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CT模拟机为放射治疗计划设计提供患者的解剖学信息,是进行三维计划设计、剂量计算和计划评估的基础。CT模拟机质量控制的目的是保证模拟定位过程的安全与放射治疗靶区及其周围重要器官的精确勾画,以及提供放疗计划剂量计算所需的准确数据。本指南内容主要涵盖了CT模拟机的机械性能、图像质量、定位流程和辐射防护4个方面的质量控制。  相似文献   

CT模拟机为放射治疗计划设计提供患者的解剖学信息,是进行三维计划设计、剂量计算和计划评估的基础。CT模拟机质量控制的目的是保证模拟定位过程的安全与放射治疗靶区及其周围重要器官的精确勾画,以及提供放疗计划剂量计算所需的准确数据。本指南内容主要涵盖了CT模拟机的机械性能、图像质量、定位流程和辐射防护4个方面的质量控制。  相似文献   

放射治疗的质量保证与质量控制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
于金明  于甬华 《中国肿瘤》2004,13(8):473-477
文章主要阐述了放射治疗的质量管理,包括质量保证(QA)、质量控制(QC)、治疗计划和质量改进四个方面.QA是经过周密计划而采取的一系列必要措施,保证放射治疗的整个过程按国际标准安全地执行.QC是采取必要的措施保证QA的执行,并不断修改并进而达到新的QA级水平.  相似文献   

浙江省放射治疗质量控制和质量保证试点研究报告   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
目的:探讨在全省范围内进行放射治疗的质量控制与质量保证的方法。方法:自1995起,首先成立浙江省放射治疗质量控制中心(由全省放射治疗专家担任质量控制中心的指导组成员),再由专家组成员分期分批到各基层放射治疗单位进行摸底检查,然后制定出相应的管理规程(包括行政管理、设备配套、人员要求和临床治疗规范)和评分标准。自1999-2000年,再次由专家组成员到各个放射治疗单位进行逐项检查、评分,评估每个放射治疗单位的情况。结果:28个受检单位,行政管理方面均基本合格,个别单位未独立建科;设备配套情况存在部分单位或缺少模拟机,或缺少剂量仪,或仅有单光子加速器;人员方面最主要的问题是缺乏合格的放射物理师;临床治疗方面大部分科室治疗方案基本合理,但有的单位适应证选择不够严格,放射治疗技术落后,放射治疗记录不规范。将检查结果反馈给各放射治疗单位后,每个单位对其不足之处加以补充和改正,进一步规范全省的放射治疗工作。结论:由省质量控制中心对全省范围内放射治疗科进行检查,开展放射治疗质量控制和质量保证是可行的,对规范肿瘤患者的放射治疗,保证放射治疗质量,进一步开展多中心临床研究将有重要意义。  相似文献   

放射治疗的物理质量控制与质量保证   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
邓小武 《中国肿瘤》2008,17(8):660-665
严格的质量保证(QA)与质量控制(QC)程序是放射治疗取得预期效果的必要条件。放射治疗物理技术的QA内容麻根据病人体位同定、模拟定位影像获取,靶区确定和器官勾画,计划设计与剂量计箅和治疗操作各过程的精度要求制定。而QC则需要对每一过程中所使用设备的稳定性,计划设计的小确定度大小,治疗实施阶段的操作重复性与稳定度等进行测量、校准和修正。文章分析了放射治疗QA/QC的历史发展及其现状.并对我国的QA/QC存在的问题与发展方向作了分析。  相似文献   

放射治疗实施过程中的质量保证及质量控制   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
文章介绍了放射治疗师实施放疗计划的质控经验.  相似文献   

