophical thinking in nursing, philosophical inquiry has yet to be positioned as contributing substantially to the field of nursing’s inquiry. There is a need to articulate the nature and characteristics of philosophical inquiry for researchers new to this perspective. Method. We begin by addressing a common question that surfaces when one begins a work that is philosophical in nature, how does one differentiate between nursing philosophy and nursing theory? We then address the nature and characteristics of philosophical inquiry. We conclude by considering the question of whether philosophical inquiry might be considered a form of qualitative inquiry. Findings. Unlike science, which relies upon investigative methods, philosophical inquiry relies upon the capacities to think and reason. Problems characteristic of philosophical inquiry include conceptual clarification, analysis of arguments and problems related to the ontology, epistemology and ethics of nursing. Although methodological approaches to philosophical inquiry are diverse, common tools include assumptions and the intellectual processes of conceptualizing, judging and reasoning within a context of wonder. Conclusion. Some have argued that to neglect philosophy in nursing is to place the discipline at risk. However, there is little guidance available to researchers new to this method of inquiry. By providing a beginning roadmap, our hope is that philosophical inquiry will take its place alongside scientific methods of inquiry with the goal of constructing robust knowledge for the discipline of nursing.  相似文献   

目的构建军队常用护理用具标准的基本原则,为制定标准提供依据和指导。方法采用定性研究的方法,对15名护理专家进行非结构式的深度访谈。使用Colaazi的分析程序,对访谈资料进行分析。结果护理用具要满足军队卫勤保障需要应具适用性、便捷性、便携性、通用性、适应性的特点。结论制定军队常用护理用具标准的基本原则为适用性原则、便捷性原则、便携性原则、通用性原则、适应性原则。  相似文献   

张敏  陈锦秀 《护理研究》2012,26(23):2113-2115
以Rogers整体人科学理论框架为基础,对由Rogers同源动态学原理派生的知情参与动能论、灵性学说、自我超越论、启发学说、不和谐感学说和生命扰动学说的发展现状进行了综述。  相似文献   

杨芬  姜冬九 《护理研究》2009,23(7):1797-1799
介绍了工作价值观的概念及测量方法,并从国内外研究现状对工作价值观的护理研究进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

目的:探讨临床护理过程循证护理原则对医疗纠纷及事后护士群体的心理问题应对的作用。方法选取2011年12月至2013年12月在我院接受治疗的患者88例,均分为实验组和对照组,每组44例。同时两组中每位患者分配1名护理人员,共88名。对照组患者给予常规的护理措施,实验组患者在常规护理措施的基础上采用循证护理措施。记录两组患者医疗纠纷的发生率以及护士的心理问题发生率。结果实验组患者的医疗纠纷发生率明显低于对照组( P<0.05),实验组护理人员的心理问题发生率明显低于对照组( P<0.05)。结论临床护理过程循证护理原则对医疗纠纷及事后护士群体的心理问题应对效果十分显著,明显减少了医疗纠纷的发生,能够有效地避免护士产生心理问题的危险。  相似文献   

  • ? This article reports on one aspect of a research project carried out to monitor and evaluate the introduction of primary nursing on four demonstration wards in one health authority.
  • ? Nursing staff working on the wards were interviewed to identify how the changes were affecting them and their work.
  • ? Stress questionnaires were also completed by a sample of nurses on the wards.
  • ? Responsibility and communication — key concepts emerging from the data — are discussed and related to the literature on primary nursing.

基础护理是护理工作永恒的基本内容   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
基础护理始终是护理工作不变的基本内容,护理专业的职能理念随着时代进步和专科医疗发展而变化,全面加强临床护理工作,强化基础护理是医疗护理工作发展的要求,作为护理管理人员,做好基础护理必须科学地利用好人力资源,要有医疗护理安全意识,做好基础护理工作的质量控制,提高护理质量。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: There is a tension within contemporary psychiatric nursing between those who would embrace the knowledge and methods of psychiatry and psychology, and those who instead argue for the development of an autonomous nursing profession. This tension cannot be resolved by way of the underpinning philosophies of these positions, namely empiricism and idealism. Instead, critical realism, positioned between these philosophies offers a methodology through which to seek a new paradigm. AIM: This paper aims to determine whether psychiatric nursing has the potential to exist as an independent and autonomous profession, concerned with providing a helping response to those in mental distress. METHOD: The paper asks critical realism's transcendental question in order to identify the a priori requirements of an autonomous psychiatric nursing, independent of both psychiatry and psychology. Consideration of these a priori requirements includes selected information from contemporary texts in order to identify potentially helpful nursing responses to mental distress, as opposed to the theorising that surrounds these helping responses. FINDINGS: The theories of psychiatry and psychology are neither necessary nor sufficient in providing a foundation for an autonomous psychiatric nursing. While medications have an intrinsic helpfulness for some people, for some of their problems, for some of the time, this does not illuminate the causes of mental distress. There is an intrinsic helping response in human interpersonal communication, yet this is not specific to 'psychotherapy' and does not 'belong' solely to psychotherapists. CONCLUSION: Support is found for an autonomous and independent profession of psychiatric nursing, able to provide a helping response to those in mental distress independent of psychiatry and psychology.  相似文献   

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