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Prostate cancer (PC) screening with prostate‐specific antigen (PSA) has been shown to decrease PC mortality in the European Randomized Study of Screening for Prostate Cancer (ERSPC). However, in the Finnish trial, which is the largest component of the ERSPC, no statistically significant mortality reduction was observed. We investigated which had the largest impact on PC deaths in the screening arm: non‐participation, interval cancers or PSA threshold. The screening (SA) and control (CA) arms comprised altogether 80,144 men. Men in the SA were screened at four‐year intervals and referred to biopsy if the PSA concentration was ≥4.0 ng/ml, or 3.0–3.99 ng/ml with a free/total PSA ratio ≤16%. The median follow‐up was 15.0 years. A counterfactual exclusion method was applied to estimate the effect of three subgroups in the SA: the non‐participants, the screen‐negative men with PSA ≥3.0 ng/ml and a subsequent PC diagnosis, and the men with interval PCs. The absolute risk of PC death was 0.76% in the SA and 0.85% in the CA; the observed hazard ratio (HR) was 0.89 (95% confidence interval (CI) 0.76–1.04). After correcting for non‐attendance, the HR was 0.78 (0.64–0.96); predicted effect for a hypothetical PSA threshold of 3.0 ng/ml the HR was 0.88 (0.74–1.04) and after eliminating the effect of interval cancers the HR was 0.88 (0.74–1.04). Non‐participating men in the SA had a high risk of PC death and a large impact on PC mortality. A hypothetical lower PSA threshold and elimination of interval cancers would have had a less pronounced effect on the screening impact.  相似文献   

Prostate-specific antigen (PSA)-based screening for prostate cancer (PCa) can reduce PCa mortality, but also involves overdetection of low-risk disease with potential adverse effects. We evaluated PCa incidence among men with PSA below 3 ng/mL and no PCa diagnosis at the first screening round of the Finnish Randomized Study of Screening for PCa. Follow-up started at the first screening attendance and ended at PCa diagnosis, emigration, death or the common closing date (December 2016), whichever came first. Cox regression analysis was used to estimate hazard ratios and their confidence intervals (CI). Among men with PSA <3 ng/mL, cumulative PCa incidence was 9.1% after 17.6 years median follow-up. Cumulative incidence was 3.6% among men with baseline PSA 0 to 0.99 ng/mL, 11.5% in those with PSA 1.0 to 1.99 ng/mL and 25.7% among men with PSA 2 to 2.99 ng/mL (hazard ratio 9.0, 95% CI: 7.9-10.2 for the latter). The differences by PSA level were most striking for low-risk disease based on Gleason score and EAU risk group. PSA values <1 ng/mL indicate a very low 20-year risk, while at PSA 2 to 2.99 ng/mL risks are materially higher, with 4- to 5-fold risk for aggressive disease. Using risk-stratification and appropriate rescreening intervals will reduce screening intensity and overdetection. Using cumulative incidence of clinically significant PCa (csPCa) as the criterion, rescreening intervals could range from approximately 3 years for men with initial PSA 2 to 2.99 ng/mL, 6 years for men with PSA 1 to 1.99 ng/mL to 10 years for men with PSA <1 ng/mL.  相似文献   

Prostate cancer aggressiveness was evaluated based on pathologic characterization of cases detected in the Finnish prostate cancer screening trial. The trial population consists of 80,458 men aged 55–67 years. A total of 32,000 men were randomized to the screening arm. The remaining 48,000 men formed the control arm. The interval cases and cancers among nonparticipants and in the control arm were identified from the Finnish Cancer Registry. Random samples were selected from screen‐detected cases (126 of 543 in the first and 133 of 508 in the second round) and control arm cancers (133 out of 863), in addition to all 92 interval cancers and 106 cases among nonparticipants. All the biopsies were regraded according to the Gleason system. The expression of the proliferation antigen Ki‐67 was determined in 479 cases (72%). More than half of the tumors diagnosed in the first round of screening were high‐grade cancers (Gleason 7 or higher). In the second round, the proportion of low‐grade cancers increased from 47% to 70%. Cancers in the screening arm were more commonly focal and fewer bilateral cancers were detected. The cancers among nonparticipants were the most aggressive group. The aggressiveness of the interval cancers was between the cancers detected in the first and the second round. Our results indicate that prostate cancers detected through screening are less biologically aggressive. This was most notable after the first screening round. Nonparticipants had more aggressive cancers. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