按照《浙江省医院肿瘤放射治疗质量保证管理规定》条例和浙江省放射物理质量控制检查评分标准,自1996年至2006年对全省的放疗单位进行放射物理质控检查,范围涉及放射治疗设备、人员、剂量检测、摆位操作规范等,汇总分析检查结果数据。浙江省的放疔设备配置呈合理规范化发展。加速器、模拟机、放射治疗计划系统、剂量设备成为肿瘤中心的基本必备设备。全省放射治疗机的输出剂量误差保持在3%以内,其它主要性能指标均达到国家标准。28家医院治疗摆位准确性检查合格率达93%。2006年全省放疗单位物理师的数量较1996年增加6倍,但仍有少数单位缺乏专职物理师。  相似文献   

CT模拟定位系统外激光中心准确性的质量保证   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 研究CT模拟定位系统外激光中心准确性的质量保证(BBQA)的摆位、扫描、操作技术及其在CT模拟定位系统质量保证中的作用。方法 Vertical column、BB、Jig、飞利浦PQS—Falcon型CT扫描机及ACQSIM工作站、激光定位系统。扫描BB并将其图像传输到ACQSIM工作站处理,得到等中心坐标后,移动外部激光系统,定位并检测。结果 外激光中心应正好在BB上,如果有超过1mm的误差,则应调整激光定位系统。结论 BBQA在CT模拟定位系统质量保证中占十分重要地位,直接影响到定位的精确度和治疗的准确性及治疗效果。  相似文献   

相较于体外放射治疗,后装放射治疗有其独特的剂量优势,在放射治疗中有着不可替代的作用。目前,中国开展后装放射治疗的单位不断增加,但是后装治疗的质量控制和质量保证仍然处于较低水平。本指南在前期指南《后装治疗机的质量控制和质量保证》的基础上,针对后装治疗流程中的多种不确定因素,参考了国内外相关的文献,并结合了临床的实际情况,对后装治疗设备和流程的质量控制与保证进行了介绍。由于宫颈癌是女性常见的恶性肿瘤,体外放射治疗结合后装治疗是宫颈癌放射治疗的标准模式,也占所有后装治疗患者的80%以上。因此本指南以宫颈癌患者的后装治疗流程为例,其他部位后装治疗流程的质量控制可参照其执行。  相似文献   

为进一步提高放射治疗的质量,近三年来我院放射科采取一系列的措施建立规范化的治疗程序,改进放射治疗技术及建立放疗病人资料的计算机管理程序,以确保放射治疗的质量控制和质量保证。  相似文献   

放射治疗质量保证管理系统的开发   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
综合医院现有的各种放射治疗质量保证设备,建立一套较完备的质量保证管理系统,对放疗中所需的各种临床基本数据、剂量数据和影像数据等进行统一管理;自动完成模拟定位图像、数字重建影像和射野验证图像的配准和误差分析;完成肿瘤控制概率、正常组织并发症概率以及生物等效剂量的基本计算和分析等,从而在较完备的程度上监控放射治疗的主要过程,为放疗质量的保证提供有效手段.  相似文献   

目的: 建立重组腺病毒人内皮抑素的质量标准和检测方法. 方法: PCR法鉴定腺病毒载体的E2B区和插入基因,琼脂糖凝胶电泳检查重组病毒DNA酶切图谱.分光光度法测定病毒颗粒数,TCID50法测定病毒感染滴度.感染人肝癌细胞HepG2测定插入基因的表达量,感染人血管内皮细胞HM2测定表达产物的生物学活性.病毒的纯度分析采用A260/A280比值和HPLC法进行.采用A549细胞进行复制型腺病毒的检测.结果: 腺病毒载体E2B区和插入基因PCR扩增结果与理论相符,重组病毒DNA的酶切图谱与标准品一致.原液病毒颗粒数为2.4×1012 VP/ml,滴度为1.53×1011 IU/ml,比滴度为6.4% IU/VP;成品病毒颗粒数为1.0×1012 VP/ml,滴度为3.75×1010 IU/ml,比滴度为病3.8% IU/VP.以50 MOI重组腺病毒感染HepG2细胞48 h后培养上清人内皮抑素表达量为332 ng/ml.50 MOI重组腺病毒对血管内皮细胞生长的抑制率为55%.A260/A280为1.29,HPLC纯度为99.7%.复制型腺病毒为≤1RCA/3×1010 VP.其他各项检测指标均符合规定.结论: 建立了重组腺病毒人内皮抑素的质量标准及其检测方法,并用于该产品的质量控制.  相似文献   