More information is needed about effects of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) screening for informed decision making. The objective of our study is to evaluate the effects of an implemented screening decision on the risk of prostate cancer (PC) diagnosis and PC death. In a randomized trial, 31,867 Finnish men aged 55–67 years were allocated to the screening arm and 48,282 to the control arm during 1996–1999. Two to three screening rounds were offered to the screening arm with a PSA cut-off of 4.0 ng/ml. A counterfactual exclusion method was used to adjust for the effects of screening noncompliance and PSA contamination on risk of PC death and PC incidence by prognostic group at 15 years of follow up. After correcting for noncompliance and contamination, PSA screening led to 32.4 (95% CI 26.4, 38.6) more PC diagnoses per 1,000 men after 15 years and 1.4 (95% CI 0.0, 2.8) fewer PC deaths compared to the control arm. The corresponding results of an intention-to-screen analysis were 16.5 (95% CI 12.3, 20.7) and 0.8 (95% CI 0.5, 2.0), respectively. These results can be used for patient counseling in informed decision making about PC screening. A limitation of the study was the lack of comprehensive data on contamination.  相似文献   

We estimated the sensitivity of serum prostate-specific antigen (PSA) as a screening test for prostate cancer in the Finnish randomised, population-based prostate cancer screening trial. The study population consisted of 80,458 men aged 55-67 years identified from the national population registry and randomised to the screening or control arm of the trial. The screening algorithm was based on determination of serum PSA concentration. Test sensitivity was estimated based on interval cancer incidence during the first 4 years of follow-up among screening participants with a negative screening test. Interval cancers were defined as those occurring among men with a negative screening test. Altogether, 19 interval cancers were detected among 17,897 men with serum PSA < 3 ng/ml during the first screening interval. A further 5 cases were diagnosed among 811 men with PSA 3.0-3.9 ng/ml with a benign digital rectal examination or free total PSA ratio > or = 0.16. Test sensitivity based on serum PSA of 3 ng/ml was estimated to be 0.89 (95% confidence interval 0.84-0.93) and that based on PSA of 4 ng/ml combined with an ancillary test (digital rectal examination or free total PSA ratio in the PSA range 3.0-3.9) was 0.87 (0.82-0.92). Test sensitivity achieved with serum PSA in prostate cancer screening appears excellent in the context of a population-based effectiveness trial.  相似文献   

Two large-scale randomized screening trials, the Prostate, Lung, Colorectal and Ovary (PLCO) cancer trial in the USA and the European Randomized Screening for Prostate Cancer (ERSPC) trial in Europe are currently under way, aimed at assessing whether screening reduces prostate cancer mortality. Up to the end of 1998, 102,691 men have been randomized to the intervention arm and 115,322 to the control arm (which represents 83% of the target sample size) from 7 European countries and 10 screening centers in the USA. The principal screening method at all centers is determination of serum prostate-specific antigen (PSA). The PLCO trial and some European centers use also digital rectal examination (DRE) as an ancillary screening test. In the core age group (55-69 years), 3,362 of 32,486 men screened (10%) had a serum PSA concentration of 4 ng/ml or greater, which is 1 cut-off for biopsy (performed in 84%). An additional 6% was referred for further assessment based on other criteria, with much less efficiency. Differences in PSA by country are largely attributable to the age structure of the study population. The mean age-specific PSA levels are lower in the PLCO trial (1.64 ng/ml [in the age group 55-59 years], 1.80 [60-64 years] and 2.18 [65-69 years) than in the ERSPC trial (1.28-1.71 [55-59], 1.75-2.87 [60-64] and 2.48-3.06 [65-69 years]). Detection rates at the first screen in the ERSPC trial range from 11 to 42/1,000 men screened and reflect underlying differences in incidence rates and screening procedures. In centers with consent to randomization design, adherence in the screening arm is 91%, but less than half of the men in the target population are enrolled in the trial. In population-based centers in which men were randomized prior to consent, all eligible subjects are enrolled, but only about two-thirds of the men in the intervention arm undergo screening. Considerable progress has been made in both trials. Enrollment will be completed in 2001. A substantial number of early prostate cancers have been detected. The differences between countries seem to reflect both underlying prostate cancer incidence and screening policy. The trials have the power to show definitive results in 2005-2008.  相似文献   



There is evidence that prostate cancer (PC) screening with prostate-specific antigen (PSA) serum test decreases PC mortality, but screening has adverse effects, such as a high false-positive (FP) rate. We investigated the proportion of FPs in a population-based randomised screening trial in Finland.