放射治疗实施过程错误照射案例分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
严格的质量控制和质量保证是放射治疗成功与否的关键所在,质量控制各个环节涉及到不同部门和人员,需要不同人员共同参与。文章就中山大学肿瘤防治中心放疗科放疗质控的最后环节,即放疗实施过程中发现错误照射的实际案例进行剖析,结合目前的现状,分析产生错误照射的背景和深层次的原因,提出避免错误照射的措施和方法,并就未来的发展方向作了全面分析。  相似文献   



Rapid rescreening (RR) of negative Papanicolaou smears (PS) is used in many countries as a quality‐assurance measure. Seeding of abnormal slides has been suggested as a way to increase the sensitivity of this procedure. Since 2004, the authors have carried out RR with seeding before issuing reports. In this article, they describe their experience.


Abnormal seeds were sourced from the previous day's high‐grade cases, both squamous and glandular. Slides were evaluated for the ‘degree of difficulty’ (which was defined as the number of fields required to find (fields‐to‐find [FTF]) the abnormality), relabeled, and redotted to make them indistinguishable from the routine RR work. The number of seeds found/missed, the identity of the screener, the type of seeded abnormality, the degree of difficulty of the seed, and the mapping technique used all were recorded. The cytologists also were surveyed about their views on seeding.


Overall, 14.8% of 3082 high‐grade seeds were missed during RR. There was no relation between seeds missed and the mapping technique used. However, the difficulty of the seed was relevant to the number missed and ranged from 8.3% when the FTF was <5 to 36% when the FTF was >10 (P = .000). The difference between intraepithelial seeds and invasive seeds was significant for squamous seeds (P = .031) but not for glandular seeds. Glandular seeds also were more likely to be missed than squamous seeds (23.1% vs 14.3%; P = .002). Most cytologists believed that seeding was a good idea and that seeds increased their level of vigilance.


The authors' experience demonstrated that routine seeding is practicable for both conventional and liquid‐based slides. With the advent of the human papillomavirus vaccine, abnormalities will become rarer, and seeding will be necessary to maintain the alertness of cytologists. Cancer (Cancer Cytopathol) 2008. © 2008 American Cancer Society.  相似文献   

A quality assurance (QA) audit of the Trans Tasman Radiation Oncology Group and Australasian Lymphoma and Leukaemia Group trial (TROG 99.04/ALLG LY02) began after accrual of 25 patients. The trial is a prospective non‐randomized study of standard treatment for osteolymphoma. Data relating to informed consent, eligibility, chemotherapy and radiotherapy were reviewed. The audit showed a relatively low level of major variations from the protocol, with an overall rate of 3.6%. As this trial has accrued slowly over a long period, the concept of QA has also developed. Amendments were made to the protocol accordingly. In the future, QA procedures should be predetermined, conducted rapidly in real time, and appropriately funded in order to be relevant to the ongoing conduct of the trial.  相似文献   

One of the first steps towards the development of a comprehensive quality program for radiation oncology in Australia has been a survey of practice. This paper reports on the results of the survey that should inform the development of standards for radiation oncology in Australia. A questionnaire of 108 questions spanning aspects of treatment services, equipment, staff, infrastructure and available quality systems was mailed to all facilities providing radiation treatment services in Australia (n = 45). Information of 42 sites was received by June 2006 providing data on 113 operational linear accelerators of which approximately 2/3 are equipped with multi‐leaf collimators. More than 75% of facilities were participating in a formal quality assurance (QA) system, with 63% following a nationally or internationally recognised system. However, there was considerable variation in the availability of policies and procedures specific to quality aspects, and the review of these. Policies for monitoring patient waiting times for treatment were documented at just 71% of all facilities. Although 85% of all centres do, in fact, monitor machine throughput, the number and types of efficiency measures varied markedly, thereby limiting the comparative use of these results. Centres identified workload as the single most common factor responsible for limiting staff involvement in both QA processes and clinical trial participation. The data collected in this ‘snapshot’ survey provide a unique and comprehensive baseline for future comparisons and evaluation of changes.  相似文献   

陈进琥  尹勇  刘同海  卢洁 《中国肿瘤》2010,19(8):500-502
机载锥形束CT主要通过放疗在线获得图象,并根据在线与计划参考图象对比,校正位置误差和离线分析肿瘤及器官运动,以辅助提高和确保精度放疗的效果。因此同样需要规范的质量控制,并定期执行。文章简要介绍目前形成的较为合理规范的机载锥形束CT质量控制内容、基准和执行频度。  相似文献   

刘均  陈宏  王永刚  陈飞  张利 《陕西肿瘤医学》2010,18(7):1289-1293
目的:探讨图像引导鼻咽癌调强放射治疗技术和质量保证(QA)方法。方法:利用千伏锥形束CT(KVCBCT)引导15例初治鼻咽癌患者调强放射治疗,将KVCBCT得到的位置差异,推导得到靶区勾画CTV—PTV的边界;以CT模体检验CBCT图像质量和等中心偏差;以矩阵电离室对调强计划进行剂量验证。结果:对15例鼻咽癌280次CBCT扫描中,3个方向偏差,X方向:0.55±1.03mm,Y方向:0.72±2.25mm,Z方向:0.42±1.14mm,3个方向小于2mm的偏差比例分别为86.3%、76.7%、83.8%;大于3mm偏差分别为5.9%、9.4%、6.3%。对KV—MV等中心验证,三个方向融合差值分别为0.2±0.3mm、0.4±0.3mm、-0.2±0.5mm;用矩阵电离室验证调强计划相对剂量,对于单野,Gamma值为93.2%-97.2%,对于整个计划Gamma值为95.0%-97.7%。绝对剂量验证主要是对等中心点、剂量均匀区、高剂量区、较低剂量区、高梯度区选择5个点进行检测,百分偏差范围为-3.7%-4%。结论:图像引导鼻咽癌调强放疗,可以减少摆位引起的摆位误差,并且通过在线的修正可以提高靶区剂量的准确,也可减少CTV—PTV的边界,从而减少正常器官的剂量。保证图像引导部分的成像质量和机械精度是图像引导放疗的关键;而计划剂量的验证是所有治疗的基础。  相似文献   



To assess the impact of weekly scheduled peer review of head and neck contours for definitive and adjuvant radiotherapy cases based on rates of recommended changes.

Materials and methods

Retrospective analysis of a prospective database. Recommended changes were prospectively classified as ‘major’ (change in gross tumour volume and/or high-dose clinical target volume, dose/fractionation) or ‘minor’ (change in intermediate or elective dose clinical target volumes or organs at risk). Univariate analysis to explore associations between recommended changes and tumour site/stage and radical/adjuvant indication.


In total, 307/375 (82%) head and neck cases treated with volumetric-modulated arc therapy were prospectively peer reviewed over a 12-month period; 195 (64%) cases received definitive and 112 (36%) received adjuvant radiotherapy. Overall, 43/307 (14.0%) changes were recommended within the peer review meetings. This comprised 27/307 (8.8%) major changes and 16/307 (5.2%) minor changes; 33/43 (77%) changes were in the clinical target volume. Rates of recommended changes were significantly higher for adjuvant versus definitive radiotherapy (odds ratio 2.26, P = 0.014) and for larynx compared with oropharynx (odds ratio 3.02, P = 0.02). There was no overall correlation between clinician experience and rates of change (P = 0.62).


Routine weekly meeting contour-based peer review resulted in a number of major and minor changes to treatment. Compliance was high. Peer review was potentially beneficial for all tumour sites/stages/indications and any degree of clinician experience.  相似文献   

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