Finland is the largest centre in the European Randomized Study of Screening for Prostate Cancer. We have completed three screening rounds with a 4-year screening interval (mean follow-up time 9.2 years) using a PSA cutoff level of 4.0 ng ml−1; in addition, men with PSA 3.0–3.9 and a positive auxiliary test were referred. An FP result was defined as a positive screening result without cancer in biopsy within 1 year from the screening test.


The proportion of FP screening results varied from 3.3 to 12.1% per round. Of the screened men, 12.5% had at least one FP during three rounds. The risk of next-round PC following an FP result was 12.3–19.7 vs 1.4–3.7% following a screen-negative result (depending on the screening round), risk ratio 3.6–9.9. More than half of the men with one FP result had another one at a subsequent screen. Men with an FP result were 1.5 to 2.0 times more likely to not participate in subsequent rounds compared with men with a normal screening result (21.6–29.6 vs 14.0–16.7%).


An FP result is a common adverse effect of PC screening and affects at least every eighth man screened repeatedly, even when using a relatively high cutoff level. False-positive men constitute a special group that receives unnecessary interventions but may harbour missed cancers. New strategies are needed for risk stratification in PC screening to minimise the proportion of FP men.  相似文献   

As with wide-spread use of prostate cancer (Pca) screening with prostate-specific antigen testing, overdetection has increasingly gained attention. The authors aimed to estimate absolute risk of overdetection (RO) in Pca screening with various interscreening intervals and ages at start of screening. We estimated age-specific preclinical incidence rates (per 100,000 person-years) for progressive cancer (from 128 for age group 55-58 years to 774 for age group 67-71 years) and nonprogressive cancer (from 40 for age group 55-58 years to 66 for age group 67-71 years), the mean sojourn time (7.72 years) and the sensitivity (42.8% at first screen and 59.8% at the second screen) by using a multistep epidemiological model with data from the Finnish randomized controlled trial. The overall number of screens for overdetection (NSO) was 29 (95% confidence interval (CI): 18, 48) for screenees aged 55-67 years, equivalent to 3.4 (95% CI: 2.1, 5.7) overdetected Pcas per 100 screenees. The NSO decreased from 63 (95% CI: 37, 109) at the first screen to 29 (95% CI: 18, 48) at the third screen and from 43 (95% CI: 36, 52) for age 55 years to 25 (95% CI: 8, 75) at age 67 years at the first screen. In conclusion, around 3.4 cases for every 100 screened men would be overdetected during three screen rounds (~ 13 years of follow-up) in the Finnish randomized controlled trial. Elucidating the absolute RO under various scenarios makes contribution for evaluating the benefit and harm of Pca screening.  相似文献   

Accurate assessment of the causes of death is crucial for a conclusive evaluation of the ongoing prostate cancer screening trials. Here, we report the validity of the official causes of death as compared with an independent expert review in the Finnish prostate cancer screening trial. Because nearly 80,000 men were involved, death-cause evaluation was restricted to men diagnosed for prostate cancer. Medical charts were retrieved and the cause of death was assigned by an expert review panel for all deaths among men with prostate cancer during the study period, 1996-2003. The panel decision was compared with both death certificates and the official causes of death as assigned by Statistics Finland. Of a total of 315 deaths, the review panel attributed 127 (41%) to prostate cancer and 184 (59%) to other causes, the corresponding figures in death certificates being 124 (40%) and 187 (60%). Four cases were excluded because of insufficient information. The death-certificate data were in agreement with the panel's assessment in 305 out of 311 cases (overall agreement 97.7%, kappa = 0.95). The overall agreement between the official causes of death and the panel's decision was 97.4% (304/311, kappa = 0.95). The sensitivity of the certificates in identifying prostate cancer deaths was 96.1% (panel as golden standard). Correspondingly, specificity was 98.9%. The official causes of death thus provide an accurate means for evaluating disease-specific mortality in a large population-based prostate-cancer screening trial in Finland.  相似文献   

Specificity constitutes a component of validity for a screening test. The number of false-positive (FP) results has been regarded as one of major shortcomings in prostate cancer screening. We estimated the specificity of serum prostate-specific antigen (PSA) determination in prostate cancer screening using data from a randomised, controlled screening trial conducted in Finland with 32 000 men in the screening arm. We calculated the specificity as the proportion of men with negative findings (screen negatives, SN) relative to those with negative and FP results (SN/(SN+FP)). A SN finding was defined as either PSA相似文献   

Lead-time in prostate cancer screening (Finland)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Objective: Lead-time in prostate cancer screening was estimated using data from the Finnish randomized, population-based trial. Methods: Lead-time was defined as the duration of follow-up needed to accrue the same expected number of incident prostate cancer cases in the absence of screening as detected in the initial screening round. Expected numbers were calculated using an age-cohort model. Results: Based on findings among 10,000 men screened in 1996–1997 with 292 screen-detected cancers, lead-time was estimated as approximately 5–7 years, depending on the reference rates used. This corresponds to a mean duration of the detectable preclinical phase (DPCP) of 10–14 years, given that the cancers were detected on average at the midpoint of the DPCP. Conclusions: The findings suggest that a screening interval substantially longer than the 2 years generally used for mammography screening is unlikely to cause a substantial loss of sensitivity. A long screening interval is further justified in order to diminish the extent of overdiagnosis, until mortality effects can be evaluated.  相似文献   

Family history (FH) is one of the few known risk factors for prostate cancer (PC). There is also new evidence about mortality reduction in screening of PC with prostate‐specific antigen (PSA). Therefore, we conducted a prospective study in the Finnish Prostate Cancer Screening Trial to evaluate the impact of FH on outcomes of PC screening. Of the 80,144 men enrolled, 31,866 men were randomized to the screening arm and were invited for screening with PSA test (cut‐off 4 ng/ml) every 4 years. At the time of each invitation, FH of PC (FH) was assessed through a questionnaire. The analysis covered a follow‐up of 12 years from randomization for all men with data on FH. Of the 23,702 (74.3%) invited men attending screening, 22,756 (96.0%) provided information of their FH. Altogether 1,723 (7.3%) men reported at least one first‐degree relative diagnosed with PC and of them 235 (13.6%) were diagnosed with PC. Men with a first‐degree FH had increased risk for PC (risk ratio (RR) 1.31, p < 0.001) and the risk was especially elevated for interval cancer (RR 1.65, 95% CI 1.27–2.15). Risk for low‐grade (Gleason 2–6) tumors was increased (RR 1.46, 95% CI 1.15–1.69), but it was decreased for Gleason 8–10 tumors (RR 0.48, 95% CI 0.25–0.95). PSA test performance (sensitivity and specificity) was slightly inferior for FH positives. No difference in PC mortality was observed in terms of FH. Our findings provide no support for selective PSA screening targeting men with FH of PC.  相似文献   

宋毅 《中国肿瘤》2003,12(12):707-710
前列腺特异性抗原(PSA)在前列腺癌的诊断中被广泛应用,全文就PSA生物学特性、年龄标准化PSA、PSA速度、PSA密度和游离PSA与总PSA的比值几个指标进行了介绍,并分析了它们在前列腺癌诊断中的作用。  相似文献   

Scales CD  Antonelli J  Curtis LH  Schulman KA  Moul JW 《Cancer》2008,113(6):1315-1323
BACKGROUND.: Disagreement exists on the use of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) tests for cancer-risk stratification in young men in the United States. Little is known about the use of PSA testing in these men. To understand policy implications of risk stratification, the authors sought to characterize PSA use among young men. METHODS.: The authors used the 2002 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System to study prostate-cancer screening in a representative sample of men aged 40 years and older (n = 58,511). The primary outcome was self-report of a PSA test in the previous year. RESULTS.: Among men aged 40 to 49 years, 22.5% (95% confidence interval [CI], 21.5-23.5) reported having had a PSA test in the previous year, compared with 53.7% (95% CI, 52.8-54.7; P < .001) of men aged >/=50 years. When sociodemographic characteristics were statistically controlled, young, black, non-Hispanic men were more likely than young, white, non-Hispanic men to report having had a PSA test in the previous year (odds ratio [OR], 2.42; 95% CI, 1.95-3.01; P < .001). In young men, annual household income >/=$35,000 (OR, 1.50; 95% CI, 1.26-1.78; P < .001) and an ongoing relationship with a physician (OR, 2.52; 95% CI, 2.06-3.07; P < .001) were associated with PSA testing. CONCLUSIONS.: One-fifth of young men reported having had a PSA test within the previous year. Young, black, non-Hispanic men are more likely than young, white, non-Hispanic men to report having had a PSA test, although screening in this high-risk group remains suboptimal. Cancer 2008. (c) 2008 American Cancer Society.  相似文献   

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